Pueblo County, Colorado
Pueblo News 1890's
Page contributed by Karen Mitchell, news items contributed by Pueblo County Volunteers.
These news items are being extracted from the local newspapers. They are in chronological order. To search for any given name use your browers "Find" button.
San Luis Valley Courier, Alamosa, 1-8-1890
Pueblo expended $3,000,000 in new buildings in 1880.
Rocky Mountain News 3-21-1890 - Pueblo Nominations - Pueblo, Colo., March 20 - This evening the Republicans held their primaries and nominated a very respectable ticket, taken altogether. The nominations are: Aldermen: First ward, W. J. Barndollar; Second, J. H. Elspass; Third, W. A. Brison; Fourth, H. Birch; Fifth, John R. Valentine; Sixth, W. E. Granger; Seventh, M. Williams.
Rocky Mountain News 4-4-1890 - Serious Accident - Pueblo, Colo., April 3 - Joe, the 12-year-old son of George Rankin, the well known contractor, was thrown from his horse at noon to-day and struck his head against a tree, rendering him insensible. His skull is not fractured, but it is feared that he is internally injured.
Castle Rock Journal 6-25-1890 Last Monday during a thunder storm, Mr. D.C. Montgomery, an old and well known citizen of Pueblo, was struck by lightening. His right arm was severely burned, but he was not otherwise injured.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Pueblo - Mrs. Charles Houser has gone to Kansas to visit relatives.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Pueblo - Mr. and Mrs. Will Gree have returned from their trip to Kentucky.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 The Social World - Pueblo - The many friends of Mrs. Yerkes in Pueblo will be pleased to learn that she has taken up her residence in this city.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 The Social World - Pueblo - Mrs. Richard Maddock of the Indian Territory has arrived in the city to join her husband, who has been here for some time. They will reside in Bessemer.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 The Social World - Pueblo - Miss Kate Wall, daughter of C. L. Wall, has returned home from an extended visit to Kentucky.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 The Social World - Pueblo - The wife and family of Mr. Dan Wood returned yesterday, having been in Ohio and Kentucky all summer, and Mr. Wood for the first time had the pleasure of seeing the new boy, who was born on the Fourth of July.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 The Social World - Pueblo - Miss Dora Wells of Sweet Springs, Mo., has arrived in Pueblo to spend the winter with her brother, Charles Wells.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 The Social World - Pueblo - Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Strait are back from a short western trip.
Rocky Mountain News 11-20-1890 - The Clubs Had a Meeting - Pueblo, Colo., Nov. 19 - The annual meeting of the Pueblo club was held this evening and the following officers and board of directors were elected: President - O. H. P. Baxter; Vice President - W. P. Morton; Secretary - J. J. Lambert; Treasurer - A. J. McQuade; Directors - George J. Dunbaugh, M. H. Fitch, J. G. Morton, S. C. Gallop, U. Bradley, Robert Gibson, O. H. P. Baxter, J. D. Mitchell, F. A. Baldwin, Benjamin Guggenheim, J. D. Olmes, E. M. Steck and George B. Simpson. The annual meeting was the first held in the new rooms of the club, which were specially built for it in the new opera house building. They are inferior to none in the West, both in point of arrangement and furnishings. The membership of the Pueblo club is now about seventy, and the list will embrace all the foremost men in financial and social circles in Pueblo. The financial report of Treasurer McQuade was most satisfactory and was roundly applauded. After the expense of furnishing and getting into their new rooms they have a balance in the treasury. Mr. J. Joy, the retiring president, has worked hard for the interest of the club.
Rocky Mountain News 2-17-1891 - The Pueblo Wrangle - Pueblo, Colo., Feb. 16 - The council chamber was crowded to-night by an interested crowd of spectators, gathered to witness the outcome of the consolidation question. All the members were present. After roll call, under unfinished business, Alderman McMinn moved to adopt the majority report of the commissioners. Alderman Stewart moved to amend by appointing a committee of three to confer with the commissioners, and see if a unanimous agreement could not be reached. Major Townsend, representing the committee of ten appointed at the South side mass meeting last week, was granted leave to address the council. He presented the resolutions asking the council to put the question of consolidation to a vote of the people, and made a lengthy address in support of the resolutions. The vote on the amendment of Mr. Stewart resulted in a tie, as at the last meeting, and the mayor voting in the affirmative, the amendment was declared passed. Mayor Henkle appointed Aldermen Stewart and Barndollar from the North side, and Alderman McMinn from the South side. The latter refused to serve, but his refusal was not granted. The council then adjourned. The victory was with the North side, and consolidation with Bessemer was killed, for a time at least.
Rocky Mountain News 2-17-1891 - Found the Papers - Pueblo, Colo., Feb. 16 - On Thanksgiving evening the safe of A. R. Pierce was blown and a drawer containing about $20 in cash and very valuable papers was taken. This morning the box was found in the rear of Piper Bros.' mill. It had been broken open with an axe or other instrument. The papers were scattered around promiscuously in the weeds. All were found in fair condition.
Rocky Mountain News 2-18-1891 - Pueblo's Electric Railway - Pueblo, Colo., Feb. 17 - The Pueblo Electric Street Railway company this afternoon filed articles of incorporation with the county clerk. The stock is placed at $300,000. The incorporators are all Pueblo men. The directors for the first year are George E. Bragdon, George J. Dumnbaugh, William P. Moses, Ben M. Wilson and Ferd Barndollar. A new company recently purchased the City Railway company and it is rumored some of the money paid over by the new men goes into the new organization. The new corporation last night made application to the city council for a franchise to lay track on Seventh, Elizabeth, C, Bluff, Michigan, Entrando, Santa Fe, Abriendo, Evans, Springs, Lamkin, Jackson, Routt, Tenth, Grand, Second, B, Main, Fourth and Hobson streets and alleys. The ordinance specifies that three miles of line must be in operation before the end of six months.
