Pueblo County, Colorado

Colorado Weekly Chieftain 11-23-1876 Congress:
Barela, Cassimiro - Las Animas county, born in New Mexico, 28 years old, merchant, and resides at Potter's restaurant.
Wilkins, David F. - Las Animas County, born in Ohio, 40 years old, interpreter, and resides at Potter's restaurant.
Hamilton, W.B. - Huerfano county, born in Missouri, 32 years old, stock raiser, and resides at Inter-Ocean.
Hill, I.W. - Pueblo county, born in Maryland, 20 years, merchant, and resides at the Grand Central.
Taylor, Daniel L. - Las Animas county, born in New York, 38 years old, stock raiser, and resides at Potter's restaurant.
Chacon, Urbano - Las Animas County, born in New Mexico, 25 years old, editor, and resides at Potter's restaurant.
Chaves, J.T. - Huerfano county, born in New Mexico, 33 years old, Farmer, and resides at St. Nicolas hotel.
Carlile, J.N. - Pueblo county, born in Ohio, 40 years old, contractor, and resides at the Inter-Ocean.
Esquibel, J.R. - Pueblo county, born in Ohio, 46 years old, farmer, and resides at the St. Nicolas hotel.
Langford, Garrett - Pueblo county, born in Missouri, 39 years old, stock raiser, and resides at Inter-Ocean.
Laragoite, M. - Las Animas county, born in New Mexico, 28 years old, lawyer, and resides at Potter's restaurant.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain 1-15-1878 Eugene K. Stimson, of Pueblo, is the candidate for auditor. He is thirty-four years of age and was born in Batavia, New York. He attended public school until fourteen years old, when he ran away the merchantman Corinee for Peru and Valparaiso. He was at sea a year and returned. When the war broke out he entered the volunteer army, and at the first battle of bull run was taken prisoner and incarcerated for ten months in the Richmond, Tuscaloosa and Salisbury prisons. He was paroled at that time and returned to his home in New York state. In 1862 he was appointed to West Point, where he remained two years, leaving his appointment at he government school to re-enlist in the army of the Union. This time he became a member of battery M., first New York artillery. He went through Georgia and North and South Carolina with his regiment, and very near the close of war, at Goldsboro, was granted a furlough on account of disability, and again returned home. Before his furlough expired the war was over. He soon after went to Terre Haute and engaged in civil engineering, which profession he has since followed, having been engaged on several of Missouri's railroads, in which state he lived four years. In 1872 he came to Denver and lived here six months, securing a position on the engineer corps of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad which required a residence at Pueblo, where he has since resided. He is now city engineer of Pueblo. In September he was elected chief of the Pueblo fire department, and in August, 1877, was elected chief of the state's firemen's association. He was married in Illinois in September, 1871.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain 8-31-1876 William K. Carlile, the candidate of the republican party for the state legislature from Pueblo County, was born in New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas county, Ohio, in the year 1844. In 1861, he enlisted, in company A of the 80th Ohio volunteer veteran infantry. At the siege of Vicksburg he was wounded and taken prisoner and lodged in the terrible Libby prison for three months. At the close of the war he was honorably discharged, In the spring of 1866 he came to Colorado and was employed by J.A. Cook of Denver, for a year. He then, in the year 1867, came to Pueblo, where he engaged in the livery business for three years. He then sold out ad went on a farm on the Greenhorn, where he has remained ever since. He is largely engaged in the raising of cattle and horses and is very attentive to his business. He was married in the year of 1873.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain 8-31-1876 Alexander DeLappe, the candidate of the republican party for assessor in Pueblo county, was born in Illinois in the year 1847. He left Illinois in the year 1865 and came to Colorado. He was in the employ of Lincoln & Strickler, of Denver, for five years. Afterwards he was in the employ of Daniels & Eckart for three years. Then in the year 1872 he came to Pueblo county and was in the employ of Moore & Carlile, railroad and general contractors, as bookkeeper and foreman. Mr. DeLappe is now engaged in building with Messrs. Moore & Carlile in putting up a brick building in South Pueblo, so it will be seen he has been constantly employed in some creditable occupation ever since he arrived in Colorado. He is a good business man, well liked by everyone, and is well qualified to make a competent assessor. If elected we think he will perform his duties to the general satisfaction of the public.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain 8-31-1876 James E. Martin, candidate for judge in the Third district was born in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, and is now thirty-one years of age. His early training was excellent. Mr. Martin graduated with distinction at Franklin and Marshall college, Pennsylvania, in 1867, and in the law department of Albany university two years later, and he first hung out his shingle in Eldorado, Kansas, in 1869. At this point he practiced law for two years, when he emigrated to Trinidad where he has ever since been engaged in active practice. Gifted with a clear intellect he has succeeded remarkably well as a practitioner. Deliberate, cautious and self-poised, he is eminently fitted for the position to which he has been nominated.
Major Lafayette Head, the candidate for lieutenant governor, is an old resident of New Mexico and Colorado. He is a native of Missouri, and came to New Mexico in 1846 as a soldier under Colonel Doniphan. He was several times a member of the legislature of New Mexico, and also of that of Colorado. The major was agent of the Ute Indians for several years and also a member of the convention which framed the constitution of Colorado. Major Head is a resident of Conejos county, a farmer and stock-grower; and a man of great influence among the Spanish speaking residents of Southern Colorado. He has always borne the reputation of an honest and upright citizen.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain 8-31-1876 Hon. Henry C. Thatcher, candidate for supreme judge is a native of Perry county, Pennsylvania, 34 years of age; graduated at Franklin and Marshall college, Pennsylvania, in 1865. The succeeding year he read law in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, during which time he was editor of the educational department of the Hollidaysburg Standard, and taught a high school for the purpose of enabling him to earn sufficient means to prosecute his legal studies. In the spring of 1866 he graduated in the law department of the Albany university, New York. In the fall of the same year he emigrated to Colorado, crossing the plains with a prairie schooner. He at once located at Pueblo and commenced the practice of law, which he has actively continued without interruption ever since. In 1869 President Grant appointed him United States attorney for Colorado, the duties of which office he discharged for a little more than a year after his appointment, when he resigned. He was elected a member of the constitutional convention from his district on a non-partisan ticket, with scarcely a dissenting vote, having been nominated by a joint convention of both political parties. Mr. Thatcher is an able lawyer, enjoys an extensive and lucrative practice, and is classed with the most influential men of Southern Colorado. He is more a lawyer than a politician, and is qualified to fill the position to which he has been nominated.

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