Pueblo County, Colorado

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.

Raphael L. Nardini, deceased, was for some time connected with the United States government secret service department and at the time of his death was engaged in the hotel business in Pueblo, where he ranked among the leading and influential citizens, being especially prominent among those of his own nationality. He was born in Tuscany, Italy, on the 16th of April, 1864, and was a son of Julius and Hermine Nardini, who came to the new world with their family when their son, Raphael L., was a youth of sixteen years. The family home was established in Elmira, New York, where Raphael L. Nardini took up railroad construction work. He afterward removed to Detroit, Michigan, and subsequently to Iowa, while later he became a resident of Denver. He did contracting in team work for many years and for a time was in the Cripple Creek district. His varied experiences in Colorado made him largely familiar with the state, its possibilities and its development. About 1899 he came to Pueblo, where he was first engaged in merchandising on B street. There he remained until he built the Arcade Hotel, after which he conducted the hostelry to the time of his demise, which occurred on the 4th of November, 1909. He proved himself a most popular hotel proprietor and his capable management won a liberal patronage. He also owned other property in the city, including a restaurant. In fact his business interests were being continually broadened throughout his active career and whatever he undertook he carried forward to successful completion, for in his vocabulary there was no such word as fail. He knew that when one avenue of opportunity seemed closed he could mark out other paths whereby he might reach the desired goal. It was about 1888 that Mr. Nardini was united in marriage to Miss Adaline Camilli and to them were born the following named: Julius R., who is continuing his father's business; Richard, who is associated with his brother, Julius R.; and Helen. The religious faith of the family is that of the Catholic church, of which Mr. Nardini was a loyal supporter. Fraternally he was connected with the Eagles. He had a wide acquaintance in Pueblo and commanded the respect and goodwill of all who knew him. His friends were indeed many and his death was the occasion of deep and widespread regret. All with whom he came in contact acknowledged his genuine worth. History Of Colorado Illustrated Volume II Chicago The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company 1918

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