Rocky Mountain News 2-19-1891 - A Daring Robbery - Two Thugs Shove a Knife and Revolver in a Gentleman's Face in Pueblo - Matt Crow Relieved of Five Hundred Dollars Worth of Valuables Under an Electric Light - The Boldest Hold-Ups Who Ever Operated in the State Working in Pueblo - Pueblo, Colo., Feb. 18 - At 7 o'clock to-night two of the boldest hold-ups ever made in Pueblo set the city wild with excitement. As Dr. Draper was turning the corner of Sixth and Main streets, by the Paul Wilson dry goods house, one of the most brilliantly illuminated corners in the city, he was suddenly confronted by two men, one with a pistol and the other with a murderous-looking knife, the blade of which was pointed and fully nine inches long. He was told to turn over his valuables and be quick about it. He put his hand to his hip pocket for his purse. The hold-ups mistook the gentleman's intention, and believing that he was reaching for a gun, fired. The ball grazed his chin and the flash burned his face and singed his whiskers. The fellows, without looking to see what damage they had done, turned and ran rapidly down Main street toward the Central block, turning up Third street where they were lost sight of. A Cool Robbery - Ten minutes later Matt Crow, an ex-postmaster and prominent real estate man, was passing the alley on Third street between Main and Santa Fe avenue, when a knife was pushed, point first, against his side and the cold muzzle of a pistol pressed against the back of his head. He was told to drop his hands, and the two went through him, relieving him of a diamond stud valued at $150, a gold watch and chain worth $300, and three $20 gold pieces, besides a certificate of deposit and some small change. They then gave him a push over in the gutter, for Mr. Crow is lame, and ran, one towards Santa Fe and the other toward Main. The patrol was called, but the police did nothing. It was the smoothest and boldest piece of work that has been done in Pueblo for some time.
Rocky Mountain News 2-19-1891 A Big Enterprise - Pueblo, Colo., Feb. 18 - E. H. Bunford, on behalf of a Boston syndicate owning about 12,000 acres of land on the Bob Creek ditch on the line of the Missouri Pacific, about forty-five miles east of Pueblo, to-day purchased sixty head of mules, five farm wagons and supplies. He hired twenty-five men and as soon as other supplies can be purchased, will go directly to the property and begin putting in crops. It is his intention to turn up the soil on as much of the tract as possible this spring. It is a move of the greatest magnitude even in the agricultural history of Southeastern Colorado.
Rocky Mountain News 2-19-1891 Used a Knife - Pueblo, Colo., Feb. 18 - To-night, at 9 o'clock, Louis Larson, second cook, and J. P. Shaeffer, third cook at the Grand hotel, quarreled. Shaeffer picked up a huge meat knife and felled Larson to the ground with a blow on the head, the blade penetrating the frontal bone. Shaeffer fled and locked himself up in his room and subsequently made his escape. A surgeon dressed Larson's wound and says he will come out all right.
Rocky Mountain News 4-3-1891 - Secured Knives and Revolvers - Pueblo, Colo., April 2 - Burglars broke in a rear window of J. Howard Wilson's assay shop last night and entered, but got nothing save a severe cut on the hand or wrist, for the snow outside was covered with blood. It is supposed the injury was received while climbing out. Nothing daunted they removed a strip of tin from a panel of the rear door of Viergutz's hardware store, which had been in use in lieu of a pane of glass, removed the fastenings and entered. They carried away several dozen pocket knives and four revolvers.
Rocky Mountain News 4-29-1891 Serious Runaway - Pueblo, Colo., April 28 - This morning J. C. Summers was badly, possibly fatally, injured in a runaway. Mr. Summers is a manufacturer of stone sidewalks and resides at 2027 Grand avenue. He and his son were driving down High street, when, without a word of warning, their horse became unmanageable. Mr. Summers was thrown upon a picket fence, and suffered a severe concussion of the brain. His son was slightly injured. The buggy was a total wreck. The injured man was taken to his home and a physician was summoned.
Rocky Mountain News 5-7-1891 Chased Him Out Pueblo, Colo., May 6 At an early hour this morning H. Levin, residing at No. 190 (199?) West Court street, was awakened by some one tugging at his bed clothing. He jumped up and saw a masked man in his bed chamber, but the individual flew before Levin could get out of bed. He misses a pair of trousers containing a $20 bill and minor articles.
Rocky Mountain News 5-7-1891 Carved Him Pueblo, Colo., May 6 S. Santa, a mafia looking individual, a saloon keeper in that odorous locality known as Old Mexico, carved Andrew White, a German, in a very powerful manner at his resort early this morning in a row over a black fallen angel. He will appear before Justice Smith to show cause for the carving.
Rocky Mountain News 5-7-1891 Demolished His Wagon Pueblo, Colo., May 6 At 7:30 o'clock John Richardson, an expressman wearing badge No. 15, who has been here for about three years, was run into by an electric car. His wagon was badly demolished and he was thrown under the car. He was picked up insensible and conveyed to Dr. McDonald's office. It was found that his head was badly cut, especially over the right eye. His right thumb was so badly mashed that it may have to be amputated. Many bruises are over his body. When he came to he was delirious. At 8 o'clock he was conveyed to his home in East Pueblo.
Rocky Mountain News 6-2-1891 Concealing Something - Pueblo, Colo., June 1 - Antoinette Archentelle, an Italian, was shot last night in Mexico town, Pueblo's disreputable quarter. Mystery envelopes the whole affair. The man asserts that while running he fell and his revolver was discharged. He speaks English fairly well but was reticent when questioned and seemed to desire to conceal the truth. His story is gauzy, as the ball, one of 32 calibre, entered the shoulder in front. It was extracted, but amputation may, nevertheless, be necessary.
Rocky Mountain News 6-19-1891 Skipped the Town - Pueblo, Colo., June 18 - E. M. Taylor, cognizant of the fact that a second warrant for his arrest, again charging him with obtaining money under false pretenses, had been issued, left Pueblo to-day for parts unknown. He leaves a wife and child in destitute circumstances.
Rocky Mountain News 6-23-1891 Arrested Again - Pueblo, Colo., June 22 - Mamie Bethel has been again arrested on complaint of her mother, and an attempt will be made to send her to the reform school. A short time ago she was convicted, at the instigation of the S. P. C. A., for driving a horse to death, and being unable to pay the fine assessed was discharged, as a fine cannot be served out in such case. Mamie is 14 years old and incorrigible.
Rocky Mountain News 6-23-1891 Stabbed Him - Pueblo, Colo., June 22 - Some Bessemer youths missed the last electric car for that town last night and started to walk home. Frank Glover and John Carney quarreled, but trouble was averted by the interposition of friends, and the walk was resumed, when the hostilities had apparently been suppressed, suddenly Glover drew a big pocket knife, and before Carney could defend himself, he stabbed him in the breast and side four times. Upon examination at the Sisters hospital, whither Carney was immediately taken, it was found that the wounds were not fatal, and unless blood poisoning sets in, the young man will recover. Glover has been arrested, and when Carney's fate is known he will be given a preliminary hearing before Justice French.
Rocky Mountain News 6-25-1891 Pueblo, Colo., June 24 - About noon to-day some young boys engaged in firing a toy canon loaded it with too heavy a charge. The shots scattered and penetrated the face of an unknown woman. One of the boys, named Kirchner, was arrested, charged with shooting within the city limits.
