Pueblo County, Colorado
Pueblo News 1920's
Page contributed by Karen Mitchell, news items contributed by Pueblo County Volunteers.
These news items are being extracted from the local newspapers. They are in chronological order. To search for any given name use your browers "Find" button.
Akron Pioneer Press - July 30, 1920 - Two women, Mrs. R. E. Lintz and Mrs. John B. Spencer, are in critical condition at Trinidad as the result of an automobile accident near Earl. The women were injured when a car driven by Mrs. G. W. Sherfick ran off the road and crashed into a telephone post, turning the car over and crashing it.
Pueblo Indicator 8-14-1920 Graneros Cinders – Word was received here that Mr. and Mrs. Box, formerly of this place but now in Idaho, are both quite ill.
Longmont Ledger 10-22-1920 - Little May Kelse, 2 1/2 years old, won the better baby prize at the Colorado State Fair, according to the announcement made public by the judges. May scored 99.4 perfect, the only defect was a slight discoloration of the teeth, which physicians say, is characteristic of all Colorado babies. The prize winning baby is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Kelse, residing ten miles north of Pueblo.
Fort Collins Courier 11-18-1920 - Champion Fish Story of Season Comes To Front From Pueblo - By Associated Press - Pueblo, Colo., Nov. 17. - Seven years ago a woman went fishing. Her engagement ring dropped overboard in the Arkansas river. A small fish darted into the ring as it was on its way to the bottom of the stream. The ring caught behind its gills. The fish couldn't dislodge it. A few days ago the fish was caught by John Gifferback. The fish had a neck and Gifferback discovered that a diamond ring was the cause of the neck. Gifferback recalled that Mrs. Cecilia Phippson of Pueblo lost a ring in the river seven years ago. He returned the ring. Does it sound like a fish story? Any how Mrs. Phippson has the ring.
Pueblo Indicator 12-25-1920 - Colorado State News - A rehabilitation training school for disabled soldiers will be established in Pueblo by the United States government as soon as suitable quarters can be found, according to a statement issued by W. H. Logan, supervisor of vocational education at Pueblo.
Pueblo Indicator 12-25-1920 - County Correspondence - Siloam - P. A. Pa Adkins went to Pueblo Friday to assist Mrs. Leffler in making her final proof on her homestead.
Pueblo Indicator 12-25-1920 - Short Local Items - Fred Walz, Willard Baker, Mont Cambier, Leslie Tooher, Tom Barkley are some Pueblo boys attending the Colorado University who are home for the holidays.
Pueblo Indicator 1-1-1921 - County Correspondence - Burnt Mill - Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Powers entertained informally Wednesday evening for their brother, Archie, who left Thursday for Kansas City to enter the Sweeney Auto school. Except for the eleven months he was in the service Archie has lived here nearly five years and is well known. His friends wish him success in this new occupation he has chosen to study.
Pueblo Indicator 1-1-1921 - County Correspondence - Avondale - Mr. Wm. Wiley and wife are visiting relatives and friends in Pueblo and Avondale. He was a resident of this place for a good many years. He now resides at Osage, Wyo.
Pueblo Indicator 1-1-1921 - County Correspondence - Avondale - Mr. Harold Cressey, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Cressey, has joined the navy and is now in San Francisco awaiting sailing orders.
Pueblo Indicator 1-1-1921 - County Correspondence - Avondale - Miss Beuluah Malone left for Fort Collins this morning to resume her studies in the college.
Pueblo Indicator 1-8-1921 - Short Local Items - George Chappelle, 214 E. Pitkin st., has been appointed assistant printing clerk in the state legislature. It's the same position he had at the last legislative session and one that he is well qualified to fill.
Pueblo Indicator 1-8-1921 - Short Local Items - M. J. Stickel, for the past three years superintendent at the Steel Works Y, resigned his position and left for Chicago last Wednesday to accept membership on the national staff of Community Service.
Pueblo Indicator 1-8-1921 - Short Local Items - Mrs. Abbie Loupe has resigned the position of matron at the Y.M.C.A., after holding the place six years, and accepted the appointment of county superintendent of the Mother's Compensation br____ (unreadable) of the county court.
Pueblo Indicator 1-8-1921 - Short Local Items - G. E. Krenzke celebrated the golden jubilee last Tuesday, Jan. 4th, of his coming to Pueblo county. Just 50 years ago he landed here and shortly afterward went to a point 4 miles north of Beulah, where he began the taming of the wild and started a ranch, which for years has been one of the best in the state. He erected all the buildings and did all fencing on the ranch by himself and showed what one industrious man can do.
