Pueblo County, Colorado
Pueblo News 1910's
Page contributed by Karen Mitchell, news items contributed by Pueblo County Volunteers.
These news items are being extracted from the local newspapers. They are in chronological order. To search for any given name use your browers "Find" button.
Yuma Pioneer 1-28-1910 - At a meeting held in the Pueblo Chieftain office at which eleven cities were represented, the Colorado State Baseball league was launched with the election of A. D. Runyon of Denver as the president, and O. F. Nelson of Pueblo as secretary-treasurer. The new league will be composed of eight towns, which are Denver, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, La Junta, Trinidad, Fort Collins, Cheyenne and Cripple Creek.
Yuma Pioneer 6-24-1910 - Arthur R. Bliesner has been appointed postmaster at Verde, Pueblo county.
Albuquerque Morning Journal July 5 1910 White Men Stabbed By Jubilating Negroes - Pueblo, Max Irwin and J H Moore, two white men were stabbed in the back tonight in a riot between whites and negroes in the Bessemer city park here which is thought to have resulted from the outcome of the Jeffries Johnson fight. Neither of the wounded men is in a serious condition. The negroes who used the knives have not been arrested.
Albuquerque Morning Journal 7-11-1910 Man Jumps From Train – Trinidad, Co. Nearly 100 men, women and children faced death here today when the motorman on a Pine street car, terrified by supposed failure of the brakes on a steep hill, jumped and the car rushed toward a sharp curve at the bottom. The impending doom was averted by Phil Miller, a recently employed motorman who happened to be on the car. At the cry "the motormans jumped" Miller fought his way to the front platform threw the brake and stopped the car at the edge of the curve. He then took it to the end of the line.
Yuma Pioneer 9-2-1910 - While being returned to the Pueblo jail after being fined $100 in court on a vagrancy charge, Peter Kerr, an alleged kleptomaniac, made an attempt to steal the hat of Magistrate Chambers, who assessed the fine. He had almost reached the jail to work out the fine when the deputy discovered the headpiece under the prisoner's coat. The police say petty thieving is a mania with Kerr.
Yampa Leader, September 23, 1910 - Are Now Pharmacists - Denver. - As a result of the state board of pharmacy's examinations at the Denver-Gross Medical college the following were passed as registered pharmacists: I.E. Arentz, Denver; Albert J. Bacon, Pueblo; George W. Bean, Pueblo; R.R. Bell Denver; Earl D. Bradley, Denver; B. Carpenter, Grand Junction; George H. Chittick, Colorado Springs; Grover Coder, Denver; T.L. Edgar, Ordway; H.D. Peltz, Denver; F.F. Frye, Colorado Springs; Chester E. Harding, Denver; Chester E. Haskins, Salida; Fred E. Holland, Las Animas; Fred E. Judy, Denver; Herbert Luria, Denver; LeRoy Newbern, Pueblo; J. Albert [ stops here]
Yuma Pioneer 11-18-1910 - Census returns issued from Washington show the population of Pueblo, Colo., to be 44,395, as compared with 28,157 in 1900.
Yuma Pioneer 11-25-1910 - Milton Fish, pastor of the Mesa Baptist church, Pueblo, caused a sensation in his congregation when he read his resignation and gave as his main reason the irregularity with which his pay was coming.
Yuma Pioneer 12-2-1910 - A number of horses have been missing from farms near Pueblo of late.
Yuma Pioneer 12-2-1910 - An automobile driven by L. L. Gray of Pueblo was wrecked near Palmer Lake and three of the four occupants were injured.
Yuma Pioneer 12-2-1910 - Sixty days in jail was the punishment of Martin M. Brown and wife, of Manzanola, for abandoning their baby in Pueblo, recently.
Yuma Pioneer 1-13-1911 - Mrs. Mary M. Bowen of Pueblo has brought suit against the Santa Fe railroad to recover $1,925 damages for having to wait for a late train, which resulted in the illness of her infant.
Yuma Pioneer 1-20-1911 - Flynn Returns Home - Pueblo - Jim Flynn, the well known Pueblo prizefighter, arrived for a two-week visit with friends and relatives. Flynn has practically signed for a bout with Carl Morris, the "white man's hope" of Oklahoma. The bout will probably occur in Oklahoma City (on) Washington's birthday.
Yuma Pioneer 1-20-1911 The fifteenth attempt to make an aeroplane flight in Pueblo resulted in another failure.
Yuma Pioneer 2-24-1911 - In one of the fastest and most exciting bouts witnessed in Pueblo, Eddie Johnson of Salt Lake knocked out Kid Taylor of Pueblo in the ninth round of a scheduled 10-round battle. The contest was the wind-up of a German-American club smoker.
Yuma Pioneer 3-3-1911 - Two thoroughbred Llewellyn setters, valued at $4,000 and belonging to Chas. Woodford of Puebloo, have been stolen.
Yuma Pioneer 3-10-1911 - L. J. Seville has been appointed postmaster at Eden, Pueblo county, vice F. S. Barnard, resigned.
Yuma Pioneer 3-17-1911 - Isaac N. Stevens, for eight years owner of the Pueblo Chieftain and candidate for congressman-at-large on the last Republican ticket, has disposed of his newspaper and will retire from the newspaper field.
Yuma Pioneer 4-21-1911 - Stopped by two masked highwaymen in Pueblo, A. T. Thomas, president of the Pueblo Feather Company, was robbed of $53.
Yuma Pioneer 4-21-1911 - C. G. Elliege of Denver, a dining car conductor on the Rio Grande, was almost instantly killed in Pueblo by being run down by an engine in the Union depot yards.
Yampa Leader, 4-21-1911 - Forest Rutherford, a former Pueblo man, was wounded at Douglas, Ariz., by a stray bullet fired during a battle across the line in Mexico, recently.
Wray Rattler – 5-5-1911 Thomas Gerbrich, sentenced last September from Pueblo to thirty to forty years in the penitentiary for self-confessed complicity in the wrecking of a Santa Fe train in September, 1903, at Apishipa creek, has proved an alibi, and an appeal will be made to Gov. Shafroth to secure his release.
Yuma Pioneer 6-9-1911 - Hugh M. Smith was awarded $5,000 damages against the city of Pueblo in District Court for injuries received several months ago by a fall from his bicycle at the Union avenue bridge.
Yuma Pioneer 6-23-1911 - Eddie Johnson, of Alamosa, Colo., and "Kid" Texas, of Pueblo, will meet at Alamosa, June 22nd, in a 15-round contest. Phil Kearney, of Denver, will be matched with the winner.
Yuma Pioneer 7-7-1911 - Mrs. H. J. Hopkins of Pueblo was chloroformed in her home and the house ransacked and valuables taken.
Rocky Mountain News 08/01/1911 - Mrs. Mary Field at Pueblo, identifies the highwayman who killed Steve Gregor as Clarence Kennedy. Officers are not sure that the identification is correct.
Pueblo Leader 8-2-1911 – Pioneers Renew Days of '76 in Annual Meet – Southern Colorado Association Closed Its Picnic at Minnequa Park Last Night With Frontier Meal of Bacon and Coffee, Served Under Evening Skies – After a separation of over forty years Peter Dodson met at the Pioneers' reunion yesterday afternoon an old school teacher of his, Z. T. Savage, 1105 Palmer avenue, Pueblo. The men recognized each other immediately and warm was the hand shake that united the companions of former days after their long separation. They walked off arm in arm discussing the olden days when they had lived together at the old Jarvis Institute, at that time a ministerial school, in Golden. Armed with baskets containing all sorts of good things, and prepared to make the afternoon a memorable one, about 100 members of the Southern Colorado Pioneers association, with their friends and families, participated in the annual picnic at Lake Minnequa park yesterday afternoon. Besides the baskets of eatables which they brought with them a free lunch was distributed by the pioneers' entertainment committee. It was intended to remind the pioneers of the olden days when in the midst of the frontier warfare and hardships they had eaten the same rough fare and had deemed it ambrosia and nectar. Pioneers were in attendance yesterday from many towns in southern Colorado, several coming from Rocky Ford, Fowler, Canon City, Swallows, La Junta, and a few from Denver. Recalled Familiar Scenes – Before the picnic, commemorative exercises were held in the theater at the park. The principal address of the afternoon was given by Judge G. Q. Richmond of Denver, formerly of Pueblo. Judge Richmond gave an eloquent summary of the events in the early days with which the pioneers present were very, very familiar. He cited a number of events in the history of the state which the pioneers had helped into history and spoke of the hardihood and courage displayed by these men who had come west in the early days. The program was opened by President J. G. Morton of Pueblo, who gave a welcome to the visitors and home pioneers who were in attendance. Mrs. Murphy sang a song, “Colorado,” the words of which she wrote herself. The proclamation of President Grant making Colorado a state on August 1, 1876 was then read by President Morton. W. J. Kerr of Pueblo delivered an address on “Pioneer Days.” Miss Charlotte Betts sang a vocal solo. The address of Judge Richmond was then heard and the program closed by the singing of “America.” Frontier Stories – Many were the instances of frontier life discussed by the pioneers as they sat together on the lawn and lived over again the memories of olden days. They told each other of the days when the First Colorado infantry had camped on the ground where now stands the Central block; how Routt avenue on the Mesa was named after the first governor of Colorado, John L. Routt; how the banks of the Arkansas river at that time were used by campers who were passing through on their way to California in search of gold and by Mormons who were on their way to join the rest of their faith at Salt Lake. Many a tale of hardihood and danger was related, many a tale of thrilling fights with Indians and the bad men of the plains. Many a hair-breadth escape from death was related. Among the pioneers present was “Dory” Jones of El Paso, Texas, who moved here from Indiana in 1859. He fought with the First Colorado volunteers when they united with the New Mexico volunteers to oppose Sibley in his famous attempt back in the 60's to take Fort Union, N. Mex., which was the supply point for the Colorado and New Mexico soldiers. Was With Kit Carson – Jones was with Kit Carson in a number of his famous raids and has in his possession the last picture ever taken of Carson. He marched in 1861 with the First Colorado, called by the men at that time the “Thieving First,” and was at the battle of Apache canon, which was the deciding battle of Sibley's raid after which he retreated back to Texas. On his retreat Captain Shinn, an Irishman in Sibley's command, buried his artillery and for a long time no trace of it was known. Finally on the advice of Jones in 1885, it was discovered and dug up. The battery consisted of four pieces, which are now held at the state houses of New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado and the fourth is owned by a man in El Paso, Tex. Jones was with Kit Carson at his first battle, when he took charge of Kit Carson's volunteers. The battle was fought at Val Vardis Flat, which at the present time is in Sorocco (Socorro) county, New Mexico. At one time, Jones relates, he and a Mexican corporal in the Colorado volunteers, named Benito Trujitlo, were so hard pressed by the Indians that they had to live on their plaited rope lariats. They had to hide in the hills and, under the cover of night, boil the rope to soften it and then roast it. They had sixty feet of rope to begin with, and Jones says that they didn't have enough left to hobble their horses. Built First Stock Yards – Among Jones' achievements was the building in 1888 of the first Union Stocks yards in Pueblo. He was also president in 1886, of the first company that owned Lake Minnequa and was one of the men who built the first club house on the spot where the new theater now stands. When the Colorado Fuel and Iron company purchased Lake Minnequa, Jones transcribed and translated the title for them from the original Spanish in the records at Moro, N. Mex., which at that time was the place of registry of all the land titles in the New Mexico territory. He was also present at the time of the death of the famous “Squire” Hart, one of the best known of the old bad men and gamblers of the west. With “Dory” Jones in most of his pioneer experiences was Tom Hawkins, who has resided on Victoria avenue for the past twenty years, and in the first Colorado regiment was Charles Henkle, of the Henkle-Duke house of Pueblo. Dodson Was There – Among those present yesterday was also Peter Dodson of Pueblo who related many interesting stories of the early day. It was Peter Dodson and his father who supplied the Colorado soldiers with meat during their campaign against Sibley. Dodson's father was the first United States marshal in Colorado and Utah. His headquarters were in Salt Lake. Dodson came to Colorado in 1859 and to Pueblo two years later in 1861 where he has resided ever since. Judge G. Q. Richmond who gave the principal address of the day came to Pueblo in 1864 as a soldier and settled here as a farmer in 1866. John D. Miller came to Colorado with the Lawrence Gold company which was formed to search for gold in the mountains of Colorado before the gold craze of 1859 struck the country. Mr. Miller has resided in Pueblo continuously for the past forty-five years and has been one of the most prominent citizens of the town. Among the other old timers who were in attendance yesterday afternoon were W. H. Ricker who came to Colorado in 1860; S. S. Smith, who came in 1859; J. J. Thomas in 1858; Samuel Abbey, Scott Chilcott, G. E. Krenske, Charles Kessler, J. G. Morton and J. Lansing. Poem by Unknown Pioneer – The following poem, was written in 1885 by a Colorado woman whose name is unknown and was read yesterday by G. Q. Richmond of Denver at the exercises of the Southern Colorado Pioneers' association. The poem was written over twenty years ago and was rewritten from memory last week by S. S. Smith of Pueblo. Mr. Smith could not remember the name of the woman who wrote the poem but it had made such an impression on his mind that he had remembered it through all the years. The poem is: Good news has come across that range, / A pioneer has crossed, been over the trail, / The news he brings is wondrous strange. / Let us join the boom we cannot fail. / The trail climbs up from the very start, / From the summit you get a wonderful view / Of a grand and magnificent park. / That God has provided and promised to you. / Every tree has a fruit, every flower a perfume, / That fill your whole senses with bliss; / The trees ever green, the flowers in full bloom, / The seasons not changing like this; / Those who dwell in this favored land / Are those that have gone on before, / They are that old pioneer band, / They have settled to stay evermore. / The brightest and fairest of garments they wear, / Their radiant features are clothed with a smile, / Without one wrinkle or furrow of care, / Just like the innocent face of a child; / There we shall find those we have lost, / They will greet us on this beautiful plain / After the Great Divide is crossed, / And we never shall lose them again. / Friends let us all stake out our claims, / Their By-Laws are just simple and grand, / They consist of this single refrain / Each do every good that you can.