Rocky Mountain News 7-2-1891 Wants to Incorporate - Pueblo, Colo., July 1 - West Side is the name of a new town, in reality it is a suburb of Pueblo. D. H. Tandy et al. began proceedings to-day in the county court to effect the incorporation of West Side, in conformity to the plat filed in the court. August Dietlap, J. E. Kiel and J. D. Shotwell were appointed commissioners to call an election for the purpose of choosing the officials of the new town. West Side is west of the asylum and it has heretofore been known as Dietlap's ranch. A mattress factory, a sash factory and several small institutions are already located there.
Rocky Mountain News 7-29-1891 Found the Body - Pueblo, Colo., July 28 - After industriously dragging the Arkansas for twenty-four hours, the body of James Stephens, the artist in fence decoration, who fell into the river Sunday night, was found this morning, reposing in a chair in a saloon on Union avenue. Stephens though a trifle tipsy crawled from the water unaided after the fall, and having a very well developed bump of humor, concluded, when he learned of the search not to interrupt. The delicate flavor of the joke pleased him much.
Rocky Mountain News 7-29-1891 Claims Damages - Pueblo, Colo., July 28 - Daniel McKaskill, attorney for Winifred Spaulding, filed suit in district court this morning against A. H. Andrews & Co. furniture dealers and Frank Bingham, in whose store the business is carried on. While making some purchases in the store the lady fell backward through an open trap door, a distance of ten feet, injuring her spine, it is alleged. She claims $10,000 damages.
Rocky Mountain News 7-29-1891 Knight the Winner - Pueblo, Colo., July 28 - The fifty-yard foot race between Knight and Kipplinger this afternoon resulted in a victory for Knight. It is declared by Kipplinger's friends that the allies of Knight signaled him to start a fraction of a second before the pistol shot, and that he thereby gained six feet. Another race has been arranged for next week. Lots of money changed hands.
Rocky Mountain News 11-20-1891 Attempted Suicide - Terrible Attempt of Matt Palmer to Take His Life - Pueblo, Nov. 19 - Matt Palmer, a poor old tramp driven to semi-insanity by his trouble, is lying at the Sisters' hospital to-night with a big gash in his throat and a hole in his right breast. These wounds were inflicted by himself on South Union avenue while the majority of people were going to comfortable homes to supper. He first ploughed his knife into his breast, but though the life blood welled forth it was not sufficient to do mortal injury, and he then slashed his throat, cutting a horrible gash two inches long under the jaw, but not severing the jugular vein. He is a stranger, a tramp with no future but to wander and he got tired of it. He will recover.
Rocky Mountain News 11-20-1891 Lots of Trouble - George Williams of Boulder Gets Into Trouble - Pueblo, Colo., Nov. 19 - George Williams of Boulder was drugged and robbed last night in Christoff's saloon on First street and Santa Fe avenue. The man who did the work was caught by the bartender, who took from him $9 in money. When Williams came to he was given the cash taken from the robber and found himself $2 richer. This afternoon Williams again got in trouble. This time he was found in the backyard of Mrs. John Petel without any plausible excuse for being there. Mrs. Petel came out and he drew a revolver on her. He was arrested and is now in jail.
Rocky Mountain News 11-20-1891 Bold Robbery - Pueblo, Colo., Nov. 19 - Last night between 12 and 1 o'clock, A. P. Morris, a Denver and Rio Grand machinist, was going to his home on the Mesa, and when on the hill near Park Royal, was attacked by three men, and although he fought valiantly, was finally pinioned to the ground and a gold watch and an empty pocketbook was taken from him. He is around to-day with a bad cut on his forehead.
Rocky Mountain News 11-20-1891 Gave Himself Up - Pueblo, Colo., Nov. 19 - Niccolo Greco, who shot Burt Allison last August, gave himself up to-day to the police. He gave bond, and his preliminary examination will be held next Wednesday. He has been on a ranch near Pueblo ever since. He claims self defense.
Rocky Mountain News 12-1-1891 The Cost - Pueblo, Colo., Nov. 30 - Sheriff-elect W. A. Moses admits that it cost him $1,499.02 to go through the campaign. There still remains twenty-two candidates who have so far failed to file their bill of expenses with the county clerk and recorder.
Rocky Mountain News 12-1-1891 Still Under Suspension - Pueblo, Colo., Nov. 30 - Chief of Police O'Connor is still under suspension. At a meeting of the city council to-night a motion to reinstate the officer was lost.
Rocky Mountain News 12-23-1891 Skipped Out A Hotel Keeper Who Is Supposed to Have Fooled His Partner Pueblo, Colo., Dec. 22 For the past three months the Phoenix hotel, corner Union avenue and B street, has been run by Harry McHenry and J. W. Friedley. The latter acted as night clerk and the former attended the office in the daytime and handled the sheckels. The firm getting a little short about three weeks ago, McHenry borrowed $250 from a carpenter named William Young. This morning McHenry was missing also all the money the firm controlled and Young is out nearly all his $250. Mr. Fridley cannot account for McHenry's actions. He describes him as a young man about 21 years of age and an old employe of the house. He is a single man and not given to his cups, gambling or women. It is thought he took away with him about $400 and that he left on the midnight Salt Lake express.
Rocky Mountain News 4-7-1892 Wants the Child - A Pretty Little Miss the Innocent Cause of a Suit - Pueblo, Colo., April 6 - County Judge Galligan's court was taken up to-day with the case of Petell vs. Petell, who are fighting for the custody of their little girl, a pretty little miss of some 6 or 7 years. Mr. and Mrs. Petell were divorced a short time ago, and both want possession of the little one. Petell claims that his wife is an unfit custodian, and says if he is allowed to care for his child he will put her in some good school. He has no inclination to forbid the mother seeing her little daughter once in a while, but desires that the child have pure surroundings. The friends of Mrs. Petell claim that if the child is taken from her she will go insane. The court has the matter under consideration.
Rocky Mountain News 4-7-1892 Pueblo Burglars - A Gang of House Breakers at Work in Pueblo - Pueblo, Colo., April 6 - Early this morning a burglar entered the residence of Mr. H. B. Jones on the Mesa by breaking in a window. He took a suit of clothes containing a valuable gold watch from Mr. Jones' room, and then sneaked into the room of Mr. Hammond cashier of the Central National bank. Mr. Hammond was awakened by the thief's entrance and jumped up with a revolver in his hand. The thief was too quick, however, and with a few rapid strides was out of the house and disappeared. Mr. Hammond missed nothing.