Pueblo Chieftain June 8 1921 Avondale Teacher Reported Missing - Professor Kendall, formerly principal of the South Avondale schools, and his wife and three children, have not been seen, according to their friends, since the flood, and friends believe they were all drowned. Several bodies were yesterday discovered at Boone and one, at least, at Avondale.
Longmont Ledger 6-10-1921 - Eye Witness Tells of Horror - Houses Topple Over Filled With Women and Children - Devastation Wrought by Fire and Water at Pueblo Beyond Description (Western Newspaper Union News Service) - Colorado Springs. - The devastation wrought by fire and flood at Pueblo is beyond description, according to C. S. Railsback, formerly of this city, now special agent of the Santa Fe at Pueblo. Mr. Railsback made his way to Colorado Springs by special Santa Fe motor car in an effort to get into communication with La Junta over the Union Pacific wires to order a special relief train to the scene of the disaster. "Hundreds of lives were lost and millions of dollars in property were destroyed," said Railsback. "The main business district of the city (was) gutted by fire and water, and it probably never will be known how many hundreds of people perished. The entire residence districts in several of the lowlands were completely wiped out. I spent the entire night, with hundreds of others, rescuing women and little children from the flood, and my mind is so befuddled that I can hardly talk about the thing. It was horrible beyond description. I saw several frame rooming houses topple over, plunge into the raging torrent, each filled with screaming women and children. The scene was sickening." Mr. Railsback said at one time there was fifteen feet of water running through the Santa Fe yards. In fact, the yards were completely destroyed. To add to the horror of the flood, fires broke out all over the city, not only in the business district, but in many residence sections. The largest business houses of the city, including the big banks, Crews-Beggs, White & Davis, Straub's trunk factory, the King lumber yard and many others were wrecked by water or completely destroyed by fire, according to Railsback. The river broke over its banks near the state insane asylum, and soon there was a raging torrent from the high cliffs to the west of the union depot to Seventh street.
Summit County Journal 7-9-1921 - Martial law has been lifted in Pueblo and the city and county turned over to the civil authorities by Colonel Newlon, the military commander. City authorities have put into effect all the regulations made by the military order providing that no person shall be in the streets after 10:30 p.m. without a good excuse. No passes will be issued, as was the case under martial law. The city has been under martial law since the flood of June 3 and during that time not one house has been robbed or a single holdup reported. Only a few cases of looting occurred but they were not important ones. Fifty Colorado rangers will remain there indefinitely and will be in command of Colonel Newlon.
Longmont Ledger 7-22-1921 - Officials of the Chamber of Commerce of St. Louis have announced they would request a Carnegie hero medal for Robert J. Taylor of that city, negro Pullman porter, who is said to have saved twenty-six lives when Missouri Pacific train No. 14 was overturned in the Pueblo flood in June.
Longmont Ledger 7-22-1921 - Martial law has been lifted in Pueblo and the city and county turned over to the civil authorities by Colonel Newlon, the military commander. City authorities have put into effect all the regulations made by the military order providing that no person shall be in the streets after 10:30 p.m. without a good excuse. No passes will be issued, as was the case under martial law. The city has been under martial law since the flood of June 3 and during that time not one house has been robbed or a single holdup reported. Only a few cases of looting occurred but they were not important ones. Fifty Colorado rangers will remain there indefinitely and will be in command of Colonel Newlon.
Akron Weekly 12-2-1921 Fire of unknown origin did $50,000 damage to Dixieland, a $75000 home of Mrs. L. Kniffen of Pueblo. The property is situated five miles from Colorado Springs at the entrance of North Cheyenne canon, and is one of the show places of the Pikes Peak region. The fire spread to adjoining cottages, Mrs. G.E. Burkett, an invalid being rescued from one of the burning houses by neighbors.
Akron Weekly 12-2-1921 Frank Fortuna, held in the Huerfano County jail at Walsenburg on a charge of burglary, escaped by digging a hole through the ceiling over the cell house and making his way to the roof and dropping to the ground. Fortuna was arrested following the robbery of the store of the Huerfano Trading Company at Camp Shumway. A shotgun, cigarettes and a quatity of stamps were taken. The store also is the camp post office.
Akron Pioneer Press 2-17-1922 Frank Jaeger, 18, is in St. Mary's hospital, where an operation was performed in an attempt to save his life. The lad was shot accidentally through the right lung by a rancher named Hegler when Jaeger and three other lads had stopped there on a hunting trip. Young Jaeger pointed a water gun at Hegler who in the same spirit of fun picked up a revolver, supposed not to be loaded, and the one bullet in the chamber penetrated Jaeger's right breast.