Rocky Mountain News 8-9-1911 -Mistaken Identity Article - Information received at Pueblo, Colo., Miss
Dorothy Seeley, d/o O. C. Seeley, proprietor of Kaiserhof Cafe on Fourth St., was followed
and arrested on suspicion of being one Dorothy Arnold of New York. Miss Seeley had been in
Long Beach, Calif., for her health and detectives hired to locate Dorothy Arnold thought
Miss Seeley was Dorothy Arnold as she was an exact double for her. Miss Arnold's family is
seeking her as she left New York several months ago to avoid marrying a man she did not
love. Miss Seeley convinced the detectives they had the wrong woman.
Yuma Pioneer 8-25-1911 - John Toedder, a tailor, of Pueblo, has received a letter signed "Black Hand," demanding $5,000.
Yuma Pioneer 9-1-1911 Edward Johnson, fifty years old, of Pueblo, was found under a bridge in that city in a critical condition and may die.
Yuma Pioneer 9-1-1911 The mystery concerning the disappearance of three 100-pound bars of high-grade bullion from the Pueblo smelter, and a large amount of brass from the Rio Grande shops has been cleared, the police say, by the arrest of John Smith.
Yuma Pioneer 9-22-1911 Bitten by a centipede at her home in Pueblo, Mrs. S. E. James is in a serious condition, with two physicians attending her.
Yuma Pioneer 9-29-1911 - Anna Freeze, one of the Freeze sisters, whose aerial act was a feature at the State Fair at Pueblo, fell during her performance and suffered a broken collarbone, a fractured arm and other injuries.
Yuma Pioneer 10-13-1911 - Paul Frank, an employe of the Pueblo Electric Company, is in a precarious condition as the result of a rattlesnake bite.
Rocky Mountain News 10-18-1911 - Estate News Article - the state will receive $5,400 in an inheritance
tax payment from the estate of Charles S. Green for a block of land in Pueblo valued at $90,000.
Yuma Pioneer 10-27-1911 - Prizes won by Pueblo county agriculturists in the International Dry Farming Congress, just closed at Colorado Springs, have been received and are being exhibited by the county commissioners. Lee Roper, of the western part of the county, the largest individual exhibitor, won the silver cup for the best individual exhibit of dry farm fruit. His apples were declared the best in the world grown on a dry farm.
Yuma Pioneer 11-3-1911 As a result of resisting holdups in Pueblo Orvid Hitchcock lies in a hospital in a critical condition, having been shot through the groin.
Yuma Pioneer 11-10-1911 The thirty-third degree was conferred upon five Masons at the Masonic temple in Denver. This is the largest number of men who have taken this degree at one time in the history of the order in Colorado. The men who became thirty-third degree Masons were Richard W. Corwin of Pueblo, George W. Vallery of Denver, James R. Killian of Denver, Darius A. Barton of Denver and H. Bruce Teller of Denver.
Yuma Pioneer 12-8-1911 - William Demetral, the Greek wrestling champion, defeated Charles Olson of Indianapolis, after thirty-one minutes of brilliant work on the mat at Pueblo.
Yampa Leader, December 8, 1911 The red light district in Pueblo is to be abolished.
Rocky Mountain News 12-22-1911 News Article - Man Dying of Exposure - Partly Frozen and Benumbed,
Pedestrian Staggers in Off Range - at Pueblo Dec 21, Albert Schultz, from Graneros, fifteen miles south of
here to Pueblo, walked through a foot of snow, he will probably die from exposure. He is
in a local hospital. He staggered into this city with his left foot frozen and so benumbed
by the cold that he was almost senseless.
Yuma Pioneer 1-12-1912 - After eighteen months of idleness Jack Johnson, champion heavyweight pugilist of the world, has signed articles to fight a finish battle with Jim Flynn, the Pueblo fireman, generally regarded as one of the best "white hopes." The fight will take place somewhere in Nevada, next July. As a tentative date, July 22nd was selected, but this may be changed at any time. The fight will be staged at Windward or Metropolis. For his services Johnson is to receive $31,100 and one-third of the receipts from the sale of the moving picture rights. Flynn's share of the purse was not announced. He will be paid by his manager, Jack Carley, who represented the promoters. Their identity is a secret.
Yuma Pioneer 2-9-1912 - The residence of John A. Thatcher of Pueblo, was entered by burglars and diamonds valued at $10,000 taken.
Yuma Pioneer 2-23-1912 - Charging that her husband wanted her to lead a life of shame to support him, Miss Leslye Brown filed suit in the County Court at Pueblo for a divorce from Thomas Brown, a switchman.
Yuma Pioneer 3-1-1912 - W. E. Wilson, convicted of wife beating at Pueblo, was sentenced to serve out a $100 fine on the city wood pile.
Yampa Leader, March 15, 1912 Mrs. Marian C. Gilbert, who was accused of killing her husband in Pueblo was acquitted.
Yampa Leader, March 29, 1912 Swink. -Swink is the only oasis between Kansas City and Pueblo and the coming election will hinge on the question of whether the town shall be wet or dry.
Wet Mountain Tribune 4-4-2012 Peaks of the Past – 100 Years Ago – 1912 – Miss Maud Lake closed a six month term of school in the Valley last Friday and left Monday on her return to Pueblo, her home.
Yuma Pioneer 4-26-1912 - Because she refused to permit a tramp to rob the store of which she was in sole charge, Mrs. John L. Puckett was probably fatally beaten with a stove poker by a tramp at Nyburg, fourteen miles east of Pueblo.
Yuma Pioneer 5-10-1912 - A match has been made between Eddie Johnson of Pueblo and Phil Knight of Kansas City, for a ten-round fight in Pueblo May 20th.
Yuma Pioneer 5-10-1912 - J. G. Todd of Pueblo, a veteran of the Civil War, has been appointed adjutant of the State Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Monte Vista, to succeed Brazier Hunt, who resigned recently.
Yuma Pioneer 5-10-1912 - Clarence and William Burnett, aged fifteen and seventeen, respectively, who were thought to have been drowned near Pueblo two years ago, suddenly appeared at the home of their parents in that city recently.
Yuma Pioneer 5-24-1912 - While returning home from his place of business in Pueblo, John Sweeney, a saloon man, was robbed by two Japanese.
Wray Rattler – 5-30-1912 Young Child Insane – Gertrude Haast, aged 7 years, is the first child to be sent by the county court to the State Home for Mental Defectives, now being built west of Arvada, under an act passed by the last legislature. The child was declared mentally unbalanced by a jury in the county court Friday night. The little girl's case is a pathetic one. She is a daughter of Gerretje Haast, a young Dutch girl, who was found murdered in 1906 in a shack on a claim she was homesteading, twenty-two miles south of Wray. Gerhardt VanWyck, brother-in-law of the murdered woman, is now serving a life sentence for murder. Gertrude Haast was placed in the House of the Good Shepherd shortly after her mother's death. Recently she has showed signs of insanity, but it is thought that with proper treatment at the home her reason will be restored, She will be kept at the Good Shepherd until the state home is completed – Denver News.
Carbonate Chronicle 6-3-1912 - She Stopped Freight Train - The crew of a Denver and Rio Grande freight train were surprised when they ran ahead early yesterday morning to remove an obstacle to find that the obstacle was Mrs. Josephine Syren, of East Seventh street, formerly Mrs. Maimi, who was sitting in her buggy across the track chanting a Finnish love song to her horse. The springs of the buggy were pressed fast together, and the side on which the serenader was sitting was sagging under the generous bulk of Mrs. Syren's one-eighth of a ton. The train crew opened their eyes in amazement at seeing this strange obstruction across the tracks. But the train had to pass and the crew began to argue with the woman to induce her to move on. But the mountain proved a volcano, and Mrs. Syren, who has a large vocabulary of profanity began to spout fire and sulphur from her crater. The eruption was still in progress when Sheriff Schraeder and Deputy Harlan appeared on the scene and began the work of moving the mountain to the other side of the railroad track. She was moved but continued to erupt pet names in the direction of the officers. With the obstacle out of the way the train passed on and the volcano from Finland was passed up the Malta road and into a cell. The latter passing, however, was far from a peaceful one, and the prisoners in the jail say they spent a restless night of it, with the woman upstairs trying to kick holes in the floor. When she is sober Mrs. Syren can make five quarrelsome people look sick in the field of raising Cain. But when she is not sober, she can raise Cain's brother Abel to boot. The officers say that they followed the tracks of the buggy for hours as it went winding in a labyrinthian course over hill and dale in the neighborhood of Malta until they found her tying up traffic on the Rio Grande. Mrs. Syren's husband was found later. He had been taking the same medicine as had his wife.
Yuma Pioneer 6-21-1912 - Johnson Defeats Winters - Alamosa, Colo. - Eddie Johnson of Pueblo was given a well-earned decision over E. V. Winters of Raton here at the end of fifteen fast and exciting rounds. The Pueblo boy was the aggressor throughout although Winters more than held his own in the first eight rounds.
Carbonate Chronicle 6-24-1912 - Around the City As Seen By Our Reporters on Their Daily Rounds – From the Herald Democrat and the Evening Chronicle – From Sunday's Daily – Locking the door of her "crib," on State street, and leaving the sordid life of the tenderloin behind her, a woman of the redlight, calling herself "Sadie Brooks," last night boarded a train for Pueblo, where a home has been provided for her through the kindness of Mrs. Hayes, in charge of the rescue work of the Women's Christian union, and of a number of local women who contributed to funds raised to rent a cottage for her to live in. The woman came here from Salt Lake some time ago and said that she was unable to find work. In order to earn a livelihood she was forced to rent a "crib" and to live the life of the underworld although her condition was that of a woman about to become a mother. Her case soon attracted the attention of some Leadville women and for several weeks not a stone was left unturned to find a home for the woman during her approaching illness. The officials of the Crittenton home of Denver were applied to, but they replied that the woman was too old and that they confine their efforts to helping younger girls to reform. A number of other institutions were tried with as little success. The women who had interested themselves in stretching out a helping hand looked up the law on the subject and were told that there is no provision on the statutes for the assurance of a decent birth for unborn infants where motherhood is under a cloud. Finally, the woman was granted admission to a cottage home in Pueblo. Chairman Sullivan, of the board of county commissioners, was asked to assist in the work of obtaining funds to pay her fare to that city and the rent of the cottage. But he declined and the funds were raised by private subscription. A number of tenderloin women, who are acquainted with Sadie Brooks, showed much sympathy for her in her plight and stood willing to contribute to the fund in case their assistance was needed. The woman has told her acquaintances of State street that she desires to turn over a new leaf and again lead a wholesome, decent life. An effort will be made by Mrs. Hayes, of the W. C. T. U., to give her an opportunity to reform after her illness. If possible work will be provided and she will be given a chance to earn her bread and butter in some place besides a "crib." The woman who left the tenderloin last night is a widow, whose husband died some time ago. She was thrown on her own resources and claims that she was forced into the life she led here involuntarily. One of those who was interested in the case of Sadie Brooks says: "It was a case which has shocked the decent people of Leadville. It is a pity that there is no law to protect unborn infants. It is a pity, too, that there is nothing that can be done in Leadville to handle such a case through official sources. There seems to be no place in the county hospital for women who are unfortunate."
Carbonate Chronicle 6-24-1912 - Around the City As Seen By Our Reporters on Their Daily Rounds – From the Herald Democrat and the Evening Chronicle – From Sunday's Daily – Unfortunate Women - Referring to the case of Sadie Brooks, a State street woman, who left Leadville Sunday night for Pueblo where she is to be given a home in which to bear her child, A. M. Holbrook, of the local People's Mission, states that the woman will stay at Hope cottage. This home has been provided for her by some of the good women of Leadville through the kindness of William H. Lee, superintendent of the Rocky Mountain Rescue and Protection league, an organization which is connected with the People's Mission. The work of the league is to stretch forth a helping hand to unfortunate women. Any woman in embarrassing circumstances will be admitted to the cottages in Pueblo and no questions will (be asked.)
Yuma Pioneer 7-5-1912 - Claude Wood of Pueblo, Colo., has been awarded $5,000 damages for injuries sustained when he was struck by an auto owned by the Teller Reservoir and Irrigation Company in November, 1910.
Yampa Leader, July 12, 1912 Denver. The following accidents have been reported as a result of Fourth of July celebration: Ruth Abbott, Brighton, eyes burned; Carroll Rawls, Brighton, finger shot off; Joe Miller, Superior, shot in the back, may die; Tad Everett, Salida, finger and thumb shot off; Frank Hennes, Pueblo, eyes put out.
Yampa Leader, July 12, 1912 - Cherokee Bill of Grand Junction, aged 115, who, according to the United States census, is the oldest man in the country, has discarded the set of false teeth which has done duty for fifty years, for six pearly white teeth which are appearing in his gums.
Yuma Pioneer 7-26-1912 - Former Governor Alva Adams has formally announced his candidacy for United States senator as successor to Senator Guggenheim.
Yuma Pioneer 7-26-1912 - Henry Coons, forty-four, yardman, was arraigned in a Justice Court at Pueblo charged with a statutory offense. The complaining witness was Mary Ossanko, an Austrian girl.
Yampa Leader, August 9, 1912 Falling from the roof of a three-story building upon which he was working in Pueblo, John Abrams had the good fortune to alight upon a clothes line and then upon a dog, thereby saving his life.
Yampa Leader, August 23, 1912 Johnnie Carver, nine, fell under a heavy ore car at Pueblo and had both legs cut off at the knees.
Yuma Pioneer 8-23-1912 - Met by a burglar, when she returned to her home in Pueblo from church, Mrs. Bruce Kergan, engaged in a scuffle with the highwayman and after being overpowered was locked in a clothes closet while the marauder ransacked the house.
Yampa Leader, September 20, 1912 - Pueblo - James Thomas of Lincoln, Neb., fell from a Rio Grande passenger train about eight miles north of Pueblo, while it was going at a rate of forty miles an hour, and received injuries which may prove fatal.
Bayfield Blade – September 20, 1912 – Hale and hearty, and still able to do a day's work that would fatigue the average young man, Marvin Mead, 82, inventor of a hay press, has just celebrated his anniversary surrounded by many of his descendants at Pueblo.
Yampa Leader, October 4, 1912 Saddler Heir to Immense Fortune Pueblo. - Returning from Los Angeles, where he attended the meeting of eight heirs to an estate worth about $30,000,000, Alfred Burrows, a saddle-maker here, has resumed his duties in the factory, just as if he were not a millionaire.
Yuma Pioneer 10-11-1912 - In a collision of two automobile trucks at Pueblo, Fred Elgin, sixteen, was thrown to the pavement and probably fatally injured.
