Pueblo County, Colorado
Mountain View Cemetery

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Mountain View Cemetery
1305 Beulah Ave
Pueblo, CO 81002
Phone: (719) 583-2682

Arch (Kay Medved)

Arch (Kay Medved)

Overall (Kay Medved)

Overall (Kay Medved)

Overall (Kay Medved)

Columbarium (Kay Medved)

Columbarium (Kay Medved)

Columbarium (Kay Medved)
Pueblo Chieftain 9-21-2008 – Historic Burial Grounds – Interments Predate Mountain View Cemetery -
Long before a cemetery was established, the ground near Beulah and Northern avenues accepted and sheltered the dead.
Burials were made in the 1870s when the area was vacant land - graves sometimes show up in neighborhood streets - but it wasn't until 1881 that the town of South Pueblo purchased land from Colorado Coal and Iron Co. and started Mountain View Cemetery. The 20 acres between Beulah, Sprague and Northern avenues cost $1,000 and were acquired largely through the efforts of South Pueblo lawyer Joseph McMurtry, whose remains lie beneath a huge marker near the Beulah gate.
Soon after the cemetery was founded, the Catholic Church bought an adjacent piece of land along Northern Avenue and started the small St. Joseph Cemetery for the Catholic faithful.
South Pueblo ceased to exist upon consolidation of the three Pueblos on Jan. 1, 1887, and Mountain View became a Pueblo city property with the city clerk responsible for burial records and plot sales.
As the century turned, Pueblo Chieftain executive J.J. Lambert bought 10 acres of land adjoining the two cemeteries and gave it to the Catholic Church so Sacred Heart Orphanage could be built. (Today the orphanage building is a Pueblo Housing Authority property, the Phoenix Apartments.)
Marvin Steward, who along with Gerry Montgomery contracts to manage the cemetery for the city of Pueblo, said Mountain View's history isn't very well-documented.
Steward said some of the early burial records were destroyed in a fire that burned the sexton's house around 1910, and though some of those records have been reconstructed from the gravestones, many of the cemetery's estimated 30,000 graves never have been marked.
"There are flu epidemic victims, state hospital patients, people who couldn't afford markers - the indigent," Steward said.
The original paupers' section is located along Sprague Avenue, in the southeast corner of the cemetery, and is striking for its lack of trees. Steward calls it "dry ground" because it was just dirt for many years. Block 11, bordering Prairie Avenue in the southwest corner of the cemetery, became the burial ground for indigent people after the cemetery was expanded in the 1930s.
Local historian George R. Williams said bodies from the state hospital came to the cemetery nearly every day for burial when the Pueblo Parks Department managed it.
"We were getting all the indigent folks from the state hospital - the ones not buried there or shipped out - and from the county farm," Williams said. "We grassed it all in - why would you want to discriminate against the poor people?"
In 1935, the city bought the land that included the St. Joseph Cemetery and, in 1938, bought land between Acero and Prairie avenues. Work Projects Administration crews developed these parcels into Mountain View's Annex 1 and Annex 2 so that public burial space would be available to people who could pay for it.
The WPA and Civil Works Administration crews also enclosed the cemetery's ornamental iron fence on Beulah, Sprague and Northern avenues within a cobblestone wall; built four large arched entrances on Northern Avenue and built cobblestone walls around the cemetery and orphanage properties. They also remodeled the sexton's home and built an addition for a cemetery office, laid new irrigation pipe and made other improvements to the original cemetery. And they planted many, many trees. The federal government's contribution to these projects was approximately $100,000; the city match was about $18,000.
The amount of work done by federal work-relief crews at Mountain View undoubtedly was due to the influence of Raymond Talbot, Williams says. Talbot was city commissioner of parks and highways from 1932 to 1946 and was buried at Mountain View in 1955. Pueblo's other big cemetery, North Side (now Pueblo Pioneer Cemetery) didn't enjoy similar largesse because at the time it was owned by the North Side Water District, a private entity.
Management of Mountain View was taken over by a company owned by Montgomery and Steward in 1995. Since then, they have built a mausoleum and a columbarium.
Clues to the physical character of Mountain View can be gotten from a Pueblo Chieftain report on the dedication of Sacred Heart Orphanage in April 1903. The article noted the orphanage was located in the southwest part of Pueblo, "and from it can be obtained one of the most beautiful views of distant mountains in Colorado. It is where children may have the full benefit of Pueblo's balmy climate, and is away from the smoke and dust of the city."
Further clues to the area's character are furnished in 1903 advertisements for Baker's Gardens subdivision near the cemetery - north of Northern Avenue and between Palmer and Berkeley. "Choicest place to build a house with gardens and fruit and flowers. Not an isolated and barren spot out on the prairie, but a beautiful, fertile garden, which even now faces new and handsome houses on all sides …"
Pueblo native Carol Davis, who now lives in Kalispell, Mont., said she loves the old trees, rose bushes and flowers growing at Mountain View where her parents, Ralph and Bernice Tedrow, are buried.
When her parents looked for a cemetery plot in the 1980s, she said they were happy to find an unsold double plot in the old part of Mountain View, near Beulah Avenue, and were really pleased that it was near her father's parents' graves.
"My dad's parents are buried maybe 30 feet from where my mom and dad are buried. They always liked the old section with the mature trees and such. Mom liked the upright headstones, too, rather than the flat plaques. She thought they were easier to find," Davis said.
Davis' mother was buried at Mountain View in 2005 and her father in 1994. Her paternal grandparents, Etta and Hiram Tedrow, were buried in 1970 and 1937, respectively. Her husband Scott Davis' maternal grandparents, Thelma and Scott Cook, are buried near the Tedrows. His parents, Puebloans Jim and Wanda Davis, also have purchased a plot in the old section of the cemetery.
Carol Davis says the older headstones in the cemetery are interesting.
"Sometimes just a few words can tell a story about someone's life and other times the words really make you ponder."
Sources: The Pueblo Chieftain; Pueblo Lore, articles by George R. Williams; Colorado State Archives, Colorado Governors Index; Pueblo County Historical Society's "A Condensed Account of 1933-1942 Federal New Deal Projects and Programs Within the City and County of Pueblo, Colo."
Notables buried at Mountain View Cemetery include Raymond H. Talbot and Joseph McMurtry.
Talbot was born Aug. 19, 1896, in Chicago and his parents soon moved to Pueblo. He grew up and attended schools here and studied to be an electrical engineer.
He was employed by Southern Colorado Power Co. and also taught vocational training as an agent of Colorado A&M (now Colorado State University-Fort Collins). He was elected to the state House of Representatives in 1926, the state Senate in 1928 and was elected lieutenant governor in 1932 as Democratic Gov. Edwin C. Johnson's running mate.
Talbot served as governor for 10 days - Jan. 2 to Jan. 12 in 1937 - after Johnson resigned early to serve in the U.S. Senate.
Locally, Talbot served as city commissioner of parks and highways from 1932 to 1946; he was president of the Colorado State Fair Commission from 1931 to 1953, and was named Pueblo postmaster in 1949.
Talbot died of a stroke at age 58 on Jan. 30, 1955.
McMurtry lived in South Pueblo for five or six years and was prominent there. He established a law practice and a real estate business, was an active member of the
Methodist Church, a member of the volunteer fire department and he was very active in the Masons.
McMurtry helped acquire the land for Mountain View Cemetery and is credited with designing the roadways and burial sections.
McMurtry died in late August 1881. Trustees of South Pueblo appropriated funds for his huge and elaborate marker - erected near the Beulah entrance - and detailed instructions for his funeral procession were published along with his death and funeral notices in the Sept. 1, 1881, Daily Chieftain. The procession would go from South Pueblo Lodge 31 hall at East Evans and Broadway to the brand-new cemetery at Beulah and Northern.
Montgomery Steward Cemetery Database Click here to go to the Mountain View cemetery database.
Adams, Andrew Dow born 3-26-1838 Missouri died 11-2-1923 Notes: Veteran
Adams, James M born c 1833 Tennessee died 1-14-1906 Notes: Co.H 71st Ill. Inf.
Alexander, George Price died 7-4-1944 Notes: Humphrey Mortuary Records, Alamosa, Colorado – G. Price Alexander, retired salesman; Survivors: Mrs. Frank Schulman, Mrs. C. S. Terrill, Mrs. C. M. Tyner (nieces); buried in Mountain View Cemetery, Pueblo, Colorado; obituary available.
Allen, Ronald Grover born 6-20-1892 Missouri died 11-9-1927 Notes: Veteran
Altaffer, William H born 10-1-1842 Virginia died 12-25-1925 Notes: Veteran
Anders, Eva Lena born 1-27-1888 Oklahoma died 11-28-1911 Notes: married, daughter of L.A. Onstott born Arkansas and Sallie Arnold, McCarthy Funeral Home (Kay Medved)
Anderson, Arved Holger born 9-7-1895 Minnesota died 8-7-1941 Notes: Veteran
Anderson, Elizabeth born 1870 died 1944 Also (Kay Medved)
Anderson, Ethel born 10-17-1907 Pueblo died 2-7-1910 Notes: daughter of H.C. Anderson born Denmark and Agnes Henrikson born Europe, McCarthy Funeral Home
Anderson, Gus born 1863 died 1939 Also (Kay Medved)
Anderson, John A. born 1857 died 1914
Anderson, Richard R born 5-15-1889 California died 5-19-1920 Notes: Veteran
Applegate, Benjamin born 3-23-1828 died 3-6-1912 Notes: Co A 20 Iowa Infantry
Applegate, Benjamin born 3-23-1828 died 3-6-1912 Notes: Co.A 20th Iowa Inf.
Arbuthnot, William A born 11-6-1837 Pennsylvania died 5-8-1937 Notes: Veteran
Arnold, Perry B born 1-1-1865 Ohio died 11-1-1896 Notes: Veteran
Arthur, John born 12-25-1844 Ireland died 9-24-1922 Notes: Veteran
Ashbrook, Walter Scott born 2-2-1883 died 3-27-1950 Notes: Humphrey Mortuary Records, Alamosa, Colorado – Walter Scott Ashbrook, died on March 27, 1950 in Salida, Colorado; residence Route #1, Box 210, Pueblo, Colorado; male, white, married; born February 2, 1883 in Virginia; 67 years old; railroad conductor; Father: Joe B. Ashbrook; Mother: Mollie Wyatt; Informant: Mrs. Mable Ashbrook, Pueblo; buried in Pueblo; Survivors: Mable Ashbrook; Mrs. E. L. David, Mrs. C. C. Bush; 7 grandchildren; 5 sisters; 2 brothers. Note: Walter Ashbrook was buried in Mountain View Cemetery in Pueblo, Colorado.
Ashley, John D born 2-28-1858 Kentucky died 3-9-1928 Notes: Veteran
Bachelder, Leonidas born c 1853 died 7-31-1923 Notes: Veteran
Bachik, Harold James born 12-21-1926 died 12-3-1967Colorado RM3 USNR WWII (Kay Medved)
Bailey, Helen Ruth born 9-1-1911 Pueblo died 9-1-1911 Notes: daughter of William L. and Ollie S. Love Bailey, f born Paulding, Ohio m born Washington, Indiana, McCarthy Funeral Home
Baker, Harry born c 1840 died 3-10-1903 Notes: Co. K 24th Wisc. Inf.
Baker, William Kendall born 1-2-1848 Indiana died 1-26-1930 Notes: Veteran
Ballou, Nellie born 1881 died 1940 Also (Kay Medved)
Ballou, William Len born 1877 died 1962 Also (Kay Medved)
Barnes, John M born 9-24-1845 Missouri died 2-17-1928 Notes: Veteran
Barnett, baby girl born 4-5-1910 Pueblo died 4-5-1910 Notes: daughter of Benjamin H. Barnett born Mo. and Grace Hahn born Kansas, McCarthy Funeral Home
Barnett, Marion Irwin died 7-19-1911 Notes: age 2m 23d, child of J.T. Barnett born Mo. and Jennie Irwin born New Mexico, McCarthy Funeral Home
Barr, Hester R. born 3-31-1864 died 9-1-1947 Notes: Humphrey Mortuary Records, Alamosa, Colorado – Hester R. Barr, died on September 1, 1947; residence La Jara, Colorado; female, white, widowed to Daniel D. Barr; born March 31, 1864; died at age 83 years; housewife; Informant: Mrs. Ida Lisle, La Jara, Colorado; attending physician: Dr. Lea; buried in Pueblo, Colorado. Note: Hester Barr was buried in Mountain View Cemetery in Pueblo, Colorado next to David D. Barr (according to Mountain View's records).