Akron Weekly Pioneer Press – 3-30-1923 Pueblo – Tom Rogers of 1409 East Fourth street, employed by the Pueblo city highway department, sustained one broken rib and severe bruises and contusions and possibly internal injuries when he fell twenty-five feet from the Fourth street bridge over the Fountain river onto the rocky dry bed below. Rogers was placing rivets in the new steel span of the bridge which is to replace the one carried out in the flood.
Akron Pioneer Press 6-1-1923 Mrs. Anna Goodwin of Pueblo was seriously injured in an automobile accident near Scott City, Kans. Details of the accident are lacking, but it is understood Mrs. Goodwin is in a hospital at Scott City suffering form a fractured skull and is not expected to live. The driver of the car was killed, it is reported.
Pueblo Indicator 9-5-1925 - Mrs. Ben Rosenbloom and daughters of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Mrs. Jack Blumenthal and daughter of Cincinnati, Ohio, who have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Newman, 1201 Spruce street, for several weeks, expect to start today for their homes.
Colorado Springs Gazette 5-16-1926 - Airplanes Hunt Pueblo Blackhand Slayers in Mountains Near Aguilar - Cordner and Pace, Mail Flyers, Aid Law in Search for Gang Who Shot Down Two Brothers on Streets of Smelter City; 10 Dead in "War" Up to Date - Pueblo, May 15 - Two airplanes, engaged for several hours in hunting down an alleged Backhand gang in the rugged mountain region, near Aguilar, south of here, returned to this city tonight without finding any trace of the alleged slayers of Pete and Tony Danna, who were shot and killed here yesterday afternoon within a block of the heart of the local business district as the two brothers stood on the sidewalk in front of a pool hall. Sam Danna, a third brother escaped a similar fate, because he remained in his automobile at the curbing. The murderers fled southeast from Pueblo thru a thinly populated section of the country, past the wilds of Rattlesnake Buttes to Aguilar, east of Trinidad. Saturday afternoon two airships took off from the local flying field, carrying a machine gun, tear bombs and heavily armed occupants. Lieut. Floyd A. Pace was at the controls of the first plane, accompanied by a local newspaper man. The second ship carried Captain Cordner and Lieut. W.W. Messmore, Colorado National Guard flying officers. Carried Tear Bombs - Winding their way south from Pueblo, the flyers searched the wild, rugged region near Aguilar and after communicating with Sheriff Harry Capps in Walsenburg, flew to El Moro, a desolate spot where the "29th Day of July" saloon stands. This old saloon is said to be a black-handers' hangout and back in the early days an Italian priest was slain there on the date indicated in the name of the place. In this region the flyers had no chance to land without wrecking but heavily armed with rifles and revolvers and with tear bombs ready they circled low over the rugged hills scanning the earth with powerful field glasses in vain. The men who are the object of the sensational man hunt are Carlo and John Mulay, Pete and Sam Carlino, Pete Laroco and Pete Walker, all named in a statement by the Dannas as having participated in the shooting. Plans were under way tonight by peace officers at Trinidad and Walsenburg to organize posses tomorrow for a thoro search of the El Moro district.
Colorado Springs Gazette 5-16-1926 - Death Tally Five Each - Pueblo, May 15 - With the killing of the two Danna brothers Friday Pueblo's black-hand war has accounted for 10 men in a short span of years, and the count is even, both sides having killed five. Such is the statement today, by one of the recognized leaders of the Sicilians of this city, who characterized the Bacino murder in Denver as a move in Pueblo's war, which originated over liquor troubles shortly after Colorado went dry. The Sicilian told an Associated Press representative today that up until the time of the killing of John Danna in the summer of 1925, that faction had lost but one man, Joe Piscopo, husband of the woman now held for the murder of Frank Bacino. Bacino's murder followed and then the killing yesterday, which brought the total to five. The first killing in the war was that of one Pete Viola, who was shot in Bessemer while riding on his delivery wagon. This man belonged to the faction blamed for yesterday's killing. A Carlino and a Mulay, relatives of those named in dying statements of the Dannas as their slayers, were killed and then this faction imported two gunmen. Both of these were killed. Two men, Pete Walker and Pete LaRocco, were added to the deathbed list as occupants of the cars. These men are both strangers in this city. Inquest has been set for Monday afternoon.