Yuma Pioneer 10-25-1912 - Harry Engle and P. L. Hubersberger had a narrow escape from death while working on the new Goff theater building at Pueblo, when they fell with the elevator.
Yuma Pioneer 10-25-1912 - A municipal farm for the city of Pueblo is a plan that has been suggested by Municipal Judge R. A. Crossman and which has met with considerable favor from the city commissioners.
Dillon Blue Valley Times 10-25-1912 - Heir to $25,000,000 at Work - Colorado Man Continues Leather Carving Despite Big Share in California Estate - Pueblo, Colo. - Although he has inherited one-eighth of an estate estimated at between $25,000,000 and $30,000,000, Alfred Burrows, thirty-five years old, a leather carver, is at work on his bench in a local saddlery shop as usual, and he intends to stay at his employment until he learns more definite news of the legacy. Burrows has just returned from Los Angeles, where he attended a meeting of the heirs of the large estate of Mrs. Arcadia B. de Baker, who died in Santa Monica, Cal., September 15. Burrows expects to make his home in California when the affairs of the estate are finally settled. At present Burrows resides with his wife at 918 South Union avenue. The estate consists principally of valuable ranches near Los Angeles. Don Juan, the great-grandfather of Burrows, was the friend of a Spanish admiral and inherited the enormous estate by virtue of a grant from the king of Spain.
Yuma Pioneer 11-1-1912 - Farmers Fight for Use of Boxcar - Pueblo - The inability of the railroad to supply enough freight cars to move the bumper crop in the Arkansas valley was responsible for a desperate fight at Vineland, seven miles east of Pueblo, when C. P. Wayt and K. P. Hadden, both wealthy ranchmen, battled for the possession of a boxcar.
Colorado Springs Gazette 11-26-1912 - Girl Found Far up on Mountain Still Silent - Miss Florence Bleargren is the name of the young woman who, in an apparently demented condition, was found Sunday by travelers on the Crystal park road, several miles above Manitou. She is the daughter of a Minneapolis physician. The story of the girl's experience was published yesterday morning. She was found with her face to the ground peering over the brink of a precipice down which she was rolling boulders. While under the influence of mental aberration with which, it is said she is afflicted, she ran away from her mother at their home in Pueblo. The girl was brought here in hope that she might be benefitted by the change. She declines to talk to anyone since she was taken to the county jail, and maintains a sullen silence that all efforts to break have proven without avail.
Yuma Pioneer 11-29-1912 - While he was in his store for a few minutes, E. E. Ellington, a Pueblo merchant, was robbed of his automobile.
Yuma Pioneer 1-3-1913 - Threatened to Kill - That is Charge of Mrs. F. L. Seitz Against Andrew Hogg - Wounded Woman Admits That Quarrel Preceded Shooting at Her Home in Pueblo - Pueblo - A statement that Andrew Hogg, charged with the shooting of Mrs. Frank L. Seitz, attempted her life on a previous occasion, has been made by Mrs. Seitz. She avers that on Christmas eve he visited her home and following an argument, drew a pistol and pressed it against her forehead. "He said he was going to kill," declared Mrs. Seitz. "A woman roomer from above rushed in and grabbed him from behind. She seized the gun and ordered Hogg from the house. He left, swearing that he would kill me before he quit. I had no fear of him whatever. When I heard the window crash I thought maybe the boys, playing in the yard, had thrown a ball against it. Then I felt the pain in my thigh and I knew that I had been shot. I can see no reason why he should want to kill me. I felt sorry for him and have been a good friend, but that is all." Although Hogg maintains his innocence, the police claim to have enough evidence to hold him for trial.
Pueblo Indicator 1-2-1913 Cousin Springs - Mr. and Mrs. A. R. York, living in the valley, were married 51 years ago Dec. 27. Both are in pretty good health.
Yuma Pioneer 1-17-1913 - If a six-year-old girl of Pueblo is able to prove that she is Ethel Cummins, she will get an estate held in Omaha which is valued at $100,000. Otherwise the child, who never was born officially, according to the records at Pueblo, will be shut off completely and another heir with a clear claim will be the fortunate one.
Bayfield Blade 1-24-1913 – Thomas K. Prout, for two years sought by the police of Billings, Mont., for embezzlement, has been arrested in Pueblo, where he has been living with his wife and two children as R. E. Chapman.
Pueblo Indicator 2-22-1913 Moss Harris, 70 Years, Married 46 Years, Hale and Hearty – Last Wednesday, February 19th was an important day for Mr. and Mrs. Moss N. Harris of 1038 Evans ave., who celebrated the 46th anniversary of their marriage and also the 70th birthday of Mr. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Harris are well and hearty and look good for many more years. Moss is one of the best known of old-time Bessemerites, he having been for many years a clerk in the old company store, corner Northern and Abriendo. He now has a clerical position at the steel works and is at his place every day as regular as a clock.
Pueblo Indicator 2-22-1913 Tom McMahon was Slugged and Robbed Wednesday Night – Tom McMahon was slugged and robbed by thugs and relieved of $1.30 but the holdups overlooked $11 that Tom had in his hip pocket. He was approached by one of the men who asked for a match and while Tom was getting one out of his pocket, the thugs dealt him a blow on the right side of the head and face that rendered him unconscious. After recovering, he made his way home and medical assistance was called. There seems to be no clue to the holdups.
Pueblo Indicator 2-22-1913 Bad Man Shoots Meredith On The Streets Of Rye – Posse Spends Bitter Cold Night in Mountains But Lands Its Man – Marshall Walker, a Tennesseean who landed in Rye two years ago shot Harry Meredith of that town in a dispute over payment for a motorcycle that Walker had bought from Meredith and then fled to the mountains. The victim was shot in the stomach with a revolver and as he fell the would-be murderer held the crowd off at the point of a gun, and securing a horse, made a dash for the hills. A posse was soon formed and in pursuit, and in the meanwhile word was telephoned to Sheriff McMillan's office in Pueblo, and Deputies Burrows and Fabrizio were sent out in an auto. Geo. A. Gray, a merchant of Rye, brought the wounded man to the hospital in Pueblo and at last accounts he was resting easy. An all night man hunt brought the fleeing gunman to bay, he being captured in a barn about three miles from Rye, he having doubled back in his tracks, he finding it a difficult job to elude a Western posse when once it is thoroughly aroused. Rye citizens showed their grit in tracking an armed and desperate man all night through deep snows of the mountains and at last succeeding in bringing the quarry to bay. Members of the posse who captured the Tennesseean after the all night chase were: George O. Gray, Will Meredith and M. Meredith, cousin and uncle of Harry Meredith, the victim of the shooting; J.J. Crawford, E. McIlvain, Tom Hendricks, Charles Webster, Jessep Gill, F. Gill, Emmett Rusk, Leonard Hawkins, Neil McKinley, R.A. Totten, Dixon Burkett, Cleve Dixon, Henry Barnard, H.T. Ashley, W.H. Easter, W.H. Baker. Pueblo Indicator 3-15-1913 – Almost side by side with a man whom he is charged with shooting, Marshal Walker of Rye, lies in a critical condition at Minnequa hospital at Pueblo.
Yuma Pioneer 2-28-1913 - District Attorney J. M. Davidson, of Pueblo, has decided to file a direct information against Frank Caldwell and Mrs. Eva Blanchard charging them with the murder of the woman's husband.
Pueblo Indicator 3-8-1913 Swift Punishment Follows Crime – James Collier, who burglarized the home of H. C. Schmidt at 847 Evans avenue about February 20, was found guilty of the charge in District Judge Essex' court last Monday and sentenced to a term of from 15 months to three years in the state penitentiary. The prisoner attempted an excuse by pleading that he was drunk at the time but it did not help him.
Pueblo Indicator 3-15-1913 - Fire Horses Were Sold - A number of the city's fire horses were sold at public auction at the city hall last Tuesday forenoon, Harvey Birch, a liveryman, buying most of them. The auto-trucks and engines now take the places of the horses in most of the fire stations.
Yuma Pioneer 3-28-1913 - One of the finest homes for women and girls affected by the high cost of living and the low wages is to be erected in Pueblo at the instigation of the city federation of women's clubs.
Pueblo Indicator 4-5-1913 Galbraith Creek Items – On March 28th Mr. and Mrs. Kearney of the K-ranch, celebrated their thirty-third anniversary.
Yuma Pioneer 4-11-1913 - Twice the heroine of elopments before attaining the age of twenty, Carol Coombs Bruner Wheldon, one of Pueblo's promising musicians, has attained a distinction that is unique in that city.
Yuma Pioneer 4-11-1913 - William J. O'Connor of Pueblo, Colo., was sentenced at Hammond, Ind., to serve eight years in the state penitentiary for burglary. O'Conner while in court received a letter from his mother, who did not know of his plight, begging him to come home and give up his evil companions. Note: This man's last name is spelled two different ways in this article.
Pueblo Indicator 4-12-1913 The police made a big raid on one Mike Chancic last Sunday. Mike runs a place in a second story rooming house on Northern avenue, and sleuths had been given a tip. About a dozen police and detectives captured Mike, several cases of beer and a box with glasses, whisky bottles and empties. They are going to make it warm for blind tigers – in Bessemer. They want more revenue – from Bessemer. Mike gave them $50.
Yuma Pioneer 4-18-1913 Conscience-striken a year after she had secured a divorce, Mrs. Abbie Lodge of Pueblo has petitioned the District Court to again make her the wife of Frank Lodge, from whom she had been separated.
Yuma Pioneer 4-25-1913 To block a divorce suit, Mrs. Frank Kasmdell of Pueblo hired men to kidnap her husband and take him out of the jurisdiction of the court.
Yuma Pioneer 4-25-1913 Amid the cheers of the spectators the ten-round bout between Eddie Johnson of Pueblo and Frankie Whitney of Cedar Rapids, Ia., at the Denver Athletic Club was declared a draw by Referee Gallagher.
Pueblo Indicator 4-26-1913 Turned Seventy-Fifth Year – William Baron, for forty-two years a resident of Pueblo, was 75 years old on the 21st inst. He has for a long time lived in Salt Creek and has been an active citizen all his life. He is still hale and hearty and able to do his day's work with men much his junior in years. He now comes under the old age increase of pension act, for he was a soldier of the Civil war. He has spent much of his life as an employe of brick yards and with bridge building companies.
Pueblo Indicator 4-26-1913 Brick Wall Fell In – Was Probably Jarred Loose by Fire Chief Christy's Wild Plunge – The north wall of the Swift block fell in at 6:30 o'clock last Wednesday morning, the crash and earth tremor arousing many late sleepers in that vicinity. A forty-mile wind was blowing at the time and the four-story brick wall vibrated for a time in a threatening manner and then tumbled. Fortunately there were no passers-by and no one was injured. The supposition has been advanced that the wall might have been weakened by the sudden jolting which that section of the city received the evening before when Fire Chief Christy, in response to a false alarm, went scorching along Sixth street and ran into a rope stretched across the street to keep pedestrians out of the danger zone. The impact of the auto with the rope was great and when the rope snapped it swung back and seriously injured a man and woman passing nearby.
Pueblo Indicator 5-3-1913 - Entertained By Bessemer Club - Large Crowd Attends Business Meeting and Witness Sporting Events - There was a large attendance at the meeting of the Bessemer Club held Wednesday night at the city hall, the overflow having been attracted on account of the special features. After the regular business was disposed of the fun begun and it proved to be a real entertainment, the first attempt of the kind in Bessemer for a long time. Now everybody is talking about it and wanting more of the same kind. Martin Supan, a fireman, went through some gymnasium work and proved to be an acrobat. He showed surprising agility and strength and received the well merited applause of the spectators. Drills were put on by others of the Bessemer company and proved to be entertaining. The men show the effect of careful drilling and were cheered for the excellence of their performances. Two boxing matches were pulled off between colored boys and they proved to be worthy of the purse of silver coin collected for them. Walter Milton and Freeman Hurd went four rounds. Hurd was not scheduled but he proved a good pick-up and held his own very well with Milton who is an amateur of well known ability. No decision was rendered by Referee J. D. Byrne. "Pie" Davis and Lancey Butler followed in a six round go that proved to be very fast, each contestant trying to secure a knock-out. Davis is an old-timer in the ring and has boxed with some of the fastest lightweights who come along, but Butler made a good match for him and held his own all through the trying ordeal. Butler assumes the Jack Johnson attitude and his foot work is remarkably fast, while his ease of manner and stunning blows make him look like a coming champion. Another entertainment will be given before long by the club.
Pueblo Indicator 5-10-1913 Woman Elected to School Board – Pueblo – With no opposition to the two candidates running for office, a woman was chosen school director on the South Side in Pueblo when Mrs. H. F. Ruegnitz was elected along with Dr. R. W. Corwin, the other candidate.
Wray Rattler – 5-22-1913 Barber Beats Wife, Then Mother – Pueblo – Harry Walbridge, a Bessemer barber, whipped his wife until her mother, aged eighty-one, and crippled, came to her rescue. He turned his attack upon the old woman, witnesses declared in Police Court, and struck her flush in the face with his fist, knocking her down and inflicting painful injuries, which may prove fatal owing to her advanced age. “I am only sorry that I cannot send you to the penitentiary for 300 years instead of fining you only $300.” Said Magistrate R.A. Crossman, in imposing sentence.
Wray Rattler – 5-22-1913 Victor Girl Finds Way Home – Victor – Lucille Hiton, seventeen, who was lost in the mountains, after straying away from a picnic party, dragged herself into town, having found her way ten miles over the mountains alone.
Wray Rattler – 5-22-1913 Postmaster's Son Robbed Mail – Pueblo – Frank A. Williams, seventeen, son of Postmaster Williams, at Fowler, pleaded guilty to embezzling from the United States mails, while employed at the post office in Fowler, and was sentenced to one year in the federal reformatory at Booneville, Mo.
Yuma Pioneer 5-23-1913 - Girl Confesses She Swore Falsely - Pueblo - In jail on the charge of aiding a white slave conspiracy, Edna Whitehead, nineteen, daughter of George Whitehead, has confessed to the chief of police that she swore falsely in convicting her uncle and that her testimony was given after she had been coached by her father and threatened with death if she failed to do as she had been told.