Aspen Daily Leader 4-9-1892 James P. Charmond, mail carrier, between Pueblo and Red Creek Springs, who lost his way in a blizzard, lay out two days in the snow. He had his leg amputated today and will probably lose the other.
Rocky Mountain News 5-19-1892 Laughed at Stale Jokes - Pueblo, Colo., May 18 - Jay Gould's health is undoubtedly improving. The wizard has been in the city for some days, but has been out of his car but little. To-day, however, in company with his physician and daughter, he attended a circus and laughed as heartily as anybody at the stale jokes of the clown.
Rocky Mountain News 1-8-1893 Treasurer Nance's Bond A Document That is Worth Ten Times its Face Value The bond of State Treasurer-elect Nance is in Governor Routt's hands, and the executive says it is as good as gold for an amount much greater than it represents. The gentlemen signing as sureties are as follows, with the amounts: Charles S. Thomas, $100,000; Isham B. Porter, $100,000; Otto Mears, $100,000; Frank Pryor of Pueblo, $100,000; T. G. McCarthy of Pueblo, $100,000; Henry R. Holbrook of Pueblo, $100,000; George H. Hobson of Pueblo, $100,000; William H. Malone, $100,000; H. W. Bennett, $100,000; J. A. Myers, $100,000; F. W. Poppe, $50,000; W. F. R Mills, $50,000; J. Jay Joslin, $100,000; F. L. Rohlfing, $100,000; David D. Seerie, $100,000. Total, $1,400,000. Several of the sureties are worth over a half million and at least two are millionaires. While some of them are interested in banking institutions as it is hard to find rich men who are not, there are but two known as bankers and but one, Henry R. Holbrook, who is actively engaged in banking. The bond of Treasurer Carlile, who retires on Tuesday next, was the only one ever given in the state without one or more bankers as sureties, and it is very difficult to find gentlemen of such ample means as to become sureties who do not own bank stock or are not directors.
Rocky Mountain News 12-18-1893 Thieves in Pueblo - Five Burglaries, Safe Cracked and Policeman Held Up - Bold Gang of Men Infest the Town and Work the Stores for All They Are Worth - A Safe Cracked in the Heart of the City and an Officer Who Attempts to Interfere is Held Up by a Masked Man - Pueblo, Colo., Dec. 17 - Pueblo had five burglaries, a safe cracked and a police officer held up, all between 3 and 5 o'clock this morning. The work is believed to have been that of the four or five men who made a record for themselves in the same line in Colorado Springs Friday night. But here, as there, all have thus far eluded arrest. The master stroke of the gang was in blowing the safe in Frank Rogers' saloon, under the Fifth avenue hotel on Santa Fe avenue, in the heart of the business portion of the city. The safe was behind the counter, not twenty feet from the large windows, and the room was brilliantly illuminated. By raising a window on a side court the safe-blowers effected an entrance for two of them, it is believed, leaving a guard in front and one in the alley. The safe door was completely shattered and $85 in money and a $50 gold watch and some valuable papers were taken. Officer Parvin of the police force was in the hotel office above the saloon when he heard the explosion, and at once started down the stairs. At the street door he was confronted by a tall man wearing a long drab ulster, a light soft hat and holding a handkerchief over his face, who pointed a revolver at him and told him to keep still. Parvin dropped on his knees and started to pull his gun from his overcoat pocket. The robber made him hold up his hands, backed off and disappeared around the corner and was out of sight when the officer started to give chase. The alarm was given and the entire city was searched, but the burglars could not be found. Later in the day the conspicuous overcoat, the safe cash drawer and some papers were found in a lumber yard. The tools used in the job were taken from the blacksmith shop of A. T. Derby on Third street and from the engineer's room in the Board of Trade building. The cracksmen entered the saloon of Jimmy O'Brien on North Main street, but left in disgust after helping themselves to drinks and cigars, when they found that the large, wealthy looking safe was only a wooden bluff. They also visited the saloon of George Jackson on North Main street, took the cash register into the alley, found but 10 cents in it, and to satisfy their desire for plunder carried off a safety bicycle.
Pueblo Chieftain 29 May 1894 Their Silver Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mattice Entertain Friends A Very Delightful Function - Two Hundred Friends Call to Extend Their Congratulations and Many Handsome Presents Are Received Those Who Assisted the Host and Hostess to Receive.
Twenty-five years ago yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mattice were married in Illinois near St. Louis, Mo. Last evening they celebrated the event with a silver wedding at their palatial home on east Eighth street. More than 200 people called during the evening to pay their respects and congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Mattice. Mrs. Mattice was dressed in a beautiful silver gray duchess gown trimmed with cream crepe de Chine and wore point lace, diamonds and bride's roses. Mr. Mattice wore the conventional black.
Mr. and Mrs. Mattice were assisted in receiving by Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Downen, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Morse, Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Wildeboor, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hughes, Mr. And Mrs. Charles Otero, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Nobel.
The nectar was served in a prettily decorated bower in an alcove by Miss Moore and Miss Mattice. Miss Noble presented each one of the guests with a piece of the wedding cake in small white silk bags decorated with silver letters.
In the dining room was one of the most beautiful table decorations ever seen here. The center piece was gotton up by Charles Otero. Floating peacefully on a quiet little lake was the barge of life in white silver with the silken sails upon which was written in letters of silver 1869 1894. The voyage of life. The bark which sails a peaceful sea. Silver wedding reception. The base upon which the miniature mirror lake rested was encircled with a large chain of 25 links in the center of each of which was a beautiful rose. At either end of the table sat Mrs. Walter Grant and Mrs. Lizzie Morris. The former served delicious strawberries from a _____ dish while Mrs. Morris poured the coffee. The lunch was served by Holland and Walls, the well known caterers, consisted of salads, sandwiches, pickels and ice cream.
The music which was furnished by Profesor Valle's mandolin club of six pieces was very pretty.
Many beautiful presents were received by Mr. and Mrs. Mattice from their friends.
Rocky Mountain News 6-24-1894 Attempted Murder - Pueblo, Colo., June 23 - James Reardon, a Denver and Rio Grande switchman, while verging on delirium tremens this afternoon, attempted to take the life of E. M. Slosson and Mrs. Nick Ritter while they were at the dinner table in their boarding house. The first intimation of Reardon's presence was when he appeared at the door and made an insane remark. Mr. Slosson attempted to escape, but before he could reach the door Reardon shot him in the back, just to the left of the spine, the bullet glancing upward and making a serious wound. Reardon fired three shots, the last two at Mrs. Ritter and her baby, but both were wild.
