Pueblo County, Colorado
Pueblo News 1930's
Page contributed by Karen Mitchell, news items contributed by Pueblo County Volunteers.
These news items are being extracted from the local newspapers. They are in chronological order. To search for any given name use your browers "Find" button.
Pueblo Indicator 11-1-1930 – Anne Packard Gains High Honors – Miss Anne Packard, daughter of Attorney and Mrs. S. S. Packard of this city, has been awarded a silver medal in the St. Nicholas League contest for boys and girls under 18 years of age. The prize winning contribution appears in the November number of St. Nicholas magazine. Miss Packard gained one of the 40 monthly prizes in competition with a great many others from all over the United States as well as from foreign countries.
Pueblo Indicator 11-1-1930 - Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Howe, Jr., announce the marriage of their daughter, Marie Elizabeth, to Mr. Leslie M. Alexander, Jr., Wednesday evening at Colorado Springs, by Rev. O. Lussenhop of the Trinity Lutheran church.
Pueblo Indicator 11-15-1930 - County Correspondence - Siloam - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ringe are enjoying a visit from their son, Henry, who is an officer in the navy. Mr. Ringe is also visiting his sister, Mrs. Frank Stahl, and family. Mr. Ringe is accompanied by his family.
Pueblo Indicator 11-15-1930 - Accident Victim Will Live - Martin J. Peyton, 36, a steel worker, was badly injured in an auto wreck on West Abriendo the night of the 7th inst., and whose neck was at first supposed to have been broken, but which proved to have been only severely wrenched, is on the road to recovery. Leo Houey was driving the car at the time.
Pueblo Indicator 1-8-1931 - County Correspondence - Goodpasture - Word has been received here of the marriage of Leona Belvill to George Cooper. Leona lived in our neighborhood several years and attended school here. We all wish Mr. and Mrs. Cooper all possible happiness.
Pueblo Indicator 1-8-1931 - County Correspondence - Goodpasture - Mr. Bonham, formerly of Couzens Springs, who has been living in Missouri for several years, is moving back to Colorado and looking for a location in this community.
Pueblo Indicator 1-30-1932 - City Employes Elect - Officers were elected Friday night by members of the City Employes' union at their annual meeting at the Labor temple. Those elected are: W. E. Darraugh, president; William Rule, vice president; G. P. Baker, financial secretary and treasurer; W. R. Sawtell, recording secretary; Chet McCord, guard, and Floyd Evans, guide. Trustees are John Brauer, Oscar Ikenberry and Grover Meacham. J. J. Johnson and J. W. Tillman were elected to the executive board. Delegates to the Pueblo Trades and Labor assembly are Baker, Darraugh and Meacham.
Pueblo Indicator 1-30-1932 - Shriners Honored Ben Bergerman - Upon his retirement as potentate of the Shriners January 22, Ben Bergerman was presented with an elegant watch and chain. His name, facsimile in his own handwriting, is engraved on the face of the handsome time piece as well as engraving of a life membership card. Mr. Bergerman was presented with the time piece as a token of esteem and appreciation of the unselfish, able and high service he rendered the Shriners the past year.
Pueblo Indicator 7-10-1933 - Short Local Items - Mrs. George Lee returned the first of the week from Houston, Texas, where she spent the past six months with her son Clarke Reasor, who was ill when she first went south, but has fully recovered.
Pueblo Indicator 7-10-1933 - Short Local Items - Myron Shellman, former well known Bessemer boy, who left here several years ago and has since become associated in the management of a circuit of theatres in the New England states, with his office and headquarters in Boston, is in the city for a few days calling on friends, stopping off on his way to Los Angeles while on a six weeks' vacation.
Pueblo Indicator 7-10-1933 - Short Local Items - Albert B. Worley, Leon, Ia., and Clarence Worley, of Ft. Worth, Texas, were called here on account of the death of their sister, Mrs. Melva Vaughn on June 4th at her home in Colorado Springs. Albert and Clarence were Pueblo boys for a number of years. They, with their father, Eugene Worley, and nieces, Lois and Dorris Vaughn, were callers at the Indicator office on Thursday. "Bertie" Worley learned his first lesson in the printing trade at the Indicator shop as a boy and is now publishing the Journal-Reporter, a weekly paper, at Leon, Iowa.
