Pueblo County, Colorado
The History of Pueblo City
Contributed by Karen Mitchell
The town of Pueblo was formally organized in the winter of
1859-60, the county in 1862. The latter included all the territory now
embraced in its own, and the adjoining counties of Bent, Huerfano,
and Las Animas, in area sufficient for an independent State. The first
house in the town was erected by Mr. Jack Wright. From Stevenson's
sketch we find that the first board of county commissioners consisted
of O. H. P. Baxter, R. L. Wootton, and William Chapman; County
Clerk, Stephen Smith; Sheriff, Henry Way. The first term of court
was held by Hon. A. A. Bradford, subsequently appointed to the
Supreme bench, and twice elected delegate to Congress. Prior to 1862
Pueblo occupied a rather lonely position. Its population was small,
there was no regular communication by mail or otherwise with other
settlements, and the original settlers had much difficulty in maintaining the position they had taken. In 1862 matters began to improve. A weekly mail was established, and J . A. Thatcher, a resident of Denver, went down there with a considerable stock of assorted merchandise adapted to the wants of the people, where, the venture proving quite profitable, his brother, M. D. Thatcher, joined him. Through close attention to business, both in process of years became very wealthy.
The "Colorado Chieftain " was established in 1868 by Dr. M.
Beshoar (now of Trinidad), Wilbur F. Stone (afterward associate
justice of the Supreme Court of the State, at this writing judge of the
Criminal Court of Arapahoe County), and George A. Hinsdale, two of
the ablest writers in the Territory, being its editors.
The first church in Pueblo was built in 1868 by the Episcopalians, and dedicated as St. Peter's church. They were followed by the Methodists, Presbyterians and Catholics in the order named.
In 1869 Thatcher Bros., Rettberg & Bartels, Berry Brothers,
James Rice (now in his second term as Secretary of State), D. G.
Peabody, and the Cooper Brothers were the principal merchants.
Judge Moses Hallett (now U. S. District Judge) presided over the
territorial court. The bar comprised A. A. Bradford, George A.
Hinsdale, Wilbur F. Stone, H. C. Thatcher (afterward Chief-Justice of
the State Supreme Court), James McDonald, J. W. Henry, and George
Q. Richmond. Pueblo became an incorporated town in 1870. Its
development into a large and flourishing city dates from the advent
of the Denver & Rio Grande railway in 1872, of which a full account
will be given hereafter.
In 1860, after severing his connection with Denver, Colonel Albert G. Boone went
to Pueblo and erected an unpretentious tenement at the lower end of Santa Fe avenue,
where was opened the first "general store,' the stock consisting of Taos flour, Missouri
bacon, condemned government coffee, plug tobacco, Mexican beans, pinon nuts, hickory
shirts, chili-colorow and other costly but indispensable supplies. This stock was trans-
ported across the Sangre de Cristo Range from Fort Garland, by Colonel John M.
Francisco, then the sutler at that post.
The first family to be located in the new town was that of Aaron Sims. In 1859
Josiah Smith returned to the States, married, came back, abandoned Fountain City to
its fate and with his bride, settled in Pueblo, constituting the second family in the
place. Emory Young, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Young, was the first white child
born south of the Divide in Colorado. Numerous desertions from the original town
site of Fountain finally brought collapse and ruin, the remains worth having being
merged in the strength of its more fortunate competitor. The new site situated along
the bank of the river, boasted some five or six log cabins, covered with dirt and fitted
up with loopholes from which bullets could be fired at marauding Utes or "Greasers."
About this time Wm. R. Fowler came to the settlement, "a man of fine address,
Christian practices and orderly walk and conversation." He was soon selected as the
"Judge," and for some time thereafter he was the law and court of the neighborhood.
During his administration he married a couple, though without orders or authority,
except that of public sanction.
The first grocery (and this term on the frontier always
meant a saloon and eating house) was opened in April, 1861, by Jack Allen and it soon
became a place of famous resort. Dick Norton opened a second public house very
soon afterward, and Dr. W. A. Catterson followed their example in the month following.
The settlement became noted for its fast horses, and every Sunday at ten o'clock in the morning a race took place. " Judge " Fowler conceived the idea of organizing a church and Sabbath School; Jack Allen seconded the proposition "for the 'Judge' must have
been right," and postponed the races from ten o'clock to two, thus accommodating the
expected church-goers. Dr. Catterson tendered the use of his grocery for religious
services, and the initial service was a novel affair. "Judge" Fowler read and discoursed and prayed with the fifteen or twenty who gathered together, and Jack Allen
emphatically asserted that "he would stand by the new enterprise." Dr. Catterson said
it would live to the honor of all present, but a few weeks after the inauguration saw its
demission as Jack Allen said, "it didn't pay as well as the races." When organized
by the Territorial legislature in 1861-'62, the county of Pueblo included the immense
tract subsequently organized as Bent County, and all of the later Huerfano and Las
Animas Counties.
For a temporary government, to endure until the next ensuing general election,
Governor Gilpin appointed as county commissioners, O. H. P. Baxter, Richard L. Wootten, and William Chapman; sheriff, Henry Way; county clerk, Stephen Smith.
At the election following Smith was retained in his position, Chapman chosen probate
judge and John H. Rice, sheriff. The first district judge was Hon. Allen A. Bradford,
(subsequently twice elected Territorial delegate in Congress, in 1861 and re-elected
1868) who held the initial term in the old Boone house, in December, 1862.
The earliest recorded proceeding of the county commissioners is dated February
17th, 1862. R. L. Wootten was chosen chairman and it was resolved to proceed to stake
out and locate the county seat of Pueblo County. A location was chosen, beginning
on the Arkansas River "140 paces from the bridge owned by A. F. Bercaw," this being
the southeast corner, then "running due north 200 rods, thence west one half mile,
thence south to the Arkansas, thence down said river to J. D. Jenks' claim, thence east
to the Arkansas, at or near the old Pueblo fort, thence down said river to place of beginning." They also staked out a location for a courthouse "near Eastman's ditch." The
clerk was directed to issue three notices for proposals for building the courthouse of
"hewd logs, twenty-four feet long by eighteen feet wide; "one window was to be put in
each side of this house, and "one door in one end." "Said house should be ten feet
high between floor and ceiling, with good hewd joists three feet apart. Roof of split
puncheons and well covered with three inches of morter and four inches of dirt; also a
spout to carry off water from the roof." The commissioners gave indication of possessing aesthetic natures, for they also required "a log above the eaves of the roof, to hide
the dirt on the roof." One hundred and fifty dollars was then and there appropriated
to build this house of justice and record, and a survey ordered "to be made at the first
opportunity." March 1st, the contract for the building was awarded to Mr. Eastman at
$300, and it was further required that a desk be furnished the clerk.
All persons "retailing any kind of goods or liquors" were ordered to pay ten dollars
per quarter into the county treasury, "also all persons hawking any kind of goods or
wares, except vegetables, shall pay five dollars per month and further also fresh meat
or anything not raised in Colorado Territory." The first Pueblo officers put themselves on record as home protectionists.
June 1st, 1862, the commissioners resolved "to straighten the public road from the
river bottoms at John Gill's ranch and running out on the sand fluffs to the slough three
miles from Pueblo." O. H. P. Baxter was notified "to plow one furrow through on
said road "or" else pilot through from said Gill's claim, one train of wagons to where
the road runs around the said slough." At this date A. G. Boone was president of the
meeting, with O. H. P. Baxter and W. H. Young, commissioners. W. H. Chapman was
probate judge, and John Howard became his successor in 1863. Howard was the first
disciple of Blackstone to hang out a shingle in Pueblo and "was an easy going chap,
whose greatest weakness was a love for undiluted whisky." P. H. Hays, the sheriff, was
succeeded by J. A. Hill, and Aaron Sims was county treasurer. John M. Espey was
justice of the peace in 1862.
In this year John A. Thatcher, a man of remarkable talent for the conduct of
business affairs, and at the current epoch (1890) one of the wealthiest citizens of Colorado, arrived at the lower end of Santa Fe avenue, the principal thoroughfare then and
now, with trousers legs in boots, dusty and somewhat shabbily appareled, sturdily endeavoring to encourage, by a vigorous display of his own nervous activity, a like spirit in
the ox team he was driving. His dilapidated wagon contained a small stock of goods
from Denver, with which he opened a store in a cabin of cottonwood logs with dirt floor
and roof, situated near the old brewery on Second street. The consignment being
quickly disposed of, he renewed it from the same source, and thus laid the foundation
of a princely fortune.
Prior to this event, however, a number of prominent people had been added to the
list of fixed residents, George M. Chilcott in 1859, Colonel John M. Francisco, and the
following with their families: George A. Hinsdale, Captain Wetmore, John W. Shaw,
Mark G. Bradford and others.
The "Greasers,"half-breeds”, and adventurers from every point of the compass who
largely made up the floating population of Pueblo in those early days, if we may
accept the local color sketches by Tite Barnacle (General Stevenson) of the "Chieftain,"
would have made delightful studies for a Shakespeare delineating his Sir Andrew
Aguecheek and Toby Belch. According to this veteran journalist, doctor, soldier and
raconteur, who indeed, is today, chronicler par excellence of Pueblo's "Auld Lang Syne,"
At this early age the convivial propensities of the people of Pueblo began to crop out in
an unmistakable manner. "One day, a returning tenderfoot, who had been to the
mining regions with a load of 'groceries, stopped in the settlement on his way home to
Missouri. He had a portion of a barrel of whisky left and offered to sell it to a party
of the Puebloans. They purchased the liquor, and soon manufactured a washtub full
of egg-nog. The scene of the revel was in Pat Maywood's blacksmith shop, down by
the river bank. The male inhabitants of the town all gathered there and after several
fights, many of the revelers were overcome by the bilious compound. An eye witness
gives the closing scene as follows: "One man hung doubled up over the bellows;
another sat sound asleep in the tub of water in which the smith cooled his hot irons; a
third reposed with his face in the ashes of the forge; a dozen more slept in various
positions in the dust on the earthen floor of the shop. But two showed signs of life.
In one corner lay the proprietor of the shop and astride his breast sat an individual,
afterward a well known citizen of Pueblo, armed with a funnel and a tin cup and
engaged in pouring egg-nog down the prostrate man's throat, the victim mildly
protesting that he could not drink another drop."
Tradition has it that Jack Allen's whisky was considered by the rougher pioneers
of Southern Colorado as most excellent, because when drank it made them feel as if a
torchlight procession was galloping down their throats. The non-arrival of freight
wagons drawn by patient oxen, in those days, never induced a whisky famine at Jack
Allen's, and it was thought his distillery was wherever he happened to be. His fine old
hand made, copper distilled, "blue grass dew," was probably manufactured according to
Stevenson, from alcohol, chili-colorow, Arkansas River water, old boots, rusty bayonets,
yucca and cactus thorns. It always had the same flavor and startling effect.
A number who are prominent residents of Pueblo to-day were among those who
formed Company G of the Third Regiment during the late civil war. Removed as
these men were from all the gentler associations of life and from civilization's higher
forms and ideals, they were warm in kindliness and hospitality, and patriotic ready to
die for their country's welfare. Company G also participated in the Sand Creek battle.
The officers of the company were O. H. P. Baxter captain, S. J. Graham First Lieu-
tenant, and A. J. Templeton Second Lieutenant. Enrolled in the company were
among others, Charles D. Peck, Joseph Holmes, John W. Rogers, James O'Neal, Abe
Cronk, W.W.. McAllister, John Brunce, John C. Norton, John McCurty, William H.
Davenport, Jesse W. Coleman, H. W. Cresswell, Henry B. Craig, Joseph W. Dobbins,
Tom C. Dawkins, A. A. Johnson. I.. F. McAllister. H. H. McIntire, Noah Puntenny, F.
Page and Eugene Weston.
The Pueblo Vigilantes were a respectable and earnest body of men who never
strained the quality of mercy in dealing with thieves and desperadoes of the early days.
Some of the most abandoned wretches, who terrorized the country side under the names
of "Texas" and "Coe," were found one morning hanging from a tree on the Fontaine's
For many years a tree which had withstood the ravages of nearly four centuries
was reverenced by the old settlers as the city's most valuable and poetic landmark.
Beneath this "old monarch." Kit Carson, Buffalo Bill, Wild Bill and other noted scouts
had built their camp fires, and in 1850 thirty-six persons were massacred by the Indians
while camping near by (according to "Colorado Pioneers"). June 25th, 1883 the
venerable tree was cut down. The circumference measured twenty-eight feet, and a
section of it may still be seen near the railroad depot
During 1864 war broke out between the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians and
the entire country was placed upon the defensive. The old El Progresso saloon
building on the southwest corner of Third street and Santa Fe avenue was used as a
temporary fortification, and the women and children placed therein. A blockhouse was
built near Third and Main streets and a round tower, constructed of adobes, crowned
the point of the bluff overlooking Santa Fe avenue. Armed men patroled the
neighborhood day and night, but no collision with the Indians took place.
