More Pueblo County Marriages

Contributed by Karen Mitchell
Colorado Daily Chieftan June 23 1873 - Again it becomes our pleasant task to record a marriage, that of one of Pueblo's energetic and reliable citizens, our friend Mr Cephus Whipple to one of the fair daughters of the county. The marriage was solemnized at the residence of the bride's father in Chico Basin, and was in every way a happy event. Mr Whipple has done well in thus taking upon himself the responsibilities of a true man, and in entering upon the only true avenue to wordly happiness and content, and we trust he and his fair bride will find flowers of love and joy all the way down the journey.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 6-28-1873 Married - Whipple-Warren Near Chico Basin, June 26th, 1873, at the residence of the bride's father. Mr. Cephus Whipple to Miss Hattie Warren, both of Pueblo County.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 7-19-1873 Here and There in the Territory - Joe Kenyon, of Pueblo, who used to live here, was married the other day to Mrs. Cone of that city. They will spend their honeymoon camping out on the headwaters of the Arkansas.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 5-10-1874 Mr. George Haas, of the Chico, was married to a lady in Denver about three weeks since. He was very quiet about it, but we will forgive him for that and wish him much happiness.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 10-26-1876 By notice in the proper place in this morning's paper, it will be seen that Capt. W.H. Conner and Miss Nellie G. Rendall, have concluded to travel together through life's journey as man and wife. We wish the Captain and his bride all the joy that is vouchsafed mortals in this world.
Rocky Mountain News 12-30-1879 Journals and Journalists - Witt Hull, the junior of the Pueblo Democrat, was married Christmas to Miss Myrtie Myers, a charming young lady of Pueblo. The News congratulates the newly-wedded couple and wishes them much happiness and prosperity.
Rocky Mountain News 5-14-1882 - Goings and Comings - Pueblo - Tuesday evening Dr. W. H. McDonald and Mrs. Mary E. Wells were married. The wedding was a quiet but very elegant affair.
Rocky Mountain News 8-20-1882 The Social World - Gay Events - One of the interesting social events of the past week was the marriage of B. L. James, of Denver, to Miss Fannie O. Brooks, of Pueblo. This important event took place at Pueblo on Tuesday, August 15, after which the happy couple started on their honeymoon trip to the east. The News wishes them many long years of unalloyed happiness. Rocky Mountain News 8-20-1882 - The Social World - Gay Events - Mr. B. L. James, a gentleman well known in Denver's business and social circles, was married last Tuesday to Miss F. O. Brooks of Pueblo. The nuptials were quietly celebrated. The happy young couple will pass a month in the east before returning to their home in this city.
Rocky Mountain News 3-18-1883 The Social World - Pueblo - A very happy wedding occurred at the residence of Mr. John McClelland in East Pueblo Wednesday, the contracting parties being Miss Nannie I. McClelland and Mr. Leon W. Wing. The ceremony was performed by Rev. S. L. Holman, of the First Baptist church, in his usual happy manner. Only a few of the most intimate friends and the relatives of the family were present, and immediately after the ceremony an elegant wedding dinner was partaken of by the guests and Mr. and Mrs. Wing left on the afternoon train on a bridal trip.
Rocky Mountain News 1-28-1884 Pueblo Paragraphs - This morning at 9 o'clock Mr. Asa Long and Miss Susie Long were united in marriage by Justice Sarock. It is safe to predict that the end of the Long-Legged tribe is not yet.
Rocky Mountain News 5-18-1884 - Pueblo Paragraphs - George R. Gooding, ticket agent at this point for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad, was married a few days since at Wichita, Kas., to Miss Holme.
Rocky Mountain News 12-7-1884 The Social World Pueblo Saturday night, at the residence of Mr. John Johnston, a very happy wedding was consummated, it being the occasion of the marriage of Mr. Richard H. Allen, of South Pueblo, and Miss Maggie Belair, of Pueblo. After the marriage ceremony the happy couple and a number of friends present sat down to a magnificent wedding feast. Mr. and Mrs. Allen took the train for the North and will visit Salt Lake, Utah, before their return, when they will settle down to housekeeping on the mesa, Mr. Allen having already prepared a very pretty and cosy home for himself and bride.
Rocky Mountain News 9-15-1885 Burrows Babcock Mr. T. J. Burrows, the handsome and accomplished supervisor of the State Insane asylum at Pueblo, has robbed Denver of one of its brightest jewels, in the person of Miss Jennie L. Babcock. The wedding occurred last evening at the residence of the brides brother-in-law, Dr. Cass, 469 Curtis street, in the presence of a few friends, and the happy couple will leave this morning for their home in Pueblo. The News joins with a host of friends in extending congratulations and wishing Mr. and Mrs. Burrows a happy and prosperous future.
Rocky Mountain News 11-7-1889 Weddings at Pueblo - Pueblo, Colo., Nov. 6 - Nelson McClees of the real estate firm of Hard & McClees, was married yesterday at Wichita to Miss Fisher. To-morrow at noon Hugh Francis of the hardware and coal mining firm of J. H. Bennett & Co. will be married to Miss Highberger at the Presbyterian church. Frank Gray, the reporter, returned with his bride to-day from Denver.
Rocky Mountain News 11-22-1889 Pueblo Points - George E. Bragdon, a wholesale grocer of this city, has been married to Miss Loudon at Boston and is on the way home.
Colfax County, NM Marriages R. Warran of Pueblo, Colorado, age 27 and Mary J. Davis of Pueblo, Colorado, married 6 Dec 1890 in Buena Vista, Pct.420 of Colfax County. Wit: C. C. Douglas and C. F. Staaffer. Canton writes, "The Lady sais [sic] she is 21 years of age."
Rocky Mountain News 4-8-1891 Forgave Them - Pueblo Has a Sensation Which Results With a Blessing - Pueblo, Colo., April 7 - Yesterday John H. Murphy, one of Pueblo's popular young men, city circulator for the Press and Miss Edythe V. Eldridge of Binghamton, N. Y., were married at the Stout street cathedral in Denver. Their marriage has set the young folks here wild with excitement, for it has since developed that the young people had been married clandestinely last fall. The story is quite romantic. Last summer the young lady, who is not yet 17 years of age, visited friends among the upper tendom of Pueblo. Miss Edythe, who is a petite brunette, immediately captivated the young gallants, who paid her great attention. Young Murphy, however, was soon evidently the favorite, but such a favorite as their friends never dreamed of. True love sprang simultaneously within both their young hearts, but found utterance in words and in private, and not in public. Neither were of age, and on the 20th of last September they slipped away to Denver and were clandestinely married in the Christian church of that place. They returned and continued as before. Shortly thereafter the mother and daughter left for home, the mother never dreaming that she left a son-in-law behind her. Not until three weeks ago did the little wife have the courage to tell her parents of her marriage. Then there was a storm. The stern parent was relentless. He would not be moved by the tears and supplications of his beautiful daughter. His only thought and utterances were that Murphy must be a brute and unworthy of his daughter. Last Sunday father and daughter arrived at the Grand hotel in Denver, and the former immediately began making inquiries about his son-in-law. He was happily disappointed in his investigations, and consented to the union, only that the ceremony be performed over again by a priest, he being a Catholic. This the young folks gladly acceded to. Sunday night Mrs. Murphy, the mother of Johnny, was informed by him of all that had taken place. Like a dutiful mother, tears sprang into her eyes. She kissed him and peace was made. The groom is not yet 21 years of age, and he is a most exemplary young man. With money earned by his own hands he has purchased a fine brick dwelling, and for some time has supported his widowed mother and his sister. The new member of the family was at once made at home, with every prospect of a happy and prosperous future.
Aspen Daily Chronicle 5-5-1892 Day's Diary - J. M. Dills, of this city, was married at Pueblo yesterday morning to Miss Clara Gladhill, of that city, and will go to Salt Lake on a wedding tour.