Pueblo Indicator 7-17-1933 - County Correspondence - Siloam - H. H. Harvey, now of Cousins Springs, but formerly of Siloam, is in the hospital in a very serious condition. He received his injuries in an automobile accident in which his car collided with a bridge, completely demolishing the car. His daughter, Mrs. Edna Woodbrich, of Harvard, Ill., has arrived and is with her mother on the ranch.
Pueblo Indicator 7-17-1933 - Short Local Items - The marriage of Miss Jennie Layne and Mr. Frank Rhodes has been announced. The ceremony was performed at La Junta June 5th.
Pueblo Indicator 7-17-1933 - Short Local Items - Myron Shellman of Boston, Mass., and his mother, Mrs. U. A. Nelson of Denver, were calling on old-time friends the early part of the week.
Pueblo Indicator 7-17-1933 - Short Local Items - Mrs. Julia Gayton and Miss Nina Crater attended the district convention of Business and Professional Women, which met in Ft. Collins on June 10th, and drove home Sunday evening, arriving in the heavy rain and electrical storm.
Pueblo Indicator 7-17-1933 - Short Local Items - Mr. and Mrs. Will Prosser, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Prosser and Mrs. Mary Davis returned Monday evening from Boulder, where they attended the graduating exercises of the University of Colorado. Upwards of 500 received degrees. Robert Prosser and Richard Beatty were among them.
Pueblo Indicator 7-17-1933 - Made Farming a Success - F. B. Boitz, a leading farmer of the Vineland district, reports good prospects for crops, the best, in fact, in years. The Bessemer ditch has been running full and the steady flow supplemented by more than the average rainfall, keeps the ground in fine condition, he said. Mr. Boitz went out on the farm about 20 years ago and has made a very good success of it, his farm being one of the best improved in Pueblo county.
Pueblo Indicator 7-24-1933 - County Correspondence - Stone City - At the trial of Judge Trimble's court for the custody of the Ed Hall children, they were given to their mother, Mrs. Cora Cusic Hall.
Pueblo Indicator 7-24-1933 - County Correspondence - Avondale - Madelyn and Jack Davidson of Pueblo spent the past week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Danielson, returning to their home on Sunday p.m.
Pueblo Indicator 8-26-1933 - County Correspondence - Siloam - Miss Doris Baker has entered the training class for nurses at Corwin hospital.
Pueblo Indicator 8-26-1933 - County Correspondence - Siloam - Mrs. Enid Heath of Pueblo spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Holmes.
Pueblo Indicator 8-26-1933 - County Correspondence - Burnt Mill and Sitton - Mrs. Strumbo, sister of Mrs. A. C. McFedries, left for her home in Wichita Falls, Texas, after an extensive visit with friends and relatives. Mrs. McFedries and Mrs. Strumbo motored to Walsenburg on Saturday to visit their sister, Mrs. Bramell and family.
Pueblo Indicator 8-26-1933 - Thos. L. Lewis of this city is reported to be seriously ill at Los Angeles following an operation.
Pueblo Indicator 8-26-1933 - Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Bergerman of New York City, are visiting his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bergerman.
Pueblo Indicator 8-26-1933 - Mrs. Bassett of Kansas City, Mo., arrived Friday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. D. J. Prosser and family.
Pueblo Indicator 8-26-1933 - J. F. Keating, superintendent of School District 20, has returned from Gunnison, where he has been giving advance instruction work at Western State College during the summer term.
Pueblo Indicator 8-25-1934 - A. V. Anderson of Los Angeles, is visiting his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson, of 1237 Bragdon avenue.
Pueblo Indicator 8-25-1934 - Mrs. Laura Langford, her daughter and grand daughter of Stenbenville, Ohio, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Harr, of 1714 Pine street.