Rocky Mountain News 1-12-1895 Caught Near Manitou - Colorado Springs, Colo., Jan. 11 - A team of horses and two sets of harness were stolen from J. C. Ritchie of Pueblo last night and a plumber's wagon from T. J. Morgan of the same city. The officers here were notified. Detective Joe Atkinson of this city got trace of the outfit about noon and was instructed to await the arrival of Deputy Granger. The two officers overtook the outfit one and a half miles above Manitou on the Ute pass road. The man, who gave the name of Walter Clifford, refused to talk. Deputy Sheriff Granger will take the prisoners to Pueblo to-morrow.
Rocky Mountain News 2/3/1895 Pueblo, Colo., Feb. 2--H. R. Snyder, who was arrested at Colorado Springs with Frank White with a quantity of wire and brass stolen here in their possession was acquitted in the district court today, it being shown that White exercised almost complete control over Snyder's actions. White was given three years and a half on his plea of guilty.
Pueblo Chieftain, 5-10-1895 Inherits A Fortune Denver, Colo., May 9--The hand of fortune has struck a humble but industrious citizen of Denver in the shape of a legacy of $50,000 to the driver of a bottling beer wagon. Thomas Gwillim, aged 23 years. The joyous news was conveyed to the young man in a cablegram and an advance of $1,000. The wealthy uncle, after whom he was christened, and the last of the family save himself, had died in London, England and had left a will bequeathing his wealth to him. The draft, which was issued on the Bank of England, confirmed the information contained in the cablegram, and last evening the young man left the city for London to take possession of the fortune. His good luck had evidently failed to turn his head, and he accepts his fortune very modestly. In the preparation made for his long journey the only new addition made to his wardrobe was a suit of clothes purchased at a downtown clothier's.
Denver Evening Post 7-31-1895 News of the State - Pueblo - The home of J. G. Keller, city agent for the Rock Island railroad, was entered by thieves Monday evening and his trousers, containing $200 stolen. The pants were found in the garden minus the money.
Denver Evening Post 11-11-1895 State Happenings - Pueblo - Mike Finn, an employee of the Pueblo smelter, received a crushed knee while at work yesterday.
Rocky Mountain News, 11-25-1895 Runaways Caught
Pueblo, Colo., Nov. 24.,--Lewis Vilet, 14 years old, and David Vilet, 16, runaways from Denver, and Frank Summer, 13, from Butte Mont., were arrested by the police at the Union Depot tonight and are held.
Denver Evening Post 12-31-1895 - About the National Guard - It Can Be Depended On in Case of Emergency - The Colorado National Guard at the present time contains 906 men and 98 officers. The guard is under command of the governor, and receives its orders through the adjutant general. This position is held by Cassius M. Moses, Benjamin F. Klee being assistant adjutant general... Colonel H. B. McCoy of Pueblo is in command of the Second regiment. Seven companies are in the Second, two in Pueblo, two in Leadville, and one in Lake City, Cripple Creek and Monte Vista... The guard is well equipped, and is noted for its efficiency.
Denver Evening Post 2-22-1896 State Happenings - Pueblo, Colo., Feb. 22 - A big mass meeting of citizens under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce was held last night to discuss the project of improving and up-building Pueblo. The utmost enthusiasm prevailed throughout the evening and all present were united on the subject of making the city busy and beautiful. The president appointed the following ladies as public improvement committee: Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Dr. Heller, Mrs. Wormley, Mrs. Sproat, Mrs. A. J. Bauer, Mrs. H. F. Sharpless, Mrs. N. W. Dixon, Mrs. J. N. Carlile and Mrs. G. L. L. Gann.
Denver Evening Post 2-27-1896 State Happenings - Pueblo - Daniel Morgan appeared at the police station yesterday and surrendered himself. Morgan says he is a bigamist and wants to be punished for it. He will be held in custody until his story is investigated.
Rocky Mountain News 3-4-1896 Sullivan's Condition - Pueblo, Colo., March 3 - James Sullivan, from whose skull some four square inches of bone was removed Sunday, was resting very easily to-day and a very marked improvement was noticed in his condition. The attending surgeons seem sanguine as to the result of the operation, both as to the man's recovery and the return of his speaking faculties. Already some improvement is noticeable in his ability to enunciate the words "yes" and "no."
Denver Evening Post 3-31-1896 State Happenings - Pueblo, March 31 - Joseph Abraham's residence was damaged $500 by fire at 10:30 last night.
Rocky Mountain News 4-20-1896 Had His Pockets Picked - Pueblo, Colo., April 19 - John Muir, a miner from Glenwood Springs, had his pockets picked about 3 o'clock this morning while standing on the street talking to a negro woman, and lost $775 which he carried in his inside vest pocket. The officers to-night have arrested a woman who has been positively identified by Muir, and gives her name as Frankie Anderson, alias Maggie Lee.
Denver Evening Post 5-5-1896 State Happenings - Graneros, May 5 - E. S. Bruce of Pueblo was assaulted on Sunday by Wm. Prather, a ranch hand. Prather has disappeared. It is believed that he is insane. Bruce's injuries will probably result fatally.
Denver Evening Post 8-9-1896 State Happenings - Pueblo, Aug. 11 - The city council of this place passed the curfew ordinance last night. R. A. Druley was elected police magistrate to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Magistrate Gray.
Rocky Mountain News 11-23-1896 Pueblo Associated Charities Pueblo, Colo., Nov. 22 - There was an audience at the Grand Opera house this afternoon that filled the building to the doors at the annual public meeting of the associated charities of Pueblo. Rev. Charles P. Wilder, pastor of the Presbyterian church, the president of the association, presided. Rev. E. P. Newton, the retiring president, Governor-elect Adams, Father O'Ryan of Denver and Rev. E. Evans Carrington of Pueblo were the principal speakers. Paul Egry of Denver, the violinist, assisted the Pueblo soloists in the musical portion of the programme.