Buena Vista Colorado Democrat 1-11-1893 Married, at the residence of Mrs. Gooding, on Tuesday Jan. 10, 1893, Orra W. Cole of this city, to Mrs. Josephine Glassford, of Pueblo, Rev. Cluckner officiating.
Rocky Mountain News 6-6-1895 Married in Pueblo - Pueblo, Colo., June 5 - The most brilliant wedding of the year in Pueblo occurred this evening when Mrs. Annie Newton, widow of the late George A. Newton of the Newton Lumber company, and William Herbert Hunter, a prominent cotton broker of Galveston, were married. The ceremony was at the home of the bride, which was magnificently decorated, and was performed by Rev. E. Trumbull Lee of the First Presbyterian church. Fifty society people attended. After the service a reception was held and an elaborate supper was served.
Rocky Mountain News 11-15-1895 Married in Pueblo - Pueblo, Colo., Nov. 14 - William F. Doertenbach, major in the national guard of Colorado and brigade inspector of rifle practice, and Miss Pauline F. V. N. Hayden, were married at 8 o'clock to-night at the First Presbyterian church. The wedding was very brilliant and was largely attended.
Denver Evening Post 2-11-1897 North East West South Helen M. Stanton and Harlan J. Smith were married at Pueblo last night.
Denver Evening Post 11-10-1899 Pueblo Happenings Pueblo, Nov. 10 An odd wedding took place here last night. Mue B. Bing, a wealthy Japanese merchant of Pueblo, married Miss Minnie Schleiter; the ceremony was performed by a well known Methodist minister. The bride is an American.
New Castle Nonpareil - May 6, 1905 Francisco and Rafaela Espor, Mexicans, observed their sixtieth wedding anniversary at Pueblo April 28th. They live near Mineral Palace park in a small adobe house. Both are 80 years old and in good health. They had but one child, a daughter, who died two years ago, when she was 40 years old.
Yampa Leader, August 29, 1908 Will Marry In The Heavens - Pueblo, Colo. - A novel feature will be given spectators at the State Fair Pueblo Day, when Miss Ada Reni, an aeronaut, will be married while 1,000 feet in the air to Walter H. Williams of St. Louis, according to a letter received by Secretary A.G. Watson, of the State Fair Association. The letter came from Charles Brenard, who will have charge of the balloon races during the fair. It stated that Miss Reni, to whom Williams has been engaged for two years, had promised to marry him in Pueblo if he would consent to have the ceremony performed in a balloon. According to her suggestion, immediately after the ceremony, they will drop in separate parachutes and she is to remain on terra firma for the balance of her life.
Rocky Mountain News 6-29-1911 Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Chugg,- Marriage News Article - at Pueblo, Colo., friends were
planning to give them a rousing send off on their wedding trip, the couple outwitted
the schemers and were driven to the Minnequa Station, where a train had been ordered to
stop for them. They were married last night.
Rocky Mountain News 7-3-1911 Marriage News Article Mary Roup weds one Mr. Lacy, after a courtship, wedding and
desertion of 5 hours, asks Pueblo police to help locate new husband, it is believed
he has gone to Denver. Lacy decided he had made a mistake and bought a ticket to Denver.
He later returned to Pueblo and Mrs. Lacy threw her arms about his neck to hold him.
Rocky Mountain News 07-16-1911
Marriage News Article - Society Section - Miss Vera L. Mills, of 1315 Cherokee St., was
married last Saturday at noon to Marion J. McMullen of Pueblo in the presence of a few
relatives and friends. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Charles Taylor of Westminster, at
the home of the bride's parents. The young couple left Saturday for Pueblo, where Mc Mullen
is agent of the Globe Express Company, and where they will make their home. Mrs. Mc Mullen
was formerly in the employ of the American Beet Sugar Company. She is popular and has a host
of friends.
Rocky Mountain News 08-27-1911 Marriage License - Francis L. Capers, Jr., of
Pueblo, and Ethel Davis. Rocky Mountain News 09/14/1911 Wedding News Article - Weddings and
Engagements Section - one of the most brilliant wedding of the season, at St.
Mark's Church, Ethel May Davis, married Le Grand Capers, Jr. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. John Houghton, assisted by Rev. H. S. Foster. The bride, was
given away by her brother, Robin Davis. Mrs. R. P Horth, aunt of the bride,
was matron of honor. Misses Elsie McBride, Elsa Trask and Millian Green were
bridesmaids. Edith Davis, sister of the bride was maid of honor. Frank Thomas
Dwyer of Boston was best man, Frank Helwig, Thomas Downer, Earnest Witners,
Will Stickney all of Pueblo and Victor Moulton of Meeker, Colo., and Lawrence
Lewis of this city acted as ushers. A large reception was held which had
1,000 invitations issued, was held at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs.
John C. Davis, 828 Pennsylvania. Mrs. Castiday, grandmother of the bride
wore a handsome gown. The couple later left on their wedding trip, destination
unknown. Miss Davis is a graduate of the Wolcott School and finished her
education at Smith College. Mr. Capers is the only son of Mr. and Mrs.
Francis Le Grande Capers of Pueblo. He is associated with his father in
Standard Fire Brick Co. (Includes complete descriptions of all attire
of the wedding party.)
Rocky Mountain News 8-29-1911 Marriage News Article - Missourians secure license
to wed at Pueblo. Both couples are cousins. Perry Brown and Nora
Brown of Columbia, Mo., married by Judge Myrick, while Washington Billey
and Mrs. Ollie Rice of Kansas City were married by a preacher.
Rocky Mountain News 8-29-1911 - Marriage News Article - at Colorado Springs Lucy Lee Swope marries William B. Bryne,
eloping to Pueblo. She is the niece of the late Col. Thomas Swope, from whose death by
poisoning her brother-in-law, Dr. Bennett Clark Hyde, was convicted of murder in Kansas
City. Her mother, Mrs. Margaret Swope, is unrelenting in her prejudices against sons-in-law.
Byrne doesn't care on his own account, leastwise he says so, but his bride--well its rather
hard that he can't go to her and she must go to him at his hotel.
Rocky Mountain News 9-4-1911 - Marriage News Article - Colorado Springs, Colo., Carl Stubenrauch had one short season at
Broadmoor Casino and the Antlers Hotel as a cello player which won him a San Francisco heiress.
He secretly married in Pueblo, Saturday to Mrs. Hattie T. Robbins, wife of George Robbins,
and rated on the Pacific coast as a woman of much wealth. Her present to the bridegroom
was her $4,000 automobile.
Rocky Mountain News 10-8-1911 Wedding News Article - at Cincinnati, Oct 7, Emanuel I. Jacobwitz, age 28, a prominent
divine of Pueblo, Colo., and Miss Sylvia L. Strauss, 28, 2122 Fulton Avenue, Walnut Hills,
were married at Cincinnati, Oct 7, by the Rev. Mielziner at his residence. The marriage was a result of a 10
year friendship when the bride and groom attended night school here. Upon leaving the
Hebrew College, Jacobwitz went to Pueblo, Colo., Miss Strauss became a teacher at the
Cincinnati School for the Blind in the third intermediate school.
Rocky Mountain News 10-25-1911 - Marriage News Article - at Pueblo, Colo., Oct 24, Gordon W. Spencer married Estella May Martin, daughter of Congressman and Mrs. John A. Martin. Rev. F. W. Bretnail of the First Methodist
Church performed the ceremony. The marriage was a complete surprise to her many friends here who
had no intimation of the approaching event, which took place in the presence of only the
immediate members of the two families. The couple left from Denver on their honeymoon and will
be absent for several weeks.