Pueblo Indicator 8-25-1934 - John Udick, head of the Pueblo Credit Men's Association, has been elected president of the Retail Credit Bureau of Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming.
Pueblo Indicator 8-25-1934 - Marion Keating Jr., the 12-year-old grandson of Prof. and Mrs. J. F. Keating, fell from the running board of a car at Beulah last Wednesday and broke his left arm. He was taken by Prof. Keating and Dr. H. Rusk of Beulah of Corwin hospital for treatment and then released.
Pueblo Indicator 8-25-1934 - Everett Sollee For Sheriff - Mr. Sollee's campaign for sheriff has gathered momentum from day to day amongst the professional and business men of Pueblo county. There are great numbers of taxpayers who think that more business men should be placed in the county offices. And all who know Mr. Sollee speak very highly of him, and also feel that he has the ability to handle the office of county sheriff, and that he has the ability as a business man to save the taxpayers of Pueblo county a great deal of money. Mr. Sollee has operated the Broadacre Farm during the years of 1932-1933, and is one of the very few farmers in the county who has prospered during the depression and drouth years which proves beyond any question of doubt that he knows how to hold the overhead of a big business to the lowest possible minimum.
Pueblo Indicator 8-25-1934 - About Lew Barnum - Lew Barnum, who is contesting in the primary election for the nomination for county commissioner in the Second District, is a native of Pueblo County and has been a resident of Pueblo since birth. His first job was with the engineering crew that located the line of the Missouri Pacific railway from Pueblo to the state line. He was for several years with the Stock Growers National Bank and afterward in different capacities with the First National Bank of Pueblo. After leaving the bank he had a varied experience in the live stock and ranching business. He was secretary of the Bessemer Irr. Ditch Co. from 1924 to 1933. Since June, 1933 he has been operating his own ranches. He will appreciate your vote at the primaries September 11.
Pueblo Indicator 10-13-1934 - Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lewis of Westville, Okla., but who resided in Pueblo for several years, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Yesberger on East Evans ave.
Pueblo Indicator 12-15-1934 - County Correspondence - Rye - Of interest to Rye friends was the marriage of Miss Dora Nichols and Mr. Joe Samworth in Pueblo Monday. Both Dora and Joe have grown up in this community and have a host of friends who wish them well. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham. On Wednesday night a crowd of their friends gathered for an old-time charivari.
Pueblo Indicator 9-29-1934 - County Correspondence - South Chico and Hanover - Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hammitt enjoyed a week's visit with their oldest daughter, Mrs. Otto Hoerr and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hoerr and baby from Atlanta, Ga.
Colorado Springs Evening Telegraph 10-23-1935 - Companion of Woman Nabbed in Moonshine Raid Arrested; Pair to Wait in Pueblo Jail - Peggy (La Moure) McDowell is the name and the La Moure is spelled with a capital "M" if you please. U. S. Commissioner Leon Snyder was so informed this morning when Peggy was arraigned before him on charges of possession of liquor without due process of affixing federal stamps and also on charges of operating a distillery without a license, or running a still, in other words. Peggy was not in the mood to plead guilty tho assertedly caught red-handed and with the goods by sheriff's officers north of this city Monday. Later, federal officers to whom the case was turned over by Sheriff Sam Deal found an oil barrel still at Peggy's ranch home near Lake George, several liquor kegs and some 20 gallons of mash. This morning Leonard McDowell, who has been making his home at Peggy's place, was arrested by Undersheriff Emmett R. Knight and Deputy Sheriff Roy Glasier at 710 South Corona street, where he was staying. The relationship between Peggy and Leonard was not explained, tho Peggy this morning gave the name of McDowell. A not guilty plea to the same charges was also entered by McDowell before the commissioner. Peggy's bond was fixed at $1,500 and McDowell's at $1,000. Neither could give bond and they were ordered sent to the contract jail in Pueblo to await trial in United States district court. They were remanded to the El Paso county jail until a United States marshal's representative comes for them. Peggy, who has adopted the name of McDowell, was the victim of an unfortunate circumstance in July of 1933. Then residing at "Hop Inn," Manitou, she was arrested for operation of a still. Fifteen gallons of liquor and a still were found in "Hop Inn" and she was arraigned before the United States commissioner on charges of operating a still. The unfortunate part came thru the fact she was not being looked for at that time. The Manitou marshal was looking for a fugitive from justice, and going around from house to house accidentally stumbled onto Peggy's resort. Last Monday Peggy was said to have been drunk, probably on her own liquor when arrested. Sheriff Deal sent out a warning to whisky buyers that if they had made a purchase from Peggy to watch their step since being made in an oil barrel there might be some fusel (?) oil in it. At the time of the Manitou incident, the name was Mrs. Peggy La Moure, alias Mrs. J. W. Scott.