Rocky Mountain News 11-25-1896 Pueblo Committee - They Promise (Hon. William J.) Bryan the Biggest Kind of a Reception - The Pueblo reception committee arrived in the city (of Denver) last evening, headed by Dr. A. T. King, mayor of Pueblo. The committee numbers thirty-five of the leading citizens and represents not only the chamber of commerce but every prominent business and trade organization of the city. The special train over the Rio Grande bearing Mr. Bryan and the party will leave the Union depot at 6:30 this morning, arriving at Pueblo, without a stop on the way. A programme has been prepared covering the time until 6:35 this evening, when Mr. Bryan will leave for his home in Lincoln, Neb., over the Rock Island road. The distinguished silver advocate is to be the guest of the city during his stay in Pueblo. He is billed for an address at the Central High school, and a lunch at the residence of Governor Adams, after which there is to be a grand parade and addresses by Mr. Bryan at the opera house and the Mineral palace. The parade is to be the largest affair of the kind in the history of Pueblo, and it is expected by members of the committee that the attendance from the towns of the Arkansas valley will break all previous records. Mr. Bryan is to be welcomed with brass bands and shouts of thousands, and if the greeting falls short in any particular it will not be the fault of the public-spirited citizens who have had the matter in charge. Among the gentlemen arriving last evening, a number of whom registered at the Oxford, may be named, Mayor A. T. King, J. B. Orman, Judge C. J. Hart, Sheriff A. H. Moses, Otto F. Thum, Hume Lewis, M. Studinsky, S. D. Trimble, T. J. Morgan, Judge Voorhees, A. F. Vaile, James A. Park, Joseph Loor, Benjamin Mattice, A. Sunneborn, A. Park, F. M. McAllina and J. J. Burns.
Rocky Mountain News 11-25-1896 Sent to the Reformatory - Pueblo, Colo., Nov. 24 - Charles Weidman pleaded guilty to the charge of grand larceny in the district court to-day and was committed to the state reformatory at Buena Vista. Some weeks ago he stole $100 from John Shoutz while they were out together on a spree and Weidman was captured some time later in Denver by Detective Ingersoll.
Denver Evening Post 11-10-1896 Don't Belong in Denver - A Pueblo Business Man Becomes Insane on a Train - A brief telegraphic dispatch announces the arrest at Spokane, Wash., last evening of Max Schwer, a Denver saloon man. The prisoner was taken off a train a raving maniac. After the train had passed Walla Walla Schwer forced his way into the Pullman and greatly terrified the passengers. The unfortunate man does not belong in Denver but is a member of the liquor firm of Schwer Brothers, 315 Santa Fe avenue, Pueblo. The firm denies that he is insane, alleging he is only suffering from the effects of a recent illness. One of Schwer's brothers will leave Pueblo to-night for Spokane.
Rocky Mountain News 12-3-1896 Superintendent Resigns - Pueblo, Colo., Dec. 2 - A. S. Dwight, for seven years superintendent of the Colorado Smelting company, has resigned his position with that company and accepted the position of general superintendent for the Consolidated Kansas City Smelting and Refining company, with offices at Kansas City.
Rocky Mountain News 12-3-1896 Pueblo Press Resumes - Pueblo, Colo., Dec. 2 - After a suspension of some days the Pueblo Evening Press resumed publication to-night with A. P. Hasslock as business manager and N. P. White in editorial control. The paper will be Democratic in politics. It was formerly Republican.
Rocky Mountain News 12-9-1896 Their Golden Wedding- Mr. and Mrs. Stebbins of Pueblo Entertain Their Friends - Pueblo, Colo., Dec. 8 - Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Stebbins to-night celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. They were married just fifty years ago to-day at Grand Rapids, Mich., and came to Denver in 1871. Afterwards they went to Golden and came to Pueblo four years ago. Mr. Stebbins is 71 years of age and hale and hearty. The couple received the congratulations of their numerous friends who called on them to-night in honor of the unusual occasion. Mrs. H. T. Quick of Golden, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stebbins, was among the guests from abroad.
Denver Evening Post 12-12-1896 She Would Practice Law - Mrs. Carrie C. Holly of Pueblo, member of the last legislature, has applied to the supreme court for permission to practice law in this state. She is the fifth woman to apply for admission to the bar in Colorado.
Denver Evening Post 12-24-1896 Took $20 From a Prisoner - Pueblo, Dec. 24 - T. H. Tennington, a prominent colored man here, was to-day arrested for taking from Jeff Dennison, who is in jail, $20, promising with it to secure his liberation.
Rocky Mountain News 2-13-1897 Pueblo Republicans - Central Committee Making Preparations for the Spring Campaign - Pueblo, Colo., Feb. 12 - A well attended meeting of the Republican central committee was held to-night. The McKinley wing is practically in control. Everything passed off quietly until the rule was reached providing that, "no person shall be eligible to be a delegate in the Republican city convention, neither shall any person serve as such delegate except he or she be a legal Republican voter in the precinct for which he or she is elected and shall have unqualifiedly supported the regular nominee of the party for at least two years prior to the date of the convention to which he or she seeks admission." After considerable parley the last clause was stricken out and the paragraph adopted. A committee consisting of H. D. Hathaway, J. R. Gordon, Henry Barclay, Mrs. H. A. Samuel, Mrs. W. J. Noble, A. B. Chase and Charles Erdman was appointed to prepare a call for the primaries and convention and also to arrange for the basis of representation.
Denver Evening Post 3-13-1897 Denver Players Engaged - Burt Jones of Pueblo, reserved by Milwaukee, will go East in a fortnight. He will probably play again this season with the Brewers. Kimlock of Denver will play with St. Joseph.
Denver Evening Post 4-5-1897 A Swing Around the Circle -The following young men passed satisfactory examinations for appointment as cadets to West Point at the Pueblo examination: William L. Guthrie, Rocky Ford; Lawrence Lewis, John Martel, A. C. Glenn and Charles M. Newell of Pueblo.
Rocky Mountain News 4-6-1897 Early Appointments - Other appointments (for state political offices) of the day were: Fish Commissioner and Game Warden - J. S. Swan, Grand Junction... J. S. Swan, the new game and fish warden, is a newspaper man by profession, having conducted journals in Pueblo and latterly in Grand Junction, his present home. Mr. Swan's application was the first to be considered by the governor, and although one other candidate has spent almost the entire time since January 4 in the city and firing in indorsements, geographical location cut a big figure in favor of Mr. Swan.
Denver Evening Post 4-9-1897 A Swing Around the Circle Charles Stewart, a U. P. D. & G. brakeman, lost a leg while switching cars at Pueblo yesterday.
Denver Evening Post 4-19-1897 Swing Around the Circle W. E. Tripp of Pueblo is in trouble. It is claimed that he represented himself as librarian and secured several large consignments of books. Now all the firms are after him.
Denver Evening Post 4-19-1897 Swing Around the Circle Mrs. Mae Inlow Dow made application through the district court at Pueblo yesterday to be awarded the custody of her 3-year-old child.
Denver Evening Post 4-19-1897 Swing Around the Circle Lawrence Lewis of Pueblo has been ordered to report for cadetship at West Point.
Rocky Mountain News 4-22-1897 Executive Board Member - Pueblo, Colo., April 21 - Will H. Samuel of this city was to-day appointed a member of the executive board for the Fourth district of the National League of the Musicians' union. The Fourth district includes the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Colorado, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Nebraska.
