Pueblo County, Colorado B'Nai Jacob Jewish Cemetery
Contributed by Karen Mitchell, Billie Crump, and Floyd Kelling. NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
If anyone has more information on this cemetery, can identify the unknown graves, or can add more data to the listing please contact Karen Mitchell . This cemetery is popularly known as the Jewish cemetery and is located at the Pioneer cemetery in Pueblo. More specifically it is on the northwest side of Pueblo between 23rd Street and Montezuma. Established by the Hebrew Benevolent Society in 1873. Expanded north to 23rd Street in the 1960s. Owned by the United Hebrew Congregation and is named for the B'Nai Jacob Congregation which was located on Sounth Union Avenue in 1908. Sexton is Jerry Roseblatt, phone number is 719-544-8523; or Jim Stiles phone number 719-369-9291
Franklin, Simon born no date died 6/9/1900 Notes: age 83y 5d, married, resident of 316 W. 10th, age 83y 5d, died 6-9-1900 buried 6-10-1900, father of F.B. Franklin, Dr. A.L. Fugard, McCarthy Funeral Home (Karen Mitchell)
Goldstein, Harry born 10-8-1860 died 10/11/1902 Notes: McCarthy Funeral home shows first name as Henry, age 40y 3m, buried Jewish part of Pueblo Cem. (Karen Mitchell)
Steinfeld, Edith born 10-28-1896 died 5/27/1923 Mother (Karen Mitchell)
Steinfeld, Sarah born 10-2-1897 died 7/27/1915 Notes: age 17y 9m 25d, born Hungary, died St Mary Hospital, single, daughter of Henry Steinfeld and Rose Fisher both born Hungary, buried 7-28-1915, Dr. Stranburger, cost $52.00
Steinfeld, Jennie born 5-10-1923 died 8-16-1923
Sterling, Harry born 1881 died 4/5/1921 Father (Karen Mitchell)
Sterling, Sadie born 1888 died 1-26-1919 Mother (Karen Mitchell)
Stevens, Sam born 1/1/1926 died 5/11/1984 (Floyd Kelling)
Stiller, Alfred born 9/22/1920 died 2/10/1985 (Floyd Kelling)