Colorado Springs Gazette - January 20, 1912 Chinese Girl of This City Weds in Pueblo - Essie Deiz, a 19-year-old Chinese girl living in this city, and Edward W. York, a Chinese merchant of Oakland, Cal., were married in Pueblo Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. York will make their home in Oakland. Note: Marriage license reads that Edward W. W. York, age 27, Chinese, married Essie Diez, age 19, Chinese, in Pueblo, Pueblo County, Colorado on January 18, 1912. They were married by Frank Wood Bretnall, Minister, at 615 Quincy Street, Pueblo. The marriage was reported by Anna L. Dodge.
Pueblo Indicator 1-2-1913 Popular Couple Wed Miss Ada Davis and Peter Ruddy popular residents of Beulah way were married December 29 at the First Presbyterian church, Rev. C. W. Weyer officiating. Their many friends will wish them happiness and property.
Pueblo Indicator 2-22-1913 Married Mabel Cline and Wm. E. Sutton were married Wednesday, February 19th, 1913, at the home of the bride's mother, 1307 Jackson street, Rev. W. T. Hilton officiating. They left after the ceremony for Warrensburg, Mo., where Mr. Sutton is in business.
Pueblo Indicator 3-8-1913 Married Songer-Leiber Miss Ruby Songer and Mr. Otto Leiber were married Friday evening, March 7, 1913, at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Songer, 1022 Pine street. The ceremony was performed by Rev. John R. Edwards of Northern Avenue M. E. church. The bridesmaid was Miss Dela Leiber, sister of the groom, and the groomsman, Paul Songer, brother of the bride. During the ceremony Mendelsohn's wedding march was played by Miss Helen Treichler. The bride is a graduate of Central High School, class of 1912. The groom is associated with his father in the bakery business at Northern and Berkeley. The young couple went at once to their cozy home at 1216 Pine street.
Pueblo Indicator 3-15-1913 Bessemer Briefs - Wednesday, March 12th, 1913, at the home of the bride, 1227 Orman ave., Miss Grace Watson was married to Leroy McCullough, Rev. J. R. Edwards officiating. The young couple left after the wedding for a three weeks trip through the south.
Pueblo Indicator 3-28-1913 Married Wednesday evening, March 26, 1913, Miss Rosa Bowers to Mr. E. J. Kittrell, Rev. J. L. Harding officiating. They will reside at 1335 Spruce street.
Pueblo Indicator 3-29-1913 Married, Wednesday evening, March 26, 1913, Miss Rosa Bowers to Mr. E. J. Kittrell, Rev. J. L. Harding officiating. They will reside at 1335 Spruce street.
Pueblo Indicator 4-5-1913 Groom 72, His Bride 71 - Pueblo - A wedding at which the bridegroom is seventy-two years old and the bride seventy-one, took place in Pueblo when the Rev. Albert M. See, a preacher of Salina, Kan., married Mrs. Alice W. Carter of Beulah.
Yuma Pioneer 9-26-1913 - Renewing a courtship which was begun fifty years ago, Constantine F. Caple, aged sixty-seven, and Mrs. Mary Rees, sixty-five years old, were married at Pueblo.
Pueblo Indicator 12-28-1913 Bessemer Briefs - Married - Miss Ellen Lynn and Ernest Pearcey were married Sunday, December 21st, at St. James church. After the ceremony an elaborate wedding banquet and reception was enjoyed at the home of the bride's folks. The young couple is well known and popular in Bessemer. They left Tuesday midst a shower of rice, for a short honeymoon trip to the eastern part of the state, and on their return they will live at 1309 Evans avenue.
Pueblo Indicator 4-5-1913 Married Dunton-Fagan H. A. Dunton, D. C., who formerly had an office at 1229 Evans avenue and Mrs. Marietta Fagan were married Friday, March 28th, at the First Presbyterian church by the pastor, Rev. Weir. Mr. Dunton while located in Bessemer, made a great many friends who will be interested to know of the marriage.
Pueblo Indicator 4-5-1913 McGuffin-Kelly Riley L. McGuffin, a well known young business man of Bessemer, was married Sunday, March 30, to Miss Anna M. Kelly at their home, 1227 Lake avenue by the Rev. Mahaffy of the United Presbyterian church. They have gone on a short wedding trip to Denver and upon their return will live at the above address.
Pueblo Indicator 4-12-1913 Bessemer Briefs Cards are out announcing the engagement of Miss Jewell Adams to William B. Lacefield, the wedding to take place at the Scott M. E. church April 22 at 8 p.m. After the ceremony a reception will be held at the home of the bride's mother, 1416 Evans avenue.
Pueblo Indicator 6-21-1913 Some June Weddings Three Popular South Side Teachers Wed During the Past Week Tuesday afternoon, June 17th, at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Fugard, Zada Zoe, their eldest daughter, became the bride of Mr. Earl F. Davisson. They are making a tour of the state, after which they will reside in the city. Wednesday morning Miss Faith Cole and Mr. Albert Lubberts were married at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. A. W. Hall. Mrs. C. B. Danner a sister of Louis, Kas., attended the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Lubberts left on the noon train for Hutchinson, Kans., their future home. The following evening Miss Myrtle Green and Dr. Harley Marshall of Herrington, Kas., were married and left for an extended trip in the East, after which they will reside in Herrington, Kas.
The Pueblo Indicator 7-12-1913 County Correspondence Siloam Rollin Shepherd and bride of Pueblo are visiting friends here.
The Pueblo Indicator 7-12-1913 County Correspondence Galbraith Valley Fred C. Maddox returned from Kansas City on the 19th of June and brought with him a wife. He was married in Kansas City on June 18 to Miss Edyth Allen of Rosedale, Kansas, and on the 26th ult. the neighbors gathered at the Bluestone ranch and gave him a jolly reception and social party until late at night. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis, Alma and Herbert Davis, Gladys Jones and Helna Fengler of Pueblo, Ida, Helen and Paul Evan, Chas. Downey, Mrs. Daisy Dix, Miss Helen, Kenneth and Harold Dix, J. W. Wilford, Earl Hall and Miss Laura Reynolds, Mrs. Fehr, Ruth Flora Harvey and Wesley Fehr, Mrs. Brown, Nettie Brown, Harry and Claude Brown, Margie and Verne Canon, Mr. H. L. Blouch of Pueblo, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hall and daughter Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Hoye and their two sons, Mr. A. J. Hoy, Mr. Chas. Spoor, Mr. and Mrs. Princen Allen, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Colvin and son Henry, Mr. Williams and Herrick Bradley. The ladies in attendance furnished refreshments and a general jolly good time was had by all.
The Pueblo Indicator 7-12-1913 Siloam - Announcements have been received of the marriage of Miss Jean Mentzer to Mr. Rex Curtis at Denver, Colo. Miss Mentzer formerly lived here and her friends will be glad to know that she has grown up to be a beautiful young woman beautiful in character as well as in feature.
The Pueblo Indicator 7-12-1913 Married Mark McDonnell and Mary J. Rice were united in marriage by Rev. Father Schimpf at St. Patrick's church Monday morning, July 7th, 1913. Both were very well known and popular throughout the city. Mr. McDonnell is one of Pueblo's leading musicians and his charming wife has been a favorite telephone girl. The young couple were treated to numerous and novel greetings by their legion of friends.
The Pueblo Indicator 8-9-1913 A Coming Wedding Invitations have been issued to the approaching wedding of Miss Mary Teresa Leonard to Mr. Virgil E. Knowlton, the marriage ceremony to be performed at St. Francis Xavier church, Monday, August 11th. Both young people are highly respected and have hosts of friends.
The Pueblo Indicator 8-9-1913 Bessemer Briefs Married Wednesday, August 6th, 1913, Miss Edna May Diggs and Edwin Oliver Green at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Diggs, 1116 Berkeley avenue.