Barron, Juanita Loving born 6-12-1911 Pueblo died 6-24-1911 Notes: daughter of John and Bonnie Fowler Barron, F born Ky. M born Tenn., McCarthy Funeral Home
Barron, Mary M. died 11-12-1902 Notes: age 89y 5m 23d, McCarthy Funeral Home
Bartholomew, Hattie F. born 1860 died 1921
Bartlett, Robert born 1-1-1843 Missouri died 12-6-1929 Notes: Veteran
Barton, Leslie (Leo)(Gordon) born 6-4-1896 Minnesota died 11-24-1936 Notes: Veteran
Baty, William C born 1-1-1837 Ohio died 3-21-1905 Notes: Veteran
Bayliss, Reuben born 3-1-1889 died 5-13-1905
Bayliss, Wm. born 12-14-1886 died 5-19-1905
Beaudette, Joseph Francis born 5-12-1888 Illinois died 9-8-1933 Notes: Veteran
Bebb, William R. born 1873 died 1914 (Kay Medved)
Beckman, Hilma J. born 1887 died 1964 (Kay Medved)
Beckman, Louis A. born 1869 died 1953 (Kay Medved)
Beecher, Charles died 10-8-1941
Beilstein, William born 1855 died 1919
Bell, George born 3-1-1842 Pennsylvania died 1-4-1908 Notes: Capt. Co. H 150th Pennsylvania Infantry
Bennett, Warren M. born 1924 died 1974 (Dennis Reed)
Benson, Clara born 12-18-1845 Stockholm, Sweden died 11-30-1911 Notes: age 66y, wife of Edward C. Benson, daughter of John Johnson born Sweden, McCarthy Funeral Home
Berger, Bertha C. born 1885 died 1944 Also (Kay Medved)
Berger, Ollie C. born 1879 died 1939 Also (Kay Medved)
Bergkvist, L. August born 1863 died 1943Father (Kay Medved)
Bernard, Martha E. born 1892 died 1968
Bernard, Robert born 1892 died 1926
Biddle, Floyd died 6-24-1899 Notes: age 1y 2m, son of O.D. Biddle, McCarthy Funeral Home
Biddle, John M. born 1873 died 1929
Biddle, Louis V. born 1871 died 1927
Biddle, Sarah L. born 1852 died 1920
Billoyd, Elizabeth born 6-5-1839 Scotland died 10-26-1911 Notes: widow, daughter of John Brown and Jessie Gibson both born Scotland, paid by Mrs. Turner, McCarthy Funeral Home
Bippus, John J born c 1850 died 4-25-1921 Notes: Veteran
Bisbee, Albert born c 1829 Indiana died 9-20-1909 Notes: Veteran
Bishop, Alice M. born 9-12-1849 Ohio died 1-22-1913 Notes: widow, daughter of Joseph Harris born Virginia and Hannah Tuttle NY, paid by Ira E. Jones, McCarthy Funeral Home
Bishop, Bert Edmond died 1-25-1901 Notes: age 2y, son of Frank Bishop, McCarthy Funeral Home
Black, Fay J. born 1899 died 1940 (Kay Medved)
Black, Finley C. born 8-22-1886 died 11-28-1907
Blackwell, Julia died 1948
Blain, John died 8-18-1934
Blair, Margaret born 1844 died 1934 Notes: Mother, (Dennis Reed)
Blair, W H H died 10-14-1883 Notes: Sgt Co. A 17th Iowa Inf.
Blatter, Mary E. born 1862 died 1927
Blatter, William C. born 1863 died 1920
Boitz, Jacob born 1-18-1845 Pennsylvania died 11-1-1927 Notes: Veteran
Bollinger, Charles L. Notes: Direction W, Lot 138, Block 3, Grave 1
Bollinger, Lawrence Notes: Direction W, Lot 39, Block 5, Grave 1
Bollinger, Mary Notes: Direction W, Lot 39, Block 5, Grave 1
Bollinger, Una Notes: Direction W, Lot 138, Block 3, Grave 2
Bonested, Harriett born 11-16-1838 Ohio died 1-14-1912 Notes: age 74y, married, daughter of John Parker born England and Charlotte Kennedy born Ohio, McCarthy Funeral Home
Borders, Walter born 1902 died 1939 (Kay Medved)
Bornschein, Glen Conorod buried 1-10-1915
Bost, Flossie born 1886 died 1912 (Kay Medved)
Bowne, Socrates, Dr. died 3-18-1902 Notes: age 53y, informant Miss Lettia J. Bowne, McCarthy Funeral Home
Boyle, William T born c 1838 died 12-31-1894 Notes: Co. B 50th Ill. Inf.
Bradley, Daniel Perry born 9-8-1841 Indiana died 3-3-1918 Notes: Veteran
Bradley, William Perry born 11-21-1893 Colorado died 12-23-1920 Notes: Veteran
Brantzel, Phillip H born 2-27-1863 Illinois Notes: Veteran
Brauer, Carl A. born Cuchara, Colorado died 12-10-1909 Notes: age 8y 10m 23d, son of John A. Brauer, resident of Cuchara, McCarthy Funeral Home
Bray, D.Z. born died 8-6-1922 Notes: age 63y (Kay Medved)
Bretlinger, Joseph W born 3-17-1838 Pennsylvania Notes: Veteran
Brockman, Robert T. born 12-14-1868 died 2-14-1948 Notes: Brother of Carrie F. (Brockman) White
Brockman, Rosa C. Hesburg born 5-27-1870 died 5-17-1925
Brown, Alta Cheatum born 1901 died 1937 (Kay Medved)
Brown, infant daughter born 12-29-1901 Pueblo died 12-29-1901 Notes: daughter of V.D. Brown, McCarthy Funeral Home
Brown, James H. born 1864 died 1939 Also (Kay Medved)
Brown, Jennie May died 8-25-1902 Notes: age 36y 9d, wife of George L. Brown, McCarthy Funeral Home
Brown, Jessie R. born 1868 died 1948 Also (Kay Medved)
Brown, Joseph Jr. died 11-23-1901 Notes: age 2m 22d, son of Joseph Brown Sr, informant Annie Riley, McCarthy Funeral Home
Brown, Julius E. died 11-14-1909 Notes: age 3y 4m 19d, son of W.E. Brown resident of Walsenburg, Co., McCarthy Funeral Home
Bruce, Ethel B. born 1888 died 1941 Wife and Mother (Kay Medved)
Bruce, Jesse C. born 1885 died 1942 (Kay Medved)
Bryan, Robert Joseph born 5-13-1892 Pennsylvania died 1918 Notes: Veteran
Bryant, John Bridgeman died 1883 Notes: Co. A 39th Mo. Inf., Montgomery Steward Database shows death as 4-13-1888
Bryant, John Grant Dr. born 5-1-1844 died 10-31-1905 Notes: Veteran
Bryant, William G. born 1873 died 1917
Buchanan, J A born c 1839 died 2-18-1896 Notes: Veteran
Bullard, Evan born 1888 died 12-19-1937 Notes: Veteran
Burch, Iona L. born 1930 died 1997 (Kay Medved)
Burch, Walter M. born 1932 died 2014 Also (Kay Medved)
Burge, Blanche born 1887 died 1983 Also (Kay Medved)
Burge, Lawrence born 1889 died 1981 Also, married 4-24-1912 (Kay Medved)
Burge, Lawrence William born 8-11-1922 died 9-5-1938 (Kay Medved)
Burleigh, infant born 6-7-1911 Pueblo died 6-7-1911 Notes: child of Aldophus H. Burleigh born Pennsylvania and Ruth Lee born Denver, Colorado McCarthy Funeral Home
Burnette, Lasalle D. born 1889 died 1948 Notes: Husband and Father (Kay Medved)
Burnette, Margaret born 1889 died 1943 Notes: Wife and Mother (Kay Medved)
Burnham, David Webster born 1867 died 1949
Burr, Ruth Josephine born 1911 died 1965 (Dennis Reed)
Burr, Sydney Reed born 1892 died 1976 (Dennis Reed)
Butler, Nona Margaret born 1905 died 1976 (Dennis Reed)
Butler, William A born 8-7-1895 Tennessee died 1-25-1924 Notes: Veteran
Butler, William C. born 1900 died 1994 (Dennis Reed)
Butts, Gertrude died 12-9-1911 Notes: age 4m, daughter of Edward A. Butts, McCarthy Funeral Home
Cahaw, Fred died 3-13-1940 Notes: Veteran
Campbell, Bess L. born 1886 died 1956 (Kay Medved)
Campbell,Charles E. born 5-29-1854 died 10-7-1901
Campbell, Charles J. born 1887 died 1972 (Kay Medved)
Campbell,John C. born 1860 died 1912
Campbell, Lola M. born 6-5-1864 died 4-5-1916 Notes: Mother (Kay Medved)
Carlile, William K born 5-4-1843 Ohio Notes: Co. A 80th Ohio Inf.
Carlisle, K. B. died Notes: Co A 80 Ohio Infantry
Casey, Rose Mary born 1-4-? Victor, Colorado died 10-16-1912 Notes: age 27y, married, daughter of William M. McAlister born Arkansas and Anna Boyd born Indiana
Castles, Wilson Wallace Jr. born 1864 died 1920 (Kay Medved)
Cavenaugh, Edward E died 10-14-1892 Notes: Co. H 4th Ohio Inf, Montgomery Steward database shows death as 10-13-1892
Chandler, Fleepy B born 12-9-1887 Texas died 12-14-1928 Notes: Veteran, Montgomery Steward database shows name as F.C.
Chase, Albert B born 4-4-1837 Massachusetts died 1-14-1923 Notes: Co E 1 Colorado Cavalry
Christy, Charles E. born 1856 died 1913
Cillin, Robt. N. Notes: Co F 140 Pennsylvania Infantry
Clark, Cliff died 2-4-1924 (Kay Medved)
Clark, Nancy born 1862 died 1941 Notes: Mother
Cobb, Raymond L born 6-20-1894 Colorado died 12-13-1931 Notes: Veteran
Coffman, Roy Joseph born 1-14-1910 Kansas died 3-20-1911 Notes: Son of A.J. and Magnolia Moody Coffman, both born Virginia, McCarthy Funeral Home
Cole, Oscar F. born 6-26-1850 Pennsylvania died 11-8-1911 Notes: Son of Ransom Cole born N.Y. and Electa Dillon Cole born Pa., McCarthy Funeral Home
Coleman, Gertrude B. born 10-11-1894 died 11-1-1963 (Kay Medved)
Collier, William H. born 4-23-1850 Hartford, Ct. died 10-17-1912 Notes: Son of Lymon M. Collier born England and Julia Bevins Collier. Took sick at steel works and died in buggy while being taken home., McCarthy Funeral Home
Collins, Irene died 10-17-1909 Notes: Daughter of P.L. Collins, McCarthy Funeral Home
Comerford, John born 3-20-1837 Ireland died 5-31-1911 Notes: age 70y, Son of Patrick and Mary McUrnan both born Ireland, McCarthy Funeral Home Notes: Veteran
Conway, Lee W C born 1-26-1876 Indiana died 2-11-1930 Notes: Co B 18 Colorado Infantry Spanish American War
Coogle, John B. born 4-9-1910 Hotchkiss, Colorado died 1-12-1911 Notes: daughter of Carl H. Coogle born Indiana and Elizabeth H. Salvoy Coogle born Virginia, McCarthy Funeral Home
Cooper, Fred died 3-10-1901 Notes: age 18y 7m, Son of Calvin Cooper, McCarthy Funeral Home
Cooper, Jonathan R born c 1838 Pennsylvania died 6-2-1896 Notes: Veteran, Montgomery Steward database birth 1849
Corbin, Alpheus A Jr. Dr. born 11-17-1839 Wisconsin died 2-14-1918 Notes: Co I 5 Iowa Infantry
Cosby, Patrick J. born 11-29-1863 died 1-30-1993
Cotter, Erdie B. born 1894 died 1942 (Kay Medved)
Cotter, Nevil E. born 1888 died 1967 Notes: Father (Kay Medved)
Couch, Julia Viola born 6-2-1911 Oklahoma died 10-30-1911 Notes: daughter of Casa Couch born Missouri and Minnie Simonds Couch born Kansas, McCarthy Funeral Home
Coulter, James W. born 1854 died 1905
Courtwright, Orlando born c 1846 died 2-16-1896 Notes: Veteran
Cox, Joan born 1932 died 1954
Crane, Carrie M. born 1844 d. 1937
Crane, LeRoy A born 4-19-1840 Michigan died 7-1-1917 Notes: Capt Co H 14 Iowa Infantry (Civil War)
Creager, Luther W. born 1876 died 1943 (Kay Medved)
Creager, Sadie F. born 1879 died 1943 (Kay Medved)
Cronkhite, Velma Mae born 1923 died 1984 (Dennis Reed)
Cross, Francis R. born 9-30-1839 Pennsylvania died 5-14-1910 Notes: died at Colorado Springs, mother Lydia A. Rolls, sold to William Cross and J.C. Walters, McCarthy Funeral Home
Cross, Gertrude born 7-14-1883 Pueblo died 6-28-1911 Notes: died St. Mary;s Hospital, son buried with her, wife of Frank C. Cross, daughter of Thomas James and Grace Knucky both parents born England, McCarthy Funeral Home
Cross, infant son born 6-27-1911 Pueblo died 6-27-1911 Notes: son of Frank Cross and Gertrude M. James both born Pueblo, buried in casket with Mother, McCarthy Funeral Home
Crossman, Robert A. died 12-9-1938
Crumley, Dora M. born 1887 died 1953 Also (Kay Medved)
Crumley, William H. born 1890 died 1960 Also (Kay Medved)
Curshaw, Florence E. born 3-7-1855 died 7-23-1914
Custard, Bess L. born 1886 died 1956 Also (Kay Medved)
Custard, Charles J. born 1887 died 1972 Also (Kay Medved)
Custard, Mary Katheryn born 1924 died 1940 (Kay Medved)
Dakin, Harvey born 7-26-1886 New York died 10-8-1929 Notes: Veteran
Dalton, Lee E. born 11-12-1866 died 2-23-1910
Dalton, Raymond E. died 7-9-1900 Notes: age 10m 13d, son of William L. Dalton, McCarthy Funeral Home
Davidson, Harold H born 2-25-1896 Colorado died 12-14-1918 Notes: Veteran
Davis, Alice C. born 9-13-1872 died 6-18-1954 Notes: Mother (Kay Medved)
Davis, infant daughter died 11-14-1902 Notes: age 18d, daughter of J. Davis, McCarthy Funeral Home
Davis, John Vernon born 8-3-1899 died 10-19-1959 Notes: Colorado PFC Svc Comd Unit WWII (Kay Medved)
Dayhuff, Emma Mrs. died 9-5-1902 Notes: age 36y 9m 5d, wife of John Dayhuff, part paid by Highlanders, McCarthy Funeral Home
Deaton, Neal born 8-15-1897 Texas died 11-6-1917 Notes: Veteran
Dees, Arthur Anthony born 1-20-1889 Missouri died 9-16-1936 Notes: Veteran
DeHart, Thomas D born 5-26-1869 Illinois died 3-8-1927 Notes: Veteran
Dennon, Vera May born 9-4-1892 died 3-12-1922 Notes: Wife of Harry E.
Dibble, Robert B. born 1869 died 1943 (Kay Medved)
Dickerson, Andrew Sammie born 7-8-1838 Illinois Notes: Co. H 125th Ill. Inf.
