Pueblo Chieftain 3-24-1992 - Gravestones in Pueblo Yard Bear Hint of History, Mystery - Two tombstones in yard of house at Eighth and Greenwood may get double takes from passers-by, but don't mark graves. When John McBride takes his early morning walks Downtown, he's often impressed by the neighborhood detail he notices that he never sees from a car. None more so than the two grave markers behind the white frame house at Eighth and Greenwood in the heart of Pueblo. They stand side by side - a 4-foot-tall gray granite shaft and a foot-high tan sandstone square - almost obscured from sight by a bush. Whose headstones are they, he wondered. Where did they come from? Do they mark graves? The answers are both simple and impossible. Legends on both tell names and dates. The gray granite shaft was on the property when Duncan Henrikson bought the property several years ago from a Missouri man who had inherited it. The legend reads: C.R. Hedges; May 19, 1858; Feb. 4, 1903; Here lies a Woodman of the World. "It used to be sitting closer to the house, but I have no idea where it came from," Henrikson said. Neighborhood gossip suggests the actual grave is under the back porch of the house. No way, said Henrikson. There's a basement under the house. It is the small headstone that is heart-wrenching. And it is a treasure to the present occupant of the house, Nancy Ellen. She has owned the marker for a decade since she found it at one of the many antique and collectibles sales she attends. The tragedy is etched on three sides of the small tan headstone. Three children; three deaths in three months: Our Baby; Died Jan. 20, 1881; Age 7 Days. James Died; April 3, 1881; Age 8 Years. Albert A., son of A.C. and E.A. Randall; Died March 24, 1881; Age 6 Years. Historian Joanne Dodds said such markers were common in early days. "It was some contagious disease," she said. "You see it in the spring and in the winter. Winters were hard and strength was down." It's easy to understand why people were terrified of contagious diseases such as small pox, she said. "It wiped out families, especially children. Ms. Ellen has no idea where the children's gravestone originated. "I always supposed it was from somewhere around here, but I just don't know," she said. Please Note: Ms. Ellen sold the property several years prior to 2012 and the stones are no longer on the property. She did not know what happened to them. A.C. Randall is reported as A.J. Randall in the 1880 census.

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