Pueblo County, Colorado
Pueblo News 1870's
Page contributed by Karen Mitchell, news items contributed by Pueblo County Volunteers.
These news items are being extracted from the local newspapers. They are in chronological order. To search for any given name use your browers "Find" button.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 1872 Four wagons loaded with wool belonging to Ferd. Meyer and Co., Badito, passed through town yesterday going to the end of the track.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 5-16-1872
A fine drove of cattle, owned by the Hamilton Brothers, down on the Cucharas, passed through town yesterday, on their way to the Denver market.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 5-22-1872 Major D.W. Crane informs us that the other day three Ute Indians passed his ranch, going south. Their horses exhibited signs of much fatigue, and from certain indications he judged that something important was going on. He considers it prudent to prepare for the blast, and will stock up with a quantity of ammunition today. We hope that these reports will prove to be greatly exaggerated, but, at the same time, the citizens of Southern Colorado should be prepared. A Ute war must be avoided if possible, but if it comes, we should have our guns cocked and primed, and give the red devils enough of it. We hope to give some more authentic information regarding the outbreak in a day or two.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 5-22-1872
The San Juan Country Threatened With a Ute War
Mr. Fred Walsen, of Walsenburg, which is situated on the Cucharas, about fifteen miles north of the Spanish Peaks, arrived in Pueblo, yesterday, bearing news of a startling character regarding the Ute war, which first broke out a few days ago near Terra Amarilla, New Mexico. Mr. Walsen says that on Monday last he met Capt. Eckles, of Fort Garland, who informed him that the entire Ute nation was starting out on the war path, and that the whole San Luis valley region was in a blaze of excitement. Ula, the head chief of the Utes, has sent a courier to Fort Garland informing the commandant of that post, that the braves under him were determined to make trouble, that he could no longer control them, and that if the worst came he should go with his people. In Costilla, Conejos and Saguache Indian outrages have already commenced, and a large number of men have been deprived of their houses and cattle and in many localities the settlers are fleeing for their lives. It is reported also, with how much truth we could not learn, that a company of soldiers sent out from Fort Garland have had a fight with the Indians, which resulted in three of the party being killed while a number were wounded. At the new mining town of Loma, on the Rio Grande, two stores were entered and sacked by the Indians, and a number of cattle and mules taken. The settlers, as we remarked before, are in a perfect frenzy of consternation, while the most crafty and experienced predict that we are on the verge of a Ute war that may be protracted for years. There has been signs of such an outbreak for some time past, and if the numerous reports coming in are to be depended upon, the tragedy is about, or has already commenced.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 5-31-1872
Judge Matt Riddlebarger, one of the solid men of Badito, favored us with a pleasant call last evening, with a budge of items from that section of country.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 5-31-1872
Mr. John Latshaw, a member of the "art preservative", is back from a short trip east.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 6-8-1872
We received a call yesterday from Capt. C.D. Hendron, from the Cucharas. He reports everything lovely in that part of the country, and that Walsenburg has not yet been attacked.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 7-16-1872 Cannot something be done towards fencing in our cemetery.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 7-17-1872 Cannot something be done towards fencing in our cemetery.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 7-17-1872 NOT DEAD - Jose Pedro Gonzales, the Mexican who was shot through the lungs by a Texan on the Cucharas a few days back, was not dead at last accounts, as was at first reported. He will probably recover. Much blame attaches to the sheriff who followed the assassin to Trinidad, and although close at his heels, took no steps towards his arrest.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 7-17-1872 Sent up - A Mr. Apodaca, who mistook several of Hon. J.M. Garcia's cattle for his own, down Trinidad way, passed through town on Sunday headed for Canon City where he will remain the guest of Captain Walter for two years.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 7-18-1872
Any person who will give me information of my son, Wm. M. James, who was enticed away from the ranch of Mr. Dick Steel, twenty-five miles below Pueblo on the Arkansas river, will confer a great favor. He is twelve years old, and when he left home he wore a white hat. Address, T.Y. Barber, Greenwood P.O., Col.
Hon. Matt Riddlebarger and Capt. Ripley favored us with a call yesterday.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 7-18-1872
Not Dead
Jose Pedro Gonzales, the Mexican who was shot through the lungs by a Texan on the Cucharas a few days back, was not dead at last accounts, as was first reported. He will probably recover. Much blame attaches to the sheriff who followed the assassin to Trinidad, and although close at his heels, took no steps towards his arrest.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 18, 1872
FORT GARLAND, C. T., July 8, ''72.
EDITOR CHIEFTAIN: - I have just returned from a two week's horse hunt in Pueblo and Huerfano counties. I found everything in its proper place except the horse. On the Huerfano crops are good, but so much land planted as usual, though enough perhaps to supply all. The Greenhorn and St. Charles are planted from end to end. I have never seen better crops, or so much land in on those creeks.
I stopped a night with Uncle Zan who was at home undergoing a severe attack of lamentation. He said he had returned a day previous from the races, and was not satisfied with the result of them; you know the balance. John Hicklin still stays on the Greenhorn, and is overflowing with industry and profanity. He still curses that "enchanted duece."
The work cattle belonging to a Mexican lumber train made a raid on the Hicklin Brothers' crops, and cleaned up a hundred and forty dollars worth. This shoud be a warning to freighters and travellers.
John Warner was busy branding a large herd of cattle, and initiating himself in the cattle business.
I attended some of those roundups that we read of. The system is a good one in my opinion, but do not approve of the stray part of it. I will not give my reasons, but leave those concerned to do so.
The grass in that portion of the territory is better than I have ever seen it. There is plenty of water for farming purposes, though it has been very little needed. Take it all together, the Greenhorn and St. Charles country is improving beyond all expectations, and, in no very distant day, Southern Colorado will work on the near side of independence.
On my return coming up the Huerfano, the gentler sex of that creek could be seen flying in the direction of Mr. Seabring's, where they said there was to be a fandango-baille-hop-dance-party, and my word for it Mr. Editor, there was one there.
I stopped at Butte Valley a few minutes and saw Joe Abrahms shuffling up goods and making a noise equal to fifteen young kittens on a bearskin, though he said that was his business.
After a few miles travel homeward bound, I found H. L. Lefton tearing things in a similar style as Joe. There I flew up for the night. I was well fed slept well and was asked to call again. I had almost forgotten the meeting of Calach (?) Coniatch (?) Horace Greeley, or whatever he calls himself, with about two hundred of his Ute brethren going north. He said they were not on the fight, notwithstanding they had passed ----- Walsenburg.
I crossed the range and made my way straight to San Luis, where court had just adjourned. There was no business of interest transacted at this term, and we are all glad of it. Judge Bradford and E. J. Hubbard were the only members of the bar present.
Judge Bradford's family visited San Luis during court week. Tommy said he was looking for a few items, but could see nothing but natives.
Judge Hallett and party departed for Conejos yesterday. They have our best wishes with them, and we hope to see them again.
Crops are somewhat backward here, but there is an abundance of good grass and fine trout.
Do you know, Mr. Editor, of anybody that would like to buy a grant? If so send them over here. I understand that Gilpin wants to sell his. He says he will sell improved lands for a few dollars an acre, and take it in three cent postage stamps at $2.50 a hundred.
A. Grant, will do for president, but I would not advise new comers to settle on one. If they want a good ranch let them come.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 18, 1872
Pueblo Chapter, R. A. M. The regular convocation of Pueblo Chapter is held on the second Saturday evening of each month; S. H. Bowman, H. P.; C. H. Williams, Secretary.
Pueblo Lodge No. 17, A. F. & A. M. Pueblo, Colorado. Regular communications the second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month, at 8 o'clock. C. J. Hart, W. M.; Aug. Beach, Secretary.
I. O. G. T. Emery Lodge No. 39 Pueblo. Meets every Tuesday night, at the public school house, at 8 o'clock. John Irvine, Jr., W. C. T.; Josiah Hughes, Secretary.
Try those claret punches at the St. James.
A few more refrigerators left at I. Freunds.
Taos flour $7 per sack - warranted - at Sayles & Miller's.
Mora flour $6 per sack, all the time, at Sayles & Miller's.
A good lunch to be had at all times at the Cosmopolitan.
A large lot of new potatoes just received at John Jenner's.
Engineer Fosdick was surveying Chase & Hall's addition to Pueblo yesterday.
The best morning drink or the best tonic for invalid, and the most pleasant beverage at all times is the celebrated Wild Blackberry Bitters, to be found only at the Cosmopolitan, Main street.
On the list of first-class houses in town first comes the St. James restaurant, where good things to eat and drink are so plenty that clerks are threatened daily with being discharged on account of their lengthy stay at meal time.
Mr. Ruffner opens the Rio Grande Hotel to-day to the public. All should go around about dinner time, as he promises to do the fair thing to all. His table to-day will be loaded down with good things.
Mr. Jerome Crocker, the merchant tailor, from Denver, arrived yesterday evening, and is stopping at the Chilcott House. Parties who desire to order suits of clothes, will find him in one of the parlors of the house ready to receive orders.
We understand that our townsman, Mr. Wildeboor, contemplates seriously, the building of a new hotel on a grand scale, near the present site of the Drovers. The idea is a good one, but it strikes us that the location might be improved.
Sealed proposals for the furnishing of beef to the graders on the Canon branch of the Denver and Rio Grande railway will be received until Monday, July 21st, by Capt. Schuyler, at the office of the Denver and Rio Grande railway.
PERSONAL. - Mr. Charles Devaroe, advance agent of Dr. Paul M. Brennan, is in the city. The latter soon intends to treat our citizens to a course of medical lectures.
Wm. E. Pabor, secretary of the Colorado Springs company, favored us with a pleasant call yesterday.
Hon. Matt Riddlebarger and Capt. Ripley, favored us with a call yesterday.
AUCTION SALE. - Will be sold by public auction, Friday and Saturday, the 19th and 20th inst., corner of Santa Fe avenue and Fourth street, at S. Arkush's old stand, a stock of goods, comprising in part of dry goods, lace goods, gloves and hosiery, fancy goods, notions, etc. Those goods will be offered in lots to suit the wants of merchants and families. Ladies are particularly invited to attend. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. Terms - cash on delivery. W. B. THOMPSON, Auctioneer.
We noticed several wagon loads of new early Rose potatoes in town yesterday. They were raised on the ranch of Prof. Boggs, and he informs us, that for family use, he has indulged in that luxury for five or six weeks.
I have on hand a complete assortment of metallic and other coffin trimmings, etc., and will promptly attend to all orders for undertaking. G. W. PERKINS
Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 18, 1872
Full Account of a New and Important Enterprise.
Yesterday morning our reporter actuated with a laudable desire to hunt up a good, fresh local item for the hundreds of readers of the DAILY CHIEFTAIN, stepped into the new steam planing mill, the machinery of which has only been disturbing the echoes of Pueblo about a week. He was cordially received by the gentlemanly wide-awake proprietor, Mr. Redfield, and under his pilotage proceeded to inspect and study in detail the many features necessary to every well regulated first-class steam planing mill.
The motive power is supplied by a steam engine which boasts all the modern improvements and performs its work as noiselessly as a family sewing machine. The engine room is set apart from the main building, which is of frame, 35 x 40 feet, and supplied with all the conveniences for such an institution. The specialty consists in dressing all kinds of lumber demanded for building purposes and in manufacturing doors, windows, sash, blinds, mouldings, frames, palings, etc. On the first floor, we find machines of the latest and most approved pattern, all connected by gearing, so as to run together or separately, consisting of a planer, matcher, cut-off saw, two rip saws, and joiner and also swing wheels and grind stone, for the use of the workmen. Here the rough lumber is cut and dressed to the desired proportion, and then passed up to the second floor, where the carpenters hold forth, and where we find four circular saws, mortiser, tamping, blind slat, tenant and grooving machines, all in perfect order. Here the door and window frames are put together, as also the cornice, mouldings and blinds. Around the walls, benches are arranged for the carpenters, and each man has his particular department to attend to, thus obviating all hurry and confusion. About thirty workmen are now employed, and when all the machinery is put in running order, work will be furnished for many more. As yet, the mill is unable to supply the demand, a flattering guarantee, that such a branch of industry is required in Pueblo, and that it will be well supported.
Mr. Redfield will devote his principal attention to furnishing and constructing private residences and business blocks, and he has already secured many of the most important contracts in the city. His superior facilities for preparing the lumber, enables him to bid down to bottom figures, and the consequence is, that he finds many of the most important of our projected building improvements upon his hands. He has now contracted to complete the Barndollar & Lowther block on Main street which will consist of two stores and a banking room, the Prebyterian church, the Morgan block, the Thatcher block, besides any number of private residences. The Thatcher block on Santa Fe avenue will be a fine affair with iron front, French plate glass, and galvanized iron cornice. The Barndollar & Lowther block will also have an iron front with plate glass, and when fully completed, will compare favorably with any building in Denver. The iron front for this, was placed in position by Mr. Redfield, yesterday.
Manufacturing is a hopeful sign, and we are glad that Pueblo has at last broken ground in this respect. Such institutions tend to make a place self-reliant and self-sustaining, while they invite skilled labor and create a fund of capital which is not fictitious, but kept circulating for the benefit of the local community. There is no earthly reason why this should not become an important manufacturing point for the supply of Southern Colorado, and now that a start has been made, we believe that it will. We have a splendid and inexhaustible water power, which is only waiting to be utilized to become a source of immense revenue to the town and surrounding country, and if someone would start a woolen factory at once, he would find his original investment doubled in less than a year. Manufacturing is what is needed to build up our town, and every movement tending to bring about that result, should be fostered and encouraged.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 7-24-1872 Taxes will be collected for Huerfano County at the store of Ferd. Meyer and Co., Badito, Wednesday, July 10.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 7-24-1872
Jumping Claims
Attempted Murder on the Cucharas
Some time ago, an honest, well disposed man, named Denton, who has a large family dependent upon his daily exertions for support, took possession of a claim on the Cucharas, a few miles west of Walsenburg, and proceeded to improve it, with the idea of making a permanent home. Mr. Denton had remained upon his claim but a short time, when another party, named Brown, father and son, came in and took the claim adjoining. One of those trivial disputes concerning boundary lines, so common in a new country, soon originated, and the result was that Brown pulled up a number of stakes, claiming a portion of Denton's land as his. He further said that he intended to hold it, at all hazards, and that he would blot out from existence the first man who attempted to dispossess him. The disputed territory was covered with a fine crop of grass, and on Friday last Mr. Denton took his scythe and went to mowing, congratulating himself, while doing so on the splendid growth of upland verdue, which dame nature had placed at his disposal. While thus engaged, and sweltering in the perspiration caused by honest toil, Mr. Denton glanced over his shoulder and saw Brown and his son coming toward him, armed with guns. Knowing the threats that they had made and suspicious that they were coming for no good purpose, Mr. Denton threw his scythe upon the ground and secreted himself behind some bushes, to await further developments. He watched for some time, but could see nothing of either Brown or his hopeful son, and he came to the conclusion that they only intended to scare him a little, and had gone back. Impressed with this idea, Denton emerged from his hiding place, and picking up his scythe, was about to resume his work, when all at once there came a sharp, sudden, deadly crack of a rifle, while simultaneous with the report Denton felt a ball ripping along between his undershirt and body. The direction showed that the ball had been aimed directly at his heart, but the marksman miscalculated the distance, and the ball fell short, passing between the shirt and abdomen, but not breaking the skin. The little circumstance had the effect however, of convincing Mr. Denton that he was not wanted there, and he went without waiting for further explanation, while Mr. Brown came the next morning and took possession of the hay, but was soon after served with a warrant for his arrest procured by Denton. This of course will lead to an examination and possibly some new developments. As the case is stated to us it seems to be an outrage on the part of Brown, demanding the most prompt and severant punishment of the law.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 7-26-1872
Yesterday the republican voters of this precinct met at the court house. The meeting was organized by electing Capt. James Rice, president and Capt. J.J. Lambert, secretary. Mr. H.C. Thatcher, at the request of the president, stated the object of the meeting to be the selection of eleven delegates to attend the republican county convention, to be held at the court house Saturday next. On motion of Mr. Irving W. Stanton, a committee of three was appointed to select the eleven delegates. The committee consisted of Messrs. I.W. Stanton, H.C. Thatcher, and W.H. Chapman. The committee submitted the following names as delegates to the county convention: Col. M.H. Fitch, J.R. Lamkin, H.O. Rettberg, Capt. J.J. Lambert, J.D. Miller, Lewis Conley, Dr. P.R. Thombs, H.A.E. Pickard, J.J. Thomas, J.B. Rice, Ferd. Barndollar. On motion of Mr. Chas Dunbaugh the report was accepted.
If the sidewalk in front of Peabody &Jordan's was repaired, walking would be easier.
Free Lunch – I will serve to anybody a free lunch every morning from 9½ to 11 o'clock, at my stand on Main street. Alb. Dyes
H.A.E.Pickard, Captain of the Soapweeds baseball team.
It was reported on the streets yesterday that James A. Puttick, a well known brick presser, had "hopped the twig" at an early hour on Thursday. We are pleased to state that such is not the case, as Jim called upon us last evening in the flesh (?) and desired us to inform his anxious friends that he is not yet dead, and he hopes to live long enough to kill the squaw that wounded him at Fort Union, from which time he dates his trouble.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 8-3-1872
Card From The Sheriff of Huerfano County
Ed. Chieftain – In your issue of July 18, in a local "Not Dead", you take occasion to say "much blame attaches to the sheriff who followed the assassin to Trinidad, who, although close at his heels, took no steps towards his arrest." The idea conveyed is that the sheriff of Huerfano county, where the killing was done, is the one to whom much blame is attached. I had no information of the killing till late in the evening, about nine o'clock. The deed was done early in the morning, but no warrant was delivered to me, and I knew nothing about the affair until informed by a man living on the Cucharas, who said that five men were after the assassin. I was called to the Cucharas the third day afterwards, and asked at once for assistance to proceed after the murderer. Three of them were in the gang and I wanted assistance, but could get no person to volunteer so I returned home. You will please understand that the sheriff referred to was not the sheriff of Huerfano county. Thomas Sproull, Sheriff of Huerfano County.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 9-24-1872 Mr. A.T. Seabring of Badito is in town.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 1-1873
Land Office Notice – The following cases have been set for trial in the month of January, A.D., 1873: The Doyle estate, Monday, January 6th; the B.R. Boice estate, Tuesday, January 7th; Antonio Satello Pino, Wednesday, January 8th; John W. Brown, Thursday, January 9th; the estate of W.W. Bent, Friday, January 10th; Estafana Hicklin, Saturday, January 11th; John M. Francisco and Henry Daigre, Monday, January 13th; Romaldo Luna Boggs, Tuesday, January 14th; Romaldo Rite, Wednesday, January 15th; C.H. Hungerford, Thursday, January 16th; Wm. J. Thompson, Friday, January 17th; A. Clough, Saturday, January 18th; John B. Rice, Monday, January 20th. These cases are set for 10 o'clock a.m., of the respective days, and parties will govern themselves accordingly.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 1-9-1873
From the Cradle to the Grave - The following is a list of baptisms, marriages, and burials performed in the Catholic Church of Trinidad, Colorado Territory, during the year 1872. Baptisms two hundred forty three, marriages seventy, burials sixty six. P.T. Munnecom, Pastor.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 11, 1873
The Best Route From Pueblo to Del Norte - Stock in the San Luis Valley - Del Norte - Mail Communications - The Chieftain - A Very Interesting Letter.
PUEBLO, March 10, 1873
EDITOR CHIEFTAIN: - Having recently made a trip to the San Luis Valley, as far as Del Norte, it may not be amiss to give your readers a few facts gained from personal observation, inasmuch as that section is, at present, attracting much attention.
chosen, was the old stage road to the second right hand road one mile beyond Johnson's, on the Gri ores, thence to Scott's, on the Huerfano, which stream was crossed, and proceeded up the south side, leaving Badito to the right, thence through Sangre de Cristo pass to Fort Garland. There are several roads from Fort Garland to the Rio Grande, neither of which, possess any advantage over the others, as far as goodness is concerned. There is but one road up the Rio Grande, which hugs that stream until Del Norte is reached. The crossing of the river, is, at present, seven miles down the stream from Del Norte. The route indicated, is about five miles longer than the road by way of Badito, but possesses the advantage of evenness of surface, and is free from rocks and boulders.
Doubtless the Abeyta pass is preferable at the seasons of the year, when good roads are the rule, and not the exception. Accommodations on the road for families and parties not desiring to "camp out," can be had at the Muddy, where our genial friend, Doc. Stevenson does the honors; at Johnson's, on the Grinores; at Scott's on the Huerfano; at Badito, where there is a comfortable hotel; those taking the Abeyta Pass will find Hamilton's on Abeyta Creek, a good stopping place; the two roads come together just beyond the summit of the mountains, and one mile and a half further on, is a good place of entertainment, kept by Mr. Stearns, called "Summit House." From the last named place, to Fort Garland, is twenty miles, then twenty five miles have to be traversed, to reach the Rio Grande. From this point, to Del Norte, is thirty five miles. The
is fast filling up with settlers. There are still many ranches to be had. Mexicans have previously been the only tillers of the soil in this section. Many of them are selling out, going elsewhere. To say that this is a beautiful country, would only be saying what has been repeatedly said. To say that the soil is good, and land easily irrigated, in abundance, may be news to some. Good crops have grown in this valley, wherever agriculture has been tried. There is an abundance of grass land, and the grazing country is not excelled anywhere, and is unlimited. There is also a great deal of timber.
in this section are looking very well. Ten thousand head of cattle are being wintered on the Rio Grande, in the mountains, fifty miles above Del Norte, and are said to be in excellent condition. The writer has partaken of some of the beef of this herd, and does not hesitate to pronounce it excellent. Sheep are also in good condition, and line the mountain sides in all directions. The new town of
is located on a level plain just at the foot-hills, and is a well selected site. It is on the south side of the river, and to the present time, about forty houses have been erected. Each house is full - some to overflowing. They are mostly constructed of logs - a few being adobes. There is no lumber to be had. A water mill, located near by has been frozen up all winter. The steam saw, shingle and lath mill, has not yet reached its destination. The proprietors are men of energy, and will doubtless have the mill in operation in two weeks. Many logs had been cut in the mountains near by to erect into houses, but have been covered with snow for five weeks, and could not be hauled. The snow is fast disappearing, and dullness and gloom will doubtless give place to life and activity. Water of the purest kind is obtained by digging from 12 to 20 feet, while the Rio Grande river will supply all that is necessary for irrigating purposes. The river here has so great a fall that the town site can be well watered through a ditch two miles in length. Many of the inhabitants of Del Norte belong to that class known as "miners." These are patiently waiting the disappearance of the unusual deep snows of the past winter ere turning their steps westward again. They have great faith in what is before them. They calmly and earnestly, but not in a braggadocio manner, tell the story of what they have seen and what is their honest belief. The way these men have of "putting things," convinces one that they know whereof they speak. There is one blacksmith shop, one tin shop, one tailor, and four firms for general merchandizing already established there. Prices rule rather high. For instance: Flour, Mexican, $8 per sack; coffee, 35 cents per pound; sugar, New York A, 25 cents per pound; lard, 30 cents per pound; bacon, 25 cents per pound. Beef is cheap, 5 to 6 cents per pound. Grain is scarce all over the valley, oats being from 3 1/2 to 5 cents per pound. The people are generally of a good class. An effort has been made to start a rival town across the river, but seems to lack the confidence of any who have yet viewed the situation. At least no houses have yet been erected, and the site is at least fifty feet higher than the site of Del Norte. An irrigating ditch cannot be built there only at a large outlay of money. Many rich developments will have to be made before this can be a success. The miners living there are anxious for it to be made known, that the mines will not be accessible before the 1st to 15th of May, and it is folly for people to come there with little money, expecting to go immediately into the mining districts before that time. The timbers for the bridge which is to span the Rio Grande at Del Norte, are all on the ground, and it is expected they will be put in place by the first of April, to which time the river is always fordable. The future greatness of this favorably located place, seems to depend largely upon the success of mining operations. These proving good, a stimulus will be given to other operations, more especially agriculture, which can be prosecuted to a great extent. With these facts before us, it is not hard to predict that Del Norte will be to that country, what Denver is to Northern Colorado.
with this entire section is too limited. A weekly mail is allowed, which is carried on horseback from Fort Garland by way of Conejos and Del Norte to Saguache. Much dissatisfaction is expressed at the non-reception of newspapers generally, more especially the CHIEFTAIN. Your paper is O.K. regularly at Fort Garland and parhaps at Conejos, but beyond those points subscribers are only sure of it when they have it in their hands.
Some attention should be immediately given to this matter, as two months can hardly elapse before the quantity of mail matter will be threefold.
J. U. H.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 11, 1873
Pueblo Lodge No. 17, A. F. & A. M. Pueblo, Colorado. Regular communications the second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month, at 8 o'clock. C. J. Hart, W. M.; Sam. McBride, Secretary.
Odd Fellows. Pueblo Lodge No. 9. I. O. O. F., meets every Tuesday evening, at 7 o'clock, at their hall over Rattberg's store, on Santa Fe avenue. John Gilligan, N. G., Robert Grant, R. S.
I. O. G. T. Emery Lodge No. 39 Pueblo, meets every Tuesday night, in their Hall in Craig's new block, corner of Main and Seventh streets; Rev. J. H. Merritt, W. C. T.; A. V. Bradford, W. S.
Hot and cold baths at Fairbank's.
Thermometer 76 degrees in the shade yesterday.
Major Elderkin has moved his office to the south side of the river.
Mr. Chase is in receipt of some fine specimens of ore from the San Juan country. They are destined for shipment to Europe.
Kemp & Dunlap keep the most orderly house in Pueblo, all their patrons testify to this fact, they will not permit any rough characters in their establishment.
STOLEN HORSE. - A dark bay horse, black mane and tail, rather thin in flesh, with saddle marks on his back, and two upper teeth broken off, is in the possession of the sheriff of Pueblo county, Z. G. Allen. The owner of said horse, can procure him from the sheriff, by identifying and paying charges.
RESURRECTED. - We are in receipt of the first copy of the Trinidad Enterprise, under the management of J. R. Winters. The paper before us is an excellent number. Trinidad affords the best opening in the territory for a live newspaper, and such a one, we believe Mr. Winters is capable of making the Enterprise.
LECTURE. - Colonel Jasper W. Johnson, of Oregon, will deliver the next lecture for the benefit of the Presbyterian church, on Saturday evening next. Subject, "The Future of America." A few pieces of music will also be rendered by a select quartette. Colonel Johnson is highly spoken of as a lecturer, and we hope to see the Presbyterian church well filled on this occasion.
NEW BUILDING. - We are pleased to announce that Geo. W. Morgan will in a few days commence the erection of a new brick building, adjoining the one he put up last summer. The first floor will contain a fine store room and an abstract and real estate office for the firm of Henry, Morgan & Co., and the second story will be devoted to offices. The building will be put up in first class style, regardless of expense.
PERSONAL. - Yesterday we were gratified to receive a call from Mr. S. G. Spencer, a member of the legal fraternity from Mississippi. Mr. Spencer has concluded to locate in Pueblo, and we hope in a few days to see his shingle hang out. He is a gentleman that we take pleasure in recommending to the citizens of Pueblo and vicinity. His advent among us gives the bar an able member, and Pueblo a worthy citizen.
PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. - The stockholders of this association met Saturday evening, Gov. Hinsdale presiding. The constitution as accepted, will be found in another column. A committee, consisting of A. Bartlett, A. P. George, and A. C. Foote were appointed, with instructions to rent a suitable room. The secretary was authorized to collect the assessment on stocks, the first payment of two per cent being now due. Hon. A. A. Bradford, Gov. G. A. Hinsdale, and Rev. J. H. Merritt, were appointed a committee to select papers and magazines. After quite a lively time of paying up, the meeting adjourned.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 14, 1873
BADITO, March 10th, 1873.
EDITOR CHIEFTAIN: - Badito is still alive, and buildings are being erected as fast as we can get material to work with. The country around is being settled up with good enterprising men, and I think that this summer will bring us two or three hundred settlers. Every thing is very quiet on the Huerfano. The people on the Cucharas are expecting a lively time soon. That notorious horse thief that was captured in Pueblo some eighteen months ago and sent to the penitentiary for a year, made his escape about the 20th of January. He was known at Pueblo by the name of William Leisley alias William Fox. This fine horse thief has taken up his quarters on the Santa Clara. I suppose he is now trying to reorganize his band and get ready for his spring's work, but I, for one, will warn him and his gang if they make a raid in this county against the farmers' stock, he will get something more than a year at Canon City. We have some rope left and we think we know how to use it. If we don't there are some fellows at Pueblo who do. Hoping a long and happy career for your valuable paper, I bid you good-bye.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 14, 1873
Dupee hams at the City Bakery.