Dickerson, Edna C. born 1890 died 1931 (Kay Medved)
Dierdorf, Yona Isabell born 11-18-1910 Pueblo died 11-25-1910 Notes: daughter of William and ? Barnett Dierdorf, f born Missouri, m born Kansas, McCarthy Funeral Home
Dingman, James P born c 1845 New York died 6-24-1890 Notes: Co. A 23rd N.Y. Cav., James B.; GAR death 5-24-1890
Dinwiddie, Edith R. born Pueblo died 3-27-1907 Notes: age 6y 5m 31d, died at McClelland Orphanage, daughter of Samuel Dinwiddie, McCarthy Funeral Home
Dixon, Andrew W born c 1840 Illinois died 1-19-1906 Notes: Veteran, Montgomery Steward lists him as Dickson
Dodds, infant twin daughters born 8-23-1911Pueblo died 8-23-1911 Notes: daughters of C.A. and Martha A. Albright Dodds both born Iowa, McCarthy Funeral Home
Doering, Susannah M. Barker born 6-26-1842 Illinois died 11-21-1911 Notes: age 61y, widow, daughter Mrs. Grace Terrell of Salida, McCarthy Funeral Home (Kay Medved)
Donnelly, Anna born 1879 died 1899 Notes: Mother (Kay Medved)
Doty, Mrs. Orlo born 11-16-1857 Kentucky died 1-29-1910 Notes: age 52y, married, daughter of Thomas and Mary J. Michaels Phillips both born Ky., McCarthy Funeral Home
Downey, James Edward born 1-12-1840 Indiana Notes: Co. C 132nd Ind. Inf.
Downs, Gracie Ethel born 4-10-1892 Iron City, Missouri died 3-4-1910 Notes: single, daughter of Jefferson Davis and Martha A. Cullison Downs both born Missouri, McCarthy Funeral Home
Doyle, Joseph O. born c 1836 New Mexico died 8-20-1905 Notes: Veteran
Drew, Clarence born 9-27-1890 died 11-7-1918 (Kay Medved)
Duggins, George G, (M.D.) born 12-7-1840 Missouri died 5-17-1907 Notes: Veteran
Dunbar, Elizabeth M. born 1858 died 1922
Dunham, Albert S. Jr. died 2-10-1901 Notes: age 27y 3m 10d, son of Albert S. Dunham Sr., McCarthy Funeral Home
Dunlap, Ida May died 3-22-1900 Notes: age 35y 1m 4d, wife of Joseph Dunlap, McCarthy Funeral Home
Durham, Charles born 1857 died 1918
Durham, Pauline E. born 1858 died 1944
Dutcher, Sumpter P born c 1889 died 6-2-1918 Notes: Veteran
Dykstra, Irene Agnes born 4-10-1911 Pueblo died 8-6-1911 Notes: daughter of Samuel Gagliano and Vinciozina Maurello Gagliano both born Italy, McCarthy Funeral Home
Easton, baby died 10-30-1900 Notes: age 19 days, child of D.H. Easton, McCarthy Funeral Home
Easton, Owen died 7-8-1899 Notes: age 3m, son of Thomas Easton, McCarthy Funeral Home
Eberhardt, Anna Maud died 9-15-1902 Notes: age 1m 15d, daughter of C.G. Eberhardt, McCarthy Funeral Home
Egner, Charles F. born 1880 died 1923
Eklund, Clarence died 10-7-1947
Ellingwood, Fred born born c 1836 died 11-2-1896 Notes: Veteran
Elliott, Lyle A. born 1893 died 1941 (Kay Medved)
Ellis, Prentice E. born 4-21-1887 died 3-6-1908 Notes: Son of Lee & Lizzie Ellis
Ellsworth, I. Byron born 1869 died 1938 Also (Kay Medved)
Ellsworth, Millie M. born 1869 died 1945 Also (Kay Medved)
Elze, Nellie F. born 1896 died 1946 Notes: wife of Arnold H. Elze, mother of Morris L. Stewart
Erickson, Otto F. born 10-11-1875 died 2-7-1921
Evans, James D. died 9-14-1904 Notes: age 64y 11m 19d, McCarthy Funeral Home
Evans, John A born c 1842 Missouri died 3-6-1898 Notes: Co. K 12th Mo. Cav.
Emmal, Aaron C. born 2-22-1904 died 11-17-1919 (Kay Medved)
Fain, Daniel M born 6-4-1893 Colorado died 4-6-1920 Notes: Veteran
Fairchilds, Samarimus born 4-7-1807 Tennessee died 11-28-1912 Notes: divorced or widowed, died Fairview, OK., maiden name Baldwin, paid by A. Fairchild, Fairview, OK., McCarthy Funeral Home
Falcone, Sam born 1882 died 1910 Notes: Sando (Kay Medved)
Farlow, Charles Alfred born 11-20-1864died 2-20-1920
Farlow, Jennie born 10-19-1865 died 4-15-1933
Farmer, Allen E born 11-2-1889 Arkansas died 2-11-1936 Notes: Veteran, Allen C.
Farmer, Mary P. (McGlothlin) born 1923 died 9-30-1979 Notes: daughter of Thomas L. & Amy (Tatman) McGlothlin, married (1) Billy Roberts, Jr.; (2) Raymond Farmer; (3) Harlan Gerten.
Farmer, Raymond born 6-17-1923 died 6-4-1977 Notes: Tech 5, US Army, WWII
Farraz, daughter born Pueblo died 8-22-1909 Notes: age 2m 27d, daughter of Michael Farraz, McCarthy Funeral Home
Fehlman, John L (Fehliman) born 3-19-1859 Ohio died 1-20-1925 Notes: Veteran
Feist, Malisa Isabelle born 11-21-1862 died 3-8-1911 Notes: married, parents Isaac Higby born Vermont and Phoebe Baker born New York, paid by John Feist, McCarthy Funeral Home
Fields, Anna Archer born 3-29-1889 Kansas died 12-19-1910 Notes: married, parents James S. Archer born Kansas and Alice Dorn born Indiana, paid by H.S. Fields, McCarthy Funeral Home
Finley, Lloyd born 3-3-1897 Arkansas died 1-16-1940 Notes: Veteran
Fisher, Arabula P. born Virginia died 8-26-1910 Notes: born Dec. 24, age 80y 8m 2d, widowed, wife of Adam Fisher born Virginia, sold to John H. Fisher, McCarthy Funeral Home
Fisher, Blanche E.died 10-18-1928
Fisher, Thomas C. born 10-12-1858 died 8-3-1906
Fletcher, Francis Ellis born 9-29-1911 Pueblo died 9-29-1911 Notes: parents Rudy Fletcher and Marguerette Breedlove mother born Oklahoma, McCarthy Funeral Home
Fletcher, Samuel S. born 1891 died 1978 (Shirley Azvedo)
Fletcher, Sara Jane born 1865 died 1925 (Shirley Azvedo)
Floyd, James A born c 1868 Colorado died 8-27-1919 Notes: Veteran
Fogel, Frank L. (Flinta) born 6-21-1858 Sweden died 1-22-1914
Foote, Susan died 3-1-1899 Notes: wife of A.C. Foote, age 71y, McCarthy Funeral Home
Forest, Charles born 6-6-1910 Pueblo died 7-14-1910 Notes: son of Frank Forest born Sweden and Alvina Johns born Ohio, McCarthy Funeral Home
Foster, Kate Ready born 1872 died 1920
Fountain, Lorenzo D. born 3-28-1824 New York died 12-19-1912 Notes: Co. E 6th N.Y. Inf., name also given as George D., 12-12-1912, married, father born NY mother born NJ, McCarthy Funeral Home
Fowler, Edna O. born 1895 died 1982 Also (Kay Medved)
Fowler, James Ray. M.D. born 1895 died 1971 Also (Kay Medved)
Fraley, George P born 10-14-1868 Illinois died 4-7-1924 Notes: Veteran
Franklin, Elmer born 12-19-1916 died 2-4-1917 (Kay Medved)
Franklin, James O. born 12-12-1910 died 3-27-1916 Also (Kay Medved)
Franklin, Lendall L. born 3-15-1915 died 4-3-1916 Also (Kay Medved)
Fraser, George Newton died 12-15-1900 Notes: age 5m 15d, died at Mrs. Barrett's, son of Simon Fraser, service Holy Trinity Church, McCarthy Funeral Home
French, Charles L. born New York died 12-20-1910 Notes: age 77y, died St. Mary Hospital, both parents born Canada, McCarthy Funeral Home
Frye, Robert Biddle born c 1842 died 1-12-1932 Notes: Co F 18 Pennsylvania Cavalry
Fuller, Addison J. born 2-10-1875 died 1-16-1910
Fulmer, Velma Hed born 1890 died 1951 (Kay Medved)
Gaddis, Fred G. born 1882 died 1935
Gaddy, Samuel W born 10-14-1891 Missouri died 10-23-1918 Notes: Veteran
Gallagher, John E. Notes: Veteran
Gallino, Benjamin D born c 1835 died 3-24-1911 Notes: 9th Ill. Inf.
Gardner, Thomas Henry born 8-4-1840 New York died 2-11-1915 Notes: Co. I 169th N.Y. Inf, Thomas W. per GAR
Gates, John T born 3-17-1843 US died 3-9-1916 Notes: Veteran
German, Ebenezer B. born 1850 died 1915
Gerry, John born 12-24-1884 died 2-7-1910
Gibson, Eli Wm. born 1852 died 1913
Gibson, Emma M. born 1862 died 1908
Gibson, Lucius B born 8-24-1835 Maine died 6-23-1907 Notes: Co. K 1st Maine Art., born 8-29-1864
Gilbert, Henry C born 9-26-1896 Illinois died 3-23-1928 Notes: Veteran
Gillin, Robert N born 3-24-1842 Pennsylvania died 10-15-1923 Notes: Veteran, Gillen,
Gladhill, Mordecai born c 1835 died 12-26-1887 Notes: Veteran
Gleason, Lewis V born 1-19-1896 Kansas died 10-18-1937 Notes: Veteran
Gload, Eliza A. born 1871 died 1918 Woodmen Circle
Goodman, Virginia born Ossawatomie, Kansas died 8-29-1910 Notes: age 10m, daughter of Alva Goodman and Susan Sullivan both born Illinois, taken in hearse with Winnie Maud Sullivan, McCarthy Funeral Home
Goodnight, Grace A. born 1904 died 1983 (Kay Medved)
Goody, Eva Leona born 1-31-1915 Pueblo died 2-1-1915 Notes: parents Leslie E. Goody born Ohio City, WV and Bessie Barnett born Kiowa Co., Ks., McCarthy Funeral Home
Gordon, Albert born 12-8-1898 Tennessee died 7-20-1930 Notes: Veteran
Gordon, Leo V born 6-4-1896 Missouri died 11-24-1936 Notes: Veteran
Goshen, Louis N. born 1870 died 1936 (Kay Medved)
Grafton, Inez B. born 1861 died 1905
Graham, Claude S. born 11-24-1894 died 2-17-1940 (Kay Medved)
Graham, John W. born 6-9-1852 died 2-8-1920
Graves, Richard M. born 3-23-1865 died 4-14-1908
Gray, Edna Elizabeth born 7-4-1909 died 6-3-1921 (Kay Medved)
Gray, Hugh E. born 1-27-1890 died 2-11-1916 (Dennis Reed)
Gray, James born 1862 died 1940 (Dennis Reed)
Gray, John H. born 6-12-1886 died 7-25-1945 (Dennis Reed)
Gray, Phoebe born 1867 died 1958 (Dennis Reed)
Gray, Thomas N. born 1927 died 1932 (Dennis Reed)
Gray, Marjorie Dale born 8-5-1917 died 6-3-1921 (Kay Medved)
Green, Bessie born 1903 died 1952 (Kay Medved)
Green, Charles W. born 1880 died 1926
Groom, Elizabeth Mrs. born 2-28-1852 Albany, New York died 5-13-1910 Notes: married, daughter of George Sickles, both parents born Albany, NY, sold to Richard & Mrs. Orville Groom, McCarthy Funeral Home
Gruber, August C. born c 1828 died 2-14-1908 Notes: Co. A 21st Mo. Inf.
Gutshall, Reubin W. died 3-5-1912 Notes: age 57y, middle initial may be M., killed in D&RGW railroad accident near Salida, locomotive engineer, paid by Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, McCarthy Funeral Home
Haddow, Alex born 1-2-1893 Scotland died 6-23-1936 Notes: Veteran
Hahn, Melvina D. born 1861 died 1935
Hahn, Paralee E. born 1898 died 1934
Haines, Beatrice Alice born 8-11-1920 died 8-20-1920 (Kay Medved)
Hall, Ethel born 12-15-1909 died 1-13-1973 (Joan Alyea)
Hall, Helen L. born 1928 died 1964 (Kay Medved)
Hall, Ray A. born 1880 died 1956 (Joan Alyea)
Hall, Sidney B. born 11-2-1906 died 5-6-1976 Notes: military Tec 5 US Army WWII (Joan Alyea)
Hall, Winnifred E. born 1876 died 1968 (Joan Alyea)
Hambelton, Ezra J born 7-25-1841 Ohio died 8-24-1933 Notes: Veteran
Hambelton, Joseph Leroy died 7-29-1911 Notes: age 46 years, Hambelton, Joseph Leroy died 7-29-1911 age 43y, born Missouri, resident of Denver, married, son of Ezra Hambelton and Isabell McDonald both born Ohio, McCarthy Funeral Home, disinterred 10-10-1923 moved to Mountain View
Hamilton, James L. born 1859 died 1939 Also (Kay Medved)
Hamilton, Lillian born 1860 died 1943 Also (Kay Medved)
Hamlin, William Jefferson born 4-22-1859 died 1-3-1899 (Kay Medved)
Hanrahan, Maggie died 11-8-1911 Notes: age 55y, widow, brother Thomas Kenney of Simpson, Lackawanna County, Pa., McCarthy Funeral Home
Harding, John Charles born 7-29-1879 Nebraska died 6-5-1956 Notes: Texas Pvt IOL 14 Grand Div Trans Corp (Kay Medved)
Harper, Winifred M. born 7-9-1866 Ohio died 2-3-1912 Notes: wife of Robert Harper, daughter of Josiah Montgomery and Emeline Montgomery both born Ohio, McCarthy Funeral Home
Harrell, Albert T born 1-14-1842 Ohio died 8-10-1902 Notes: age 60y 6m 26d, resident of Avondale, T.G. McCarthy Funeral Home Veteran, Mtn View records show Harrel.