The Pueblo Indicator 8-9-1913 Ralph Myers, the popular meat man at the Herman Mercantile store, is not working this week. He was married Wednesday, August 6th, to Miss Eunice Ritchey at St. Patrick's church and left that day for a wedding trip. They will be at home after September 1st at 1104 Lake avenue.
The Pueblo Indicator 8-23-1913 Bessemer Briefs Ralph Myers has returned from his wedding tour and resumed his work as manager of the meat department of the Herman Mercantile co.
The Pueblo Indicator 8-23-1913 Married Miss Esther McDonald and Peter J. Ton were married Wednesday, Aug 20th at the home of the bride, 1212 Cedar street, Rev. J. R. Edwards officiating.
The Pueblo Indicator 9-20-1913 Bessemer Briefs Married Wednesday at St. Francis Xavier church, Miss Margaret Ferry and Arthur Cowan, by Rev. Father Kowald. They left the same day for Butte, Montana, where they expect to live. Mrs. Cowan has been a popular stenographer at the D. & R. G. office for some time and Mr. Cowan has been associated with his mother in the grocery business at Pine and Central streets.
The Pueblo Indicator 10-11-1913 Bessemer Briefs Married Thursday evening, October 9th, 1913, Rev. Geo T. Wooton, pastor of the Scott M.E. church, corner Mesa and Cedar, was united in marriage to Mary Neal. The ceremony took place at the church at 8:30 p.m., Rev. Brooks of the A. M. E. church officiating. After the service the wedding party were tendered a reception at the home of Arthur Simmons, 1113 Abriendo avenue.
The Pueblo Indicator 11-8-1913 Bessemer Briefs Married At Golden, Miss Mayme McCartin and Lawrence Beyle of Colorado Springs, were married Nov 4. Mrs. Beyle resided in Pueblo for several years and is the daughter of P. D. McCartin. They will reside in Colorado Springs.
The Pueblo Indicator 11-1-1913 A Popular Girl Married The wedding of Miss Mary A. Preston and Mr. Roy Dudley Lee, was solemnized Wednesday noon, October 22, 1913 at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Preston. The bride has spent the greater part of her life in Pueblo graduating from Central High School and is highly esteemed by all who know her. The groom came here from Rocky Ford about a year and a half ago and has made many friends both in business and social circles. Shortly after the ceremony they left for a brief honeymoon, keeping secret their destination. On their return they will make their home in Pueblo.
The Pueblo Indicator 11-15-1913 Bessemer Briefs Married Miss Ethel Hawley and Bernard L. Walker were married Wednesday morning at St. Patrick's church. They left after the wedding for a short honeymoon to Denver and Colorado Springs.
The Pueblo Indicator 11-22-1913 Bessemer Briefs Bernie Walker and bride have returned from their honeymoon trip and will be at home at 1015 Arroya ave.
The Pueblo Indicator 11-29-1913 Bessemer Briefs Married Miss Sarah Mulholland and James McGrath were married Tuesday morning, November 25th at St. Francis Xavier church and left after the wedding breakfast for a short honeymoon trip to Denver.
The Pueblo Indicator 12-27-1913 Granted Divorce Mrs. Julia Hawke-Gayton was granted a divorce from Paul Gayton in County Judge Mirick's court Tuesday of this week on the ground of non-support. She was given the custody of their little child. No alimony was asked.
The Pueblo Indicator 12-27-1913 Colorado News For the second time in twenty-six months, Nora and Ernest Lapsley of Pueblo have been divorced.
Pueblo Indicator 4-25-1914 Bessemer Briefs - John M. Kradlak and Miss Wilma Matula were married Tuesday evening April 21st. Mr. Kradlak is the well known young pugilist, known in ring circles as "Sailor" Kradlak. He holds a good position as electrical crane man at the steel works.
Pueblo Indicator 4-25-1914 Married at the Springs - Andro Dragash and Lena Orsinger well known young people of East Bessemer, were married Monday afternoon by Justice Madden at Colorado Springs, according to a news report. The same day another well known young Bessemer man, Lloyd Mitchell, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mitchell, 1211 Orman avenue, was united in marriage to Miss Winifred Estelle Faidley by the Rev. M. N. Smith of the First M. E. church. Mr. Mitchell is a prominent young actor who got his first experience at the Minnequa theatre and who has since been connected with several prominent dramatical companies. Mrs. Mitchell was formerly a resident of the Springs, but for some time has lived in New York.
Pueblo Indicator 5-2-1914 - Married - Mary Helen Boedecker and John J. Fenton were married Tuesday morning, April 28, 1914, at St. Patrick's church. The bride is the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Boedecker, 1315 Spruce street. They have gone on a honeymoon trip and start housekeeping in a cozy home on the east side when they return.
Pueblo Indicator 5-2-1914 - Married - At Manitou, Miss Alma Troeber, daughter of Mrs. George Troeber of 1228 Cedar street and Emmett A. Ardell, 928 S. Union ave., were quietly married by Rev. Father Ley at Manitou Tuesday, April 28, 1914. The young couple are well known and popular all over the city and the news of their wedding was a surprise to many.
Pueblo Indicator 5-2-1914 - Married - Miss H. Agnes McCurdy and Ralph H. Seaman were united in marriage Monday morning at the Sacred Heart church. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Woolahan. The bride looked very pretty in her dress of white crepe meteor with a bodice of lace and pearl trimmings. She wore a white hat and carried a bouquet of bride's roses. Miss Mary McCurdy was bride's maid and wore gold colored chiffon over a blue foundation. John Schoolman acted as best man. The bride entered the church on the arm of the best man, followed by the bridesmaid and bridegroom. They proceeded up the aisle until they reached the altar, where the bride and groom took their places in the center, with the attendants on each side. During the services the choir sang an Ave Maria, which was well rendered. As the bridal party left the church a wedding march was played. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of Mrs. Bertha Fraser, by Mrs. John J. McCurdy, assisted by Miss Margaret McCurdy. Miss McCurdy is a teacher in the Pueblo schools and Mr. Seaman is a bookkeeper at Stearns & Rogers. Both young people are well known in Pueblo and vicinity. Rice, old shoes and cans accompanied them on their honeymoon trip to the northern part of the state. All the readers join in wishing them a happy and prosperous voyage.
Pueblo Indicator 7-4-1914 - County Correspondence - Peaceful Valley on Soda Creek - Miss Alberta Rose, daughter of "Sonnie" Rose, was married to James Monroe Clavin, at St. Paul A. M. E. church, on Tuesday evening, at 8:00. It was without a doubt the largest wedding ever witnessed among the colored people of Pueblo.
Yuma Pioneer 10-9-1914 - J. L. Paulen and Arline Paulen were married by a justice of the peace at Pueblo, two years after they had been the principals in a bitterly contested divorce suit in the County Court.
Pueblo Indicator 12-19-1914 - Bessemer Briefs - Miss Pearl Shellman and R. Lee Barkwell were married December 14th at the home of the bride's mother, 707 N. Main street.
Yuma Pioneer 2-26-1915 - Ruth H. Slaughter, 19, and Ralph P. Walker, 21, eloped to Colorado Springs from Pueblo and were married in the Episcopal parsonage.
Pueblo Indicator 7-10-1915 - Bessemer Briefs - A wedding of interest was that of Miss Claribel Mullenix of the South side and Mr. Homer Peerman of Leadville, which was solemnized Tuesday forenoon in the presence of friends and relatives. Shortly after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Peerman left for a two months tour of the Pacific coast, accompanied by Miss Ruth and Mrs. Ethel Mullenix. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Peerman will reside in Leadville.
Pueblo Indicator 8-28-1915 - To Be Married in Utah - Miss Margaret Johnson, daughter of Mrs. Lena Johnson of 1138 Evans avenue, left for McGill, Utah, Thursday where she is to meet George White, a mining man and they will be married. The bride-to-be has lived here for a number of years and has many friends.