Pueblo Indicator 5-24-1913 - School Teachers Were Elected - Board Organized and Machinery Set in Motion for Another Year - The members of the school board of District No. 20 assembled at the regular place of meeting, the Central high school building, the afternoon of the 20th inst., and elected the teachers for the ensuing year. Officers of the board were also chosen. The members of the board are W. S. Marble, H. E. Wheeler, Dr. R. W. Corwin, Mrs. Mary A. Ruegnitz and P. Byrnes. The officers chosen are P. Byrnes, president; C. E. Saxton, secretary; C. F. Ray, treasurer. Superintendent J. F. Keating was elected one year ago for a three-year term. High School - Dunton, D. K., principal; Allen, Harriett; Bell, Lida; Christopher, Mary C.; Cuthbertson, Helen; Dunn, Iva May; Gilleland, Tanetta; Graham, May; Hoskins, A. Glenn; Hurford, Alice; Kay, F. C.; Keightley, Annie; Pitts, Lemuel Jr.; Tedmon, B. S. Jr.; Tweig, W. C.; Wilson, Edith Harriet; Blake, Albert W.; McNally, Mary C. Special - Preston, Janet; Gaines, J. Pearl; Reigart, Kathryn; Haines, Al___; Mulnix, Sarah; Hellbeck, Olga; Wells, D. N.; Palmer, Harriet. Central Building - Richey, Bessie R., principal; Henningsen, Bertha; Kirk, D. Estella; Swinehart, Blanche; Lewis, Charlotte; Mackey, Katharine L.; Clark, Nellie; Cline, Rosetta; Allard, Lucile; Betts, Edna. Carlile Building - Chase, Inez J., principal; Dorsey, Belle; Ferris, Hortense E.; Bergin, Florence; Ogle, Mayme; Smith, Mary A.; Ardell, Georgia; Sterrett, Bessie M. Danforth Building - Stack, Caroline, principal; Flynn, Helen A.; Barkley, Neil M.; Bagley, Helen; Colvin, Hazel; Keough, M. Emma; McMorris, Ida; Cameron, Alice O. Bessemer Building - McEvoy, Amy, principal; Wilkinson, Besse; King, Ellen H.; Garinger, Edna R.; McDonnell, Mae; Smith, Liffie F. V.; Scott, Anna L.; Ogle, Beatrice; Read, Faye; Mowe, Winifred; Greib, Anna L. Corona Building - Barkley, Dell, principal; Bell, Bessie; Stone, Mayme; Eyer, Myrtle. Wildeboor Building - Walker, Nannie, principal; Farrar, Eliza R.; Doak, Mary S. Columbia Building - Palmer, Nirma E., principal; Granger, Lulu W.; Williams, Vida V.; Rayner, Marguerite F.; Rainey, Annie R.; Savage, Grace; Green, Sarah M.; Fugard, Zada Z.; Kampf, Louise F. Edison Building - Alexander, Elizabeth, principal; Gregg, Maude C.; Greenman, Olga; Burns, Margaret J. Minnequa Building - MacDonald, Alice, principal; Richey, Alice; Donahue, Jessie; Cuthbertson, Lulu; Carmichael, Helen; Whetsel, Anna L.; Crowell, Edith; Patton, Elizabeth; Harrison, Mayzel; Williamson, Jean; Wright, Elizabeth; Read, Hazel. Lake View Building - Dingman, Jennie K., principal; England, Bessie M.; Palmer, Mildred E.; Bell, Currie. Lincoln Building - Swanzey, Linah, principal; Graham, Lulu D.; Albert, Elsie Virginia. Kindergartens - Adams, Birdie F.; Gayton, Julia H.; Mitchell, Lulu; Hawke, Edna; Williamson, Mary; Cole, Faith; Allin, Jessie; Sharp, Bernice; Gray, Celestine; Reese, Gertrude; Lewis, Elizabeth; Pool, Annie.
Pueblo Indicator 5-24-1913 - Daughters of the American Revolution, Rye, Colo., May 7, 1913. To the Indicator: The Pueblo fort was destroyed on Christmas day, 1854. There was a woman drove up to the fort. The Utes came down from the north, took the woman prisoner, took the harness of the horse and set to massacreing the thirteen men in the fort. They were playing cards and all were too drunk to know what to do. The Indians started for the mountains and took the woman as prisoner. They beheaded her where Canon City now stands. When the Indians were first seen by one of the Mexican families that was living the other side of the Fountain, a girl 14 years old jumped on a pony and drove in their stock so that the Indians could not get them. She is living in Hell's acre across the C. &. S. tracks. She is quite old and feeble, has to use crutches. The Arapahoe Indians came in a day or two after and saw what was done by the mountain Indians. They started up the valley, overtook them up the valley where Salida now stands, gave them battle, took their young women and ponies, came back down, went from Pueblo to Deer Trail east of Denver. Doyle had a trading post there. Now comes the sequel to (the) affair. The smallpox broke out in the camp and nearly annihilated the whole band - that looks as though the devil got the devils.
Pueblo Indicator 5-24-1913 Barber Beats Wife, Then Mother, 81 – Pueblo – Harry Walbridge, a Bessemer barber, whipped his wife until her mother, aged eighty-one, and crippled came to her rescue. He turned his attack upon the old woman, witnesses declared in Police Court, and struck her flush in the face with his fist, knocking her down and inflicting painful injuries, which may prove fatal owing to her advanced age. “I am only sorry that I cannot send you to the penitentiary for 300 years instead of fining you only $300.” said Magistrate R. A. Crossman, in imposing sentence.
Pueblo Indicator 5-24-1913 Post Master's Son Robbed Mail – Pueblo – Frank A. Williams, seventeen, son of Postmaster Williams, at Fowler, pleaded guilty to embezzling from United States mails, while employed at the post office in Fowler, and was sentenced to one year in the federal reformatory at Booneville, MO.
Pueblo Indicator 5-31-1913 Young Girl Makes Wonderful Record – An aptitude for study and the faculty of retaining knowledge gleaned from books is inborn in some children. The case of Helen Moseley, a 16-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Moseley, of 809 East Seventh street, is another example. She finished the high school course at the Centennial in three and one-half years, finishing second in a large class. She is the daughter of poor, but honest and hard-working parents. Her father is a miner, and is at present in New Mexico, where he secured work. It has been well said that “there is no royal road to learning,” and it might also be said that the children of the poor become the educators of the country.
Pueblo Indicator 5-31-1913 Bessemer Girl a Winner – Carries off Prize as a Bread-Maker Out in Seattle – From the Seattle Sun – Miss May Hull of 123 ½ Broadway, a student at the Broadway high school, is adjudged the best bread baker among the student bodies of Seattle public schools. Several rolls and a loaf of bread are on exhibition today at the Chamber of Commerce. This exhibit is the successful culinary effort of Miss Hull. For her skill Miss Hull will be awarded by the department of exhibits of the Chamber of Commerce, a handsome cup. Only Seattle-made flour was used in making the bread.
Pueblo Indicator 5-31-1913 Siloam – During a thunder shower on the 27th, George Moore, who was driving a team attached to a harrow on the Marshall ranch, received quite a shock. Pueblo Indicator 6-7-1913 – Siloam – George Moore still feels the effects of the stroke of lightning received on the 27th ult., although he is around and able to do some work.
Pueblo Indicator 5-31-1913 - Gone to Poor Farm - J. W. Mumford, a colored barber, known to many old-timers of the city, has been up against sad circumstances and is now sojourning at the county poor farm. A cataract caused him to practically lose the sight of both eyes. He doctored for the ailment but did not succeed in checking the ravages of the disease. He was barbering down on Santa Fe avenue a quarter of a century ago and had a fine shop, which was patronized by many of the leading men of the town. Several years ago he moved to Bessemer, then to Denver, and recently back to Bessemer again. He gave up business a week ago and Mack Duffy now has the shop. John Mumford is a man of intelligence and culture and in his prime was a strong factor among his people. Many will learn with sorrow of his present plight.
Pueblo Indicator 6-28-1913 - By virtue of a court decision handed down in Springfield, Ill., Percy Collins of Pueblo, steel worker, suddenly finds himself possessed of $25,000. A litigation in which William H. Collins was victorious over W. E. Perkins, made Collins an heir to an estate valued at $175,000. The estate is to be divided among eight heirs of Mrs. Perkins. Collins is a nephew of the deceased woman.
Yuma Pioneer 7-4-1913 - Mrs. E. B. Wicks of Pueblo, Colo., and Mrs. A. C. Jewell of Port Arthur, Tex., were injured when three Pullman cars on a Vandalia train, westbound from New York, overturned at Caseyville, Ill.
Pueblo Indicator 7-26-1913 - Bessemer Briefs - Henry Snyder, the veteran mining prospector, came in from his camp near Rye Thursday to attend the meeting of the Pioneer Association.
Pueblo Indicator 7-26-1913 - C. C. Gaines, superintendent of Bessemer post office, was in a reminiscent mood last Tuesday, it being forty-nine years before, July 22, 1864, when he was in the battle of Atlanta, in which Major General McPhearson, commander of the army of Tennessee, was killed. It brought back to Mr. Gaines' memory the horror of that day's terrible battle in which so many of his old comrades were left on the field dead or wounded.
Pueblo Indicator 8-2-1913 - Dog Saves Child's Life - Kills Rattlesnake and Was Itself Killed in Turn By a Policeman - Dog Catcher Jim Smith was not mixed up in this affair. It was a regular policeman who was called and shot "Bounce" after it had tackled and killed a rattlesnake that was threatening the life of Lucile, the 5-year-old little child of a family named Hunt out in the north part of the city. "Bounce" was seen to be acting queerly in the back yard and Mrs. Hunt called a policeman who shot the dog which had the hydrophobia, of course. It was then discovered that the dog had attacked and dispatched a big rattler on a sand pile on which the child had been playing. The snake had its death wound on its neck, but the serpent had in turn bitten and poisoned the dog and it was both pain and fear that caused it to act so strangely and gave the woman an idea that it had gone mad. Poor dog! One of the wisest and beyond question the most faithful of man's servants, and yet so little understood. A dog giving up its own life to save the life of its little human playmate. It was a brave and noble act on the part of the dog, an act such as dogs are doing every day, and yet it is doubtful if the dog is half understood. Certain it is that it is not appreciated for its true value.
Bayfield Blade 8-8-1913 - By the killing of A. L. Larson by J. E. Bastable, both employes of the Denver & Salt Lake railroad, at Corona, government weather reports from the highest regular station in the United States have been cut off.
Pueblo Indicator 8-9-1913 - Prize Box of Cherries - R. M. Garrett, whose orchard and farm is four miles east of town, has some of the finest cherries ever raised anywhere. The best are of the English Morella variety, large in size, perfect in shape and color and are juicy and solid. Conditions of soil and climate must be of the best to produce such fruit. Mr. Garrett sprayed the orchard under the direction of J. N. Salter, county horticulturist. A box of the delicious fruit has been on exhibition at the Indicator office for several days and attracted a great deal of attention.
Pueblo Indicator 8-9-1913 - Leg Was Amputated - Ed Bowman, who formerly conducted a restaurant on Northern avenue submitted to an operation on the 2nd inst. whereby a leg was amputated. Tuberculosis of the bone had set in and it was found necessary to remove the diseased leg in order to save his life.
Pueblo Indicator 8-9-1913 - Goes Out of Business - E. L. Smith has closed out the Bessemer Dry Goods store and will move the remains to La Veta. He endeavored to have an auction but it was not a success.
Pueblo Indicator 8-16-1913 Bessemer Briefs – A birthday party was given on Aug. 9th at the home of Miss Ella Lynn, 1309 E. Evans ave., in honor of Mr. Ernest Pearcey's twenty-first birthday. Those present were Miss Mildred Hall, Miss Vena Welch, Miss Ella Lynn, Mr. Lee Hall, Mr. Arthur Wilson and Ernest Pearcey. Refreshments were served by Mildred Hall and Ella Lynn and games were played.
Pueblo Indicator 8-16-1913 Passed His 71st Birthday – Rev. William F. Koerner, pastor of the German church, passed the 71st milepost of life on the 14th inst., and he is blessed with the full possession of his mental and physical powers, much of which he attributes to the health–giving climate of Colorado. Peculiarly enough he spent much of the day attending a case in justice court wherein a family quarrel among his parishioners was up for trial. He had offered his services as peacemaker and was unwittingly drawn in to it as a witness. He had the usual experience of well-intentioned peacemakers who are often obliged to take the leading part in those impromptu dramas and come out of them sadder though wiser beings.
Pueblo Indicator 8-30-1913 Back to the Old Country – Louis Klune, a yard boss at the steel works, has received an urgent appeal from his family in Austria to return to that country, and he is preparing to depart for his native land about the 15th of September.
Pueblo Indicator 9-6-1913 - Irene Nahlom of Pueblo, was the heroine of an exciting battle with a hold-up man in front of her home. Instead of getting her pocketbook the purse snatcher received a blow in the face and kick on the shins. He ran.
Yuma Pioneer 9-12-1913 - A gasoline explosion caused a fire that gutted the Congress garage, in Pueblo, destroyed seven automobiles and injured John Stimpson, a mechanic.
Yuma Pioneer 9-12-1913 - The Macky auditorium, the $300,000 gift of the late Andrew J. Macky of Pueblo to the University of Colorado, was opened for the first time Monday, when Gov. E. M. Ammons addressed the students at the opening exercises of the institution.
Yuma Pioneer 9-12-1913 - The match between Steve Ketchel of Chicago and Eddie Johnson of Pueblo will take place at Pueblo Sept. 18, as scheduled.