Pueblo Indicator – 12-12-1936 – County Correspondence - Avondale (Delayed from last week) - Mr. and Mrs. Sam Aldred celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary on Sunday, November 29. All of their children and families came to see them and spend a few days. Friends and neighbors called during the day to give them greeting.
Pueblo Indicator – 12-12-1936 – County Correspondence - Siloam - Mrs. Mattie Holmes has two men at work finishing her fencing on her homestead, final proof on which she made last month.
Pueblo Indicator – 12-12-1936 – Short Local Items - George E. Leonard, member of the U. S. navy, on the destroyer tender Whitney, on a 30 day leave of absence, is visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Secora of 1914 Beulah Ave.
Pueblo Indicator – 12-12-1936 – Short Local Items - Miss Eunice Wennermark who moved to Los Angeles, Calif., some time ago is here to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wennermark, and her sisters Helen and Ruth of 1220 Orman Ave. She will play a violin solo at the Pueblo Symphony concert December 14th, at the Auditorium.
Pueblo Indicator 1-9-1937 - Dr. Jesse W. White has been elected president of the Pueblo County Medical society. Dr. Francis Adams was elected secretary-treasurer.
Pueblo Indicator 1-9-1937 - Gordon McNeal has returned to his barber shop after a layoff of a week on account of sickness.
Pueblo Indicator 1-9-1937 - Elwin Davis will be deputy county coroner for the next three months, all the undertakers serving quarterly.
Pueblo Indicator 1-9-1937 - George E. Diggory, formerly assistant to R. C. Landis, chief clerk to general superintendent L. F. Quigg of the steel works, has been appointed chief clerk to succeed Mr. Landis who resigned to enter other business.
Pueblo Indicator 1-9-1937 - Earl "Dutch" Clark, Central high school graduate, and nationally noted football player, has been appointed coach of the Detroit Lions professional team for 1937.
Pueblo Indicator 1-9-1937 - Attorney B. F. Koperlik and wife have returned from Cleveland, Ohio, where they visited their son and daughter and their families during the holidays.
Pueblo Indicator 1-9-1937 - Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Saxton of 123 Michigan street, are preparing to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on January 19th, at which time they will hold a reception at their home.
Pueblo Indicator 1-9-1937 - County Correspondence - Unity - Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Henrie and children of Center, Colo., and Walter Sorensen of Walsh, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henrie and other relatives and friends.
Pueblo Indicator 1-9-1937 - County Correspondence - Stone City - W. H. Callen, who has resided in this part of Colorado since 1864, had the misfortune to fall last week, and hurt his side right badly.
Pueblo Indicator 1-9-1937 - County Correspondence - Stone City - Mrs. Paul C. Hansen and children and Margie and Joana Ward, all of Drennan, spent part of Christmas week with relatives here.
Pueblo Indicator 1-9-1937 - County Correspondence - Stone City - Mrs. Katie Dockum has gone to Limon, Colo. to visit her daughter, Mrs. Harris.
Pueblo Indicator 1-9-1937 - County Correspondence - Rye - W. H. Davenport and daughter, Mrs. H. D. Jackson, left Wednesday for California. Mrs. Jackson will return in two weeks but W. H. will remain for some time.