Denver Evening Post 4-23-1897 Swing Around the Circle - Otto F. Thumb, of the Pueblo labor Union, was appointed to look up the matter of hiring convict labor.
Rocky Mountain News 4-25-1897 Pueblo Park Commissioners - Pueblo, Colo., April 24 - O. H. P. Baxter, Mrs. Clara M. Latshaw and George Meserole, the commissioners for park district No. 1, named by Mayor Orman last Monday, had their first meeting to-day. Mr. Baxter was chosen president and the board considered plans for the improvement of the parks of their district.
Rocky Mountain News 5-15-1897 - Three Years at Hard Labor - Pueblo, Colo., May 14 - Lena Smith, a colored woman, was sentenced to three years at hard labor for robbery from the person. James Payne of Fowler was the complaining witness. The Smith woman robbed him of $2. She has frequently in the past been charged with similar offenses, but always managed to escape prosecution, principally because her victims refused to appear as witnesses against her. She served one term in the state prison for such a crime.
Rocky Mountain News 5-15-1897 Fire at Rye - Pueblo, Colo., May 14 - The drug store of W. O. Hays at Rye, a two-story building, a shed containing agricultural implements belonging to George Sears, and a dwelling belonging to Frank Miller, were burned yesterday. There was some insurance on the drug store, but the loss on the three other buildings was complete.
Rocky Mountain News 5-20-1897 On a Charge of Assault - Pueblo, Colo., May 19 - Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Prosser were arraigned in the county court to-day on the charge of assault with a deadly weapon. Each pleaded not guilty and both were released on bonds. Lu Tine is the complaining witness and alleges that he went to Prosser's house to collect some rent. A dispute arose in which he alleges that Prosser struck him with an ax and that Mrs. Prosser pounded him up with a revolver.
Denver Evening Post 5-22-1897 Glances At Our Neighbors - Colorado - For the first time in the history of the city, Pueblo's saloons were all closed last Sunday. What a rush there must have been when day began to dawn Monday!
Denver Evening Post 5-28-1897 Dropped Out of Sight - Pueblo Restaurant Man Disappears - Pueblo, May 28 - George Baxter, proprietor of the Green Light restaurant, left the city last night and his whereabouts are unknown. His creditors this morning took possession of the restaurant and are keeping it open. The man's disappearance is inexplicable as the place had a large patronage and was supposed to be making money.
Rocky Mountain News 6-3-1897 Stabbing Affray at Pueblo - Young Wade Smith Probably Fatally Wounded About Midnight - Pueblo, Colo., June 2 - About midnight a boy named Wade Smith, 19 years of age, was stabbed at the house of a woman named Lida Burke, in what is called Mexico. He was stabbed in the lung and abdomen so that the bowels protruded, and will probably die. The woman says the stabbing was done at the door by a mulatto named Benvenue, accompanied by another person. The parties have been arrested and deny the woman's statement in total, but she persists in her story.
Denver Evening Post 6-4-1897 Swing Around the Circle - Wade Smith of Pueblo, who was shot by Ben Bevenue, a colored man, made a dying statement last night incriminating the latter.
Denver Evening Post 6-23-1897 Missing Man Found - Pueblo, June 23 - Major W. F Townsend, one of the best known citizens in Pueblo and prominently known throughout the state, disappeared from his home at Beulah last Monday and was not located until this morning. He is at a small farm in a valley fifteen miles from Beulah. In reaching this place he crossed a range of mountains so high that it seems impossible that a man of his years should have climbed. He refuses to return home and the gentleman who brought the news of Townsend's whereabouts says that it is believed that he is insane. Townsend has been very prominent in politics and is one of the best stump speakers in the state.
Denver Evening Post 8-4-1897 From All Over Colorado - Trinidad, Aug. 4 - A bolt of lightning struck the stable of Charles Fuhrman, a plasterer yesterday, and destroyed the stable and contents.
Rocky Mountain News 12-1-1897 Police Matron Makes an Arrest - Mrs. Resoner of Pueblo Shows Herself a Worthy Member of the Finest - Pueblo, Colo., Nov. 30 - Pueblo has a police matron and she is not afraid to arrest a man. Mrs. S. N. Resoner, who fills that position, to-day found a man about 45 years old behaving himself in an unbecoming manner near one of the public schools and promptly took him into custody, marching him not a little distance to the city jail. There he gave his name as S. K. Smith.
Weekly Rocky Mountain News 12-29-1898 Brief Telegraphic News - Friday - Gus Chandler, a negro, was shot in the forehead by another negro in Pueblo. The negro's skull, however, was too thick and the bullet merely inflicted a bad fracture.
Weekly Rocky Mountain News 12-29-1898 Brief Telegraphic News - Saturday - Colonel Henry B. McCoy of the First Colorado volunteers, according to a letter received in Pueblo, will endeavor to have two pieces of ancient Spanish ordnance, captured by the Colorado boys at Manila, sent to Pueblo for exhibition in the city park there.
Pueblo Star Journal 3-2-1899 After Many Years - Some 23 or 24 years ago, Robert Grant built the small frame house at the southwest corner of Sixth and Santa Fe avenue for a butcher shop, and a meat business was conducted there by Mr. Grant for several years. Then the store-room was occupied by different lines of trade and up to a few months ago was a Chinese laundry. History repeats itself and now the building is again used for its original purpose. .that of a meat market by the Santa Fe Meat company.
Pueblo Star Journal 3-2-1899 Gold Medal - Goodner, Chritton & Adams have just received from the Trans-Mississippi and International exposition managers, a beautifully engraved gold medal for having exhibited there the best rotary steam engines made in the world. This firm of Pueblo inventors is now negotiating with a Philadelphia concern for the right to manufacture and build these engines, and the sale will no doubt go through. Messers. Goodner and Chritton are the inventors of the engine, which has already been described in these columns, and if this sale goes through they will have realized a handsome sum for their years of study and labor.
Pueblo Star Journal 3-2-1899 Mrs. John A Logan is critically ill with la grippe in Washington. Major John A Logan, her son, serving with the volunteer army in Cuba, has been summoned to the bedside
Pueblo Star Journal 3-2-1899 Governor Thomas has named Dr. George E. Taylor, Dr. Josiah N. Hall of Denver and Dr. C. J. Chapman of Sterling as the state board of health, to succeed Drs. Sewall, Munn and Mc Laughlin
Pueblo Star Journal 3-2-1899 In the investigation at Guthrle, W.F. Sins, a large cattle shipper, swore on the stand that he had paid $500 to Cattle Quarantine Inspector San Matthews to allow a bunch of 100 head of diseased cattle to cross the quarantine line. He cited several other instances.
