Pueblo County, Colorado The Doyle Family and Doyle Settlement
Joseph Doyle
The Doyle Settlement - Joseph Bainbridge Doyle was one of the builders of Fort Pueblo in 1842. He purchased 2 miles of the Huerfano Valley in 1859 from Vigil and St. Vrain and established his family here, building the large ranch house "Casa Blanca" with lumber shipped from St. Louis.
Doyle met and married Maria de la Cruz Suaso (3), on Oct. 14, 1844 (1).
Doyle brought 600 acres under cultivation, built irrigation ditches, and established one of the first flour mills in Colorado. He brought the first school teacher into Colorado, O.J. Goldrick, to tutor his children (2). He was elected commissioner of Huerfano County and to the State Council as the State Senate was then called.
Aged remains of the Doyle era still stand. The Doyle school house and one of the oldest buriel grounds in Colorado containing the gravestones of the Doyle family, early pioneers, and other members of the Doyle Settlement. Most of the inscriptions on the stones are no longer legible. The large monument about the center of the graveyard marks the grave of Joseph B. Doyle.
Family Records:
(1) Fray Angelico Chavez has in his "Origins of New Mexico Families-A
Genealogy of the Spanish Colonial Period. "Revised Edition. Page 414.
DOYLE. Jose Dayle, a native of St. Louis residing at San Carlos de
Napeste, married Maria De La Cruz Suazo, Oct 14,1844. His parents were
Alexandro Dayle and Ana Maria Evans. (M-40,Taos.)
Taos Marriages 1770-1860 10-14-1844 Jose Dayle, Soltero hijo de Alexandro Dayle y de Ana Maria
Evaro, Oriundo de San Luis de Misuri y Vecino de San Carlos de
Napeste, Con Maria Dela Cruz Suaso, Soltera hija de Jose Manuel Suaso y
de Maria Teresa Sandoval, Oriunda de este Curato de San Geronimo de
Taos y Vecinos de San Carlos de Napeste. Padrinos: Carlos Beubien y
Maria de la Luz Beaubien. Testigos: Manuel Antonio Miera y Pablo
Sandoval, Vecinos todos de La Plaza de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe.
(2) Known children were:
San Lorenso de Picuries Baptisms: 12-16-1849 Santiago de Jesus son of Jose Dol and Maria de la Cruz Suaso. Paternal grandparents Alejandro Dol and Maria Dol. Maternal grandparents Manuel Suaso and Maria Teresa Sandoval.
Francisca Teresa, Dec 30,1852, Parents surnames given as "Doly" and "Saiz";
Florencia, Nov 8,1855, parent's surnames given as "Doll and
"Suazo"; and
Alexandro, May 27,1858, Parent's surname given as "Doyle" and "Suazo." (All born in Las Vegas, New Mexio.)
Jose B. Doyle, buried at Doyle Cemetery, died 5-26-1858, probably twin to Alexandro.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Sapello Baptisms: Jose Lino Doyle, born in La Junta (Watrous) on October 5, 1860 and baptized November
5th, son of Jose Doyle and Maria Crusita Suazo. Padrinos: Julian Anderson
and Maria Cecilia Sandoval
11-10-1875 Holy Trinity Church, Trinidad, Las Animas County, Colorado
Jocobo R. Doyle, son of J. Doyle married Maria Estefan Gutierrez daughter of Felomeno Guttierez. Witnesses Alexandro Guttierez and Maria Josefa Montoya.
(3) Taos baptisms 1701-1867. 7-11-1831 Maria Dela Cruz of San Fernando, 3 days old, daughter of
Manuel Suaso and of Maria Teresa Sandoval, Residents of San
Fernandes. Paternal Grandparents: Jose Miguel Suaso y Maria Josefa
Pando, both deceased. Maternal Grandparents: Gervacio Sandoval y Maria
Ramona Varela. Sponsors: Juan Bautista Salas and Maria Juliana
Sanches, residents of the Same Place.
From a book found in the Library published by the DAR in 1946 was the following:
Graves more than a century old are still distinct in the Doyle cemetery overlooking the Huerfano River. Mounds of rocks have marked parts of the burial plot through the years. A few barren wooden markers and fewer shaped headstones were erected at the heads of graves within the last 80 years.
A short distance from the Doyle Fort on a knoll in a cemetery are buried some of the State's pioneers. Although the graves date back into the early 1840's, they were later marked with stone spires. Some of the chiseled inscriptions have been practically worn away by the blasting of fine sand driven by countless winds. The cemetery is still used (1946). Aubrey and Audrey Roberts, infant twins, were buried there about 1936. Louis Doyle, Jose Evans and Alexander Green were others. (The above was taken from the DAR Book on Doyle cemetery)
Joseph Doyle was mentioned as one of the builders of Fort Pueblo in 1842. In 1859 he had land on the Huerfano.