Linen coats were worn yesterday on the streets.
Vick's celebrated flower and vegetable seeds at Lambert & Wetmore's.
Don't fail to read the notice of the county clerk, Sam McBride, in another column.
Yesterday the thermometer stood at 83 degrees in the shade at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
WANTED. - Passengers for Fort Lyon or Las Animas. Inquire at the Drover's House.
Mr. S. G. Spencer, has secured an office in the Craig building, and is nicely fixed up. He is fast becoming popular with our people.
Kemp & Dunlap are prepared to fix you up drinks suitable for this warm weather. When you pass that way call and get one.
Dr. Thombs is putting up a fine brick residence on Ninth street. It will be an ornament to that part of the city when completed.
John Schwer hoisted an elegant sign over his saloon door yesterday. He is enterprising and accommodating, and keeps the best lager to be had in town.
PERSONAL. - Prof. E. G. Stroud has come down from the mountains, to visit his old stomping ground. We welcome him to Pueblo.
R. L. Hatten, a prominent hotel keeper from Denver, is in Pueblo.
The Theater Comique is closed, and the troupe gone off on an eastern and southern tour, under the management of Charles Vincent. Before returning, they intend taking in Las Animas, Fort Lyon, Boggsville, Trinidad, and some other minor points.
We fear that the police only did half their duty in shooting the unlicensed dogs around them. The residents of the upper part of the city would be glad to see them up there, revolver in hand. There is plenty of food for gunpowder up there - all the dogs are not found on Santa Fe avenue.
Another vineyard is under way in Pueblo. Yesterday Captain Wetmore ordered twelve hundred grape roots, or the Catawba species, from the Blair nurseries, of Missouri. The captain is at present preparing the ground for planting, and immediately on receipt of the roots will be prepared to put them in as good a spot for grapes, as there is in Southern Colorado.
Every person knows that this is the proper time to plant trees; and this reminds us that Mr. B. F. Holmes is prepared to furnish parties with maple, walnut and other species of forest and ornamental trees, and will warrant them to grow, or no pay. Mr. Holmes will plant the trees himself and care for them, and if they fail to grow will ask no pay. This is a good chance for all that want trees, and we hope to see a great many avail themselves of Mr. Holmes' proposition.
THE FUTURE OF AMERICA. - Our readers will not forget to attend the lecture by Colonel Johnson at the Presbyterian church to-morrow evening. The subject is certainly a good one, as it is hoped that the proceeds of this lecture will lift a debt from one of the finest church edifices in Colorado, and it will if it is well attended. Let every one go by all means.
Fritz Brown is the artist of John Schwer's new sign, the like of which is not in Pueblo. Mr. Brown claims that he can beat any painter in Pueblo on lettering, and can do it cheaper and faster. John Schwer says that new sign brought him in $25 extra yesterday afternoon.
Hot and cold baths at Fairbank's.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 22, 1873
Mr. M. M. Chase, now in our town visiting his son, Norton D. Chase, has lately fallen heir to a fortune of two and a half million dollars. The question of rightful heirship to the estate in England from which Mr. Chase's fortune comes, has been before the English courts for thirty or forty years. Daniel (?) Webster was formerly attorney for the heirs in this country, and his heirs will now secure a fee of $50,000 for the services he performed. As an item of news to our readers, we give the following interesting facts, in connection with this bequest, which we copy from an eastern exchange. The public interest has been excited to a considerable degree by the decision in the celebrated Chase will, case in favor of the American heirs, several of whom, are scattered over the northwest.
The vast property first came from a Sir Townley, of Townley Hall, living then in Lancastershire, to whom, in addition to his own estate, a vast fortune was equathed, consisting of estates in Leicestershire. Sir Townley had one son, who married and left a male heir; the latter never married, and to his sister Mary, the entire possessions of Sir Townley came in succession, and to her heirs. She married a man named Chase, to whom, she bore four sons, named Richard, William, Thomas, and Aquilla. Richard remained in England but the others came to America in about the year 1629, Aquilla settling in Newburyport or vicinity, Thomas in Rhode Island or vicinity, and William in Yarmouth, Mass. The amount bequeathed, was $385,000,000, of which was disbursed to the heirs of Richard, who remained in England, and the remaining three fourths by the recent decision is to be distributed among the American heirs. The decision was telegraphed to one of the Chase heirs, then at Louisville, and since that time, several meetings of the heirs have been held at Newport, R. I. A certain gentleman, one of the heirs, has spent twenty years in compiling the family record in America, and his labor seems likely to be soon rewarded, as the sum total falling to the American heirs, amounts to over $260,000,000.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 22, 1873
S. G. SPENCER, (Late of Mississippi.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pueblo, Colorado.
CHARLES W. DERR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Santa Fe Avenue, Pueblo, Colorado.
DR. F. C. BLACHLY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over J. O. Jordan's store, Santa Fe avenue, Pueblo, Colorado.
DR. P. R. THOMBS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Pueblo, Colorado. Office - on Santa Fe Avenue. Also U. S. Examining Surgeon for Pensions. Office hours from 9 to 10 A. M., and from 7 to 9 P. M.
A. W. ARCHIBALD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over the Post Office, Trinidad, Col.
J. A. FREY, MECHANICAL AND PROFESSIONAL DENTIST. Office over J. O. Jordan's store, Pueblo, Colorado. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of anesthesia.
DR. J. E. HARVEY, Office over "Cabinet," in the Berry Block, between 3d and 4th streets, Pueblo, Colorado. In the office at night.
G. Q. RICHMOND, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Pueblo, Colorado. Office on Santa Fe avenue, over Peabody & Jordan's.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 22, 1873
What "Quack" Saw at Fort Garland - Colonel Pfeiffer, Tom Tobin, Etc., Etc. Special Correspondence of the Chieftain.
MUDDY STATION, COLORADO, March 20th, 1873.
EDITOR CHIEFTAIN: - The tide of emigration to the San Juan country has commenced to flow, and here and there along the road the traveler will meet conveyances of all descriptions, from a fine four-horse team down to the time honored burro and "Shank's mare," carrying parties of hopeful adventurers to our new El Dorado. Being curious to have a look at the much talked of Sangre de Cristo Pass and the San Luis Valley, I accepted an invitation, kindly given by a military friend, to visit Fort Garland, and will try to tell what I saw there, and my impressions of men and things in that locality.
From Pueblo to Badito there is little to interest the traveler, unless it is the stomach comforting view of divers(e) herds of fat cattle, feeding on the excellent pasture which abounds in that region, which tempts him to rub his "bonded warehouse" and "thank God for fat beef, and plenty of it."
At Badito things have a business-like look. Our old friend, Seabring, has made extensive improvements there, and the store of Messrs. Ferd. Myer & Co., under the able management of Mr. McMullen, seems to be doing a lively trade. Dan Freeman, whose familiar countenance used to be seen on the box of one of our stage coaches, does the honors at the hotel, in good style.
A few miles of good road beyond Badito, and then we begin the ascent of this well-known pass. The road wouldn't make a first class race-track, and I don't believe that Seabring could be induced to run "White Cloud" over it, though it might be a good place to try the relative speed of mountain sheep and wild cats. There is at present very little snow on the road, but it is covered with an eruption of stones, varying in size from a peanut to a "prairie schooner," and the "dornicks" are as numerous as were the tin cans around Cheyenne in the palmy days of 1867. But notwithstanding all this, the freight teams seem to get through somehow. We managed to make the trip without accident, save the breaking of a king-bolt, which damage was soon repaired, our careful Uncle Samuel being wise enough to provide spare bolts with his "light wagons." (It is a direct violation of Army Regulations to say "ambulance.")
After some hard scrambling on the part of the mules, and just a little improvised swearing on the part of the drivers and passengers, we reached the summit, and on our arrival there, came to the conclusion that we "had seen worse roads, but not much." At this point, in his "cottage near the sky," nearer to heaven than most dwellers in this mundane sphere will ever get, lives mine host Stearns, of the Summit House. He welcomed us to his airy home, and gave us a jorum of a most seductive drink, known to the initiated as "Blackstrap." (The derivation of this name I am unable to discover, but my friend, who is a New Englander, informed me that the component parts of the drink aforesaid, are rum and molasses, and that the receipt for mixing the same was brought over in the Mayflower by Miles Standish and Henry Ward Beecher's great grandfather. The Beecher ancestor was said to be very fond of this tipple, hence the mixed spirit and sweetness in Henry's discourses.) Here we were informed that the road through the Abeyta Pass was, though a few miles longer, a much better route, with fewer stones, and not quite so many perpendicular hills.
After leaving the summit we begin the descent into the San Luis valley. There is a marked improvement in the road, and here and there we pass the log cabin of some settler who has here erected his household gods (goods?) and plowed and fenced a few acres of land, hoping, we presume, to "grow up with the country." The commercial prosperity of this region, is represented by a log shanty, with a sign made of a rough board, bearing the word "W H I S K Y," written thereon with charcoal. We felt comforted as we gazed on this evidence of advancing civilization, and doubt not that somewhere around that cabin may be found the renowned "axis of intensity," which the great and good Gilpin, has located in the valley.
After leaving the hills, a short drive over a good level road, brings us in sight of Fort Garland. The first view of the post, does not produce a favorable impression upon the stranger. The plaster has been broken from the walls in many places, by the violence of the winds which prevail in that neighborhood during the winter and spring and the picket fences in the rear are torn down in many places, probably from the same cause. For this, there is no one to blame, but the government authorities, who, though they can find men and means enough to interfere in the political squabbles of the Southern States, are unable to spare a few dollars for the repair of an important military post. Inside, everything looks neat and trim. The quarters, though roughly built, are very comfortable, the walks and parade are as carefully attended to, as a gentleman's flower garden.
General Alexander is in command, and the officers at present, stationed there, are Brevet Major Jewett, commanding company D, fifteenth infantry, Brevet Major Caraber, commanding F troop, eighth cavalry, Doctor Happersett, Post Surgeon, Brevet Major Hartz, Post Quartermaster, and Lieutenant Pond. Adjutant. The force at the post, is composed of Company D, Fifteenth Infantry, and F troop, Eighth Cavalry. Neither of the companies are full, and it seems to me, that should there be any trouble in the San Juan country, this coming season, that a reinforcement will certainly be necessary.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 22, 1873
A case of spotted fever is the latest sensation in Denver.
A car load of Snowflake flour just received at the City Bakery.
Go to Wilson Bros. & Shepard, for your good heavy blankets.
The Chilcott mansion is nearing completion, and looks fine from any standpoint.
Kemp & Dunlap are always pleased to have their friends and strangers call on them.
The acequas on each side of many of our streets are being opened preparatory to the water being let into the big ditch.
Gurnsey's photograph gallery on Main street, is completed, and he is now ready to wait on all who desire anything in his line.
GOOD MEAT. - Those fond of good sweet juicy steak, should call on Billy at the Main street Meat Market No. 1. He keeps the finest and freshest meat in Pueblo.
Mr. N. W. Duke is putting up a neat picket fence around his residence, on Ninth street. It would be well if some more of our citizens would follow his example.
Pete and Henry at the Pueblo U. S. Saloon, are prepared to furnish you with comfortable, cool, and nice quarters to take a glass of beer in. Step down and see.
RARE CHANCE. - The undersigned has just arrived from Missouri, with a lot of fine American horses and mares which he will sell at reasonable figures. Call at the California Stables. S. P. Cox.
Pueblo beer is made of the best hops and malt, while the Denver beer is said to be made of glycerine and molasses. If you don't believe it, call at the Pueblo Brewery Saloon and be convinced. George Miller.
Through the kindness of Mr. Al J. Land, of the Pacific Livery Stable, we were enabled, yesterday, to get a good view of the many and extensive improvements going on in all parts of our city. The residences going up on the south side of the river are very fine. Prominent among the number is Maj. Elderkin's, Moore's, Carlile's and Field's - all of which are nearing a state of completion. The Colorado Central Improvement company are busy planting their trees, but unless they can soon be irrigated, we fear they will suffer from drought. The broad avenues, extensive parks, and wide streets can all be traced now by the rows of trees. The view from this place of the mountain range, is the best in the vicinity of town. There are a great many buildings under way, the owners of which we did not learn, and many more, we were informed, are under contract.
SAN JUAN MINES. - We learn from the Tribune that news comes from Washington that a new Indian Commission is to be organized forthwith, for the purpose of patching up a treaty with the Utes in regard to the San Juan territory. If the government would only allow the miners of the district to settle this question, there would be no trouble, no expense, and the question would soon be settled. We hope Arny will have nothing to do with the proposed new commission.
AN EAGLE SHOT. - Mr. S. W. Givens, who lives out on the Greenhorn, shot a fine specimen of the grey eagle, a few days ago. The bird measured seven foot three inches from tip to tip of the wings, and three feet from beak to tail, and weighed fifteen pounds. We saw the talons of the noble bird, and they measured eight inches. Mr. Givens, and a few companions tried to climb to the bird's nest, in the Greenhorn canon, but could not make the trip.
VERY PLEASANT. - Our senior devil was out "on a lark" evening before last. The occasion was that of a young folks social re union and candy-pulling, given at the residence of one (of) our most beautiful and accomplished young ladies. The above gentleman, being a duly accredited reporter of this paper, pronounces the affair a very recherche one, thoroughly enjoyed by all present.
Go to Wilson Bros. & Shepard, for nice, white, all wool blankets.
The Burt Brothers have for sale a lot of fine American horses. Among the number are some good buggy animals and saddle horses, together with a number of choice draught horses, all of which they will sell on very reasonable terms. Their stock may be seen on the corner of Main and Third streets, opposite Hyde and Kretchmer's wagon factory.
ANOTHER BENEDICT. - By notice elsewhere, it will be seen that our friend Mr. Wm. B. Hunt, of the National House, has "gone and done it." We wish William and his fair bride all the happiness that can possibly be found on this mundane sphere.
One of the pleasantest places in town to spend an evening, is at the concert hall in the Morgan block. The music is excellent. They give a concert every evening. No improper persons admitted.
Just received at Mrs. C. C. Rhoades' one hundred French and German stampers, for embroidery and braiding.
PERSONAL. - We were pleased to meet our old friend William Love, of Colorado City, on the streets yesterday.
Woody Hodgson is regaling Pueblo with his presence.
Mr. R. L. Hatten, of Denver, is down to Pueblo on a business trip.
Mr. N. O. Vosburgh, of Denver, is registered at the Chilcott House.
Tom Galbreth, of the Lower Arkansas, put in an appearance yesterday evening.
Our friend, Mahlon Thatcher, of the firm of Thatcher Brothers, returned from the east yesterday, where he has made quite an extensive stay, purchasing his spring goods.
Jim Warrant, of the Huerfano, who we opine is fresh in the memory of the Pueblo boys, dropped into town yesterday, "all fresh and hale."
Governor Hunt, with two or three other gentlemen, is in Pueblo, en route for the far-famed San Luis valley.
Hon. H. P Bennett, the postmaster of Denver, is visiting our town.
Billy Moore, of the firm of Moore, Carlile & Co., arrived in Pueblo last evening.
Joe Kenyon is spending a few days in town.
J. B. King, late of Denver, has opened a first class barber shop, opposite the Schuyler House, in South Pueblo. He will be glad to see his former customers, and endeavor to oblige all new comers. J. B. King, South Pueblo, March 14, 1873.
S. W. Bear is erecting a neat cottage residence on the corner of Twelfth and High street. This makes the third house in the same block, of this style of architecture.
If the street commissioner would level off a few loads of dirt dumped at the corner of Main and Eighth streets, he would oblige the residents of that vicinity.
The demand for that frozen Denver beer yesterday, was so great that John Schwer had to telegraph to John Good to send him fifty kegs of it by express.
There is a rumor to the effect that Mr. C. P. Dunbaugh has sold his furniture and lease of the Chilcott House to Mr. R. L. Hatten, of Denver.
One of the old boarders at the Chilcott House informs us that no better table is furnished in the territory, than is now set at that house.
The workmen are busy putting in the plate glass windows in the two stores adjoining the People's Bank, on Main street.
Cranberries at the City Bakery.
MARRIED. HUNT - CLEAVELAND -- In Pueblo, on the 9th inst., at the residence of and by Judge M. G. Bradford, Mr. Wm. B. Hunt to Miss Minnie Cleaveland, all of Pueblo.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 23, 1873
What "Quack" Saw at Fort Garland - Colonel Pfeiffer, Tom Tobin, Etc., Etc. Special Correspondence of the Chieftain.
Your correspondent had the pleasure of meeting for the first time, Col. Pfieffer, the well known Indian fighter, and late commanding officer at Camp Nichols, whose name, in connection with that of Kit Carson, is a household word among the people of Southern Colorado. The colonel is at present undergoing surgical treatment for the effects of some old wounds, and, under the skillful care of Dr. Happersett, is, I am happy to say, rapidly improving. Few men can boast of more friends than Col. Pfieffer. His endless fund of anecdote, his unbounded generosity and kindness of heart, his good nature that nothing can ruffle, and above all his indomitable bravery, have won for him the respect and regard of all who know him. His health is so much broken that he will be unable to take the field this summer, and he spends his time telling tales, playing chess, and in deep speculation as to the coloring matter used in the manufacture of Mexican cheese.
are the post traders at Garland. Of the reputation of these gentlemen as business men, there is no occasion for me to speak here. Few men in Colorado have worked harder or achieved greater and more deserved success in business than they. Their store here is managed by our friend Mr. Schmeiding, one of the firm, who has been a staunch supporter of the CHIEFTAIN, even in those blue days in 1869, when your correspondent printed two editions on brown wrapping paper and informed the long suffering public that the next edition would be printed on gunny sacks if the print paper didn't arrive. The post traders store is always the gathering place of the officers, and Mr. Schmeiding, assisted by his deputy, Tom Bartlett, does the honors of the house with a hospitality seldom met with, save in the far west.
A rather amusing affair occurred at the fort recently, and, although strictly in the line of military duty, was a source of considerable amusement both to those concerned in it and to outsiders.
It appears that a Mexican came into the post a short time since, driving several burros. The soldiers, always ready for a lark, amused themselves by driving the unfortunate Montezuma and his long-eared family out of the post, and maltreated the unfortunate donkeys considerably. A short time after the owner came to Gen. Alexander and demanded payment for a burro which, he said, had died from the ill-treatment received from the soldiers. The general, suspecting an attempt to swindle on the part of the Mexican, ordered a board of survey, and a post mortem to be made. The following is, as near as I can remember, the wording of the report made to the commanding officer:
"The undersigned members of the board of survey ordered to investigate the cause of the death of a certain burro claimed to have been killed by soldiers at Fort Garland, beg leave to respectfully report, that the said burro, now lying dead, came to his death not from any ill-treatment of the part of the soldiers, but from a dispensation of Providence, aided and abetted by the epizectic. (?)"
the well known scout, Indian hunter and guide, the man who, they say, can "trail a grasshopper over a stone pile," lives a short distance below Garland. Tom is the man who killed the celebrated Mexican outlaw Espinosa, for whom the governor offered $1,200 reward. He never received the reward, and the last legislature voted him the magnificent sum of $200 in lieu of it.
During my stay at Garland Tom's daughter was married to a young man whose name I have not learned. A grand ball was given by the father of the bride and all the friends of the family, including the officers of the post, were among the guests. The display of blue and gold was "fearful to see," and all seemed to enjoy themselves hugely.
After the ball, a discussion occurred as to the relative dancing capabilities of an officer at the post and our friend, Joe Hoffman, the brewer. The dispute ended by a bet of a half barrel of beer between the parties, as to who could dance the longest, and Col. Pfieffer to hold the stakes. The colonel, being carefully gauged by Mr. Schmieding, was pronounced competent, and I presume the match will take place at an early day.
They lack music at Fort Garland. Guard mount at a military post is a fine sight, provided it is well done and the music good. But guard mount with only a bugle, blown by a musician who, I have no doubt, is the same man who sounded the charge for Col. Miller at Lundy's Lane, is like champagne without gas, or a cocktail minus the bitters. Major Jewett informs me that he has a fifer and drummer somewhere on the road from Santa Fe; but whether the fifer has blown himself body and soul through his "ear-piercing" instrument, and the drummer vanished, like harlequin, through his drum heads, he is unable to say. In the meantime he watches and waits.
Our friend, the colonel, proposes to remedy this lack of sweet strains by introducing a string band, or as the worthy post trader will have it, a "string bean band." I think the idea a good one, and would give my views on the subject would space allow.
Taking it all in all, Fort Garland seems to be an excellently managed post. The officers all are thoroughly posted in their duties; the men are well clothed and fed and appear to have a high regard for their officers.
Your correspondent desires to return thanks for the genuine hospitality of which he was the recipient during his stay at the post, and to wish the officers and others who entertained him while there, (in the language of a convivial gent long deceased) "pretty good luck."
Yours, QUACK.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 4-5-1873
We are informed that the mules stolen from the government at Badito on the 31st inst., were taken by Robbert W. Easter, late of the 14th Infantry and now of the 8th Cavalry. Mr. Sunday was in charge of the team, but Easter took the mules and Sundays' revolver while the later was asleep. Sunday is entirely innocent. The mules have been recovered but the thief is still at large.
Daily Rocky Mountain News April 15, 1873
Territorial Gossip - Major Elderkin has been succeeded in the United States quartermaster's office at Pueblo, by Captain Carling.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, Pueblo, Colorado 4-16-1873
Kemp & Dunlap's, the best brands of cigars, and the choicest wines and liquors.
The finest and best variety of boots and shoes, at J. Berry & Bor.
The Woodbine, No. 444 Santa Fe ave.
If you want clothing for nothing, go to Adair & O'Rourke's auction store.
Charley Blake played a cruel joke on one of the staid boarders at the Lindell hotel yesterday morning. He fixed up one of the dining tables so that it would fall down by a slight touch, and then waited for his man. Soon he came and took his usual seat, and sat brandishing his knife and fork while waiting for his breakfast. Charley having got his breakfast, goes over and commences to talk to his victim about some telegram of another Indian outrage, and putting his hand on the table away it went, down on the floor in one fell crash. All his household goods, as it were, lay smashed before him. He, however, was equal to the occasion, for he sat placidly looking on the ruins, without a tear in his eye, and still brandishing his knife and fork over an imaginary table amid the jeers and laughter of habitues of the hotel. Hatten looked very bland, but he didn't smile much.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 4-16-1873
The Chase Estate
We learn by the Morning Republican, published at Scranton, Pennsylvania, that Mrs. Ruth A. Newton of Denver, Colorado, will be entitled to $6,500,000 of the celebrated Chase estate, of $260,000,000 awaiting claimants in England. Our townsman, George A. Newton, the lumberman, is Mrs. Newton's son.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 2, 1873
The Town Site Question - A Military Colony Proposed.
LAS ANIMAS, April 25th, 1873.
EDITOR CHIEFTAIN. - With many others, I have been attracted to this place by the loud talk of the inside ring about its advantages and sure future prosperity. I have invested my little all, in a lot, house, and furniture, and am doing a fair shoemaking trade, but found promises to pay, numerous, and cash very scarce, except when the boys in blue get paid off, and then it is rather lively. When I first settled here, I was so mixed up in mind about the various claimants of the place, that I concluded it was all humbug, and that the United States would finally take the land. Now I understand that our Probate Judge has made an effort to enter the land for the town corporation, but has failed; the commission at Washington, decided that the land belonged to the St. Vrain heirs, who live, I believe on the Huerfano. I have a pretty good nose, and I have just smelt a huge rat, or rather skunk. It seems a certain gentleman has been trying to induce the soldiers to form a military colony, he or his uncle to be agent and to have certain profits. Can it be that they intend this, to obtain complete possession of the land between their eastern boundary and the Purgatoire River, and by the aid of the sympathetic cheating which those "Brave heroes of the war" are sure to get in Washington, turn us out of our pleasant homes, or force us to come to their terms? Time will show. In the mean time, I can only sorrow for the poor sheep that may be eaten up by the Coyotes this summer. Should my suspicions be well founded, I shall soon be homeless, and then who will care for a
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 2, 1873
Keneatche's Recommendation.
MUDDY CREEK, Apr. 30, 1873.
Keneatche, chief of the Monaclu band of Utes of New Mexico, was in this city last night. He has in his possession letters from L. Edwin Dudley, superintendent of Indian affairs in New Mexico, and from General Alexander at Fort Garland, which states that he is a good Indian, and entitled to kind treatment from white men everywhere. - Chieftain
Will the editor of the CHIEFTAIN be kind enough to let us know whether he saw that letter from General Alexander? General Alexander, if we remember rightly, whipped Keneatche and his band in Trinidad in 1866, and knows the character of that interesting red man too well to write him a very strong letter of recommendation. If the general has such a high regard for Keneatche, why did he order him away from the Cucharas a few days ago?
The writer of the item in reference to Keneatche examined the letter of recommendation the "Big Injun" had in his possession, which he claimed was given to him by General Alexander. This was signed A. S. Alexander, Brevet Brig. General, and was either genuine or a most excellent counterfeit.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 2, 1873
SIGNS. -- Harry Leighton.
Hot and cold baths at Fairbanks'.
Free lunch at the St. James to-day.
The largest assortment of trunks and valices, at J. Berry & Bro.
Washtubs, washboards, and pails at Lambert & Wetmores.
The nobbiest Broadway style neckwear, at J. Berry & Bro.
Bartel's fine brick residence on Fifth street, is rapidly approaching completion.
Hon. G. M. Chilcott's palatial residence in the western portion of the city, will soon be completed.
Three or four day-boarders can be accommodated at the first house on third Street, west of Santa Fe Avenue north side of street.
LOST. - In this city, Monday evening, a navy revolver, with five chambers, loaded. The finder will please leave it at the city council rooms, over Berry Bro.'s store. Z. G. ALLEN, Sheriff.
Six boarders and lodgers and several day-boarders, can find comfortable accommodations and a good table with a private family, by applying at the first brick building on the right hand side of the Avenue above the Lindell Hotel.
Old empty oyster and fruit cans, dilapidated goods boxes, demoralized barrels, old boots, and "dad's old breeches," are neither ornamental nor useful, and should not be permitted to occupy vacant lots and back yards. Look to this ye ambitious property owners of Pueblo.
A stick of pinon cord wood is so deuced crooked, that you can't make it lay still while you measure it, and an attempt to cut it into stove lengths with (a) buck saw, results in it being divided into three inch pieces. In short, it is as crooked as the ways of a Credit Mobelier congressman.
Newspaper publishers in Colorado and the western states could not make a better disposition of one copy of their journals for the coming year, than to send the same to the Free Public Library of Pueblo. There it will be placed in a conspicuous position, and be read by thousands interested in the growth and development of the great west, and thereby its sphere of usefulness greatly enlarged.
The coming woman of fashion, is to wear all the hair she has, and all she can beg, borrow or buy on the top of her head, and this is to be surmounted by an inverted card basket, decorated with as much finery in the shape of ribbons, artificial flowers, laces and velvets as she can pay for, buy on credit or pilfer from her milliner. The dress of this expected divinity, is to be high-waisted, narrow skirted, bag sleeved and short at the top and bottom. There are to be no more trails, flounces, demi-trains or bustles, and the dear creature to whom we will offer adoration in a few months, will be as slim from the waist of her dress, which will be immediately under her arms, down to her enchanting pedal extremities, as the natural outline of her fairy form will permit of. We cannot tell whether we will like this outfit or not, but it is to be the proper thing as soon as possible, as it has already been adopted by the fashionables of the old world, so of course, the masculine pursuasion must say, "how charming," and fall in love with it on the spot.
The finest and best variety of boots and shoes, at J. Berry & Bro.
Go to Kemp & Dunlap's for genuine Havana cigars.
We received a call from Messrs. Pat Mehan and P. G. Lyons yesterday. Mr. Mehan has just completed his culvert contract on the big ditch, and assures us that the work will stand any length of time, at least until Pueblo is supplied with steam water works. Mehan and Lyons are among our first class stone cutters and masons, and samples of their mechanical skill can be seen at Nick Roy's, in South Pueblo, one in particular, representing a Masonic temple, which is about two feet in height, hewn out of solid sandstone, with various emblems of the fraternity cut upon the surface, shows experienced handiwork.
SHIRTS. - White, Cheviot, Pecole, and woolen, for men and boys, at J. Berry & Bro.
We will be grateful to the stock-raisers, farmers and wool-growers of Southern Colorado for any and all the information they may choose to favor us with, in relation to the present condition of their herds and flocks, their wool-clip, and their farms. We want to place before the public all the reliable intelligence we can gather in relation to these important industries, and cannot give detailed information from every district unless aided by those immediately engaged in these avocations. Send us communications, or call on us when in town, and we will thank, and try to benefit you as well.
