Pueblo County, Colorado
Pueblo News 1940's
Page contributed by Karen Mitchell, news items contributed by Pueblo County Volunteers.
These news items are being extracted from the local newspapers. They are in chronological order. To search for any given name use your browers "Find" button.
Pueblo Indicator 12-28-1940 - Short Local Items - Roy A. Payton Jr., student at Denver university, is spending the holidays with his folks, Attorney and Mrs. Roy A. Payton, 2115 Court street.
Pueblo Indicator 12-28-1940 - County Correspondence - Rye - Walter Williams came home from Fort Warren on a ten day leave. Joe Kralak is at home for the same time from Fort Logan and Bernard Gleason and Alvin Bigelow came from Lowry Field on a three days' leave.
Pueblo Indicator 1-4-1941 - Short Local Items - Sergeant Paul E. Puckett is spending his Christmas furlough at home with his mother, C. E. Puckett and sister, at 1519 West 27th street.
Pueblo Indicator 1-4-1941 - Short Local Items - Tom Dameron, an officer in the army at Fort Sill, Okla., is expected to come home and attend the state legislature as a member.
Pueblo Indicator 1-11-1941 - County Correspondence - Burnt Mill and Flats - Edward Hankla of the U. S. army at Ft. Bliss, Texas has been spending his furlough visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hankla and other members of the Hankla family. He left in his car Tuesday for Ft. Bliss.
Pueblo Indicator 6-1-1946 - County Correspondence - Burnt Mill and Flats - Wm. Roper of Pueblo and son, Roy, who has just been discharged from the navy, were visiting friends in this vicinity on Tuesday.

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

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