Pueblo County, Colorado
Divorce News

Denver Evening Post April 24, 1897 Virginia Phelps began suit this morning in the county court, for divorce from her husband, Oliver Phelps, on the grounds of desertion and non-support.
Rocky Mountain News 05/12/1911 Mrs. Abbie Owings claims she lived common-law with J. F.
Owings in 1907, Mrs. Ownings, a pretty milliner, brings suit at Pueblo, for $200 per
month alimony from wealthy lumberman J. F., of Salt Lake City. Resided together until one
year ago, he deserted her and has since refused to contribute to her support. She asks
court to arrest him until suitable settlement is made.
Rocky Mountain News 8-5-1911 Divorce News Article – Rudolph Rufner was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Holland yesterday on
a charge of failure to provide support of his wife and took him to Pueblo.
Rocky Mountain News 8-29-1911 Divorce News Article - at Pueblo, July 21, Pasquale Bosatte found his 15 year old wife at Hope cottage, where she and another girl had sought refuge. She refused to return home with him, and further stated she
may prefer charges against him and possibly against her father, alleging she was forced into her unwilling marriage. A month ago with the girl's father, they came to Pueblo and procured a marriage license. The parents represented that the girl was 17.
Rocky Mountain News 9-13-1911 Divorce News Article –Laura E. Wolther, of Pueblo, Colo., files suit against G. S.
Wolther because he wrongly accused her of being intimate with her groceryman, her milkman
and her iceman. The couple were married in Denver, September 5, 1903.
Rocky Mountain News 11-5-1911 Divorce News Article – John Goetz is arrested in Pueblo on Wednesday and is being brought back to Denver, on a charge of non-support.
Rocky Mountain News 11-5-1911 Divorce News Article - Mrs. Hillstone files suit for divorce from Knute Hillstone, who was adjudged insane, Mar 12, 1909, and who has since been an inmate of the asylum at Pueblo. Mrs. Hillstone alleges that previous to her husband's commitment to the asylum he was guilty of habitual drunkenness, cruelty and non-support.
Rocky Mountain News 11-28-1911 Divorce News Article – Mattie Walker at Pueblo, Colo., because her husband, Albert,
"was all the time diggin'up some'n and all the time agitatin,", Mrs. Walker received
a divorce from Albert Walker in county court today. The Judge who married the couple in 1907 signed
the decree. Mrs. Walker probably was the most mirthful divorcee ever in the county court
here and was convulsed with laughter at the questions put to her by her attorney. When
asked "Where is Walker at present?" she replied, "Oh, I specs you'll find him down to
the club."
Rocky Mountain News 12-14-1911 Divorce News Article - at Pueblo, B. Rosenblatt claiming that his wife refused to live with
him because he was a rag picker, has filed a cross complaint and answer to his
wife's suit for divorce in county court.
Pueblo Indicator 2-22-1913 Mrs. Hawley Seeks Divorce – On Thursday of this week Emily Hawley filed suit for divorce in the county court against David H. Hawley, on the usual ground of cruelty. Mrs. Hawley avers that her husband is making money on the Rio Grande and she asks for $60 per month for the support of herself and two children. The case was set for hearing Feb 25.
Pueblo Indicator 4-12-1913 The C. C. Walkers Divorced – In the district court Tuesday an absolute divorce was granted to Mrs. Frances Walker from C. C. Walker. She was also given a lump sum of $750 as alimony and weekly allowance of $5 a week for the support of the children, which were given in the care of the mother. The case has attracted considerable attention on account of the efforts of the parties to get control of the children.
Pueblo Indicator 4-19-1913 Says (Sees) Wife Only On Pay Day – Pueblo – That his wife visits him only on pay day – that is, four times a year – when he received an allowance from home, and spends the remainder of her time with congenial friends, is the declaration of Frank B. Kesmodel, who filed suit for divorce against Maude M. Kesmodel. In addition to accusing his wife of drawing his $5,000 income and spending it on W. B. Pope, her alleged affinity, and her relatives, Kesmodel says he was drunk when he married the woman at La Junta two years ago.
Yuma Pioneer 4-25-1913 To block a divorce suit, Mrs. Frank Kasmdell of Pueblo hired men to kidnap her husband and take him out of the jurisdiction of the court.
Pueblo Chieftain 1-18-1917 City Briefs - Soon Deserted - Bessie Dennis, who claims that her husband practically deserted her three months after they were married and that for over one year past has refused to contribute to her support, has filed a suit in the county court for a divorce from Leo Dennis. They were married in Pueblo, September 23, 1915 and lived together until the following Christmas.
Pueblo Chieftain 2-9-1917 City Briefs - Asks Divorce - Blanche J. Weaver has filed suit in the district court for a divorce from her husband, Ebon P. Weaver, alleging in her complaint that he has been guilty of extreme acts of cruelty, no special acts being enumerated. They were married at Colorado Springs March 7, 1913. Mrs. Weaver asks the restoration of her former name, Blanche J. Naylor.
Pueblo Chieftain 2-9-1917 City Briefs - Husband Asks Divorce - Altho a home has always been provided for his wife and their five year old son, Elmer A. Call claims in his complaint that his wife, Hazel Call, has forsaken his domicile and deserted him as well as their child, in a complaint filed yesterday in the county court for a divorce. He states they were married at Indianapolis, Ind., April 15, 1911. He asks for the custody of their child.