CLOTHING, CLOTHING. - For man and boy, at J. Berry & Bro.
An English draft and French Norman stallion, and an American jack from the states will stand at the west end of sixth street, during the season. SAMUEL McFARLAND.
Auction sale of household goods at Adair & O'Rourke's to-day, at ten o'clock.
Just received, at Young & Co.'s, a lot of fine cigars, and Lone Jack and Fah Kee (?) smoking tobaccos.
That "Crystal" brand of old bourbon whisky, still attracts numerous patrons to Kemp & Dunlap's.
The present is the season of building (?) and cooing and mating with the feathered denizens of the earth and the air, and as we write we notice on a back shed which comes within the range of our vision, as we look out of our office window, a splendid old he-dove paying amorous court to a pretty, modest and gentle dovess. The handsome old fellow will probably win the affections of this yielding creature, and then happiness and all that sort of thing, and a cozy nest somewhere and a nice little family in due time. Sich is life.
Wilson & Alexander have about finished their map of Pueblo, and now offer to the business men of town, an opportunity to print on the face of the map, a business directory. They only ask about the cost of printing and paper, viz : two dollars per name, and we hope they will obtain the names of all our live and energetic business men.
Madam Gallotti's concert was well attended Wednesday evening, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, and all present, were satisfied and delighted with the performance. The madam is like most of the fair daughters of sunny Italy, a lover of the beautiful in music and art, as well (as) an artist with more than ordinary attainments.
Warm, glowing sunshine yesterday, with only an occasional gust of boreal wind, to remind us of the cold, chilling storm which swept over the country the two days previous. It is really marvellous how soon dark storm-clouds are dispelled by the sun-rays in this favored section.
Young men whose excuse for hanging around naughty places in this city, has been the absence of any resort accessible to them which possessed moral or intellectual attractions, should remember that the reading room of the public library association is open every day, and free to all.
Dwelling and tenement houses are being built in greater numbers this season, than at any previous time in our city's history. They are all occupied as soon as finished.
The very choicest eatables the market affords, served in superior style at the Pueblo restaurant on Second street.
Daily Rocky Mountain News May 3, 1873
From Over the Divide - Our townsman, S. W. Morgan, the county treasurer, has nearly completed an elegant brick block on Santa Fe avenue, which will prove an ornament to the city. It is two stories high, surmounted by a massive cornice, and will be occupied by that well known restauranteur, Doc. Burt, who intends to run a first class hotel. The new institution will be opened to the public some time in June.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 12, 1873
Along the Greenhorn Mountains - Huerfano Valley - Huerfano Park.
Special Correspondence of the CHIEFTAIN.
This week I cannot send you any thing more than a desultory make up of notes, snatched by the way, on my short trip indicated in the caption.
From Pueblo, south-westward to Muddy Creek, a distance of twenty miles, the range is very poor, and this part of our beloved grazing country, must have experienced an unusually dry streak of luck this spring. From the Muddy southward the grass improves, and as soon as we reach the vicinity of the Greenhorn river and further on south and south westward the range is magnificent in the extreme. From the foot of the Greenhorn mountains, away east as far as the eye can reach, the rich, green, grassy billows undulate in gentle slopes down to the horizon, and promise rich nurture for thousands of herds.
At the Greenhorn post office, which is situated on Little Grineros Creek, thirty-two miles from Pueblo, the first road to the right leads into the San Luis Valley, by the Sangre de Cristo and Veta passes. The roads over the two respective passes fork in the Huerfano river bottom at St. Mary's post office. The road by the Veta pass crosses the river. The road over the Sangre de Cristo pass, as located by a late survey, passes up the Huerfano river on the north side and crosses at Badito. So far I have learned by inquiries from travelers, that the road over the Sangre de Cristo pass is the best.
The Huerfano valley is one of the finest farming regions in the territory. The soil is very rich, plows up mellow, and is easily irrigated.
Here, in the vicinity of St. Mary's, I saw living proofs that apples can be successfully raised here, and that apple trees will grow well. A Mexican ranchman there has bearing trees. I observed also, that Mr. T. W. Fouch, who has a ranch near St. Mary's and who is laying the foundation to what will be in a few years very fine grounds - had some very thrifty apple trees that will doubtless bear fruit this year. Mr. Fouch has planted various kinds of tree seeds, such as peach pits, walnuts, oaks, hickory and various other kids. Many of these had already sprouted, and some were considerably advanced in growth. The walnuts he planted last fall in a box, to protect them against mice, and buried the box in the ground, setting the sprouted walnuts out in the spring. The peach pits were buried all winter, cracked and transplanted this spring.
Mr. Fouch has a Spanish Merino ewe, which, when one year old, sheared a fleece of eighteen and a half pounds. This year, being now two years old, her fleece weighed twenty-two and a half pounds. He has about nine hundred head of Mexican sheep and improved breeds. Although the lambs came too early in the spring, a great many dying in consequence, the increase amounts to more than one lamb to each ewe. According to the gentleman's figures, nine cows and one bull, bought five years ago, have grown into a herd of one hundred and thirty cattle.
An immense amount of travel passes St. Mary's, over the two roads, into the San Luis park and San Juan mining country. The settlers have a good prospect of the location of the Denver & Rio Grande railroad through here, which would probably cross the river a mile below the store. Mr. Fouch, on whose land there seems to be about the most convenient point of crossing, has offered all the ground for a depot.
There is a good flouring mill three or four miles above the store, and now a company is making preparations to erect another, on Mr. Fouch's ranch.
Just this side of the forks of the two roads over the passes, Mr. B. F. Howard is located, who keeps a wagon and repair shop, and does most excellent work at Pueblo prices. There is a great call here for wagon repairs. Mr. Howard, although not exactly keeping hotel, provides entertainment for travelers, as there is no hotel at St. Mary's. Mrs. Howard sets as good a table as one may find between Boston and the San Juan mines. While refreshing on her most excellent dinner, I thought the theory that "school-ma'ams" wouldn't make the good housekeepers, was about exploded. For Mrs. Howard is a lady of culture who taught during a considerable portion of her life, in eminent institutions of six different states; and now I can bear testimony that she ranks among the very best housekeepers in the valley. So, pitch into the schoolma'ams, ranchers!
In many portions east the notion prevails that the territory is yet a wild and savage country, where the traveler finds little accommodation, and where we may scarcely expect to meet any more civilized individuals than scalping Indians, and wild "cattle men" whose hair has grown six inches long all over their whole body, and where, of course, the traveler is never trusted to a half-inch of halier strap. Let me cite one instance which will dispel these notions: On a former visit to St. Mary's I made the casual acquaintance of Mr. A. W. Burrows, of Yanckton, Dakota. This gentleman is quite a proficient geologist, and is prospecting in the Greenhorn mountains. I met him again in the mountains, and, as I had no team with me, he took all the representations of a stranger for granted, furnished me with his span of mares and light wagon to travel where I pleased, while he was digging in the solid rock of the Greenhorn. This would show a little more trust and accommodation than a traveler might expect in the vicinity of Boston.
In the Huerfano Park, I found beautiful farming valleys along Williams creek and other small streams, as well as on the Huerfano river, with plenty of pinon and magnificent pine timber, in the mountains near by. The valleys are well settled, and a great deal of land is under cultivation.
On the upper Huerfano river, about eighteen miles above St. Mary's, or twelve miles above Badito, I found an excellent site for a flouring mill, which is very much needed in that country, on the ranch of Mr. Hamlet. The ranch is situated between the Huerfano and one of its tributaries. A ditch has been taken out of the Huerfano, and is so located as to empty into the tributary, where a fall of forty feet may be obtained. Here is a good opening for a mill.
Mrs. Hamlet has a sweet little baby boy, the survivor of a pair of twins, who weighed two and a half pounds when three days old. Now, at three months of age, he weighs about three and a half pounds. May he never grow too fat.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 12, 1873
SIGNS. - Harry Leighton.
Pork and beans at the Cabinet.
Ice Cream, at Wells & Co's.
Milk punch and summer drinks at the Cabinet.
Another lot of furniture at P. J. Barth's.
Fruit and vegetables received Fresh every day, opposite the Drovers House, Santa Fe Avenue.
Dr. Steinberger, yesterday put up in his store a very beautiful and unique soda fountain.
The new bridge over the mill ditch on High street, is a good job and a great public benefit.
Rev. Mr. Hamilton's house has again assumed lofty proportions, and bids fair soon to be completed.
FOR SALE. - A span of good farm or draft horses and a new wagon. Enquire at the CHIEFTAIN office.
Kemp & Dunlap want to see you at their place on Second street, where you will find billiards and other amusements.
The busiest place in town yesterday was the City Bakery. All hands were hard at work filling a large bill of goods for the south.
At the risk of being accused of repetition and plagarism, we must state, that the cottonwood bottoms in and about Pueblo, are really delightful these days.
The managers of the Central Colorado Improvement Company, believe that every one of the thousand of trees set out on their grounds will live and do well. We think so too.
The boy Anderson, whose leg was amputated by Drs. Kallenburg and Tuttle, Tuesday, was brought in town yesterday, to be near surgical assistance. He is now at Burt's hotel, and doing well, all things considered.
There were four interesting races at Ford Park, Denver, Tuesday - two trotting and two running. These were well contested, and the attendance at the track was large. Altogether, so far, the first meeting of the Denver Trotting and Running Association is in every way a success.
STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL. - We hope that our citizens will not forget the festival of the ladies of the Episcopal church, this evening, at Lowther's hall. There is no question but all that will attend will enjoy themselves, besides assisting in a worthy cause. There is no charge for admission so that all can attend. Don't forget to attend.
It has been suggested that some arrangement could be effected with Mr. S. J. Patterson, whereby the water from his ditch could be turned into the "big ditch," and used by the people in the lower part of the city, until such time as the "big ditch" gets into operation. We know of several parties who would gladly pay liberally for sufficient water to save their trees from dying. Cannot something be done in the matter?
PERSONAL. - Sam McBride returned Tuesday from an extensive business trip.
We were favored yesterday with a call from Judge Russel of Rocky Ford.
Dr. D. F. Urmy, dentist, a gentleman just arrived from the States, paid us a friendly call yesterday. The Doctor contemplates locating in our city, permanently. We wish him and all other strangers success.
The partnership heretofore existing between Mrs. Snyder and Mrs. Creesey, is this day dissolved, Mrs. Creesey paying the present debt of the company, and carrying on the business as before, with the assistance of Mrs. McGrew, of St. Louis.
FOUR LOAVES OF BREAD from the best of flour costs only a quarter at the Rough and Ready Bakery. Everything is sold cheap there, and for cash only.
We advise our friends who wish wine or liquors, to go to M. Eppstein, wholesale liquor dealer, Santa Fe avenue, opposite the O. K. restaurant. His goods are pure and prices reasonable.
English and Scotch ales and porter, pure Kentucky A.1. whiskies, always on hand at Hewson & Tetu's, who are always glad to see their friends.
For 18 K jewelry, made to order, or a good job of watch repairing, go to Burdick & Otero's, Third street.
Harness(es), bridles, whips, stirrups, spurs, cinchas, hobbles, nose bags, and all kinds of horse gear, at S. C. Gallup's.
Lone Jack, Fah Kee and Game Cock smoking tobaccos at Young & Co.'s.
Come and try the celebrated Lotta brand of cigars at Gordon's.
The best lemons and oranges in town at the Rough and Ready Bakery.
The best brands of cigars, smoking and chewing tobaccos, at Young & Co.'s.
A good assortment of California saddles at S. C. Gallup's.
Lunch at the Woodbine, from 9 to 12 P. M.
Ice Cream, at Welis & Co.'s.
Go to the Woodbine for pure liquors.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 12, 1873
The first case called was the people vs. John D. Kinnear, charge bigamy, verdict not guilty. In the matter of the people vs. Robert Smith, charge larceny, the district attorney failed to make out a case, and the jury rendered a verdict of not guilty, without leaving their seats; Keziah Wildeboor and Nathaniel E. Newcome, vs. James Q. Doyle, jury trial, verdict for plaintiff $117.00. The people vs. James David, larceny verdict guilty; the people vs. Benjamin Hough, charge resisting officer, motion to quash indictment sustained; defendant discharged; Thomas Henkle & Co., vs. A. H. Snyder, default and judgement for plaintiff $380.92. The bigamy case was the only one before the court this day which excited anything more than ordinary interest.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 12, 1873
Statement of Mr. James Madden.
With a desire to do justice to everybody, which has always been a characteristic of the CHIEFTAIN, we yesterday sent a special reporter to interview Mr. Madden, who is now confined in the county jail in this city, and obtain his version of the recent Tent Springs tragedy.
Mr. Madden says that the affair originated out of the transfer of a lot of sheep belonging to Stebbins & Cater to himself and his partner, Mr. Duncan, in exchange for a spring known as the Benton Spring; that Mr. Stebbins had never claimed the spring, not even camped at it, but held another known as the Prairie Spring, at which place he had an unfinished stone house. The spring for which the sheep were paid was originally taken up by a man named Benton, who left the country, and Messrs. Madden and Duncan then occupied the place. Mr. Madden gave also, in exchange for the sheep, a spring called the Dripping Spring, of which he was the first and sole claimant, and also a receipt for about one hundred dollars due from Mr. Stebbins to him for wages. This sale was made on the 25th or 26th of May. The reason Mr. Cater gave for not making any disturbance about the trade was, that he could not make Messrs. Madden and Duncan give possession of the springs, unless they (were) willing to do so.
On the first of June, Messrs. Madden and Duncan having no team of their own, Mr. Cater moved their effects to the place at present occupied by them, and used some very rough language saying that he was determined to have the sheep back somehow. On the 2d of June Mr. Madden came to Pueblo to get provisions and lumber, and during his absence Mr. Cater returned to Messrs. Madden and Duncan's ranch, and said that he had been consulting the neighbors, and that there was to be a meeting of the vigilance committee at a place near by for the purpose of taking the matter into consideration. He also said that if those sheep were not given up, by the aid of the law or the vigilance committee, which he thought very doubtful, he would come and make a quarrel, and he would kill one of the party or they would kill him. He also said that he had been to the Cucharas, and asked Mr. Bragg to sign some paper relating to the matter, and that Mr. B. had refused, saying he knew Mr. Madden, and had nothing against him. Mr. Cater also told Duncan that he must sign a paper giving up his share of the sheep, or he wouldn't answer for the consequences; and that if he did sign the paper, he (Duncan) would not be molested. Duncan, being almost a stranger in the country, signed the paper, fearing that he would be taken out and hanged if he refused.
On Mr. Madden's return, on Thursday, he was informed of what had been going on (in) his absence, and was so much alarmed that he left the ranch and did not return until next evening. On Friday morning Mr. Cater came looking for Mr. Madden, and was informed by Mr. Duncan that he was not at home. Mr. Cater then rode up and down, looking about him, and told Mr. Duncan that he thought Mr. Madden was somewhere in the neighborhood hiding away sheep. This Mr. D. denied, and Mr. Cater then said: "When a man is in my state of mind, his worst thoughts are always uppermost. As for Madden, I have no mercy or pity -- he is a d--n son of a b---h." He then left, but returned in the evening, and agreed to receive Mr. Duncan's sheep on Saturday morning, at a point about a mile and a half below the ranch. Mr. Madden was well satisfied with this arrangement, as it would prevent a meeting between him and Mr. Cater, and he (Madden) feared that Cater would do him some injury.
On the next morning, the sheep were corralled ready for delivery, and Mr. Madden observed Mr. Cater riding up towards the corral. He immediately sent Mr. Duncan to tell him not to come up there, and also that he, (Madden) would not return his share of the sheep, unless compelled to do so by law. Mr. Cater then sent word to Madden that he would come back to see him about twelve o'clock that day. About the time mentioned, Madden was sitting inside of his cabin door, and observed Messrs. Cater and Creighton, who came riding up within a distance of one hundred and fifty yards of the house, where they dismounted. Cater then advanced a few steps, and then turned back to Creighton and said a few words to him, which were inaudible to Madden. He again started towards the house, and as he came, moved his pistol around on his belt. Madden's fears were excited, and he called out, "That's close enough, stop." Cater then drew his pistol and ran into the arroya between him and the house, and came out at the other side, pistol in hand, still advancing. Madden called twice to him to stop or he would shoot, and the deceased still advanced, and the fatal shot was fired. After Cater was shot, he staggered to one side, with the pistol still in his hand, and Madden, thinking he was only slightly hurt, call(ed) to him to put down the pistol or he would shoot again. Mr. Cater then rolled into the arroyo, and Mr. Madden, thinking he was badly wounded, sent Mr. Duncan to his aid, saying that he would go and give himself up to the authorities, and immediately left the place.
Mr. Madden deeply regrets the killing of the deceased, and says that he aimed low, with the intention of preventing Mr. Cater from coming nearer, fearing that he himself would be killed. Mr. Madden also states, in relation to the sheep transaction, that he has met Mr. Stebbens frequently since the trade, and that that gentleman has never given the slightest intimation that he considered the transaction anything else than a fair trade. He also says that Mr. Cater had stated that Mr. Stebbins had given him (Cater) credit for $500 on the books of the firm for his (Cater's) share of the sheep paid Madden and Duncan. After the sheep were turned over to Messrs. Madden & Duncan, Mr. Stebbins offered Mr. Madden $1000 instead of the sheep, which Mr. Madden refused, saying that if he had the money, he would buy sheep with it.
Should Mr. Madden be able to prove what he says he can with reference to this sad affair, it will place the matter in altogether another light.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 12, 1873
For some time past there has been an unsettled condition of affairs in relation to the title to the town site of Las Animas City, in Bent county, but now we are pleased to announce that all disputed points in this matter have been amicably adjusted, and that the land office at this place has granted a United States patent to the probate judge of said county for the said town site, under existing United States laws, in relation to the entries of town sites on the public lands of the United States. The settlement of this matter was brought about as follows: On the third day of the present month, the citizens of Las Animas held a meeting, and appointed a committee to confer with the original Las Animas Town Company, or its legal representative. This committee was composed of the Hon. M. W. Stewart, and T. R. McMurray, Esq., and in company with Probate Judge Russell, these gentlemen had an interview with the president of the original company, Col. Craig, and arranged the terms of a final settlement of the title. In this settlement, Col. Craig agreed that the old claim should be withdrawn, and the probate judge allowed to enter under existing laws governing such entrees on public lands, and in consideration of this relinquishment, the citizens of the town pledged themselves to respect, and have petitioned the probate judge to give titles to all parties holding deeds from the original town company, except all such parts as have been deeded away, and are now occupied and improved by other parties, said parties to be allowed to enter in their own behalf, and pay to those holding titles from the original company for the same, a fair and just valuation. This is a consummation that was much desired by all interested in the growing and pleasant town in question, and the amicable arrangement that has brought this about, illustrates the love of fair dealing and friendly relations with neighbors, that is characteristic of Coloradans.
Daily Rocky Mountain News July-1-1873 - Nuggets of News - Policeman Redfield, of Pueblo, shot and seriously wounded a criminal, who was endeavoring to escape, Saturday night.
Daily Rocky Mountain News July -1-1873 - Nuggets of News - A Mrs. Bruce, who resides on Hardscrabble creek, west of Pueblo, was bitten by a rattlesnake, Friday, and is not expected to survive. The reptile was coiled up on the kitchen floor.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 6, 1873
Living in Style - Huerfano Park - Turkey Creek - Surveying - A Few Vacant Tracts. (Special Correspondence of the Chieftain.)
For the last two weeks I have been tramping over a small portion of the Greenhorn mountains, and shut up as I was, most of the time, in out of the way places, it has been impossible to send you any letters.
Now, Mr. Editor, if you are not accustomed to the mountains, you may think that, in two weeks time, I ought to explore a vast region, and be able to send you a mess of hash that would fill ten, or twelve columns, if they are the long columns of the CHIEFTAIN. But I can assure you that, in two weeks, I was able to explore only a minute portion of the beautiful regions about the Greenhorn range; and, during that time, my traveling was confined to about one-half of a congressional township.
Here, in township twenty-five, south of range sixty-nine, west I have stumbled upon a beautiful spot, on the west branch of Turkey creek, and have determined to locate here, permanently. I have located a ranch of 160 acres, for farming purposes. The location is near the head waters of the west branch, and a considerable portion of the tract may be easily irrigated, as I have water in abundance, pure and soft, and fall sufficient to bring the water to the highest plateaux, which form a part of the beautiful scenery of Huerfano Park. On some of these plateaux I propose to raise potatoes next year; and therefore, if your subscribers should become a little slack about paying up, I pray you entertain no unnecessary alarm, for I shall send you a few two and three pounders, rather than see you pinched and slab-sided.
On first coming across this tract, while walking with my wife, we were so struck with the beauty of the situation and the lovely and commanding views of the surrounding mountain ranges, that, after another weeks tramp over the hills and through the valleys, which disclosed many charming places, we still determined to locate here.
Our locality should not be confounded with the Turkey Creek north of here, which empties into the Arkansas river. Township twenty-five, north of range sixty-nine west, forms a part of the Huerfano Park. The three branches come together near the southern line of the township, and the creek continues through township twenty-six, range sixty-nine, and empties into the Huerfano river a few miles above Badito.
There are a few vacant tracts here yet, which might be homesteaded or pre-empted. I believe I could point out two or three quarter sections to new comers. The township is mostly settled by Mexicans, a great many of whom wish to sell out their squatter's right, before filing their homestead or pre-emption papers. Some good ranches may be had for from $100 to $500. The country is not adapted to extensive stock raising, but is chieftly a farming country. As yet there are but few whites in the Turkey Creek settlement. Among the early pioneers of this country is Mr. Mahan, who has a good ranche, prettily located on the middle branch, a short distance above its confluence with the west branch; and also Mr. Montague Garnard, whose ranche is located one mile south of Mr. Mahan's on the main Turkey creek. Mr Garnard has the western fever, and offers his ranche with about forty-five acres of crop for sale for for $500. Who ever knew the western fever to stop short of the jumping off place?
Our style of living is commensurate with the grandeur of pioneer life. We are camped in a tent, (two of us, Mrs. Fendo and yours, too humble to mention) 7 feet by 14. The tent has a partition as an extra appendage of palatial splendor, giving us a bedroom and a parlor. Our kitchen is as extensive as out of doors can make it. But
must astonish even native Coloradoans. Thirty-five cents, sum total! and one half day's tremendous hard work of Fendo. I built two walls of rocks and mud, about one foot high and seven feet long, and fifteen inches apart. In front I laid a piece of sheet iron, about 20 inches wide and two feet long, and which cost 35 cents in Pueblo, across from one wall to the other, leaving the front open. Then I covered the remainder of the space between the rock walls with flat stones and mud. At the end I left a fair and square hole for the smoke to escape just where I wanted it to. The whole affair is to be topped off, over the square hole, with a grand monumental chimney as soon as I have recovered from the backache. The machine works to perfection, and is an ornament to Huerfano Park.
I had no difficulty in finding the section lines and corners by means of a rude compass, constructed as follows; in a piece of pine board, about two inches wide and a foot long, I bored a hole in the center, and then whittled a pivot on a pole about five feet high, so that the piece of pine would work easily on the pole horizontally. Then I nailed two uprights to the piece of pine, about three quarters of an inch high. On these uprights I planted two pins perpendicularly, and then drew a thread from one pin to the other, at the foot of the pins and over the top of the uprights. I set a small pocket compass on the pivot so that the horizontal piece of pine would turn under the compass and the thread over it. Whenever I wished to survey a line, having found one section corner in the township, I stuck the pole in the ground, put the pocket compass on, let the needle settle, turned the needle 13 degrees 30 minutes east of north, and then, by means of the thread stretched over the compass, brought the two pins in range north and south or east and west. By measuring my steps I easily found how many would make a mile, and thus I found half mile and mile corners without much trouble, sometimes stumbling over them, sometimes missing a corner fifteen or twenty steps.
As I have stated before, I know of but two or three vacant tracts of irrigable land that might be occupied by homesteaders or pre-empters; and I would not induce immigrants to come in here in large numbers with the expectation to find plenty government land, and then go away disappointed. But many good farming ranches may be obtained very cheap. The country is very beautiful and picturesque, and well worth looking over by those seeking new homes in Colorado.
New-comers will find Mr. Mahan, whose residence I have designated above, willing at any time to give all information in his power. And up on the west branch of Turkey creek, the highest settler up, they will find M. Custers, who will be happy to show them sections and corners, and such vacant tracts and ranches for sale as he may know of.
Hereafter I wish to give your readers a more minute description of this portion of Colorado.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 6, 1873
EPISCOPAL CHURCH. - Corner of Santa Fe Avenue and 7th Streets. Rev. Edward L. Greene, Rector. Services 10 1/2 A. M., and 7 1/2 P. M. Sunday School 12 M.
FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. - Corner of Main and 7th Streets. Rev. J. H. Merritt, Pastor. Sabbath Services - Preaching 10 1/2 A. M., and 7 1/2 P. M. Class Meeting 12 M, Sunday School at 3 P. M. Prayer Meeting - Thursday evening. Singing Meeting - Saturday Evening.
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. - Corner of Court and 8th Streets. Rev. W. E. Hamilton, Pastor. Services 11 A. M., and 7 1/2 P. M. Sunday School 9 1/2 A. M. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday evenings.
SOUTH SIDE METHODIST EPISCOPAL MISSION - Occupy temporarily Mrs. Weldy's house in South Pueblo. Rev. W. D. Cornwell, Local Preacher, in charge. Preaching Sabbath at 2 1/2 P. M. Prayer Meeting, Friday at 7 1/2 P. M.
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH. - South Pueblo. Rev. T. Pierce, Pastor. Preaching once in two weeks.
CATHOLIC CHURCH. - County Addition. Rev. C. Pinto, Pastor. Services 8 and 10 A. M.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 6, 1873
Mr. Charles W. Fowler, is our duly authorized agent, and is fully empowered to receipt for all monies and make contracts for the firm of LAMBERT & CO.
There was an insignificant war of the races on Second street Thursday night. The contestants, a negro and a Mexican. Unfortunately no serious injury resulted.
A westward bound train was thrown off the track of the Arkansas Valley railroad, by accidentally running over a cow on the 4th inst. No person injured, and but little damage done.
The band enjoyed the hospitalities of John Schwer, together with many of his friends, on the occasion of his birthday on the fourth. John knows how to entertain his friends.
We understand the excursionists up the Fountain on the fourth let off all their fire works at one time. No lives lost and no damage done to anything in particular, except the box that contained the pyrotechnics.
The announcement of the dissolution of the firm of Torrance & Co., butchers, which appeared in last night's People was made without my consent. I still claim my interest in the firm, and warn parties not to pay bills bue the firm until the business is settled. C. HURLEY.
Messrs. Hewson & Tetu have just received direct from San Francisco, pure California port and claret in bulk, as well as some of the finest brandy ever produced on the Pacific slope. We believe this is one of the first direct shipments of those goods to this city.
POSTPONEMENT. - The drawing of the Colorado Gift Entertainment, which was to have taken place on the 4th inst., has been postponed until the 1st of October, current year. To better facilitate the transaction of the business of the enterprise the office of the entertainment will be removed to Denver. All letters, hereafter, of orders for tickets should be addressed to James T. Ritchie, manager, Denver Colorado.
The Railroad excursion of the Methodist sabbath school of this city, and its numerous friends, to Edgworth Station on the Fountain on the Fourth, was in every way a success and altogether a very pleasant affair. The attendance was large and tha arrangements of the management, were so perfect, that all enjoyed themselves to the utmost. The ceremonies and festivities, were in every way appropriate, and all returned to their homes that night fully satisfied with the days enjoyment.