Pueblo Indicator 1-9-1937 - County Correspondence - Rye - Miss Ellen McDaniel returned Sunday from Hotchkiss, Colo., where she spent the Holidays at the home of her uncle, Barney Haines.
Pueblo Indicator 1-9-1937 - County Correspondence - Rye - Clyde Miller returned to his school work at Pierce, Colo., Sunday.
Pueblo Indicator 1-9-1937 - County Correspondence - Rye - Miss Erma Fisher left Wednesday of last week for Denver where he school duties began Monday.
Pueblo Indicator 1-9-1937 - County Correspondence - Rye - Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harrington returned New Years Day from Blackwel, Oklahoma, where they were called by the serious illness of their grandson, Gerald Smith. They left the little fellow much improved but still far from well.
Pueblo Indicator 1-9-1937 - County Correspondence - Rye - Mrs. Gladys Ports, who spent the vacation with her father in Anadarko, Okla., returned Sunday. Miss Agnes Hicklin, arrived the same day from Greeley, where she spent her vacation at the home of her parents.
Pueblo Indicator 1-9-1937 - County Correspondence - Rye - Mrs. William Andis left Thursday to visit her daughters in California.
Pueblo Indicator 1-16-1937 - New Board of Commissioners - Now Organized and Down to Business - Appointments Are Made - The new board of county commissioners took its place the 12th inst. J. W. Goss was elected chairman. John E. Hill, road commissioner. Pete Hughes, commissioner of finance. Goss will also be commissioner of the poor. Al. G. Hughes, clerk of board. Riley Cloud, county attorney. Dr. J. J. McDonnell, county physician. Miss Angella Yammick, county nurse. Robert Root, superintendent of roads. Fred C. Waddel and wife in charge of county farm. E. J. McGuire, efficiency engineer. Joel Hayden, supervisor of roads and bridges. Louis Chiariglione, keeper of county buildings. Sam McCoun, county assessor to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas A. Christain. Miss Margaret Tanner, stenographer.
Pueblo Indicator 1-16-1937 - County Correspondence - Avondale - Mr. Sterling Caulfield, newly-elected representative, has gone to Denver. He was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Caulfield, who will make their home there for some time. Mr. Woodrow Caulfield is slated for the position of bill clerk.
Pueblo Indicator 1-16-1937 - County Correspondence - Avondale - Mr. Gerald Valantine is putting an addition on his house in Avondale for the use of his mother, Mrs. Annie Valantine.
Pueblo Indicator 1-16-1937 - County Correspondence - Avondale - Mrs. W. W. Caulfield has returned from California where she spent the holidays visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Portlock, and other relatives.
Pueblo Indicator 1-16-1937 - County Correspondence - Avondale - Dolphus Chaney and Herndon Ware who spent the holidays with home folks at Boone, have returned to Boulder where they will resume their studies.
Pueblo Indicator 1-16-1937 - County Correspondence - Avondale - Rosemary Valantine, Arlo Beaman and Mabel Cooper took part in the piano recital given in the Business Woman's club house on last Saturday.
Pueblo Indicator 1-16-1937 - County Correspondence - Goodpasture - Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Esely returned from a trip to Missouri and Kansas last Tuesday. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Esely's mother, Mrs. Bornschein and Miss Irene Decker. Mrs. Bornschein and Miss Decker left Wednesday morning for Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Pueblo Indicator 1-16-1937 - County Correspondence - Stone City - S. A. Leftwich, principal of our school, is sick in Pueblo. Mrs. Newton is substituting for Mr. Leftwich at school.
Pueblo Indicator 1-16-1937 - County Correspondence - Stone City - W. H. Callen, who was right badly hurt by a fall, has about recovered.
Pueblo Indicator 1-16-1937 - County Correspondence - Stone City - Mr. Wands got his car home on Tuesday, which was so badly damaged at Florence by a drunken driver running his truck into the car. Mrs. Wands, who was hurt in the accident, has about recovered.
Pueblo Indicator 1-16-1937 - County Correspondence - Rye - Miss Carrie Martin, from Pueblo, spent Sunday with her parents on the Gray ranch.