Pueblo Chieftain 3-20-1917 City Briefs - Seeks Divorce - Edna P. Pastor yesterday filed a complaint in the county court asking for a decree of divorce from her husband, Holman Pastor, on the grounds that he has failed to make reasonable support for his family, and that he has been guilty of desertion for more than a year past. They were married May 18, 1912 in the city of Pueblo.
Pueblo Chieftain 3-29-1917 City Briefs - Given Alimony - Temporary alimony of $20 per month was granted Rosie Rhoden yesterday by Judge Frank G. Mirick in the county court in her suit for a divorce from her husband, Henry Rhoden. Mrs. Rhoden alleges that her husband is a habitual drunkard and that he has been guilty of acts of cruelty including threats against her life.
Pueblo Chieftain 3-29-1917 City Briefs - Interlocutory Decree - John Q. Thompson was granted an interlocutory decree of divorce in the county court yesterday from his wife, Mary E. Thompson, the findings being entered on the ground of desertion. The husband states that his wife left him January 10, 1906, and has never returned to the home of the plaintiff since that time. They were married at Albuquerque, November 25, 1901.
Pueblo Chieftain 4-6-1917 City Briefs - Seeks Divorce - Conduct unbecoming to a married man for a period of more than two years and abandonment of the plaintiff for more than a year past were made the grounds for a divorce proceedings filed yesterday in the county court in which Ethel Goldsberry asks for legal separation from her husband, Richard Goldsberry. The couple married in Pueblo December 23, 1913. Mrs. Goldsberry asks for the restoration of her maiden name, Ethel Draper.
Pueblo Chieftain 4-10-1917 City Briefs - Granted Divorce - Frank Reber was granted an interlocutory decree of divorce yesterday in the county court from his wife Rose Reber. The findings were on the grounds of desertion, Mr. Reber stating that he came home from work one evening and found that his wife had departed with their son who would be six years of age at the present time. They were married at Lebanon, Penn., Sept. 12, 1908, the alleged desertion happening January 19, 1912. Mr. Reber states that he has not since learned of the whereabouts of his wife or child.
Pueblo Chieftain 4-17-1917 Final Decree - A final decree of divorce was entered in the county court yesterday to Grace M. Stokes, the defendant being Paul B. Stokes. The decree restored the maiden name of the plaintiff, Grace Mae Carlisle. Findings had been made six months ago on the grounds of non-support. The couple married in Pueblo March 25, 1914 (1911?).
Pueblo Chieftain 4-17-1917 Awarded Divorce - Leata Dorsey yesterday was granted an interlocutory decree of divorce from her husband, Frank Dorsey, in the county court on the grounds of desertion. The marriage took place in Pueblo in September, 1909, the desertion dating from three years after the marriage. The maiden name of the plaintiff, Leata Ostranger, was restored by the findings of the court.
Pueblo Chieftain 7-2-1918 City Briefs - Final Decree - William Valentine was set free from Maude Valentine by means of a final county court decree of divorce yesterday. The ground was desertion. They were married at Warrensburg, Missouri, April 9, 1905.
Pueblo Chieftain 7-11-1918 City Briefs - Granted Final Decree - William W. Woodside was yesterday granted a final decree of divorce from Pearl A. Woodside, following a hearing in the district court. They were married at Liberal, Missouri, December 31, 1908, and it was alleged that defendant deserted plaintiff April 10, 1916. There is one child, a son, 7 years old, whom the plaintiff expressed willingness to leave in the desired custody of the mother; also plaintiff agreed to contribute to the son's support. The summons was served on Mrs. Woodside in Sarpy county, Nebraska.
Pueblo Chieftain 7-11-1918 City Briefs - Final Decree Granted - Thomasita Sanchez was granted a final decree of divorce from Ismael Sanchez in the county court yesterday. Complaint alleged that defendant refused to live with plaintiff and the grounds for divorce were recited as desertion and non-support. They were married in this city, April 12, 1912.
Pueblo Chieftain 7-23-1918 City Briefs - Marriage a Failure - A Chinese-American wedding that took place in this city December 21, 1916, did not result in a happily (happy) mating, judging from a divorce suit that was filed in the county court yesterday. Jung Quong in his complaint, alleges that Helen Quong has caused him much cruelty mentally, and wants to get himself legally separated from her.
Pueblo Chieftain 7-23-1918 City Briefs - Final Decree - A final decree of divorce was yesterday granted to Lena E. Heller from Leo Heller; she alleges cruelty since July, 1915. They were married at Colorado Springs, June 12, 1907, and have two children, 7 and 4 years old. Plaintiff stated that she was obliged to leave defendant and reside with her parents since August of last year.
Pueblo Chieftain 7-24-1918 City Briefs - Divorce on Desertion - Cynthia Drake was yesterday granted a final decree of divorce in the district court, division A, from William A. Drake. They were married at Butte, Mont., June 1, 1915, and have no children. The ground was desertion.
Pueblo Chieftain 8-11-1918 City Briefs - Grant Interlocutory Decree - In the district court yesterday an interlocutory decree of divorce was allowed in the case of Wm. W. Gilbert against Anna Gilbert. They were married in Raton, New Mexico, January 25, 1915.

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