Pueblo County, Colorado

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.

Ward C. Robertson, manager of the Princess and Rialto Theatres of Pueblo, was born in Montrose, Missouri, on the 1st of June, 1874, a son of Charles and Elizabeth (Henry) Robertson. The father was a farmer by occupation and removed from Montrose, Missouri, to Boonville, that state. In the later years of his life he lived retired enjoying the fruits of his former toil, but both he and his wife have now passed away, his death occurring in 1894, while his widow long survived him, being called to her final rest in 1915. Ward C. Robertson attended the public schools, but his education has been largely acquired in the school of experience. He early began to earn his own living and when a boy of but twelve years took up the task of selling papers in Kansas City. He was thus engaged from 1886 until 1888 and as he advanced in years he felt the necessity of acquainting himself with a trade. He then learned the slater's trade at which lie worked for three years, and subsequently he followed the grocery business in San Francisco, California, and at Bisbee, Arizona. He has been identified with the moving picture business since 1905. For four years he has made his home at Pueblo. Under his direction is conducted the Rialto Theatre of Pueblo, which is the finest in the state, and employment is here given to twenty-eight people. He also has under his charge the Princess Theatre and he puts forth every effort to give the public most interesting and artistic entertainment. On the 10th of December, 1903. Mr. Robertson was married to Miss Abbie May Shaffer, whose grandfather was one of the pioneers of Missouri, his place being known as the old Steel mansion. He engaged in buying horses and mules for shipment to Great Britain, these being sent by boat down the Mississippi river. Fraternally Mr. Robertson is connected with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and with the Knights of Pythias. He is also a member of the Commerce Club of Pueblo and is interested in all that has to do with the progress and improvement of the city, cooperating heartily in well defined plans and projects for the general good. He is interested in fishing, hunting and motoring when business permits of his enjoyment of those things. In all that he does he is actuated by a progressive spirit and is greatly esteemed as a man of genuine worth. He has done much for the amusement lovers of Pueblo in the building of the Rialto and in presenting to the public the high class of attractions which are there given. Financial success is attending his efforts in this direction and he is now at the head of interests of large extent and importance. History Of Colorado Illustrated Volume III Chicago The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company 1918

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