Harris, James Thompson born 11-23-1845 Ohio died 5-27-1907 Notes: Co. D 3rd Mo. Cav, GAR shows buried Roselawn
Harrison, Earl King born 4-5-1896 Kansas died 1-23-1922 Notes: Veteran
Harrison, Legrand A. born 1-10-1859 died 6-10-1920
Hart, Catherine F. born 1-21-1922 died 3-21-1924 (Kay Medved)
Hartshorn, Florence B. born 1871 died no date Mother Also (Kay Medved)
Hartshorn, Robert R. born 1900 died 1939 Son Also (Kay Medved)
Hartwick, Peter born 9-15-1841 Pennsylvania died 11-6-1926 Notes: Veteran
Harty, Isaac N born 7-15-1848 Iowa died 3-9-1915 Notes: Veteran
Harvey, Martha Elizabeth born 4-25-1823 Wash. D.C. died 10-29-1911 Notes: widow, daughter of Nathan Caton and Sarah Moore both born Va., McCarthy Funeral Home
Hawk, Albert A born c 1838 died 1-12-1898 Notes: Veteran
Hawk, Mary Ellen born 1870 died 1939
Hayden, A.C. died 12-11-1886 Notes: GAR
Hayes, Anna born New York died 3-15-1911 Notes: age 69y, married, daughter of John Ryan born Ireland, McCarthy Funeral Home
Hayes, William Frank born 6-24-1893 Illinois died 1-4-1922 Notes: Veteran
Hearn, James Harvey died 12-1-1910 Notes: age 62y, married, son of Joseph Hearn and ? Dowdy both born England, McCarthy Funeral Home
Heath, James H. born 1873 died 1921
Hed, Carl W. born 1896 died 1944 (Kay Medved)
Hemick, Gertrude born 1864 died 1929
Henderson, Francis M. born 6-8-1842 Missouri died 5-28-1922 Notes: Veteran
Henderson, Francis M. born 5-16-1864 died 10-19-1922 Notes: Veteran
Henderson, John L. born 1861 died 1936 (Kay Medved)
Henkel, John born 1869 died 1939
Henness, Paul Birchard born c 1900 died 10-12-1934 Notes: Veteran
Henry, Carl D born 9-30-1882 Colorado died 1-27-1935 Notes: Veteran
Hicks, Dolph born c 1897 died 1-17-1931 Notes: Veteran
Hiebert, Lavada, Mrs. died 11-13-1909 Notes: age 40y 11m 19d, married, McCarthy Funeral Home
Hill, Clayton M born 5-5-1896 Wisconsin died 6-10-1936 Notes: Veteran
Hill, Norman E. born died 2-15-1943 Notes: Kansas Pvt 1 Cl 16 I Depot Brig Also (Kay Medved)
Hilton, Ella C. died 3-8-1910 Notes: age 60y, widow, died at Denver, Co., McCarthy Funeral Home
Hilton, James M born c 1840 died 7-6-1899 Notes: Co. G 13th Mass. Inf., James N.
Co G 18 Mass Infantry
Hirth, Bernard born 3-19-1856 died 2-1-1943 (Kay Medved)
Hissner, Carrie D. born 10-7-1872 Payton, Illinois died 11-12-1911 Notes: wife of Harry K. Hissner, daughter of John S. Wingfield born Charlotte, NC and Martha Stewart born Wheeling, WV, McCarthy Funeral Home
Hodge, Howard Guy born 1898 died 8-24-1899 Notes: age 1y 9m, son of C.C. Hodge, buried by relatives, McCarthy Funeral Home
(Kay Medved)
Hodge, Pearley Lee born 1896 died 8-17-1899 Notes: age 3y 7m 12d, daughter of C.C. Hodge, buried by relatives, McCarthy Funeral Home (Kay Medved)
Hogg, Alford died 3-1-1900 Notes: age 26y, informant wife and Bernice Logan, McCarthy Funeral Home
Hogg, Ida Mary born 1880 died 1919 (Kay Medved)
Hogsett, Carrie May died 10-29-1900 Notes: age 1y 6d, daughter of J.W. Hogsett, McCarthy Funeral Home
Holderman, Bryant Scott born 4-17-1917 died 9-2-1934 (Kay Medved)
Holliday, Earnest Clay born 1-12-1908 Pueblo died 12-20-1910 Notes: son of Robert C. Holliday born Missouri and Hattie Brown born Iowa, McCarthy Funeral Home
Holmes, J.G. born 7-15-1909 Pueblo died 7-15-1909 Notes: son of J.G. Holmes, McCarthy Funeral Home
Holmes, Newton born 1873 died 1933 (Kay Medved)
Holmes, Thomas born c 1847 died 7-17-1907 Notes: Veteran
Holton, Carrie M. born 1858 died 1931 Notes: Mother (Kay Medved)
Hopkins, Edith L. born 12-2-1912 died 5-25-1988 (Kay Medved)
Hopkins, George B. born 1864 died 1939 Also (Kay Medved)
Hopkins, James S. born 9-7-1904 died 1-23-1992 (Kay Medved)
Hopkins, Lillabel born 1876 died 1956 Also (Kay Medved)
Hopkins, Marcy born 5-8-1947 died 2-28-2013 (Kay Medved)
Hopkins, Walt born 3-26-1946 died 8-18-2013 (Kay Medved)
Hosford, Dan B. born 1877 died 1960 Also (Kay Medved)
Hosford, Minnie J. born 1881 died 1940 Also (Kay Medved)
Hottenstein , G.W. Notes: GAR
Howard, Charles born 7-4-1869 Maryland died 5-12-1938 Notes: Veteran
Howard, infant daughter died 11-7-1914 Notes: parents George H. Howard born Colorado Springs and Clara DeMarae born Oklahoma, McCarthy Funeral Home
Huber, Aloys born 1-3-1907 Pueblo died 4-8-1910 Notes: parents John Huber born Austria and Anna Prelich, McCarthy Funeral Home
Hudspeth, John born 10-25-1841 Pennsylvania died 3-27-1907 Notes: Co. E 105th Pa. Inf.
Hudspeth, Thomas McElroy born 2-18-1900 Colorado died 7-25-1927 Notes: Veteran
Hugh, John Henry born 7-22-1846 Ohio died 7-30-1913 Notes: Co. D 29th Ohio Inf., Hough; GAR death
Hughes, Bernard L. died 7-28-1900 Notes: age 27y 6m 14d, died at Mrs. McKinnis' Ranch, informant wife, McCarthy Funeral Home
Hull, Mary S. born died 8-31-1883 Notes: age 19y 4 m 27d Also (Kay Medved)
Humphris, Emma born 1874 died 1958 Also (Kay Medved)
Humphris, Harry born 1877 died 1943 Also (Kay Medved)
Hunt, Maggie died 7-22-1934
Hurt, Alonzo born 4-2-1880 Alabama died 5-24-1938 Notes: Veteran
Huskey, Hugh W. born 3-25-1900 died 5-13-1949 (Shirley Azvedo)
Hustead, Burch M. born 1877 died 1935 (Kay Medved)
Hutchings, Martha Linda born 1892 died 1980 (Kay Medved)
Hutchings, William Henry born 1889 died 1943 (Kay Medved)
Ikenberry, Fred A. born 1888 died 1966 (Kay Medved)
Ikenberry, Tina born 1890 died 1941 (Kay Medved)
Immroth, Henry J. born 1896 died 1965 Also (Kay Medved)
Immroth, Millie M. born 1894 died 1986 Also (Kay Medved)
Ingram, Dorothea F. born 1916 died 1980 Notes: Sister (Kay Medved)
Ingram, Samuel F. born 1875 died 1948 (Kay Medved)
Ingram, Sarah A. born 1890 died 1954 (Kay Medved)
Irwin, Eunice F. born 1-14-1849 Virginia died 1-14-1910 Notes: widow, sold to estate and Mr. and Mrs J.T. Barnett, McCarthy Funeral Home
Jack, Thomas G. born 9-15-1855 died 7-6-1916
Jacobs, Albert J. born 8-25-1871 died 10-3-1938 (Kay Medved)
James, George A. died 12-1-1911 Notes: age unknown, paid by John M. James, McCarthy Funeral Home
Jessup, Essie L. born 1873 died 1956 (Dennis Reed)
Jessup, William E. born 1876 died 1962 (Dennis Reed)
Johnson, Gustav born 6-15-1864 Sweden died 10-11-1911 Notes: married, son of John Peter Johnson both parents born Sweden, McCarthy Funeral Home
Johnson, Jesse May died 12-4-1912 Notes: age 2m 19d, daughter of J.S. Johnson and ? Grime, both born Mississippi, McCarthy Funeral Home
Johnson, Joseph N. born 3-23-1870 Sweden died 4-6-1911 Notes: married, son of Andrew Johnson born Sweden, paid by Etta Johnson, McCarthy Funeral Home
Johnson, Lysander I born 6-14-1839 Missouri died 1-16-1913 Notes: Veteran
Johnson, Robert A. (Munn, H) born c 1898 died 5-4-1929 Notes: Veteran
Johnson, Stephen died 8-2-1909 Notes: age 70y, sold to Charles A. Johnson, McCarthy Funeral Home
Jones, Daniel I born 2-4-1838 England died 12-13-1888 Notes: Veteran, Daniel M.
Jones, Eliza J. born 10-11-1841 Indiana died 1-11-1912 Notes: daughter of James R. Reece, James H. Jones , cigar maker was entered next to "spouse" was scratched out and entered under "other", McCarthy Funeral Home
Jones, Ellen P. born 4-10-1861 died 11-26-1908 Notes: Wife of Charles E. Jones
Jones, Fannie born 7-28-1842 England died 9-21-1910 Notes: daughter of William Partridge and Rosanna Davis, McCarthy Funeral Home
Jones, Harry born 10-30-1866 Philadelphia, Pa died 2-18-1910 Notes: Son of John J. and Margaret Jones, McCarthy Funeral Home
Jones, Hubert F. born 1913 died 1931 (Kay Medved)
Jones, Jacob W born 3-4-1829 died 9-1-1914 Notes: Veteran
Jones, John R born 1-7-1896 Colorado died 12-6-1937 Notes: Veteran
Jones, Lee Park born 5-12-1894 Ohio died 11-7-1936 Notes: Veteran
Jones, Theta Maxine born 2-14-1925 died 2-15-1925 (Kay Medved)
Joseph, Mabel D. died 2-19-1904 Notes: age 3y 4m 5d, daughter of I.W. Joseph, McCarthy Funeral Home
Judkin, William B. died 3-3-1922 (Kay Medved)
Karr, Beulah M. born 1882 died 1965 (Kay Medved)
Karr, George H. born 1885 died 1951 (Kay Medved)
Karr, Gertrude R. born 1891 died 1968 (Kay Medved)
Karr, Mads Eric born 1890 died 1948 (Kay Medved)
Keating, John F. died 7-29-1937
Keith, Oliver Stratton born 11-19-1896 Texas died 3-11-1929 Notes: Veteran, birth 11-29-1895
Kelin, Hugh born 1862 died 1950 (Dennis Reed)
Kelin, Mary B. born 1872 died 1943 (Dennis Reed)
Kellar, Elmer E born 10-3-1895 Michigan died 11-16-1926 Notes: Veteran, Keller
Kelly, Louis H born 5-24-1897 Missouri died 10-30-1928 Notes: Veteran, Kelley
Kendall, Anna died 5-22-1947 Notes: Grave 2, blk 4, lot W1/2, 170. burial 5-24-1947. Davis. Page 34, book 4.
Kendall, Clarence E. died 8-13-1967 Notes: grave 3 Blk 4, W1/2, 169. bur. 8-17-1967. 78 years. Page 307, book 5. Rouch liner.
Kendall, Cora died 6-14-1964 Notes: Blk 4, grave 2, lot W1/2 90. buried: 6-17-1964, age 65, page 2112, book 5-2110, Rouch - cement Vault.
Kendall, Donald C. died 5-15-1964 Notes: Blk 4, grave 3, lot W1/2 89. Burial 5-20-1964, Fractured neck. Page 209, book 5-2086, Rouch - liner.
Kendall, Georgia J. Notes: Grave 29, Blk - row 28, lot dry. Burial: 3-8-1917, measles. Ref. Page 368, book 1. McCarthy.
Kendall, Harry Moore died 10-20-1973 Notes: Grave 1, blk 4, lot W1/2 90, burial 10-25-1973, 81 years. Cause not stated on California permit.
Refer to page 79, book 6-787 Mc Carthy Almont. Liner.
Kendall, Mary M. Grave 30, blk row 28, lot dry. Burial 3-21-1917, age 2. Cause pneumonia. Ref. Page 369, book 1. McCarthy.