Pueblo Indicator 9-13-1913 – Assignment of Teachers – The assignment of teachers in the schools of district No. 20 have been made by Superintendent J. F. Keating as follows: J. F. Keating, superintendent. High School: D. K. Dunton, principal; Harriet Allen, Lida Bell, Mary C. Christopher, Helen Cuthbertson, Iva May Dunn, Tanetta Gilleland, E. A. Taylor, A. Glenn Hoskins, Alice Hurford, F. C. Kay, Annie Keightley, Lemuel Pitts, Jr., W. C. Tweig, Edith Harriett Wilson, Albert W. Blake, Mary C. McNally. Special: J. C. Kendall, Janet Preston, J. Pearl Gaines, Kathryn Reigart, Alice Haines, Sara Mulnix, Olga Hellbeck, D. N. Wells, Harriet Palmer. Central Building: Besse B. Richey, principal; Sadie Willard, D. Estella Kirk, Blanche Swinehart, Charlotte Lewis, Katherine I. Mackey, Rosetta Cline, Edna Betts, Grace Jackson, Agatha Miller, Marie Smith. Carlile Building: Inez J. Chase, principal; Belle Dorsey, Zoe Smith, Hortense E. Ferris, Florence Bergin, Mayme Ogle, Mary A. Smith, Georgia Ardell, Bessie M. Sterrett. Danforth Building: Caroline Strack, principal; Helen A. Flynn, Nell M. Barkley, Helen Bagley, Hazel Colvin, M. Emma Keough, Ida McMorris, Alice O. Cameron, Selina Gillan, Dosca Monical. Bessemer Building: Amy McEvoy, principal; Besse Wilkinson, Ellen H. King, Edna Garinger, Mae McDonnell, Liffie F. V. Smith, Anna L. Scott, Beatrice Ogle, Faye Read, Winifred Mowe, Anna Greist, Esther Olson. Corona Building: Dell Barkley, principal; Bessie Bell, Mayme Stone, Myrtle Eyer. Wildeboor Building: Nannie Walker, principal; Eliza R. Farrar, Mary S. Doak, Lida Blanche Robe. Columbian Building: Nirma E. Palmer, principal; Lulu W. Granger, Vida V. Williams, Marguerite F. Raynor, Annie R. Rainey, Grace Savage, Sarah M. Green, Helen Graham, Currie Bell, Mary Bell Offutt. Edison Building: Elizabeth Alexander, principal; Maude C. Gregg, Olga Greenman, Margaret J. Burns, Harriet Barkley. Minnequa Building: Alice MacDonald, principal; Alice Richey, Jessie Donahue, May Carlile, Lulu Cuthbertson, Katherine Saxton, Helen Carmichael, Anna L. Whetsel, Jean Williamson, Hazel Read. Lake View Building: Jennie K. Dingman, principal; Bessie M. Enland, Mildred E. Palmer, Currie Bell, Nuna Kenton. Lincoln Building: Linah Swanzey, principal; Lulu D. Graham, Elsie Virginia Albert. Kindergartens: Birdie F. Adams, Julia H. Gayton, Lulu Mitchell, Edna Hawke, Mary Williamson, May Allen, Jessie Allen, Bernice Sharp, Celestine Gray, Gertrude Reese, Annie Pool. It will be of interest to the people of the south side to know that nearly every teacher of their schools has received her state license to teach and there are none of the regular teachers who have not been especially trained for the work to which they are assigned. The primary grades are given to teachers who have specialized in kindergarten work, and the intermediate grades to those who have done that line and the upper grades to those who are especially adapted. Great care is exercised in the selection of teachers this year and only those who have received their degrees have been given positions.
Pueblo Indicator – 9-20-1913 – Leap from Train Results in Accident – Pueblo – Obeying the command of a brakeman to get off, Ray Jewell, twenty-five of Arkansas, leaped from a moving passenger train nearing this city and was so badly injured that it is expected he will die at a local hospital, where he was taken. Jewell, who is said to be the son of a minister, received a fractured skull and other injuries.
Pueblo Indicator 9-20-1913 - Fifty-Seventh Wedding Anniversary - Sunday, September 14th, was the 57th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Steinrock of 201 W. Adams avenue. The day was spent receiving congratulations from their great number of friends and neighbors and in the evening they had a special dinner at the Vail with a few relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Steinrock were married in New Jersey in 1856, moved to Colorado shortly after the steel plant was established and have been here ever since. Both are hale and hearty and don't look anywhere near their real age. Mr. Steinrock, who is known to all the old-timers in Bessemer as "Daddy," has been an employe of the machine department of the steel works about twenty-five years.
Pueblo Indicator 9-20-1913 - Horse Took Many Premiums - "Finch's Pride," the English Coach stallion owned by Finch and Son of Pueblo, was the winner of many prizes at the State Fair. He took a string of ribbons that looked like a clothes line hung with gaudy goods. He took first prize, any age, as a coach stallion and 1st for 5 best colts. He took 1st premiums in all. He is a fine horse and attracted much attention.
Yuma Pioneer 10-3-1913 - Main street in Pueblo was strewed with money when Frank Murray of Colorado Springs was arrested on a forgery charge and decided to rid himself of incriminating evidence on the way to the police station in a patrol wagon.
Pueblo Indicator 10-18-1913 – Friends of Sava Radakovich are still in the dark as to his whereabouts, but express the belief that he will soon return to Pueblo and straighten out his business affairs.
Yuma Pioneer 10-24-1913 - While hunting, J. M. Jacobson of Pueblo accidentally discharged his shotgun and was badly injured, his left hand being almost shot away.
Akron Weekly 11-14-1913 Heir to Million Dollar Estate - Pueblo - Mrs. Hannah Richey, mother of Miss Bessie C. Richey, principal of the Central grade schools, and Miss Alice Richey of the Minnequa school, received word from Los Angeles, Cal., that through the death of her brother she was heir to about $1,500,000.
Yuma Pioneer 11-24-1913 - To the surprise of many, who looked for a long court battle before the muddled state of affairs, created by the results of the general city election in Pueblo could be straightened out, Commissioner of Pueblo Safety Thomas D. Donnelly and Charles A. Lannon, commissioner of highways, resigned.
Yuma Pioneer 12-5-1913 - One of the few cases in Colorado where a man has been sent to the penitentiary for failure to support his wife is that of David M. Hoover, fifty-five. Hoover was sentenced at Pueblo by Judge Charles S. Essex to spend from eleven months to one year in the prison.
Pueblo Indicator 12-6-1913 - Miss Edna Hawke was the winner of the grand prize offered by the Chieftain in a collection contest which ended last Saturday. Miss Loretta Nogle of 1608 Routt avenue was also one of the winners of the first few grand prizes.
Pueblo Indicator 12-6-1913 - The lunch room at Central High school was opened for business this week. The new room is very large and well arranged, with large kitchen and serving space and a table service capacity of several hundred. The students have but a half hour for lunch and nearly all patronize the school delicatessen. The food served is plain and substantial and is served at practically cost price.
Yuma Pioneer 12-12-1913 - The Ruxton hotel at Manitou was sold to W. K. Greene, a Pueblo banker. The consideration is said to have been $50,000.
Yampa Leader, 12-26-1913 For the first time in the history of Pueblo county a woman has been summoned to serve as juryman in a murder trial. Mrs. L.A. England escaped service, however, when it was discovered that she is the wife of a ranchman and is not a man as was supposed.
Pueblo Indicator 12-28-1913 - Ben Bridgford Better - Ben Bridgford, the down town druggist who figured as the principal in a bad accident on the Red Creek Springs road November 30, his right leg being broken, is improving rapidly at the Colorado Southern hospital. The surrey in which he was seated with Mrs. Bridgford and three school teachers ran into a deep mud hole, stopping the team with a sudden jerk and the frightened horses kicked themselves loose and ran away, pulling Mr. Bridgford who was driving out after them, breaking a leg. Mrs. Bridgford and one of the young ladies walked six miles into town and called up Dr. W. F. Singer on the telephone who made a quick trip to the scene of the accident and brought Mr. Bridgford to the hospital.
Pueblo Indicator 1-3-1914 - Adams and Wife Imperiled - Rescuers Hasten to Relief of Stranded Vessel, Ashore in Gulf of Papua - Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 30 - A wireless message from the steamer Tasman, ashore in the gulf of Papua, reported fifteen feet of water in the hold and gaining rapidly. At that hour the steamers which has (have) been dispatched to the assistance of the Tasman had not arrived. It is considered possible that the Tasman will be a total wreck, and unless help arrives quickly the disaster may be accompanied by loss of life. In addition to Mme. Lillian Nordica, Alva Adams, former governor of Colorado, and Thomas G. Stallsmith of California, Maj. Sydney A. Cloman, a member of the Panama-Pacific Exposition Commission and ex-military attache at London, is aboard the stranded vessel. His wife is with him. Amsterdam - The Tasman usually carries about sixty cabin passengers and a crew of 120, mostly natives, according to the owners of the vessel.
Yuma Pioneer 1-9-1914 - Mrs. Helen Stoddard Gottlieb, who was married two months ago and whose parents objected to her marriage on the grounds that she was under age, and who took her and held her prisoner in a Pueblo hotel, jumped out of a second story window and escaped in an automobile.
Yuma Pioneer 1-9-1914 - A thorough search of Pueblo conducted by the parents of the girl, has indicated that Mrs. Helen Stoddard Gottlieb and her husband, with whom she fled, have left the city and are speeding to New York, the home of the violinist bridegroom.
Yampa Leader, 1-16-1914 Twists Nose of Trooper; Fined $50 Pueblo. - George Geiser, proprietor of a plumbing establishment here and candidate for water commissioner at the last election, and a union man, twisted the nose of Orville Rogers, a militiaman here on recruiting duty, when he met him on the street. Then he whipped out a pair of scissors and cut all the buttons off Rogers' uniform while he held the soldier. Wednesday he was fined $50 and costs in police court and ordered held in jail until he paid it.
Pueblo Indicator 1-31-1914 - Durette Cross, a 19-year-old boy, was badly injured in an accident at the wire mill Wednesday and is in a dangerous condition at the Minnequa hospital.
Pueblo Indicator 1-31-1914 - Rye is Honored With a Delegate - W. H. Allison of Rye has received an appointment from Governor Ammons to attend the Sixth Annual Corn Exposition to be held at Dallas, Texas, February 10th to the 24th. It is likely that Mr. Allison will accept the appointment and represent Rye and the dry farmers at the corn show. He is a pusher for Pueblo county all the time.
Pueblo Indicator 1-31-1914 - Burnt Mill Notes - Mrs. George Elliott gave a card party Friday evening, Jan. 16. Cards were played until midnight, then a lovely lunch was served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jerman, Mr. and Mrs. Will Kirkeland, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbler Kirkeland, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. Mooth, Mr. and Mrs. Drake, Misses Songer, Vanessa Bowers and Theo Mooth, Messrs. Will Jerman, Will Charlton, Lester Bowers and Raymond Bowers.
Pueblo Indicator 2-7-1914 - North Side Notes - The veteran I. W. Stanton, the man that brought the Missouri Pacific railroad to Pueblo, is out again and looking hearty, having fought off a critical illness. Mr. Stanton firmly intends to be on top of ground for his eightieth birthday next year. If all the Republicans were of the type of that square cut pioneer there would be no need of "Progressive" side switches.
Pueblo Indicator 2-7-1914 - East Pueblo - The Clio club met last Tuesday at the residence of Mrs. J. G. Harvey on east Eighth street and was attended by all the members. The subject for consideration was Selections from Modern Scandinavian Authors. Mrs. S. D. Brosuis was the leader and Mrs. W. S. Johnston, Mrs. J. W. Thomas, Mrs. Jos. Russell assisted in the program, each one discussing an author. In addition to discussing authors Mrs. R. W. Carlton gave a brief address on Scandinavian Newspapers. The next meeting of the club will be with Mrs. E. R. Storer.
Pueblo Indicator 2-7-1914 - Bessemer Boy Makes Record - Arthur Hedstrom who enlisted in the navy from Bessemer last April, and is now on the U.S. flagship, California, has been appointed gun pointer and has made the best score in shooting of anyone in the Pacific fleet. His mother lives at 1407 Abriendo avenue in Bessemer. The lad is only 18 years old and is doing splendidly in the navy. A postcard to Harry Lynn gives a picture of the young man behind the gun. Bessemer is proud of you, Arthur.
Pueblo Indicator 2-7-1914 - Mrs. Stanton Gets $10,000 Bequest - Pueblo - Just as she was completing her year's residence in Pueblo and was ready to sue him for divorce, J. P. Stanton, husband of Mrs. Josephine Stanton, died in England and left her a tenth interest in a $100,000 estate, according to a cablegram she received.
Yampa Leader, February 27, 1914 Mrs. Ella Mathews Peery is made a co-respondent in a divorce action brought against her husband, John D. Peery, by Mrs. Nora Peery of Denver. Mrs. Nora Peery asserts that she is the common-law wife of Peery and demands that the marriage to Mrs. Ella Mathews Peery be declared illegal. She asserts that her husband has been guilty of infidelity by reason of his relations with his legal wife, Mrs. Ella Mathews Peery.
Yuma Pioneer 3-13-1914 - George McLagan of Pueblo has been elected treasurer of the Colorado State Fair Association for the ensuing year by the board of directors.
Yampa Leader, April 3, 1914 Guy H. White, a Grand Junction traveling man, was arrested at Telluride on a lunacy charge, because he wore a straw hat, the first day of spring, when the thermometer registered below zero. Judge Brown dismissed the case because lack of jurisdiction.
Pueblo Indicator 3-21-1914 - Found in Starving Condition - Wm. Kelly, 66 years old, was found up the railroad tracks 15 miles west of town by a C. F. & I. ditch rider a few days ago, in a famished condition. He was brought to town and the city is caring for him.
Pueblo Indicator 3-21-1914 - Burnt Mill - Those present at the ball game were Mr. and Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Hughlitt, Peart Short, Mildred Hughlitt, Fred Morgan, Merel Sechrist, J. W. McDermott, Walter and Bert McDermott, Harry Bisbee and children, Bud Berry, Louis Biddings and W. E. Kinkel.
Bayfield Blade 4-17-1914 - The honor of being in charge of the elaborate arrangements for the 1914 May festival at the University of Colorado has been given to a Pueblo young woman. She is Miss Dorothy Burton, a senior.
Pueblo Indicator 4-18-1914 - Bessemer Briefs - Mrs. W. A. Steinrock, 201 W. Adams ave., was 75 years old last Sunday, April 12th. She celebrated the day as she expressed it, by cooking all day, an extra dinner for her family, consisting of "daddy," and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Rebecca Steinrock. Mr. Steinrock, well known old timer at the steel work, as daddy, is a few years her senior, but works every day at the mill, often walking to or from his home to the plant.
Yuma Pioneer 4-24-1914 - Three alleged shoplifts, a woman and two men, giving the names of Mrs. Edith Larson, Louis Pente and Levi Coombs, were arrested in a Pueblo department store by store detectives, who charge that the trio had stolen several pairs of shoes.
Pueblo Indicator 5-2-1914 - Fisher - The "Priscilla" club met at Mrs. D. O. Crawford's last Thursday. Of those present were: Mrs. H. L. Short, Mrs. M. A. Linn, Mrs. Emily Milslagle, Mrs. Van Petrie, Mrs. G. Emerson, Mrs. Gus Krenzke, Mr. H. L. Short and the hostess.