The first noteworthy enterprise of a nature more or less public, was the erection of
a flouring mill by Thatcher & Baxter in 1864, which afforded an immediate market for
their grain, and supplied the inhabitants with native breadstuffs. The first hotel was
operated by Aaron Sims, next by John B. Rice; then the noted log cabin situate just
below the present James Rice hose house, was opened by Moody & Alexander, who
were succeeded by P. K. Dotson and others.
The original postoffice was kept by Mr. Sims, and next by D. J. Hayden in his
store, opened by the latter in 1863. The forms of procedure were extremely original
and refreshing not to say according to regulations. There were no frills, or tedious
formalities, no red tape or intricate novelties to govern its conduct, for says Wilbur F.
Stone, the chronicler, "The mail bag, when it arrived, was unceremoniously emptied in
the middle of the floor and the crowd invited to pitch in, such as could read, and pick
out what belonged to them. What was left after this promiscuous sorting, was put in
an empty candle box, and when the people came to the postoffice, they were directed to
'go and look for themselves and not bother the postmaster.' "
The first "pretentious" business house was built by James Haas, who, together
with George Hall and Jacob Belts, instituted a combined grocery, liquor and billiard
saloon. Its distinctive title was "El Progresso," and for some years it stood as the
common resort of the people of the town and country who came to trade, discuss
politics, and adjust their differences.
The first public school came to be established in 1863, when a comfortable frame
building was erected as a beginning, by private subscription, on the rear of the lot
later occupied by the Stockgrowers National Bank, and Miss Weston, sister of Eugene
Weston, for many years a resident of Canon City, installed as teacher. It was used for
school purposes until 1870 when an adobe structure displaced it, and here Professor
Hamilton and Miss Jennings maintained the educational discipline. No school
district was organized however, until 1866 or 1867. The first edifice devoted to mental and moral training, during summer vacations was occupied by the district court, and in
the summer of 1864 the first truly religious services in Pueblo were there observed.
At this time the Rev. H. B. Hitchings, then rector of St. John's church in the Wilderness
(Denver), now of Trinity church, New York, came down and directed the proceedings,
the responses being made by members of the bar in a strictly professional, if not wholly
reverential voice. In 1868 the first church edifice, St. Peter's Episcopal, was built by
the people of the town, aided by that eminent divine, Bishop George M. Randall, and
the energetic efforts of its pastor.
Mr. Winslow, a young, intelligent and exceedingly popular missionary, was
there in 1868. He was succeeded by the Rev. Samuel Edwards, and by the Revs.
Green, Brouse, Bray and others. The bell placed in its tower, that rang out the sonorous
calls to worship, was the first to utter its tender appeal south of Denver, and when its
metallic tones floated over the little village it brought to many a heart the memories of
childhood's home, long silenced by years of rude experiences upon the Sabbathless
border. The Methodists had organized in August, 1866, and in April, 1870, they were
incorporated as the First M. E. Church, erecting a building at a cost of nearly $4,000.
Reverend O. P. McMains, then the pastor, was succeeded by the Reverends Merrill,
Wallace, Edmondson and others.
Almost immediately following the institution of commerce, schools and churches,
came the founding of newspapers for the circulation of current intelligence and the
wider advertisement of the embryonic metropolis among the benighted of mankind, a
medium whereby the glories, resources and other advantages of Southern Colorado
might be elaborately measured and set forth in appropriate terms, and a wholesale invitation extended to come and settle, toil and prosper. June 1st, 1868, appeared tinissue of the Pueblo "Chieftain" (containing a notice of the death of the famous Kit Carson), printed by Dr. M. Beshoar and Samuel McBride, edited by George Hinsdale and Wilbur F. Stone, two of the most accomplished writers in the Ten
who soon made their impression upon the public mind here and elsewhere. It is the
only paper in that division of the State that has survived the tempests of time, continuously rendered itself a power for good throughout all that vast region of country.
The winter following, McBride sold his interest to Dr. Beshoar. In due course the
control passed to Capt. J. J. Lambert, who has held it to the present time, and by his skillful direction has given it the great prestige it has constantly enjoyed.
Previous to 1869, brick buildings were unknown. Adobes, logs and boards were
the materials used. In the year named, Messrs. Morgan, Barndollar, Mullaly and
Anker, established brick yards, and the old county jail was the first orthodox
burned brick structure in the town. During this period the Thatcher Brothers, Rettberg & Bartels. Berry Brothers, James Rice, D. G. Peabody and the Cooper Brothers, the leading merchants. Judge Moses Hallett presided over the District Court.
The bar consisted of A. A. Bradford, George A. Hinsdale, Wilbur F. Stone, Henry C.
Thatcher, James McDonald, J. W. Henry and George Q. Richmond. Drs. P. R.
Thombs and J. W. O. Snyder represented the medical profession, and Lewis Conley
Klynn & Beach and Gus Bartel were contractors and builders.
In 1869, the first association in the nature of a board of trade, was organized at
Pueblo, with the title of "The Board of Trade of Southern Colorado." Its officers
were M. I. Thatcher, president; George A. Hinsdale, vice-president; B. F. Rockafellow, secretary, and W. F. Stone treasurer and corresponding secretary. Its directors
were ?nker, Pueblo County; Henry Daigre, Huerfano County; S. M. Baird, Las Animas County; John Christian, Summit County; J. M. Paul, Park County; W. K. Shaw, Lake County; Thomas Macon, Fremont County; George A. Bute of El Paso; Ferdinand Meyer of Costilla ; Lafayette Head of Conejos, and John Lawrence of Saguache.
Though organized at Pueblo, its general purpose appears to have been to collect
statistics giving information to possible immigrants concerning the advantages of all the
southern counties. This board issued an attractive and ably written pamphlet in 1869,
published at the “Chieftain " office, a copy of which is sacredly guarded by Charles W.
Bowman, the courteous secretary of the present Pueblo Board of Trade.
With the establishment of schools and churches the tone of society was improving,
and Pueblo was not only the county seat, but also the commercial metropolis of Southern
Colorado. Her population, which in 1867 amounted to less than fifty, now counted
over four hundred souls.
Her location at the crossing of the great routes from the East, and the situation
(between Colorado and New Mexico) brought a throng of strangers to her public
houses, and the new substantial business structures and neat homes constantly being
erected, indicated that the population had come to stay. Building stone of excellent
quality was found in large quantities near the town, and trees, flowers and shrubbery
were planted near and about the houses. The District Court for the county, to which
Huerfano and Las Animas were attached for judicial purposes, was held in the town in
April and October of each year, and two terms of the United States Court for the Third
Judicial District were held each year. The judge of this district, the Chief-Justice of
the Supreme Court of the Territory, the United States Attorney for the Territory, and
also the Delegate to Congress, all lived here.
The Arkansas River was spanned by a substantial bridge, and the water power for
milling and manufacturing purposes was excellent. The Colorado "Chieftain," an
eight column newspaper of four pages was published and conducted with signal ability
and energy. In 1868 the business of Pueblo may be comprehended by the following
table (prepared by B. F. Rockafellow, the secretary of the Board of Trade).
Value of merchandise sold, $390,980; bushels of grain sold, 100,000; sacks of flour
sold, 10,000; feet of lumber, 800,000; value of goods manufactured tinware, harness
and saddlery, boots and shoes, furniture and agricultural implements, $35,600; number
of pounds of freight received 1,078,350; amount paid for freight, $61,136; cash receipts
of hotels $42,657; cash receipts of stage (for passengers and express fares), $50,200;
value of all kinds of improvements on farms, $319,000; value of all farming implements,
$43,295; value of all lumber made and sold, $59,500; gross sales of merchandise,
At this time the Kansas Pacific Railway was completed to Sheridan, 210 miles
from Pueblo, and by 1870 the railroad's distance was lessened to seventy-five miles.
The county then included within its lines two military posts; Fort Lyon, situated near
the mouth of the Las Animas, and Fort Reynolds, at the mouth of the Huerfano.
From the settlement of forty souls in 1867, it has been computed that Pueblo had
in 1868 achieved a population of 150; in 1869 though twice the number was claimed, it
is probable that the population numbered about 400; in 1870 it had grown to 666; in
1872 to 1,500; in 1873 to over 2,000; and in 1874 to about 3.000. A new epoch now
began. From the thus of the overland ox team, we saw the region grow to the dignity
of a daily stage coach, and now the railroad has come over the trail earlier marked out
by Indian and buffalo.
March 22, 1870, the town of Pueblo was incorporated, and George A. Hinsdale,
M ? Bradford, H. C. Thatcher and H. H. Cooper were appointed trustees. The first town election was held in April. A city organization was effected in
May 1873 and at the first city election in the following month, James Rice was
elected mayor, and O. H. P. Baxter and Weldon Keeling, aldermen. Mayor Rice's immediate successors were John R. Lowther. M. D. Thatcher, W. H. Hyde and George Q.
The only communication with the world of civilization up to this time had been by
stage twice a week (later daily) to Denver, and the same to Bent's Fort. At this latter
point connection was made with Barlow and Sanderson's coaches on the main line, from
the end of the Kansas Pacific Railroad (seventy-five miles distant) to Santa Fe, New
Mexico. These coaches were thought lightning conductors, and were drawn by three
mules in front and two at the pole, a "three cornered team."
The drivers on this line sometimes met rough handling from Arapahoe and Cheyenne Indians, and indeed in 1864 for thirty days mails could not be brought overland
from the South or East, and were sent by water via San Francisco. A cheaper method
of travel, but much slower was via the bull teams "which, however, afforded plenty of
opportunity for enjoying the scenery and for the cultivation of patience." In those
days Santa Fe avenue was the only important street in Pueblo between First and
Fourth streets, and here at the "O. K. Restaurant," all the gossip of the community was
exchanged. Here the overland stage brought the incoming "tenderfoot" stranger, and
everybody gathered about him to hear the latest news from the "States;" and the coming and going of the stage coach stirred the town to its very foundations.
Twenty miles distant toward the east, was Fort Reynolds, now known as Booneville,
and it was the custom of the citizens to tender a grand ovation to its officers or soldiers
after their periodical visits to town.
The Denver & Rio Grande Narrow Gauge Railroad was completed from Colorado
Springs and Denver to Pueblo June 28th, 1872, the county subscribing $100,000 in
bonds to the stock of the road. The completion of the road was celebrated by a public
banquet at the recently erected courthouse, at which addresses of congratulation and
prophecy were made by Grace Greenwood, and by prominent men from various parts
of the Territory. The Arkansas Valley branch of the road up the river to the coal
mines in Fremont County was built in November of the same year. From this time
the destiny of the town was no longer problematical, but a brilliant future assured.
The people fully appreciated the benefits to accrue from the birth of modern means of
transportation, for freights had not proven of rapid process. An instance may be
cited of one trainload of merchandise which was over seventy days coming seventy-five
miles, from Sheridan to Pueblo (which is hardly suggestive of Buchanan Read's poem,
"Sheridan's Ride"), and the rates were very high.
The United States Land Office
Judge Wheeler, register, and Mark G. Bradford, receiver was opened in 1871, and in
1873 lands were entered by the homestead act to the extent of 34,227 acres, and 59,730
acres were pre-empted by private entry.
A new jail was erected, Judge Lynch fell into disrepute, and law and order took
precedence in the community. A creditable county courthouse, costing $35,000, was
completed in 1872, costing taxpayers nothing, as it was erected from the sale of lots in
a quarter section of land which had been pre-empted by the county officers, and filed
as a city addition. Handsome churches were built by the Methodists, Episcopalians,
and Presbyterians. The Catholic Church, the last to organize, erected a brick church
in 1873, and in the following year built a school under charge of the sisters. Public
reading rooms were opened in May, 1873, by a public library association, with an
organization corporate under the laws of Colorado, and capital stock of $10,000. A
scholarly opening address was read by the Hon. George A. Hinsdale. Odd Fellows
and Masons, and Good Templars organized societies at about this time, and the Pueblo
Social Club gave regular hops. It was said that though at one time Pueblo was honored by the presence of but two married women, a brilliant dance could be started
within a quarter of an hour almost any day in the year. And although one has read
the Jewish record of David dancing before the ark; of Herodias' daughters dancing in
joy and festivity; of Moses and Miriam dancing to songs of triumph; yet imagination
will not permit the chronicler to say that the enjoyment of these surpassed that of the
Puebloans dancing on the borders of the Muddy at the residences of George Howard
and Dr. R. M. Stevenson. Every week a concert, exhibition, show or circus entertained
or amused the little city. The people, too, took on a literary turn of mind, it would
seem, for the postoffice then distributed 800 magazines or papers daily.
