Pueblo County, Colorado

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.

Rocky Mountain News 4-6-1887 - Dr. Sutherland Remembered - A Token of Esteem From the Dentists of Denver and Colorado - Hon. F. H. Sutherland, of Pueblo, is Presented With a Gold-Headed Cane - At a meeting of the Rocky Mountain Dental society, held last evening at the office of Dr. J. M. Norman, on Fifteenth street, Hon. F. H. Sutherland, of Pueblo, was presented with an elegant gold-headed cane, in appreciation of his services in behalf of the bill to regulate the practice of dentistry, which he made such a gallant fight for in the legislature.  The meeting was of a very jovial and pleasant character.  The cane was beautifully engraved and embossed in leaf and floral designs, figures of a handsome residence and a monster cathedral and the inscription: “Presented to Hon. F. H. Sutherland, as a token of regard by his friends, April 5, '87”.  The names of the friends who presented the cane are: J. N. Chipley, of Pueblo; R. B. Weiser, of Georgetown; S. Davis, of Denver; C. H. Bagley, J. H. Beals, William Smedley, B. W. Rogers, H. P. Kelly, Geo. Hartung, J. M. Porter, P. T. Smith, J. M. Norman, of Denver; Dr. Burletson, of Boulder.

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