Pueblo Indicator 5-2-1914 - Fisher - Of the Fisherites who attended the hop at Burnt Mill Friday night are: Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Crawford, accompanied by Mrs. Sherm Cox and Miss Erma Cox of Pueblo, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Short, Miss Short, Mr. and Mrs. Van Petrie of Verde, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Short and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Linn and Leslie Linn.
Yampa Leader, May 22, 1914 Solution of Lonely Lives Among Women - By Mrs. Phoebe Swartz, Chicago - The "woman above fifty" with no home center, or man, either, for that matter, has missed the point of life. Make a home for some one else. Work, absorbing work, for others less fortunate, is the only solution. Such work carries with it more individual pleasure and more social possibilities if transferred to a town of moderate size, there the individual is not lost sight if in the day's pre-occupation. The lonely woman of fifty has a tremendous advantage over the lonely woman of twenty. The lonely woman of fifty ought to assume the responsibility of making the lonely woman of twenty more happy and more safe. Or, go loaf around any of the public playgrounds and make the acquaintance of two or three of the most forlorn children; follow them up to their homes; make friends with the mothers; be their friendly visitor. Find two or three old women stranded in the homes for old people. They are the women with some right to call themselves lonely. Two women from Chicago have solved the problem by buying a place in Michigan, on the lake. They live there quietly in the winter, an integral part of the community. In the summer they fill their house with city folks at $7 a week and children half price. That is the clean cut philanthropy: Feeding and housing healthy children from three to fifteen at $3.50 a week.
Yampa Leader, May 29, 1914 The museum at the University of Colorado at Boulder is the recipient of the skins of forty species of birds from Guatemala collected by Earl H. Morris of Pueblo, a senior in the College of Liberal Arts at that institution.
Yuma Pioneer 6-12-1914 - Lime Explosion Blinds Workman - Pueblo - An explosion of lime in a metal pail in the Denver & Rio Grande railroad yards destroyed the eyes of Joseph Brown, 61 years old, an employe of the Denver & Rio Grande railroad.
Yuma Pioneer 6-19-1914 - John W. Langley has resigned his position as clerk to the Pueblo county sheriff and left for Telluride.
Yuma Pioneer 6-19-1914 - Five years of ill health, with the image of his elder brother falling from a hotel window in Pueblo before him, is thought to have caused the fall of George W. Chapman, thirty-four years old, formerly of Denver, from the fifth story of the Grand Windsor hotel in New York city. Chapman has little chance for recovery says physicians.
Yuma Pioneer 7-3-1914 - Three persons were killed and four injured in a wreck on the D. & R. G., near the Goodnight ranch, six miles west of Pueblo.
Pueblo Indicator 7-4-1914 - Bessemer Briefs - Mr. Corwin Steinrock from Burlington, N. J., who has been visiting his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Steinrock, of 201 W. Adams avenue, left this week for his home.
Pueblo Indicator 7-4-1914 - County Correspondence - Siloam - Mrs. Irwin of Green City, Mo., and Mrs. Clark of Los Angeles, Cal., who have been visiting their brother, Andrew Bledsoe and family, left for their respective homes Saturday.
Pueblo Indicator 7-11-1914 - County Correspondence - Burnt Mill Items - Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McFedries and family and Mrs. McFedries' sister, Miss Johnson, stayed over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Al McFedries. Mrs. Akin also returned to town with them. She leaves this morning to visit her daughter in Salt Lake City.
Pueblo Indicator 7-11-1914 - County Correspondence - Galbraith - Mrs. Webb of McGill, Nevada, is here for a two months' visit with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Rains.
Pueblo Indicator 7-11-1914 - Delegates Are Chosen - Will Attend the State Assembly of the Progressive Party at Colorado Springs July 22 - Pueblo county is entitled to have 35 delegates in the state assembly of the Progressive party which will meet at Colorado Springs on Wednesday, July 22, as per notice of State Chairman C. P. Dodge, published in this paper. The following list of delegates has been chosen: P. Byrnes, county chairman; J. S. McClung; W. B. Swearingen, J. J. Lansing, S. R. Durham, R. A. Crossman, L. F. Cornwell, C. F. Horn, M. J. Galligan, J. M. Woodard, Mrs. J. M. Woodard, Abbie Loupe, J. H. H. Low, J. W. Elwell, J. Corey Baker, Dr. W. E. Buck, D. N. Well, F. E. Olin, B. E Fimple, Dr. A. L. Fugard, C. C. Walker, J. L. Veith, C. F. Delliquadri, W. C. McWilliams, W. V. Codding, O. O. McNeal, V. I. Prevost, W. F. Doertenbach, Chas. Kelpfel, W. E. Hummel, R. R. Williams, S. R. Durham, A. Accola, Jean Kittrell, R. Johnson, Frank Larson.
Pueblo Indicator 7-11-1914 - John A. Martin of Pueblo, former congressman, has announced his candidacy for the United States senatorial nomination at the pleasure of the Democratic assembly.
Yuma Pioneer 8-7-1914 - Bandits Wound Street Car Passenger - Pueblo - The police are seeking three bandits, who held up the street car on the south side, robbed and shot Guy Morgan, a passenger, and relieved the motorman and conductor of money and jewelry.
Yuma Pioneer 8-14-1914 - Woman Twice Shot - Lures Suspect Into Trap For Pueblo Police - After Search For Eight Months, Mrs. Augusta Seitz Assisted in Capture of Andrew Hogg - Pueblo, Colo. - Leading her alleged assailant into a trap by agreeing to a clandestine meeting, Mrs. Augusta Seitz, wife of Frank Seitz, assisted in the capture of Andrew Hogg, thirty-six, after a search of eight months. Eight months ago Mrs. Seitz was shot in the hip as she stood at the telephone at her home calling for the police. It was the second time that she had been shot through the same window and the woman declares that Hogg made both attempts to take her life. Hogg telephoned to Mrs. Seitz and asked her to meet him at the entrance of Minnequa park. She in turn suggested the entrance to Minnequa hospital, a short distance from her home. She notified the police and two detectives hurried to the scene and waited for Hogg. When Mrs. Seitz arrived Hogg came forward and was arrested. Two years ago Hogg shot Mrs. Seitz, but prosecution was not pressed. A year later, while she was preparing the evening meal, a man appeared at her window and shot her. She accused Hogg of the shooting. He disappeared. Hogg formerly was a sweetheart of Mrs. Seitz before her marriage to Frank Seitz.
Pueblo Indicator 8-15-1914 – Arrangements are made to take care of a large crowd at Lake Minnequa Park next Wednesday, August 19th, when the annual picnic for the benefit of the Sacred Heart Orphanage will be held. The ladies who have the preparations in charge, have made elaborate plans for a good time for the big crowd who will attend. It's the annual benefit for this most worthy institution and should be liberally patronized.
Pueblo Indicator 8-15-1914 Mat Jerman of 321 Palm street, well known musician, ex-alderman of the 6th ward, and president of the St. Joseph society, left yesterday for Milwaukee to attend the annual convention of the lodge. He was one of the three delegates sent from Pueblo. Mat had the misfortune to fall from his bicycle about a week ago and got a bad shaking up which confined him to his bed for several days, but has recovered sufficiently to start on the trip east.
Yampa Leader, August 21, 1914 The story of a thrilling flight from Germany to the United States, with the momentary expectation of capture by French or English man-of-war was told by Ottomar O'Donnell, son of T. J. O'Donnell, of Denver, who was in Berlin the night war was declared against Servia by Austria. O'Donnell was the first Denver refugee abroad to arrive home.
Bayfield Blade 9-4-1914 - At Pueblo, Colo., Miss Lucy Jay swam across Lake Minnequa and back without pausing for a rest. It is the first time the feat has been accomplished by a woman. The distance was 2 1/2 miles.
Yampa Leader, September 4, 1914 Drastic orders were issued to the Denver police departments to enforce the police regulations concerning women in cafes and licensed restaurants.
Yampa Leader, September 25, 1914 Thirty-three pearls in a single oyster, said by jewelers to be a record breaking number, were reported found recently by A.L.. Digby of Pueblo.
Yuma Pioneer 10-2-1914 - A verdict of $400 for four years' services as a ranch hand was awarded Edward Morrell, 18 years old, in the County Court at Pueblo. Edward Rose and Mrs. Rose, who are divorced, are the defendants.
Yuma Pioneer 10-9-1914 - Philip Causey, seventeen years old, who led the life of a desperado in western Pueblo county for two months before he was captured, was sentenced to the state reformatory by District Judge Rizer of Pueblo.
Yuma Pioneer 10-16-1914 - Beachey Loops the Loop at Pueblo - Pueblo - Lincoln Beachey, king of American aviators, gave a spectacular exhibit before a crowd of 25,000 at the State Fair grounds here, attained a height of 1,500 feet, looped the loop three times, did a spiral and a straight drop to earth, in spite of the fact that his engine was not adjusted to the altitude. On account of engine troubles, he did not race with Barney Oldfield.
Yuma Pioneer 10-23-1914 - Jim Flynn, the Pueblo fireman, and Carl Morris, the Oklahoma heavyweight, have been matched for a ten-round bout at Kansas City, Oct. 29.
Pueblo Indicator 10-24-1914 - Woman Saves Five Men - Pueblo, Colo. - After clinging to an overturned boat in icy water for two hours, five prominent Pueblo men were rescued through a wild night bareback ride made by Mrs. T. Williams, wife of a farmer living near the Huerfano lake, where the accident occurred.
Pueblo Indicator 10-24-1914 - Hallett C. Gallup - Democratic Candidate for Re-Election to the Office of State Representative - (Political Ad) - Born in Pueblo 32 years ago. Attended Pueblo schools. Attended State University at Boulder. Son of the late S. C. Gallup, Pueblo's first manufacturer, early pioneer and world-famous saddler. Mr. Hallett Gallup has been for many years a student of local and national political affairs. Has at all times been a determined and clean fighter for the rights of the common people. Formerly engaged in newspaper business in Pueblo. Later established the Rio Grande Employes' Magazine, and now engaged in the saddlery business with his brother, Boone, at 105 South Grand avenue. Two years ago Mr. Gallup was chairman of the railroad committee, one of the most important of that body, and was chosen speaker pro tem of the Extraordinary Session of the Nineteenth General Assembly.
Yuma Pioneer 11-6-1914 - "Pick" Watson, a negro porter at Pueblo, is in jail charged with shooting Juan and Tom Aguillo, Mexicans.
Yuma Pioneer 11-6-1914 - Nick Saiz of Pueblo, who took a horse from Manuel D. Gardino in lieu of unpaid wages, pleaded not guilty to a charge of live stock theft.
Yuma Pioneer 11-13-1914 - John Knebel, accused of participating in the management of a policy game, was acquitted in Municipal Court at Pueblo. Magistrate Crossman told Knebel he considered him guilty, but that the evidence presented by the police did not prove it.
Akron Weekly 11-27-1914 Mrs. Seitz Assailant Gets Five Years - Pueblo - Andrew Hogg, who twice shot and wounded Mrs. Augusta Seitz, with whom he was infatuated, was sentenced to serve from three to five years in prison.
Bayfield Blade 12-4-1914 - One of the rare instances of a mother deserting her baby came to the attention of Judge Mirick of the County Court of Pueblo, when Mrs. Sarah Boyd asked to have a 22 months' old girl declared a dependent and placed in a state institution.
Yuma Pioneer 12-11-1914 - Lawrence Sullenberger of Denver, wealthy clubman, was sued for $20,000 in District Court by William R. Stewart of La Veta, who charges that Sullenberger alienated the affections of Mrs. Stewart.
Yuma Pioneer 12-18-1914 - Mrs. Joseph Fels, widow of the late millionaire soap manufacturer of Philadelphia, is ill at Pueblo.
Pueblo Indicator 12-19-1914 - The smallest judgment remembered in Pueblo county has been granted in the suit of C. W. Shaver against Lee Coats, in which Shaver was allowed 40 cents.
Yuma Pioneer 1-1-1915 – The 1,500 inmates of the Pueblo asylum had a dance and Christmas tree celebration.
Wray Rattler – 1-7-1915 Edward Bertram, formerly proprietor of the sulfur baths in Pueblo, Colo., now charged with fraud, has been arrested in New Orleans, La.
Yuma Pioneer 1-15-1915 - Frank Ratchford, a Pueblo hotel clerk, will receive $10,000 in cash as the inheritance from an estate of a relative.
Yuma Pioneer 1-15-1915 - A branch of the Coffin Packing & Provision Company of Denver will be in operation in Pueblo by Feb. 1. Wilbur F. Nelson will be the Pueblo manager.
Yuma Pioneer 1-15-1915 - A surprise party was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Aldred at Pueblo. The sixty-fifth birthday anniversary of Aldred was the incentive.
Yuma Pioneer 1-15-1915 - Michael Harney of Pueblo was struck by a northbound street car at Fifteenth street and Grand avenue in Pueblo and is in a serious condition in St. Mary's hospital.
Yuma Pioneer 1-15-1915 - Harry Wagner, night engineer of the South Side water works, a short distance west of Pueblo, narrowly escaped death at the hands of a man he found looting one of the rooms in the plant at 2 o'clock in the morning. He was slashed several times with a knife and later beaten insensible by the intruder.
Yuma Pioneer 1-29-1915 - The eugenics marriage bill introduced in the legislature by Representative F. E. Wallace of Pueblo, will not have the united support of the ministers and club women.
Yuma Pioneer 2-12-1915 - Mrs. C. A. Black was elected president at the annual meeting of the Pueblo Trained Nurses' Association.
Yuma Pioneer 2-19-1915 - Girl Refuses to Disclose Her Past - Pueblo - Jean Carre, Pueblo's pretty mystery girl, who says she walked from Salt Lake City to Delta, Colo., between Christmas and Feb. 1, depends on a hunger strike to get her out of jail. In Police Court Magistrate R. A. Crosman gave the girl her choice between disclosing such facts of her past as the authorities wish to know and receiving a heavy fine. "Go ahead and fine me," she said. "I won't tell you anything I don't want to and if you send me to jail with a fine I will refuse to eat until you have to release me to keep me from starving." The points Miss Carre refuses to disclose have to do with where she went and what she did after her father, a wealthy Cleveland, Ohio, horse trader, died four years ago.