C. E. Gray of Lawrence, Kansas, in 1873 proposed to put in a gas plant provided
he could be guaranteed 150 private consumers, and he received patronage from the
but although his proposition was recommended by the city council, a gas plant was
not erected until several years later.
In early days Pueblo's waterworks were of primitive design an ex whisky barrel
(of which there was no scarcity) filled with the muddy river water, was drawn about
from house to house, by burro or mule, and each settler received his quota in a barrel at
his front door. This was the origin of the water system. It next developed into a
large wooden tank mounted on a wagon whose driver, facetiously dubbed the "Worthy
Chief Templar," was abused whenever a tardy appearance was made of a Monday
June 24th, 1874, was a red letter day in the history of the city of Pueblo, as it witnessed the inauguration of her greatest public enterprise the Holly waterworks for
which the people had voted $130,000. At one o'clock of that day all business houses
were closed and under Masonic ceremonies the corner stone of the waterworks building
was laid, amid rejoicing of the people en masse. The Deputy Grand Master presented
the corn of nourishment after the Grand Master had pronounced the corner stone
"plumb, square and level, well formed, true and trusty" which was sprinkled on the
stone by the Grand Master; the Senior Grand Warden presented the vessel containing
the wine of refreshment, and the Junior Grand Warden handed the vessel with the oil
of joy, both of which were poured over the stone. The Grand Master then extended
his hands and made the invocation: "May the Author of all good bless the inhabitants
of this place with all necessary conveniences and comforts of life, assist in the
erection and completion of this building, protect the workmen from every accident,
long preserve this building from decay, and grant unto us all a bountiful supply of
corn of nourishment, the wine of refreshment, and the oil of joy." The entire system
was erected by the National Building Company of St. Louis, and its success played an
important part in the development of the city. The organization of an efficient fire
department ensued as a matter of course, for the general protection. It consisted of
two hose companies and a hook and ladder company, with W. R. Macomb as chief.
South Pueblo was laid out in November, 1872. It is essentially a city of wage-
workers, and was founded by the Central Colorado Improvement Company, whose officers were prominently connected with the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, and which
was subsequently merged into the Colorado Coal & Iron Company. According to M.
Sheldon of South Pueblo, the railroad company agreed to build a station on the north
side of the river should the county vote the required amount of bonds to help construct
the road. But having an opportunity in 1872 to purchase 48,000 acres of the Nolan
grant, they took the name of the Central Colorado Improvement Company, founded a
town on the south side, and removed the terminus of the railroad to that side. Heretofore the south side contained but one building in this locality, a small log house on
the ranch of Wildeboor Brothers, somewhere in the neighborhood of Clark's Mineral
Spring. Cattle were herded and crops grown where South Pueblo now stands, and
there was an attractive piece of woodland there where picnics were occasionally held
in the summer. The coal mines near Carton City had been opened by the land company in conjunction with the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, and a branch railway
was constructed from Pueblo to these mines, forty miles westward. Seventy-five
thousand dollars was expended in the construction of a canal to water South Pueblo
and to irrigate some 20,000 acres of surrounding lands. Ten thousand ornamental and
shade trees on its streets were irrigated by tiny ditches, and during 1873, the first year
of the new town, $50,000 worth of lots were sold, and buildings erected in the bottoms
aggregating nearly $200,000. The first structures erected in South Pueblo were the
Grand Central Hotel and the building adjoining it on Union avenue. In 1880 about
1,000 acres had been laid out in town lots, with wide streets, well bordered with trees,
and the town had a mayor, a board of aldermen, and a postoffice of its own. The only
thing shared in common by the two cities was the new town illuminating from the gas
works of North Pueblo, which was organized in 1880.
The People's Bank of Pueblo, the first National bank established in Southern
Colorado, began business in April, 1873. Its capital was $100,000, and first president
E. W. Railey; J. L. Lowther, cashier. The original directors were, besides the officers
mentioned, Charles H. Blake, Lewis Conley, J. W. O. Snyder, Mark A. Blunt, and
Judge Wilbur F. Stone.
In the fall of this year the Stock Growers' Bank was organized. Business for this
year may be estimated from the exchange sold by these banks, amounting to $2,300,000.
Pueblo's advance was seriously interrupted by the panic of 1873, but this crisis
passed, its growth was renewed with redoubled vigor. Its growth up to this time had
been sure and steady, but compared with the progress of succeeding years it seems
slow indeed. The health giving climate, mild winters, and the prodigal possibility
its soil were unknown in the East as indeed they were surprises to the settlers themselves.
Immense clay beds were utilized in and about the city, at this period, which made
the bricks used in the majority of new buildings. 5,000,000 bricks were thus produced
in 1873. Of lumber from the Divide and the Muddy, and better qualities brought from
Chicago, over 3,000,000 feet were sold in this year. The county assessment of real
estate of 1873 Pueblo City was $936,000, and out of the city $228,000; while personal property was assessed at $420,448. During this year 206,000 letters and 300,000
papers were received at the postoffice and at the four leading hotels, the Lindell,
Drover's, National and Burt's 13,700 people had registered.
Two excellent private schools were well patronized; the Pueblo Academy, under
the direction of A. B. Patton, and the Colorado Seminary established in 1872 by Miss
Ellen J. Merritt, a boarding and day school principally for young women, where in
addition to the usual curriculum, music, painting and the languages were taught. In
1876 a public school building was erected which at that time had no superior in the
Territory. The district had voted $14,000 for this building which money after being
collected by the trustee, Sam McBride, was embezzled by him, and Sam left the
country and was never heard of again.
The Pueblo ''People," first issued in September, 1871, by George A. Hinsdale (corner of Fourth and Summit streets), was sold in 1874 to the "Chieftain,"' with which
paper it was incorporated. Probably the fact that the "Chieftain" became a daily in
1872 most forcibly illustrates the period of progression upon which the busy city had
now entered.
In 1870 the "Chieftain" was the only paper published in Colorado south of Denver. The office in which it was first published was originally constructed as an
appendix to a lumber yard. It contained two small rooms with bunks around its sides
in which editors, owners and printers rested from the difficult work of running a pioneer
journal. Supplies had to be brought out by ox teams from St. Louis, and more than
once was the stock of white paper exhausted, and the "Chieftain" compelled to come
out on brown manilla wrapping paper, while single copies were sold at fifteen cents.
As stated by the "Chieftain:" "The first room used for amusements and public
gatherings in Pueblo was located in the second story of Thatcher Brothers' building,
on the southeast corner of Santa Fe avenue and Fourth street, on the ground now
occupied by the Bank of Pueblo. The house was constructed of adobes, and the lower
floor was occupied by the above named firms as a storeroom. The upper room, which
covered the whole of the second floor, was at that time empty, and that was where
balls were held and other home amusements took place, and an occasional traveling
fakir of some kind furnished an evening's amusement for a number of people who
seldom were favored with an opportunity to attend a show. The floor of the room was
not very solid, and when a dance was to be held it was propped from below with two by
four scantling in order to render it firmer. The ceiling of the floor below was not plastered, and was thickly hung with tin and sheet iron ware, the merry jingle of which
kept time to the feet of the dancers above.
"The first entertainment of any moment given in this room during the recollection
of the writer was the Masonic ball on St. John's Day, December 24th, 1868. A masquerade ball was given during the same winter, which was quite a society event in
Pueblo. Among the participants were Messrs. Ferd Barndollar, as a wharf rat; M.
Anker, as a colored belle; Dr. Beshoar, as a ' What is it;' Scott Kelly, as an Irishman;
George W. Morgan, as 'Nigger Jones;' R. N. Daniels, as a German peasant; C. J.
Hart, as Don Juan; Dr. P. R. Thombs, as an Austrian officer; Lou Pegg, as a major
general, and a variety of others."
Lewis Conley built the first legitimate amusement edifice in the city in 1869, on
the north side of Seventh street, between Santa Fe avenue and Main street. Conley
Hall was constructed of adobes, and was two stories in height. Afterward it was
known as the Thespian Theater, and still later as Montgomery's Opera House. The
Auditorium was first opened to the public December 27th, by Pueblo Lodge A. F. &
A M. The old Pueblo cornet band, of which Secretary of State Rice was leader
(while Judge Hart, General R. M. Stevenson, Henry Cooper, Eugene Weston and J.
D. Miller tooted horns and clashed cymbals), furnished the music. George M. Chilcott
several years later erected a building containing a public hall, on the corner of Sixth
street and Santa F avenue.
Hon. Bela M. Hughes, who was nominated for governor by the Democracy at their
first State convention, addressed the electors of Pueblo in this hall. When the amendment to the constitution granting the right of suffrage to females was submitted to the
people, and the State was overrun by a swarm of female suffragists from New England
and elsewhere, addresses were delivered in the hall by Lucy Stone Blackwell, Susan B.
Anthony, and others. These meetings were well attended, not because the people of
Pueblo favored female suffrage (they voted it down by a large majority), but because of
their curiosity to see the speakers, and hear a real live woman make a speech.
Emily Faithful held forth upon one occasion in Chilcott's Hall, and was received
with a salute of fire crackers and other evidences of delight on the part of a large and
highly appreciative audience. Miss Faithful, if living, must still remember her flattering reception on the lecture stage in Pueblo, and some of those who formed part
and parcel of her audience will never forget the fun of that evening as long as
they live.
In 1876 an amateur local theatrical company was organized which presented
"Among the Breakers" at the Thespian Theater, which then boasted a gallery and new
stage fittings. J. M. Murphy, T. A. Bradford, H. K. Pinckney, and Att. O'Neill were
prominent members of the cast.
The first public sale of town lots occurred in 1869 of what is known as the county
addition. Lots were sold at $125, which twenty years later were worth $15,000.
Among the fortunate first investors were H. C. Thatcher, Ferd. Barndollar, M. D.
Thatcher, G. A. Hinsdale, Hon. Wilbur F. Stone, G. Bartels, O. H. P. Baxter, Lewis
Conley and others. The sale of their lots April 24th, 1869, brought a little over $4,000,
and the same property in 1890, is estimated as worth over half a million.
The first survey of main Pueblo was of what is now known as "old town," and to
this was joined from time to time various additions as follows: County, Craigs, Blake's,
Bartlett's & Miller's, Thomas & Thatcher's, Barndollar & Lowther's and Shaw's addi-
tions. In the spring of 1874 Hon. G. M. Chilcott laid out an addition.
In 1875-'76 the Pueblo & Arkansas Valley branch of the Atchison, Topeka &
Santa Fe Railroad was completed, giving Pueblo a route to the east, and on the 1st of
March, 1876, was opened for general traffic. Pueblo County subscribed $350,000 to
this road, and its completion was the signal for two days of public rejoicings, and a
monster excursion from Kansas and all points of Colorado.
The "Republican," a daily and weekly paper, appeared in 1874-'75, under direction
of J. M. Murphy. It did not prove over successful, and after a short life, it was purchased by Dr. A. Y. Hull and brother of Missouri, in 1876, who changed its name to fit
its new principles, to the "Democrat." This in time passed into the hands of Judge
Royal, and it later became the "Daily News."
The year 1876 was one of national glory and State pride. The centennial celebration of the independence of the Union was observed in Pueblo with pompous display
and processions. Reverend Brouse delivered an appropriate oration, and Judge Wilbur
F. Stone had an historical sketch of the city which was later embalmed in printer's ink.
Pueblo felt the encouragement of Colorado's admission into the Union of States in this
year, and in 1877, aroused by the gold excitement at Leadville, began anew to assert
herself, and during the next seven years trebled her population.
The Denver & Rio Grande Railroad was the first rejuvenating force, and the next
event of incalculable importance to the city was the development of mineral camps
throughout the mountain regions which stimulated general trade and commercial industries. Pueblo made great strides in these days, brick blocks were erected on both sides
of the river, new industries began, and many more firms engaged in selling and forwarding supplies to Leadville and other camps. Eastern capitalists set the seal of success, and prophesied a grand manufacturing future for the city when Mather and Geist
erected the first smelting works here on the northern bank of the river at the crossing
of the Denver & Rio Grande, and the Arkansas Valley Railroads. Ninety days from
the breaking of ground the furnace was in operation. The one furnace of that day
soon proved a success, and in seven years' time fourteen were in operation. And the
modest plant grew into the immense Pueblo Smelting and Refining Company. By its
success it demonstrated the excellence of this location and the profit to be derived from
the smelting industry when the various materials necessary can be brought together from
surrounding counties so readily and cheaply as at Pueblo. Pueblo became a center for
ores, fuel and limestone; while at this plant but a dozen men were employed originally,
seven years later four hundred were at work. The "boom" now had begun, and a
thousand business men and capitalists realized that Pueblo had become, in a moment,
the Rocky Mountain Pittsburg.
