Pueblo County, Colorado
The following photos were taken by Norm Brown in the area of Cedarwood, Colorado.
On a cliff people carved their brands into the rock wall. Evidently this was the site of the old round-up.

Bar NK

L. Carllie (should be Lew Carlile), and several other brands

The cliff where the brands are carved

A big rattlesnake that Norm encountered

Swallow nests on the cliff.
The following photos were taken by Bill Bean of the ruins of Cedarwood, Colorado.
The first four photos appear to be a “rock road” as it comes from the Huerfano River and goes to the top of the “mesa” above the river.

rock road

rock road

rock road

rock road

Building on mesa above rock road. Can anyone idetify what this buiklding was used for? Note the cubby holes all in a row.

Building on mesa above rock road

Building on mesa above rock road

Building on mesa above rock road

Building on mesa above rock road


Possible store basement

Possible store basement

The old school foundation

The old school foundation

The old school foundation

The old school foundation, shoe scraper on the porch

The old school foundation, pump housing

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

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Karen Mitchell© Karen Mitchell