Pueblo County, Colorado Highland Cemetery |
Highland Cemetery is located in the southeast corner of Section 19, Township 18S Range 60W, in northeastern Pueblo County. It is two miles east of Boone Road on Highland Hills Road, on land donated by the Prairie Hill Antelopes 4-H Club. Nearby, on Highland Church Road is the Highlands Baptist Church. This cemetery was read 4-24-1983 by Sondra A. Biddle, and was added to by Paul D. Conley, 4-28-2007. Photos and map by Paul D. Conley. There are many unidentified graves in this cemetery. If anyone has more information on this cemetery please contact Karen Mitchell
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

Mullin, Delno C born 9/12/1894 Oklahoma died 8/20/1919 Veteran
1. Wright, Laretta born 1906 died 1994
1. Wright, Roy born 1903 died 1983
2. Loftis, Bedford born 1884 died 1929
3. Loftis, Baby died 1931
4. Wolf, Henry born 1868 died 1948
5. Albertson, Richard Lee "Dick" born 1943 died 1993
6. Albertson, Hazel E. born 1815 died 2003
6. Albertson, Orville P. born 1908 died 1999
7. Carter, Frances A. born 1861 died 1942 Geo. F. McCarthy Mortuary marker
7. Carter, Thomas E. born 1857 died 1937 Geo. F. McCarthy Mortuary marker
8. Unknown
9. Sign says The Constubles - The family has since identified these graves and have recently placed a marker there. Please be aware this family started out as Cornstuble as the last name.
William T. Sherman Constuble born 2/11/1868 died 3/13/1918
Ida Francis Constuble born 10/19/1874 died 6/29/1951
Sherman Aubrey Constuble born 1901 died 9/13/1925
Thomas Dewitt Constuble born 1902 Died 1/3/1919
Lester Constuble born 1912 died 2/7/1932
10. Unknown
11. Phillips, A.D. born 7-2-1853 died 7-30-1918 Father
12. Jacobs, Mary H. born 5-18-1919 died 2-18-1920 Baby
13. Williams, Phyllis A. born 8-6-1919 died 9-1-1922 Baby
14. Unknown
15. Polsgrove, William born 1904 died 1918 Son
16. Unknown
17. Unknown
18. Unknown
19. Unknown
20. Sieford, Lillian born 1917 died 1918 Baby (Lillian Virginia Siefford died 11 miles north of Boone..single white female...born April 11, 1917..died Sept. 14, 1918...age 1 year 5 months, 4 days...Born Washington County, Kansas...father name Chas. H. Siefford...born Marshall County, Kansas...mother's name illegible...born Iowa. McCarthy Records. Data contributed by Bea Campbell.)
21. Isley, J.O. born 1849 died 1918 (James O. Isley) Father
22. Siefford, J.W. Jr. died 6-8-1927 Son (Son of John Watson Siefford Sr. and Fern O. (Isley ) Siefford. Fern O. (Isley) Siefford is the daughter of James O. Isley. John Watson Siefford Jr. is James O. Isley's grandson. Data contributed by Bea Campbell.)
23. Unknown
24. Sullivan, Bonnie born 9-12-1950 died 3-28-2001 Sisters
24. Sullivan, Connie born 4-9-1953 died no date
25. Sullivan, Jerry born 1918 died 12-7-1988 70 years (Gerald E. Sullivan), Sgt US Army WWII 9-12-1918 - 12-12-1988
25. Sullivan, Zola born 1926 died no date
26. Sullivan, Kenneth Gerald born 9-19-1947 died 10-10-1947 Baby
27. Bealmer, Joseph A. born 1873 died 1957
27. Bealmer, Margerett born 1883 died 1918
27. Bealmer, Minnie B. born 1874 died 1956
28. Ferrier, William R. born 10-14-1915 died 5-9-1976
29. Russell, Alberta P. born 11-21-1920 died no date
29. Russell, Theodore "Ted" born 9-13-1907 died 7-30-2002, married 10-27-1951
30. Thompson, Erma R. born 12-25-1942 died no date
30. Thompson, Lewis C. born 11-7-1920 died 1-5-2002, PFC US Army WWII
31. Smith, Evelyn E. born 1923 died 1998
31. Smith, Robert C. born 1922 died no date
32. Feaster, Scott S. born 11-1-1903 died 7-16-1939

 to the Pueblo County Index Page.
 Please e-mail comments and suggestions to
Karen Mitchell |