Kennedy, Laura Mary died 5-17-1902 Notes: age 22y 7m 2d, McCarthy Funeral Home
Kenworthy, William C born 1-31-1893 Iowa died 6-9-1940 Notes: Veteran
Kilborn, George O. born 1861 died 1935 (Kay Medved)
Killough, Harry Bond, M.D. born 5-27-1853 Arkansas died 1-21-1931 Notes: Veteran, Montgomery Steward database shows birth as 5-27-1883
Kindle, Emeline born 12-31-1838 Ohio died 11-14-1910 Notes: maiden name Roberts, wife of William Kindle, McCarthy Funeral Home
Kindle, William born New Jersey died 3-12-1911 Notes: age 75y 9m 20d, died at Ogden, Utah, expenses by William and Ray Kindle, McCarthy Funeral Home
King, Ira A. born 11-17-1866 died 7-11-1897
King, Joseph R born 6-25-1894 Iowa died 4-13-1938 Notes: Veteran
King, Thomas A born 11-29-1898 Colorado died 5-6-1939 Notes: Veteran
Kinkel, infant daughter born 5-24-1902 Pueblo died 5-24-1901 Notes: age 20 minutes, daughter of O.B. Kinkle, McCarthy Funeral Home
Kirk, Mary E. born 1856 died 1934 (Kay Medved)
Klein, Edna D. born 1899 died 1939 (Kay Medved)
Klein, Joseph born died 8-8-1939 Infant (Kay Medved)
Kneeland, Josephine G. died 8-7-1902 Notes: age 37y, wife of H.F. Kneeland of Aspen, Co., McCarthy Funeral Home
Knauss, Minnie M. born 1865 died 1928
Knight, Ida B. born 6-11-1870 died 12-28-1907 Notes: Wife of H. C. Knight
Knight, William Lauric born 4-7-1838 California died 4-4-1923 Notes: Veteran
Knowles, Manlove J born 3-26-1843 Delaware died 6-29-1923 Notes: Veteran
Koeper, Jacob G born 5-19-1841 Notes: Co F 201 Pennsylvania Infantry
Kreiger, Peter born 6-24-1836 Germany died 1-11-1911 Notes: widower, parents born Germany, McCarthy Funeral Home
Kutsuma, S. born died 1921 Baby (Kay Medved)
Lackey, James M born 3-25-1840 North Carolina died 8-31-1916 Notes: Veteran
Ladd, Marion O. died 12-11-1909 Notes: age 4m, son of W.L. Ladd expenses by Wesley E. Ladd, McCarthy Funeral Home
Lambert, John J born 1-19-1837 Ireland Notes: Veteran
Landstrum, Matilda died 7-7-1899 Notes: age 34y, wife of O.M. Landstrum, McCarthy Funeral Home
Lane, Albert J born c 1868 Ohio died 3-8-1910 Notes: Veteran
Lane, George E. Jr. born Massachusetts died 4-2-1910 Notes: age 62y 6m 25d, son of George E. and Mary Evert Lane, expenses by Mrs. George E. Lane (Lillie L.), Arthur E. Lane of Salt Lake City, Ernest H. Lane of Walsenburg, McCarthy Funeral Home
Lane, Lewis Leon born 3-21-1889 died 3-20-1926 Notes: Veteran
Langworthy, James Nelson born 12-7-1838 New York died 2-21-1896 Notes: Veteran
Larkin, Ella Maye born 1893 died 1956 (Kay Medved)
Larkin, Novellene M. born 1921 died 1941Mother (Kay Medved)
Laugridge, James W. died 6-4-1902 Notes: age 30y, son of Charles W. Laugridge, McCarthy Funeral Home
Laugridge, Richard Boone born 7-26-1846 Virginia died 5-21-1910 Notes: son of Richard and Emily Boone Laugridge both born England, expenses by Charles W. Laugridge, McCarthy Funeral Home
Layman, Mary M. born 1886 died 1975Mother (Kay Medved)
Layman, William A. born 1876 died 1943Father (Kay Medved)
LeCompte, infant born 11-3-1900 Pueblo died 11-3-1900 Notes: age 15 minutes, child of B.T. LeCompte, McCarthy Funeral Home
Leonard, Shirley M. born 1858 died 1948 (Kay Medved)
Ledwith, Edwin Jos born 1-15-1884 Illinois died 8-6-1938 Notes: Veteran
Lee, Lillian Sadie born 9-19-1909 died 2-16-1913 (Kay Medved)
Lee, Lula born 6-24-1871 died 1-7-1954 (Kay Medved)
Lee, Oscar S. born 8-17-1866 died 9-15-1918 (Kay Medved)
Leffler, baby boy born died 7-17-1916 (Kay Medved)
Lewis, baby girl born died 12-6-1924 (Kay Medved)
Lewis, John born 7-21-1862 died 1-21-1904
Lincoln, Marguerita? born 1-31-1906 Pueblo died 11-22-1910 Notes: resident of Grand Junction, died 1108 Beulah St, Pueblo, daughter of Henry Cassidy and Hazel Lincoln, mother born Ks., McCarthy Funeral Home
Linder, Ralph Mitchell born 7-3-1899 Kansas died 8-10-1936 Notes: Veteran
Lindgren, Alfred born Sweden died 3-30-1913 Notes: born 3-6 age 49y, residence 2720 5th Ave, son of Peter Lindgren born Sweden, McCarthy Funeral Home
Lindsey, Emma Caldwell born 1875 died 1918 (Kay Medved)
Linebarger, Myrtle born no dates died (Kay Medved)
Linfoot, William G born 9-20-1879 Illinois died 8-18-1940 Notes: Veteran
Linn, Alice born 10-20-1868 Illinois died 9-5-1911 Notes: residence 1422 E 5th, daughter of Henry Ferguson and Sarah Inman both born Illinois, McCarthy Funeral Home
Linn, John born 1-2-1863 Illinois died 9-19-1912 Notes: residence Chikolis, Washington, widower, paid by Frank Linn and John F. Linn, Sumner, Wa., McCarthy Funeral Home
Little, Charles A born 1-27-1872 Kansas died 6-30-1936 Notes: Veteran
Littlejohn, Ruth died 8-31-1899 Notes: age 2y 2m, residence 111 E 10th, daughter of Joseph Littlejohn, McCarthy Funeral Home
Litz, Abrame E born c 1841 Pennsylvania died 12-24-1900 Notes: Veteran
Livingston, Dora born 1878 died 1910
Lobner, Andrew W born 12-21-1869 Denmark died 8-28-1936 Notes: Veteran
Lockard, Francis G. born 11-8-1906 Pueblo died 11-8-1906 Notes: residence 507 W 5th, son of John Lockard, McCarthy Funeral Home
Logue, James H. born c 1833 died 3-20-1906 Notes: Veteran, Joseph H. per Mtn. View database
Long, Alex M. born 10-25-1902 died 1-4-1993 Father (Kay Medved)
Long, Ronald Allen born 4-30-1941 died 10-20-1943 (Kay Medved)
Long, Ruth D. born 2-10-1913 died 10-21-1998 Notes: Mother (Kay Medved)
Loper, Augustus B born 11-23-1898 Illinois died 11-7-1921 Notes: Veteran
Lott, John born 5-31-1893 Iowa died 11-23-1935 Notes: Veteran
Lovern, W. M. born 1872 died 1914
Lucksinger, James Bert born 2-23-1879 Pennsylvania died 8-2-1936 Notes: Veteran
Lynch, Clarence L. died 12-1-1899 Notes: son of T.W. Lynch 940 E Evans, McCarthy Funeral Home
Lynn, Ambrose A. born 1-21-1874 died 2-7-1921 (Kay Medved)
Lynn, James H born 12-18-1833 New York died 4-9-1913 Notes: 1st Sgt Co C 19 Wisconsin Infantry
Lytton, Caddie born Wichita, Kansas died 1-2-1915 Notes: age 48y, residence 1206 W 16th, wife of William Lytton, daughter of Wallace Huffert born Christian Co, Ky and Marie Robinson born Ky., McCarthy Funeral Home
MacGregor, James Edwin born 1-3-1902 died 6-14-1938 Notes: Veteran
Maddox, Cecil Irvin born 1875 died 1917
Maddox, Jessie Hazel born 1880 died 1948.
Madison, Allen C. born died 1924 (Kay Medved)
Magee, Bessie O. born 11-16-1899 died 4-16-1978 (Joan Alyea)
Magee, Charles H. born 12-14-1897 died 8-24-1943 (Joan Alyea)
Magill, James K Polk born 9-29-1844 Pennsylvania died 10-18-1922 Notes: Veteran
Mahar, Frank S. born 1879 died 1909
Malin, Wilma born 11-23-1909 Illinois died 10-30-1911 Notes: daughter of William D. Malin and Carrie Saunders, residence 824 E 8th, father born Pa, mother born Iowa, McCarthy Funeral Home
Mallin, Bert W born 3-17-1884 Pennsylvania died 6-2-1929 Notes: Veteran
Mansfield, Levi A born 1-26-1842 Illinois died 7-12-1907 Notes: Veteran
Mapes, Ernest born 11-12-1894 died 10-9-1920 Notes: Veteran
Martin, Bessie M. born 1888 died 1917
Martin, John A born 4-10-1868 Ohio died 12-23-1939 Notes: Veteran
Masters, Belle, book 3, page 94, 80 yrs. 28 April 1936.
Masters, Delia L. book 2, page 311, 81 yrs, 12 Sept 1930.
Masters, James, book 2, page 321, age 78, 12-17-1930.
Mathis, James E born 12-19-1891 Missouri died 6-24-1928 Notes: Veteran
Matlock, Samuel M. died 12-13-1903 Notes: age 64y 4m 12d, residence 804 W 4th, paid by C.O. Dobson of Minnequa Heights, McCarthy Funeral Home
Matthews, John T. born 1838 died 1919
Matthews, Sallie J. born 1842 died 1920
Maurer, John Fred born Jul 141869 died Nov 101918
McAllister, William W born 7-27-1839 Arkansas died 10-9-1934 Notes: Veteran
McAllister, William W born 8-10-1830 Tennessee died 2-17-1931 Notes: Co G. 3rd Reg. Colorado Cav.
McBride, Grace E. born 12-16-1884 died 8-31-1946 (Joan Alyea)
McBride, John Guy born 10-11-1864 died 2-12-1927 (Joan Alyea)
McCabe, Ellis Lee born 8-16-1907 Pueblo died 8-28-1907 Notes: son of Davison S. McCabe, residence near S Side Water Works, family may have moved ot Spooner, Wisc, McCarthy Funeral Home
McCafferty, Clara M. born 1872 died 1926
McCafferty, Samuel B. born 1872 died 1953
McCall, David Perry born 10-30-1861 died 5-26-1939 Notes: Humphrey Mortuary Records, Alamosa, Colorado – David Perry McCall, died on May 26, 1939; residence 411 Ross; male, white, widowed to Hanna Bell; born on October 30, 1861 in Butler, Pennsylvania; died at 88 years, 6 months, 26 days; plasterer; Informant: Mrs. Sadie McDermith, 411 Ross Ave.; buried in Pueblo, Colorado, on May 31, 1939. Note: David McCall was buried in Mountain View Cemetery in Pueblo, Colorado.
McCartney, Cornelius B born 12-16-1890 Kansas died 9-11-1936 Notes: Veteran
McConnel, Lloyd F. born 2-27-1921 died 3-8-1921 (Kay Medved)
McCoy, Mildred born died 6-27-1906 Notes: age 3m 19d, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. William L. McCoy (Kay Medved)
McCulley, Almira R. born Etna, Pennsylvania died 12-31-1909 Notes: age 58y 11m 30d, residence 1443 Vernon Ave, wife of Jason Seavey, daughter of Albert McCulley, McCarthy Funeral Home
McCulloch, Ezra died 7-12-1899 Notes: age 6y 9m 1d, died at Creede. Co, son of Harry McCulloch, McCarthy Funeral Home
McCulloch, Mary Belle died 3-19-1900 Notes: age 24y, 10m, died at St Marys Hosp, wife of Harry McCulloch, funeral held at home of G. H. Nickolls, McCarthy Funeral Home
McDowell, D. Arlene born 6-11-1930 (Dennis Reed)
McDowell, Robert L. born 5-5-1928 died 9-8-1996 Notes: Our children Sandra & Rodney (Dennis Reed)
McEntire, Russell Alvin born 11-30-1907 Arkansas died 2-7-1910 Notes: Son of J.C. and Mattie Hendley McEntire, both born Arkansas, McCarthy Funeral Home
McGregor, Alexander William died 4-19-1899 Notes: age 25y, son of Alexander McGregor, buried 4-21-1899 St. Josephs Cemetery, Dr. A.L. Fugard, cost $108.00
McGregor, James Edwin Notes: Veteran
McIntire, Genevieve Grace born 10-21-1894 Iowa died 3-20-1910 Notes: residence 309 Broadway, daughter of Orrin L. McIntire born Ohio and A.B. McDowell born Pa., McCarthy Funeral Home
McKallip, Irwin C born 1-17-1846 died 1-11-1911 Notes: Co K 53 Pennsylvania Infantry
McKenzie, George A born 6-18-1847 New York died 10-29-1926 Notes: Veteran
McKenzie, Richard Paul born 7-5-1911 Pueblo died 7-12-1911 Notes: son of Walter McKenzie born Nebraska and Derian? Hunt born Kans, residence 1225 Jackson, McCarthy Funeral Home
McMillen, Thomas League born 10-31-1888 died 6-12-1919
McNicol, John W born 5-10-1888 South Dakota died 1-13-1925 Notes: Veteran
Means, Emma F. born 7-22-1862 died 10-4-1902 Notes: Wife of James W. Means
Merriam, John Gerald Hollenbeck born St Louis, Missouri died 11-27-1910 Notes: born June 13, age 17y, residence 216 W 12th, son of L.T. Merriam born Lawrence, Ma. & Junnie L. Roberts born Plattsburg, N.Y., service 1st Baptist Church, McCarthy Funeral Home
Merrill, Elmer Hascall born 1895 died 1977 Also (Kay Medved)
Merrill, Leota Mae born 1897 died 1963 Also (Kay Medved)
Merrill, Maria G. died 4-13-1901 Notes: age 81y 7m 12d, Informant Byron J. Merrill, son, Waverly ranch, 3 miles north of the city, McCarthy Funeral Home
Mertz, Howard Milton born 12-16-1895 Colorado died 9-17-1940 Notes: Veteran
Merz, Mary Magdalena born 2-22-1841 Berne, Switzerland died 3-4-1910 Notes: married, daughter of John Speiser and Eva Herring both born Switz., service 1st Presbyterian Church, McCarthy Funeral Home
Middlebrook, Jane D. born died 11-?-? age 74y (Kay Medved)
Millard, Thomas W born 8-9-1827 Tennessee Notes: Veteran
Miller, Elias M. born 1849 died 1915 (Kay Medved)
Miller, Fannie A. born 1847 died 1923 (Kay Medved)
Miller, Florence born died 12-2-1932 (Kay Medved)
Miller, John D born 2-11-1836 New York died 11-21-1915 Notes: Veteran
Miller, Margarette died 3-11-1901 Notes: age 4y 9m 1d, daughter of Harry Miller, residence 120 W 3rd, Mountain View record shows Nancy Eileen, McCarthy Funeral Home
Miller, Nancy Elizabeth died 5-17-1900 Notes: age 30y 4m 5d, residence 3009 Court, wife of Daniel Miller, McCarthy Funeral Home