THE FOURTH IN PUEBLO. - The patriotism of Puebloites cannot be questioned, still their manner of celebrating the nation's birthday on Friday last was not loud nor demonstrative in any particular (way). Many of our citizens with their families, spent the day out of town, making up the party of railroad excursionists, and others found their way to Concordia Park and other rural retreats. Of the balance of our good citizens, some staid at home quietly and enjoyed the luxury of rest, while yet others, prepared for the culminating and most enjoyable feature of the days doing, the dancing party at Doctor Burt's Hotel in the evening. One of the pleasant incidents of the great day, was the appearance on one of the bluffs in our city, of our excellent brass band. This was very early in the morning, and really the city was awakened from the slumbers of drowsy night, by the melodius alarm of the martial drum, and the thrilling melody of the brazen horns. In the afternoon, the band appeared in our streets again in procession with the members of Hook and Ladder fire company, No. 1, and discoursed some excellent and appropriate music. The company, with the band paraded our principal streets, hauling their finely appointed truck and its appurtenances, and presented a very efficient appearance. A few of our most patriotic citizens displayed flags about their homes and business places. "Mine host" Hatten, of the Lindell Hotel, was prominent among these, he having decorated the entire front of his fine hotel with bunting, which floated out upon the delightful summer breezes, the dear old "stars and stripes" the honored insignia of liberty, and the revered emblem of our nation's integrity and greatness. The appearance of the Lindell, in its gala dress of patriotic bunting, was quite imposing, and Mr. Hatten done well in "hanging out his banners on the outer walls." Toward evening the repose of the quiet streets and the stillness of the peaceful summer's nightfall breezes were broken by the shrill pipings of childish screams and the hurried tramping to and fro of excited citizens, regardless of sex, race, color, or previous condition of servitude. The cause of this interruption of the usual quiet of the day was soon discovered to be an attack on some children, not far from Bingel's brewery, by a masculine sheep, which was well known in that neighborhood, previous to this fatal hour. We have not learned the extent of the injuries inflicted upon the children, but we do know that the poor buck paid the life-penalty for his temerity. There was no overt act in the execution of billy, and he did not receive the sentence that consigned him hurriedly to the great unknown world, where the pastures are eternally green, and where there are no naughty boys to tease, from Judge Lynch. On, no! everything was regular about his untimely taking away, for he yielded his half sheep and half dog's life to the demands of justice, according to its interpretation and execution by a policeman. In brief, billy died from a few murderous bullets, aimed according to law, by an official duly clothed with the robes of municipal authority, and was carried to his last resting place in an express wagon. Alas, poor sheep! The excitement attending the heroic slaughter of billy soon died away on the quiet night air, and all was so peaceful that echoes from the dancing music at Concordia Park could be heard distinctly. The real sounds of other dancing music were soon heard, however, as the dance had commenced at Burt's Hotel. But this will become the subject of a separate local. Altogether the day passed off pleasantly, and the railroad excursions and different parties who enjoyed the day out of town, returned without accident or mishap.
Every one invariably appreciates good bed and board for himself, and will strive to get it at all hazards; but a humane man will just as surely provide well for the stock under his charge. To all such (persons) we cheerfully say, take your horses to Morris' Pacific stables, where they will be sure to be well cared for, and on reasonable terms. Mr. N. Morris is the successor of Messrs. Young & Land, and is well prepared to board stock by the day or week, deals in hay and all sorts of grain, and makes a specialty of out-fitting pleasure parties and tourists for the mountains. Parties desiring to buy or sell stock, wagons, harness(es), or anything pertaining to a rig, can procure his services and be sure of valuable assistance. Those coming to the city with teams had better trust their keeping with the Pacific stables.
Wooden Ware at Lambert & Wetmore's.
LAND TITLES. The sales and purchase of real estate, is a business in magnitude surpassing any other branch of business in our country, and concurrent with our every day transfers and incumbrances, is litigation in quesiton of defective titles. Hence the importance of a thorough investigation of titles in the minutest details, before concluding a purchase or loaning money on real estate security. Thus, from the necessity of due care and forecaution, we have fitted up a complete title index, with all the auxiliaries, on the most improved plan. Our abstracts are a complete chain of titles, commencing with the government patent, reciting each and every subsequent transfer, grantees, grantors and all liens, leases, tax titles, delinquent taxes, mortgages, trust deeds, judgements, releases, and everything that in the least will effect titles. Our office, for completeness, safety and convenience, is not surpassed anywhere. We have carefully prepared blanks of every description and have every facility for executing deeds, trust deeds, mortgages, leases, and all things pertaining to a conveyancer's office, and the negotiation of loans. Our every day business, is a study and a record of titles, and we cannot fail to give satisfaction by furnishing our patrons with neat and correct instruments of every kind in our business. We have moved into our new office, next to Burt's Hotel, with every convenience for the transaction of business, where we will be glad to welcome our friends and patrons, and shall endeavor to merit your patronage and confidence by strict and careful attention to business.
Respectfully, HENRY, MORGAN & CO. - James D. Henry, Geo. W. Morgan, Ferd Barndollar.
THE DANCE AT BURT'S HOTEL. - A few of our society young men who may have, possibly, been disappointed in the matter of a social gathering in the country, got together during the forenoon of the Fourth, and determined to have a dance and a general good time at Burt's Hotel in the evening. Many of the fair ladies and gallant gentlemen of Pueblo who are known to enjoy the pleasures of the dance, were duly notified of the coming event, and invited to be in attendance. The result of this suddenly conceived idea was eminently successful, and at an early hour in the evening the spacious dining room of Burt's Hotel, brilliantly lighted and suitably fitted up, was thrown upon and filled with an elegantly dressed, joyous and fine appearing assemblage of ladies and gentlemen. There was an entire absence of undue formality and stiffness among those who had thus come together this delightful evening for social enjoyment and the exhilirating pleasures of the dance, and a genuine spirit of sociability and good feeling seemed to pervade the entire party. During the first few hours of the night the music for the dancing was provided by Mr. Fornia, his little daughter, not over eight years of age, really a musical prodigy, performing on the violin with the band with remarkable skill and ability. This beautiful little girl understands music thoroughly, and handles the bow and touches the witching chords of that prince of musical instruments, the violin, with the hand of a master. With proper culture, no doubt this bright little fairy would become a wonder in the world of melody. Of course the music provided by Mr. Fornia was excellent, and every one was satisfied, but at a late hour, to relieve this gentleman, Messrs. Kemp & Dunlap's splendid band was called in and discoursed most inspiring dance music in every way artistic and exquisite. We have never, in Pueblo, and seldom anywhere, witnessed a more pleasant gathering than the one that filled Burt's dining hall, on this occasion. Many really beautiful ladies were present, and all were exceedingly well dressed, notwithstanding the want of time for the usual preparations, so dear to female hearts, when they are about to enjoy the social intercourses and thrilling pleasures peculiar to the ball room. The gentlemen of this occasion, were, as a rule, well dressed, and were really a fine appearing assemblage of western men, gallant, sturdy, and noble-looking specimens of that genus homo. If it were fitting that we should especially mention any of the ladies present, when all were so charming, we would be compelled to select so many subjects for description, that even an imperfect glance at the loveliness of each would fill columns; but not being a Jenkins, we are saved this task, even though it might be a pleasant one. Dancing was kept up until an early hour, and nothing occurred to mar the festivities of the night. Doctor Burt, for his liberality in giving the hall, and all interest in the management of this delightful affair, have the gratitude of all who participated.
PERSONAL. - His Honor Judge Hallet of the supreme court of Colorado, will hold court at Saguache City in San Luis Valley during the week. The Hon. A. A. Bradford, H. C. Thatcher and several of the legal fraternity of this city, have journeyed thitherward. Yesterday our young and esteemed friend Tom. Bradford, took up his line of march for Saguache, we trust his fair locks will not prove an irresistable attraction to the noble Ute, and that Tom will preserve his hair and innocence while absent.
CONCORDIA PARK was visited by hundreds on the Fourth, who seemed delighted with the amusements and entertainments of the day. Music and dancing and target shooting, were among the pleasures, and all were participated in with great spirit. The drinkables, especially that ice cold lager of Bingel's manufacture, were indulged in patriotically, still everything passed off pleasantly and all returned from the park satisfied with the day's enjoyment.
Mr. M. Eppstein, the wholesale liquor merchant on Santa Fe Avenue opposite the O. K. Restaurant, with the enterprise characteristic of him, has gone to the mountains on a business trip, to be gone a few days. But he has left Mr. Essinger in charge during his absence, who will be pleased to put up orders for any one who chooses to buy. He tells us that they have received a recent invoice of extra fine Los Angelos Wines.
A CHANGE. - Mr. F. Speilker yesterday, puchased the Harmony Hall building, owned by Nick Brown, in South Pueblo, and leased the same to Fritz Brown, who will renovate and remodel the place for a first class lager beer hall and lunch room. In a few days, Fritz will have a grand opening, when he expects to see all his friends on hand.
Eighty three head of cattle, viz 12 beef steers, 4 years old and upwards - 8 beef steers, 3 years old - 45 cows, and 18 two years old, on hand for a short time, and for sale cheap at M. Fornia's auction stand on Santa Fe Avenue.
STOCK MEN - SALE OF THOROUGBRED SHORT HORNS - We will sell at private sale, one 4 year old bull, 20 months old, 3 cows with calves all herd book stock. See HENRY MORGAN & CO.
A new invoice of the Alden evaporated fruits at the City Bakery, consisting of pitted plums, pared peaches, blackberries, apples, whortleberries, sweet potatoes, corn, tomatoes and fruit jelly.
We offer to sell 10 shares of the Loan and Building Association at 10 per cent less than cost. Value $40.
TO LET. - Two desirable rooms over the Woodbine, on Santa Fe avenue. Enquire of Henry, Morgan & Co.
Sam. McBride & Co. have the largest fire insurance agency in the United States. Call on that firm if you want the best insurance.
WANTED. - A situation in a hotel or private family. Good references given. Address Miss L. T., Pueblo, or inquire at this office.
Leave orders at City Bakery, if you want lime, rock or brick. S. G. Ward.
New potatoes, cabbage and onions, at J. Jenner's.
Milk punch and summer drinks at the Cabinet.
Houses to let. Apply to James Macdonald.
Knitting machines at Lambert & Wetmore's.
Key West Gracioses cigars at the Cabinet.
Fresh California fruit, at Jenner's, every day.
Selling off at cost at Sloan's auction house.
Ice Cream, at W. Wells & Co.
Pork and beans at the Cabinet.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 6, 1873
Approaching South Pueblo yesterday we heard the buzz of saws and the hum of machinery, which was strange in that locality. Following the direction from whence these came we soon arrived at the lumber yard of Messrs. Hilliard, Gutshall & Co., and saw their new planing mill with steam up, and in full operation. This looks like business, and speaks loudly for the enterprise of its owners.
A number of the Railroad magnates of the country were to meet at Colorado Springs yesterday, to discuss the Railway interests of Colorado. We have received no particulars as yet, but trust they will decide upon measures that will secure ample Railroad facilities to every available portion of the territory.
We heard a rumor last night that a Ute was hanged a few days ago at Colorado Springs. This needs confirmation.
PICNIC AND DANCE. - On the fourth, in a beautiful grove on the headwaters of the "Muddy," near Cox's mill, about 35 miles from this city, the citizens of the neighborhood held a delightful picnic and dance. A large building was constructed for the occasion, in which dancing was kept up during the day and night. Our informant states that there were at least four hundred persons present, and that eighty couple(s) joined in the pleasures of the inspiring dance. A rare good time was enjoyed by all present. Among those from this city were the Hon. G. M. Chilcott, William Chapman, and Edward Dunbaugh, who drove in from that neighborhood yesterday. We congratulate our rural neighbors on their good taste and patriotism in thus happily celebrating our nation's birthday.
Daily Rocky Mountain News August 12, 1873
Territorial Matters - The democrats of Pueblo county have made the following nominations: For sheriff, Abe R. Ellis; for county clerk and recorder, Sam McBride; for treasurer, N. W. Duke; for superintendent of public schools, Joseph S. Thompson; for assessor, Phillip Zoeller; for surveyor, Theodore F. Braun; for coroner, William S. Catterson. The following were also made: For council, Seventh district, Charles Goodnight; for representatives, Tenth district, John M. Waldron, of Pueblo and David McShane, of El Paso.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 21, 1873
In pursuance of the above notice to me directed, and in accordance with the provisions of law, I hearby notify the electors of Pueblo county, that at the General Election to be holden on the second Tuesday, being the 9th day of September, A. D. 1873, the following officers are to be elected, to-wit:
One member of the Council to represent the Seventh Council District, composed of the counties of Pueblo and El Paso, in place of George M. Chilcott.
Two members of the House of Representatives to represent the Tenth Representative District, composed of said counties of Pueblo and El Paso, in place of J. M. Givens and Benjamin Crowell.
One County Commissioner for District No. One, in place of O. R. P. Baxter.
One County Clerk in place of Samuel McBride.
One County Treasurer in place of George W. Morgan.
One County Sheriff in place of Z. G. Allen.
One County Surveyor in place of Theodore F. Brann.
One County School Superintendent in place of Philip Zoeller.
One County Assessor in place of Raymond M. Stevenson.
One County Coroner in place of Dr. P. R. Thombs and such other Territorial and County offices as are by law provided.
Also, one Justice of the Peace and one Constable in each precinct of the county, and one Road Overseer in each Road District of the county.
Z. G. ALLEN, Sheriff. Attest: SAM McBRIDE, County Clerk.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 21, 1873
For Councilman - Seventh District, GEORGE M. CHILCOTT.
For Representatives - Tenth District, WM MOORE, of Pueblo, J. C. WILSON, of El Paso.
For Commissioner, LEWIS CONLEY.
For Treasurer, JOHN J. LAMBERT.
For Clerk and Recorder, C. H. WILLIAMS.
For Sheriff, JOHN B. RICE.
For Assessor, MARK L. BLUNT.
For Superintendent of Schools, JOSIAH HUGHES.
For Surveyor, THEO. F. BRAUN.
For Coroner, DR., P. R. THOMBS.
For Justices of the Peace, C. J. HART, A. P. GEORGE.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 21, 1873
MR. G. GUS WITHERS is our regularly authorized agent, and we commend him to our friends in the city for their favors.
FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself as an independent candidate for sheriff of this county. ALEX REDFIELD.
Get your furniture repaired at C. J. Barth's.
Two rooms to rent - enquire of Lambert & Wetmore.
Madame Q. Cumber and Miss Bella Ache arrived in town last night.
J. Rice is constantly receiving all late papers, magazines, &c.
J. Rice's stock of cigars and tobacco are the most complete and best selected in Colorado.
The most complete stock of blank books, stationery, gold pens, pocket cutlery and notions, is at J. Rice's.
Grand mass meeting at the Pueblo cigar factory, where cigars and tobacco will be sold at wholesale and retail, four doors below the post office.
John R. Lowther, Esq., is putting up a splendid addition to his residence on Eighth street. It is after the pattern of the main building, and looks neat and handsome.
NOTICE. - Parties who may suffer any losses in the shape of chickens, small dogs, etc., at the claws of our tame eagle, will please present their bills to us, and they will prompty be paid. LAMKIN & CHAPMAN.
Billy Macomb's meat market, at Charley Peck's old stand, on Santa Fe avenue, is winning golden opinions. What Billy can't do in the vegetable line - just give him a call, he will explain the rest.
The best thing that happened at the circus on Monday was carried out by one of our South Pueblo friends. He played it on the boys, and sold them vinegar for gin, and they didn't know the difference.
PERSONAL. - J. A. Clark, one of our old friends, paid us a pleasant visit yesterday evening. He has just returned from a short trip to Wet Mountain valley and Fairplay, and reports everything lively in these sections.
J. Q. Doyle paid us a pleasant call yesterday. Come again "Jimmy;" we will be glad to see you more often.
Charles A. Cook, Esq., receiver of the United States land office in this city, returned from Denver yesterday.
G. Q. Richmond, Esq., returned from Canon City yesterday.
Gen. B. M. Hughes, of Denver, is registered at the Lindell Hotel.
Our old friend Dick Irwin, Esq., is registered at the Burt Hotel.
We were pleased yesterday evening, to receive a pleasant call from A. E. Mathews, of Canon City, who has been spending a few weeks in Denver.
We were pleased yesterday, to receive a call from Colonel Ellis, U. S. A., the commanding officer of Fort Union New Mexico. The colonel has been up to Denver after deserters, and secured nine, which he is taking with him to Fort Union.
Dr. B. P. Anderson arrived home Tuesday evening, from an extended business and professional tour, looking well and hearty after his trip.
Colonel William Craig, is spending a few days in the city.
George Van Moll is on a flying trip to Pueblo. He reports the crops excellent on the Huerfano.
Uncle Dick Wooten is still in town. We met him yesterday, and he looks as hale and hearty as he did when we first saw him eight years ago. Uncle Dick traveled over a hundred miles with his family, over the mountains and plains, to see the circus.
We learned yesterday of the arrival in our city and permanent settlement of Mr. R. W. Lillard, of Stanferd (?), Kentucky, a practising lawyer. He has purchased a lot from Henry, Morgan & Co., adjoining Hewson & Tetu's store, where he proposes putting up a store sixty feet deep. He also purchased two desirable lots in Barndollar's addition, where he contemplates erecting at an early day a fine residence. Mr. Lillard's office will be with H. C. Thatcher, he having purchased Judge Bradford's interest in the office building. Mr. Lillard is a gentleman of means, and comes to us well recommended. We bespeak for him a kind reception from our people, and wish him success in life in his new home.
We are informed by a gentleman that came down from Denver on the train last evening that the track would be laid half way between Carson and Las Animas by the last of the week, and that by the 18th of October the iron horse will be running into Las Animas. We are very glad to be able to chronicle this fact, for it will make Las Animas in a very short time a city second only to Pueblo in size and importance.
Last evening while indulging in our evening meal, we were surprised by the receipt of a dish of the choicest ice cream we have indulged in since we became a denizen of Pueblo. It was made by Mr. Van Doren, who has gone into the business of making and delivering ice cream to families and others who may require it. This will be a great accommodation to our people.
We noticed an old toper on our streets yesterday, who declares that he is the great Jehovah, and, at the same time, claims to be his satanic majesty. Mr. Braden, one of our efficient police officers, informs us that this fellow has been laying around town dead drunk for about three weeks, and the consequence is that he has a slight tough of the "reptiles in his boots." Mr. Braden gave him his dinner, and ordered him to leave town in the shortest possible space of time, and judging from the alacrity with which he went for his "grub," we don't think he will be very long in obeying orders.
We met an old friend yesterday just out from the States, who has been traveling all through Colorado, seeking a location for business. He has been to the San Juan and Hardscrabble mines, Trinidad, Canon City and in all the nouthern towns of the territory, and says after a careful examination of the whole ground, that Las Animas city, in Bent country, is the best place he has seen for future prospects, and has decided to locate there with his family. This speaks well for our neighbor city, and we are pleased to know that her prospects are so good.
Our junior is indebted to S. M. Wagoner, of the St. Charles, for a beautiful boquet of rare and choice flowers, the product of his arden. The boquet is exquisite, and speaks in flattering terms of the taste and culture of Mr. Wagoner, in the arrangement and selection of the flowers. Our junior is taking extra good care of the boquet, and his friend Bob says he intends to present it to his sweetheart. Bob ought to know, for he is very intimate with him.
DISSOLUTION NOTICE - Notice is hereby given, that the co-partnership heretofore existing between Dennis O'Rourke and John S. Adair, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The auction and commission business will still be carried on by J. S. Adair, who will pay all indebtedness, and to whom all outstanding accounts shall be paid. Dated this 19th day of August, A. D., 1873. DENNIS O'ROURKE, J. S. ADAIR.
Our friend, George Richards, is delayed in town a few days, by the sickness of his wife, caused by a fright received by the runaway team, near the circus grounds, Monday night. Mrs. Richards is, however, improving, and will be able to return home to-day or to-morrow. Mr. Richards and wife, are stopping at the Lindell.
George Miller wants the people to know that Concordia Park is open every day, and that it is (available) to rent week days to picnic and other parties. There may be found at all times at the park a museum (of) his of various kinds, and the very best of lager.
The next attractive place in town to the circus last Monday was Kemp & Dunlap's. From morning until night, and through the night, it was crowded. Their liquors and cigars were (the) attraction.
NOTICE - The office of J. T. Gemmill is at his old shop, corner of Santa Fe avenue and Sixth street. Those indebted to him will please call and settle, without further notice.
We understand that Mr. Robert Grant received about two hundred head of fat, fine looking yearling sheep yesterday, all of which are intended for the Pueblo market.
The mailing clerks of the CHIEFTAIN office return heartfelt thanks to Hewson & Tetu for a bottle of "private stock," and hope they will do it again.
M. Fornia will sell at ten o'clock, this morning, a team and wagon, together with a lot of furniture.
New potatoes, cabbage and onions, at J. Jenner's.
Houses to let. Apply to James Macdonald.
Selling off at cost at Sloan's auction house.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 29, 1873
Topography of Huerfano Park. [Special correspondence of the CHIEFTAIN.]
Huerfano park is that section of country situated in southern Colorado which is bounded on the north (by) the entire linear distance of about 25 miles by the Greenhorn mountains, which range of mountains also forms that portion of the eastern boundary line running from the northeast corner of the park about thirteen miles south to the Huerfano river, at a place called Badito. From here the boundary line of the park continues south about six miles further, without any very distinctly marked natural line of division, running to the vicinity of the Black Hills, a low range south of the Huerfano. The southern boundary line is marked by the Vita and Sheep mountains (each of which is composed of two longitudinal peaks) for a distance of about ten miles; then by the Old Waldy mountains. The western line is bounded by the Sierra Blanca mountains as the southern portion, and the Sangre de Christo mountains as the northern portion of the line. In naming the Sierra Blanca mountains as the southern portion of the western boundary of the park, I rather mean the foothills of the same: or I may err here, and it may be the range east of the same, which to my knowledge has not yet been named.
The northern boundary line has a general trend east and west, and is also the boundary line between Fremont and Huerfano counties. The eastern line has a trend about due south, and for a distance of about five miles from the northeast corner forms the boundary between Pueblo and Huerfano counties. The highest peak of the Greenhorn range is situated at the nourtheast corner of the park. The southern boundary line has a trend west by about twelve degrees south. The western boundary trends north by a slight deviation west. The western portion of the southern line and the southern portion of the western line form the boundary between Huerfano and Costilla counties. The northern portion of the line forms the boundary between Huerfano and Saguache counties.
The northeast corner of the park is about twenty-four miles south and twenty-four miles west of Pueblo, or about thirty-four miles linear distance southwest.
Specific geography of the mountain portions of Colorado is not very specific as yet, nor well defined. Writers frequently make mistakes and parks and mountains are greatly misplaced. One writer of the CHIEFTAIN lately placed Huerfano park in the San Luis park, when in fact the western boundary described above divides Huerfano from San Luis park. For these geographical reasons (who wouldn't like to put in such a word as that now and then?) I have been particular in defining the location of the park.
This park embraces about nine entire congressional townships, and fractional portions of seven or eight more. The entire area is approximate to 455 square miles. Throwing off one fourth for the roughest portion, there remains an area of about 341 square miles of such land as might all be utilized for agricultural purposes, were this a reasonable country, that is, did we have as much rainfall as there is in the eastern states. How much of this land can be brought under irrigation, will require some labor to estimate with any degree of correctness, but I will give the amount to the reader hereafter, as nearly as diligent inquiry and observation may determine the same.
I am aware that the CHIEFTAIN circulates extensively in the states, and I believe that most of its readers would peruse with interest some practical descriptions of portions of southern Colorado, plain, truthful and ungarnished. These readers mostly expect to make Colorado their home. They are chiefly practical men and women, who care nothing for incipient touches or flowery rhetoric, which are of no account in giving descriptive information. But these people want to know just what kind of a country we have, how it looks, how it is adapted to agriculture, stock raising, etc., what comforts one may enjoy and what disadvantages one may encounter, what we can raise, and what we can't, how much it rains, and more minutely, how much it don't, etc. It is my purpose to give such a plain, ungarnished description of Huerfano park, and this description may in most respects apply equally to many other mountain portions of Colorado.
The principal stream of the Huerfano park is the Huerfano river, which heads in the western portion of the park. At Badito, on the eastern boundary of the park, the southernmost spur of the Greenhorn range is intercepted by the Huerfano river, which is crowded into a narrow channel by the rocky bluffs formed on either side. Thus the mouth of the Huerfano canon is formed. Here the traveler enters into the Huerfano park. Badito has one large store building, and a wing formerly used as a hotel, stables, and one dwelling, all very neatly built of adobe. At present quite a good stock of general country goods is kept by the Heidler Bros., of Pueblo. Passing into the park and up the river, the traveler will be surprised that the name of the caon was given to the portion of the valley. The bluffs at the mouth of the canon are not remarkably high (about 150 to 200 feet), and immediately after passing Badito the valley expands until, before one travels one and a half miles, a valley opens to the view of from one to three miles wide, with gentle slopes on one or both sides of the river, and nowhere are there stupendous bluffs that hedge in the channel. The first tributary the traveler encounters, passing up the river, is Turkey creek, which empties into the Huerfano on the north side, or left bank. Here we will leave the Huerfano and its fruitful valley, a description of which is deferred to a future letter, and follow up into the Turkey creek country, with which I am more thoroughly acquainted than any other portion of the park. A topographic description of Turkey creek country will also answer for many portions of Huerfano park.
To be continued in future letters.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 29, 1873
No hanging in Trinidad yesterday, as far as heard from.
For a good square meal go to the Drovers' Hotel, M. Fornia, proprietor.
Persons visiting South Pueblo should call on A. B. Darst for the finest cigars in the city. He keeps them.
The Colorado Medical Society will hold its third annual meeting at the court house in Denver on the first of the current year. Dr. W. F. McClelland is president, and Dr. D. A. Steadman secretary this year.
FOR SALE. - A first class billiard saloon on Santa Fe avenue, including entire outfit and stock of liquors, will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. The parties sell on account of ill health. Apply at this office.
George Miller wants the people to know that Concordia Park is open every day, and that it is to rent week days to picnic and other parties. There may be found at all times at the park amusements of various kinds, and the very best of lager.
The first term of the Pueblo academy will open on September 8, 1873, in Craig's hall, under the supervision of A. B. Patton. It is designed to make this a first class school where children and youth may be educated as well as in the best schools of the east.
Billy Macomb is always prepared to supply the choicest meats, fresh fish, chickens and vegetables. Persons can always procure all they need in the vegetable and meat line at his place without having to travel all over town. Billy's market is the best in the city.
Henry Jurgens is still ahead in the meat and vegetable business. He has always in store the choicest fresh meats as well as bacon, ham, and all kinds of vegetables, fresh every morning. If you want the materials for a good dinner, give Mr. Jurgens a call; you will find him opposite the Drovers' Hotel.
We understand that Marshal Shaffenburg and a number of friends will leave Pueblo to-day for Santa Fe. It may be possible that the Marshal will stay over a day at Trinidad and see that no injudicious hangings take place while he is in that portion of Colorado. Be this as it may, however, all will end well in the south.
Letters addressed to the following persons are held in the Pueblo post-office for want of proper postage to carry them to their destination: Mrs. Elizabeth Watkins, North Point, Alabama; Mrs. Wm. H. Raymond, Franklin, Pennsylvania; Mrs. S. A. Turner, Oak Point, Illinois, and Mr. T. Cunningham, Denver, care of Ford's Hotel.
Undoubtedly, a great amount of bad feeling exists in Huerfano county, between the wool growers and cattle raisers. It is to be hoped that the candid and law-abiding citizens of all classes in this portion of Southern Colorado will take the adjustment of this difficulty in hand, and adopt measures that will prevent further disturbances.
The Golden Globe of the 23rd inst., states that "eight tons of ore were received at the smelting works the first of this week, from the Homestead lode, located on the headwaters of the Arkansas, over three hundred miles from this city. It yielded 117 ounces of silver to the ton." The sagacious business men of Pueblo should remember that this city is much nearer to this mine and all others in this section, than Golden, on a natural outlet from this district, and act accordingly.
PERSONAL. - M. A. Shaffenburg, Esq., and party, of Denver, are visiting Pueblo, and have taken up their residence at the Burt House.
James Clelland, Esq., wife and daughter, of Canon City, are visiting our lovely city.
Mr. John Rautschler, one of our numerous and prosperous stock men, is registered at the Burt House.
Our old friend P. K. Dotson, Esq., came in from his beautiful ranch last evening, and intends to abide in our city for a few days. He reports everything in a flourishing condition on the head waters of the St. Charles, and says that the politicians are rushing things in that section.
We met C. J. Reed, Esq., superintendent of the Territorial Penitentiary, on our streets yesterday evening. He looks hale and hearty, and is, doubtless, as full of life and vigor as ever.
The line of the Rio Grande railway, which is being pushed southward with great speed, is traversing the finest country in southern Colorado. This will soon place Pueblo in railway connection with the principal city south of us in Colorado, Trinidad, and open up the vast trade of New Mexico, and even New Spain, with all its historic associations to the merchants of the metropolis of southern Colorado. Pueblo must be the great re-shipping point for all merchandise to the towns and cities of New and old Mexico, and with railroads running southward, and securing us eastern connections, this will be accomplished as a matter of course.
Mr. M. Fornia, the new proprietor of the Drovers' Hotel, has already shown to the public that he means business and that he will keep a first class house without fail. He has expended a large sum of money refitting, furnishing, stocking and renovating the Drovers', and will make it one of the most attractive hotels in Pueblo. Mr. Fornia knows how to look after the comforts of his guests and has the means and appliances to do this with, and is a courteous landlord. Patronize the Drovers'.