Pueblo Indicator 1-1-1916 - Local News - Married, Friday, December 24, 1915, Miss Nellie Scheuse and Robert F. Loomis. They are at home to friends at 1423 Cypress. Both are well known and popular young people of the city.
Pueblo Indicator 1-1-1916 - Local News - Miss Grace Jackson, daughter of City Clerk J. M. Jackson, and Carrol B. Ireland of California were united in marriage, Wednesday, December 29th. The bride is a graduate of Central High school and very popular.
Yampa Leader, 12-15-1916 George A. Johnson and Mrs. Gladys V. Osborne were remarried at Pueblo after a separation by divorce April 21, 1914.
Pueblo Chieftain 1-2-1917 City Briefs - Wed on New Years - Horace H. Hubbard and Miss Bernita Suen Underwood, both of Minnequa Heights, were married yesterday afternoon at the parsonage of the First M. E. church, South, Rev. J. A. McKee officiating.
Pueblo Chieftain 1-2-1917 City Briefs - New Year Wedding - H. E. Belcher, city salesman for the Rood Candy company and Miss Ruth Winifred Herdman of Rocky Ford, were married in Colorado Springs yesterday by the Rev. C. L. Waite of the First Christian church of that city. Following a sojourn of a week in the northern part of the state the young couple will return to Pueblo to reside. Belcher is well and favorably known in Pueblo while Mrs. Belcher is an attractive and accomplished young woman with a host of friends in Rocky Ford. She is a niece of Mrs. E. W. Varley of Pueblo.
Pueblo Chieftain 1-18-1917 City Briefs - Marriage License - A marriage license was issued yesterday to Charles Todd Mitchell and Cresancia Mary Seigle, both of Pueblo.
Pueblo Chieftain 1-19-1917 City Briefs - Licensed to Wed - A marriage license was issued yesterday at the county clerk's office to Eugenio Mindicello and Assunta Vienna Lanza, both of Pueblo. The age of the young woman was 16 years.
Pueblo Chieftain 2-25-1917 City Briefs - Married Yesterday - Angelo Greco and Mrs. Angela Venezia, yesterday afternoon by M. E. Corson, justice of the peace. Manuel Garcia and Cliopatria Moya of Trinidad by M. E. Corson, yesterday afternoon.
Pueblo Chieftain 4-6-1917 City Briefs - Architect Weds - George E. McDonald, widely known architect of this city and Emma Olinger of Denver were married yesterday at Colorado Springs. They will return to Pueblo where they will make their future home. Mr. McDonald has resided here for several years. He has offices in the Congress hotel, where he resides.
Pueblo Chieftain 4-10-1917 City Briefs - Married At La Junta - W. E. Markus of this city and Lela Sayer of La Junta were married at the Presbyterian parsonage in the latter city last Wednesday.
Pueblo Chieftain 4-29-1917 Society and Clubs - Cards have been received announcing the marriage of Miss Stella May Parks and Mr. Edward F. Allison in Evansville, Ind., on April 17. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Father Henry Dugan in the Ascension church of that city. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Allison, of Pueblo, and graduated from Central high school. He is now connected with the Dawson Shoe store in Evansville, Ind.
Pueblo Chieftain 4-29-1917 Society and Clubs - Friends of Miss Helen Torbet entertained in her honor last Tuesday evening as the marriage of Miss Torbet to Mr. Edward Schlotfeldt, of Denver, will take place soon. Miss Torbet is the daughter of Mr. W. J. Torbet, assistant manager of Everybody's store.
Pueblo Chieftain 7-24-1918 City Briefs - Are Married - Miss Gladys Snodgrass, of Pueblo, and James A. Haney, of Wichita, Kans., auditor for the Santa Fe, were married yesterday in the parlors of the Amherst Hotel by the Rev. O. S. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Haney will make their home in Wichita.
Pueblo Chieftain 7-24-1918 City Briefs - Married at Boone - Miss Celesta Gibbs and Henry Dillon were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Blunt, of Boone, by the Rev. R. C. McKay. Mr. and Mrs. Dillon after a visit in Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Manitou, will be at home near Highland.
Pueblo Chieftain 8-14-1918 City Briefs - White-Guinn Wedding - Miss Kathryn White was married to Mr. Raymond L. Guinn Monday afternoon at the St. Patrick's rectory. The Rev. Father Barry officiated. The couple left immediately for Des Moines, Iowa, where the groom is stationed at Camp Dodge. The wedding was a very quiet one, taking place at 2 o'clock.
Pueblo Chieftain 8-27-1918 City Briefs - Are Married - Justice of the Peace C. J. Hart yesterday afternoon united in marriage Richard P. Bradford and Grace Van Vleck, who came to Pueblo from Topeka, Kansas, for a license and a wedding ceremony.
Pueblo Chieftain 8-27-1918 City Briefs - Get Marriage License - Mrs. Julia Gypsy Bates, of Pueblo, and Clarion H. Paul, of Trinidad, were yesterday granted a marriage license in Colorado Springs.
El Paso County Democrat 4-23-1920 Married in Pueblo - Miss Beatrice Gardner of Delhi, Colo., and Homer Shontz of Franceville were married Sunday in Pueblo by the Rev. Fred Zimmerman. They will make their home in Pueblo. Note: The marriage license reads that Homer E. Shonts, age 27, white, married Beatrice N. Gardner, age 17, white, in Pueblo, Colorado on April 4, 1920. They were married by Fred H. Zimmerman, Minister, of Pueblo, Colo. The marriage was reported by Charles Martellaro of 220 South Bradford Street.
Pueblo Indicator 1-8-1921 Short Local Items - Invitations are out announcing the engagement of Miss Caroline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Boedecker, 1315 Spruce St., to J. Earl Dempsey of 1014 Berkeley ave. The wedding will take place January 17th at St. Frances Xavier church. Both the principals are well known and popular employes of the Colorado Supply Store.
Colorado Springs Gazette 12-12-1922 Mrs. and Mrs. W. L. Anderson of Pueblo have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Frances Lee, to Erwin George May of this city, on Thursday, December 23, at their home 229 Quincy street. Note: The marriage license reads that Erwin Geo. May, age 26, white, married Frances L. Anderson, 23, white, in Pueblo, Colorado on December 28, 1922. They were married by Benjamin D. Dagwell, Clergyman, of Pueblo, Colo. The marriage was reported by Charles Martellaro of 220 South Bradford Street.
Pueblo Indicator 10-12-1929 - County Correspondence - Siloam - Mr. and Mrs. Emery Gaines of Wetmore, were treated a charavari by their Wetmore friends last Monday evening. Mrs. Gaines was Mrs. Pond before her marriage to Emery. Congratulations are in order
Pueblo Indicator 11-1-1930 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Howe, Jr., announce the marriage of their daughter, Marie Elizabeth, to Mr. Leslie M. Alexander, Jr., Wednesday evening at Colorado Springs, by Rev. O. Lussenhop of the Trinity Lutheran church.
Pueblo Indicator 1-8-1931 County Correspondence - Goodpasture - Word has been received here of the marriage of Leona Belvill to George Cooper. Leona lived in our neighborhood several years and attended school here. We all wish Mr. and Mrs. Cooper all possible happiness.
Pueblo Indicator 11-15-1930 - Miss Josephine Tezak and Mr. Theodore Williams were quietly married on Saturday evening by Rev. George T. Lowe at his residence. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Williams. The young couple have gone to housekeeping and have the best wishes of their many friends.
Pueblo Indicator 7-17-1933 Short Local Items - The marriage of Miss Jennie Layne and Mr. Frank Rhodes has been announced. The ceremony was performed at La Junta June 5th.
Pueblo Indicator 7-24-1933 - County Correspondence - Avondale - Miss Irene Roe and Mr. Luther McCurry were married in Pueblo on Saturday, June 10. They will make their home for the present with Mrs. McCurry's uncle, Mr. George Smith.