Another great factor in Pueblo's activity was the consolidation in 1879 of the Colorado Improvement Company and other companies having similar aims, and the
formation of the Colorado Coal and Iron Company, with general offices in South
Pueblo. This company in 1881 erected immense iron and steel works at Bessemer,
which since has become a thriving town, and practically a part of the Pueblos. It is
situated on a large tract of mesa land about a mile south of the Union depot. A town
site was laid out here on the Rio Grande track, and numerous side tracks were put
in. A large number of cottages were built as homes for workmen, and tall blast
chimneys signaled the converting of rails and of nails. The history of this company,
the richest in Colorado, is given in following pages.
In 1880 the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad had linked Leadville with Pueblo,
Colorado's greatest railroad war was ended, and the prizes of the mountains could be
brought direct to Pueblo for treatment all the way down grade where coal could be
had as low as fifty cents per ton, and cheaper than at any known place in the world.
The Pueblo Street Railroad, with William Moore president, was constructed in this
year, connecting the three towns, and prepared to extend its lines in all directions, as
required by the now growing necessities for quicker transit. The Union Gas Company
began a plant which should illuminate both Pueblo and South Pueblo, and this latter
city had already become the foremost manufacturing city of Colorado and of the Rocky
Mountain region.
The general assembly of 1879-'8o authorized the founding of an asylum for the
insane at Pueblo, and made an appropriation for the purchase of land, and for a
suitable building. Under this act, James McDonald, Theodore F. Braun and J. B.
Romero were appointed commissioners by the governor. They purchased the residence
of Hon. George M. Chilcott, a short distance west of town, and remodeled it. McDonald
resigned from the board soon afterward, and was succeeded by R. M. Stevenson,
of the "Chieftain," who in turn resigned and O. H. P. Baxter was appointed.
The asylum was completed and opened for the reception of patients in October, 1879,
with accommodations for forty. It was soon literally crowded with unfortunates, bereft
of reasoning. In 188o-'81 another appropriation of $60,000 was made for enlargement by
the erection of another building. Waterworks were built on the south side, and the
city was supplied with telephone connections.
In the spring of 1882 the Denver & New Orleans Railroad was completed to
Pueblo and its line in operation, and a little later the Denver & Rio Grande Western
had extended its track to Salt Lake City, giving Pueblo a through route to the Pacific.
The Ladies Benevolent Union and the Sisters of Charity each had well arranged hospitals, and another similar establishment was conducted under the direction of the Bessemer Steel Works.
The Grand Hotel, four stories in height, and with a frontage of 130 feet on Santa
Fe avenue, and a depth of 120 feet on Eighth street, costing $175,000, was erected in
1882-'83. Within its well arranged interior are to be found extensive halls and refectory, large rotunda with fountain in play, and over a hundred handsomely furnished
apartments. At this time two large flouring mills were in constant operation, and
Pueblo possessed one daily and four weekly newspapers; foundries and machine shops;
six printing offices; sixteen real estate offices; six banks; six dry goods stores; thirty-five
retail and three wholesale grocers; a cracker factory; seven wholesale liquor dealers;
four lumber yards; a soap factory; six blacksmith shops; two agricultural implement
factories; four commission houses; thirty-five law firms; twenty-six physicians, etc.
The assessed valuation of Pueblo County in 1882 gives a fair idea as to the extent and
resources of business in this year: Improvements of land, railroad property, $1,100,000;
city real estate, $1,818,301; amount of capital in merchandise, $785,000; valuation of
farming land, $441,977. Total value of all property in the county, $7,066,720, of which
nearly two-thirds is in the Pueblos. The directors of the board of trade of the Pueblos
have, however, estimated property for the year 1883, in the county at actual valuation,
as follows: Improvements of land, railroad property, $5,500,000; improvements of land,
city real estate, $5,000,000; number of cattle, 39,000; valuation of cattle, $500,000;
amount of money and credits, $650,000; amount of capital in manufactures, $2,000,000;
amount of capital in merchandise, $2,000,000; valuation of household goods, $500,000;
total value of all property in the county, $20,000,000; property in Pueblo, $6,000,000;
property in South Pueblo, $4,500,000; county outside, $9,500,000.
Hon. Wm. D. Kelly of Pennsylvania, whose views on pig iron and its products
received throughout America the most respectful consideration, delivered an address in
Pueblo August 16th, 1882, full of prophecy which later years have vindicated. From
this address we make the following extracts:
"It was the discovery of the precious metals which first attracted settlers across
the desert places to Cherry Creek; but it was the useful metals that summoned to
Pueblo the brawny men who did me the honor to escort me to this hall, and who constructed yonder admirably equipped steel works, which will in a little while be pointed
to as the initial institution in Colorado's great industrial center. The plains, now
intersected by a number of railroads, are no longer sterile, and Colorado's agricultural
resources will bring the plow, the loom and the anvil into operation in closest proximity.
"There are three causes which create great and enduring States. First, the possession of immense masses of the precious metals. This it was that called together, as
if by magic, the people of California and Australia, and of Colorado, when it was
announced that there was gold at the foot of Pike's Peak. Another, that part of the
State and some of the cities shall lie on a great line of inter-State travel, and furnish
points for the exchange of commodities; or, in plain language, have facilities for the
establishment of commercial centers. Your State has the precious metals, and is
already traversed by great through lines of travel.
"My third proposition was that the possession of materials for iron and steel, and
adequate fuel and fluxes for working them, would give prominence and prosperity to a
State. These elements of greatness and wealth I declare unhesitatingly to exist in a
greater degree and in closer proximity in Colorado than I have found them at any
point I have visited in this country or Great Britain."
And two days later at Leadville, Mr. Kelly publicly stated: "The production of
iron and steel, and the establishment of every branch of industry dependent upon the
production of these metals, may be established more advantageously at Pueblo than
at any other place I know of on the face of the globe."
August 28th, 1883, the Colorado Smelting Company began active operations in its
works, situated about a mile south of the city, at Bessemer, and have since been in con-
tinuous operation night and day. General N. H. Davis was president of this company;
Dr. R. W. Raymond, vice-president; H. C. Cooper, secretary, and Walter S. Gurner,
treasurer. At the beginning the pay roll numbered over one hundred men, and its salaries exceeded $100,000.
The position of the Pueblos in their relations to mines and metals and coal and
markets was now becoming understood. The formations in which the Arkansas had
furrowed its bed belong to the cretaceous epoch and are divided into several strata of
sedimentary deposits, such as limestones, sandstones, clays, slates, coal, iron, etc. The
limestones and the fine grained sandstones already were being shipped to the south and
east, and the Leadville smelters were using the limestones and fluxes of Pueblo County.
One mile below Pueblo, gypsum was found intermixed with clay, making a good
fertilizer, and in the foothills a purer gypsum was found suitable for building purposes.
Numerous mineral springs, some saline, some chalybeate and others sulphurous, have
been developed. Along the valley, at Carlisle and at Rockvale and Coal Creek, thick
beds of coal were mined and mineral oil wells yield enormously. Toward the south
and southwest the Greenhorn Mountains are found to be formed of azoic rocks, granite,
gneiss, full of porphyritic dykes, accompanied by mineral veins rich in copper ores.
Near to the head of the St. Charles, and between the Greenhorn and Red Creek, a
conglomerate is found which consists of pebbles of quartz and obliterated crystals of
feldspar, cemented together by red clay; this formation has a great thickness, and dips
at an angle of twenty-two degrees. Intermixed with it are found dykes of trap,
accompanied by small mineral veins carrying galena, with a few disseminated crystals
of copper and nickel sulphurets. Ten miles west of Red Creek we encounter an
entirely different formation, of which the origin is due to glacial action, and there we
find huge masses of rocks, polished, rounded, striated, some formed of mineral vein
matter, some of porphyry, gneiss, granite, etc., showing the different formations that
have been disintegrated and carried away by the powerful action of ice.
Hardscrabble Creek springs out of this formation, and farther down flows through
a canyon showing on both sides sandstone strata dipping at an angle of sixty to seventy
degrees. The sand deposits along the creek contain some gold colors. Passing over
the crest of the range, and descending the western slope, we reach the towns of Rosita
and Silver Cliff. These two localities present the most extraordinary mineral formations. In Rosita, true fissure veins of galeniferous quartzite, inclosed in trachytic
porphyry, while on the northwest they are located in sedimentary rocks. Strata and
beds of clay impregnated with chloride of silver are another striking feature, and
belong to a sedimentary deposit, of which the dip varies from thirty to forty-five
One mile from Rosita, and on the southern slope of a hill covered with quartzite
debris, are masses of round silicious concretions, from the size of a nut to that of a
human head, scattered about with profusion. It is easy to recognize the results of the
action of silicious waters, formerly existing here, results analogous to the deposits and
incrustations observed in the silicious geysers of Montana and Idaho.
A little farther south is found the head of the Muddy, springing out of broken and
disjointed sandstones, showing in some places well defined dykes of volcanic trachytic
matter, and also some porphyry veins. At the head of the Muddy, and going toward
the Cuerno Verde peak, we meet a syenitic granite that covers all the foothills. This
formation incloses several dykes of porphyry and iron ore.
The Cuerno Verde peak itself presents a series of curious geological formations,
beginning at the base with sandstone, followed by metamorphic granite, the upper part
of the peak being capped by volcanic masses. The whole mountain is a network of
veins of quartz carrying mineral, shown by well defined outcroppings. Fifteen miles
south, and after crossing the Huerfano River, the sandstones and conglomerates are
again met with, and the hills are covered with boulders of granite, trachyte and basalt,
until Gardner is reached. There, taking a western course, at a distance of four miles
we find several steep and denuded peaks, known as Sheep Mountains, formed by a rhyolite rich in quartz. Half a mile south of Gardner
stands a butte of trachyte, finely grained, embedding crystals of hornblende. In all the
creeks running from these gulches and feeding the Huerfano River, gold has been
found, and it is a surprise to all today to see our miners and prospectors going far
away seeking for new fields of exploration, when they have so near immense treasures
lying dormant.
The Spanish Peaks, seen in the southern horizon, are located nine miles southeast
of the thriving town of La Veta, and promise to become one of the most important
mining camps south of the Divide.
The main body of these peaks is a porphyritic trachyte emerging from the upper
carboniferous formation, and cut by dykes radiating from the center of eruption toward
the plains, and accompanied by a contact matter carrying galena, sulphurets and the
precious metals.
As can be seen by this short description of the natural basin in the middle of
which the Pueblos are located, at its very doors are mines of gold, silver, lead, iron and
copper; beds of coal, limestones, sandstones, clays, gypsum, springs of mineral waters,
artesian wells, petroleum, without saying anything of the surface formation of the plain,
which is but a vast placer.
The products of all these mines come down from the mountains and the railroad
hauling charges are therefore not excessive. Summit, Lake, Pitkin, Gunnison, Chaffee
and Saguache Counties send their carbonated and sulphuretted ores, both carrying gold
and silver, to Pueblo through the Grand Canon of the Arkansas; and in return cars
receive coal and fluxes to work their low grade minerals. Ores, too, are brought from
the eastern districts of Utah for treatment and sale. And all the southwestern counties
rich in precious metals are closely linked by the Rio Grande tracks to this city of
smelters and samplers.
In 1883 the metallurgical works of the Pueblos, included the Pueblo Smelting and
Refining Company of Mather & Geist, the Eilers Smelter, the Rose & Reed Sampling
Works, and the Colorado Coal & Iron Company institutions second to none in the
country, models of order, method, and of the most improved working facilities. And to
quote again from the Board of Trade pamphlet:
''The copper strikes in Southern Colorado, along the foothills and in the Sangre
de Cristo, will soon compel us to add to our list of metallurgical establishments large
copper works. In fact, here in Pueblo we receive more copper ores than lead ores, and
in a few months our supply will be such that we will leave Lake Superior far behind, as
we have already beaten Nevada, California, and are forging ahead of Old Mexico, in
the race for the silver leadership."
Pueblo is situated in the midst of the largest and best coal region west of the Missouri River. Anthracite in abundance is found at Crested Butte, 160 miles West;
while the bituminous coals, for coking fuel and steam purposes, are within from thirty
to eighty miles in all directions except to the eastward, and coal for steam purposes is
delivered in Pueblo for from fifty cents to a dollar and a quarter per ton, and the counties adjoining Pueblo are the largest producers of coal in Colorado. The lime for flux
is procured three miles from town, and costs only one dollar per ton. In addition to
the Pueblo Smelting and Refining Works, established in 1880, and the Colorado Smelting Works established in 1883, a third smelter of the precious metals, the Philadelphia Works, were erected in 1888 through the influence of Mr. E. R. Holden of
Pueblo, and M. Guggenheim of Philadelphia. These in the aggregate have (in 1890)
twenty-four blast furnaces and a capacity for treating 1,050 tons daily.