Since making enquiries in regard to fuel suitable for smelting purposes in the Greenhorn belt, we have been informed that a bed of coal has been discovered recently in the Greenhorn mountains, not more than thirty five miles from Pueblo. This seems to be true coal, and we have been informed that the measure is extensive and favorably located. We will know more of this matter soon.
Get your furniture repaired at C. J. Barth's.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 29, 1873
Louis Rowe, a Frenchman engaged in building a road to Bismarck hill, Upper Ten Mile, some seventeen miles from Helena, discovered on Saturday last, between the two forks of Lump gulch, a number of bones which he thought belonged to a human anatomy. Searching further, he found other bones as also fragments of clothing of a dark color; remnant leaves of a diary of 1866-7, the date (in pencil) almost obliterated; an old, weather beaten envelope, on which the name "W. J. Montgomery" is still discernable; bits of greenback currency of the denomination of $5, etc. The skull and larger bones were missing, probably snatched up and carried off by wild beasts. On one of the diary leaves, a memoranda of a promissory note was distinguishable, minus the names; and on another leaf, under date of October 6, 1867, this: "Worked on house all day." The mysterious disappearance in 1869 or 1870, of "Montgomery the auctioneer," may be traced, perhaps, to these blanched bones and mouldy papers picked up in the mountains about Lump gulch. Here, as in California, Montgomery was famous in his day, in the auction business. In San Francisco at one time, he was prosperous, and rapidly acquired wealth. Montgomery street in that city was named after him. With more coin than he knew what to do with, he invested the better part of his fortune in stock, which enabled him to leave California for Montana in light trim, financially. Here he had his ups and downs, until the date above set forth, when he suddenly disappeared, no one knew where. The diary and paper remnants to which we have referred, can be seen at Auerbach Bros., Mr. Hurst, at Ten Mile, having brought them to town yesterday. Who of our people can throw additional light upon this mystery? - Helena Herald
Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 31, 1873
A Subject to be Generally Considered.
EDITOR CHIEFTAIN: - Some things that would be tolerated in a town of two to five hundred inhabitants are simply a shame and disgrace to a city of nearly four thousand people. A matter that in the former would pass unnoticed is sure in the latter to be a subject of severe criticism.
We have in Pueblo a cemetery. Its condition is to-day a disgrace to the city, the inhabitants thereof, and to common decency. It is a cactus prairie, daily visited by stock, and trampled over by herd and herder. It is a hunting place for rabbits and a grazing place for horses and cows. A few posts which an engineer may understand is all that marks the place, except the graves here and there, in an irregular and trampled condition.
Why, Mr. Editor, can not the city build a fence around the remains of its dead? Why can not trees be set out and walks and ditches made? The mourning friends could then plant the ivy and myrtle, could arrange the little yards or graves with taste, adorning them with flowers and shells. Not so now. The rudest slab, unless well guarded by a fence, made strong and high, is not safe, but is liable any day to be trampled down, and the place known no more to loving friends. Our cemetery is a desolate looking place. It looks more like a prairie dog village than a "city of the dead." Not a tree can be seen, no signs of beauty or improvement, except two or three fences around individual lots. For a week or more past a coffin, one that has been used, might be seen rudely cast in one corner of the grounds among the cactus bushes, lid by its side and a bloody blanket shawl near by. What does it mean? Nobody knows, for it is nobody's business. Whose business is it to remove this nuisance from the place in question?
The situation is so well known to our inhabitants that it is useless to fill the valuable space in your columns to enter into details. Let us accept this as a fact and consider a remedy.
I would suggest that the city council appoint annually or bi-annually a cemetery commission, with pay the same as councilmen, whose duty should be to receive all monies from the sale of lots, digging graves, donations, appropriations made from time to time by the city council or county commissioners and pay the same to the city treasurer to be held by him as a special fund in trust and for the benefit of the cemetery. Let the commissioner, as fast as the funds will permit and circumstances demand, expend said money in building fences, planting trees, digging ditches, and making such other improvements as necessity may require. A ditch could be taken out at a small expense from the Fontaine, the calaboose and jail inmates doing the work, which would answer very well for cemetery purposes for years to come, and enough water sold in Craig's and Bartlett's additions, not only to keep the same in order, but make it a paying investment. One or more laborers could be constantly employed about the grounds, and when a grave was required, be on hand to dig it, under the supervision of the commissioner, and the cemetery fund have the fee that goes at an outrageous rate to first one or the other.
We do not expect a Mount Auburn, a Greenwood, a Mount Hope or a Bellfontaine, but justice to the dead demands a quiet spot, one shaded and watered, and secured from roaming cattle. A vault house should be built. It would be of great convenience for temporary interments.
Let the commissioner keep a record of all interments, name, age, date, cause of death, attending physician (or coroner's certificate) and such other information as would be of value, including the number of the block and the lot. This would give us mortality statistics which we can not or do not now get. Then we want goodly made streets to and from this lonely spot, with ditches covered and ruts filled up. But one thing at a time. Let us have a commissioner, one alive to a sense of duty of this kind, and all things will follow. Work can be laid out this fall ready for a spring campaign towards the demands of justice and common decency to our dead.
Yours, respectfully, A. P. G.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 31, 1873
BAPTIST CHURCH. - Lowther's Hall, Preaching at 11 o'clock A.M.; Sabbath School immediately after service. Preaching at 7:30 P.M. Rev. Adam Chambers, pastor.
EPISCOPAL CHURCH. - Corner of Santa Fe Avenue and 7th Streets. Rev. Edward L. Greene, Rector. Services 10 1/2 A.M., and 7 1/2 P.M. Sunday School 12 M.
FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. - Corner of Main and 7th Streets. Rev. John R. Eads, Pastor. Sabbath Services - Preaching 10 1/2 A.M., and 7 1/2 P.M. Class meeting 12 M. Sunday School at 3 P.M. J. D. Andrews, Sunday school superintendent. Prayer Meeting Thursday evening. Sunday school society meeting Monday evening. Singing meeting Saturday Evening.
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. - Corner of Court and 8th Streets. Rev. W. E. Hamilton, Pastor. Services 11 A.M. A. C. Foote, Sunday school superintendent. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday evenings.
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, IN SOUTH PUEBLO. - Occupy temporarily the South Pueblo planing mill. Rev. Henry Skewes, pastor. Sabbath services - Preaching 10 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. Sabbath school immediately after morning service. E. W. Wiley Sunday school superintendent.
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH. - South Pueblo. Rev. T. Pierce, Pastor.
CATHOLIC CHURCH. - County Addition. Rev. C. Pinto, Pastor. Services 8 and 10 A.M.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 31, 1873
Houses to let. Apply to James Macdonald.
Red hot dinner at one o'clock to-day at the Drovers' hotel.
Get your furniture repaired at C. J. Barth's.
Selling off at cost at Sloan's auction house.
New potatoes, cabbage and onions, at J. Jenner's.
Lewis Conley purchased a drove of fifty-two California horses yesterday.
For fresh ranch butter and eggs, go to the Rough and Ready bakery.
The most complete stock of blank books, stationery, gold pens, pocket cutlery and notions, is at J. Rice's.
H. C. Thatcher, Esq., and family leave this morning for his home in Martinsburg, Penn., and the eastern cities. Pleasant journeys in the east.
Last evening, Officers Braden and Bilby passed our office, with an unruly customer in hand, who, it appears, is one of the petty thieves who have been cutting up tricks lately.
At the Methodist church to-day the pastor, Rev. John R. Eads, will preach at 10:30 a.m. Sunday school at 3 p.m. The church will be closed in the evening on account of the Bible meeting at the Presbyterian church.
The hot season is on hand in this southern country just now, and not a little inconvenience is experienced by people generally. But we hear of no suffering from extreme heat during the days, and the nights are as usual in Colorado - delightful.
The first term of the Pueblo academy will open on September 8, 1873, in Craig's hall, under the supervision of A. B. Patton. It is designed to make this a first class school where children and youth may be educated as well as in the best schools of the east.
The following names should be added to the people's ticket of Arapahoe, which was nominated on the 27th instant: For constable, Moritz Koch; council, R. G. Buckingham and Henry Feueratien; for the house, Alfred Butters, Horace Little, J. H. Ulhorn and M. B. Gerry.
LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN - From the undersigned, a bay mare with white hind feet, star in her face, few saddle marks on her back, 15 hands high, J. S. on left hip, had on a leather halter, and was seven years old, I will give $25 reward to any one returning said mare. BERTHA WOODS.
FINE POTATOES. - Yesterday, Messrs. Boggs and Son, who own a ranch near Mace's Hole, about twenty-five miles southwest of this city, brought into the CHIEFTAIN office, some splendid potatoes, about the finest we have ever seen of Colorado's production. These were of the Early Goodrich variety, with coats white and shining, and each weighing about one pound. The yield to the acre, of these fine vegetables, is from two to three hundred bushels in the rich soil of Southern Colorado, and where the farmers understand that these bring an average of three cents per pound, they can see that farming is profitable in this section. All that Southern Colorado requires is plenty of men to till the soil to make this one of the most productive agricultural countries of the world.
BIBLE MEETING. - The annual meeting of the Pueblo County Bible society will be held this evening at half past seven o'clock at the Presbyterian church. The annual report of the retiring officers, M. G. Bradford, president, J. Hughes, secretary, and J. W. O. Snyder, treasurer and depositorian, will be read, and the annual election of officers will take place. The meeting will be addressed by Rev. Wm. McCandlish, the district superintendent of the A. B. S. for Colorado and Nebraska, Rev. John R. Eads, of the M. E. Church, and Rev. Adam Chambers, of the Baptist church, and others. Go and take some one with you.
There is a party of the female persuasion in this city by the name of Nathan, who is quite mean enough for almost any purpose. This party has two sons, unfortunately, one aged about ten and the other fourteen years, who black boots and shoes, and the like, and have by these means accumulated over two hundred dollars. The female parent of these boys allow them to take care of themselves, and besides this, had saved the sum of money named above, when the mother compelled them to give up their earnings by whipping them severely. This mean sort of a mother deserves the censure of every fair person in Pueblo.
A practicing brass band is a great promoter of nearly all the christian virtues. It cultivates patience, endurance, hope, charity, forgiveness and prayerfulness. One years' discipline under the influence of these musical gentlemen who make up the Pueblo brass band, will prepare any ordinary mortal for an eternity of goodness. It might induce profanity in some hopeless creature who is lost to all the noble impulses of our natures, but it makes us, who are a lover of the beautiful in sound and scenery, a true worshipper.
ATTENTION. - J. M. Halett has recently bought out what was formerly known as the Star restaurant, on Fifth street, in South Pueblo, and is now running the same, in first class style under the name of the Mammoth restaurant. He would be glad to see all the old patrons of the former proprietor, as well as the public generally. He gives a fine dinner to-day -- don't fail to call on him.
Concordia park will be in full blast to-day. All the candidates will be there; the brass band will be there; George Miller will be there; and you will find any amount of cool lager beer there. So by all means, go to the park to-day. A good brass band and any number of candidates, ought to be good company enough for anybody.
SOCIABLE. - The Baptist congregation of this city will give a "sociable" Tuesday evening, at the residence of Mrs. E. S. Owen, in Craig's addition. This event will inaugurate a new era in social and religious affairs in Pueblo under the most favorable auspices. We bespeak the Baptist society and its friends prosperity and success.
Work on the big ditch is going on favorably. Mr. Conley had quite a number of operatives employed on this work, and its completion is approaching rapidly.
BUGGIES FOR SALE AT THE PACIFIC STABLES. - An opportunity is now given to select from the best and cheapest lot of buggies ever offered for sale in Pueblo. They are warranted to be manufactured of the best materials and to be first class in every particular. For further information inquire of Nathan Morris, at the Pacific stables, where they are on exhibition, or of the undersigned at the Lindell Hotel. CHARLES SHERWOOD.
DISSOLUTION. - The copartnership heretofore existing between L. W. Pattison and W. A. Craig, under the firm name of Pattison & Craig, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. L. W. Pattison will continue the business, collecting all accounts due the late firm, and assuming all liabilities. L. W. PATTISON, W. A. CRAIG, PUEBLO, COL., Aug. 29, 1873.
Billy Macomb is always prepared to supply the choicest meats, fresh fish, chickens and vegetables. Persons can always procure all they need in the vegetable and meat line at his place without having to travel all over town. Billy's market is the best in the city.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 9-28-1873
R.K. Swift, an old Chicago banker, now in Pueblo, is furnishing grants to those in financial troubles.
M. Eppstein's wholesale liquor store, Santa Fe avenue.
Mr. G.W. Morgan outgoing county treasurer, Mr. N.W. Duke, incoming.
J.W. Smith just started a bread delivery service from the Rough and Ready Bakery.
Dr. J.G. Smith, has rented for his office, the front room over Jordan's store, and will be located in it the first of next week ready for business. His residence will be in one of Berry Bros. new brick residences, on the corner of Eighth and Court streets, near Bear's paint shop.
We noticed the following persons among the arrivals at the Schuyler House, South Pueblo: John D. Forrest, New York; H.S. Prior, and D.C. Ford, Lima, Ohio; J.T. Crocker, Colorado Springs; and F.M. Musick and wife, Central City.
Concordia Park is a delightful place to spend the afternoon to-day. Excellent music by one of the best bands in the country can be listened to under the grateful shade of those grand old cottonwoods, and Bingie's beer quaffed in the meantime.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 2, 1873
The death of Bishop Randall falls like a great calamity upon this entire people. The whole territory is in mourning, and sadness fills the hearts of the people as far as the good Bishop's name was known among men. The funeral services were held to-day, and a large body of people were in attendance. A more solemn and impressive ceremony seldom fails to the lot of man to witness. The most worshipful grand lodge of Masons of Colorado were present in full regalia, and a vast concourse of private citizens. The funeral services were held in the Episcopal church of which he was the rector when he died. At the church he laid in state until five o'clock this afternoon, when the remains were escorted to the Kansas Pacific depot by the Masonic order, of which he was a high and worthy member, and a large train of carriages containing friends and mourners. The train that is to bear the corpse on its long journey to the far east leaves at half past eight o'clock this evening. Thus another great actor on the world's busy stage has left us in the very midst of his usefulness.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 2, 1873
Topography of Huerfano Park, V. (5th part)
In the description of the Huerfano Park so far, the country on the left or north bank of the Huerfano river, and bounded on the north by the Greenhorn range, has been duly considered for a distance of seven to nine miles west from the eastern boundary of the park.
In this small scope of country so many peculiar topographical features presented themselves, so manifold and variagated were the peculiarities and sceneries, that the four preceding letters would scarcely have done justice to the subject, had they emanated from a more able pen.
According to the course marked out in letter four, the country west, intercepted south by the Huerfano valley, and north by the Greenhorn range, is to be next considered.
Advancing westward from the headwaters of the western tributary of Turkey creek, the explorer has but to walk a distance of one quarter of a mile to the top of the ridge which skirts the valley on the right bank, to behold the beautiful valley of Williams' creek spread out at his feet. Williams' creek, like Turkey creek, issues from the Greenhorn range. Its general course is south. It has but few branches and tributaries. The length of its course, after issuing from the mountains, is about nine miles. Its fall is considerably less than that of Turkey creek. The valley is from one half to a mile wide. It is widest near the mouth, where it extends perhaps one and a half miles. On either bank of the creek, for the first three miles up, and then principally on the left bank, the valley has a gentle slope from the bordering bluffs and ridges towards the stream, and the location is peculiarly favorable to easy irrigation. The stream carries scarcely sufficient water to irrigate the entire valley, but a breadth of land one half mile wide might easily be irrigated throughout the entire length of its course.
Most available farming lands along its course have been taken up. Near the headwaters there are located three or four American families, the remainder of the valley is occupied by Mexicans.
Williams' creek issues from the mountains in the township 25, range 70 west, or a little to the north of it, but near the eastern range line. This township has not yet been subdivided, or sectionized, and the bearings of the creek, prominent points and trends of the ranges, are not well defined on the maps. It runs south, bearing slightly east, until crossing the lower section of the township east, it empies into the Huerfano river a short distance east of the range line between 69 and 70, having made a departure east from a southern course of about one (and) a half miles in a course of nine miles. The mouth of Williams' creek, therefore, is about thirteen miles west of Badito.
On the right bank of the creek the valley is bordered by bluffs densely covered with pinons, the bluffs varying in altitude from 50 to 100 feet. The country west is very much similar to that intersecting the branches of Turkey Creek. The reader will remember the mountain glades, or plateaux hedged in on all sides by pinon groves, heretofore described. They are found everywhere in the park in the intervals between the streams and between the Huerfano and the mountains.
On the left bank the dividing ridge of the vally is of a peculiar formation. It is sandy and comparatively free from rock. This is a distinguishing characteristic from nearly all the ridges. There are unmistakable evidences of the valley having been scooped out, so to speak, and the left ridge thrown up by glacial action. First, from the left bank of the creek there is a very gentle and gradual rise to the foot of the ridge, then a steeper ascent, and near the top of the ridge the sand is scooped up into a sharp comb. From the top eastward towards Turkey Creek there is a gradual descent. From this ridge towards Williams Creek, narrow, sharp, and long ridges extend in a southerwesterly direction, varying from one fourth to one mile in length. Further down the valley, these secondary ridges assume a more westerly trend. These ridges like those on the right bank are also covered with the pinon, though not so densely as the former.
On the creek there is but little timber. A few aspens and cottonwoods grow on the immediate banks. The soil of the valley is very rich, though in places near the ridges on the left side of the valley somewhat sandy. There were heavy crops of wheat raised this year two or three miles from the mouth of the creek. In some parts the virgin soil is thickly grown over with the prickly pear, which is however easily iradicated, as it has very light roots. The soil is remarkably mellow and easily broken.
From the top of the high sandy ridges near the headquarters (about 150 feet high) the scene below is picturesque in the extreme. The beholder by a gentle ascent from the east, up a grassy slope, suddenly arrived at a sharp, almost overlaying comb of a sand ridge, sees spead out under him, numerous little glades, grassy valleys and timbered little knolls and ridges grouped together into a most charmingly romantic and diversified whole. This scenery, as the reader knows, is formed by the secondary ridges. Beyond these secondary ridges the valley proper, with its gently sloping sides, covered with fresh verdure and its bright green line along the windings of the stream, formed by the cottonwood, relieves the intricate scenery immediately below the beholder's feet. For nine miles the eye of the beholder may follow the valley and the river in its course down to where a broader belt of bright green and golden hues, formed by the grassy meadows and bright yellow wheat fields, intermingled with the wild sunflower, indicates the Huerfano valley.
The water of Williams' creek, like that of Turkey creek and all its branches, is soft, and it is the delight of good housekeepers, who revel in clean linen, and the snowy sheets so soft and grateful to the touch, when after a days hard tramp in the mountains, the prospector or hunter seeks repose between their inviting folds, in the hospitable cabin of the ranchman's good housewife, or his own domicile.
Well, Mr. Editor, that's topography. But then, I can assure you, there is a difference between the topography of a bed made up by an old bachelor and that finished by the gentle touch of (a) woman's experienced hand.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 2, 1873
DR. B. P. ANDERSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at Dr. Steinberger's drugstore, Pueblo.
DRS. KALLENBERG & TUTTLE, OFFICE, Rooms Nos. 3 and 4, over Hobson & Gann's, Santa Fe avenue, entrance next door north of Dr. Thombs' drug store.
A. W. ARCHIBALD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over the Post Office, Trinidad, Col.
BENJ. MATTICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office first door north of Lindell Hotel, Pueblo, Colorado.
MRS. M. D. WILSON, HOMEOPATHIC. - Mrs. Wilson comes to our city well recommended as a successful practitioner; also as acoucher. Special attention paid to diseases of women and children. Residence on Seventh at Pueblo.
S. G. SPENCER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Commissioner of Deeds for the States, Pueblo, Colorado. Office in Craig's building, corner Main and Seventh streets.
DR. F. C. BLACHLY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over J. O. Jordan's store, Santa Fe avenue, Pueblo, Colorado.
DR. J. E. HARVEY, OFFICE over Thatcher Brothers store, Santa Fe avenue, bet. 4th and 5th sts., Pueblo, Colorado. In the office at night.
G. Q. RICHMOND, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pueblo, Colorado. Office on Santa Fe avenue, over Peabody & Jordan's.
DR. P. R. THOMBS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Pueblo, Colorado. Office - on Santa Fe Avenue. Also U. S. Examining Surgeon for Pensions. Office hours from 9 to 10 A. M. and from 7 to 9 P. M.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 2, 1873
New stock of hats and neck-wear, at Hobson and Gann's.
A couple of fine English greyhounds for sale. Enquire of J. Lynch, Schuyler House.
A choice lot of coffees just in at the City Bakery, consisting of Mochos, Javas and Rios.
Cut loaf, crushed, granulated, powdered, coffee A and demmary sugars just received at the City Bakery.
For sale low, on easy terms an excellent farm and dairy ranch one and a half miles from Canon City. Address Dr. Fullerton.
NOTICE. - The public school, for district number 19, will commence in East Pueblo on Monday, October 6th 1873. Wm. H. WETMORE, Secretary.
Our healthy friend, Mr. John Warner, has been appointed deputy sheriff of this county. Sheriff Ellis and John make a mighty good pair to draw to. They are both pretty well developed men, their combined weights being four hundred and thirty-three pounds.
Mr. Harry Leighton is deserving of great credit for the music furnished at the Burt's Hotel dance Tuesday evening last, Harry can on short notice get together his quadrille band for parties, and will himself call the latest changes and figures of the mazy quadrille.
Mr. C. J. Hobson wishes to inform the public that he has put on an express wagon between Pueblo and the Hardscrabble mines, which leaves Pueblo every Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, and will carry freight and passengers. For further particulars enquire at the store of Hobson & Gann, Pueblo.
A GOOD APPOINTMENT. - The city council at its last session appointed Mr. Charles Bryant, fire warden of the city. This is an important office, and we sincerely trust that Mr. Bryant will carry out the orders of the council with regard to the putting up of stoves, &c. Our town is at the mercy of a fire, and by a little carelessness on the part of some person in putting up his stove, might meet the same fate as Fairplay, within twenty-four hours. Mr. Bryant cannot be too careful in attending to this important duty, as the safety of our property, and in fact our city, depend in a measure, on the faithful discharge of his duty.
THE GREAT WESTERN FLEET. - The Arkansas river at this point is not supposed to be very navigable, especially at this season of the year. Nevertheless we are called upon to announce the fact that two vessels, a part of a fleet which is to navigate this river from Pueblo to Fort Smith, Arkansas, was launched here yesterday. Boats were built on the bottom near the upper bridge, and first touched the water a few feet from the place where they were constructed. One is named the "Great Western" and is owned by William Clinton, the other the "Texas Star" proprietor Louis Beaur. These river craft are skiffs, and will carry about five hundred pounds each. The Great Western Fleet when complete will consist of four vessels, and one of these will be a flat boat of about one ton burden. And so the public must understand that the upper Arkansas is navigable, and that a fleet is already floating on the waters. The fleet will be complete next Tuesday, and will sail for Fort Smith at once. The arrival and departure of vessels may soon be among the duties of the Pueblo journalist.
INDIAN OUTRAGES AT OUR VERY DOORS. - Mr. F. R. Bagby, who lives in the Arkansas Valley, about twenty-five miles below this city, called at our office last evening, and states he had just received a message from his wife on his ranch, which notified him that the Cheyennes were prowling about that neighborhood committing depredations, and that they had brutally murdered a white man on Horse creek, near Tuttle's ranch, about thirty miles from Pueblo. Mrs. Bagby requested her husband to get home as soon as possible, and says the people in that neighborhood are greatly excited and alarmed, and are preparing to defend themselves against attacks of the savages. These murderous Cheyennes should be driven from the country at once, even if it takes every man able to bear arms in Southern Colorado to do this. And this party of savages who committed this murder should meet with fearful punishment at once.
We cannot allow the occasion of John Braden's retirement from the police force of this city pass by with out stating that we believe he has been a very efficient, vigilant, and trust worthy officer, and that his services to the city have been valuable. We also believe that this is very generally admitted by citizens of all classes. We wish you success, John, in whatever you may hereafter engage.
The Pueblo Academy offers superior advantages to those who wish to take a thorough academic course. Special attention will be given to the preparation of teachers in the common school branches. For particulars, address A. B. PATTON, Pueblo, Colorado.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 2, 1873
WELBURN - CROTHERS - At the Schuyler House, South Pueblo, September 30th, 1873, by Rev. W. E. Hamilton, S. K. Welburn, of Tennessee, to Miss Mattie Crothers, of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 2, 1873
Letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Pueblo, Territory of Colorado, Wednesday, October 1st, 1873. To obtain any of these letters, the applicant must call for "Advertised Letters," and give the date of this. If not called for within one month, they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office.
Amsbury, Rev. Wm.
Austin, R. A.
Adams, Jos.
Anderson, J. C.
Aldridge, Mr.
Aldred, J. W.
Boyd, Jos.
Bossett, Thos. J.
Bishop, Charles B.
Bloomfield, J. C.
Beberly, Geo. W.
Bennett, Mrs. O. M.
Bequin, O.
Beel, R. H.
Barrett, J. M.
Bancroft, Willie
Bailey, Rufus
Bawli, Jno. - 2
Clifton, B. A.
Cushing, Fred
Cutter, Jos. R.
Collins, E. E.
Corley, Chas. W.
Creed, N. C.
Carpenter, Jno. H. - 3
Cavenaught, Jim
Carpe, Sam
Davis, Jno. - 2
Davis, E. D.
Davis, Edward
Dunlap, A. D.
Duncan, David H.
Dohr, Henry
Dow, Alice E.
Dilly, Cyrus
Dunery, J.
Day, Chas. W.
Dawsey, Fletcher
Edward, Mrs. S. L. - 2
Eugtant, Jas.
Fletcher, Jas.
Fulton, Loduska
Fuller, W. C.
Fan, Edward
Green, Nathan
Gleason, F. S. W.
Goforth, M. A. - 2
Gerry, G. B.
Gurner, Jno. W. - 2
Hartley, Mrs. Eusley
Hart, Louis
Hersham, Mrs.
Heath, E. E.
Henderson, Washington
Hays, Warren
Hailinan, Pat
House, B. W. - 2
Jergen, Frank
Jenks, G. D.
Jarvis, W. H. - 2
Kimball, J. T.
Kenney, Jos.
Keys, Henry
Kessler, Francis
Kenney, Chas. W.
Knowles, Chas. O.
Luther, Chas.
Limbeck, L. S., relative of
Lowe, St. L.
Logan, Jno. L.
Lewis, Emma
Lewis, Harvey - 2
McKennie, J. R.
McCormic, Sophia - 2
McIven, Daniel
McKrosky, Chas.
McCulloch, Robert
McLeer, Dan
McBride, J. M.
McParker, Mrs. Clara
McAlpine, M. N.
Munkers, Jno. - 2
Musick, Thos. H.
Morgan, Jasper
Monut, E. C.
Morgan, Jas. H.
Morris, Geo.
Moore & Sweek
Morris, Columbus
Moore, J. H.
Miller, G. W.
Miller, Miss M. A. - 2
Martin, S. K.
Mays, Adelia
Mahony, Amos E. 0 3
Maguire, Jas.
Manning, W. W.
Pettijohn, Theodore
Pettin, Scott
Palneer, Chas.
Philbrick, Samuel A.
Perry, Miss Francis
Rhoads, Wm. B.
Robbins, C. S.
Roby, Mrs. Mary
Rice, Mrs. Kattie C.
Reed, W. F.
Reese, Jas. B.
Randall, Mrs. Mary L.
Smith, E. W. - 3
Smith, S. E.
Smith, Jno. W.
Smith, Jno.
Smith, S. L.
Smith, H.
Sloan, W. D.
Sullivan, W. W.
Stromlebaugh, H.
Stouis, Jno.
Strickland, H. S.
Sisty, Ann
Saunders, James
Saunders, Daniel
Tracy, Mickel
Trent, Sidney C.
Tallman, Chas.
Vaughn, J. P.
Vandon, Wm. - 2
Vace, Martin
Volder, Philip
Veits, C. M.
Viets, B. A.
Viets, L. A.
Wilson, Miss Suloid A.
Whitson, Wm.
Wilson, Wm. - 2
Williams, Barbora
Wood, R. H.
Willingham, ______
Wenthworth, Chas.
Webster, W. W. - 3
Weaver, G. W.
Wallace, Thos.
