Pueblo County, Colorado

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.

Burdett Rusler is one of the prosperous agriculturists of Pueblo county, owning a valuable property of eighty acres near Vineland. He was born near Kansas City, Missouri, October 22, 1881, and is a son of W. D. and May (Cason) Rusler. The family removed to Colorado about 1884, when our subject was only three years of age, locating on the St. Charles river in Pueblo county, where the father engaged in agricultural pursuits until he passed away in 1915. He is still survived by his widow. In their family were eight children, seven sons and a daughter, of whom our subject is the fourth in order of birth. Burdett Rusler was educated in the rural schools near the home farm and subsequently assisted his father for several years in the work of the fields. After his marriage he bought eighty acres near Vineland and he has since given his attention to bringing this tract of land under a high state of cultivation. He uses modern machinery to till the soil and has put up suitable buildings, improving his property so that it is today one of the valuable farms of the neighborhood. Outside of following general farming he gives considerable attention to the raising of hogs, deriving a gratifying addition to his income from this source. On May 13, 1903, Mr. Rusler was united in marriage to Miss Stella Burton, a native of Missouri, and to this union have been born two children, Paul and Dorothy. Both he and his wife are popular among the younger folks of the neighborhood and often extend the hospitality of their home to their many friends. In regard to political matters Mr. Rusler is independent, giving his support to candidates whom he considers worthy and capable without taking into consideration their party affiliations. He has been a member of the school board for some time and is greatly interested in the cause of education as well as in other public-spirited movements undertaken for the uplift of the individual or the general welfare. He was secretary of the board of the Lakeside school and was instrumental in erecting the fine modern brick building of fireproof construction for this school. His family is numbered among the pioneer settlers of his section of the state and the name of Rusler has long been an honored one in the community. By his agricultural labors he has contributed to the development of Vineland and Pueblo county, while individually he now has a competency which places him among the prosperous farmers of the state. History Of Colorado Illustrated Volume II Chicago The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company 1918

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