Pueblo Indicator 1-16-1937 - County Correspondence - Rye - Miss Iona Harrington came out from Pueblo Tuesday for a brief visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harrington.
Pueblo Indicator 1-16-1937 - County Correspondence - Rye - Mrs. Vesta Hewitt is employed in Pueblo and her children, Thelma and Ted, are staying at the Glen Stewart home.
Pueblo Indicator 4-3-1937 - Peter Winters, 71 years of age, was run down by an auto at First and Main last Saturday night and taken to St. Mary's hospital where he is in a serious condition.
Pueblo Indicator 4-3-1937 - C. A. Wennermark, the Bessemer jeweler, who has been on the sick list for some time, is improving and is now at the store attending to business again.
Pueblo Indicator 4-3-1937 - Mrs. Nettie S. Freed, county superintendent of schools, has received an appointment as a member of the advisory board of the NYA girls' camp near Colorado Springs.
Pueblo Indicator 4-3-1937 - Married 57 Years - Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kearney of 1022 West 13th street, observed their 57th wedding anniversary Easter Sunday, March 28. Their sons and daughters and families were present at the happy celebration. Mr. Kearney has for many years been superintendent of the State Fair grounds.
Pueblo Indicator 4-10-1937 - Will Improve a Cemetery - Mt. View cemetery will be improved further by the 10-acre plot of ground on the west side being set out in evergreen trees and laying down gravel walks. The entire cemetery has been enclosed by a stone wall and now presents a very handsome appearance.
Pueblo Indicator 4-10-1937 - Puebloans in Auto Crash - Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Newton and Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Marvin of this city, who were in a serious auto crash the 2nd inst. at a point nine miles south of Colorado Springs, are recovering from their injuries. Also, Wilbur Pryor was in the same accident. E. W. Searle of Denver drove his car into the rear end of the Pueblo car and he was critically injured. Both cars were badly damaged.
Pueblo Indicator 4-10-1937 – Mrs. Tompkins on Trial – Mrs. Edith Halcomb Tompkins was on trial in the district court the past several days charged with having performed an illegal operation on Lovay Bailey, an eighteen-year-old girl, as a result of which the prosecution claims the girl died. Thursday afternoon the jury disagreed and was dismissed by District Judge Harry Leddy. It was a mistrial. Mrs. Tompkins is still being held pending further court deliberations.
Pueblo Indicator 4-10-1937 - Observed Her 88th Birthday - Mrs. Jennie Cates of 1037 Berkeley avenue celebrated her 88th birthday Sunday, April 4th and received the congratulations of a number of relatives and friends who called throughout the afternoon. Mrs. Cates is the mother of Mrs. Dr. W. O. Peterson, with whom she makes her home. She is hale and hearty and carries her age lightly in every way, her unfailing cheerfulness and good-will for all being marked characteristics of her everyday life.
Pueblo Indicator 4-10-1937 - County Correspondence - Avondale - Howard Wheeler and Henry Johnson, who spent the spring vacation with home folks, have returned to their school work at Boulder University.
Pueblo Indicator 4-10-1937 - County Correspondence - Avondale - Lucile, the small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Martin is quite sick at St. Mary's hospital in Pueblo.
Pueblo Indicator 4-10-1937 - County Correspondence - Siloam - Walter Price has been confined to his bed for the past two weeks on account of illness, which has developed into pneumonia.
Pueblo Indicator 4-10-1937 - County Correspondence - Siloam - Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hambelton took their little son Robert Lee to the Children's Hospital in Denver, where he was operated on for congenital dislocation of the hip. He is said to be getting on well.
Pueblo Indicator 8-19-1939 - Mrs. Laura Sandor of Highland Park, Chicago, Ill., attended the wedding of her niece Elinor Amelia Horlbog to Donald Francis Hoover, of Taft, California, held in Pueblo on August 9th.
Pueblo Indicator 12-16-1939 - County Correspondence - East County Line - Arthur Jones and sons from Leavenworth, Kansas, are visiting at the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones.

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

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