From Wm. Ingersoll, Postmaster.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 11-29-1873
Captain Hardin and Mat Riddlebarger of Badito are visiting this city.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 10, 1873
ROSITA, Dec. 4, 1873
EDITOR CHIEFTAIN: - We still live and continue to develop the mines in this vicinity, despite the cold weather and these panicky times. An impetus has been given to mining by the action of General Adams, of Connecticut, (a gentleman of large experience both in mining and smelting) who was here examining these mines about a month ago. Since his return to the east, and after thoroughly testing numerous samples of our ores, he has concluded to erect extensive reduction works in the vicinity of the Canon City coal banks, and his authorized agent has been here and engaged 400 tons of ore to be delivered and paid for before the first of January. General Adams is expected here by the 18th of this month, and, we understand, his intention is to purchase all the best ores of the district as fast as they are taken out. His works will have a reducing capacity of fifty tons per day, and are to be completed by the middle of March. Some of the citizens of Canon are taking a lively interest in this matter, and a new route has been surveyed, and the contract let, to make a road from this point to the Oak Creek road, now completed to Griffins ranch, which will bring us within thirty miles of Canon by a good grade. A small reverbratory furnace is being built here, and there is some talk of a mill also. A few mines that have been shut down during the past month awaiting "results" will now be worked again; a contract has been let to sink the Leviathan fifty feet deeper and several other mines are in preparation for substantial development, and yet "times are dull." The lecture season is on us in full force; first we had a very able lecture on "finance" by Col. R. K. Swift, formerly of your city, and last Tuesday evening a very interesting and well illustrated lecture by Gen. Carl Wulstein, on the "geology and characteristics of the ocean," and for next Tuesday Prof. Temple is booked; subject, "Mining in Old Mexico." Several other specimens of native talent will discourse from the rostrum on their favorite themes as the season advances. Thus far the lectures have been a decided success.
The weekly club dances, though not so flashy as grander affairs farther east are perhaps more enjoyable. The staid cotillion, the gay reel, the graceful schottische and the giddy waltz, cheerfully rendered, by Wet Mountain's "fairest and most faithful," to Italian strains, (on every Friday evening,) is highly beneficial and prepares one, (by contrast) for the eloquent sermon on Sunday morning.
Game is abundant within a few miles of town, deer and elk meat have driven deef out of the market and still they come. The population of our burg and of the world, has increased one during the past week; it is a girl, and will be named after the place of her nativity - Rosita Faust.
With joy comes sadness. In the midst of life we are in death. A young man named G. W. Boyd, was taken suddenly ill about a week ago, and died in less than twenty-four hours after; a post mortem examination showed that congested liver was the cause of his death. His remains were followed to the grave by many friends; although he had only been here a short time, he had endeared himself to all who knew him, by his kind and manly ways. His relatives live in Missouri.
D. I.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 10, 1873
PREACHING. - Rev. Dr. B. F. Crary will preach at the First M. E. Church to-night. All are invited.
PAY UP. - If you owe George W. Perkins, please settle before January 1st, or additional costs will result from your failure.
"Ed, the barber," has come out with a new sign, which is the most stylish in design and finish of any we have ever seen anywhere. It was made and painted by the invincible Leighton.
CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS - For presents for the holiday season go to G. W. Perkins. He has the largest lot of brackets, picture frames and fancy chairs ever brought into Colorado. Give him a call.
Dr. Anderson has received a soda fountain, and intends supplying pure iron water from the "Iron Ute," at Manitou, to his friends, free of charge. The Dr. expects a supply of the water the latter part of this week.
THIS MEANS BUSINESS. - All persons regardless of race, color or consanguinity, that know themselves to be indebted to the firm of Messrs. Lamkin & Chapman, of the Occidental, are politely, respectfully, and urgently requested to settle their bills at once, to save trouble, and additional and unnecessary expense. We mean business.
NEW GOODS. - I have just received a fine assortment of the best silver plated tableware, such as castors, cake baskets, butter dishes, spoons, forks, &c., suitable for holiday presents. Prices very reasonable to suit the times. HENRY KETTERER, Watchmaker, Santa Fe avenue.
NOTICE. - We have this day appointed Mr. E. J. Castle as our collector, who will call on all parties indebted to us, and we earnestly hope that they will be prepared to meet their bills. We desire to close up all outstanding accounts before the 20th of the present month, and it will be considered as a favor if the parties will pay up before that time. LAMKIN & CHAPMAN, Occidental Saloon, Pueblo, Dec. 8, 1873.
NOTICE. - Opposite my residence lays a horse unable to get up on account of sickness or some other cause. The owner is requested to take him away at once. FERD BARNDOLLAR.
PERSONAL. - On Monday evening our fellow citizens Charles H. Blake and Philander Craig, returned from an extended trip east. They must have been successful in their undertakings, or were glad to return to their homes may be both, for they are the happiest looking men our streets have seen for many a day.
M. A. Shaffenburg, U.S. marshal for Colorado, is at the Lindell.
We see registered at the Lindell, Mr. Conrad Frick, of Denver. Mr. Frick is known to many of our residents as the Colorado boot and shoe man. We have no hesitation at all in saying that he has handled more boots and shoes in our territory than the whole trade combined. He has gained his reputation by being reliable.
H. C. Alleman, attorney of the United States for Colorado, is in town.
Peter Winey is on the streets looking as natural as ever.
J. Cary French gave us a call last night. He reports everything lovely and rushing in Del Norte.
NOTICE. - We have this day appointed Mr. E. J. Castle as our collector, who will call on all parties indebted to us, and we earnestly hope that they will be prepared to meet their bills. We desire to close up all outstanding accounts before the 20th of the present month, and it will considered as a favor if all our patrons will pay up before that time. EICHBAUM & WHIPPLE., PUEBLO, Dec. 1, 1873.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 10, 1873
The court was called to order as the Hon. M. Hallat, took the bench by Sheriff Ellis. The clerk called the list of United States Grand Jurors, and were empaneled, (by) James Clellan. Foreman, R. B. Ready of Freemont county; R. M. Moore, of Bent county; J. M. Francisco of Huerfano county; J. W. Sealon, Malt France, George Summers, Fred. Schuyler, H. H. Platt, of El Paso county; E. B. Sopris, James S. Gray, Jos. David, of Las Animas county; W. H. Sweeney, Klass Wildebore, J. T. Burkley, Julius Berry, J. T. Smith, J. B. Cox, H. M. Fosdick and Charles Goodnight of Pueblo county.
On the United States Docket, are the following cases: United States vs. James Whitley, larceny. 2. U. S. vs. Alvah Adams; purchasing public property of a soldier who had no right to sell. 3. U. S. vs. James Harvey, et. al., conspiracy. 4. U. S. vs. James Harvey, larceny. 5. U. S. vs. Romen Vigil, et. al. debt on forfeited recognizance. 6. In the matter of P. Craig; against whom a petition for adjudication was filed November 26, 1873.
The territorial grand jury, whose names we published in a late issue, were duly impaneled and received the usual charge of the court. The Judge was more than usually pointed and clear. He made special mention to the trouble between the sheep and cattle men. George Morgan, was appointed foreman.
On the docket we find the following: 1. The people vs. George C. Beckwith; larceny. 2. The people vs. William B. Hunt; larceny and embezzelment. 3. The people vs. Thos. Kemp, et. al., keeping gambling house. 4. People vs. Thos. Kemp, et. al., gambling house. 33. People vs. John Williams, et. al, debt. 34. J. S. Bousher, administrator of estate of Arnold, deceased, vs. J. N. Lacy, et. al. attachment. 35. Joseph W. Gutler vs. August Strehlow, ejectment. 36. Joseph Kenney vs. D. & R. G. R. Co; trespass. 37. Arkansas River Bridge company for use &c., vs. Board of county Commissioners of Pueblo county; trespass. 38. Wolf Landener vs. Chancie L. Hall; ejectment. 39. Chas. W. Talbott vs. George C. Beckwith; assumpsit. 40. John C. Titman vs. A. G. W. Thornhill, et. al., trespass. 41. C. P. Dunbaugh vs. B. L. Jones; attachment. 42. A. A. Bradford vs. George Christ; assumpsit. 43. William H. Young vs. Martin Van B. Harris; assumpsit. 44. Thomas N. Sayles, et. al. vs. Louis Conly. 45. David P. Moore vs. John R. Lowther; assumpsit. 46. American Central Insurance company vs. E. H. Cooper, et. al.; debt. 47. Louis Conly vs. Louis Bartels, et. al.; assumpsit. 48. John Stryker vs. H. E. A. Pickard; assumpsit. 49. David Sheets vs. John Fletcher; appeal. 50. United States freehold land and irrigation company vs. John G. Tamesing; ejectment. 51. The People, use of Otto Dupps, vs. George Johnson, et. al.; appeal. 52. B. A. Fineman & Co., vs. George F. Hall, et. al.; appeal. 53. N. H. Dunlap vs. George F. Hall, et. al.; appeal. 54. Robert T. Warrant vs. John E. Gilligan; scira facias on mortgage. 55. Jacob A. Belts (?) vs. Trednands Spilleke; assumpsit. 56. Salomon Hexler vs. A. B. Berry; Trespass on the case. 57. H. B. Tuttle vs. P. R. Thombs et. al.; assumpsit. 58. J. H. F. Newsbom vs. P. R. Thombs; assumpsit. 60. mutual building and loan association of Pueble (Pueblo?) vs. Andrew Bastlett; assumpsit. 61. Arkansas valley irrigating and milling co., vs. George Gilbert; assumpsit. 62. P. A. Simpson for use, &c., vs. J. Q. Doyle, et. al.; debt. 63. H. B. Ketchman, et. al.; vs. Phillip Nusbaum, et. al.; trespass on the case. 64. George W. Perkins vs. William P. Martin; assumpsit. 65. George N. Hepburm vs. Pueblo Printing Co.; assumpsit. 66. S. T. Suit et. al. vs. John Jenner; assumpsit. 67. J. H. T. Hewson, et. al. vs. Joel Roe; assumpsit. 68. J. O. Jordan, vs. M. M. Giles; assumpsit. 69. William H. Redfield, et. al. vs. Ferd Barndollar; debt. 70. Joseph Gutler vs. Cephas Tuttle; appellant, replevin, appeal.
There being no pressing business, the court adjourned till this morning at ten o'clock.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 10, 1873
Yesterday we were invited to view and review this establishment. It is a modest unassuming educational institution, but we found that to the few scholars gathered there, to them study was a pleasure. Everything is quiet and home like, and the conversation between teacher and scholar, was more like that of a kind loving mother to a favorite child. It amused us not a little to see the old lady - old lady did we say? Well we retract, asking pardon for the slang, but it's the name that in our school days - years ago, we boys gave to that piece of humanity that used to storm at us, look cross over those blue specks, and in fact introduce us to a ratan in such a manner that to this day we have not forgotten it. We should have said, it amused us not a little to see the accomplished principal, while hearing a geography class, or instructing the young minds in the mysteries of grammar, busily engaged with her blue yarn socks, keeping time with her knitting needles to the words of instruction given to the young. For the present this educational institution occupies the residence of the principal, Mrs. E. S. Owen, in Craig's addition. Her reputation as a teacher for small children, and the small are the most difficult, is such as to insure success. We hope to see early in the spring a large and comfortable building erected for this lady, and can assure her that she will never lack for patronage.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 10, 1873
Topography of Huerfano Park, IX. Correspondence of the CHIEFTAIN, UPPER HUERFANO VALLEY.
All of the country on the left bank of the Huerfano river has been described in previous letters, except the valley of the river itself. This tract described, embraces that portion of the park which lies between the valley of the Huerfano and the Greenhorn range, from the eastern boundary of the park, at Badito, to its western extremity, the Sangre de Christo mountains.
Next in order, is an examination of the valley of the Huerfano river.
As I wish to speak of the features of the mountain range and a mountain pass near the head waters of the river, I will begin with a section of the upper valley.
As the place of beginning I shall select, then, a point about five miles about Gardner.
Here, the valley is about one and a half miles wide, and most of the valley is bordered by pinon covered bluffs, very rocky in places, which rise to the height of about one hundred to one hundred and fifty feet. North of these bluffs, considerable table lands stretch out farther north, and thus afford moderately good grazing. North of these again, other pinon covered bluffs rise higher, and from the tops of these vast, undulating prairies stretch out north toward the Wet Mountain valley and west toward the Sangre de Christo range.
The valley of the right bank is skirted by low bluffs, covered with the inevitable pinon, like the bluffs on the left. Back of these extensive grassy plateaux are found, ever and anon intercepted by pinon groves, forming those glades so often referred to in these letters. From these bluffs to the boundary of the park, is but a short distance. As the traveler passes up the river from the point I have chosen as the beginning, he has just passed the westernmost of the two Sheep mountains, which is about one half mile south of the bluffs. From here on up for three or four miles, the Sangre de Christo range is from one half to one and a half miles distant.
As stated, most of the valley land lies on the left bank, and here some very fine looking and favorably situated farming land is found. There are tracts of a mile square, which lie on a seeming dead level, though the river here has about seventy-five feet fall to the mile. There are spots where small rocks crop out, but notwithstanding this, the soil is extremely fertile and easily cultivated, and especially easy to irrigate. The bluff, a mile distant to the north, enclosing this valley of the left bank, afford great protection for cattle. In some places these bluffs are inaccessible, and large fields for pasture may be fenced in by running a sort of semi-circular fence from one point of the bluff to the other.
The valley here has a lower bottom (a mile or two up) from a hundred yards to a quarter of a mile wide, and this lower bottom is very fine natural meadow land, from which immense crops of hay are gathered annually. Portions of these lands are embraced in the ranches of Mr. Sharp, who raised 66 bushels of Norway oats on one acre; and the ranches of Wm. M. May, county surveyor of Huerfano county, and George May.
Near the north point from which I started, Pass creek empties into the right bank; but this and its valley will be considered hereafter. Four or five miles farther up, the bed of the river is narrowly enclosed by high ridges which rise up 300 feet or more. Here begins what properly ought to be called the Huerfano canon, although the general custom in the park is to apply that name to the entire valley from Badito up.
The construction of a wagon road, by the shortest and most convenient route from Pueblo across the mountains into the San Luis valley, and thence to the San Juan mines, is at present attracting a great deal of attention. The rich mines discovered and opened in the San Juan country during the past summer will attract an immense travel thither next summer, and most of this travel will pass by way of Pueblo, which will be the general outfitting point. Hitherto the travel has passed over two mountain passes called the Sangre de Cristo and Abeyta or Veta. But the route is circuitous, and the mountain portions to be passed over are said to be very rough.
In view of the immense travel which may reasonably be expected during next summer, a good wagon road becomes an imperative necessity.
Many advantages are claimed for the route over the Mosca pass. This pass is near the headwaters of the Huerfano, and over the range which forms the western boundary of the Huerfano park. And as the subject of a new route over this pass is attracting such general attention, I have examined the approaches to it with some pains. From the point last above described, where the river is suddenly hedged in by high ridges, there is a rapid but uniform ascent. The ridges, or bluffs, rise up rather abruptly on either side of the river. A wagon road would have to be "worked," or made, most of the distance up this canon, else it would be so extremely "sidling" as to be utterly impassible. But the difficulty of constructing a road not at all sidling and of a very uniform ascent would be slight compared to other mountain portions.
The bluffs are in some places very rocky, but nowhere are there immense boulders, or serious obstructions to overcome. Then there are places where there is already a natural road bed along the bottom of the river.
One of the greatest advantages of a road up this canon, it seems to me, is the fact that nowhere, there would be a very abrupt or sudden ascent. No very steep hills to climb, hence no very heavy pulls, if the road is at all well worked.
The most feasible route would lie up this canon of the Huerfano river on the left bank, and up the left bank of the first creek which is encountered emptying into the left bank. Then the road might continue up this creek (the name of which I could not learn) or turn up the first or some other dry canon, to the vicinity of the southwest corner of township 26, south of range 71, west. From this point the route would lie due west, through an open prairie country, about three and a half miles to the Mosca pass.
I have lost the memorandum of the distance from the mouth of the canon proper of the Huerfano to the corner just referred to, and regret that I cannot therefore give the exact measurement, but I think the distance is between two and three miles.
The latter end of the road of three and a half miles would require very little working.
Of the country on the other side of the range, I know nothing from personal observation.
The approach to the Mosca pass just described, would seem to be the best from any point in the Huerfano park, as far as my observation extends. The other approaches, I think, have all more or less of very abrupt ascents, not easily to be overcome.
The Mosca pass is the lowest, or one of the lowest in the range, perhaps about 1500 feet lower than the Sangre de Cristo pass.
The route from the Mosca pass to the San Juan country, is about 26 miles nearer than any other and this, it is said avoids the objectionable sand-hills on the other side.
From Pueblo down south to Saint Mary's, and up the Huerfano river to the canon proper the road is very good, and the distance is 70 miles. The total distance from Pueblo to the summit of the pass is about 76 miles.
A tool road is to be constructed over this pass, so I learn, to be ready for travel by the opening of spring. I have obtained no definite information, but I heard that work had already commenced.
In the next, other portions of Huerfano valley will be considered.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 30, 1873
History and Progress for the Year 1873.
Full and Complete List of the Buildings Erected.
Amount of Merchandise Sold.
Correct List of Freight Handled.
Number and Amount of Real Estate Transfers.
Statistics of United States Land Office and Post Office.
Business of Our Banks.
The Cattle Business and other Interests.
An Exhibit Worthy of Being Published.
The spot where Pueblo now stands, was well known and appreciated by the old hunters, mountaineers and trappers, who once roamed over the west. The first permanent settlement by white men in the vicinity of Pueblo, was made in the summer of 1859. In that year, A. F. Burcaw, Charles D. Peck, George Peck, Col. McDougal, J. F Smith, S. S. Smith, and another individual known about the camp fire as "Little John," struck out for the unexplored regions of southern Colorado. Many of the persons named will be recognized as still citizens of Pueblo. They settled on the east side of the Fountain and started a small town, the remains of which are nearly gone. The leading spirit of the party was Col. McDougal, a brother of the late Senator McDougal, from California, now deceased. Nothing of interest occurred until the spring of 1860, when Dr. Bell came down from Denver and made the first survey of the present town site of Pueblo. In 1861 a new survey was made, the settlers consisting at that time of Dr. W. A. Catterson, A. F. Burcaw, E. B. Cozzens, W. H. Chapman, J. R. Lamkin, Mr. Simms, A. J. Wright, S. S. Smith and J. F. Smith, the first site east of the Fountain being abandoned. The first settlement of this new site, was made along the bank of the river, and consisted of five or six log cabins, covered with dirt and fitted up with loop holes, from which hot shot and bullets could be poured out upon the troublesome Utes or marauding Greasers. Here the settlers lived and flourished, and here were enacted romantic deeds and scenes of sanguinary strife, worthy of the pencil of Washington Irving or Fenimore Cooper. About this time Mr. William Fowler, now of Canon City, came to the settlement. Being a man of fine address, christian practices and orderly walk and conversation, he was soon selected as the "Judge" and for some time thereafter he was the law and court of the neighborhood. During his administration he married a couple, though without "orders" or authority, except that of public sanction. The first grocery, and the term grocery in the frontier always meant a saloon, and eating house, was opened in April, 1861 by Jack Allen, and soon it became a place of famous resort. Dick Norten opened a second public house very soon afterward and Dr. W. A. Catterson followed their example in the month following. The place became noted for its fast horses and every Sunday at ten o'clock, a race took place. Judge Fowler conceived the idea of organizing a church and Sabbath school. Jack Allen postponed the races from ten o'clock to two, to accommodate him, and Dr. Catterson opened the door of his grocery.
It was a novel affair, and some fifteen to twenty old and young gathered together, and the Judge read, and prayed and talked with them. Jack Allen said he would stand by the enterprise and Dr. Catterson said it should live, but a few weeks after its inauguration saw its dismission, as Jack Allen said it didn't pay as well as the races. In 1862 the Thatcher Brothers launched out in the dry goods business, and in 1863 another store was opened by D. J. Hayden. The first hotel was kept by Mr. Simms in a log cabin near the river, while the first disciple of Blackstone who ever hung out his shingle in Pueblo was one John Howard, an easy, good natured, convivial chap, whose greatest weakness was an unappeasible appetite for undiluted Bourbon.
The population of Pueblo has been a steady and rapid growth, as the following will show:
Population, January, 1867 40
" January, 1868 250
" January, 1869 800
" January, 1871 1000
" January, 1872 1500
" March, 1873 3474
" January, 1874 5000
From the little log cabin town site, we have grown into a city having all the advantages of any metropolis. Large hotels, railroads, stage lines, an incorporated city well manned with mayor and board of aldermen. We have churches, schools, and public buildings, equal to any in the territory. Our court house, which was erected at a cost of thirty five thousand dollars, is the finest building of this kind west of the Kansas Colorado line. It was built without one cent of tax on the people from the proceeds of the sale of county property. We have all the advantages of our older eastern cities, but can refer to but few of them.
Colorado has the public school system well organized, and Pueblo has indeed profited thereby, having in our midst four public schools, each well furnished and manned by the best of teachers. The main public school occupies a building erected some three years ago by our citizens. It is an adobe edifice, and furnished in the first class style. Prof. Hamilton and Miss Jennings here maintain the dignity of our school law. The second occupies at present a hall fitted up for the purpose; Miss Ida M. Laughlin is the teacher. A building will be erected as soon as the necessary legislation can be had this winter. In east Pueblo, the school at present occupy a large store room erected by Judge Bradford. A school building has been commenced by Lewis Conley, on the grounds of Judge Bradford, and it will probably be ready for occupancy by the beginning of the next quarter. It is being built of brick. In South Pueblo, the school house is a little beauty, and is undoubtedly the best furnished school in the west. The only trouble with it is, it is too small. We have in our midst two private schools of which we can feel proud. The first the Pueblo academy, has just succesfully closed its first term, and will reopen after a two weeks vacation. Professor A. B. Patton is the principal, and he is assisted by a teacher for the smaller ones, and one for languages. This school will compare favorably with any in the west. The second school of this class, is the Colorado Seminary. It was established in the spring of 1872 by Miss Ellen J. Merritt. It is a boarding and day school, and though a few young men are admitted, it is intended for ladies more particularly. The languages, music and painting, are under the care of special instructors. The proprietress of this institution has under her control some eight lots, in a desirable location, on the mesa, in South Pueblo, in which we understand, she has already commenced to erect a large two story seminary building. Besides these, we have two or three smaller private schools, which undoubtedly will grow with the growth of our city. In all these schools, both public and private, the best of order and system is maintained. The instructions are thorough and practical, and it is with pride we point to our educational enterprises.
All the leading denominations of christians have in our midst a stronghold. These are well patronized and supported. The ministers are the leading men of the west, and for clergical talent, no city in the territory ranks ahead of us. The organizations are working together in a great degree of harmony, and the voice of the pulpit is recognized as one of authority. The Methodists were the first to establish a church in Pueblo. In August, 1866, an organization was effected. April 22, 1870 it was incorporated as the First M. E. church and a building was erected at a cost of $3,872. During the last year a second church has been organized by the name of the Abriendo M. E. church. It is located on the south side of the Arkansas river. The foundation is in and the entire structure is under contract and will doubtless be dedicated early in the spring. At present that society occupy the district school house which is near by. On the east side of the Fontaine an organization will doubtless be effected during the coming season. At present services are kept up there in the district school house. The presiding elder of the district makes Pueblo his headquarters. The superintendent of German Methodism for Colorado, has made Pueblo an appointment and promises soon to send a minister of that nationality in our midst. The M. E. church, south, have an organization and have commenced the erection of a house of worship. Work on it has been suspended during the "hard times" but will be pushed with vigor in the spring. The Presbyterians have a large and commodious church and fashionable congregation. The edifice cost some six thousand dollars. It is carpeted and neatly furnished. It has an active working membership and readily pushes to the front in every good work. The Baptists have probably the largest membership of any of our city churches. At present they worship in a public hall, but the plans for a church structure are all prepared and early in the spring it will be erected. The Episcopal church has a stronghold in our midst. Saint Peter's church was erected in 1869, a neat and substantial edifice on a prominent corner near the business center of our city. This society has had a prosperous growth and among its membership may be found some of our best and wealthy citizens. The Catholic church, though the last organized, is by no means the least. A brick edifice was erected early this year and regular services have since been held. A school under the charge of the sisters of charity will be opened in the spring. The church own considerable of property and propose to erect as the requirements of their society demand still larger and more commodious buildings. All the churches (except the last) keep up large Sunday schools. Each have church organs and well supplied libraries.
All the principal secret and benevolent societies have organizations in our midst. The A. F. & A. M., have a large and flourishing lodge, and a chapter of R. A. M. The Odd Fellows have probably the largest lodge in the territory, and a charter, we understand, for an encampment, is on the way. The Good Templars, with a Degree Temple, hold their sway, and number about one hundred. A Temple of Honor has just been organized under good auspices. A movement is on foot which will soon result in the organization of a lodge of the Knights of Pythias. The Pueblo Social Club give regular hops. A course of lectures is commenced, and every week a concert, exhibition, show, circus, or entertainment of some character visits our midst. All the churches have well organized sociable societies. Parties, balls, etc., are always in season, furnishing amusement for mind and body, in a great variety. The Public Library Association have opened a free reading room, on the tables of which can be found all the late papers and magazines. The press of Pueblo is well patronized, showing the people to be of a reading turn of mind. The CHIEFTAIN, both daily and weekly, have immense circulations, second to no paper of its age west of the Mississippi, and the People, weekly, receives a liberal support. The Pueblo post-office distributes to its patrons about eight hundred copies of papers of magazines daily. We are indeed a reading people, and this is always indicative of good society. We do not hesitate for a moment to say that, as a class, the Puebloites are the most social people in the world.
One of the most difficult things in the world is to get at the exact trade of a city of the size of Pueblo. Some merchants will never give the full amount of their sales for the fear of taxes; many give exorbitant figures, and these we have to use our own judgment in cutting down. Thirty-five of our leading firms have been consulted, and from their books we extract the following figures:
Freight received - pounds - 208,605.47
Freight paid………………$ 200,255.03
Goods sold………..….$ 1, 970,417.85
If thirty-five houses have done this amount of business, it is safe to add one half more to the above amounts, as the
Freight received - pounds - 30,000,000
Freight paid…………...…….$ 300,000
Goods sold…………….….$ 2,750,000
Which we think foots up well for one year, and in a new western town. The fact of the business is, Pueblo is in a location to command trade from every point north, south, east and west. It comes to us in spite of ourselves.
There is a quantity of clay in and about our city well adapted for the manufacture of brick. These have been made in large quantities, and sold at an average price of ten dollars a thousand. Nearly all the new buildings are of brick. The following table shows the number manufactured. It must be remembered that in the spring there was not a brick to be had at any price, and it is now feared that the present supply will be exhausted before the mills can be again started. There was made this year at
Conley's yard……………1,500,000
White & Dyer's…………….300,000
Pandexter & Robin's………400,000
Palmer & Ward's………..1,000,000
Five million brick in a single season is not bad for a commencement.
The lumber used in Pueblo comes from the Divide and from the Muddy, some of a better quality is shipped in from Chicago. Colorado lumber is however, the staple in the lumber market. Our lumber yards report the following sales for the year:
Lumber, feet…………………3,125,000
This amount has nearly all of it been used in Pueblo, but little of it going to the country.
The Pueblo land office was opened January 16th, 1871. Hon. I. W. Stanton is the receiver and Charles A. Cook, Esq., the register. Both these officers are men of fine business qualifications and have so far conducted the arduous duties of the office with entire satisfaction to the public. Mr. C. H. Williams, the chief clerk is a young man of good standing and thourough business habits. The amount of land entered through this office is as follows:
By the Homestead act, 34,227 17-100 acres.
By the Pre-emption act and private entry, 59,730 42-100 acres.
The total, 129,957 42-100 acres.
It has got to be the custom for all merchants, manufacturers and business men generally, to transact all their money business in one or more of the banks in the city where they are located. The business of the banks of a city can, therefore, be taken as an index of the business of the place. In Pueblo, having no manufactures to speak of in our midst, there is a constant drain on our merchants for money, which goes to eastern states to pay bills for the merchandise bought by our Pueblo merchants. The eastern exchange sold by our banks is, to be sure, a large amount. In fact it is too large, for had we mills, factories, reduction works and manufacturing establishments in our midst, a large portion of this money would stay in Pueblo. The First National Bank, the oldest bank in Southern Colorado, has been from year to year doing a large and increasing business. In April the Peoples' bank commenced operations and has laid a good foundation for a future business and fortune. The last bank organized, the Stock Growers' has been opened but some two months. It is a modest, unassuming affair, but is a real favorite. During the late panic it accommodated our merchants to its last dollar. We have heard many a business man say "The Stock Growers' helped me out." But for the business, it foots up as follows:
Exchange sold…………..$2,800,000.