Jose Doll and Cruz Suazo,of La Junta were the padrinos for Carolina
Kronig, Bapt 19 Jan 1857. Daughter of Julian Kronig and Juana Sandova
(Ruibal) Vecinos de La Junta.
Julian Kronig is listed as a merchant and next door neighbor to
Joseph B.Doyle in the 1860 Mora County Census, as follows:
1860 Census Schedule 1 Free Inhabitants in The Precinct of Golondrinas, County of Mora, Territory of New Mexico, 13th day of August 1860. Pedro Valdez, Ass't Marshal. Pages No. 437 and 438.
3954-3953 Joseph B. Doyle Age 35 M Freiter (sic) (Freighter) Value of Personal Estate 10,000 Value Real Estate 10,000 Born Va.
Cruz Suaso Age 25 F Born Taos Co. NM
James Doyle Age 11 M Born Mora Co. NM
Fanny Doyle Age 8 F Born Mora Co. NM
Lorenza Doyle Age 6 F Born Mora Co. NM
Alexander Doyle Age 3 M Born Mora Co. NM
Teresa Sandoval Age 60 F Born Taos Co. NM
Benjamin B. Field Age 32 M Clerk Born Gloscister, England
Gideon Huntington Age 24 M Farmer Born Ohio
Samuel Anderson Age 26 M Farmer Born Pen.
Robert Le McSpranin Age 26 M Farmer Born Pen.
Albert Achibald Age 21 M Farmer Born Nova Scotia
Danl Voland Age 25 M Farmer Ireland
Ebnezer Archibald Age 26 M Farmer Born Novia Scotia
Huerfano County Book One:
Page 235, no date, last will and testament of Joseph Bainbridge Doyle, mentions his beloved wife, Maria de la Cruz Suaso. Executors were his wife and esteemed friends, Henry H. Green and William A. Bransford of Mora, NM. Witnessed by James R. Craig, J.T. Baldwin and Thomas Suaso
Page 172 on 11-5-1859 Deed from Ceran St. Vrain
Page 65, on 12-12-1863 Vacancy of office of Probate Judge by death of Jos. B. Doyle, appointed Benjamin B. Fields with Securities of A.G. Bome (Boone) and George A. Hinsdale.
Page 24, on 10-20-1863 As security on Sherriff Bond for Jacob Beard
Page 25 on 10-20-1863 As Security on Justice of the Peace Bond for Jefferson W. Lewellin who was elected 9-1-1863
Page 124, on 9-23-1862 as Security on Sherriff Bond for Duncan McKieth
Page 11, on 11-21-1861 Prec. #2 at Doyles Ranch
Page 4 thru 10 on dates from 3-6-1862 – 6-18-1862 he is noted as Judge
Page 60, on 12-19-1861 temporary seat of Huerfano County would be at the house of J.B. Doyle by the Board of County Commissioners.
Page 163 on 8-1-1860 Deed mentions J. B. Doyle
Page 166 no date, deed to Maria Teresa Sandobal of Mora
Holy Trinity Catholic Church records, Trinidad, Colorado
1-10-1870 Alpheus Paul Berry, son of Benjamin D. Berry and Mary Francis Beard married Maria Francisca Doyle, daughter of Joseph B. Doyle. Witnesses Jacobo Beard and Maria Isabel Simpson.
11-10-1875 Jacobo R. Doyle son of Joseph Doyle married Maria Estefana Gutierrez, daughter of Filomeno Gutierrez. Witness Alexandro Gutierrez and Josefa Montoya.
Pueblo Chieftain, 6-21-1872, To Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given that I, James Q. Doyle, have been appointed administrator of the estates of Joseph B. Doyle and Maria de La Cruz Doyle; therefore, all persons indebted to the said estates are hereby notified to pay said indebtedness to me. All business pertaining to said estates will hereafter be transacted by the undersigned. June 3d, 1872. James Q. Doyle, Administrator
The Quist family moved to the "Casa Blanca" in 1917, coming from Wisconsin.
All the Quist photos are contributed by Joan Alyea. Joan said "these Doyle stories were told to me by my mother-in-law, Bertha Quist."
"In the winter, and at other times, everyone would get together and have spelling bees for entertainment -- adults included. Hannah Quist, Bertha's mother, had only a third grade education, but she regularly spelled down the teacher!" Hannah was literally a self-made woman -- one of the most intelligent people I have come in contact with!
