Pueblo County, Colorado Meade - Lefebre Cemetery aka Table Mountain Cemetery |
This cemetery has not been located, assumed abandoned. May have been a family cemetery - On the old Camp Crockett property now owned by Robert A. Jackson. Mr. Jackson was contacted by the Southeastern Colorado Genealogical Society in order to read the cemetery but he refused admittance.
Listing and photos contributed by Karen Mitchell. NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
If anyone can identify any burials in this cemetery please contact Karen Mitchell.
Assumed buried here:
LeFevre, Clara Jamison born no date died 2/23/1911 McCarthy Mortuary record: age 36y, residence 1802 N. Union, rooming house owner, married, maiden name LeFevre, father born Canada, paid by Ira D. Rombo, admin. of estate, died 2-23-1911 at St. Mary Hospital, shipped 2-28-1911 to Rye, Co., Dr. Crum Epler

 to the Pueblo County Index Page.
 Please e-mail comments and suggestions to
Karen Mitchell.