Pueblo County, Colorado
Contributed by Karen Mitchell.
Identified with the irrigation development of the state is Charles King
McHarg, of Pueblo, who is now secretary and treasurer of the Bessemer Ditch
Company and who is also further known in business connections as the vice
president of the Suburban Land Company of Pueblo. A native of Ithaca, New York,
Mr. McHarg was born on the 19th of June, 1856, and is a son of William McNeill
and Selima (Storrs) McHarg. The father was a clergyman of the Presbyterian faith
and came of Scotch ancestry, while his wife was of English lineage.
In young manhood Charles K. McHarg turned his attention to the occupation of
farming and since 1873 has resided in the west. It was in 1891 that he made his
way to Colorado and through the intervening period he has been connected with
the Bessemer Ditch Company and with the Suburban Land Company. The former owns
and operates the Bessemer ditch, which irrigates twenty thousand acres of land.
The Suburban Land Company was formed in 1894 and has sold much of the land under
the ditch. Mr. McHarg has therefore been an active factor in developing an
important section of the state from which substantial returns are annually
Mr. McHarg was united in marriage to Miss Stella E. Brown and to them have
been horn two children, Alice B. and Charles K., now in the United States forest
service. The most important work of our subject has been done in connection with
irrigation work in the state and he is regarded as an authority upon this
subject in southeastern Colorado.
History Of Colorado
Volume II
The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company
to the Pueblo County Index Page.
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