The smelters in Pueblo now require the services of about 1,200 men when the
works are running full, and the pay rolls amount to over $85,000 monthly. During
1889 the Pueblo Company put in copper reduction works at an expense of $225,000,
giving Pueblo the first plant of the kind west of the Mississippi River. These works
produce refined copper equal to that of Lake Superior, and the company also manufactures lead pipe and bar lead.
The value of the output at the average prices of the various metals named would
be over $6,200,000.
Jay Gould once said of Pueblo "It holds the key to the railroad situation in the
West," and soon afterward (December, 1887), in a practical manner he asserted the force
of his saying by making Pueblo the terminal of the Missouri Pacific Railway, thus giving
? and Kansas City direct connection with Pueblo. In this year the Denver, Texas
Fort Worth Railroad gave Pueblo direct access to Texas and the Gulf.
The mercantile part of the community, while admitting the vast benefits of the iron
and coal, and steel and gold and silver industries of the Pueblos, also began a great
progressive movement, and claimed credit in the building up of the metropolis of
Southern Colorado. As railroads extended branches into the surrounding camps and
wholesale houses began to multiply here which were able to compete with the
longer established houses of Denver and Kansas City.
Pueblo, though one in practical force, really consisted of two cities divided by the
Arkansas, each with its own waterworks and civic institutions. From some reclaimed
land in the old river bed a new tract known as Central Pueblo was laid out about 1883,
and for a number of years there were three mayors and three boards of aldermen in
Pueblo. Finally the citizens realized the disadvantages of this factional situation, and
by a popular majority the city of Pueblo was organized, in 1886, by the unification of
the three towns of Pueblo, South Pueblo and Central Pueblo. Following this important
event, a better and consolidated sentiment and vigor have induced a wonderful progress
and growth. New coal fields were developed; new irrigating canals made immense
valleys fertile; new manufacturing industries were established; artificial lakes built;
avenues improved; and a general building up of permanent forces ensued. The municipal affairs of the city are now directed (1890) by Mayor Charles Henkel and a board
of fourteen aldermen, and all the city officers are salaried. At the time of the city's
consolidation the property of the former town of South Pueblo was sold, and all its debts paid.
The property of the former town of Pueblo valuable real estate, city hall, hose
houses and the Holly Waterworks' system is managed by its aldermen as trustees.
Fire limits are now established, and during the past four years excellent bridges
have been built, substantial levees, many miles of water and sewer pipe laid, streets
leveled and graded, and a fine city hall erected. A commensurate police force under
direction of a marshal insures peace and order. The fire department is efficient, and
owns a telephone alarm as well as the Gamewell fire alarm system. The city is lighted
by gas and arc electric lights. Telephonic communication is held as far north as Denver, and also to Carton City and Leadville.
The Pueblo "Chieftain" owns the exclusive franchise of the Associated Press, and
there are two evening papers, the "Press" and the "Star," the latter recently
founded. The "Press" was established in 1885, and its manager and editor is Mr.
W. I. Mc Kinney. The Germans publish a weekly paper, the "Frei Presse." "The
Iron Hand," as its name suggests, is published at Bessemer. Of recent origin is the
Colorado "Ore and Metal Review." Other papers here published are the Colorado
"Workman," Pueblo "Democrat," "Sunday Opinion," and the "Live Stock Review."
The original town site of Pueblo, one hundred and twenty miles south of Denver,
and at an elevation of 4,667 feet above sea level, along the north bank of the Arkansas
River, was laid out with the compass, having avenues eighty feet wide, running north
and south, and streets of the same width, designated by numbers, running east and west. The area between the present corporate limits is an irregular tract three miles north
and south, and two and one-half miles east and west. North of the river the land rises
gradually, interrupted by the Fountain, running due south. On the higher grounds on
either side of this river are situated many handsome residences. Beautiful suburban
additions have been laid out, extending northward, and to the east over an area of about
three miles square, have been platted without the city on every side. South Pueblo on
the bottom lands south of the Arkansas and on the mesa back of the river, is laid out in
streets of eighty feet width, paralleled to the river and bluffs, and are designated by
letters. These bottom lands are occupied by business houses, railroad yards, ware-
houses and factories. A viaduct leads to the mesa, sixty feet above these bottom lands,
which is a favorite residence tract of the city. Fronting on the bluffs is Corona Park,
laid out in irregular blocks and with serpentine avenues. Separated from this park by
a boulevard 150 feet in width shaded by double rows of trees on either side, the balance
of the mesa offers handsome home sites. Back from this tableland is a second and
higher plateau upon which is situated the town of Bessemer, where are located
two smelters and the steel works, smaller factories, shops and the homes of the employees. The town of Bessemer, born of the Colorado Coal & Iron Company, was
incorporated in April, 1885, and its first mayor was J. S. Stewart, who was succeeded by
the present incumbent, Mr. James K. Dempsey. The population of Bessemer, as given
by the census of 1890, is 3,681 souls.
The same enumeration gives Pueblo a population of 28,500, giving this city the
second rank in the State the place occupied by the county which contains about
34,000 souls.
Union and Santa Fe are Pueblo's chief retail business avenues; the depots arc near the river, and street cars traverse the main residence and business sections of the
city. Old Pueblo is handsomely laid out with an abundance of water and ornamental
and shade trees.
In 1888 the first really metropolitan business blocks were erected in Pueblo, and
the epoch of four and five storied structures, with passenger elevators, was inaugurated.
In 1890, the magnificent Central Block and the Swift Block were built, costing
respectively $200,000 and $80,000. The Wells-Chilcott Block, costing about $50,000,
and several other handsome buildings costing from $20,000 to $75,000, have been
erected during the past two years, giving evidence of the faith of the citizens in their
bustling home.
The Arkansas River supplies Pueblo with water. That part of the city north of
the river is the owner of public waterworks, the capacity of which is 10,000,000 gallons
per day. That part of the city south of the river is supplied by the South Pueblo Water
Company, whose works have a capacity of 4,000,000 per day. It is estimated that there
are eighty miles of mains laid in Pueblo and Bessemer. The works are upon the Holly
The North waterworks property in 1889 was valued at $200,000, and its bonded
indebtedness was $120,000, bearing interest at 7 per cent. In that year both systems
were greatly improved and enlarged by the building of reservoirs and ditches, and the
purchase of new pumping machinery. Three artesian wells in Pueblo, the Clark,
Fariss and Mineral Park, and one Bessemer sunk about 1,100 feet each, yield copiously.
From the Bessemer well, pure artesian water is delivered to citizens for drinking purposes, at a charge of about five cents per gallon. The medicinal properties of the
Pueblo wells are valuable, containing iron, magnesia, potassium, bromides and chlorides.
The Bessemer well flows pure water without mineral ingredients.
In addition to the beautiful parks in the city proper, and broad and long driveways,
the Puebloans have charming recreation grounds at Lake Minnequa, a short drive
south of the city, and prospectively at Fountain Lake in the opposite direction. Lake
Minnequa, of natural origin, covers nearly three hundred acres in area, and is situated
on an immense table land, and surrounded by shade trees. A driveway encircles the
lake; on its bosom are row boats and a steam launch, and on its shores a dancing
pavilion. The street cars reach this resort, and a thousand shade trees embower the
lake and the bordering hotel, while from its surrounding driveways and walks on its
shores fine mountain and valley views are obtained. Along the river the soil is alluvial,
the slopes a black shale, and on the tablelands is found a fertile, gravelly and sandy
soil. Ditches irrigate the long lines of trees on the residence avenues, and there is an
abundance of water for irrigation purposes which makes beautiful lawns possible everywhere. The noted sanitary engineer, George E. Waring, Jr., prepared the city's plan of
drainage and mains, and laterals have been placed according to his design wherever
demanded. The streets are not as yet paved. A paid fire department was organized
in 1889. And now the Arkansas River at Pueblo is spanned by four fine iron bridges,
built by the city, as well as by one of wood, and a monstrous iron viaduct and bridge. Besides these, the river is crossed by three railroad bridges built by the
Denver & Rio Grande, the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe and the Missouri Pacific
Companies. Across the Fountain the city has erected two iron bridges and an iron
viaduct and bridge combined. The Denver, Texas- Fort Worth crosses the Fountain
with two railroad bridges, and the Santa Fe Company with one.
The State ditch which is being built by convict labor, through the efforts of Mr. C. ?mall before the Board of Trade Association, is now aided by various private
county subscriptions which are returned in water rights. A survey of the ditch's proposed course has been made from Carton City to Pinon on the Fountain (twelve miles
from Pueblo), thence crossing the Fountain to Burk Hill and to Chico. This new
great canal will add greatly to the fertility of Pueblo's surrounding country.
The business area of the city comprises over fifty squares, and to solidify the business center the "Pueblo Board of Trade Association" in 1889 decided to erect a Chamber of Commerce building in the middle of this district. In 1869 was organized the
"Board of Trade of Southern Colorado," M. D. Thatcher, president, and George A.
Hinsdale, vice-president. A second board was organized in 1873, with James Rice as
president, and Wilbur F. Stone vice-president, and it is probable this organization was
instrumental in extending the Santa Fe Road to Pueblo. Neither of these boards was
incorporated, but in 1884 "The Board of Trade of the Pueblos" was incorporated "for
the general promotion of trade in said cities," and its successive presidents were: Alva
Adams (two years), Charles Henkel, W. A. L. Cooper, Josiah Hughes and Irving W.
Stanton. This board encouraged the location here of the Colorado Smelter and the
Pueblo extension of the Missouri Pacific Railroad. In 1888 the board was reorganized
as a stock company with capital of $50,000, and the name adopted "The Pueblo Board
of Trade Association." Its presidents in succession have been John D. Miller and D.
L. Holden, the present incumbent being Andrew McClelland. It is composed of 242
members, owns a building site valued at $50,000, and has just erected a handsome four
story stone building costing nearly $100,000.
The church organizations have multiplied in proportion with the general growth,
and they enliven the social as well as the moral life of the Puebloans. Harmony
among the various sects is effected by a system of Protestant weekly meetings.
Washington in his farewell address said, "Of all the dispositions and habits which
lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports," and
Pueblo, at least so far as public sanctuaries is concerned, presents a promising outlook,
according to this sentiment.
The Pueblo Club is the leading social organization, and was founded in 1886. It
has recently given up its old quarters over the Stock Growers' Bank to enjoy more
spacious rooms, which have been handsomely furnished in the new Grand Opera House
Block. Its membership, now about one hundred strong, embraces many of the most
prominent citizens. The president is J. A. Joy; vice-president, Samuel H. Abbey,
secretary, Captain J. J. Lambert; treasurer, A. J. McQuaid. In the directory we find,
O. H. P. Baxter, M. D. Crow, J. A. Joy, J. D. Henry, W. B. Hamilton, R. F. Lytle;
W. H. McDonald, T. T. Player, H. S. VanKewren, N. B. Wescott, W. W. Palmer,
Robert Gibson and S. A. Abbey.
The society of Elks in Pueblo numbers about one hundred and twenty-five
members. Dr. R. H. Dunn is "Exalted Ruler," and Frank Spratlin secretary. Within
this society is the Elk Club, sixty strong, with D. L. Holden president and Franklin, secretary. The Elk Club now occupies the rooms over the Stock Growers'
Bank, formerly owned by the Pueblo Club.
The G. A. R. is represented here by D L. Holden and R. H. Dunn, who are,
actively, commander and assistant adjutant-general for the department of Colorado
and Wyoming.
The public schools of Pueblo, including Bessemer, on the 1st of January, 1890,
numbered ten, the school property was valued at $235,000, and the average attendance
of pupils was 1,595, while the children of school age in the district numbered 2,901.
Seven new schoolhouses were built in the county in 1889, numbering a total of forty-? nearly all of these are supplied with suitable apparatus. The county's school
enrollment is 3,010, and eighty-five teachers are employed. The schools of South
Pueblo are most prosperous.
In the fall of 1888 the Southern Methodist College had erected one wing of its
proposed institution on the mesa. Its property is valued at $35,000, and under a corps
of seven professors began its career with sixty-nine students.
The Loretto Academy established in 1876 on Tenth and Elizabeth streets, is excellently conducted by the Sisters of Loretto. It occupies a three storied brick structure.
The property is valued at $50,000. One hundred and ten girls and young women are in
attendance. St. Patrick's Catholic school was established in connection with St. Patrick's
church built on the mesa, and under direction of the Sisters of Charity. Its property
is valued at $50,000. Their four teachers instruct one hundred and ninety pupils.