Mills, Alice Bowles born 1890 died 1939 Also (Kay Medved)
Mills, Walter James born 1880 died 1939 Also (Kay Medved)
Mirick, William G born 7-11-1826 Kentucky died 3-9-1891 Notes: Veteran
Mitchell, John S. Notes: Co. I 194th Ohio Inf. per GAR
Mitchell, John C born c 1846 died 3-27-1898 Notes: Veteran
Mitchell, Mary Isobelle born 1-3-1855 Edwardsville, Illinois died 12-28-1911 Notes: residence 1528 W 18th, married, daughter of Stephen Caulk? born Ky & Martha Duncan born NC, McCarthy Funeral Home
Mitchell, Thomas Gordon born 9-16-1902 Pueblo died 11-11-1910 Notes: black, son of Theodore Gordon born Pa, and Jessie Coble born Texas, residence 1511 Jackson, paid by W.W. Smith, McCarthy Funeral Home
Mitchem, infant son born Pueblo died 1-5-1914 Notes: son of J.B. Mitchem born In. & Sarah Rhodea born Ky, black, residence 610 Arroya, McCarthy Funeral Home
Mizer, Kenneth J. born 12-23-1913 died 2-20-1934 (Kay Medved)
Moinat, Henry died 1-27-1910 Notes: age abt 50y, died at Phoenix, Ariz, paid by estate, McCarthy Funeral Home
Monroe, Daniel R. born 1867 died 1944 Father Also (Kay Medved)
Monroe, Mamie E. born 1869 died 1943 Mother Also (Kay Medved)
Montgomery, Oscar W. born 1-7-? Ohio died 9-21-1910 Notes: age 49y, born January 7, paid by wife, resident 4 miles east of city, RR1, McCarthy Funeral Home
Moody, John Henry born 5-27-1910 Oregon died 6-30-1911 Notes: Son of Thomas M. and Celpha N. Wilkers Moody. F born Illinois, m born Iowa, McCarthy Funeral Home
Moody, George B. born 1-31-1862 died 12-22-1900
Moore, Annie born 1877 died 1945 (Kay Medved)
Moore, George Walter born 12-30-1886 Kansas died 8-12-1938 Notes: Veteran
Moore, John Henry born 1899 died 1899 (Kay Medved)
Morimoto, Miyo born died age 17m 8d (Kay Medved)
Morris, Lucy D. died 8-6-1934
Morser, Leroy G. born 6-18-1888 La Junta, Co. died 4-26-1910 Notes: son of Charles L. and Hattie L. Spane Moser, f born NY m born Ka., died St. Mary Hospital, McCarthy Funeral Home
Mosier, Samuel born born 12-11-1837 Ohio died 10-24-1911 Notes: Veteran, Surname Mozer. Father: Jonathan Moser M.D. born Md.; Mother: Hannah Swyhar? Born Pa., McCarthy Funeral Home
Mosley, Arthur born born 12-23-1890 Missippi died 3-7-1933 Notes: Veteran
Mozer, Samuel born 12-11-? Ohio died 10-24-1911 Notes: age 74y, Father Jonathan Moser born Md, Mother Hannah Swyhar born Pa., McCarthy Funeral Home
Mummah, Leon born 1857 died 1918
Munn, Harold A (Johnson, Robert) died 5-4-1929 Notes: Veteran
Munson, Clinton born 1882 died 1918 (Kay Medved)
Myer, Antone (Meier) born c 1845 died 1-24-1902 Notes: Veteran
Myers, Helen born died 1940 (Kay Medved)
Myers, John H born 4-10-1834 North Carolina died 4-22-1922 Notes: Veteran
Myers, O. J. born 2-4-1868 died 10-13-1910
Nash, William H. born 8-13-1907 Pueblo died 8-16-1907 Notes: Son of William J. Nash, McCarthy Funeral Home
Needham, Louis M. born 1891 died 1939 (Dennis Reed)
Needham, Mollie F. born 1891 died 1979 (Dennis Reed)
Neilson, Henry E born 10-26-1884 died 10-13-2019 Notes: Veteran
Nelson, Caroline S. born 12-13-1873 died 7-1-1906 Notes: Wife of Nels P. Nelson
Nelson, May E. born 10-30-1912 Chicago, Il. died 3-1-1912 Notes: daughter of Wilbur Nelson and Francis Gunnell Nelson, McCarthy Funeral Home
Nelson, Ola S. born Sweden died 3-27-1911 Notes: age 48y, Son of Swan and Ellen Swanson Nelson, both born Sweden, McCarthy Funeral Home
Nelson, Oscar F. born 1-10-1878 Illinois died 10-13-1912 Notes: Journalist and writer "Mike the Duck", son of P.A. Nelson, McCarthy Funeral Home
Nesbitt, Anna L. born 1883 died 1945 (Kay Medved)
Nesbitt, John A. born 1879 died 1939 (Kay Medved)
Nevil, Clyde born born 10-59-1892 Ohio died 3-6-1921 Notes: Veteran
Newman, Thomas A born 1845 Tennessee died 1-27-1927 Notes: Veteran
Nickerson, U.C. born 3-13-1910 Pueblo died 3-13-1910 Notes: daughter of U.C. Nickerson born Michigan and Cora Pearl Berkew born Illinois, paid by Ulyses C. Nickerson, McCarthy Funeral Home
Noel, Martha Mrs. born 2-3-1829 Indiana died 6-20-1913 Notes: age 84y, daughter of James Skeeters born England and Lucy Little born Ky., informant Zeveldo Little of Glenwood Springs, Co., McCarthy Funeral Home
Nolen, Samuel J. born 1884 died 1918
Noonan, Golda C. born 11-29-1908 died 2-25-1990 (Shirley Azvedo)
Noonan, James F. born 10-1-1910 died 6-5-1998 (Shirley Azvedo)
Norberg, Emma Marie born 1871 died 1922 (Kay Medved)
North, Wiley I. Jr. born 3-4-1911 Pueblo died 9-4-1912 Notes: son of Wiley I. North and Katherine Williams both born Texas, McCarthy Funeral Home
Northway, Charles S. born Apr 261850 died Sep 171900
Norton, Albert died 11-22-1896 Notes: Age 42 years
Norton, Mary C. born 1852 died 1915
Norvell, Fred M. born 1886 died 1962 Also (Kay Medved)
Norvell, Geneva L. born 1895 died 1940 Also (Kay Medved)
Offerle, Ralph S born 4-10-1886 Kansas died 1-3-1927 Notes: Veteran
Oglevie, Jesse N born 9-10-1895 Missouri Notes: Veteran
Ohlman, Cora B. born 1872 died 1926
O'Leary, George D born 1-10-1844 New York died 3-5-1901 Notes: Veteran
Oles, Joseph A born 8-24-1875 Michigan Notes: Veteran
Oliver, William died 8-3-1898 Notes: age 32y, informant Charles Oliver of Cripple Creek, Co., McCarthy Funeral Home
Omo, Mary E. died 9-19-1914
Overdorf, Newton Tillman Jr. born Pueblo died 12-18-1911 Notes: single, McCarthy Funeral Home
Overman, Manzella born Pennsylvania died 7-31-1911 Notes: widow, colored, born Sept. 25, age 53y, daughter of John Heller born Pa., mother born Spain, McCarthy Funeral Home
Packard, Mary A. died 5-26-1908 Notes: age 48y 3m 4d, died at Minnequa Hospital, married, sold to P.L. Packard, Rocky Ford, Co., McCarthy Funeral Home
Packard, Robert Bruce born 4-6-1910 Pueblo died 1-25-1911 Notes: son of Sperry S. Packard born Illinois and Ella L. Graber, McCarthy Funeral Home
Packard, Sidney Malcom born 2-26-1845 New York died 1-2-1927 Notes: Veteran
Page, John E born 10-24-1832 Canada died 3-15-1914 Notes: Veteran
Parks, George Wilson born 2-12-1831 Illinois died 1-6-1910 Notes: Veteran
Parvin, Luther C. born 1879 died 1955 (Dennis Reed)
Patterson, Norman F. born 1851 died 1913
Paulton, Simon P. Notes: Veteran
Payne, Charles V. born May 11856 died Sep 171903
Pearce, Henry E. born 1-11-1897 died 12-6-1902 (Kay Medved)
Pearson, Thomas G. born 1866 died 1939 (Kay Medved)
Peasley, Lillian E. born 1876 died 1939 (Kay Medved)
Pedrick, Zebulon A born 5-10-1834 New York died 12-16-1925 Notes: Veteran
Persons, John born 1891 died 1928Husband (Kay Medved)
Peters, Alonzo born 9-13-1835 Michigan died 4-27-1911 Notes: age 75y, son of Jesse Peters born Michigan, informant Guy Peters Clark of Cripple Creek, Co., McCarthy Funeral Home
Peterson, Axel E. born 1862 died 1917
Peterson, Helen Amanda born Stovy Rigg, Scotland died 5-6-1910 Notes: age 55y, married, daughter of Alexander Hay, both parents born Scotland, sold to Fred Peterson, Alex & Florence Halcomb of Pueblo, McCarthy Funeral Home
Peterson, Riley Clarence born 5-26-1924 died 1-?-1925 (Kay Medved)
Phelps, Lyman B. born 2-11-1863 died 8-28-1914
Philhour, Frank L born 2-3-1893 Washington Notes: Veteran
Phillips, George S born 5-19-1874 Missouri died 8-7-1939 Notes: Veteran
Pierce, William T. born 2-11-1891 died 8-26-1912
Pittman, Lula Mae born 1881 died 1936 Mother (Kay Medved)
Pittwood, Theodore W. born 11-24-1852 died 7-24-1908
Plummer, infant born 10-28-1911 Pueblo died 10-30-1911 Notes: child of A.E. Plummer and Anna Thomas both born Indiana, McCarthy Funeral Home
Plummer, Wm. M. born 4-28-1870 died 1-7-1907
Plymell, William born Illinois died 1-30-1910 Notes: widower, McCarthy Funeral Home
Power, James Dolsen born died 4-5-1915 (Kay Medved)
Preall, Charles F born 9-23-1829 died 1-6-1888 Notes: Veteran
Prevost, Victor C born 6-20-1895 Colorado died 5-19-1928 Notes: Veteran
Price, Louis G. born 10-31-1888 died 10-?-1931 (Kay Medved)
Pugh, Jacob W born 1-20-1843 Ohio died 5-27-1930 Notes: Veteran
Pugh Ulysses Grant born Jan 301868 died Feb 101917
Quist, Anna born 1873 died 1960 (Joan Alyea)
Quist, Axel born 1868 died 1943 (Joan Alyea)
Quist, Hannah born 7-4-1887 died 4-2-1974 (Joan Alyea)
Quist, John born 7-22-1875 died 11-10-1948 (Joan Alyea)
Radinger, Harry born 5-12-1911 Pueblo died 5-13-1911 Notes: child of Harry and Susie Daugherty Radinger, f born Ohio m born Ireland, McCarthy Funeral Home
Rafferty, George B born 1895 Kansas died 10-21-1918 Notes: Veteran
Ragan, James S born 1848 died 4-5-1927 Notes: Veteran
Ragland, George W born 2-17-1831 Illinois died 5-4-1918 Notes: Veteran
Ragland, James W born 3-4-1843 Illinois died 2-27-1929 Notes: Veteran
Ragland, Thomas E born 9-22-1848 Missouri died 1-21-1924 Notes: Veteran
Ragland, William H born 2-29-1844 Illinois died 11-16-1917 Notes: Veteran
Randall, Harry died 3-21-1902 Notes: age 46y, informant Painter's Union #302, McCarthy Funeral Home
Randolph, James W. born 1861 died 1937 Dad (Kay Medved)
Ranus, James L. Sr. Notes: Direction W, Lot 107, Block B, Grave 4
Ranus, James L. Jr. Notes: Direction W, Lot 107, Block B, Grave 5
Ranus, Julia Notes: Direction W, Lot 107, Block B, Grave 8
Ray, John L. born 1879 died 1912
Ray, Joseph died 7-26-1900 Notes: age 82y 8m 9d, informant L.R. Dalton of Pueblo, McCarthy Funeral Home
Rayner, Juan T born 5-20-1844 Tennessee died 5-18-1931 Notes: Veteran
Real, Edward A. born 1909 died 1966 Notes: (Dennis Reed)
Reece, Chas. W. Notes: Co B 36 Iowa Infantry
Reece, Louise died 1914 (Kay Medved)
Reed, Mary A. born 1860 died 1939 Also (Kay Medved)
Reed, Nina born 1900 died 1991 Also (Kay Medved)
Reed, Roy born 1892 died 1971 Also (Kay Medved)
Reese, Charles W (Reece) born 8-30-1846 Indiana Notes: Veteran
Renfro, Anna L. born died 2-20-1933 (Kay Medved)
Reva, Joseph Nichols born 12-6-1909 Pueblo died 2-4-1910 Notes: son of John Reva born Italy and Sani? Hudson born England, McCarthy Funeral Home
Reynolds, George E. born Apr 251859 died Nov 281918
Rice, John Edwin Jr. born 12-26-1886 Virginia died 1-28-1932 Notes: Veteran
Richards, infant son born 7-8-1909 Pueblo died 7-8-1909 Notes: son of L.O. Richards, McCarthy Funeral Home
Richards, James Edwin born 11-17-1893 died 10-5-1944 Colorado Cpl 6 Regt U.S.M.C. 2 Div Also (Kay Medved)
Richards, Margaret Elizabeth born 2-26-1903 died 6-23-1980 Also (Kay Medved)
Rickabaugh, Jerimiah born 8-22-1889 Notes: Co F 77 Pennsylvania Infantry
Rielator, Harry William born 10-2-1896 Colorado died 1-3-1936 Notes: Veteran
Rielator, William W. born 1854 died 1920
Rinker, infant daughter born 7-18-1910 Pueblo died 7-18-1910 Notes: child of Ed. C. Rinker born Bay Rhea, Luxembourg, mother born Nebraska, McCarthy Funeral Home
Risley, Samuel R. Pueblo died 11-17-1909 Notes: son of S.R. Risley, McCarthy Funeral Home
Roach, John died 1-8-1899 Notes: age 19y 10m 23d, son of Thomas Roach of Pueblo, McCarthy Funeral Home
Roark, Boyd Emory born 3-26-1881 Virginia died 12-23-1951 Notes: Veteran
Roark, John born 7-26-1848 Virginia died 7-3-1913 Notes: Veteran
Roberts, infant born died 6-29-1890child of S. & G. Roberts Also (Kay Medved)
Roberts, Lola Rosetta Pueblo died 10-16-1900 Notes: daughter of Solomon H. Roberts, McCarthy Funeral Home
Robinson, Clyde born 6-20-1890 North Carolina died 10-19-1937 Notes: Veteran
Roger, James Kearney born 3-28-1888 Massachusetts died 6-26-1927 Notes: Veteran
Rogers, Frank Asberry born 1-18-1886 Indiana died 1-16-1940 Notes: Veteran
Roper, Ada N. born 1879 died 1935 (Kay Medved)
Rose, William L born 6-27-1847 Missouri died 11-18-1933 Notes: Veteran
Ross, Charles B. born 7-20-1847 New York died 6-5-1934 New York Notes: Veteran (Kay Medved)
Rupert, Frank E. born 1869 died 1923
Rupert, Ida Kehoe born 1867 died 1953
Rush, Myrtle E. born 1892 died 1982 Also (Kay Medved)
Rush, Roy E. born 1888 died 1974 Also (Kay Medved)
Russell, Anna Eliza. Grave 6, blk 2, lot E1/2, 145. died 20 March 1969, burial 3-24-1969, 85 years. Davis, Ref. Page 358, book 5-3575.