Pueblo Indicator 3-15-1915 - Receives an Honor - Mrs. Abbie Loupe to be Matron of the Y. M. C. A. Building - Mrs. Abbie Loupe will shortly resign her position as janitor at the Wildeboor school to accept the position of matron at the Y. M. C. A. Her many friends will be glad to learn of her promotion. Mrs. Loupe is splendidly equipped for the trying task of presiding over the Y. M. C. A. and the place comes to her as quite an honor. She will assume her new duties about the middle of April.
Yuma Pioneer 4-2-1915 - Dr. Harry Packard and his wife, who are in Urumiah, Persia, where an uprising has endangered American missions and refugees, are well known in Pueblo, where they formerly resided.
Yuma Pioneer 4-2-1915 - The name of a new champion - Wallace H. Pierce of Pueblo, Colo. - has been written in the American Bowling Congress records. Shooting in the singles on a late shift at Peoria, Ill., Pierce swept down 711 pins, topping by six the former record of 705, made by Tom Haley of Detroit, in 1910. He took the tournament lead away from Walter Cook of Philadelphia, who had 697.
Yuma Pioneer 4-23-1915 - Royal Arcanum Meets - A. D. Montgomery Heads Colorado Grand Council - Deputy Supreme Regent R. E. Kropf Installed Officers Elected at Fourteenth Annual Session - Denver - The grand council, state of Colorado, Royal Arcanum, met in fourteenth annual session in Fraternal Union hall. Joseph W. Hawley, the retiring grand regent, addressed the grand council, thanking the members for their support. A. D. Montgomery, the newly elected grand regent for the year, spoke of the work outlined. Richard E. Kropf, deputy supreme regent from Chicago, was welcomed as installing officer for this session. His address was on fraternity and the work accomplished by the Royal Arcanum. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Grand regent, A. D. Montgomery of Pueblo; grand vice-regent, Byron Tifft of Denver; grand orator, E. W. Reeme of Leadville; past grand regent, J. W. Hawley of Trinidad; grand secretary, C. H. Peters of Denver; grand treasurer, W. T. Shay of Denver; grand chaplain, F. A. Prior of Colorado Springs; grand guide, A. W. Gray of Denver; grand warden, Elmore Floyd of Trinidad; grand sentry, H. A. Withrow of Denver; grand trustee, C. L. Smith of Denver.
Yuma Pioneer 7-2-1915 - The Tolle ranch, northeast of Pueblo, for the past ten years owned by Mrs. Emma Tolle-May, has been sold to John J. Drinkard of Denver. The consideration was $66,400.
Pueblo Indicator 7-10-1915 - Bessemer Briefs - Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Hawke and Miss Edna spent the week autoing in the northern part of the state and visited with their daughter, Mrs. Julia Gayton, at Greeley.
Pueblo Indicator 7-10-1915 - Bessemer Briefs - Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Koerner are receiving a visit from their daughters, Mrs. Herman J. Stille and Mrs. W. F. Stille, of Klemme, Iowa. They will remain over until the middle of next week.
Pueblo Indicator 7-10-1915 - Bessemer Briefs - Mrs. P. J. Becker and children who have been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Steinruck, 201 W. Adams avenue, for several months, left yesterday to join Mr. Becker at Belnd, Ill.
Pueblo Indicator 7-17-1915 - Steel Works Notes - John Kane, veteran boss watchman at the steel works, is to retire and take a much needed rest. He will be succeeded by J. F. Farley, who will also be the employment agent, Frank Nicholson, until now employment agent, will continue with the company for the present. Mr. Kane and Nicholson are among the oldest employes of the company. Mr. Farley, the new man, was formerly a resident of Denver. It is not expected that he will make any material changes in his force.
Pueblo Indicator 7-17-1915 - Inquiry For a Fat Boy - Bessemer has a fat boy who is not only making good in his studies but he is attracting the attention of theatrical promoters. Harry Brooks is 15 years of age and weighs 208 pounds. He has received a letter from a moving picture concern making inquiries and saying that he has been placed on the waiting list of probabilities. If Harry gets a call we venture the guess that he will make good.
Pueblo Indicator 7-17-1915 - County Correspondence - Wilson Notes - Mrs. Mildred Varanza and son of Bisbee, Arizona, are here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Krause.
Pueblo Indicator 7-17-1915 - County Correspondence - Goodpasture Items - Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Johnson and Mr. Hendricks of Fort Lyon, Colo., have returned home after a pleasant visit with Mrs. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lytle.
Yuma Pioneer 7-30-1915 - Coney C. Slaughter, missing cashier of the Mercantile National bank of Pueblo, is believed to be in Canada, according to agents of the Federal Department of Justice.
Yuma Pioneer 8-13-1915 - Peter Ruddy, 33, a Rock creek rancher, may die as the result of injuries received when his automobile and one carrying Joe and Peter Gersick collided head-on on the Santa Fe trail east of Pueblo.
Yuma Pioneer 8-13-1915 - A twenty-round fight between Benny Chavez of Trinidad, Colorado's premier lightweight, and "Red" Arndt of Pueblo, classiest scrapper of his weight and inches in the Arkansas valley, will be given at Lake Minnequa at Pueblo on the night of Aug. 20.
Pueblo Indicator 8-21-1915 - Austin Marsh arrived from McGill, Nevada this week to visit for some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Marsh, and also to spend a few days with his sister, Mrs. Chapman at Beulah.
Pueblo Indicator 8-21-1915 - Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Kolbe of 1009 Berkeley avenue, are entertaining Miss Julia and Mrs. Isabella Kolbe from Cincinnati. They are sisters of Mrs. Kolbe and are on their way home from a visit to the California expositions.
Pueblo Indicator 8-21-1915 - Henry Fuerhardt and family have returned to Pueblo to live after an absence of ten or more years during which time they have lived in Goldfield, Nev. and other cities in the west. Mr. Fuerhardt is a well known old timer at the steel works, and he has taken a position at the big plant.
Pueblo Indicator 8-21-1915 - W. A. Steinruck, better known as "Daddy" passed his 79th birthday in a quiet manner August 17th, at his work during the day and at home in the evening as usual. Daddy is one of the oldest in years and service on the steel works pay roll where he works every day in the machinist department.
Pueblo Indicator 8-28-1915 - Discovered Skeleton of a Child - While playing along the foot of a hill near the Beulah road one day recently two of the young daughters of Mr. and Mrs. P. Ruddy discovered part of a rudely constructed coffin and the skeleton of a child that had been buried there many years ago by a family that was moving through. The little girl took sick and died and was buried at the foot of the lonely hills. The recent heavy rains washed away the ground and exposed the bones to view.
Weekly Ignacio Chieftain 12-10-1915 - Rye Flame-Swept; Loss $200,000 - Pueblo - Two hundred thousand dollars damage was done when fire destroyed the town of Rye in the Greenhorn mountains, thirty miles west of Pueblo. Breckenridge Summit County Journal 12-11-1915 - Half-Clad Men Fight Fire in Blizzard - Pueblo - Half dressed citizens, many of them barefooted, fought flames in a raging blizzard during the night and until dawn, while the fire gutted the business district of the town of Rye, situated thirty miles southwest of Pueblo in the Greenhorn mountains. The loss is estimated at $200,000.
Bayfield Blade 12-17-1915 - Mrs. W. J. Cunningham of Pueblo was cornered by a bobcat while alone in her home, but secured a gun and killed it.
Wray Rattler 3-30-1916 - Ex-Convict Guilty of Betraying Girl – Pueblo – The jury in the case of W.P. Ross, charged with having betrayed, under promise of marriage, Miss Lottie Winslow, a Salvation Army worker at Greeley, returned a verdict of guilty. Ross was immediately sentenced to the state penitentiary for from seven to ten years.
Bayfield Blade 9-15-1916 - Many members of the Pueblo Greek colony are preparing to return to Greece, as they expect to be called for service in the army.
Pueblo Chieftain 1-2-1917 - Personals - Miss Annie Stewart, clerk in the post office has returned from a two-months' visit with her mother, Mrs. J. Spencer Stewart, and other relatives in Seattle.
Pueblo Chieftain 1-2-1917 - Personals - Miss Naomi Cush, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Cush, 1302 Wabash avenue, is visiting her parents for the holidays from the western slope, where she is principal of a public school.
Pueblo Chieftain 1-2-1917 - Personals - Miss Helen Bagley and her sister, Miss Louise, who are attending the State University at Boulder, are in Pueblo spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Bagley, 323 east Evans avenue.
Pueblo Chieftain 1-4-1917 - City Briefs - Back From Seminary - Cherry Du Boise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jules Du Boise of Orman avenue, returned home yesterday from Baltimore, where she has been attending a seminary near that city for the past two years. Miss Cherry has graduated in domestic science and fine arts, and anticipates taking pupils in the former science in the spring.
Pueblo Chieftain 1-18-1917 - City Briefs - Surprise Party - Friends of Miss Filomena M. Vigil tendered a surprise party in her honor last night in honor of her approaching marriage to F. L. Gallegos which is to be solemnized January 27. The evening was spent playing games and refreshments were served.
Pueblo Chieftain 1-18-1917 - City Briefs - To Attend Lectures - Mrs. E. R. Cary will leave for Kansas City January 19, where she will remain for several months to attend the scientific lectures of the American Association of Opticians and Optometrists. During this course of lectures some of the most noted opticians and optometrists of the country will deliver lectures. After the lecture course Mrs. Cary will visit friends further east and then return to Pueblo.
Pueblo Chieftain 1-19-1917 - City Briefs - Sails for Scotland - Mrs. William Gilchrist, 1405 Pine street who left Tuesday for Glasgow, Scotland to be at the bedside of her son Archie Boyd, seriously wounded in the fighting trenches, "somewhere in France," and was removed to a hospital in Scotland, expects to sail from New York City on an American liner Saturday afternoon. She has no fear, but what she will reach Liverpool safely.
Pueblo Chieftain 1-19-1917 City Briefs - Ill, Taken to Hospital - Jerry Croyman, an aged negro was removed from his home, 415 west First street to St. Mary's hospital last night in the police ambulance. The man is suffering from an attack of pneumonia and has been ill at his home for several days without medical attention, neighbors say. He is critically ill.
Pueblo Chieftain 1-19-1917 City Briefs - Entertaining Sister - Miss Maude Atwater, of Portland, Oregon, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Leslie E. Nye, in Minnequa heights. Mrs. Atwater is returning home from Havana, Cuba, where she has resided for the past year with her brother, who is superintendent of one of the largest sugar plantations in Cuba. Mrs. Nye will entertain informally at dinner Saturday, complimentary to her sister, who leaves for the Pacific Coast Sunday.
Bayfield Blade 2-2-1917 - Pueblo Woman Given Place - Mrs. Mary Wuksinoch of Pueblo was named by Secretary James R. Noland as assistant superintendent of the state free employment bureau in that city.
Pueblo Chieftain 2-5-1917 City Briefs - To Undergo Operation - Harry Wilcox, popular young Puebloan, who is under the care of a physician after having been badly injured in (an) automobile accident last November, will undergo another operation at Minnequa hospital tomorrow. It probably will be several months before Wilcox will have sufficiently recovered to return to his position at the Colorado Supply company store, with which he has been connected for several years.
Pueblo Chieftain 2-6-1917 City Briefs - May Have to Stay - Friends and relatives of Mrs. William Gilchrist, 1305 Pine street, are much worried now for fear that she will be unable to return to Pueblo from London, England, where she went to be at the bedside of her son, Archie Boyd, wounded in the fighting trenches "somewhere in France."
Pueblo Chieftain 2-7-1917 City Briefs - Back From Coast - Clay Skinner, a former well known Puebloan and now living on a farm in Nebraska, has been in the city for the past few days. He has just returned from a trip to the Pacific coast, and at Brigham City, Utah, he met his father, George Skinner for years a resident of Pueblo and served as undersheriff when W. A. Moses was sheriff of Pueblo county. Mr. Skinner is now running an air compressor in a copper mine at Brigham City.
Akron Weekly 2-9-1917 Statehood News - Parents whose children are committed to the State Home through poverty will not be refused the right to redeem them and take them again into their own homes, if a bill introduced in the Senate by Senator Hetherington becomes a law. At present, when the gates of the State Home close upon a child it is lost to its parents. The senator also introduced a bill whereby an adopted child automatically becomes an heir of those who adopted it.
Pueblo Chieftain 2-16-1917 City Briefs - Whist Club Meets - The Ultra Whist club, prominent Afro-American residents of the steel works zone met Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. King, 1432 Cedar street. Eight tables were played in rooms tastily decorated in Valentine day colors. The first prizes went to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tudall, the former receiving a handsome pair of silk house slippers, and Mrs. Tudall a handsome hand-painted china dish. Joseph Moore received the consolation prize. In the Valentine drawing, the first prize - a policeman - went to Harry Marshall, Mrs. Willie McConnell's prize being "A hen-picking wife." At the conclusion of the games a fine luncheon, the ices being in Valentine forms - was served by the host and hostess. The next meeting of the club will be next Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Marshall, 305 west Northern avenue.
Pueblo Chieftain 2-25-1917 City Briefs - New Pastor Here - Rev. Dr. Cates pastor of the Northern Avenue M. E. church, who succeeds the late Dr. In Boden, has arrived in Pueblo from his late home, Boulder, where he has been detained by sickness and will hold regular services in the church today. His family are expected to arrive here from Boulder during the coming week.
Pueblo Chieftain 3-10-1917 Personals - Oscar Hellbeck, of the basket ball team of the State Agricultural college, who played in the game at Colorado Springs last night, is in the city spending the week-end with his parents.
Bayfield Blade 3-16-1917 - Four times around the world and half way around on the fifth trip is the achievement of Bernard Swackenberg, the oldest mail carrier of the Pueblo force, who celebrated his seventy-second birthday anniversary.
Pueblo Chieftain 3-19-1917 City Briefs - Wedding Anniversary - Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Cushing of Minnequa heights entertained informally at dinner Saturday evening in honor of their eighth wedding anniversary. Covers were laid for eight guests, the table decorations being in carnations, ferns and bowl violets, the centerpiece was a great Dresden china bowl of pink and crimson roses, surrounding a bunch of long stem American Beauty roses. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Plume, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Lyman, Miss Grace Lyman, Earl Plume, Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Carter.