Recently established is Pueblo's Business College, which enrolls over one hundred pupils. Public schools are now in course of erection and during the past year $191,000
in bonds were voted by the people for new buildings, and improvements.
The Young Men's Christian Association of Pueblo was formed in February, 1889,
as the result of a movement instituted by the city churches, and directed by Mr. Stanley
of the Denver Association. Mr. O. H. P. Baxter provided the society with temporary
quarters at the corner of Fourth and Main streets. Mr. Rankin is the secretary, who,
with Mr. W. I. Graham, one of the directors, directs the affairs of the association. Permanent headquarters were secured in July, 1889, in the second and third floors of the
new building at the corner of D street and Union avenue. In the year and a half of
existence the association has increased its membership from 150 to 375.
The State Asylum for the Insane was established in 1879, and its earlier history is
given in foregoing pages. The large Chilcott edifice first occupied by this institution,
became too limited for its requirements in a few years, and the State erected two hand-
some additional structures. More room becoming necessary, additional accommodations
were secured in 1889, and during the past year more than two hundred patients were
constantly treated in the asylum, while those cured and discharged amounted to fifty
per cent, of those admitted. Dr. P. R. Thombs, who has been its superintendent from
the beginning, has earned an enviable reputation throughout the West for his humanitarian and successful directorate. The present board of commissioners are Dr. A. Y. Hull of Pueblo, Jose B. Romero of Conejos, and Dr. L. E. Lemen of Denver.
The State Fair Association was incorporated in November, 1886, and fifty acres of
ground on the mesa near Mineral Park were purchased for $3,000, and $5,000 was
expended in improvements, the first fair being held in the fall of 1887. However, a
successful race meeting was held here in May of that year. In 1888 a fair was held,
but proved a financial failure, but the exhibition of 1889 was in every way successful,
and many improvements had been made. In January, 1890, the association sold its
grounds alone at an advance of $45,000, and a little later located upon 100 acres near
Lake Minnequa, south of the city, at $300 per acre, where a mile race track was made
costing $8,000, and a successful race meeting was held here in May of the present year.
The officers of the Pueblo Racing Association are W. W. Palmer, president; A. T.
Stewart, vice-president; W. J. Barndollar, treasurer, and J. K. Shireman, secretary.
The State Fair, with its exposition building and agricultural, horticultural and machinery halls, and arrangements for the care of horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry, etc.,
is a complete institution. The present officers are A. McClelland, president; J. A.
Wayland, vice-president; W. A. Moses, treasurer, and J. K. Shireman, secretary.
At the current epoch five trunk lines run into Pueblo. We have already chronicled
the coming of the Denver & Rio Grande; the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe; the
Denver, Texas & Fort Worth (absorbed by the Union Pacific); the Missouri Pacific.
And the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific began running its trains into Pueblo in 1889.
A magnificent Union depot of fine red sandstone has been erected during the past year,
and cost, including changes of track, about $400,000. During 1889 forty-two passenger
trains ran in and out of Pueblo daily, and 60,000 tickets were sold aggregating $400,000,
while 120,000 pieces of baggage were handled; 30,000 car loads of freight were received
by the various lines in Pueblo during the year past, and 4,000 carloads were exported
by the manufacturers and wholesale merchants.
The Pueblo Union Stock Yards were opened for business in June, 1889. These
are located south of the city, and have facilities for handling 12,000 head of live stock.
All the railroad lines centering at Pueblo run tracks into the yards, and nearly 175,000
head of animals were received here during the past year.
The city has two electric light companies, the older one of which was organized in
1880 as a gas company, but in 1887 an electric light plant was put in and the company
was reorganized as the Pueblo Gas & Electric Light Company. Its capital stock is
$300,000, and the works are valued at about this figure. The company is at present
running 1,400 sixteen-candle power incandescent lights, and 299 2,000-candle power
Thomson-Houston arc lights. Improvements which will cost upward of $5,000 are
now in progress at the works. The officers are: O. H. P. Baxter, president ; C. E.
Gast, vice-president; J. A. Thatcher, treasurer; L. M. Hovey, secretary, and D. E. McCartney, superintendent. It now employs twenty-eight men, and has a pay roll of
$1,800 a month.
The Pueblo Light, Heat & Power Company was organized in 1888, and has a paid
up capital of $100,000. It runs the Schuyler system of arc lights and the Westinghouse
system of incandescent lights. Its equipment consists of four 35-arc light dynamos;
four 650-light incandescent dynamos; six boilers aggregating 560-horse power, and six
engines aggregating horse power. This company is prepared to furnish electric
power for mechanical purposes, and is now engaged in the work of doubling the capacity
of its plant at an expense of twenty-five thousand dollars. Fourteen men are employed, and the running expenses are twelve hundred dollars
per month. The officers are: J. D. Miller, president; J. H. Bennett, vice-president;
J. O. Albert, secretary and treasurer, and Charles M. Davis, superintendent.
The Pueblo postoffice during the year 1889 received from sales of stamps, box rent,
etc., over $36,000. It employed nine regular carriers who delivered over 1,600,000
letters, cards and newspapers, while the general delivery distributed over 1, 800,000
letters, circulars, packages, papers, etc. The postoffice during the year yielded a net
profit to the government of nearly $20,000.
The Pueblo Street Railway Company was reorganized in 1889, and became the
Pueblo City Railway Company, capitalized at half a million dollars, one-half of which
paid in. James B. Orman is president, and Mr. J. F. Vail secretary. The city
granted this company franchises for constructing and operating an electric railway
along the principal streets, and over twenty miles of the electric line were constructed
during 1890, where thirteen miles of horse cars were operated previously, which are
continued where not supplanted by electric cars. The electric cars began running in
the summer of 1890, and one can now go in a few minutes from Twenty-ninth street on
the north to Lake Minnequa and Bessemer on the south. The added rapid transit facilities have added wonderfully to the activity and extension of the city, promoting home
building, noticeably. The number of buildings erected and in course of construction
in the past year was over 1,250, and their cost approximated 4,000,000. During the
past two years innumerable additions and subdivisions have been filed and the country
on either side is platted. During 1889 nearly sixty plats were filed by the city clerk.
The real estate transfers were enormous. During this period 7,853 instruments were
filed, the consideration being $11,207,438.
The Western Union Telegraph Company has two business offices at Pueblo, and
for the past year its home receipts were over $18,000, and it received about 40,000
messages sending a like number in this period. The Postal Telegraph Company
opened its offices in Pueblo in the summer of the current year (1890).
If the history of prominent banking institutions is the history of prosperous and
progressive countries, Pueblo may proudly speak of the record of her fiduciary
January 1st, 1890, Pueblo had five National banks, the First National established
in 1871, the Stockgrowers' National organized in 1873, the Western National established in 1881, the Central National organized in the same year, and the American
National established in October, 1889. The Pueblo Savings' Bank began business in
January, 1890. There are three private banks. The banking business of the city it will be seen, is large for the city's size. Many
circumstances combine to make this so. The city is the financial center for Southern
Colorado, which is rapidly settling up with a thrifty class of farmers, whose diligence
creates business. Mining and ditch ventures requiring heavy capitalization and large
disbursements, originate here. Sampling and ore buying, and dealings in bullion, provide field enough for one good bank themselves. The many building improvements
and projects incident to a rapidly developing city and the remarkably active
real estate market, the county's disbursements, the government land office, the
smelters and several conspicuously large manufacturing concerns, all contribute to
augment deposits, loans and banking transactions generally.
The First National Bank, perhaps the strongest, as it is the oldest of Pueblo's
banks was organized under the United States banking system in 1871, with a capital of
$50,000, under the same management as at the present time, and since its inception
this bank has been a very important factor in the industrial and commercial progress of
the city, and it now has the resources and patronage to be expected from so long a
service. Its capital was increased about 1883, to $100,000, and now to $200,000, and
the bank has accumulated a surplus besides of $300,000. The president is Mr. M. D.
Thatcher, one of the most substantial men in Colorado, a very large real estate and
land owner, a principal in many of the largest concerns in the city, smelting, irrigation,
electric light, and other ventures, and a man rated, as to his possessions, in the millions.
His private residence is the handsomest in Pueblo, and cost nearly $100,000. The
vice-president, Mr. John A. Thatcher, is his brother, also of prominent position and
enterprise. The cashier is Mr. Robert F. Lytle.
The Stockgrowers National Bank was established as a private bank in 1873 by Goodnight, Cresswell & Co., prominent stockmen of Colorado. In the following year
Reynolds, Lamborn & Company became its owners. It was incorporated as a National
bank in 1876, with C. ? Lamborn as president and Jefferson Reynolds, cashier. Its
capital now is $100,000, and surplus $50,000, with total resources of nearly half a
million. Since its nationalization $150,000 in dividends have been paid to stockholders.
The officers and directors of the Stockgrowers Bank are representative men of Pueblo
and the State. George H. Hobson, president, came to Colorado from Missouri in 1869,
and was then engaged in the Texas cattle trade. Shortly afterward he founded a
general merchandising establishment. He was county clerk and recorder in Pueblo for
two terms, and prominently interested in real estate and cattle, interests in which he
still retains large investments Mr. Hobson has been notably successful in mining
investments at Ouray. He was vice-president of this bank for six years before becoming
president Mr. J. D. Miller, for many years a prominent grocer in Pueblo, has been a
resident of the city for twenty years. Mr. A. V. Bradford has spent all of his life,
primarily in Colorado, and has had banking experiences in Ouray, ten years with the
First National Bank of Pueblo, and has been cashier of the Stockgrowers for about
eight years. The officers, together with Mr. M. A. Rhodes, make up the directory.
The Western National Bank was incorporated in August, 1881, with a capital of
$50,000. W. L. Graham was elected president, and Mr. C. B. McVay, cashier. At this
current epoch, its capital is $50,000, with a surplus of $115,000. Mr. Graham still
remains at the head of the institution and is largely interested in important concerns in
the city. George A. Newton of the Newton Lumber Company, Ex-Governor Alva
Adams, Mr. J. W. Gilluly Treasurer of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, Mr. N. B.
Wescott and Mr. Graham are directors. The cashier, Mr. Charles E. Saxton, has an
honorable record of many years' service in banking circles.
The Central National Bank was originally organized as the South Pueblo National
Bank in August, 1881, with a capital of $50,000. Its original directors were Mr. H. L.
Holden, president ; Mr. D. L. Holden. cashier; James N. Carlisle, Marcellus Sheldon,
James B. Orman, William Moore, Garrett Lankford and William W. Taylor. When
South Pueblo became incorporated with Pueblo, the bank's name was changed,
February 9th, 1889, and Mr. D. L. Holden, who had been cashier up to this time, was
elected president, succeeding Marcellus Sheldon, who had held the office for three years.
Mr. A. Royal is vice-president ; C. A. Hammond, cashier and N. L. Holden Jr., assistant
cashier. The directory includes Mr. D. L. Holden, Mr. C. A. Hammond, George Salisbury, A. Royal and Mrs. J. K. Moore. Mr. D. L. Holden was first mayor of Pueblo
after its consolidation; he is also an ex-president and director of the Pueblo Board of
Trade. The vice-president was also mayor of the city. Both Mr. Holden and Mr.
Royal are prominent in the G. A. R.
The American National Bank was established during the past year with capital and
surplus of $250,000. O. H. P. Baxter, a resident for twenty years, and a man identified
with very many of the largest business enterprises of the city, developmental, financial
and mechanical, is its president. Chas. E. Gast, for eighteen years a practicing attorney
here, and one of more than mere local reputation, is vice-president ; Robert Gibson, of
the Downen & Gibson Investment Co., cashier, and S. F. Crawford, who resigned
the position of cashier of the Commercial Bank of Wheeling, West Virginia, to come
here for the purpose, has accepted the appointment of assistant cashier.
The directors are the following substantial business men of Pueblo: Chas. Henkel,
J. A. Joy, T. G. McCarthy, N. W. Duke, Benj. Guggenheim, Frank Pryor, Geo. E.
Bragdon, H. R. Holbrook, and Messrs. Baxter, Gast and Gibson. The aggregate
wealth of these gentlemen amounts to several millions.
The new bank has for correspondents the United States National Bank, New York,
the Merchants' National, Chicago, the American National of Kansas City, and the State
National of Denver. Its place of business at Fourth and Main streets is handsomely
and thoroughly appointed. And this bank was the first to introduce in Pueblo Safety
Deposit Vaults.
The Pueblo Savings Bank, was incorporated at the close of 1889, and opened for
business on the first day of the present year. The incorporators, W. W. Strait, Chris.