Russell, Anna O. Grave 3, blk c, lot E1/2 31. Burial: 8-10-1896, 25 years. See page 93, book 1.
Russell, baby. Grave 1 at head blk B, lot W1/2 100, burial 9-29-1913. Stillborn . Ref: page 307, book 1, Davis-Vories. Baby moved to above location from grave 21, row 25, dry ground.
Russell, Benjamin E. Sr. Grave 1, blk 5, lot E1/2 39, died 6-28-1969. Burial 6-30-1969. Age 56. Cardiac decompensation. Refer to Page 366, book 5-3655. Davis
Russell, Bertha L. R. Grave 4, at foot Blk 6, lot W1/2 66, Burial 1-11-1926, Ref. Page 335, book 2. See also page 186, book 2. T. G. McCarthy. Removed from grave 9, now 38, dry to above by J. R. Dyes in May 1931.
Russell, Della Jane, Grave 6, blk 2, lot 1 129. died 9-5-1960, burial 9-7-1960, age 78. Cerebral Thrombosis. Ref. Book 5-858, page 86. Davis.
Russell, Earl F. Grave 5, blk 2, lot E 1/2 145. died 5-16-1942, Burial 5-19-1942. 66 years. Book 3, page 256. Davis.
Russell, Effie. Grave 15, blk row 11, lot dry. Burial 3-13-1895. See page 86, book 1.
Russell, Emily L. died 10-5-1900 Notes: age 19y 4m 13d, wife of William J. Russell, McCarthy Funeral Home. Grave 5, blk C, lot E1/2 3. Burial 10-6-1900, 19 years. See page 131, book 1.
Russell, Fred M. Grave 4 at head blk G, lot W12/ 66. Burial 4-3-1931. Age 1. Page 332, book 2, G Mc Carthy.
Russell, George. Grave 4, blk G, lot W1/2 66. Burial 11-15-1930, age 52. Page 317, book 2. G. McCarthy.
Russell, George B. Grave 5, blk 11, lot 60. died 9-14-1950, burial 9-20-1950. Age 50. Page 151, book 4, #1502. Davis.
Russell, Geo L. Grave 4, blk G, lot 31/2 31. Burial 3-15-1903. Age 50, see page 161, book 1.
Russell, Grace Lois. Grave 6, blk L, lot S 1/2 108. Burial 8-27-1935. Age 65. Davis. See page 123, book 3.
Russell, Ida Delphine. Grave 3, blk B, lot W 1/2 100. died 6-8-1957, burial 6-11-1958, age 85. Page 375, book 4. Davis.
Russell, infant. Grave 21, blk Dry G. lot row 25. died 9-25-1913, burial 9-29-1913, stillborn.
Russell, infant boy. Grave 6, blk row 2, lot 36, age 0. died 4-8-1947, burial 4-9-1947. Stillborn. Refer page 29, book 4-290. Geo McCarthy.
Russell, John M. born 7-5-1912 Sulpher, Oklahoma died 9-24-1913 Notes: son of Henry Russell born Ohio and Imogene Littlefield born Texas, McCarthy Funeral Home. Grave 2, blk L, lot NW 1/4 56. Burial 9-26-1913, age 1. Page 307, book 1. McCarthy.
Russell, Katherine. Grave 1, blk 11, lot E1/2 11. Burial 7-14-1941, age 73, page 225, book 3. Fitzray.
Russell, Lela Mae. Grave 6, blk 4, lot E1/2 50. died 3-3-1951, Burial, 3-6-1951, 52 years. Page 167, book 4, 1658. Davis.
Russell, Lizzie A. Grave 7, blk H, lot 35. Burial 6-26-1898, age 4. See page 110, book 1.
Russell, Mabel May. Grave 1, blk G, lot W1/2 57. Burial 4-28-1927, 41 years. Page 219, book 2. Rouch.
Russell, Martha. Grave 2, blk 3, lot E1/2 76, age 64. died 6-28-1952, burial 7-2-1952. Owner Walter B. Russell. Page 209, book 4. Rouch.
Russell, Martha A. Grave 1-S, blk row 64, lot dry. Burial 10-20-1938, age 69. T. G. McCarthy. See page 127, book 3.
Russell, Mary A. Grave 4, Blk H, lot W1/2 35. Burial 1-21-1917, age 70. Page 365, book 1. Buried by United.
Russell, Robert. Grave 5, blk F, lot W1/2 38. died 2-22-1927, burial 2-24-1927,page 215, Book 2. Jones
Russell, Walter Bruce. Grave 1, blk E 1/2 76, lot 3. died 2-14-1961, Burial 2-18-1961, 82 years. Page 101, book 5, 1008. Rouch.
Russell, Wm E. Grave 2, blk K, lot SW1/2 24. Burial 1-12-1911, age 51. Davis-Vories. See page 268, book 1.
Russell, William J. grave 5, blk 2, lot W1/2 129. Burial 7-21-1942, age 68. Page 262, book 3. Davis.
Russell, Willis R. Grave 4, blk K, lot E 66. died 12-24-1960, Burial 12-28-1960. Owner Annie M. Russell. page 97 book 5-963. Davis.
Ryder, Louis Asa died 9-17-1898 Notes: age 12y, child of William H. Ryder born Missouri and Lillie Alexander born Ohio, McCarthy Funeral Home (may be Louisa)
Rylance, Floyd Edgar born 4-16-1911 died 10-17-1911 Notes: son of George Rylance born Canada and Mary Kovaline born Austria, McCarthy Funeral Home
Saeger, Florence I. born 1874 died 1932
Saeger, Roland George born 12-8-1873 Pennsylvania died 2-2-1921 Notes: Spanish American War
Samuels, James M born 1825 died 11-10-1896 Notes: Veteran
Sanderson, Adam E. born 1835 Notes: Civil War Co. H 73rd In. Inf.
Sands, Robert V born 10-22-1838 Kansas died 1-5-1927 Notes: Veteran
Sanford, Oscar F. born 5-4-1829 New York died 9-13-1906 Notes: Sgt Co H 1 Colorado Cavalry
Saunders, Edward born 1877 died 1922 (Kay Medved)
Savage, David T. born 1856 died 1921
Scable, Jennie died 10-28-1907 Notes: age 34y 10m 29d, no information, McCarthy Funeral Home
Scable, Willie died 6-1-1907 Notes: age 4m 4d, son of Phil W. Scable, McCarthy Funeral Home
Schade, Elizabeth born 9-5-1910 Pueblo died 6-21-1911 Notes: daughter of Felix Schade born Germany and Jessie Lilly born NM, McCarthy Funeral Home
Schaeffer, Katherine born 1-20-1880 died 12-19-1918 (Kay Medved)
Schafer, Frank born 9-23-1878 Germany died 3-17-1911 Notes: married, son of Karl Schafer, both parents born Germany, paid by Pueblo Lodge #19 LOOM - J.F. Thompson, secretary, McCarthy Funeral Home
Schirm, Glenna L. born 1897 died 1963 (Kay Medved)
Schirm, Joseph J. born 1891 died 1947 (Kay Medved)
Schmidt, Mildred Ellen born died 4-21-1983 (Kay Medved)
Schmit, Iona E. born 1886 died 1976 Also (Kay Medved)
Schmit, Raymond born 1872 died 1945 Also (Kay Medved)
Schnell, Frieda born 1866 died 1939
Schnell, George born 1847 died 1916
Schwager, Bertha born died 2-25-1911 Our little darling (Kay Medved)
Scott, Daniel Jefferson born 12-26-1902 Pueblo died 11-5-1910 Notes: son of Thomas Scott born Kans. and ? Stebbins born Colo., residence 920 E 8th, McCarthy Funeral Home
Scott, Thomas R. born 3-29-1915 died 2-26-1967 (Kay Medved)
Seavey, Charles Lee born 1891 died 1920
Sechrist, Lydia born 8-27-1827 Pennsylvania died 12-2-1910 Notes: widow, residence 326 W. Abriendo, daughter of William Kauffman, paid by Mrs. M.A. Smith & Mrs. J.A. Grant, McCarthy Funeral Home
Seeley, William Samuel died 10-8-1910 Notes: residence 820 E 5th, son of Weseley Seeley born Co. & Edna Pribble born Pueblo, McCarthy Funeral Home
Senior, Arthur J. born died 12-20-1932 (Kay Medved)
Self, Nancy born North Carolina died 11-25-1911 Notes: age 68y, residence 105 Rice, wife of Thomas Self, daughter of Davin Nichols, McCarthy Funeral Home
Selleck, Anna May died 2-6-1906 Notes: age 42y 2m 18d, wife of William Selleck, residence 1112 E 7th, McCarthy Funeral Home
Senger, Burel Anna Louise born 3-20-1910 Pueblo died 9-26-1910 Notes: child of O.W. Senger born Wi. & Alma Morrison born Ne, residence 600 E 13th, McCarthy Funeral Home
Setters, infant son born 7-23-1911 Pueblo died 7-23-1911 Notes: died at Minnequa Hospital, son of J.M. Setter born Ky., and Ruth Moore born In., McCarthy Funeral Home
Sexton, Otto Tracey born 10-11-1899 Oklahoma died 7-19-1940 Notes: Veteran
Shackelford, Laura B. born 1865 died 1923
Shaw, Mary Margaret born 1931 died 1940 (Kay Medved)
Shaw, Nancy E. born 1872 died 1940 Also (Kay Medved)
Shaw, Skillman Parker born 9-6-1868 Illinois died 1-15-1940 Notes: Veteran Also (Kay Medved)
Shaw, William born 1852 died 1923
Shields, Elenora E. Kirk born 9-24-1920 died 4-29-1997 (Dennis Reed)
Shields, Ira Earl born 7-30-1925 died 9-25-1946 (Dennis Reed)
Shields, Richard born 1886 died 1921 (Kay Medved)
Shipley, John L born 1842 Kentucky died 2-18-1914 Notes: Lieut Co H 23 Iowa Infantry
Shive, Elizabeth died 5-8-1932
Shive, Martin born 12-12-1843 Pennsylvania died 1-30-1912 Notes: Veteran
Shomer, John Thomas born 1927 died 2000 Grandson (of John Nesbitt) (Kay Medved)
Shrewsbury, Mabel F. born 5-11-1906 died 8-17-1967 (Dennis Reed)
Shrewsbury, Nathaniel T. born 1878 died 1948 (Dennis Reed)
Shrewsbury, Robert D. born 1-21-1897 died 10-21-1966 (Dennis Reed)
Shrewsbury, Sally C. born 1896 died 1983 (Dennis Reed)
Simms, Linnie born born 7-3-1893 Alabama died 8-14-1932 Notes: Veteran
Skelly, Calvin LaRoy born died 3-14-1914 (Kay Medved)
Slack, William M born 8-29-1895 Arkansas died 7-6-1936 Notes: Veteran
Smith, Amelia M. died 8-7-1904 age 45 buried 8-22-1904 West-Whiton, Eden Train Wreck Victim
Smith, Emma Lyons born 1882 died 1965 Also (Kay Medved)
Smith, Irene Mrs. born Terre Haute, Indiana died 4-15-1910 Notes: born Sept. 8, age 28y, wife of George B. Smith, daughter of William Morgan and Lida Bennett, McCarthy Funeral Home
Smith, James Bourland born 1880 died 1946 Also (Kay Medved)
Smith, Lottie Mae born died 3-2-1891 daughter of G.B. & C. Smith (Kay Medved)
Smith, John Thomas born 5-4-1887 Illinois died 4-4-1939 Notes: Veteran
Smith, Maria Rosetta born 5-25-1910 Hastings, Colorado died 7-16-1911 Notes: single, daughter of Orin F. Smith born Iowa and Jennie Garcia born Santa Fe New Mexico, service from residence of Mrs. W.K. Martin and St. Ignatius Church, McCarthy Funeral Home
Smith, Morgan Roper died 4-4-1910 Notes: age 14d, son of George R. Smith born Denver and Irene Morgan born Terre Haute, Indiana, McCarthy Funeral Home
Smith, Rowland P. born 1866 died 1920
Smith, William T. died 9-16-1909 Notes: Age 53 years
Snook, Walter V. born 1915 died 1919 (Kay Medved)
Snow, Herbert A. born 1912 died 1986 Also (Kay Medved)
Snow, Mayme H. Welch born 1915 died 1991 Also (Kay Medved)
Songer, Wayne died 6-19-1907 Notes: age 3m 22d, son of W.M. Songer in care of Star Journal News, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sparr, Hanford James born 5-19-1864 Illinois died 1-15-1937 Notes: Co C 1 Colorado Infantry Spanish American War
Speake, Jesse Gilbert born 7-1-1896 Kansas died 6-7-1936 Notes: Veteran
Spencer, Emma born 10-13-1863 died 9-24-1948 (Joan Alyea)
Spencer, Ruth born 1893 died 7-?-1925 Notes: daughter of Thomas and Emma Spencer (Joan Alyea)
Spencer, Thomas born 6-22-1847 died 5-?-1925 (Joan Alyea)
Spray, Charles Grant born 7-20-1863 died 8-29-1916
Sprinkle, Bertha born 6-6-1912 died 6-7-1912 Notes: daughter of W.F. Sprinkle born Missouri and Ollie Meyers born Kansas, McCarthy Funeral Home
Stapleton, infant son born 6-2-1913 Pueblo died 6-2-1913 Notes: son of Oswald L. and Letha Beadshaw Stapleton, f born Mo. M born Ill.