Colorado Springs Gazette 5-16-1926 - No News at Trinidad - Trinidad, Colo., May 15 - No new developments were reported by the sheriff's office here tonight in the man hunt for the sextet of gunmen who yesterday shot down and fatally wounded two men at Pueblo. A group of Pueblo officers, who this morning came south to Walsenburg and who were reported coming on to Trinidad to comb the local vicinity with local authorities, are tonight reported back in Pueblo. They did not come to Trinidad. Deputies from the office of Sheriff John J. Marty of Trinidad this afternoon visited a number of ranches in Sunflower valley, east of Trinidad, but found no trace of the fugitives. All was silent in the Walsenburg district tonight, no new developments occurring there during the day. The authorities are still hard at work on the case, despite the fact that no tangible clews to the whereabouts of the gunmen have been uncovered. Early tonight the sheriff's office, while stating "nothing new" had developed, expressed the opinion that "something might develop tonight." The Carlino brothers, two of the six men who are believed to have been in the murder car, are well known in this vicinity, and once in hiding at the home of friends in this district will be hard to locate.
Colorado Springs Gazette 5-16-1926 - Claims Old 'Love Feud' - Denver, May 15 - Former Deputy District Attorney Lewis D. Mowry, counsel for Mrs. Rose Piscopo and James Giaratano, her brother, charged with the murder of Frank Bacino, prominent Pueblo Italian announced something of his plan for the defense of the accused today. He said he would base the defense upon the contentions that the slaying was the outgrowth of an old love feud which originated in Pueblo 25 years ago. A letter written by Bacino to Giarratano before the slaying warning him to be on the lookout for a common enemy with a pock-marked face will also play a part in the defense, Mowry said.
Pueblo Chieftian Daily Doings July 1926 Rye, Colorado - Elevation 6767 - Rye is a favored vacation spot with visitors and Puebloans alike. It is situated 32 miles south and wesat of Pueblo, and is reached over hard surfased roads all the way. Take the main highway to Walssenburg, going 28 miles South to Crow. Then turn to the right and its only 4 miles more. This is one of the richest mountain valleys in the state, Rye being the center of a dairy and farming center. It is also a community of summer homes, many Pueblo and eastern Colorado people having summer homes here. Just at present it is the scene of much building activity, due to the increasing number of summer homes being built, amny of them by residents of adjacent states. While the town of Rye is not large, it supports several stores, a bank and a Cooperative Creamery. All necessaries for the table are available from the stores and nearby homes. There are several trails and roads to points of interest in the mountains, and a new trail to the top of Mt. Baldy is now under construction.
Colorado Springs Gazette 8-21-1926 - Pueblo Officer Shoots Down "Baby Bandit," 14 - Brother Sent to Prison for 20 to 30 Years - Life of Youth Ebbing Away at Parkview Hospital - Lad Had Federal Man at Point of Pistol When Sheriff Arrived - Pueblo, Saturday, Aug. 21 - Hospital reports from Parkview, where young Lester Gonce lies seriously injured, received at 1:30 o'clock this morning, were to the effect that the boy's condition was practically the same as when he was brought in early Friday afternoon. He was conscious and in some pain. No great hope is held by attendants for his recovery. During the hours of Friday night he showed no particular improvement nor was there any evidence of a relapse or sinking condition, the report stated. No estimate of the hours of life left the boy (had) could be made.
Colorado Springs Gazette 8-21-1926 - Pueblo, Aug. 20 - A bloody shooting affray occurred on the Pueblo streets between 10 and 11 o'clock this morning and resulted in the shooting down and probably fatal wounding of the younger of Pueblo's famous "baby bandits," Lester Gonce, 14, by Deputy Sheriff Fiscus and Sheriff Sam A. Thomas. At a late hour a report where the boy was taken stated that he was dying. The older of the two youthful desperadoes, who have terrorized the city and country surrounding for the last week, was apprehended by a local police officer yesterday afternoon and placed in the city jail. The younger brother was still at large and was passing along Fifth street at Court street this morning when he was accosted by Federal Officer Funston and Special Deputy Morris. While talking to the two men, Sheriff Sam Thomas and his deputy, Charles Fiscus, drove up and shot him down. Mobs Are Dispersed - The bullet-riddled body was picked up by the sheriff, who, aided by another man, carried him to the office of Dr. Low in the Thatcher building, a block away, where he was first given medical attention. He was later rushed to Parkview hospital, where his death is expected. Mobs collected at the scene of the shooting several times in the day and had to be dispersed by police officers. The blood, lying in great spots where it had run from the wounds of the dying youth, lay as mute testimony of the tragedy that was enacted on the street corner earlier in the day. People who had learned of the occurrence