Pueblo County, Colorado

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.

With the commercial interests of Colorado, Edward Redmond, Jr., is closely and prominently associated. He is actuated in all that he does by a spirit of progressiveness and enterprise and in his vocabulary there is no such word as fail. His labors have been wisely directed and have been attended with a substantial measure of success, such as follows intelligently directed effort. He is now manager of the Colorado Supply Company of Pueblo, in which connection he controls important mercantile interests. With the west and its development he has been closely identified and the spirit of western enterprise has been a dominant factor in his career. Pueblo county numbers him among her native sons. He was born on the 19th of April, 1876, of the marriage of Edward and Catherine (Harney) Redmond, pioneer residents of Colorado, having long ago taken up their abode in this state. The father came to Colorado in 1867 and five years later the mother settled within the borders of the commonwealth. Mr. Redmond had served as a soldier in the Confederate army during the Civil war. He was married in Denver in 1875 and throughout his remaining days continued a resident of this state, taking up his abode in Pueblo county at an early period. He died in the year 1914 and his widow survives him at the age of seventy-six years. Edward Redmond, Jr., was educated in the public schools of Fountain and his youthful experiences were those of ranch life until he reached the age of fifteen years, when he decided to sever his connection with agricultural interests and engage in mercantile business. He was first associated with the Russell Gates Mercantile Company at Limon, Colorado, and in 1900 he became identified with the Colorado Supply Company, which which he has since remained, covering a period of eighteen years. He is now manager of the wholesale department of the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company, in which relation he occupies a most responsible position, connected with supplying all of the branch stores of the company. On the 2d of June, 1897, Mr. Redmond was united in marriage to Miss Blanche Elliott, of Fountain, and to them have been born two children, Ray and A. D. In his political views Mr. Redmond has always been a democrat since age conferred upon him the right of franchise. Fraternally he is a Mason and exemplifies in his life the beneficent spirit of the craft, which is based upon a recognition of the brotherhood of mankind and the obligations thereby imposed. He has attained the thirty-second degree in the Scottish Rite. He belongs also to the Commerce Club of Pueblo and his religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Presbyterian church. His life has ever been an honorable and upright one and measures up to the highest standards of manhood and citizenship. Moreover, he deserves much credit for what he has accomplished in a business way, for he started out empty-handed at an early age and by persistency of purpose, fidelity to duty and unabating energy, at all times, he has reached the creditable and responsible position which he now occupies. History Of Colorado Illustrated Volume II Chicago The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company 1918

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