The business of the Pueblo post office has for the year past, been a large increase on former years. On the 13th of this month we published an article covering this subject in which we stated that daily about eight hundred letters and eleven hundred papers were handled by Mr. Ingersoll, our postmaster, and Mr. Avery, his clerk. For the year, the number of letters delivered at this office would foot up to an enormus number and the number of papers, magazines, &c., would indicate that we are indeed a reading people. The following table will give some idea of the amount done:
No. of letters delivered at Pueblo - 206,000
No. of papers - 300,000
Whole number issued - 1885
Amount of money received - $40,824.85
Fees on the same - $231,60.
Amt. paid out on money orders - $27,327.48
Amt. remitted to the department as surplus - $13,728.97 (or in pounds?)
No. of letters registered at this office - 728
No. of registered letters delivered - 1278
Registered packages in transit - 6000
Amount of stamps sold - $6,588.83.
Box rent paid department - $925.00.
Postage on newspapers paid department - $350.38.
Total paid to the department - $7,873.21
(Continued to morrow).
Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 31, 1873
(Continued from Yesterday.)
Pueblo has for the year past been a place of resort, and especially during the winter seasons, when the valley of the Arkansas is mild and pleasant. Pueblo has been, as it always will be, an outfitting depot for miners, prospectors and trappers. Our hotels have always been full, and to the public given general satisfaction. We give below a table, showing the number of arrivals at four of the leading houses:
Burt's (seven months)…...2,841
The smaller hotels and the private boarding houses, which ever have had their full share, would swell this number to fully twenty thousand. Some of these have remained in Pueblo for but a single meal, others over night, many for days and weeks, and some for months together. All of these left more or less money in our midst, and in return got undoubtedly value received.
We are indebted to the house of Henry Morgan & Co., examiners of land titles, and real estate agents, for the following figures. The assessments of both city and county, are made on a basis of about seventy per cent of the actual value. It is human nature for men to make small returns to assessors in order to escape taxation. The figures below however, speak for themselves.
County assessment, 1873 - $228,384.00
Value of city real estate - $936,303.00
Value of city personal property - $420,448.80
Total - $1,356,751.00
South Pueblo - $335,000.00
Grand Total - $1,741,751.00
Whole number of instruments recorded during the year - 1341
Number of warrantee and quit claim deeds - 841
Consideration of the same - $785,475.98.
In September, 1872, but a little over a year ago, Mr. Louis Conley, commenced work on which is now his stable in the rear of his dwelling house in East Pueblo. This was the first building erected. He built his residence next and moved in, determined to make East Pueblo the finest addition to our city. During that year (1872) quite a number of houses were erected, all of a good substantial character. Lots began to have a value, not ficticious or imaginary, but a real marketable value. No lots were given away to parties that would build as was the case in many parts of the city. Mr. Conley knew he had a good thing, and held on to it, except for a valuable consideration. One advantage to this part of our city is, that good water can be had by digging from ten to twenty feet. It is clear and cold, and to any lot this is worth the price. The buildings, with but a few exceptions, are brick, and built and finished in a good and substantial style. Quite a number of fences are built, many trees set out, ditches made, and home comforts and conveniences in abundance.
The following is a list of the houses erected during the last year, nearly all of which Mr. Louis Conley has had a hand in:
W. S. Hendricks, one story and a half brick, 22x28. Value $1,800.
John McCormack, two story brick, 18x34, and L 20x34. Value $3,000.
Alex Redfield, one story brick, 18x26. Value $1,000.
George Reynolds, one story brick, 18x26, and L 12x12. Value $1,500.
J. J. Harriff, two story brick, 18x30 and L16x20. Value $1,500.
R. T. Warrant, one story and a half brick, 30x40, and L 12x12. Value $2,500.
Mr. Cole, two story frame, 20x36, and L 20x24. Value $2,500.
Mr. Isenburg, one story frame, 16x28. Value $600.
Isenbury & Cole, frame carpenter shop, 16x28. Value $500.
Judge J. W. Henry, addition 18x24 and porch. Value $1,000.
Mr. Noble, improvements worth $800.
Alfred Stone, one story brick, 18x30, and L 16x20. Value $1,600.
Charles Nickels, two story brick, 22x38 and L 16x20. Value $3,500.
George W. Hepburn, one story brick, 18x28. Value $1,000.
H. J. Clark, two story brick, 22x50. Value $2,500.
Mr. Hopping, one story brick, 18x28, and L 16x16. Value $1,200.
C. J. Reed, one story brick, 18x26, and L 12x12. Value $1,200.
W. F. Swanson, one story brick, 18x26. Value $1,000.
J. K. Ludlow, one story adobe, 16x24. Value $800.
A. A. Bradford, one story brick, 22x50. To be used as a public school building next quarter. Value $2,000.
Lewis Conley, in East Pueblo, ditches, grading, bridging, setting out trees, and making other public improvements. Value $5,000.
The first survey was of what is now known as the "old town," and to this was added from time to time the different additions as follows: County, Craig's, Blakes', Bartlett and Miller's, Thomas and Thatcher's, Barndollar and Lowther's, and Shaw's additions. Each one of these have their claims of superiority and their many friends, and each is being built up with a degree of prosperity. Early in the spring Hon. G. M. Chilcott proposes to lay out Chilcott's addition. It is situated immediately west of Blake's. It is a level plateau and under the big ditch. It however, is not dependent upon this for water, it being covered with ditches of its own. Mr. Chilcott proposes to lay out this addition in blocks, and not lots, and will sell them for residences of our wealthy merchants. The following is a list of the buildings completed and erected during the year:
People's block, Barndollar & Lowther, Main street, two stores and bank, two stories high, brick, 72x80. Value $50,000.
Craig's block, P. Craig, 42x80, two story brick. Value $30,000.
Blunt's block, M. A. Blunt, two story brick and basement, 22x125. Value $5,000.
Gus Bartells, dwelling house, two story brick, 30x39. Value $1,800.
Morgan's block, George W. Morgan, 30x63, two stories and basement. Value $10,000.
Burgess' liquor house, one story brick, 24x50. Value $3,000.
H. B Gurnesey, picture gallery, one story frame, 16x30. Value $500.
Main St. meat market, M. A. Blunt, one story frame, 16x32. Value $1,200.
Berry Bros., one story brick. Value $2,000.
Berry Bros., one story brick. Value $2,000.
George F. Hall, one story brick, 14x18. Value $1,000.
George F. Hall, one story brick, double, 28x28. Value $2,000.
H. O. Rettberg, addition to residence. Value $1,000.
Berry Bros., basement under store, 22x80. Value $2,000.
Mr. Dillard, one story brick store, 22x74. Value $3,500.
Madam Esther Baldwin, two story frame, 42x42. Value $6,000.
Bridge over the Arkansas river, connecting High street, Pueblo to Fourth street, South Pueblo. Value $2,000.
John R. Lowther, two story brick boarding house. Value $5,000.
R. W. Merrill, two story frame dwelling. Value $3,500.
H. O. Rettburg, one story brick warehouse. Value $3,500.
J. W. O. Snyder, one story brick, 30x40. Value $2,000.
Ferd. Barndollar, addition to residence. Value $1,000.
W. D. Cornwell, two story frame residence, 25x30. Value $1,500.
Redfield & Smith, addition to mill, two story frame, 24x48. Value $1,500.
M. Brumbly, two story brick, 20x32. Value $1,500.
Sam. Gillum, two story adobe, 14x28. Value $1,000.
Mr. Sutherland, one story frame, 14x22. Value $800.
B. F. Crary, two story adobe, 26x32 and barn. Value $2,500.
N. Carney, one and a half story brick, 22x30. Value $2,500.
Rev. J. R. Eads, addition to residence. Value $100.
Rev. W. E. Hamilton, two story brick, 20x28. Value $2,000.
Tracy & Palmer, one story brick, 14x34. Value $1,000.
N. H. Sweney, one story frame, 20x38. Value $1,500.
Trenholm & Co., two houses, one story frame five rooms each. Values $1,600 and $3,300.
Hughes Bros., one story frame, 23x33. Value $1,500.
Hughes Bros., one story frame, four rooms. Value $1,000.
Andrews & Iroin, store fronts on Santa Fe avenue. Value $500.
J. Hisey, one story frame residence, 16x24. Value $1,000.
Wm. Hyde, one story brick, 44x18 and L. Value $3,000.
George A. Hinsdale, addition to office. Value $300.
J. W. Johnson, one story brick, 18x24 and L 15x24. Value $2,500.
E. S. Owen, two story frame dwelling, 16x24. Value $1,260.
Smith & Corkish, one story brick bakery, 22x45. Value $2,500.
John W. Smith, one story frame meat shop, 12x16. Value $500.
C. Whipple, two story frame residence, 14x32 and L. Value $2,000.
J. W. O. Snyder, one story brick block (three stories) 44x60. Value $4,000.
J. W. O. Snyder, one story brick shop, 10x30. Value $400.
George M. Chilcott, seven houses, each 16x26 and L 12x12, one story brick. Values $1,200 and $8,400.
M. V. B. Hoyt, one story brick, 18x26 and L 12x12. Value $500.
John Jury, one story brick, 22x36. Value $1,500.
The following eleven buildings, were done by contract by D. H. Geist, carpenter and builder:
Catholic church, brick 25x60. Value $2,500.
Lambert & Wetmore, brick store, 22x40, two story. Value $3,000.
J. V. Andrews, brick store, two story, 22x44. Value $10,900.
Henry Shrever, two story, frame, 16x24. Value $1,200.
James Furgeson, one story, brick, 16x24. Value $2,000.
J. O. Jordan, two story, frame dwelling, 24x36. Value $3,500.
Snyder & Foot, two one story bricks, 20x25. Value $1,000 each.
D. H. Geist, one story, frame, 20x26. Value $1,000.
Mark Jordan, two story brick, 20x30. Value $2,000.
M. G. Bradford, addition to residence. Value $1,000.
N. W. Duke, addition to residence. Value $800.
S. W. Windburn, one story frame, 16x28. Value $1,000.
Frank Steele, one story adobe, 16x40. Value $1,200.
James Jamison, adobe stable, 18x20. Value $300.
G. M. Chilcott, one and a half story brick stable. Value $800.
Heitler Bros., two story brick store, 22x60. Value, $5,000.
G. M. Chilcott, private residence in Chilcott's addition, three story brick, 40x65. Value $25,000.
G. M. Chilcott, two story brick store, corner Sixth street and Santa Fe avenue, 42x80. Value $15,000.
William Bradfield, one story frame, 14x22. Value $800.
Charlie McCabe, one and a half story brick, 20x28. Value $1,200.
Dr. P. R. Thombs, two story brick, 20x28. Value $1,500.
P. Craig, one story addition to residence. Value $600.
Rev. S. Edwards, one story frame, 14x28. Value $900.
S. W. Bear, two story frame, 16x28. Value $1,200.
Arkansas Water Company, ditch from Rock Canon to the Fontaine, ten miles long. Cost $80,000.
In addition to the houses built by Redfield, Smith & Co., they have made repairs and additions not reported above, amounting to $15,000.
This same firm have paid wages amounting to $30,000. They have manufactured $10,000 worth of doors and window sash, $2,000 worth of mouldings and $5,000 worth of mill work was done.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 22, 1874
Being about to close up my business in Pueblo, I will sell from this date, until the end of the present month, my entire stock of jewelry &c., at cost, for cash.
NOTICE. - The copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of Day & Kerr, proprietors of the National House, is this day, by mutual consent, dissolved, T. A. Kerr retiring from the firm.
The Pueblo and San Juan Wagon Road Company has been re-organized and has filed amended articles of incorporation, locating a route through the main range via Music Pass. The incorporators are O. H. R. Baxter, Wm. Moore, H. C. Thatcher, Lewis Conley and Jas. Rice. The trustees are Chas. Goodnight, William Moore, Chas. H. Blake, G. H. Hobson, G. M. Chilcott, J. S. Thompson, W. P. Martin, E. S. Nettleton and I. W. Hill. A petition will be presented to the county commissioners, asking them to order an election to be held in order to submit to the people of the county the question of voting a subscription of fifty thousand dollars in bonds to the capital stock of the company.
A case of attempted swindling was reported yesterday. It appears that a man whose name we did not learn, took a contract to plant a large number of posts on the ranch of G. A. Bate, Esq., and engaged several men to help him, promising to pay them when the work was finished. After the job was done, the contractor took all the money and departed without paying his help. He was arrested at Colorado Springs.
The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement of James Rice, in our issue this morning. He has at present on hand, the largest and best stock of cigars, tobaccos, stationery, pistols, knives, books, music, fishing tackle, musical instruments, legal blanks, periodicals, fancy articles, &c., ever brought to Southern Colorado. Captain Rice is one of our oldest and most reliable business men, and we can heartily recommend him to our friends with the assurance that he will sell them goods in his line at the lowest market prices. His example in advertising is a good one for our business men to follow. If you want the benefits of a daily paper, you should help by every means in your power to give it all the support possible.
Our whisky is due - No! that ain't it. Our Henry is due to whisky - hold on! Our bottle is due to whisky Henry - oh! lemme shee! Now! We have it! Our thanks are due to our friend Henry, the gentlemanly clerk at M. Eppstein's liquor establishment, on Santa Fe avenue, for a bottle of first class whisky. We know it's a good article for we took some before we commenced to write this local. If you don't believe it's good, go and buy some for yourself. He has good liquors of all kinds.
Gov. Elbert has appointed the following named gentlemen trustees of the deaf and dumb asylum to be established at Colorado Springs: Dr. Meyer Marix and Dr. R. G. Buckingham, Denver; Hon. J. E. Maxwell, Boulder, Hon. J. C. Wilson, Colorado Springs; A. Z. Sheldon, Esq., Colorado City; Hon. Wilbur F. Stone, Pueblo.
A number of ladies and gentlemen assembled at the rooms of G. Q. Richmond Esq., on Thursday night last, to attend a whist party given by that gentlemen. A very pleasant reunion, say those who were there.
John Warner, our chief of police, has a boil on his face about as big as his own fist. It doesn't improve John's good looks nor sweeten his temper.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 22, 1874
FROM LOMA. The Mosca Pass Road. LOMA, COL., Feb. 20.
EDITOR CHIEFTAIN: - In an article relative to roads to the San Juan mines, we notice that the Canon City Times in commenting upon the Mosca Pass road, makes the following statements: That Pueblo evinces a determination of constructing the road, if it can consistently be called a road after it shall have been finished, and further says that it never can be made a good road on account of the high altitude of the pass, as well as because of the miles of heavy sand and deep marshes bordering the lakes beyond. It occurs to us here, that the Times man must certainly be talking about some thing that he knows nothing about, when he says that on account of the high altitude of the pass, as well as the heavy sand and deep marshes bordering the lakes beyond, a good road cannot be made. The altitude of the Mosca Pass is 1,950 feet lower than that of the Sangre de Christo. There is not a lower and better pass over the Sangre de Christo range, between the Abetya and Poncho Pass, than the Mosca, the opinion of the Times to the contrary notwithstanding. Now as regards the miles of heavy sand, would say there is some sand near the base of the mountain, near the mouth of the pass, but not to exceed three and one half miles, which is not as bad as twelve or fifteen miles of the road now traveled between Fort Garland, Loma and Del Norte, and there is plenty of material close to the road, such as brush, hay, and shell rock with which to make that portion of the road good, and as to the marshes bordering the lakes, it will not require to exceed one half to three-fourths of a mile of turn pike and ditching to make that part of the road good at all times in the year, and then we have the nearest and best road from Pueblo to the San Juan mines via Del Norte and Loma that can be built. Certainly no better road can be found in the territory than the one from Pueblo via St. Charles creek, the Muddy, Huerfano, Badito and Gardner to the pass. A new and expensive bridge has just been finished across the St. Charles. A good bridge across the Muddy and the Huerfano, at Badito, also across the stream at Gardner, making the road complete from Pueblo to the pass with no bad hills or streams to cross. The road is now two thirds finished through the pass, and with the increased force just put on to the work, the road will be ready for travel by the first day of March next. There has already four loaded wagons gone over the pass. Mr. White, a gentleman living near Gardener, took over the pass on one wagon twenty-five hundred pounds. The mail from Retalarego to Badito passes over the road regularly twice a week.
The distance from Pueblo to Del Norte and Loma via the Mosca pass, is much shorter than by any other route that a road can be built, the distance will not exceed one hundred and twenty miles - there is no use of misrepresenting the facts as regard the distance - when any person talks of a route from Pueblo to Loma in one hundred and five miles, we have only to state positively that no such route can be found, and to convince any person of the fact, it will only be necessary to refer to a sectional map of the territory. We have passed over this route repeatedly and have given the subject special attention, and know whereof we speak. We have heard much of late of a route called the Wet Mountain valley route, to cross the range at Musics or Arena pass, and as near as we can learn from parties familiar with that route, the distance from Pueblo to Loma is one hundred and fifty one miles, fifty-six miles from Pueblo to Rosita, from Rosita to and through the Arena pass forty miles, from the Arena pass to Loma fifty-five miles; total, one hundred and fifty-one miles, and over a much rougher country than by the Mosca route. Should a road be built over the Arena pass, the travel would necessarily be obliged to follow down the base of the mountain to the mouth of the Mosca pass, and then take the road across the San Luis valley over the Mosca road. The large sand hills are directly in front of the Arena pass, and don't extend down as far as the Mosca. We are not slow to acknowledge that we are interested in the building and making of the Mosca pass road, and we intend to make it a good road. Our interests at Loma and Del Norte are more or less identified with Pueblo, and we are not a little surprised at the fact that Pueblo has been, and is now figuring in the interests of other routes, which seems to us must be detrimental to their interests, for certainly a road from the terminus of the railroad to intersect any road running in the direction of the San Juan mines, would induce travel and freight to pass through Pueblo, instead of making that the starting point. Our road is nearly completed - and as yet, without asking for aid, and why it is not favored by our Pueblo friends, we are as yet, unable to comprehend.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 2-28-1874 Brevities - The Pueblo Chieftain announces that Charles A. Cook, esq., receiver of the Pueblo land office, has tendered his resignation.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 3-17-1874 The contract for carrying the mails from Butte Valley to Santa Fe, via Fort Garland, has again been awarded to Mr. A.T. Seabring of Badito.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain 8-20-1874 A curiosity has been discovered in Pueblo. An individual was brought before Justice George a few days since, charged with using profane language. On being questioned, under oath, by the Justice, he said he didn't swear on the occasion alluded to, never swore and didn't know how to swear! We have seen some rare curiosities during our residence in Colorado, but never in our recollection have we before met an individual whose education was so much neglected that he lacked a knowledge of this important Rocky Mountain accomplishment. We are noted in the eastern states for the vigor and originality of our profanity, and the idea that we actually have a man in our midst, who can't "cuss" is humiliating indeed. Hang him at once!
Colorado Daily Chieftain 8-25-1874 A terrible accident befell a little child of Sheriff Ellis', while camping out with the rest of his family in the mountains. During the temporary absence of it's father and mother the little fellow walked barefooted into the hot coals and ashes remaining from a large camp fire. His feet are terribly burned but it is thought he will recover without permanent lameness.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 10-30-1874 Major Elderkin, stationed at Pueblo on commissary duty, returned last evening from a pilgrimage to army headquarters at St. Louis.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 11-7-1874 Sayings and Doings - J. L. Bailey, chief engineer of the fire department, received a letter, last evening, from Thomas S. Smith and J. A. Richardson, of the Pueblo fire department, announcing the postponement, for the present, of the celebration of the completion of the Pueblo water works. A trial test, however, will take place Monday.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 1-27-1875 J.R. De Remer, Esq., city engineer, has been engaged during the past few days in laying out a public cemetery on the land purchased for that purpose by the city authorities from the Masonic order.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 2-3-1875 The city sexton, G.W. Perkins, was directed to bury paupers in block eight of the public cemetery, and to sell lots from blocks thirteen and fourteen at the rate of twenty dollars per lot and ten dollars for each half lot, said blocks to be divided by a sixteen feet alley, running east and west.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 2-7-1875 Major Sheets of Pueblo, Colorado has added another sheet to his bed. Look out for little pillow cases soon. - Lebannon (Misouri) Democrat.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 2-14-1875 - The brother-in-law of Wm. Vance, who so mysteriously disappeared a few days ago at Pueblo, offers a reward of $100 for the recovery of the body of Vance, dead or alive. Several persons are now confined in the jail at Pueblo, suspected of knowing something of the fate of the missing man.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 5-5-1875
The Masonic fraternity have commenced the erection of a substantial fence around their cemetery.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 6-6-1875
The posts are up for the fence around the city cemetery.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 8-11-1875
Tragedy In The Huerfano Canon
Shooting of a Supposed Cattle Thief
For some time past eh cattle owners of the Huerfano Canon have been suffering considerable loss through the operations of Mexican cattle thieves. Tho grasshoppers in the spring destroyed a considerable portion of the crops, and these Mexicans, like the most of their fellows, would rather appropriate the property of others when possible, than to turn in to hard work themselves. A number of cattle have been thus killed and the hides burned to prevent their being identified. Mr. Nathaniel Roy, who lives in the canon, has in common with his neighbors. Lost several head of cattle. On Friday last, having learned that a Mexican named Gomez, who lives on Williams Creek, had something to do with the stealing, Roy went to his house and accused him of the theft. Gomez attacked Roy with a club, and ordered his (Gomez') wife to bring him an ax. As soon as he obtained the ax, he again approached Roy, the latter telling him to keep off or he would shoot him. Gomez continued to advance, when Roy fired, shooting him through the heart and causing instant death. The facts of the case were so well known that no arrest was made and no inquest held. The cattle owners of the Canon are getting about tired of having their stock stolen, and if the stealing doesn't soon cease there will be some lively times there.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 8-18-1875
Mr. Chas E. Gast arrived home with his bride on Tuesday evening.
Dr. J.G. Smith returned last evening from Canon City, where he was called the day previous for consultation in a complicated disease.
Mr. Julius Berry returned from a trip to Denver, Tuesday evening, and found on arriving home his family increased by the addition of a little daughter.
Can any person explain why coal oil costs the people of Pueblo fifty cents per gallon, and the same article is sold in Denver, and even in Golden City, for twenty-five cents per gallon. We see wholesale quotations of the article in St. Louis and Chicago papers, at from fourteen to fifteen cents per gallon.
We learn that Mrs. Nellie M. Rice, one of the teachers appointed by the school board for the ensuing year, writes form the states, where she is at present on a visit, declining the appointment. It is said by those who ought to know, that Mrs. Rice is to be married on the first proximo, and will not return here, at least for the present.
We are indebted to Ferd Barndollar, Esq., city assessor, for the statement of the valuation of property in Pueblo.
We learn from our correspondent at Canon City, that the professional skill of our fellow citizen, Dr. J.G. Smith, is appreciated abroad as well as at home. He went to that city on Sunday, in response to a telegram from Capt. A.J. Sampson, whose wife is dangerously ill, for consultation with her attending physician. It is added that he made a favorable impression. We predict that it will not be his last visit to our neighboring city on professional business.
The friends of Major T.O. Bigney will be pleased to learn that he has issued the prospectus of a paper of his own, to be issued at Walsenburg, the county seat of Huerfano county, and to be known as the Huerfano Independent. The paper will be a twenty eight column sheet, and the first number will be issued on or about September 20th next. With the Major at the head of the concern there is no doubt as to its success, as he is one of the best journalists in the country. Huerfano county presents a good opening there being no paper in the county, or its neighbor, Costilla. We congratulate the good people of that section of our territory in being able to secure the services of the major in advocating and advancing their section of country through the medium of the Independent.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 8-24-1875
The Gomez Murder
Roy Again Arrested
A short time since, it will be remembered, we published an account of the killing of a Mexican named Gomez, by Nathaniel Roy, on William Creek, in the Huerfano Canon. Recently we received another version of the affair, and, as we wish to do justice to all parties, will also publish it. According to this later version it seems that Gomez had been in Roy's employ as a herder, and when he had worked for Roy for a month asked for some flour, which the latter refused to give him. Gomez worked one day after this, and on the next day was sick and stayed at home. Roy, in company with another man, went to Gomez' house, found the latter sitting near the door, and Roy angrily asked Gomez why he didn't come to work. The latter replied that he was sick and wouldn't work anyhow where he couldn't get paid for his labor. He said also that he didn't owe Roy anything and didn't propose to work for him any more. At this Roy struck Gomez a violent blow on his head, cutting him severely and knocking him down on his hands and knees. While in this posture, crawling, he knew not where, Roy shot the unfortunate man killing him instantly. Then in company with his friend, who acted as a witness, Roy went to Chavez plaza and gave himself up to a Mexican justice, who on the evidence of Roy's companion acquitted the accused. It seems however, that there were other parties who saw the killing and Roy has been re-arrested and placed in charge of the sheriff of the county.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 8-24-1875
Perhaps one of the largest social gatherings that ever took place in Huerfano county, was held at the residence of Don Vicente Chavez, at Chavez Plaza, in the Huerfano canon, on the occasion of the marriage of that gentleman's daughter to Senor Antonio De La Riva, of the same place. The wedding took place on the 17th inst., and dancing was kept up for three nights. About two hundred people, both Americans and Mexicans, were present, and all seemed to enjoy themselves. The young couple have our best wishes.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 9-17-1875
Nathaniel Roy, who is charged with the murder of the Mexican, Gomez, in the Huerfano Canon, and who broke jail at Walsenburg a short time since, is living in the mountains near his home. He says that he broke out of jail because he feared that he would be lynched by the Mexicans. Roy says that as soon as the district court sits he will put in an appearance with his witnesses, and stand a trial. He is confident that he will be acquitted. According to the latest information we have received about this matter, it appears that cattle stealing was carried on to a great extent in the Huerfano Canon, and the stock owners there had employed Roy as a detective to find out who the thieves were. He caught this man Gomez in the act of skinning a stolen steer. At the time of the murder Gomez had attacked Roy, and as a crowd of Mexicans were approaching Roy shot Gomez in order to make his escape. This, we are assured, is a correct statement of the affair.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 9-17-1875
Among the arrivals at the Victoria Hotel, South Pueblo, are A.T. Bequer and family, Philadelphia; John Reynolds, Denver; W.W.Borst, Denver; R.F. Weitbree, Colorado Springs; H.B. Cullum and wife, Meadville, Pa.
Commercial House Hotel, proprietor, Alexander Day.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 10-9-1875
A boarding house is about to be opened in the Pickard residence on Main street.
W.A. Orman has moved into a castle of his own on Sixth street, and a very little one it is too.
The parsonage being erected at the Catholic church is nearing completion. It is a two-story brick edifice.
Mr. A.C. Foote is building a cozy little residence for himself on Fourth street hill – Mr. Jacob Hisey being the architect.
The City Meat Market under the direction of the Cooper Brothers.
Wm. M. Weaver has sold out his stock of groceries, etc., to N.P. Richards who will continue the business.
While attending Mr. Gurley's funeral yesterday, Rev. Mr. Monfort and Rev. Mr. Tompkins were thrown out of a buggy in which they were riding by a vicious horse which they were driving taking fright and running away. The vehicle was considerably damaged but the occupants fortunately escaped unhurt.
Dan Riley is a brakeman on the Denver and Rio Grande railroad.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 10-21-1875
Major E.B. Dennison and lady arrived in this city from Fort Sumner, N.M. on their way east.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 2-17-1876 Mr Bradley, agent of the AtchesonTopeka & Santa Fe railroad, moved his office to the end of track, at Chico twelve miles east of this city, on Wednesday afternoon.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain 5-8-1876 On The Warpath - Mrs. Charlie Davidson has been indulging in too much of the ardent for the past week, and on Friday attacked her husband beating him severely and inflicting a bite upon his wrist. On Friday, with the assistance of an ax, she broke into a little house in the lower end of the city, during the absence of the occupants, and carried off their bedding and other household effects. The parties who were robbed called in the aid of the police, and Mrs. Davidson, armed with the ax, fortified herself on the premises and defied the law. Officer Royer pushed open the door, when the crazed woman struck at him with her ax, causing him to close the door suddenly to avoid being made minced meat of. With the assistance of Officer Bilby, a flank movement was made, and the infuriated female disarmed and removed in an express wagon to the calaboose. The officers say she is a tough customer.