rushed to the scene and stood about the blood-stained sidewalk as they discussed the incident. Forrest Gonce, arrested last night, when arraigned before Judge James A. Park in district court this afternoon entered a plea of guilty to robbery with gun and was sentenced to from 20 to 30 years in the state penitentiary. Accounts of the shooting this morning of (the) Lester conflict, that the lad did not shoot at the officers, but was so badly wounded by bullets from their guns that he was unable to pull the trigger of his revolver. Marie Kelly, employed in the drug department of the city market, across the street from the scene, said she saw virtually all of the affray, she said: "I was standing here arranging a counter when I was startled by a shot. It was different from the explosion of an exhaust from an automobile and I knew immediately that it was gunfire. I looked out of the big window on the west just in time to see the boy falling. His legs and arms were all spraddled out as he was falling. After he slumped to the sidewalk, an officer, I don't know who, rushed to the lad, stood over him and fired a revolver several times, the bullets evidently going into his body. I screamed, 'It's the boy!' and frightened everyone in the building. I said 'It's the boy' because I was frightened and meant by the term that it was the 'baby bandit.' I saw no one standing near the boy when he fell." Blanche Edvis, 505 Fifth street, related that she was standing in a doorway only a few feet from where the shooting took place and saw the whole affair. "When I first recognized that something was about to take place, I noticed a car pass the door and the two men in it got out. It seemed to me that the one who was not driving pointed a revolver toward the sidewalk and commenced shooting. I never heard them say a word." Funston told them that he and Morris had the married sister of the outlaw youth in their custody earlier this morning and she was aiding them in trying to get the lad to surrender. She told them, they said, that she had delivered the stolen car the brother had in his possession to the sheriff, and had almost persuaded him to give her his gun and give himself up. She drove him down town, but he retained the revolver, telling her, the officers said, that he might need it to make his escape. After leaving him, the sister turned over the car to the sheriff and told the two men to be on the lookout for him. Drove Machine to Curb - "We let the sister out of the Federal building," Funston stated, "and then started on a search for the bandit. We saw him standing on the corner of Fifth and Court streets and drove our machine up to the curbing where we could talk to him. He saw us and placed his hand on the handle of the revolver he was carrying in the large leather belt, or protector, that he had girded about his body. He told us that he would shot if we tried to capture him. We informed him that we were not his enemies, but were only trying to help him. Morris told him that we had no guns and we showed him our hands and opened our coats. He walked over the car and looked to make sure, telling us to keep our hands in sight (all) the while. When he was convinced that we would not try to shoot him, he allowed Morris to get out of the car and talk to him. Morris stepped to the curbing and commenced to persuade him that he should give himself up, and it might save his being shot or his shooting some one else. At this juncture Thomas and Fiscus drove up and the first thing we knew the shooting started.
Colorado Springs Gazette 8-23-1926 - Three of Pueblo's Mafia Surrender - Only Two of Alleged Danna Slayers at Liberty; Had $3,500 Price on Heads - Pueblo, Aug. 22 - Another sensational chapter in the history of the Mafia "blackhand" rum war in Pueblo was written today when Pete Carlino, Carlo Mulay and Vita (Pete) La Rocco, alleged "blackhand" members of the warring Mafia factions in Pueblo, with the price of $3,500 on their heads, surrendered themselves to S.E. Thomas, sheriff of Pueblo county, at 7 o'clock this morning. The three men refused to talk, intimating that no statements would be made. At 1:30 p.m. May 14, a large "death car" drove thru the business district, stopping for an instant in front of the Monte Carlo pool hall to pour a hail of lead slugs, fired from sawed-off shotguns, into the front of the building. Standing there were Tony and Pete Danna, who slumped to the sidewalk even before the machine had time to move on. Sam English, standing within the establishment, received a number of slugs in the right leg. Deathbed statements, made at the hospital before officials the next day, named Pete and Sam Carlino, Carlo and John Mulay and "Pete" La Rocco as their slayers. Large posses searched the hills for weeks without results. An executive proclamation placed a reward of $2,500 on their heads, in addition to $1,000 offered by Pueblo county. Sam Carlino and John Mulay are still at large, with prices on their heads. The score between the Danna faction and the opposing faction is now even, it is said. Prior to this last double killing and the slaying of an alleged Sicilian "blackhander" some time ago in Bessemer, on the south side of the city, it was said that the count stood five in favor of the Dannas, one on records for the opposition.