Pueblo Indicator 7-24-1933 County Correspondence - Burnt Mill and Sitton - Miss Hazel Hankla who now is Mrs. Joe Laughlin, is at home now at 1638 Pine street.
Pueblo Indicator 8-25-1934 - Dr. G. L. Watkins of the Pueblo Civil Service Commission, and Miss Julia Wilson were married August 11. They have returned from a short honeymoon trip and are at home at 119 Pitkin street.
Pueblo Indicator 12-15-1934 - County Correspondence - Crow - Miss Blanche Burnett, who has frequently visited in this neighborhood, was married to Lester Stoker of Turner, Colo., on Dec. 1 at Pueblo.
Pueblo Indicator 12-15-1934 County Correspondence - Rye - Of interest to Rye friends was the marriage of Miss Dora Nichols and Mr. Joe Samworth in Pueblo Monday. Both Dora and Joe have grown up in this community and have a host of friends who wish them well. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham. On Wednesday night a crowd of their friends gathered for an old-time charivari.
Pueblo Indicator 12-12-1936 Short Local Items - Miss Belva O. Boulware and George Moore of Rye, were married December 5th by Justice of Peace S. A. Bates, at his office in the Court House.
Pueblo Indicator 4-3-1937 - Miss Helen Wennermark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wennermark of 1220 E. Orman ave., was married March 28 to Harold K. Miller of Colorado Springs, where they will reside. Mrs. Miller is well known among Pueblo young folks and in business circles, she having been associated with her father in the jewelry business for some time.
Pueblo Indicator 1-4-1941 County Correspondence - Stone City - Geo. Hinkle and Miss Gordon were recently married.
Pueblo Indicator 1-4-1941 County Correspondence - Stone City - Oliver S. Grant Jr. and Miss Cindy Settles were married Dec. 22 in the chapel of the Temple Baptist church in Los Angeles. Oliver is a Pueblo boy, graduate of Central high. He expects to be called for training soon.
The Pueblo Chieftain, October 14, 1955 Marriage Licenses - Peter Bonfiglio, 25, and Miss Rosalie Jo Ann Giarrantano, 19, both of Pueblo.
The Pueblo Chieftain, October 14, 1955 Marriage Licenses - Norval R. Wise, 22, of Beckley, W. Va., and Miss Joeanne Okorn, 21, of Pueblo
The Pueblo Chieftain, October 14, 1955 Marriage Licenses - Robert R. Jaber, 20, and Miss Winona A. Browser, 19, both of Pueblo.
The Pueblo Chieftain, October 15, 1955 Marriage Licenses - Peter Conder, 27, and Mrs. Gloria Tafoya, 24, both of Pueblo.
The Pueblo Chieftain, October 15, 1955 Marriage Licenses - Cornelius J. Knoll, 21 and Miss Marie G. Trower, 17, both of Pueblo.
The Pueblo Chieftain, October 15, 1955 Marriage Licenses - Juan Muso, 21, and Miss Elizabeth Joann Trujillo, 21, both of Pueblo.
The Pueblo Chieftain, October 15, 1955 Marriage Licenses - Arthur Williams Harper, 20, and Miss Ramona Angeline Calderon, 22, both of Pueblo.
The Pueblo Chieftain, October 15, 1955 Marriage Licenses - James Ballard, 22, Wellesley Hills, Mass, and Miss Muriel Nelson, 22, Pueblo.
The Pueblo Chieftain, October 15, 1955 Marriage Licenses - Earnest D. Redlow, 27, of Derby, and Miss Patricia Walter, 22, of Pueblo.
Court Records 6-11-1891 L. P. Smith, Minister of the Gospel, Pueblo
married J. C. Anderson, Pueblo and Miss Bertha
Hopkins of Iowa. Witnesses: several. Book 3, page 347, #2298,
Court Records 18 Sept 1897 John Anderson to Matilda Johnson both
Pueblo, at 611 Routt Ave. Witnesses: Ole F Anderson and
Tillie Nilson, by C. J. Alberthus Pastor of Lutheran Church. Book 4, page 568, #4233.
Court Records 10-9-1901 at St. Marys church, Pueblo,
between Mr. John Petric and Miss Johanna Mismas, Pueblo, at Pueblo.
Witnesses: Anton Doclic & John A. Lustar, by P. Cyril Zupan, OSB,
Pastor (Catholic Priest). Book 5, page 520, #5936,
Court Records 4-22-1902 Mr. John J. Watson of Pueblo, Co and Miss Lue L. Harrison, Pueblo. Witnesses: Miss Jeanette Stanley and Mrs. Geo W. Griffin. By Baptist Minister Geo W. Griffin. Book 5, page 622, #6238,
Court Records 11-30-1902 Frank A. LaBelle of Pueblo, Colo
and Miss Martha Russell of pueblo. Presence of W. J. Russell and
Minniie J. Lambert. By William O Coni, rector of Ascension Church. Marriage #6668,
Court Records 4-20-1903 P. Cyril Zupan, Catholic Priest of Pueblo,
CO, Frank Hribar of Pueblo and Miss
Francisca Pogorelc of Pueblo. Witnesses: frank Pogorelc & Mary
Orsinger. At St. Mary's Church. Book 6, page 204, #6905,
Court Records 5-17-1903 Ran Wilson, Minister Cumberland Presbyterian
church. Mr. Bernard F. Roebrig of
Pueblo and Miss Annie Louise Pospisil of Pueblo. Witnesses: M. S.
Prentiss and Anna Sabo. Book 6, page 224, #6964.
Court Records 7-22-1903 at Pueblo. S. B. Warner, Clergyman, Pueblo, married Thomas J. Jackson of Joliet, Will County,
Ills. and Miss Nora V. Anderson of Pueblo. Witnesses: B. T. Scribner
and Thos. C. Horton. Book 6, page 272, #7110,
Court Records 2-20-1905 P. Cyril Zupan, OSB, Catholic Priest of
Pueblo. Frank Mikelic
of Pueblo and Miss Johanna Pospisel of Pueblo. Witnesses Joseph Hren
and Johana Russ. Book 6, page 572, #8010.
Court Records 8-13-1906 Adalbert Blaknit, Catholic Priest at
Pueblo, married Frank Pogorelic of Pueblo
and Miss Francis Pospisal of Pueblo. Witnesses Karl Pogorelz and
Meri Pelc. Book 7, page 216, #8917.
Court Records 12-25-1909 Pueblo. Mr. Orvis M. Farmer of pueblo,
Co. and miss Gertrude Drain of Pueblo in presence of Jane Watkins and
Maud F. Drain, by Charles W. Huett, Minister M. E. Church. Marriage #10877,
Court Records 2-22-1910 Pueblo, Pueblo Co., Colo.,
between C. S. Miles of Pueblo, Co and Miss Ellen M. Kendall of
Pueblo. Witnesses: Mrs. M. J. Kendall and E. M. Kendall. By County
Judge Frank G. Mirick. Book 8, page 203, #10791.
Court Records 3-24-1912 Pueblo co., Colo.
Between Leslie Atwood Harrison, Pueblo, Colo and Miss Anna L. Baldwin
of Fort Worth, Farrant County, Texas. Witnesses: A. L. Harrison and
Howard Harrison. By F. L. Church Minister of the Gospel residing in
Pueblo. Book 9, page 64, #12291,
Court Records 7-1-1912 John M. Kendall of Coolidge, Hamilton County, Kansas and Miss Florence Rogers of Coolidge, Kansas. Witnesses: Mr. C. W. Thayer & G. C. Bebout, by Geo L. Boroughs Pastor Lake Ave Baptist Church, Pueblo. Book 9, page 123, #12468,
Court Records 1-11-1913 Between Joseph F. Kendall of Pueblo and
Miss Belle Harper of Pueblo, Witnesses: Mrs. M. A.