Wilson and John F. Barkley are old and well known residents of the city, and so also
are the directors, ex-Governor Alva Adams, M. D. Thatcher, W. L Graham, J. N.
Carlisle, T. A. Sloane and Geo. J. Dunbaugh, associated with them. Ex-Governor
Adams is president, Mr. Strait vice-president, and Mr. Wilson cashier. Of the $250,000 capital authorized for this bank in its charter, $50,000 has been paid in. A savings
bank was needed in Pueblo, as has been evidenced by the many deposits already made
with this institution, directed by some of Colorado's most trustworthy and prominent
The Colorado Coal & Iron Company, the
largest corporation outside of the railroads in the State of Colorado, was organized the
23d day of January, 1880, by a number of Colorado, Pennsylvania and New York
capitalists, at the head of whom were General William J. Palmer, Dr. Robert M.
Lamborn, Dr. William A. Bell, and others who were connected with them in the
pioneer work of developing and attracting attention to this great State of Colorado,
coming here and building, first, the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, when the whole
country hereabouts was comparatively a wilderness, and then starting many auxiliary
companies, among them being the Central Colorado Improvement Company, the
Southern Colorado Coal & Town Company, and the Colorado Coal & Steel Works
Company. These three companies were consolidated at the above date, forming the
Colorado Coal & Iron Company.
General W. I. Palmer was the first president of the Colorado Coal & Iron Company, which office he held for a number of years, being succeeded in the spring of
1884 by Mr. Henry E. Sprague of New York City. Mr. Sprague remained at the head
of affairs until 1888, when he, in turn, was succeeded by Edward J. Berwind of New
York, the present head of the company.
The officers of the company at this date are as follows: Edward J. Berwind
president; Henry S. ? vice-president; E. M. Steck general manager; Thomas
L. Curtis secretary and treasurer; William L. Graham assistant secretary and
cashier, C. F. Ray auditor; John M. Waldron general counsel; George S. Ramsey,
general superintendent, coal and coke departments; Independence Grove, general
superintendent iron and steel departments; George W. Cook, general agent, and
I K. Brewster, land and tax man. The company maintains an office in New
York City in the great Mills building on Broad street; it is there that the president,
vice-president, secretary and treasurer are to be found. At Pueblo are the general
offices of the company, and from this central point the general manager directs the
operations of the company. At Denver one hundred and twenty miles north,
the general agent makes his headquarters; it is there that most of the orders
are taken which keep the iron and steel works at Bessemer and the many coal mines
and coke works at various points in the State, busy. At Bessemer, which adjoins
Pueblo on the south and but one and a half miles distant from the Union depot
in Pueblo, is located the large iron and steel works of this Company. Here they have
large and modern blast furnaces, foundries for the manufacture of iron castings, cast
iron water pipe of all sizes, machine shops, a complete steel making plant, including
converting works, bloom and rail trains, puddling mills, merchant iron mills, cut nail
and spike works, all fitted with the best and latest appliances for the manufacture of
iron and steel.
These works furnish employment to about nine hundred men at the present time
which will be largely added to in the course of another twelve months by the addition
of more blast furnaces and a general enlargement of the plant. About $40,000 a
month is at present paid out in wages, which furnishes a great deal of the life and
sinew of the Bessemer community; most of this money finds its way, however, to the
business houses in Pueblo where the employes do their trading. The capacity of
these works at Bessemer has never been tested thoroughly, for the reason that the
market for its product has not yet reached its capacity to supply. In a general way,
however, it might be said that they can turn out per month, seven thousand tons of pig
iron from their two blast furnaces, about the same number of tons of steel rails, twenty-
five hundred tons of cast-iron water pipe, one thousand tons of merchant iron, mine
rail, etc., six thousand kegs of nails, one thousand kegs of spikes, or twelve times these
figures annually.
In and around Pueblo and Bessemer the company own a large amount of valuable
real estate including some 40,000 acres of grazing and agricultural lands, all within
Pueblo County, nearly nine thousand acres of which are under the Bessemer irrigating
canal. The water for this ditch or canal, is taken from the Arkansas River about
seven miles north of Pueblo, and runs east, parallel with the Arkansas, and from one to
four miles south thereof, merging finally into the Huerfano not far from its confluence
with the Arkansas.
The Colorado Coal & Iron Company is the largest taxpayer in the county, contributing about $50,000 per annum into the tax coffers. In addition to this fact, many
of its employee's are prosperous realty owners and taxpayers in the county, from which
it will be seen that the Colorado Coal & Iron Company is a large factor in all that
tends to the success and prosperity of Pueblo and Pueblo County.
The company owns, and mines, itself, all the raw material necessary in the manufacture of their various iron and steel products here. At Coal Creek, in Fremont
County, is mined the famous Cafton City domestic coal; at Walsenburg, in Huerfano
County, they operate the Walsen mine, the Cameron mine, and the Robinson
mine at Santa Clara, also in Huerfano County, and but a short distance south
of Walsenburg, is the Santa Clara mine; all four of these last named mines produce a
good quality of steam and domestic coals. At Road Cafion, in Las Animas County, a
short distance north of El Moro, a new mine is now being gotten ready in the best
possible manner, to ship a rich bituminous steam and gas coal. At Englewood,
between El Moro and Trinidad, is the company's great El Moro mine, one of its
largest producers of coal; the coal from this mine is of the coking variety, being
excellent also for steam and gas purposes; with this coal the two hundred and fifty
bee-hive coke ovens at El Moro are supplied for the manufacturing of coke which is
used in the blast furnaces at Bessemer, and by the various smelting companies at
different points in the State in the reduction of the precious metals. At Crested Butte,
in Gunnison County, two hundred miles west over the mountains, is the Crested Butte
mine, a large mine in a fine bed of coal, a good coal for domestic, steam, gas and
coking purposes. At this point the company have another coke plant consisting of
one hundred and fifty-four ovens of Bee-hive pattern; the product of these ovens is
shipped to Leadville, for the smelters at that point, and also to the smelters in Utah
and Montana.
The iron ores used to make pig iron at their blast furnaces at Bessemer, are gotten
from their own mines at Calumet, on the Leadville branch of the Denver & Rio Grande
Railroad, and from the Hot Springs mine, on the Villa Grove extension of the Denver
& Rio Grande Railroad in Saguache County. From the former a rich magnetic ore is
obtained, and from the latter a highly valuable red hematite ore is easily worked. At San
Carlos, only six miles south of the works, the company owns a large ledge of excellent
limestone, sufficient for its fluxing purposes for many years to come.
The present output of coal is about 70,000 tons per month, and of coke about
10,000 tons per month.
The local manager of Dun's Commercial Agency estimates that the amount of
capital invested in all business, mercantile and manufacturing interests in Pueblo, is over
nine millions, and that the employment of this sum gives, as resultant, an annual business to the city of more than $35,000,000. The total assessed valuation of property in
the county for 1889 was $15,997,215, on a basis of about 33 per cent, of actual valuation.
The Colorado Mineral Palace was first suggested by General Cameron of Canon
City, who probably received inspiration for the thought from the Ice, Corn, Coal and
Spring Palaces recently erected in other States. The abstract ideal was transformed
into reality, mainly through the efforts of Wm. H. Harvey, aided by other public
spirited Puebloans and Coloradoans generally. The purpose of the mineral palace is
to make known to the world by means of an exposition the mineral resources,
progress and prospects of Colorado. A company was formed, the business features of
the exposition matured, plans prepared, contracts awarded, and the work began with
State pride was enlisted. The original directory included W. H. Harvey, W. W.
Palmer, George H. Hobson and C. L. Hill of Pueblo; Donald Fletcher and A. W.
Chamberlin of Denver. Mr. Fletcher was elected president. After inspection of many
plans for the building, that of Otto Bulow of Pueblo, was chosen. Of imposing Egyptian
design, it is masterfully drawn. The entire facade, of colonnade and sculptured capitals
and eight foot frieze, with decorations of frontier and mining life, will produce an impressive and novel effect. The area to be covered with the building is 244 by 134 feet.
The edifice itself is of wood, with stone columns 28 feet high 5 by 7 feet at the base.
The decoration at the present writing (November, 1890), under direction of New York
artists, assisted by specialists from India and Europe, is being rapidly completed in a
gorgeous and artistic manner. Mineral cabinets will line the walls and columns from
floor to line of sight, and crusted ores and minerals will be utilized in the decorations
wherever possible native gold, platinum, silver, mercury, copper and the ores of the
same, specular and magnetic iron, chromic iron, pyrites, galena, nickel ore, quartz, feldspar, mica, beryl, tourmaline, garnet, malachite, hornblende, serpentine, asl
wavellite, brucite, baryta, gypsum, calc spar, stalactites and stalagmites, fluor spar, sulphur, graphite, alum, borax, salt, coal in all its varieties, ochre in all its varieties, and
other minerals used as pigments. Pilasters of white or colored marble, alabaster, onyx,
agatized wood, obsidian, cryolite, arfvedsonite and everything of a mineral nature that
may be used with artistic effect, including fossils, footprints, fish, butterflies, ferns and
other petrifactions, will find a place both inside and outside this gorgeous edifice.
Although the decoration will not be completed before January 1st, 1891, it already is
evident that in magnificence this structure's artistic tout undoubtably will eclipse that of any
public exhibition building at the recent Partition, or in the United States to-day.
An interesting historical question has received partial answer elicited by the decoration of the Mineral Palace. Mr. M. R. Levy desiring to surround the central domes
with heroic sized busts of America's greatest men in the arts and sciences, wrote to
prominent men, East and West, requesting lists of names from each of the country's
most illustrious scientists and artists, limiting the number to be thus honored, to eight.
Judge Moses Hallett of Denver, suggested the names of Benjamin Franklin, Robert
Fulton, Samuel F. B. Morse, John Randolph, Louis Agassiz. Hiram Powers, James B.
Eads, J. Marion Simms, Washington Allston.
Ex-Senator N. P. Hill of Denver, named Morse, Bell, Ericsson, Edison, Holly,
Agassiz, Henry, Geo. H. Corliss, Brush, Dana, McCormick, and as representative of
Colorado, Governor Grant and Professor Richard Pearce.
David Swing of Chicago, named Peale and Bierstadt (painters), Powers (sculptor),
Richardson (architect), Franklin, Morse, Agassiz, Silliman.
A. R. Spofford, Librarian at Washington, suggested Whitney, Jethro Wood (inventor
of the plow), Fulton, Morse, Joseph Henry, Cyrus McCormick (inventor of reapers),
Edison and Alex. Graham Bell, as typical inventors and men of science.
Thomas A. Edison named Franklin, in electricity; Joseph Henry, in physics;
Robert Fulton, steamboats; S. F. B. Morse, telegraph; Elias Howe, sewing machines;
George Henry Corliss, automatic engines; Eli Whitney, cotton gin. Mr. Edison said
he knew nothing about art.
Win. H. Barnes of California, suggested Richard M. Hoe, Fulton, Morse, Edison,
Eli Whitney, Elias Howe, A. S. Hallidie (cable car), Hiram Powers.
C. C. Goodwin of Salt Lake, suggested Emerson, W. W. Story, Morse, Franklin,
Fulton, Whitney, Edison, Peter Cooper and Captain Eads.
James B. Belford of Denver, named Prof. Henry, Hiram Powers, Robert Fulton,
Edison, Maria Mitchell, Morse, Howe, Eli Whitney or McCormick.
Lyman Abbott, editor of the " Christian Union," New York, suggested Franklin,
Morse, Fulton and Edison.
Joseph Medill, editor of the Chicago "Tribune" named Edison, Fulton, Whitney,
Morse, Silliman, Hitchcock and Dana as geologists; Greenough, Powers, St. Gaudeus
and L. G. Mead as sculptors; Benjamin West, Gilbert Stuart, Inness and Bierstadt as
painters, Irving, Bancroft, Longfellow and Emerson.
George William Curtis, editor of "Harper's Magazine" named Franklin, Fulton,
Morse, Edison, Stuart, Allston, Irving and Bryant.
Senator Henry M. Teller of Colorado, named Franklin, Morse, Fulton, Professor
Henry, Edison, Hawthorne, Bryant, Longfellow, Whittier.
Governor John L. Routt of Colorado, named Franklin, Morse, Agassiz, Edison,
Hiram Powers, Larkin G. Mead, Wm. Cowper, F. E. Church and A. Bierstadt.
General Benjamin F. Butler suggested Fulton, Franklin, Morse, Ericsson, Henry.
Agassiz and Howe.
Governor David R. Francis of Missouri, named Franklin, Fulton, Edison, Morse,
Whitney, Agassiz, Eads and Maury (who discovered the principle of the ocean currents).