Colorado Springs Gazette 10-2-1926 - Giarratano is Found Guilty Uncle's Death - Sister Acquitted in Denver Court After Long Trial - Shoes Convinced Jury That He Was Slayer; Blackhand Defense of Accused - Denver, Oct. 1 - James Giarratano was found guilty of first degree murder for killing his uncle, Frank Bacino of Pueblo, here last April, by a jury in West Side court tonight, which fixed the sentence at life imprisonment at hard labor in the state penitentiary. Mrs. Rose Piscopo, jointly charged with Giarratano, was found not guilty. The case went to the jury at 6 p.m., and at 9:30 p.m. it had reached the verdict. As the verdict was read in court, Giarratano grew pale but kept his composure. Mrs. Piscopo slumped in her seat and wept. Lewis D. Mowry, defense counsel, said that motion will be made for a new trial and if this is denied, the case will be carried to the higher courts. Shoes worn by Giarratano the night of the murder were perhaps the strongest evidence against him. A city detective testified that immediately after the shooting he found footprints by the window thru which the shots were fired. He forced Giarratano to remove his shoes, placed them in the tracks he said, and they fit perfectly. Sensational testimony of alleged slayings of a blackhand society in Colorado, including the killing of Mrs. Piscopo's husband, was brought into the trial by defense witnesses in an attempt to show that the members of this society had shot Bacino. Sam Danna of Pueblo, whose three brothers were recently killed, was a defense witness this morning. In closing the argument for the state, Prosecutor Wettengel charged that the blackhand theory had been injected into the case purely as a "smoke screen." "The state can't look into the mind of Jimmy Giarratano and tell the sinister secret that lurks behind his smile," he said. Giarratano killed Frank Bacino, as the bulk of the evidence has indicated. Giarratano is trying to hide behind a foreign tongue and his sister's skirts."
Colorado Springs Gazette 9-6-1928 - Prohibition Officers Swoop Down on Pueblo - More Than 40 Arrested in Series Raids - Every Bootleggger's Establishment to be Closed Up - Thirty Men Take Part in Biggest Cleanup; Expect to Jail 100 Persons - Pueblo, Colo., Sept. 5 - More than 40 persons, including a number of women, have been arrested here today in the greatest series of prohibition raids this city has ever known. Federal officers tonight were still bringing prisoners in and it was predicted that before the night was over the number of arrests might reach 100. The officers, approximately 30 in number, had orders to close up every bootlegger's establishment in town. Prohibition officers working under the direction of John Richardson, state prohibition administrator, started the drive on violators of the prohibition law here this afternoon. With five federal prohibition operatives and more than a dozen policemen, Richardson descended upon a number of establishments in various parts of Pueblo. Half an hour after the raids were begun, 25 persons had been arrested. As soon as they were arrested, the alleged violators of the prohibition law were taken to the federal court. Among the first to be arrested were P.I. Girard, former county speed officer, who has been arrested four times on similar charges; John Pagano and "Dutch" Sabo.
Pueblo Indicator 10-6-1928 - Locals - Owen Caffery, 81 years of age, was in Pueblo this week. He formerly lived here but moved to Denver. Owen is a young man at his age and recognizes all old-timers.
Pueblo Indicator 10-6-1928 - Locals - Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hinds arrived home Sept. 28 following a vacation of seven weeks spent on the coast in Washington, Oregon and California and all states in between them and Colorado. They traveled via auto, took their time and enjoyed the trip. Among other ex-Puebloans they saw Lloyd Byrnes and Herb Young at Pasadena, both on the Star-News.
Pueblo Indicator 10-6-1928 - Locals - Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Mull, of Toledo, Ohio, who have been visiting Mrs. Mull's parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Forrester, the past month, left for California last Thursday but will stop off here on the return trip home. All have been sojourning at the Forrester summer cottage at Beulah and enjoying the time immensely. Mr. Mull says Colorado has the finest climate in the world.
Pueblo Indicator 11-3-1928 - County Correspondence - Avondale - Mrs. Joe Mudd left for San Diego, Calif., a week ago for an indefinite stay with her daughter, Mrs. Al Dissler.
Pueblo Indicator 11-3-1928 - County Correspondence - Avondale - Mrs. Henry England is again at her home in Avondale motoring from Nebraska to be with her mother, Mrs. Mary Woods.
Pueblo Indicator 11-3-1928 - County Correspondence - Avondale - We are glad to learn that Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Montgomery and children safely reached their new house at White River, Ariz.
Colorado Springs Gazette 1-10-1929 - Liquor Situation in Pueblo Probed - Convict Squeals When Ring Fails to Provide for Wife While in Pen - Pueblo, Colo., Jan. 10 - Representatives of the department of justice have been investigating liquor conditions in Pueblo, it became known today, and local attaches of the federal building said they expected Judge J. Foster Symes to recall the federal grand jury to consider evidence unearthed by the investigators. The local investigation is said to have been prompted by the recent government expose of conditions at Leadville, Colo., resulting in the indictment of more than a score of Leadville's city officials and residents of that mining camp. One of the investigators admitted today that the government was checking up information furnished by a prisoner in the United States penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kan., who recently was convicted of violating the prohibition law. The investigator said leaders of the Pueblo "liquor ring" agreed to care for the convicted man's wife until his return. When this was not done, the prisoner called government agents to his cell and furnished information on the operations of what was described as "one of the largest liquor rings in the west." "We will stay here until we have the guilty ones in one sack and the innocent ones in another – from the peddler to the banker who provides the funds for the operations of the gang," the investigator said today.
