| Pueblo County, Colorado Friends |

Hello! And thank you for being a Friend of the Pueblo County Website.
I have had a couple of people offer to help with the expense of these pages, so I decided to post a page where you can donate. Please feel free to click on the Donate button and donate any amount you care to give. Believe me, any amount is appreciated. The money donated here goes to the expense of domain and web server, as well as to acquiring new data to be posted to the site.
The Friends of Pueblo County exists for the sole purpose of funding The Pueblo County project, dedicated to gathering and presenting Pueblo County genealogical and historical information for free online access by researchers.
Gifts to Friends of Pueblo County will enrich the Pueblo County Project making it possible to provide Internet web space and excellent tools for free genealogical research, as well as insuring that this website will remain FREE. Again, THANK YOU!