Pueblo Chieftain 3-21-1917 Great Welcome Is Accorded Pueblo Soldiers Last Night – Members of Hospital Corps With Infantry From Douglas, Ariz., Reach Here Several Hours Late – Families At the Train – Back from the border where they have made a record as members of the national guard, a dozen young men, Pueblo's contribution to the medical corps of the guard, stopped in this city for 20 minutes last night en route to Fort D. A. Russell, at Cheyenne where they will await being mustered out of the federal service. Delayed by numerous accidents along the way, the troopers did not arrive in Pueblo until 9:30 o'clock. The train consisted of 19 cars which contained the equipment of the eight companies of infantry and the hospital corps which were stationed at Douglas, Ariz. Fully 200 people were gathered at the Santa Fe railroad crossing at Fourth and Elizabeth streets when the train arrived here. The crowd was composed of parents, friends and sweethearts of the guardsmen and as the cheers of the soldiers were heard as the train passed Union avenue and entered the yards proper, the crowd took up the noise and ran along the side of the train. Crowd Was Eager – Cries for the medical corps were heard on all sides and were answered by the troopers who were leaning out the windows with the words, “First Car.” The crowd was quick to move to the front of the train which came to a stop below the gas company's plant, where they met their friends and sons. Mothers clasped their manly looking sons in their arms and could be seen to wipe a tear from their eyes as the guardsman, who has grown husky on the border, held her in a firm embrace. The Pueblo boys were glad to be home from the border. Since last June they have been away from home. The summer was spent at Golden, the mobilization camp and in October they were sent to Douglas where they remained until last Sunday. While at Douglas they established a record. With the other members of the medical corps who reside in Denver, they kept the camp clean and healthy. Lieut. Dr. Frederick Pierce, who was in charge of the corps when it left Pueblo, who was later transferred to the position of surgeon of the second battalion and served as camp surgeon, stated last night that not only had the boys themselves enjoyed good health but they had also kept the camps in better health than the regular troops, a record of which they may all be proud. Eight Companies – The Pueblo boys came home with eight companies of infantry that have been stationed at Douglas. These consisted of companies A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, forming two battalions. Most of the troops come from Denver, altho the members are scattered among various towns thruout the state. The entire trainload of troopers are glad to again set foot on Colorado soil. At Trinidad where a two-hour stop was made because of a breakdown, the boys paraded the streets and made merry at again being on Colorado soil. “Gee! but it's good to be back in old Colorado,” was an expression heard on all sides as the train stopped here and the soldiers exchanged greetings with the crowd. “Colorado, the best state in the Union,” was another favorite cry shouted by the soldiers. In response to a question by a leader as to “what is the best state in the Union?” the soldiers answered, “Colorado,” and in reply to “what is the worst town in the world,” they cried “Douglas, Ariz.” A quartet of Denver guardsmen, members of the hospital corps, stood beside the track and sang as the train stopped here. They sang parodies on popular songs of the day which expressed their satisfaction at again getting back to “God's Country,” over the “Good Old C. & S.” Two Mustered Out – Two members of the corps have already been mustered out of service. A. J. Gregg and Robert Clark remain in Douglas. Clark will make it his home for the present while Gregg will accept a position and travel for some time as representative of an Arizona manufacturing company. The troops were joined here by Major A. H. Williams and Major W. C. Danks of Denver who acted as escorts from the office of adjutant general of the state. They will accompany the troops as far as Denver where a celebration has been arranged for them. From there the troops will go to Cheyenne where they will be held until the order is received to muster them out of service. The Pueblo boys who were in the party showed the effects of their training, all having gained in weight while Floyd Norris and Joe Simonton “sported” men's size mustaches which they have nursed to manhood while on the border. The Puebloans in the party were: Robert Burton, Clarence Douglas, Leroy Townsend, Frank Prather, F. Seykoda, ____ Shepard, Frank Wilder, William Theulien, Lieut. Dr. Pearce, Frank McColm, Ed. Telfer, Joe Simonton, Floyd Norse.
Pueblo Chieftain 3-23-1917 Personals - Charles Crockett, son of E. I. Crockett of this city and a student at Colorado college motored to this city yesterday afternoon in company with the college glee club.
Pueblo Chieftain 3-23-1917 Personals - Burt Gerney and wife left today for San Antonio, Tex., where they will reside permanently.
Pueblo Chieftain 3-23-1917 Personals - Miss Florence Mishou, attractive and talented daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Mishou, returned yesterday from Salt Lake City where she is studying the pipe organ. She will remain here for several days before returning to the Utah capital to continue her studies.
Pueblo Chieftain 3-29-1917 City Briefs - Recital - The Schwinger School of Music will this evening present Miss Jessie Roberts, pianiste, a pupil of Estella Martin Spencer, in recital at the Park Avenue Presbyterian church. The child has been displaying exceptional skill and her performance this evening will be watched with interest.
Pueblo Chieftain 4-1-1917 Personals - Roger Liljestrom, attending Colorado college, is spending his spring vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Lidjestrom. Note: This man's surname is spelled two different ways in this article.
Pueblo Chieftain 4-1-1917 Personals - Miss Brenda White, who is attending the state university at Boulder, is spending the spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asbury White.
Pueblo Chieftain 4-1-1917 Personals - Miss Dorothy Burton, a teacher at the state university at Boulder, is spending the spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Knox Burton.
Pueblo Chieftain 4-1-1917 Personals - Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Curtis, of Minnequa heights, will entertain informally at dinner Sunday evening in honor of their sixth wedding anniversary. Mr. Curtis is in the cast mills at the steel works.
Pueblo Chieftain 4-6-1917 City Briefs - Leaves Hospital - E. A. Anderson, employed in the finishing end of the rail mill at the steel works, is out of the Minnequa hospital where he has been for the past seven months with a compound fracture of the right leg below the knee; also badly crushed flesh. His limb was caught between a crane and an iron frame while at work early last fall and he narrowly escaped death. He was meeting friends yesterday on crutches.
Pueblo Chieftain 4-6-1917 City Briefs - Recovers - A letter received yesterday from Charles Warren, for a number of years identified with the daily press of this city as a reporter, and who went to southern California ten years ago presumably to die from tuberculosis, states that he is now well and as strong as a blacksmith, and employed on the Los Angeles Express. Incidentally he has "returned to nature" by investing in a tract of ground and gone into floral culture.
Mancos Times-Tribune 4-27-1917 - Ranchers Will Get Free Seeds - Pueblo. - The Commerce Club is arranging to furnish garden seeds free of charge to ranchers in the section south of Pueblo. The South Side water board has announced that free water will be supplied the same district for a period of one month from planting time. Pueblo merchants have signified their intention of contributing to a fund for supplying the seeds.
Pueblo Chieftain 5-13-1917 - Personals - Mrs. C. Watson Devine and daughter, Barbara, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George J. Dunbaugh returned Wednesday from a sojourn in Pasadena, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Dunbaugh will visit in Pueblo several weeks before returning to their home in Chicago.
Pueblo Chieftain 5-13-1917 - Personals - Mrs. C. Watson Devine and daughter, Barbara, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George J. Dunbaugh returned Wednesday from a sojourn in Pasadena, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Dunbaugh will visit in Pueblo several weeks before returning to their home in Chicago.
Pueblo Chieftain 5-27-1917 – Personals – George J. Dunbaugh, Jr., who has been attending Yale college, has enlisted in the army and has gone to the training camp at Fort Sheridan.
Pueblo Chieftain 5-27-1917 – Personals – George J. Dunbaugh, Jr., who has been attending Yale college, has enlisted in the army and has gone to the training camp at Fort Sheridan.
Bayfield Blade 6-8-1917 - Wilfred J. Loeffler and Carl Wierum of Pueblo, and Walter G. Peak of Colorado Springs have been named as alternates to the Annapolis Naval Academy.
Pueblo Chieftain 7-2-1918 - City Briefs - Judge Kerr Improves - Judge W. J. Kerr, who has been ill at St. Mary's hospital most of the time for the past several years, was greeted by many friends as he yesterday afternoon sat in an automobile of a friends in front of the Thatcher block. Judge Kerr says he is feeling much better and proposes to get well enough to do a good many things in this world even if he has passed his 71st birthday. His grandparents lived close to the 100 mark.
Bayfield Blade 7-20-1917 - Thomas Johnson, one of the first Pueblo boys to answer the call for recruits at the beginning of the hostilities with Germany, is seriously ill with pneumonia at Pensacola, Fla.
Pueblo Chieftain 8-19-1917 - Personals - Mr. and Mrs. C. Watson Devine left Thursday morning for Chicago where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. George J. Dunbaugh.
Pueblo Chieftain 9-14-1917 - Persons and Events - Mrs. C. Watson Devine returned the first of the week from Chicago where she visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Dunbaugh
Pueblo Chieftain 9-20-1917 - Persons and Events - Mr. and Mrs. George J. Dunbaugh, of Chicago, is expected to arrive any day now to visit their daughter, Mrs. C. Watson Devine.
Bayfield Blade 9-28-1917 - Centennial high school students will do their bit and do it actively, when they aid Pueblo county farmers in the harvesting of this year's bean crop, which is one of the largest crops grown in that section for some time.
Pueblo Chieftain 10-4-1917 - Persons and Events - Mr. and Mrs. C. Watson Devine happily honoring Mr. and Mrs. George J. Dunbaugh, of Chicago, entertained informally at dinner Tuesday evening. Nasturtiums with their "unfathomed red which ceased when Titian ceased," beautified the table on which covers were placed for eight.
Pueblo Chieftain 10-11-1917 - Persons and Events - Mr. and Mrs. George J. Dunbaugh entertained at an artistically arranged dinner Tuesday evening in the Minnequa club. Yellow and white chrysanthemums beautified the table on which covers were laid for twenty.
Pueblo Chieftain 10-11-1917 - Persons and Events - Mr. and Mrs. George J. Dunbaugh, after a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. Watson Devine and many friends in Pueblo will leave today for their home in Chicago.
Bayfield Blade 10-19-1917 - The golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah D. Lago was celebrated in Pueblo.
Pueblo Chieftain 11-18-1917 City Briefs - Now A Sergeant - Rawleigh B. Curd, Jr., has received his appointment as a sergeant at Camp Funston.
Pueblo Chieftain 12-16-1917 – Personals – George J. Dunbaugh, Jr., of Chicago, formerly of Pueblo, has enlisted in the balloon service of the Aviation corps and will take his training at Fort Omaha.
Pueblo Chieftain 2-1-1918 Mrs. John B. Veith received a telegram on Wednesday calling her to Moreland, Oklahoma, on account of the serious sickness of her father, J. S. Bowman, now 83 years of age. Mrs. Veith left Wednesday evening for Moreland, and will probably be gone several weeks.
Pueblo Chieftain 2-15-1918 - Persons and Events - Mrs. C. Watson Devine and daughter, Barbara, will join Mrs. George J. Dunbaugh in La Junta tomorrow night and journey with her to California, where they will remain indefinitely.
Record Journal of Douglas County 3-1-1918 - More than 750 Pueblo skilled mechanics have applied for civil service jobs in the shipbuilding yards of the United States and several hundred of those applying have already been accepted and sent to the various ship yards where the government is building ships to carry supplies to the armies of the allies.
Pueblo Chieftain 3-9-1918 Will Visit California - J. S. Fuller, one of the earliest settlers in Pueblo, a member of the G.A.R., and also of the association of Pioneers, will leave tonight for Long Beach, Cal., where he will spend two months visiting relatives. Mr. Fuller has an added distinction of being the engineer to run the first engine over the Santa Fe into this city. He will return to Pueblo in the summer for a short stay after which he will leave to attend the national G.A.R. encampment which meets in August.
Pueblo Chieftain 4-9-1918 - Persons and Events - Mrs. C. Watson Devine and daughter, Barbara, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Dunbaugh in Pasadena, Cal., returned to their home yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Dunbaugh returning to Chicago later in the spring will stop, enroute, for a short visit.
Pueblo Chieftain 4-14-1918 - Personals - Mrs. C. Watson Devine and daughter, Barbara, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Dunbaugh in Pasadena, Cal., returned to their home yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Dunbaugh returning to Chicago later in the spring will stop, enroute for a short visit.
Pueblo Chieftain 4-20-1918 - Personals - George J. Dunbaugh arrived in the city yesterday from the Pacific coast; he will remain for a few days before going to New York.
Pueblo Chieftain 7-2-1918 - Seriously Hurt - Charles Montgomery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lake Montgomery who has been employed at the steel works, met with an accident last week which may result in the loss of his eye. He was at work in one of the mills when a chip of flying steel lodged in his eye. He was hurried to the dispensary for emergency treatment and then taken home. It will be several days before the occulist specialist of the hospital corps will be able to determine the result of his injury. Lake Montgomery has long been employed in a clerical capacity at the Missouri Pacific freight depot.
Pueblo Chieftain 7-23-1918 - Assigned Government Post - Miss Doska Monical, the daughter of Mrs. George Monical, has received an appointment in the department of the United States Geological survey, the first woman to receive such an appointment. She leaves for Washington August 1. Miss Monical graduated from the state university in June, the first woman to be elected to membership in both the Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Vi.
Pueblo Chieftain – 7-24-1918 The Valley, The State, The West – Got Off Safe - John Clifford Ferguson, who was the first Trinidad boy that enlisted in the navy after declaration of war, was on the cruiser San Diego when that vessel was sunk by a submarine last week, and young Ferguson was among the thousand men rescued.
Pueblo Chieftain 8-18-1918 - Society and Clubs - Miss Emily Mills, graduate of Centennial high school and of Colorado college, has been appointed laborator technician at the Litterman general hospital, San Francisco, California. Miss Mills will leave in the near future to take up this government work.
Pueblo Chieftain 5-15-1919 - Personals - George J. Dunbaugh, formerly a prominent Pueblo citizen, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Dunbaugh is at present residing in Chicago, altho he claims Pueblo as his home. Mr. and Mrs. Dunbaugh were returning from California where they had been spending several months, and stopped for a short visit with friends in Pueblo. But owing to the fact that Mrs. Dunbaugh was taken ill they hurried on to their Chicago home.
Pueblo Chieftain 11-7-1919 - Persons and Events - Mrs. C. Watson Devine left Wednesday evening for Chicago where she will enjoy a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Dunbaugh.
Pueblo Chieftain 12-7-1919 - Society - Mrs. C. Watson Devine returned Thursday from Chicago, where she has been visiting for the past six weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Dunbaugh.

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