Pueblo Colorado Weekly Chieftain – May 18, 1876 – “All Set!” – Goodbye to the Southern Overland Stage Line – On Wednesday morning last the Southern Overland Mail and Express Company ran their last coach out of Pueblo. This stage line was for many years the only means of communication that the people of Pueblo had with the outside world, and a short sketch of its coming to and leaving this section of country might be interesting to many of our readers. This article very likely contains some mistakes, as the parties who could give correct information on the subject are temporarily absent from the city, but the statements contained therein are for the most part correct. As early as 1862, Messrs. Cottrell, Vickroy & Co., ran a line of stages from Kansas City to Pueblo over the old Arkansas Valley emigrant route. At Pueblo the line divided, one coach running to Denver and Buckskin Joe, another to Canon City, and a third to Santa Fe. Sometime afterwards this arrangement was changed and Bent's Fort made the point of distribution. Several years afterwards Mr. Vickroy left the firm and it was then known as M. Cottrell & Co. Soon after Mr. Cottrell withdrew and the firm was known as Barlow, Sanderson & Co., Thomas and Lewis Barnum being the other members of the firm. In 1872 the Messrs. Barnum sold out their interest and the firm became Barlow & Sanderson. At first the coaches made their trips once a week, then three times and finally daily. Previous to the advent of railroads, when a daily coach was placed on the road, Puebloites rubbed their hands and congratulated one another upon this excellent sign of approaching civilization. The coaches run by the company were mostly of the kind known as “jerkies,” drawn over the plains by four mules each and in the mountain districts by five mules, two at the pole and three abreast in front, making what we once heard an old driver call “one of them d----d three cornered teams.” The time made was not rapid, from six to seven miles per hour being considered lively speed, and the fares were not low enough to bring stage traveling “within the reach of all.” In 1866, a man known as “One-armed Jones” succeeded in underbidding this company for the mail contract between Denver and Trinidad. Jones was backed up by Mr. A. Jacobs, of Denver, who finally became sole proprietor of the line. This was one of the best equipped stage lines ever known in Colorado, but its proprietor failed to find it very remunerative. In 1869 Messrs. Barlow, Sanderson & Co., obtained the mail contract and a lively opposition commenced between the rival lines, which resulted in Mr. Jacobs selling out to the Southern Overland company. Some of our old settlers will remember when a number of our young men rode to Trinidad on the opposition coach for twenty-five cents each, and previous to their return Mr. Jacobs sold out and they had the pleasure of paying fifteen dollars each to get home. Most of our readers will remember Sam Eckstein, who used to drive what he called the “gooch” semi-weekly between this city and Bent's Fort, and who played solos on his bugle at each station, regardless of the band of hostile Cheyennes and Arapahoes who often appeared at various points along his route. When the Kansas Pacific railway was completed to Carson, in 1870, a daily line of coaches was placed on the road between that place and Pueblo, but it was not profitable and was soon abandoned. The completion of the Denver & Rio Grande railway to this city in 1872 occasioned the withdrawal of the line between Denver and this point; the construction of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe up the line to West Las Animas; and now the transfer of the carrying of the southern mail to the Denver & Rio Grande railway company makes Trinidad or El Moro the northern terminus of the line to New Mexico. The company have not decided yet as to what will be done with their line between West Las Animas and Trinidad, but it is thought that a conveyance of some kind will be run for the present between La Junta and Trinidad. The company will run a line from the terminus of the Denver & Rio Grande railway to Santa Fe daily; from Cucharas to Del Norte and the San Juan country tri-weekly, and from Canon City to Saguache and San Juan tri-weekly. The march of civilization has driven the last of the old red coaches from the roads leading in and out of our city, and though we were never particularly fond of them as a mode of conveyance, their departure seems like the removal of old landmarks and the disappearances of old friends. Whether the company will still retain their business office in Pueblo we have not yet learned. The numerous friends of Mr. Hank Griffin, who has been the popular agent of the line here for many years, would regret to lose him from their midst, but, we presume, such arrangements will be made as best suit the interests of those concerned.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 5-21-1876 Can't something be done towards fencing the city cemetery. It is a shame that this matter has been neglected so long.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 7-1-1876 Thief - John Young, one of the colored troops (who fought bravely) a member of company G, 9th United States cavalry, stationed at Fort Garland, was arrested by Officer Frank Royer, on Friday on a charge of robbery. Young was sent to this city as a member of an escort and on the way over stole a fine gold watch, valued at $500, from the trunk of Lieut. J.H. French, 2nd United States cavalry, who came over with the party. Young tried to sell the watch to Mr. Bergerman for forty nine dollars, and brought with him a white man who told Mr. Bergerman that he knew Young had had the watch in his possession for more than a year. The prisoner was taken before Justice Shrock, plead guilty and in default of bail was sent to the county jail to await the session of the district court.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 7-1-1876 Major A.T. Anderson, the popular and efficient general passenger agent of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad, paid us a pleasant visit yesterday. The major seems to be in good repair after his centennial exposition excursion, and is full of business as usual.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 7-1-1876 Master Mechanic Wing, of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, navigates with difficulty on account of a lame foot, which he obtained through not being able to understand Mexican. He has a club in store now and is prepared to massacre every Montezuma he meets.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 7-1-1876 Flood on the Huerfano - Dr. J.T. Collier, who arrived in the city yesterday, states that a tremendous flood occurred on the Huerfano river Wednesday night, about ten o'clock. The doctor lives on the Doyle ranch. He says that there was no rain whatever in that locality, but he noticed between sundown and dark that there seemed to be a storm along the creek somewhere above him. He had his sheep camp located about one hundred rods below the Doyle plaza, on the other side of the creek, and was engaged in shearing and packing wool. At the hour above mentioned Doctor Collier and his two herders had laid down to sleep, when the former was aroused by the noise of the coming flood. He immediately rose and awakened up the herders, but before they could remove the sheep the flood was upon them with tremendous force. It came in volumes, like steps of a flight of stairs, and spread over the bottom lands as fast as a man could walk. The current was also extremely swift. The doctor and his colored man took refuge in the tops of a couple large cottonwood trees until the flood subsided. The water fell almost as fast as it rose. Dr. Collier loses about fifteen hundred improved sheep, valued at five thousand dollars, as well as several sacks of wool swept away in the flood. The water in the river rose almost to the corner of the Doyle plaza, and from bluff to bluff there was an unbroken torrent nearly three-quarters of a mile in width. The farmers along the stream, will, it is feared, be heavy losers, as many of their crops were several feet under water, and in some places washed out by the roots. It is thought that the corn in some localities will recover itself, but where the water has reached the small grain it is damaged beyond redemption.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 7-11-1876 The Masonic cemetery has been surrounded by a substantial board fence.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 9-15-1876 Several couples of young folks of this city attended a dance given at the Hicklin Ranch, on the Greenhorn on Wednesday night, by Mr. Ike Bateman. The entertainment was a decided success and the participants returned to the city yesterday, much pleased with their trip.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 10-26-1876 $25 Reward - I will pay the above reward for the arrest of Andrew Garson alias Lawson, who escaped jail on the evening of the 25th inst. Had on leg irons, gray hat, shirt and pants. Said Garson is a Norwegian bald headed, twenty-eight years old, blue eyes, light complexion, five feet five inches high, weighs one hundred and twenty-five pounds. A wagon maker by trade. Signed Abe R. Ellis, Sheriff.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain Oct 26 1876 The Pistol. A Man Shot Dead on the Chico. Yesterday Emery Smith of the Chico shot and killed William Frank of the same place. For some time past a feud existed between the parties, arising out of the fact that some cattle in the care of Frank tresspassed upon the farm of Smith. This quarrel and ill feeling was shared in by many of the settlers in that vicinity who generally took the part of Frank. A month or six weeks ago this quarrel resulted in a charge of assault made by the Smith family against Frank. The case was tried before Mark G Bradford, who, upon consideration of the evidence discharged Frank. Some slight difficulties have since happened between the Smiths and some of their neighbors about cattle but there has been no trouble with Frank until yesterday. Emery Smith has come in and delivered himself up to the authorities and this is the story that he tells: Smith and his son were out hunting in El Paso County somewhere near the line of Pueblo County. The son was watching by the lake, and the father lying down in some place ready to shoot, when Frank came along, and seeing Emery Smith, he said that he had got him now and he would kill him. Smith ran away from Frank some distance and made for a log cabin, went into it and shut the door. Frank came to the door and tried to get in at the door, talking to Smith all the time telling him that he had him now he had him corralled and he would not get out alive. Smith then with the view of preserving his own life fired off his gun through the door. He heard nothing from Frank and after waiting a long time he cut an opening in the door and peeped out, but could see nothing of Frank. He then opened the door and on stepping out found Frank lying near the door, apparently dead. He was so frightened that he ran to his horse and got on and came and delivered himself up to the Sheriff of Pueblo County. He is now in jail. Deputy Sheriff Bob Griffin started for the scene of the shooting last evening, first telegraphing to the Sheriff of El Paso County to meet him there as the scene of the shooting was in that county.
Colorado Daily Chieftain Oct 26 1876 The Chico Murder Deputy Sheriff C B Griffin and Officer P B Desmond returned last evening from the scene of Tuesday's tragedy on the Chico. On their arrival at the house of Mr Tucker where the murder was committed they found the dead body of a young man apparently about the age of eighteen years lying on his back in front of the door of Tucker's house. The murdered man was a stranger no person in the settlement ever having seen him before. Mr Tucker's house is the one that Emery Smith claims that he took refuge in from William Frank and the murdered man is the person that he says was Mr Frank. The stranger, according to Smith's statement was killed by mistake. How this could occur is not apparent as there is not the slightest resemblence between the parties. Smith, from evidence clearly decernable on the door, fired on his victim through the key hole. The murdered man must have been in the act of opening the door when he was shot, as his right hand was powder burnt. The ball struck him on the right side of the head passing completely through killing him instantly. The lock is unusually high on the door and there is a high step from the ground up to the floor of the house which would bring a man's head on a line with the key hole of the door through which the shot was fired. There were no arms of any kind found on or near the murdered man's body. An inquest was held on the dead man's body and a verdict was rendered that the unknown dead man was shot and killed by Emery Smith. The body was being buried when the officers left. The scene of the murder is in El Paso County about three hundred yards from the Pueblo county line. The case is a very mysterious one, and ought to have a rigid investigation. Smith is at present in the Pueblo County jail but we are informed that the sheriff of El Paso County is expected down today to take him to Colorado Springs.
Colorado Springs Gazette Oct 28 1876 A Mysterious Murder We give below the verdict rendered by the Coroner's Jury in regard to the death of the young stranger at Chico Basin in this county, and we also publish the article copied from the Pueblo Chieftain giving all the information of the occurrence that we have been able to ascertain. Peter Becker Sheriff of El Paso County arrived with the prisoner last Thursday night from Pueblo, and he is now in the county jail in this city, awaiting the action of the Grand Jury to be in session next week. State of Colorado County of El Paso: An Inquest holden at the residence of W H Tucker in Chico Basin in the county of El Paso and State of Colorado on the 25th day of October 1876 before Eliphalet Price a Justice of the Peace of said county of El Paso - upon the body of an unknown male person lying there dead, by the jurors upon their oath do say that said person came to his death by being shot through the brain by a ball fired from a Spencer rifle in the hands of Emery Smith, and said dead person appearing to be a laboring person and between the age of 17 and 18 years. Signed P J Desmond, W Holmes, W T Hurd, Peter Becker, W H Tucker, C B Griffin. The following communications appeared in the Chieftain of this morning: Fountain, October 27th, On the 24th Inst, one Mr Smith of Warren Basin Pueblo County, as we understand, appeard in Pueblo before the authorities and confessed to having killed William Frank, better known as Bill Darr, formerly in the employ of Mr Darr a cattle dealer whose stock ranch is located in Warren Basin . But according to the statement of William Holmes a very reliable gentleman residing in Chico Basin about three quarters of a mile from Mr Tucker's house where the frightful tragedy was enacted, it was not the man whom Smith said he killed but a small boy without any deadly weapons whatever. Further evidence gathered here today proves the unfortuneate victim to be William Wilson, whose father resides at Cheyenne Mountain, where he is engaged in mining for silver, and who had sent his son down to the basin to get a pony that had been left in the care of either Mr Smith or Mr Tucker, we did not learn which, and thus his fate. Mr Imes a well known citzen residing here and who is personally acquainted with Mr Wilson and his son says that the boy is very civil, unassuming rather delicate and small and about 14 years of age. The excuse for the commital of the murder is self defense but this statement shows a shade of doubt as to the credibility of Mr Smith's story. Signed H Murray. Mr R C Payne handed us the following note written by the father of the boy yesterday for publication in the Chieftain. The father fully identified the dead body as that of his son and intends taking his remains home today: Oct 27 1876 The boys name is William Wilson aged 17 years. I am his father. We had just come from the mountains where we had been all summer and intended to stay on Cheyenne Mountain this winter. I sent the boy to Mr Tucker's to get a horse that I had left with him. I also gave the boy a ten dollar bill to give to Mr Tucker. Mr Smith and us had been on good terms so far as I knew. The boy had no weapons at all not even a pocket knife. I fully identify the dead body as that of my son. signed Richard Wilson
Colorado Miner Oct 28 1876 Tuesday, Emery Smith shot and killed Wm Frank on the Chico in Pueblo County. Both were cattlemen and an old difficulty in regard to tresspassing of stock had existed between them. Frank chased Smith into a deserted cabin and tried to force the door open when Smith fired through the door and killed him. Smith went to Pueblo and gave himself up to the Sheriff.
Rocky Mountain News Weekly: Nov 1 1876 Fatal Mistake. A Stranger Murdered For William Frank. A special in Wednedays issue of The News narrated the shooting of William Frank by Emery Smith at a place called Chico.... Yesterday's Chieftain however puts another version upon the affair, which goes to show that the murdered man is not William Frank but a stranger whom nobody appears to recognize, and whom the now astonished murderer can neither name nor locate."
Rocky Mountain News Weekly Nov 1 1876 The Mysterious Murder. That murder committed on the Chico this week has been investigated by Justice Price of Colorado Springs in the absence of the Coroner and the evidence brought out shows a rather unique state of affairs. Upt to the present hour it is not known who the person killed is. It is clearly proven that he is not Franks the person at first reported. From the testimony of a son of the man Smith wo did the shooting it appears that the young man who was killed, who is about 17 years old, hailed Smith when at some distance from the house. Although Smith had a gun and the boy was armed with nothing but a club, Smith started to run toward the house and the boy after him. After they arrived at the house the proceedings were about as already reported. The Justice says that everything goes to show that Smith is a fearful coward being in the habit of going well armed at all times, and drawing his revolver and making threats upon the most trivial matters. The Justice is also of the opinion the boy acted in the way he did because he saw that Smith was scared and was doing more for amusement than for any other purpose. The authorities think they are in a fair way to ascertaining who the boy is, as a boy answering his description was seen by parties the day before the shooting, inquiring the way to the home of W H Tucker, where the shooting took place, stating that Mr Tucker had borrowed a horse of their folks and he was going after it. Mr Tucker was one of the jury at the inquest and knew nothing of the boy, but if he bowrrowed a horse as stated he will be able to tell from whom he borrowed it and thus there will be no trouble in ascertaining who the boy was. Sheriff Becker goes to Pueblo today after Smith. More definite information may be expected after his arrival here and a fuller investigation into the causes of the killing.
Pueblo Daily Chieftain, 11-3-1876 The chase after Larson, who broke jail here several days since, still continues. When last heard from that interesting advocate of prison reform was favoring the country in the neighborhood of the Greenhorn with his presence. He broke into the house of Mr. Berry Chastine, on the Hicklin place, and helped himself to a liberal supply of provisions. Since that time he has made himself exceedingly scarce and has not been seen. He is supposed to be lurking in the brush in the neighborhood and a vigilant watch is being kept for him. Sheriff Ellis is determined to have him back in his old quarters if possible. The sheriff is now obliged to keep the prisoners in the county jail locked up in the cells except at meal times to prevent further escapes.
Pueblo Daily Chieftain, 11-3-1876 Sad Accident – On Thursday night of last week a sad accident befel our well known fellow townsman, Mr. Chanucey Burt. He came to town that night from the fair grounds, where he lives, in company with Mr. Baker, on horseback. After remaining in town several hours the partied proceeded to return to the fair grounds. When a short distance from the city Mr. Burt was thrown from his horse and Mr. Baker picked him up, supposing he was dead. Mr. Baker immediately returned to the city and having procured assistance placed Mr. Burt in a carriage and took him home. Since that time the unfortunate man has been perfectly unconscious, suffering from concussion of the brain. Dr. Thombs is doing everything that surgical skill can suggest, but considers the case a very serious one. Chauncey has many friends in the city, who deeply regret his unfortunate accident.
Pueblo Daily Chieftain, 11-3-1876 Sad Accident – On Thursday night of last week a sad accident befell our well known fellow townsman, Mr. Chanucey Burt. He came to town that night from the fair grounds, where he lives, in company with Mr. Baker, on horseback. After remaining in town several hours the parties proceeded to return to the fair grounds. When a short distance from the city Mr. Burt was thrown from his horse and Mr. Baker picked him up, supposing he was dead. Mr. Baker immediately returned to the city and having procured assistance placed Mr. Burt in a carriage and took him home. Since that time the unfortunate man has been perfectly unconscious, suffering from concussion of the brain. Dr. Thombs is doing everything that surgical skill can suggest, but considers the case a very serious one. Chauncey has many friends in the city, who deeply regret his unfortunate accident.
Pueblo Daily Chieftain, 11-3-1876 The chase after Larson, who broke jail here several days since, still continues. When last heard from that interesting advocate of prison reform was favoring the country in the neighborhood of the Greenhorn with his presence. He broke into the house of Mr. Berry Chastine, on the Hicklin place, and helped himself to a liberal supply of provisions. Since that time he has made himself exceedingly scarece and has not been seen. He is supposed to be lurking in the brush in the neighborhood and a vigilant watch is being kept for him. Sheriff Ellis is determined to have him back in his old quarters if possible. The sheriff is now oblkiged to keep the prisoners in the county jail locked up in the cells except at meal times to prevent further escapes.
Pueblo Daily Chieftain, 11-4-1876 Assigned Estate of Julius Berry – Notice is hereby given that the undersigned assigness of the estate of Julius Berry, will on Friday the 1st day of December 1876, make a final distribution fo the proceeds thereof to and among those entitled to the same. Persons having claims against the said assignee will present them on or before the above date to either of the undersigned. Assignees: Irving W. Stanton, Charles E. Gast, Pueblo, November 3rd, 1876.
Pueblo Daily Chieftain, 11-4-1876 Assigned Estate of Julius Berry – Notice is hereby given that the undersigned assigness of the estate of Julius Berry, will on Friday the 1st day of December 1876, make a final distribution of the proceeds thereof to and among those entitled to the same. Persons having claims against the said assignee will present them on or before the above date to either of the undersigned. Assignees: Irving W. Stanton, Charles E. Gast, Pueblo, November 3rd, 1876.
Colorado Weekly Chieftan Nov 9 1876 Colorado Springs Nov 2nd, Our Court is now in session Judge Henry presiding...Waldron our new District Attorney is at his post and has already made a good impression. He is looking after the future of several of our jailbirds and is endeavoring to cheapen their railroad fare to Canon City and save county expenses. He also has two murder cases on hand, Emery Smith of Pueblo County having been indicted for the murder of William Wilson at Chico Basin El Paso County, Davidson for the killing of Brown is now being considered by the Grand Jury. Its not certain that these two last cases will be tried at this term of court. Gerry of Pueblo is here as counsel for Smith, and as I hear, ready for the trial.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 12-23-1876 - City and Vicinity - Keyes Danforth, of Pueblo, has been appointed clerk of the supreme court of Colorado. This makes for a vacancy in the land office, for which a fair-sized number of applicants have suddenly sprung up.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 1-24-1877 - Personal - Fred Barndollar, the newly appointed register of the Pueblo land office, and G. W. Morgan, treasurer of the Pueblo county, came up yesterday, and are stopping at the Grand Central.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 11-20-1877 - Personal - G. W. Morgan, treasurer of Pueblo county, and Frank Bradford, son of Judge Bradford, were among Sunday's arrivals from Pueblo county.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 11-20-1877 - Personal - George L. Gann, of the firm of Hobson & Gann, Pueblo, came up Sunday night and was taking in the sights of the metropolis yesterday.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 11-20-1877 - Personal - O. E. Vandeventer, the lightning traveling man of J. V. Andrews' large grocery house, Pueblo, is in the city shaking hands with his old friends. "Ole" formerly traveled for Mr. Brinker, of this city.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain 12-20-1877 - There are several cases of small pox in the Archuleta family who reside on the St. Charles, and members of the family are in town every day circulating around among the people. Should our authorities allow this?
Daily Rocky Mountain News 1-1-1878 - State News and Gossip - The Pueblo bar has organized into a bar association, with Hon. G. Q. Richmond as president.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 1-22-1878 - Personal - George W. Morgan, the popular and energetic treasurer of Pueblo county, is in the city at the Grand Central.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 1-29-1878 - Personal - J. A. McMurtrie, the well known civil engineer, arrived from Pueblo yesterday.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 1-29-1878 - Personal - Ex-Sheriff Abe Ellis, of Pueblo, came down yesterday, accompanied by Hon. J. N. Carlile.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 1-29-1878 - Personal - Pueblo is well represented in the city. Among late arrivals are Hon. J. N. Carlile, Abe Ellis, Hank Griffith the express man, and Dave Berry, one of the leading cattle men of southern Colorado.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 3-8-1878 - Personal Points - Mr. G. P. Hayslip, the leading hardware dealer of Pueblo, is stopping in the city.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 3-8-1878 - Personal Points - Bona Hensel goes to Pueblo to take a position on the Chieftain as associate editor, accompanied by the good wishes of the entire Denver press club.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 4-25-1878 - Personal Points - Mr. Irwin W. Stanton, of the land office at Pueblo, is in the city.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 4-25-1878 - Personal Points - J. C. Wallace, of Pueblo, and J. R. Ward, of Golden, are among yesterday's arrivals at the Planter's.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 4-25-1878 - Personal Points - T. W. Langley of Pueblo, A. T. Henry of Boulder, and George Summers of Colorado Springs, are among yesterday's arrivals at the Grand Central.
Pueblo Colorado Weekly Chieftain 5-23-1878 Outfitted with one of Nusbaum's best horses (Old Vinegar), and a strong buggy, I started at ten o'clock Monday to visit the round-up meeting at the Holmes Ranch in Chico Basin. I was accompanied by Mr. G. L. L. Gann, the store clothes man, who is an old acquaintance of the Holmes brothers, and who has been threatening them with a visitation for several years. It turned out that George knew nearly every man on the round-up, after we arrived at the Holmes Ranch, and we are under obligation to him for valuable favors. This ranch is over the line of Pueblo in El Paso county. It occupies the greater part of the remarkable formation which was evidently at one time the bottom of a lake. The soil is very fertile and covered with a heavy coat of grass. They cut from seventy-five to one hundred tons of hay on it every summer, and I have not seen such heavy grass anywhere in Colorado. Numerous springs come out all around the basin and keep it thoroughly irrigated. In fact water can be had almost anywhere around the rim by digging a few feet. The Holmes have built a water tight box over one of the springs and raised it several feet above the surface, so as to get water into troughs for cattle at a convenient height. They own four hundred and eighty acres of this valuable land, the most of which they use as a pasture for their herd of thoroughbred cattle. They keep a number of fine cows, and have recently imported from Canada a dozen or more Hereford bulls, comprising in the lot the premium bull at all the Canada fairs of last year. The Holmes brothers, William and James, are keeping bachelor's hall at their ranch, and they know how to entertain their friends in right royal style. James is head cook and can beat many of the hotel cooks in this country, especially in making biscuits and coffee. They are Massachusetts boys of good education and have seen a great deal of world; in fact, William has sailed round the world. He was for five years second mate on a sailing vessel and has many souvenirs of his travels. Among the curiosities in his possession is a portion of the Koran written in Arabic on a fan composed of a substance resembling our common water flags. He also has a Burmese tobacco box made of bamboo that is a marvel of workmanship, and a piece of the Golden Pagoda of Rangoon, with many other curiosities that would be considered great treasures in any museum in the land. They are partners in the cattle business with Mr. W. T. Hurd, of Detroit, under the firm name of Hurd & Holmes and are among the heaviest cattle owners of that vicinity. Mr. Hurd is expected to visit Colorado shortly. Among the other heavy cattle owners of this section or round-up are Mr. George Haas, E. C. Toll, Wallace Douglas, E. S. Randall, Wilson Brothers, J. B. Carpenter, Smith Brothers, Price & Van Endert, Perry Hutchison, John O. Palmer, H. R. Steel, Geo. Myers, and several others whose names do not now occur to me. There are perhaps some others represented on the round-ups who own more cattle than some of those mentioned but I failed to get the figures in regard to the amounts claimed or owned by each. Among those on the ground, I got acquainted with Ed Van Endert, representing Price & Van Endert, of Turkey creek. From the same locality and the Fountain and Red Creek ranges come Geo. Myers, D. C. Hall, A. B. Simpson, H. R. Steele, John O. Palmer, J. S. Moore, T. R. Rule, Sam Rule, John Sitlington, Mrs. A. D. Hamlin, represented by Billy and Vint, a younger son. Perry Hutchison, of Bijou Basin, and Joseph Penkinger, of Booneville, with a number of others whose names I did not learn, were on the round-up. Only a portion of what is known as the Turkey Creek round-up met at Mass Steele's on Saturday, and all agreed to adjourn to Holmes' ranch and meet the Chico round-up on Monday. I found somewhere in the neighborhood of a hundred men collected at this place when we arrived, and they kept coming in all the afternoon and evening. A short time before the night the meeting was called to order and after several leading cattle men had expressed their views, it was voted to proceed in a body to Spring Bottom on the Arkansas to commence rounding up. They expect to meet the Divide round-up at that place when it gets through rounding up stock up Adobe creek. Mr. Warren Carpenter, one of the most popular young cattle men in this country, was unanimously chosen captain of the round-up, and there is no doubt he will give satisfaction to every man in the round-up. I deputized Mr. H. R. Steele to contract for brands for publication in the Chieftain among the cattle men during the round-up. The Chieftain stock brand circulars were received with thanks by the gentlemen of the round-up, and a large number of them ordered their brands published in the weekly. Rounding-up is hard work, but if anyone supposes the cow punchers don't have any fun, he is off wrong. There are at least two fiddles in this company with good performers to make them talk, and at night the boys gathered in the largest room in the ranch and amused themselves with clog dances and jigs, and several good vocalists enlivened the occasion with songs of various descriptions. George Gann had thoughtfully taken along a box of excellent cigars, and a suspicious looking keg conveyed the compliments of George W. Morgan, the enterprising groceryman, to the round-up, and the boys made things lively till nearly midnight. I rounded up Gann yesterday morning and we returned home without an incident worth mentioning - save the breaking of a whipple-tree - well satisfied with the result of the trip to Chico Basin. - Bona.
Colorado Weekly Chieftan May 30 1878 Married: Mr Wm Holmes, one of the leading cattle men of Chico Basin, went east last fall, and ever since his return his associates have noticed something strange in his actions. They knew there was a woman at the bottom of it somewhere, but, couldn't understand just what was the matter. He came to town on Saturday last, and the tell tale register of the Lindell gave him away, for there it was recorded in black and white, "Mr Wm Holmes and wife, Chico Basin" He met the lady here that he had married while east last fall. George Gann and his other batchelor friends feel justly indignant at his conduct, but they will probably live through it. Luck to you Billy.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 6-7-1878 - Personal Points - Mr. T. F. Van Wagenen, of Pueblo, is in the city.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 6-25-1878 - Personal Points - Mr. Wm. Faux, of the Pueblo rolling mill, is at the American.
Daily Rocky Mountain News 6-25-1878 - Personal Points - Among yesterday's arrivals at the Planter's are J. B. Van Tyle, of Acequia, T. C. Tyler, of Middle Park, and Henry Snow, of Pueblo.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain 1-9-1879 Mr. Gus Withers, of the Chieftain typographical force, became yesterday the happy father of a fourteen pound boy.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain 1-9-1879 Sheriff Price says he will execute Nunez at some convenient place beyond the city limits. If the prisoner were hanged in front of the jail there would be to many unwilling witnesses
Central City Daily Register-Call 5-1-1879 - The Pueblo Daily Democrat is now a welcome visitor to our table. It is a neatly-printed six-column paper, full of spicy editorials and local news. It starts out with every prospect of future success, something the entire press of the State will wish it. The Hull Bros. are young men full of business, energy and pluck, and fully up to the requirements of the southern metropolis in the way of journalism. Mr. J. C. Reed, an old and experienced journalist of Colorado, is connected with the enterprise editorially, and will give it that vim and vinegar which we naturally look for in anything published in Pueblo. We heartily wish it success.

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

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