Steinruck, William A born 8-17-1836 Pennsylvania died 4-23-1928 Notes: Veteran
Stephenson, Harley E. born 1880 died 1971 (Kay Medved)
Stewart, George C. born 1882 died 1918
Stewart, Willie born no date died 8-8-1902 Notes: age 13y, residence 2414 Grand, buried 8-9-1902, informant John C. Stewart & J.O. Caldwell, Dr. R.C. Rahe, cost $37.00
Stinson, Vernie Newman born 8-5-1899 Alabama died 8-30-1938 Notes: Veteran
Stockstill, Minnie born 5-17-1884 Lincoln, Nebraska died 6-21-1910 Notes: resident of 1018 E. Routt, divorced, died at home, buried 6-23-1910, service Bethel Methodist Church, daughter of Al Cornish born NY and Dora L. Carter born Ohio of same address, Dr. Bon O. Adams, cost $141.00
Stoddard, Arthur born 4-27-1862 Kansas died 12-5-1919 Notes: age 48y, son of I. Stoddard and Mattie Stark both born Illinois, married, works Langley Grocer, died at home, buried 12-7-1919, Dr. P.D. Russell, cost $140.00
Stonaker, A.C. died 9-26-1898 Notes: age 69y, no information, McCarthy Funeral Home
Stone, Royal Marshall born Ohio died 4-30-1910 Notes: age 36y, born April 14, baker, son of Andrew T. Stone and Sarah Adams, Sarah born Ky., sold to Mrs. Emma Stone, McCarthy Funeral Home
Stout, Frank M born 10-20-1866 West Virginia died 8-5-1941 Notes: Veteran
Stuart, Blanche born 1884 died 1934Mother (Kay Medved)
Stuart, Melvin born 1862 died 1936 (Kay Medved)
Suhre, Rose born 1886 died 1947 (Kay Medved)
Sullivan, Cornelius born 3-24-1886 Youngstown, Ohio died 1-29-1911 Notes: married, teamster, son of Jeremiah Sullivan born Dubliln, Ireland and Hannah Wylan born Hubbard, Ohio, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sullivan, Paul B. born 1949 died 1972 (Dennis Reed)
Sullivan, Winnie Maud born 4-18-1889 Carbondale, Illinois died 8-28-1910 Notes: daughter of J.W. Sullivan and Lillian McLean both born Illinois, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sutton, Glen L. born 1941 died 2002 (Dennis Reed)
Sutton, Irene B. born 1-19-1897 died 10-24-1980 (Dennis Reed)
Sutton, Jess E. born 1903 died 1983 (Dennis Reed)
Sutton, Oliver M. born 5-11-1912 died 7-29-1949 (Dennis Reed)
Sutton, Ruth L. born 1909 died 1985 (Dennis Reed)
Swearingen, James W. born 1885 died 1951 (Kay Medved)
Swearingen, Winnie Lee born 1891 died 1969 (Kay Medved)
Tanquary, B F born 2-13-1841 Ohio died 12-13-1905 Notes: Veteran
Taylor, Albert B born 1838 Pennsylvania died 5-8-1898 Notes: Veteran
Taylor, Daniel born 1825 died 1903 (Dennis Reed)
Taylor, Edward A. born 1872 died 1903 (Kay Medved)
Taylor, Susan born 1826 died 1898 (Dennis Reed)
Taylor, Wilber A born 6-27-1856 Virginia died 3-25-1938 Notes: Veteran
Terry, Walter L born 9-17-1896 Texas died 1-17-1932 Notes: Veteran
Tharp, Frank R. died 5-10-1898 Notes: Age 36 yr, 9 mo, 8 days
Theyson, William A born 2-15-1888 Minnesota died 11-9-1924 Notes: Veteran
Thomas, Margaret A. born 1871 died 1917
Thomas, William H born 8-7-1844 Indiana died 9-29-1919 Notes: Veteran
Thompson, Mary V. born 1861 died 1940Mother (Kay Medved)
Thornburg, Nellie J. born 1879 died 5-18-1940 Also (Kay Medved)
Thornburg, Robert L. born 1876 died 9-18-1964 Also (Kay Medved)
Tindall, John W. born 8-4-1864 died 8-28-1921
Todd, Jerome G born 1841 Indiana died 4-17-1923 Notes: Veteran
Tomsic, Joseph Albert born 4-27-1895 Colorado died 4-18-1931 Notes: Veteran
Trailer, Alfred C born 8-22-1888 Colorado died 7-9-1919 Notes: Veteran
Travis, Rosa born 1858 died 1944 (Kay Medved)
Trusty, Leroy E. born 1-23-1925 died 1-23-1925 (Kay Medved)
Trusty, Thelma M. born 1912 died 1921 (Kay Medved)
Turner, Daniel W. born 1857 died 1938 Also (Kay Medved)
Turner, Gertrude born 1870 died 1943 Also (Kay Medved)
Twyman, Clinton W born 4-23-1896 Missouri died 9-1-1936 Notes: Veteran
unknown, Leonard A. born died To Leonard, a chosen child of God, My love Doris (Kay Medved)
unknown W.M.B. born died (Kay Medved)
Upson, Isaah F born 8-28-1848 Maine died 8-20-1918 Notes: Veteran
VanDuyn, Roy Howard born 1894 Colorado
VanHorn, Joseph James born Ohio died 8-1-1899 Notes: Veteran
Viergutz, Karl J. born 10-4-1891 died 5-6-1911
Wait, Fred died 11-12-1896 Notes: Veteran
Waldrop, Henry C. born 9-26-1894 died 4-15-1915
Walker, Eli born 8-20-1837 Ohio died 5-16-1911 Notes: Co A 136 Ohio NG Infantry
Walker, L. W. died 8-7-1898 Notes: Age 35 yr, 9 mo, 21 days
Walsh, Michael J born 4-4-1875 Illlinois died 11-23-1929 Notes: Veteran
Walters, Otto W born 8-7-1890 Colorado died 5-15-1936 Notes: Veteran
Wann , Joseph Notes: GAR
Ward, John H. born 1853 died 1913 (Kay Medved)
Ward, Henry Frank born Massachusetts died 3-1-1931 Notes: Veteran
Ward, Sandy born 11-10-1889 Tennessee died 6-10-1916 Colorado Pvt US Army (Kay Medved)
Warren, Charles E. born 1874 died 1928
Warren, John A. born 7-25-1866 died 10-2-1914
Warren, Lillie born 1881 died 1920
Washburn, John L. died 9-21-1899 Notes: age 2y 4m 11d, son of George E. Washburn, McCarthy Funeral Home
Washington, John Henry born 3-20-1839 West Virginia died 3-8-1915 Notes: Veteran
Watkins, Dawsie E. born 3-13-1893 died 3-21-1943 Oklahoma Pvt 117 Inf 30 Div Also (Kay Medved)
Watkins, Ida L. born 1871 died 1946 (Kay Medved)
Watkins, Lenox O. born 3-3-1895 died 8-23-1954 Kansas Pvt 405 Ambulance Co WWI (Kay Medved)
Watson, Colonel C. died 10-19-1911 Notes: age 21y, husband of Emma ?, moved here from Michigan, McCarthy Funeral Home
Watson, infant born 5-5-1910 died 5-5-1910 Notes: child of Charles Watson, McCarthy Funeral Home
Watson, John born 9-21-1863 died 1-17-1914
Weaver, Charles B. born 7-4-1874 Holy Cross, Missouri died 12-30-1914 Notes: age 40y, farmer, single, son of Benjamin F. Weaver born Virginia and Mary Lucas born Holt County, Missouri, McCarthy Funeral Home
Weaver, Noble born 4-23-1910 died 9-19-1910 Notes: son of Fritz A. Weaver born Finland and Agnes Fredrickson born Michigan, McCarthy Funeral Home
Weaver, Thelma Vanenda? born 4-20-1912 Knoxville, Tennessee died 7-25-1913 Notes: daughter of Henry Weaver born Pueblo and Lucy Mays born Knoxville, Tn., McCarthy Funeral Home
Weed, William P born 8-14-1841 Indiana died 10-17-1909 Notes: Co B 75 Indiana Infantry
Weinrich, Ida born 1860 died 1898 Mother (Kay Medved)
Weirick, Della died 3-26-1901 Notes: age 50y 11m, wife of Joseph Weirick, McCarthy Funeral Home
Welch, Alonzo F. died 4-12-1909 Notes: age 79y 5m 7d, died near Beaver Creek, son of Edward G. Welch of Pueblo, McCarthy Funeral Home
Welch, Ida Elizabeth born 1896 died 1973 Mother Also (Kay Medved)
Welch, Russell E. born 1894 died 1979 Father Also (Kay Medved)
Weldon, Charles born 1907 died 1919 (Kay Medved)
Welsh, Mary E. died 2-19-1912 Notes: age 65y, married, died at Cripple Creek, Co., informant J.S. Lashley of 24 Block K, Pueblo, McCarthy Funeral Home
Wentzel, Anna born 4-27-1864 died 1-30-1902 Wife of George M.
West, Clarence Elmer born 11-16-1881 Missouri died 11-14-1924 Notes: Veteran
Westfall, William C born 5-15-1888 Colorado Notes: Veteran
Wetzig, Max born 3-10-1863 Germany died 12-10-1912 Notes: married, laborer, son of Ferdinand Wetzig and Dorothyh Miller bown born Germany, paid by J. Max Wetzig and Carl Wetzig, McCarthy Funeral Home
Wevar, Fritz Alexander born 10-18-1879 Finland died 5-11-1911 Notes: married, Carpenter, son of Karl Jacob Wevar and Sophia Wittick both born Finland, McCarthy Funeral Home
Weyand, Frances E. born 1898 died 1959 (Kay Medved)
Weyand, Rose E. born 1894 died 1983 (Kay Medved)
Whetsel, Anna L. born 1870 died 1933
Whetsel, David born 1859 died 1906
White, Benjamin H. died 12-19-1909 Notes: resident Boone, farmer, age 67y, paid by Dennis McDermott, Mark White & Rufe Higgins, McCarthy Funeral Home
White, Samuel L born 2-14-1878 Iowa died 10-28-1908 Notes: Veteran
Whitlock, Andrew J. born 1857 died 1941 (Kay Medved)
Whitlock, Sarah S. born 1867 died 1942 (Kay Medved)
Whitman, Charles died 2-25-1901 Notes: age 62y 2m 22d, paid by wife, McCarthy Funeral Home
Whitman, Wallace F. died 9-29-1900 Notes: age 1y 3m 2d, son of Charles Whitman, McCarthy Funeral Home
Whitt, Meddie N. born 12-5-1872 Texas died 6-10-1910 Notes: age 37y 7m 2d, wife of Albert G. Whitt, daughter of Thomas D. Wheeler and Mary Smith both born Miss., McCarthy Funeral Home (Kay Medved)
Wilcoxson, Junetta died 6-9-1899 Notes: age 5d, daughter of R. Wilcoxon, McCarthy Funeral Home
Wiles, Alpha Morton born 8-10-1886 Kentucky died 1-18-1925 Notes: Veteran
Wiley, Minnie born 8-2-1878 died 2-8-1913
Willetts, James born 10-3-1839 New York died 11-23-1917 Notes: Veteran
Williams, infant born 5-12-1900 died 5-12-1900 Notes: child of Miss June Williams, informant Carrie Johnson, McCarthy Funeral Home
Williford, Roy Samuel born 3-3-1889 Illinois died 2-18-1931 Notes: Veteran
Wilson, Clifford D. born 1899 died 1900 (Kay Medved)
Wilson, James B born 4-19-1839 died 8-23-1909 Notes: Veteran
Wilson, James Edward born 7-14-1897 Colorado died 9-7-1918 Notes: Veteran
Wilson, Jas. B. Notes: Com Sgt 80 Ohio Infantry
Windle, John Samuel born 6-20-1846 West Virginia died 9-16-1920 Notes: Veteran
Winslow, Albert H born 8-7-1878 Massachusetts died 7-1-1936 Notes: Veteran
Wood, William J born Illinois died 3-24-1900 Notes: Veteran
Worley, Edward M born 8-15-1877 Indiana died 10-10-1938 Notes: Veteran
Wren, William I born 2-8-1840 Kentucky died 9-14-1898 Notes: Veteran
Wright, Avelett H. C. born 6-27-1837 Kentucky died 3-11-1910 Notes: Veteran
Wyatt, Lawrence born 2-23-1896 Arkansas died 3-6-1939 Notes: Veteran
Wykoff, Henry N. born 5-14-1857 died 4-21-1910
Yarberry, Rebecca born 12-10-1854 died 3-3-1935
Yarbrough, Albert W. born 1858 died 1934 Father (Kay Medved)
Yast, James Jr. born 7-10-1903 Leyden, Colorado died 8-21-1911 Notes: Mother Ada S. Williams born Iowa, McCarthy Funeral Home
Yellowlee, Daniel born 1859 died 1904
Yohn, John M born 2-2-1841 Pennsylvania died 4-19-1919 Notes: Veteran
Young, Henry Clay born 10-17-1839 New York died 9-8-1922 Notes: Veteran
Young, William Melish born 1-23-1851 Pennsylvania died 1-11-1927 Notes: Veteran
Zarr, John A. born 1884 died 1933 Father(Kay Medved)
Zook, C. Frank born 1871 died 1938 Also (Kay Medved)
Zook, Elizabeth born 1878 died 1938 Also (Kay Medved)

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