Hon. J. J. Ingalls, president of the United States Senate, named Edison, Silliman,
Rumford, Franklin, Field, Henry, Greenough and Moran.
Charles S. Thomas of Denver, named Agassiz, Henry, Edison, Morse, Longfellow,
Bancroft, Jefferson and Benton.
Senator Edward O. Wokott of Colorado, suggested Washington, Hamilton, Lincoln,
Grant, Fulton, Franklin, Morse and Edison.
Charles Dudley Warner named Franklin, John Fitch (who first applied steam to
the navigation of vessels), Whitney, Morse, Agassiz, Asa Gray, Henry and Edison.
No doubt the portraits selected will be those of the names receiving the majority of
votes from this vast correspondence which is merely suggested by the foregoing lists,
and the result will prove of more than ordinary interest to the world at large.
The extreme height of the building's center dome is 72 feet. This is to be decorated with female figures, 16 feet in length, representing the different countries of the
globe, and surrounding these will be the eight great Americans with cameo effects, and
in metallic framings. The general scheme of color in the interior is terra cotta and
gold executed upon relief work in the East Indian style. Around the central domes
are twenty smaller domes, ten feet in diameter, and these are exquisitely adorned with
the flowers of Colorado and of India, in distemper, painted by D. R. Fay of New York,
who has executed fan painting for Tiffany and decorated Jay Gould's mansion.
The stage built to accommodate a great orchestra will represent a grotto constructed of immense natural stalactites and stalagmites. From its center bubbles a mountain and waterfall, and out from this by mechanical arrangement, will appear and
a water nymph grasping sparkling mineral nuggets. Entirely around the
interior of the structure will run a frieze composed of silver dollars encircling coat-of-
arms of the various States and Territories. A part of the decoration scheme is the
employment of the 2,200 incandescent electric lights in the hearts of the painted
procession of flowers.
The capital stock of this State institution is $150,000, and the directors are Donald ?her, George II. Hobson, W. W. Palmer, A. J. McQuaid, C. I.. Hill, A. W. Chamberlin, George H. Park. ?. Henry C. Brown, Ferd Barndollar, O. H. P. Baxter, Benjamin Guggenheim. The executive secretary is Mr. John Livezey, a mining man, favorably known throughout Colorado.
In 1884 Mr. J. R. De Reimer erected a roller skating rink building, at a cost of
$20,000, which proved a good investment, while the craze for this pastime existed, but
two years later the interior was changed at a cost of $6,000, into an opera house (so
called), seating 1,300 persons. The new place of amusement was opened early in 1886
with the " ? " Company, and seats were at a premium, so anxious were the
amusement loving Puebloans to see the new auditorium. After two years of popular
success this building suffered a disastrous fire, which, however, benefited the city, for it
brought about the formation of the Pueblo Grand Opera House Association, which
during the present year has erected a magnificent edifice at the corner of Fourth and
Main streets. A stock company was formed by local capitalists in May, 1889. Messrs.
Thatcher Brothers and Baxter and Cresswell, offered to contribute $115,000, including
the site, estimated at $40,000, toward the erection of the opera house, provided public
spirited citizens would increase the fund to $250,000. The people favored the enterprise of these progressive and broad minded men, so the association was incorporated
by. O.H.P.Baxter, Frank Pryor, John A. Thatcher, Robert Billings, L. B. Strait, T. J.
Downen and Charles Henkel, and the following were elected directors: O. H. P. Baxter,
T. T. Player, Charles E. Gast, A. B. Patton, A. McClelland, J. A. Thatcher, J. B. Orman,
N. V. Duke, J. D. Miller, E. R. Holden, George B. Stimpson, Frank Bingham and
M. D. Thatcher.
Adler & Sullivan, architects of Chicago (who built the Auditorium building of that
city), were employed to make the plans of the building, and under the unremitting
control and supervision of President Baxter, the imposing building was completed on
the evening of September 4th, 1890, and opened by the Duff Opera Company in Gilbert
& Sullivan's " lolanthe." All the beauty and wealth of the city congregated in the auditorium on that evening, assisting in creating a new epoch for Pueblo the graduation
from the roller skating rink period to the full artistic dignity and triumph of the
$400,000 Grand Opera House, and all the word implies ballet, fine orchestral music,
gorgeous scenery and stage fittings, resplendent costumes, fashionable gossip and
cigarettes between acts. Its dedication was significant of the rise of the city above a
provincial station.
The structure's front is built of Colorado's red sandstone, in tones and carvings
designed to suggest the peculiar thorny effects of the Colorado cacti thus the poetic
feeling of the architect. The sides and back of the edifice are of red brick, and the
building is girt about with arcades of Moorish arches with fenestrated walls rising to a
height of fifty feet, with a frontage of 120 feet on Main street and 190 feet on Fourth
street, and with its square Moorish tower rising to 131 feet from the roadway and eighty
feet from the roof, a striking contrast is presented to the old 'dobe that formerly stood
on the site ground which earlier still, forty years ago, was a portion of the Indian's
trail to his mountain fastness.
The upper story is a "summer garden," to be supplied with seats for visitors and
orchestra, and a profusion of flowering plants. The imposing edifice is not only to
serve as an opera house and theater, but at the same time the First National Bank of Pueblo will occupy the handsome rooms on the ground floor, on the corner of Fourth
and Main, and here the bank is building its immense safety vaults; and on upper floors
is the domicile of the Pueblo Club, while some sixty offices, reached by a Crane elevator,
have been arranged above. The auditorium itself is approached through three handsome stone arches and a vestibule lined with marble and tile flooring. It is eighty feet
square, with a balcony running entirely around, and a gallery facing the stage. The
seating capacity of the auditorium is 1,100.
The entire fittings and decoration of the theater are of the latest and most approved
design and construction, and have been put in the hands of Chicago firms. The architects, Messrs. Adler & Sullivan, were also the designers of Chicago's Auditorium, and
in the eyes of those who favor the modern style, Pueblo's Grand Opera House is said
to rank next to the Auditorium in the list of theaters in the great West. The building
is finished in hard wood, with exception of the theater, which is polished Texas pine.
The theater's decoration is of salmon color with a soft opposition in the robin's egg
blue of the arched ceiling relieved with a liberal use of gold leaf. The side arches are
in old ivory and gold, as also are the fronts of balcony and gallery. The incandescent
lights which are used as a part of the decorative scheme, give the whole a brilliantly
beautiful and warm effect. The proscenium arch is a solid mass of gold on plastic
ornaments, supported by pilasters, giving a suggestion of Roman architecture. These
are adorned with acanthus leaves in plastic work, and the one salmon and blue and gold
effect is carried out throughout the interior. The decorations are all done in oil by
Healy & Millet, of Chicago.
The scenery is painted by Albert and Burridge (artists of the Chicago Grand
Opera House and Auditorium) at a cost of $7,000. These artists are individual and
American, and acknowledge no superiors in this country. The drop curtain is considered by Albert as his masterpiece. In it the scheme of the house's decoration is
carried out. The architect, the decorator, and scene painter have labored in unison. The
subject is taken from Tennyson's "Brook”
"I chatter, chatter as I flow
To join the brimming river.
For men may come and men may go,
br>But I go on forever. "
The entire set of scenery has been artistically and conscientiously painted, the
greater part of the work having been done by Walter Burridge, well known among
American artists everywhere.
In the theater are 1,200 incandescent electric lights, and on the immense stage are
rows of red, white and green electric lights, turned on or off by rheostats, which thus
do away with the necessity of calcium lights. The opera chairs throughout the lower
house are of terra cotta velvet and cost over $6,000; and a second drop curtain, made
of tin and cloth of gold adorned with rhine stones, cost over $2000 alone. A
feature of the opening was the presentation of a huge basket of Colorado wild flowers.
Speeches were given by H. P. Baxter (who has been the prominent prime cause of this temple's being) and
General E. K. Stimson (remembered by old Puebloans as the Governor of the Silver
San Juan). General Stimson in an appropriate oratorical effort, after complimenting
Pueblo upon her push and progress and prosperity, said that children of a future
generation would rise from their seats in that opera house to call Mr. Baxter blessed.
Mr. Baxter, in expressing thanks was greeted with a storm of applause, which he may
never forget, and which proved that he had won a permanent place in Pueblo's esteem
and gratitude.
As we have seen, in sketching this history the people of Pueblo were, in early days,
without fear, honest and industrious. Though rough and uncultivated in the main,
they strove, constructing canals and building bridges, schools and churches and rail-
roads and smelters, to create an orderly, moral and independent community, which
should use and improve the talents given by Nature's God. They have manifested a
foresight and public spirit in late years, not alone by ready contributions toward
the building of railroads, but by the presentation of lands for securing the location of
smelters. And if in primitive days, the rough road of the pioneers allowed no time to
the cultivation of the arts and of aestheticism, this spirit is now manifested by the
public building of their truly Grand Opera House. And lastly, this people that
encouraged the Denver & Rio Grande in coming to their gates are as willing today, to
contribute generously toward the location of the new manufactories or any institutions
which are destined to promote Pueblo's progress or any humanitarian end. The city
now counts one hundred and fifty manufacturing concerns, prominent among which, in
addition to those already mentioned, are large foundries and machine shops, barbed
wire works, fire clay works, brick yards, tile works, planing mills, cracker factory,
brewery, packing houses, carriage shops, etc., etc.
Excepting Pueblo and Bessemer, the county contains no important towns. Beulah
Springs is a summer resort with mineral springs, situated twenty-eight miles southwest
of Pueblo, and was first settled by cattle men, in the sixties. Mace's Hole, as the site
was called, is about nine by two miles in area, and the town proper is located at the
opening of a beautiful canon and on the north, St. Charles Creek, a pure and cold
mountain stream. The mountains west of the little town (which with the outlying
population numbers over two hundred) are covered with pine and spruce timber.
Mace's Hole was first settled by J. J. Dase, who cultivated the soil. Questions of
litigation retarded settlement until the spring of 1880, when W. F. Townsend and Judge
N. P. Richards bought twenty acres, including the Mineral Springs, and erected cottages
for summer visitors from Pueblo. In 1881 Robert Patton built a boarding-house and
in the summer of the next year, the town was platted and several houses built. In
1885, as a local historian informs us, "Robert Patton was appointed postmaster, and
moved the postoffice (which had been kept out of town) into the town, he putting in
the first store." Beulah now contains six stores, two hotels, etc., and some forty homes.
Beds of iron ore surround the town and there is an abundance of marble, lime rock, red
clouded marble, gray and red granite. Three miles from town is a copper mine, while
indications of the precious metals are not wanting. Lead ore has been discovered, but
none of these natural riches have been developed, for lack of railroad facilities.
Rye is perhaps the thickest settled of the agricultural towns of Pueblo County, and
all around Rye, the grain from which the settlement took its name, corn, wheat, oats
and the best of red clover and alfalfa, are grown. Vegetables thrive, and the melons
and small fruits.
In 1888 there were 50,000 cattle on the ranges in the county and 10,000 horses.
There were 40,000 sheep, also, that year, 20,000 of which were clipped for wool and
20,000 sold for mutton. Horticulture proves profitable, and many orchards have been
set out lately. Dairying grows steadily in importance, 70,000 pounds of butter were
made last year in the county. Attention has been paid to the making of roads and to the
bridging of streams. There are no toll roads. Surrounding the city of Pueblo are
surface deposits of " kidney " iron, and there are undeveloped coal beds at Rock Creek
and other places. Some twenty limestone quarries are opened within a radius of as
many miles of Pueblo City. Near the city is a site for water powers of great prospective
Other small towns and settlements, not previously mentioned, in Pueblo County are,
Agate, Anderson Ranch, Andersonville, Barry Ranch, Baxter, Beulah Springs, Boone-
ville, Cactus, Chico, Cody Ranch, Cook Ranch, Dog's Ranch, Doyle's Mill, Dry Ranch,
Fosdick's Ranch, Four Mile Ranch, Goodnight, Graneros, Greenhorn, Holliday Ranch,
Horn Ranch, Huerfano, Jackson, Jones' Ranch, Juniata, Langley's Ranch, McClellan's
Ranch, Mcllhaney's Ranch, Meadows, Merrie's Ranch, Mexican Plaza, Muddy Creek,
Nada, Nepesta, Old Fort Reynolds, Osage Avenue, Parnassus Springs, Peck's Ranch,
Pifion, Pond, Robniett Ranch, San Carlos, Skeeter Ranch, Spring Lake Ranch. St.
Charles, Sulphur Springs, Swallows, Table Mountain, Taylorville, Undercliff, Walker
Ranch, Wilson's Ranch, Wood Valley.
Excerpted from "History Of The State Of Colorado For The Rocky Mountain Historical Company"
Frank Hall,
Chicago: The Blakely Printing Company. 1889.

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