Pueblo County, Colorado
Fountain 1890 Train Wreck
Contributed by Karen Mitchell.
FOUNTAIN, Colo., May 7.---A special to the Times says the north bound freight train was side tracked at the Denver & Rio Grande yards last night near the town, and the Trinidad and Durango express for the south, due at 2:51 a.m. to pass, the freight crew left the switch open and the express engine, baggage car, smoker and one coach were thrown from a 14 foot embankment. The engineer of the passenger saw the open switch, but was unable to stop the train, it being down grade.
The engine was badly damaged and fireman Sipes was killed. Engineer Dan Meek escaped by a miracle, receiving only a few bruises. There were very few passengers in the smoker's coach, as nearly all were in two sleepers which did not leave the track. Those in the cars that left the track escaped without injury, other than a shaking up. The tender, baggage and smoking cars were turned over and the day coach was thrown on its side and one sleeper derailed, but non of the passengers experienced any bruises.
Fireman Sipes was 31 years old and married. His body was taken to Pueblo.
Aspen Weekly Times, Aspen, Pitkin Co., CO 10 May 1890

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