Colorado Springs Gazette 2-5-1929 - Pueblo Liquor Probe Now Near Completion - Denver, Feb. 4 - The Pueblo liquor investigation case which has been under way since last September is now nearing completion and will be ready to present to the federal grand jury in the near future, it was learned here today. Wade Bortle, who has been in charge of the investigation, was called to confer with his superior and head of the Kansas City investigation department. Bortle will leave for Kansas City tomorrow and in his absence his assistant will continue his investigation at Pueblo, he reported. Bortle said that his instructions were to begin writing up the case when he had obtained 300 affidavits. "We passed that mark last week," Bortle declared.
Pueblo Indicator 9-28-1929 - Short Local Items - Mrs. Fannie Ullom has gone to Tulsa, Oklahoma, where she will teach this year.
Pueblo Indicator 9-28-1929 - Short Local Items - Dr. E. C. Warfield of Lincoln, Neb., has bought the dental office formerly owned by Dr. Hugh Riley.
Pueblo Indicator 9-28-1929 - Short Local Items - Miss Alice Chavez came in Thursday morning from Albuquerque, N. M., and is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. Q. Byrnes.
Pueblo Indicator 9-28-1929 - Short Local Items - Mrs. Frank Ream, former well known Puebloan who has been living in Los Angeles for several years, is in the city visiting friends for some time.
Pueblo Indicator 9-28-1929 - Short Local Items - Mrs. Mary Ruff, formerly of 309 Veta avenue and for many years an employee of the Continental Oil Co., left Wednesday for Los Angeles where she expects to make her home.
Pueblo Indicator 9-28-1929 - Short Local Items - Mrs. A. H. Wahler and small sons, Bobbie and David, arrived the first of the week from Whittier, Calif., and are visiting Mrs. Wahler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Logan Ragle.
Pueblo Indicator 9-28-1929 - Short Local Items - Mr. and Mrs. Herman Maroney of 1125 Carterett avenue, have moved to Albuquerque, N. M., where Mr. Maroney, formerly chief accountant in the Continental Oil Co. local office, has been transferred to a similar position with the company in their office there.
Pueblo Indicator 10-5-1929 - A Bad Crash of Automobiles - Mrs. Cecelia Walters was fined $100 in police court last Monday by Judge Crossman on the charge of reckless driving and being on the wrong side of the street. Her car struck the parked car of C. E. Johnson, in front of 1020 Evans avenue, and the Walters car was turned over. Roy Walters, the woman's husband, was severely injured and taken to St. Mary's hospital. The Walters gave their address as 214 West 4th street. A passing car mixed in the affair and had a fender torn off. The accident occurred about 11 o'clock last Sunday night.
Pueblo Indicator 10-5-1929 - Boys Go to College - The Canon City Record publishes the following news item that will interest many: "Donald Hardy has gone to Stanford University, California, where he will enter as a freshman in that institution. He left Thursday morning from Pueblo, driving through with Joe Peterson of Pueblo. Joe, son of Senator W. O. Peterson, is a junior at Stanford college. The boys are driving through via the southern route and expect to reach Los Angeles about Sunday night, where they will visit a few days."
Pueblo Indicator 10-5-1929 - Reception To The Hamiltons - The ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hamilton in the Burnt Mill district was the scene of a merry gathering when a large number of neighborhood friends met, prepared to give this fine old couple a farewell dinner which was served at noon. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton are leaving within a few days to make their future home at La Veta, Colo. They are among the oldest pioneers of Pueblo county and their many friends would join in wishing them continued health and happiness. Among those present were the following: Geo. Asher, Z. I. Moon, A. C. McFedries, A. B. Thomas, F. A. Morgan, F. H. Kehoe, R. T. Donley, E. Sisson, E. W. Haunsman, E. H. Mooth, Mrs. C. Donley, F. Bisbee, J. R. McFedries, Mrs. Kate Wright, and A. H. Powers families.
Pueblo Indicator 10-5-1929 - Henry McCarthy has returned from Atlantic City, where he went as a Colorado delegate to the National Funeral Directors Association of the U. S.
Pueblo Indicator 10-5-1929 - T. B. Liascos has bought the building, 310 W. Northern avenue, and is having it remodeled and when finished will move his grocery from the present place, 1310 East Abriendo to the new store.
Pueblo Indicator 10-5-1929 - C. E. Hadley of the Pueblo Music store, will return today from a short vacation.
