This cemetery is located at 38 Deg. 11'27.54 104 Deg. 17'51.76 west. Photos
contributed by Floyd Kelling, April, 2008. Listing
contributed by Karen
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
Guerrero, Vincent died 7-12-1931 buried 7-13-1931 Undertaker Geo.F. McCarthy
Lopez, Joseph resident of Avondale, born 3-25-1886 in Texas son of Vasilio Lopez born Taos, NM and Justa Melero born Chihuahua, Mexico, died 10-23-1912 at
Avondale, buried 10-23-1912 at Huerfano cemetery, paid by Taylor Mercantile of Avondale, Dr. W.O. Patterson, county coroner, cost $25.50 McCarthy Funeral Home
Lopez, Pete died 8-13-1923
Mehan, Della died 5-5-1935
Mestas, Antonia died 6-17-1900 age 10m 10d, daughter of Felix Mestas of Salt Creek, Dr. W.H. Campbell, cost $11.00
Mestas, Jose Bonifacio born April 1870 in Taos NM. died 11-24 or 25-1931, buried 11-26-1931.
Pando, Eulalia died 7-27-1901, buried by relatives 7-29-1901 in Huerfano Cemetery, wife of Joseph Pando, informant Jose E. Aragon, Dr. C.O. Rice, cost $20.00