Harper and S. T. Morgan. By Frank G. Merick County Judge. Book 9, page 241, #12820.
Court Records 7-6-1915 Harry M. Kendall, Pueblo and
Miss Anna Maud Morgan of Pueblo. Wit. Carl Anderson and Mrs. W. T.
Phillips, by Frederick A. Hatch, Mesa Presbyn Church. Marriage #14309,
Court Records 7-26-1916 Wm D. Kerckman, 23, and Georgia Elliott, 22. By J.
A. Leddy, JP. #14960.
Court Records 12-3-1916 Jesse B. Kenner, 22, and Pearl Dusenberry, 18. By
A. J. Waller, Clgyman #15204.
Court Records 12-20-1916 Elmer E. Kercheval, 28, and Clara E. Swope, 19.
By L. L. Henson, Minister. #15246.
Court Records 8-17-1917 Mr. Wortha L. Stevenson of Norman, Cleveland County, Colo and Miss Cleo Herndon of La Junta, Otero, Co, Colo. Witnesses: Ben Gustin & Jas Dye by M. E. Corson J. P. Book 10, page 578, #15762,
Court Records 8-17-1917 Clifford F. Kenny, 24, and Lucille V. Parker, 18..
By M. E. Corson, JP. #15764.
Court Records 11-15-1917 Holman Kennedy, 23, and Ruth Slavin, 22, By H. T.
Gary, Minister. #15955.
Court Records 11-19-1917 John Lepek, 22 to Anna Voytilla, 18, by J. Herdegen
Priest. #15858,
Court Records 1-15-1918 Frank S. Latka, 19 to Mary A. Yalotz, 17. by C. J.
Hart JP. #16368,
Court Records 5-17-1918 Herbert E. Kelly, 26 and Ruth B. Kelly, 29, By M.
E. Corson, JP. #16237.
Court Records 7-1-1918 Jesse V. Kelly, 40 and Margaret M. Cronin, 27, By C.
J. Hart JP. #16056.
Court Records 9-28-1918 Dale Kenagy, 27, and Ersa P. Wilson, 20. By Chas
L. Mead Clgy, Denver. #16519.
Court Records 2-25-1919 Marion Kelly, 23 and Lillian Baker, 15.
By Smith McNutt, Minister Yoder Colo. #16754.
Court Records 4-8-1919 Lee Coy Kemp, 21, and Elizabeth M. Matson, 20. M.
E. Corson, JP. #16855.
Court Records 7-20-1919 Roy Scott, 25, white, to Maude O'Kelley, 18, white.
by F. H. Zimmerman, Minister, Pueblo. #17103,
Court Records 4-30-1920 Lyle V. McGee, 27 white, to Leona O. Harrison, 22 white,
J. H. Ketchum, Minster Pueblo. #18707,
Court Records 6-12-1920 Roy Lee Knoyer, 28, and Josie Gallentine, 22. By
C. J. Hart, JP #17859.
Court Records 6-29-1920 Wm T. Kennedy, 60, and Margaret Alley, 46. 6/29/20, By H. T.
Gary. #17905.
Court Records 7-14-1920 Herbert Kendall, Pueblo and Jenny Petrick,
Wit.: Harry M. Kendall and Anna M. Kendall, by John Samuel Foster. #17945,
Court Records 8-2-1920 Eugene Kendall, 38, and Florence Leeper, 26. By F. E.
Eden. #18000.
Court Records 8-14-1920 Pueblo. Arthur R. Chamberlain of Pueblo
and Miss Edna Woods of Pueblo, Wit: Francis and Marie Zimmerman, by
Fred H. Zimmerman, Minister of the Gospel. Marriage #18037,
Court Records 11-18-1920 Guy H. Kennedy, 32, and Wilma F. Hyde, 21. By F.
W. Pimlott, Minister, Ordway, Colo. #18297.
Court Records 1-1-1921 Alfred W. Kenner. 21, and Regina M. Matice. 16, By
E. S. Evans Minister, Colo Springs. #15428.
Court Records 1-26-1921 Chas W. Kenady, 44, and Lotta L. Veith, 27, By B.
D. Dagewell, Clgy. #18481.
Court Records 5-15-1921 Joseph Mishmash, 29 to Angela Grebenc, 19, by P.
Cyril Zupan, Priest, Pueblo. #18715,
Court Records 7-2-1921 Harold F. Sauers, 21, white, to Anna M. Russell, 18, white.
by E. E. Lyon, Minister, Pueblo. #18839,
Court Records 11-15-1921 Paul Kelson, 22, and Fleta Hudson, 21. F. L.
Geyer Ministr. #21307.
Court Records 6-14-1922 Roy E. Kenner, 21, and Julia Solomon, 18. By F. H.
Zimmerman, Minister. #19519.
Court Records 7-26-1922 Chas E. Kelsey, 28, and Evelyn D. Arnold, 18. A. S.
Norman Ministr. #19612.
Court Records 8-16-1922 Geo D. Kersey, 32, and Maria Prignon, 21. By J. D.
Schimpf, Priest. #19440.
Court Records 9-30-1922 Lynn Smith Kemper, 23, and Mary Elizabeth Baker, 22,
By W. E. Bell minister. #19734.
Court Records 1-22-1923 Frank Latka, 23 to Marie Riley, 18, by P. H.
Hagarty, Priest. #19958,
Court Records 2-11-1924 Wm H. Kendall, 33, and Stella McGuire, 19. By C. R.
Nipps, JP. #20695.
Court Records 3-17-1924 Wayne W. Kervin, 31, and Carrie Dicken, 28. By L.
J. Barnette, Minister. #20761.
Court Records 4-2-1924 Pueblo, Co. between Charles
R. Crosser, Pueblo, Co, & Mrs. Eulah Hood, Pueblo, Co. Witness: Mrs.
J. G. Harvey & Mrs. D. D. Mitchell, by D. Diamond Mitchell. Book 13, page 314, #20787,
Court Records 8-21-1924 James P. Kelly, 50 and Olive Crawford, 40. By B. E.
V. Reeve JP. #21107.
Court Records 8-28-1924 Alex Mc Meekan, 20 white, to Evelyn Thomas, 19, white.
by H. C. Sterrell, Minister. Pueblo. #21129,
Court Records 9-20-1924 Harry J. Kelly, 33, and Mary L. Schmitt, 26, By C.
Arylin Heydon, Minister. #21190.
Court Records 10-31-1924 J. Raymond Kershaw, 23, and Anna M. Sutherland, 24.
By G. E. Ponnell, Minister, Montrose, Colo. #21280.
Court Records 11-23-1924 Rosye Kennedy, 18, and Margaret E. Dutton, 20. By
H. T. Gary Minister. #21335.
Court Records 7-17-1933 Will R. Kendall & Mrs Ellen M. Harr Borh of Laveta, Huerfano co., Colo. Witnesses: Mrs. Florence Wilson & Mrs. Geo F. Lowe. By George F. Lower, 1631 E. 9th St, Pueblo. Book 16, Page 173, #102
Court Records 12-5-1933 Pueblo. Howell N. Drummond,
Pueblo, and Miss Alvina W. Geisler, of Pueblo, Wit. John G. Brauer
and Genevieve Geisler, by George C. Foster JP. #303, book 16, page 242.
Court Records 10-20-1934 Earl M. Cannon, Pueblo and Miss
Mary F. Circle, Pueblo. Wit.: Mrs. John W. Moore and John W. Moore.
By S. A. Bates, JP. #832, book 16, p 420,
Court Records 6-28-1935 Pueblo, between Mr. Fred
Pashel, Pueblo, Co & Miss Loraner Hood, Pueblo. Witnesses: Mr.
Bronmlin & Mrs. White, Signs as witnesses: Mrs. M. M. Thompson & Mrs.