Pueblo Indicator 10-5-1929 - Robert McIlvaine of the Nonpariel and W. S. Casto of the Federal Baking companies, have returned from Chicago where they attended a convention of the National Bakeries Association.
Pueblo Indicator 10-5-1929 – Miss Dorothy Jerman of 332 Michigan street, left Sunday, Sept. 29th, for a three weeks' visit in Milwaukee, Chicago and New York, to get late ideas and advanced instruction on theatre organist programs.
Pueblo Indicator 10-5-1929 - Colorado News Notes - Pueblo - Shipments of cauliflower from a large reclamation project started a year ago by the S. A. Gerard Company at Boone, twenty miles east of here, began last week, according to the company's farm manager. A total of 800 carloads of cauliflower will be shipped from Boone during the present season, it was said.
Pueblo Indicator 10-5-1929 - County Correspondence - Avondale - Miss Christina Danielson returned to Greeley last week to resume her studies at the college.
Pueblo Indicator 10-5-1929 - County Correspondence - Avondale - Eugene Anderson left for Boulder Friday to continue his course in the university.
Pueblo Indicator 10-5-1929 - County Correspondence - Avondale - Miss Fay Kirgan, who left for Los Angeles a few weeks ago, has a good position and is enjoying herself in the Golden State.
Pueblo Indicator 10-5-1929 - County Correspondence - Avondale - The community congratulates the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Kirgan. Mr. Kirgan has lived for many years in this vicinity.
Pueblo Indicator 10-5-1929 - County Correspondence - Goodpasture - Sunday, Sept. 29, about 50 friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hamilton gathered at their home with well filled baskets for a farewell picnic dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton expect to leave soon for La Veta, where several of Mr. Hamilton's brothers and sisters reside. The Hamiltons have lived in this locality over fifteen years, and shall be sadly missed by everyone.
Pueblo Indicator 10-5-1929 - County Correspondence - Goodpasture - Mr. D. C. Stull of Long Beach, California, who has been visiting his nieces, Mrs. Z. I. Moon and Mrs. G. W. Asher, left Monday to visit his brother in Pryor, Oklahoma, where a family reunion of the four brothers will be held. The youngest being 73 and oldest 82 years old.
Pueblo Indicator 10-12-1929 - County Correspondence - Avondale - Mr. Ralph Price, who formerly resided in Avondale, returned from Panama with his father for a visit in the states. He is looking fine and plans to enter a navigation school in the late fall. We were surely glad to welcome him to our midst.
Pueblo Indicator 10-12-1929 - County Correspondence - Avondale - Miss Hodge and sister, Mrs. Reynolds, of Undercliff, were Sunday visitors in Avondale. They both taught in Avondale school some years ago, and the latch string is always out for them.
Pueblo Indicator 10-19-1929 - County Correspondence - Siloam - Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus have returned from Pennsylvania, where they have been living about two years, and are looking for a location.
Pueblo Indicator 10-19-1929 - County Correspondence - Avondale - Miss N. Mannering, niece of Dr. Gothards, who was in attendance at the business college in Pueblo, was married a few weeks ago and now resides in Kentucky. Congratulations.
Pueblo Indicator 10-12-1929 - Arkansas Valley Chapter D. A. R. will hold the first regular monthly meeting of the season this afternoon with Mrs. A. S. Booth Jr., Mrs. Harry Lloyd and Mrs. C. E. Hardesty, hostesses.
Pueblo Indicator 10-12-1929 - Scott Robbe is slowly recovering from a gunshot wound inflicted by holdups at Goodpasture some number of weeks ago.
Pueblo Indicator 10-12-1929 - County Farm Agent K. D. Van Wagenan and County Commissioner Hurb Wilson will have charge of the Community Chest drive in the rural districts.
Pueblo Indicator 10-19-1929 - Avondale - We are glad to learn that M. G. A. Pauli, one of the most extensive honey producers of Pueblo county, captured 17 prizes in his state fair displays, and that his wonderful work in wax is receiving favorable comment from the press in various parts of the U.S.
Pueblo Indicator 10-19-1929 - Sheriff Raids Booze Stills - Finds Big Ones on Farms East of Pueblo, Three Are Arrested - Sheriff Sam Curran, aided by Undersheriff A. L. McAulay, Deputy Sheriff N. B. Bailey and Federal Agents A. W. Nusbaum and P. D. Smith, raided a couple of places some six miles east of town Monday last and got results. A 150-gallon still was found at Julian Tucci's place. A search of the David Lamb place revealed several 50-gallon barrels of some sort of liquor. Joe DeSalvo was also arrested as an accomplice and all three men were brought in and placed in jail temporarily.

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

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