Pueblo County, Colorado
Pueblo News 1960's
Page contributed by Karen Mitchell, news items contributed by Pueblo County Volunteers.
These news items are being extracted from the local newspapers. They are in chronological order. To search for any given name use your browers "Find" button.
Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph – November 3, 1961 – Four Die in Plane Crash Near Pueblo – Flying into a blinding snowstorm, four men crashed to their deaths in a light plane Thursday 17 miles southeast of Pueblo. The fast-moving storm cleared within a few hours to reveal the wreckage on the Butler Ranch. Another airman, Glenn L. Nash, spotted the shattered remains on a flight from Pueblo to Raton, N.M. Those killed were Carlyle C. Madson, 50, the pilot, and Henry J. Pannell, Jr., 30 both of San Diego, Calif.; Paul Miller, 38 (?), La Mesa, Calif., and Vernon L. Parrish, 32, Denver. Parrish headed an electronics firm with offices in Denver, Albuquerque and Salt Lake City. The others all were employes of a San Diego firm. First on the scene, according to Maj. Lawrence H. Reibscheid, information officer of Group III, Civil Air Patrol, were three CAP officers and two deputy sheriffs of Pueblo County. They arrived on the scene at about 4:30 p.m. The searchers were Lt. Col. W. A. Coe of Black Forest, deputy communications officer of the Colorado Wing CAP; 1st Lt. Joseph Girodano and 1st Lt. Elvina Smith of the Pueblo County (?) CAP, and deputy sheriffs Theodore Nickolett and M. C. Forester. The search was directed by Lt. Col. Herbert E. Hammond of Colorado Springs, commanding officer of Group III. Operations officer was Maj. Earl Cole of Manitou Springs, also of Group III. The wreckage was scattered over a quarter mile area of the flat prairie land north of the Huerfano River, Hammond said. The largest piece of wreckage could be put in the back of a pickup truck. One body was in the nose wreckage. Two others were 80 feet ahead of where the plane struck the ground. The fourth body was at the point of impact. Controllers at the Pueblo airport said the plane, bound from Denver to Albuquerque, N.M., radioed at 10:43 a.m. that it was returning to Pueblo after running into the blizzard. Efforts to communicate with the plane failed. Workmen on the Butler Ranch said they heard the roar of a plane, apparently at full throttle, about 10:45 a.m. but heard no crash. The plane did not burn. It dug a furrow about 8 inches deep before disintegrating. Sheriff officers said it appeared the plane struck in a pancake fashion. Reibscheid said that since Feb. 4 of this year, the CAP has participated in more than 25 search and rescue missions of this type.
Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph 6-18-1965 – Hundreds Flee as 15-Foot Flood Crest Hits Pueblo – Pueblo (AP) – A fast-moving, 15-foot flood crest on the Fountain River hit this southern Colorado town Thursday evening. The river was reported to be almost a half a mile wide at points and moving close to five miles an hour as it hit the edge of town. Hundreds of persons had to be evacuated from homes close to the river's edge, and hundreds more collected on the banks to watch the crest come in, creating more problems for already hard-pressed policemen. The evacuees were bedded down in Risley Junior High School in Pueblo for the night. The Fountain destroyed one bridge about ten miles north of Pueblo before roaring into the town and there were reports of a dam on the river at Widefield had given way. The Fountain River empties into the Arkansas River just below Pueblo and flooding was expected to be the worst there. The crest was also expected to make things worse for towns along the Arkansas itself. Two of them, Holly and Granada, in eastern Colorado, were evacuated earlier Thursday.
Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph 5-13-1965 – Two Pueblo Men Face Abortion Case Trial - Canon City (UPI) – Two Pueblo men convicted and sentenced to prison terms in connection with an illegal abortion, were free today on $10,000 bond. The two men are Tom (Whiskers) Incerto, 55 and Dr. Robert C. Stuart, 70. They were convicted last Dec. 3 and sentenced to 45-year terms in the Colorado State Penitentiary at Canon City. A prison spokesman said they were released after their attorneys appealed the convictions to the Colorado Supreme Court. A third man, Badge Giambalvo of Florence, Colo. still is held at the prison. Authorities said the abortion was performed on a Florence housewife. They said her mother reported the operation to police.
Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph 7-3-1966 - (Picture shown) - Dan Hale David? - Well, that's Dan Hale David wearing old No. 82 for the 1940 Pueblo Central football team and that's Dan Hale David in the inset (picture). Only today, he's better known as Dan Rowan of the comedy team of Rowan and Martin. The pair will be appearing at the Broadmoor this week.

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