Pueblo County, Colorado
Dr. Frank D. Green

Contributed by Jean Griesan.

Frank D. Green, M. D., a resident of Pueblo since 1892, is a prominent and successful specialist in the treatment of diseases of the ear, eye, nose and throat, and has his office in the Central building. In addition to his private practice, which is of an important character, various professional associations, Pueblo County, Colorado State, American and Mississippi Valley Medical Societies, number him among their active members, and in them, as in every organization bearing upon his profession, he maintains an active interest.

Referring to the history of the Green family, we find that they originated in England and were represented with the Calverts at the time of the settlement of Baltimore, Md. The original spelling of the name was Greene, but the final "e" was dropped by the doctor's grandfather, Zachariah. From the eastern shore of Maryland Levin Greene removed to Kentucky, at a period so early in the history of the state that it had only three counties, Jefferson, Fayette and Washington, and Daniel Boone had been in the primeval forests of that section but a short time. Reared in the Catholic faith (the religion of his ancestors), after his removal to Kentucky he married Mary Ellis, a Protestant, and through her influence identified himself with the Methodist Episcopal Church. His death occurred in Washington County when he was more than seventy years of age.

Zachariah, son of Levin Greene, was born in what is now Nelson County, Ky., and in early life participated in many Indian fights. His life occupation was farming, though for a time he also engaged in the distilling business. At the time of his death he was forty-five years of age. His son, Thomas D. Green, was born in Nelson County, where he became an extensive stockdealer and farmer. He died in that county at fifty-four years of age. In religion he was connected with the Baptist Church. His wife was Elizabeth Berkeley, a native of Nelson County, and daughter of Jeptha Berkeley, who settled in Nelson County in 1814 and engaged in farming there; also taking a prominent part in public affairs, and served as sheriff of the county for several terms. His father, who was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, was a member of the family to which Governor Berkeley belonged, and was himself a man of prominence in Virginia. Mrs. Elizabeth Green died in Kentucky. Of her eight children five sons and one daughter are now living, the doctor being next to the youngest of these. Two of his brothers are farmers in Kentucky and two are ministers in the Christian Church, Rev. P. W. Green being pastor of a church in Florida, while Joseph B. has a pastorate in Kentucky.

In Nelson County, Ky., where he was born December 6, 1865, the subject of this sketch attended the public schools and Nelson Normal School, graduating from the latter. Afterward he took the classical course in the University of Kentucky, from which he graduated in 1885, with the degree of A. B. The degree of A. M. was conferred upon him in 1890. In 1885 he took up the study of medicine in the Kentucky School of Medicine at Louisville, where he took the regular course of lectures, graduating in 1888, with the degree of M. D. For two years he practiced in Louisville, after which he took a post-graduate course in the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital in New York City, where for a year he made a special study of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, receiving a diploma in recognition of excellent work in these departments. Returning to Louisville he remained there until the spring of 1892, when the failure of his health caused him to remove to Colorado. He is known as one of the skillful specialists of Pueblo, and has attained high rank among the professional men of the state. During his residence in Kentucky he married Miss Virginia L. Moore, who was born there and is a member of the Christian Church. In politics he is a Jeffersonian Democrat.

Extracted from "Portrait and Biographical Record of the State of Colorado," published by Chapman Publishing Company in Chicago in 1899.

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