Pueblo County, Colorado
Fort Reynolds

(1867 - 1872), at Avondale - A Federal fort located on the Arkansas River about three miles above the mouth of the Huerfano River. First called Col. Marcy's Camp while the fort was being built. Replaced Post of Pueblo. A marker is on US 50 one mile east of town.
Colorado Weekly Chieftains, July 30, 1868 Fort Reynolds, eighteen miles below Pueblo, in Pueblo county, on the south bank of the Arkansas river, is named, we believe, in honor of Major General Reynolds.  This post was located only about a year ago.  It draws its supplies from the rich farming country immediately surrounding it.  The present design of the War Department is that it shall remain permanently for the protection of the surrounding country.   
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, July 30, 1868
Letter From Fort Reynolds.
Fort Reynolds, JULY 27.
Eds. Chieftain: - Tarrying a few hours at this point, we thought we would take the privilege of an old correspondent and tell your uninformed readers something about it.  Fort Reynolds is a post established by the Government only last summer, and is situated on the south branch of the Arkansas, about sixty miles from the mountains.  Although so recently established, the buildings present a substantial and permanent appearance.  They are nearly all of adobes, and in their internal arrangements reflect great credit on the management.  The barracks are designed for only one company, but two companies seem to lodge in them very amicably and comfortably.  We were very much pleased with the appearance and discipline of the enlisted men.  
       Two lodges of Good Templars have been formed, one in each company which number nearly forty members in all.  They have fitted up a hall in an exceedingly tasteful manner, and supplied it well with Eastern newspapers.  They show considerable zeal and interest in the Temperance Cause, and find in their lodges an excellent means of relieving the tedium of post life.  We never appreciated the benefits of the order so fully as when we saw its workings here.  Most of these men have been reclaimed from intemperance through its influence, and have their attention led to better things.  It has certainly a most beneficial effect on the morals and discipline of the post.  It has been greatly encouraged by the patronage and example of the efficient commandant, Capt. Chas. A. Curtis, 5th U. S. Infantry, to whose excellent management very much of the superior appearance and order of the post is due.  We desire to acknowledge our indebtedness to Capt. Curtis and his estimable lady for their cordial hospitality during our visit.  The Captain's headquarters are, for Colorado, almost palatial, and in many little conveniences for comfort, give evidence of Eastern taste and culture.  We have never been better satisfied with a brief visit to any place, although we have traveled considerably.  
    In conclusion we only say that if our lot had been cast as an enlisted soldier in the regular army, we would wish no better fortune than to be sent to Fort Reynolds.      
        Faithfully yours,     

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