"The school house was also the location for dances on the weekends --- there would be a few fiddles, and occasionally another instrument or two, and everyone had a great time square dancing or whatever."
The way to get into Pueblo was with a horse and wagon, and it took almost a day. Usually they would spend the night with some friends in town.
When Axel and Anna left the Doyle, they established a homestead at Broadacre
Doyle School house, early days. Hannah Quist at right rear, Bertha Quist 2nd from left. Woman at left rear might be the teacher.
Doyle School, September 1917.
Doyle School house in 2001
The teacher, Miss Porter, and the Quist family
Casa Blanca at the Doyle Ranch
Hannah, Edward, and Bertha Quist at the Casa Blanca
Edward Quist at the Doyle Ranch
Edward and Bertha Quist in the new mown hay at the Doyle Ranch
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, August 6, 1868 Thos. Suasso, of the famous Doyle Ranche on the Huerfano, has gone to the hot springs near Las Vegas, on account of his health.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 7-1-1876 Flood on the Huerfano
Dr. J.T. Collier, who arrived in the city yesterday, states that a tremendous flood occurred on the Huerfano river Wednesday night, about ten o'clock. The doctor lives on the Doyle ranch. He says that there was no rain whatever in that locality, but he noticed between sundown and dark that there seemed to be a storm along the creek somewhere above him. He had his sheep camp located about one hundred rods below the Doyle plaza, on the other side of the creek, and was engaged in shearing and packing wool. At the hour above mentioned Doctor Collier and his two herders had laid down to sleep, when the former was aroused by the noise of the coming flood. He immediately rose and awakened up the herders, but before they could remove the sheep the flood was upon them with tremendous force. It came in volumes, like steps of a flight of stairs, and spread over the bottom lands as fast as a man could walk. The current was also extremely swift. The doctor and his colored man took refuge in the tops of a couple large cottonwood trees until the flood subsided. The water fell almost as fast as it rose. Dr. Collier loses about fifteen hundred improved sheep, valued at five thousand dollars, as well as several sacks of wool swept away in the flood. The water in the river rose almost to the corner of the Doyle plaza, and from bluff to bluff there was an unbroken torrent nearly three-quarters of a mile in width. The farmers along the stream, will, it is feared, be heavy losers, as many of their crops were several feet under water, and in some places washed out by the roots. It is thought that the corn in some localities will recover itself, but where the water has reached the small grain it is damaged beyond redemption.
Doyle, Joseph Bainbridge (1817 – 1864)
Joseph Bainbridge Doyle signed with William Bent at St. Joseph in 1839 and headed for Bent’s Fort. He worked as a freighter at the fort until 1844. He helped Charles Autobees establish a settlement along the Huerfano River. He became a partner of George Simpson and William Kroenig at the Hardscrabble Trading Post up the Arkansas River, doing business with trappers, Indians and frontiersmen such as R. L. Wooton. There, he married Marie de le Cruz Suaso.
He began farming along the Arkansas River, just east of present day Pueblo. He built a large ranch home called Casa Blanca.
With the gold rush of 1859, Doyle turned his interests to freighting once again. Wagons of food, clothing and supplies were hauled to Denver City. The J. B. Doyle Company was an instant money making venture. Within a year, Doyle was a millionaire.
Doyle’s wealth allowed him to enlarge his farm to a 600-acre ranch, with cattle, and horses. A flour mill was also constructed. A community of Doyle’s workers soon grew into a small settlement. He established a school where the workers’ children attended classes, with his own children. It is said the first teacher was O. J. Goldrick, who went on to be Denver City’s first teacher.
He was elected to the Territory Council, in 1864, working toward statehood. Forty-six-year-old Joseph B. Doyle died of a heart attack, while serving his term in Denver. Governor John Evans led the party of dignitaries escorting Doyle’s wagon hearse out of Denver. At the time of his death, Doyle was considered the richest man in Colorado Territory.
He was buried on a small hill, overlooking his empire along the Huerfano River. His wife died a year later and is buried beside him. Their weathered, broken stones stand just above the ruins of the Doyle School.
From "From the Grave, A Roadside Guide to Colorado's Pioneer Cemeteries," by Linda Wommack, published by Caxton Press, Caldwell, Idaho in 1998
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, July 2, 1868 A telegraph office will soon be opened at the Doyle ranch, in this county, for the accommodation of the Huerfano people.
Sierra Journal 11-30-1882 – Prof. O.J. Goldrick, Colorado's first school teacher, and a veteran newspaper man, favorably known all over the state, died in Denver, last Sunday night.