F. C. McCanahan Jr., By Rev. T. Garrett. Book 16, page 518, #1126,
Court Records 5-14-1935 George E. Russell Edmisten,
Pueblo and Mrs. Maude Scott, Pueblo. Wit.: Mrs. Annie Edmisten and D.
W. Edminsten, by S. A. Bates JP #1101, book 16, p 510,
Court Records 8-18-1937 James C. Kindell of Bolivar, Polk
Co., Missouri and Miss Dorothy Lawler of Fowler, Otero Co., Colo.
Witnesses: J. W. Lawler and Minerva Kindall, By
Rev. C. M. Benight of Fruita, Colo. Book #17, page 363, #2606,
Court Records 7-22-1939 at La Junta, Colo. Mr. E.
Weston Hood, Pueblo and Oma Jean Hobbs, Pueblo. Witnesses Don Bowman
& Mrs. Don Bowman. By E. W. Glatz, Minister Church of God. Book 18, page 91, #3734,
Court Records 11-20-1940 Mark John Throop, Pueblo. Martha
M. Huling, Pueblo. Witnesses: Mars Bette Loss & bill Loss, by Albert
A. Panhorst Presbyterian Minister. Book 18, 268, #4264,
Court Records 1-3-1941 Pueblo, Fred Cannon, Pueblo &
Minnie Beals, Pueblo. Witnesses Blanche Brown & DeLos H. Brown. By
County Judge Hubert Glover. Book 18, Page 281, #4303,
Court Records 5-18-1941 Fred W. Huling Jr. of Pueblo
and Miss Shirley Buchannon of Pueblo. Witnesses: Phyllis E.
Buchannon and Henry Hutchings. By Rev. Chas. J. Wood, D.D. 2029
Grand Ave, Pueblo, Co. Book 18, page 319, #4418,
Court Records 12-25-1942 Pueblo. Lawrence W. Kendall,
Pueblo & Lois Zehrung, Pueblo. Witnesses Mr. Marion A. Pile & Mrs.
Marion A. Pile. By Minister Louis A. Heorolf. Book 18, page 544, #5092,
Court Records 1-22-1943 Pueblo, between Clarence Kendall,
Pueblo & Miss Rose K. Warner, Pueblo. Witnesses: J. M. Graham and
Eloise Warner by George F. Lowe. Book 18, page 563,
Court Records 6-12-1944 Pueblo. Robert E. Nace of
Monticello, Carroll County, Indiana and Miss Jessie Mae Holms of
Deming, Luna Co., New Mexico. Witnesses: William C. Charlton and Mrs.
Harry L. McCord. By John R. Fountain, Chaplain US Army. Book 19, page 248, #6159,
Court Records 9-17-1945 Church St Anthony Pueblo, by
Rev. Baldwin Haydock OSB. Lavon W. Fry of Toledo, Lucas Co, Ohio and
Miss Elizabeth Rozborel, Pueblo, Co. Witnesses: Raymond Stephan &
Matilda Ponick. Book 19, page 552,
Court Records 9-27-1945 Pueblo. Ray A. Harrison of
Port Chicago, Contra Costa County, California and Sofie Espinosa,
Pueblo. Witnesses: Alice Martinez and Ben Martinez. By Justice of the
Peace S. A. Bates. Book 19, page 566, #7113,
Court Records 4-27-1946 Catholic Priest Rev. Daniel
Gnidica, OSB. John Giarratano, Pueblo and Miss Elizabeth Jane Rozboril,
Pueblo. Witnesses: Joe Concialdi and Eugenia Rozboril. Book 20, page 67 #7556.
Court Records 6-8-1946 Pueblo, Donald F. Scott, Pueblo
and Miss Beth Drummond, Pueblo. Wit.: Robert F. Scott and Mrs.
Eleanor McClure, by H. A. Hagemeier. #7652, book 20, page 99,
Court Records 6-29-1946 Pueblo. By St Elmo Nauman,
Baptist Minister. Donald T. Harrison of Pueblo and Grace M. Hood,
Pueblo. Witnesses Virginia Adams and Richard A. Robinson, Jr. Book 20, page 127, #7735.
Court Records 9-20-1946 Robert D. Keller, Pueblo,
Miss Phyllis Ann Drain, Pueblo. Wit.: Ionia Inman and George P. Von
Gundy, by Rev. Carl O. Olson, Ft. Presbyterian Church. #7922, book 20, page 189,
Court Records 7-19-1947 Pueblo. Dale G. Drummond and
Miss Dorothy R. Blackburn. Wit.: Red E. Drummond and Doris E.
Blackburn, by Robert Lee Dutton. #8552, book 20 page 400,
Court Records 9-23-1947 Pueblo, by Joseph J. Walsh,
Roman Catholic Priest, Pueblo. Eddie Schmitt, Pueblo & Geraldine
Kendall, Pueblo. Witnessess: Frank J. Robeda and Catherine Kochevar. Book 20, page 448 #8699,
Court Records 6-5-1948 Pueblo, Ted E. Drummond,
Pueblo and Miss Ruth I Clark, Wickliffe, Lake County, Ohio. Wit: Dale
and Dorothy Drummond, by Rev. H. a. Hagermeier. #9102, book 20, page 583,
Court Records 8-7-1949 Pueblo. Wilson E. Smith, Pueblo & Miss Harriet M. Kendall, Pueblo. Wittnesses: Ann Kendall and Paul d. Parker, by T. B. McDivitt. Book 21, page 181, #9842,
Court Records 2-6-1955 Pueblo. Benjamin Eugene
Russell, Pueblo and Harriet Joan Hinshaw, Pueblo. Wit.: Mrs. R. L.
Sissan and Joseph Pantaleo, by Floyd E. House, Minister. #12991, book 22, page 583,
Court Records 6-8-1955 Pueblo, Paul J. Edwards,
Pawnee, Saugasseor County, Illinois and Miss Nancy Cannon, Pueblo.
Witnesses Barbara McMeekan and Robert Lee. By Ernest L. Decker,
Minister. Book 22, page 641, #13165,
Court Records 11-29-1955 Ben E. Russell, Pueblo, Mrs.
Rose M. Russell, Pueblo, Wit. Donna Drummond and Albert Drummond. By
Walter J. Christman JP, at Pueblo Court House. #13485, book 23, page 100,
Court Records 8-16-1957 John Russell, Colo Springs, and
Maxine Keck, Colo Springs. Wit.: Ruth L. Darwell and Fred Odiet. By
Thomas V. Keenan, JP. #14597, book 23, page 470,
Court Records 6-18-1960 at Pueblo, Co by Catholic
Priest Rev. Marvin J. Kapushion. Between James E. Kendall & Virginia
Kay Rozich, Witnesses: George C. Shinovich & Carole M. Occhiato. Book 25, page 414, #17327,
Court Records 11-20-1960 Howard Eugene
Harrison, Pueblo and Winnifred Mae Eyestone, Pueblo. Wit: Shirley Ann
Baldwin and Donald T. Harrison. By Elder G. W. Asher Paster, SDA
Church. #17746, book 25, page 623,
Court Record 12-4-1960 Pueblo, Andrew J. Watts and
Edna Harrison, Wit.: Verne A. Dennis and Barbara Lou Littig, by
Morris M. Dice, Fst Bapt Church. #17798, book 26, page 11
Court Records 12-16-1960 Robert E. Ahlers, Pueblo,
Barbara J. Henley, Pueblo. Wit.: Jerry Manka and Barbara Manka, by
James E. Pomerary. #17825, book 26 page 25,
Court Records 7-14-1963 William E. Russell, Pueblo
and Carolyn E. Stiles. Wit.: Leah R. Hill and Jerry E. Stiles, by
Morris M. Dice #20073, book 27, page 503,

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

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