Pueblo Star Journal 3-2-1899 J. E. Riser was in Denver yesterday
Pueblo Star Journal 3-2-1899 Colonel I. W. Stanton is in Denver
Pueblo Star Journal 3-2-1899 U. H. Groat, a New Yorker, is in the city
Pueblo Star Journal 3-2-1899 Paul Wilson was in Denver yesterday
Pueblo Star Journal 3-2-1899 Sidney Lang has returned from Old Mexico
Pueblo Star Journal 3-2-1899 G. Gordon is in the city from San Francisco.
Pueblo Star Journal 3-2-1899 Sent By Members Of Company A First Colorado Regiment. -
A letter of warning. - First Squad of the Company all in good health but are anxious to return to Pueblo-Gift limited on account of scarcity of Stamps - They claim as ever Dead Broke. -
A queer looking package arrived at the Pueblo post office yesterday. It came all the way from Manila and was addressed to Charles Guy, Duffy Hoffman, George Mayer, Ben Bergerman et al and the entire push at the Rovers club. The outside wrapping was a newspaper published in English containing the news that all the boys had sore arms from vaccinations. Sewing thread took the place of twine and inside was a package of Alhambra cigarettes. Twenty were in the package and about the first twenty members of the club visiting the house after the receipt of the package sampled them notwithstanding the warning given in the following letter which accompanied the package.
Manila, P.1. January 17th.
Old timers:
WE the undersigned members of the first squad, of the first section of the first platoon of the first (A) company of the first battalion of the First Colorado regiment of infantry, of the Second Division of the Eight army corps of the glorious army of the good 0ld United States, do hereby agree: In a meeting held this day to send you as a souvenir a package of the best most high priced (price two cents) cigarillos on the island. Don't smoke them: they are stronger than cigars and will cause sea sickness. We are all well and mighty anxious to get away from this place and back to our old haunts and beer places. Hoping you accept this package as a token of our best wishes, we remain as ever, still broke.
Lieutenant S. E. Thomas, Corporals And Sergeants Walter E. Bailey, Chas. U. Davies. A. B. Teal, Privates Fred G. Rice, R. G. Tomlinson, A. K. Plaisted, G. K. Wilson, J. E. Cleland, John E. Hovey (Cook), James J. Carey, C. N. Stillwell, William U. Curtis (Interpreter For Staff), Byron J. Le Compte, Frits Blunt, H. H. Blunt.
P.S... .Excuse dirtiness of paper. We would send more cigarettes but one package is all the whole gang has stamps for.
Pueblo Star Journal 3-4-1899 Mr. & Mrs. U. A. Kelley arrived home yesterday from the eastern markets and a beautiful line of fine spring millinery is following them on every train.
Pueblo Star Journal 3-4-1899 Miss Carrie Redfern, the popular milliner for the Pueblo Dry Goods and Millinery company, has returned from her eastern purchasing tour. Her trimmer, Miss Effie Cathcart, of Chicago, accompanied Miss Redfern home, and a world of beautiful new goods are now arriving.
Pueblo Star Journal 3-4-1899 Miss C.M. Young, of Pittsburg, PA., arrived in our city yesterday morning to take charge of the trimming department of the A. B. Franks Millinery Co.
Pueblo Star Journal 3-4-1899 Miss Perkins, the eastern trimmer who was secured by Mr. Orr while east for their new millinery department, arrived Saturday morning and will take her place in their beautiful parlors Monday morning. Miss Perkins is a pleasant lady and knows her business, having trimmed in the large cities of the east for a number of years.
Pueblo Star Journal 3-4-1899 Large Pensions - Story of Those Who Receive Them From the Government -
From a Washington Special - Referring again to the proposition to give a pension to ex-Senator John N. Palmer, I find at the
pension office that two persons, Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Garfield, receive pensions of $5,000 a year. One
Mrs. Sheridan, has $2.500; eight, including Mrs. John C. Fremont, Mrs. Logan and Mrs. George B. McLellan, receive $2,000 a year, and 45 receive $1,200 a year. Among these are the widows of Generals
N.P. Banks, John B. Course, Walter Q. Gresham, George A. Custer, General Doubleday, General Hartranft,
General Robert Anderson, General Casey, General Gibbon, General Kirkpatrick, General Mower, General
Paul, General Ricketts, General Warren, General Rousseau And Admiral Wilkes. .Among the men who receive
pensions of $100 a month are John A. Mc Clernand, of Illinose; John N. Thayer, of Lincoln, Neb; Franz
Sigel, of New York, and John C. Black, of Chicago. The remainder are granted to soldiers of the late
war who suffered the loss of both hands, and are as follows: George U. Warner, of New Haven, Conn;
Lewis A. Horton, Boston; John U. January. Dell Rapids, S.D; Thomas Riley, Cresco, IA. William
Gretter, Columbus, 0., Thomas Shelby Wilson, Samuel U, Price, Louisville; Benjamin Franklin, Red Oak,
IA.; Alonzo Allen, Troy, New York.; Morris Drury, New York City; Michael Maker, Highland Falls, N.Y.;
Daniel Fuller, Ulysses, Pa., Nathan Kimball, Ogden, Utah; Richard D. Dumphy, Valieio, Cal.; Joseph A.
Cooper, St. John, Kas.; Frank Merk Or Marks, St. Louis, Mo.; Michael Case, Philadelphia., Pa.; Samuel
Becker, Washington D.C.; William B. Deiiney, Washington D.C.; And Thomas Dennis, Washington D.C.. The other pensioners drawing $100 a month are, Emily J. Stanard, of Burlington, Vt.; Henrietta 0.
Whitaker, Lexington, Ky.; Laura L. Wallen, Narragansett Pier, RI. and Mary H. Nicholson, New York city.
Weekly Rocky Mountain News 3-30-1899 - Brief Telegraphic News - Friday - Dominico Gherno, an Italian, was probably fatally injured while attempting to board a moving train at Pueblo.
Rifle Reveille 8-25-1899 Captain Ewing E. Booth of Company C, First Colorado volunteers, reached Pueblo Sunday evening, he having come on from San Francisco immediately after the landing of the regiment. Captain Booth is on three month's sick leave, he having suffered considerably from a severe attack of dysentery. He will remain in Pueblo about twenty-five days and after a few short side trips will return to the Philippines to assume command of a company in one of the new volunteer regiments organized there in which he was commissioned shortly before the First Colorado left the islands. He reports a pleasant voyage and says that the men are generally in good health.

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