Pueblo County, Colorado

Grand Army of the Republic
Post 008

Contributed by Karen Mitchell and Jean Griesan

Pueblo Chieftain 6-3-1917 – Seven Veterans Called in Year Leaving But 100 – All G. A. R. Members Who Died During Past Twelve Months Were Infantrymen – Rarely ever does the Grim Reaper pass thru the ranks of the grand old warriors of Pueblo with so gentle a hand as during the last year in which seven of the “comrades” were taken from their friends, leaving about 100 to bear the banners of the Pueblo post of the Grand Army of the Republic. Of the seven who passed away, all were infantrymen, four coming from Iowa, two from Illinois and one from the state of Massachusetts.
The “departed comrades” of the local post for the last year are:
Ralph Nasen, died July 8, 1916, Company H, 35th Iowa Infantry;
Chas. H. Teitsort, died February 15, 1917, Company E, 39th Iowa Infantry;
Hiram Thomas, died February 27, 1917, Company K, 45th Illinois Infantry;
C. C. Gaines, died March 6, 1917, Company 2, 2nd Iowa Infantry;
David B. Cathcart, died March 16, 1917, Company F, 16th Iowa Infantry;
Henry M. Morse, died April 16, 1917, Company F, 17th Massachusetts Infantry;
John F. Burroughs, died October 6, 1916, Company G, 139th Illinois Infantry.

Pueblo Chieftain – December 23, 1917 – Annual Memorial Services of G. A. R. Friday Evening – Ten Members of Pueblo Post Have Died During the Past Year – Pueblo Post No. 8, G. A. R. and Relief Corps No. 2, W. R. C. will observe annual memorial services in remembrance of those members who have died during the year 1917, in Grand Army hall, 605 north Main street, on Friday evening, December 28, at 7:30 o'clock. Special invitation is extended to relatives and friends of deceased members to attend these services, and all interested will be welcome.

Ten members of Pueblo Post have answered the last roll call during this year:
Nathan E. Webb, private, Co. F, 6th U. S. cavalry, died January 4, 1917. Tribute by Comrade A. E. Milks;
Charles H. Tietsert, private, Co. E, 39th Iowa Inft., died February 15, 1917. Tribute by Comrade T. J. Harris;
Hiram Thomas, private, Co. K, 45th Illinois Inft., died February 27, 1917. Tribute by Comrade Michael Martin;
Cyrus C. Gaines, corporal, Co. E, 2nd Iowa Inft., died March 6, 1917. Tribute by Comrade Dan W. Brown;
Henry M. Morse, private, Co. F, 17th Mass. Inft., died April 16, 1917. Tribute by Irving R. Stanton;
John R. Hurd, colonel, 173rd Ohio Inft., died May 17, 1917. Tribute by Comrade W. M. Clark;
Lorey A. Crane, captain, Co. H, 14th Iowa Inft., died July 1, 1917. Tribute by Comrade Jacob Jewell;
Delos L. Holden, lieutenant, Co. E, 50 N. Y. Engineers, died September 6, 1917. Tribute by Comrade Thomas J. Downen.

Eight comrades, not members of Pueblo Post have died in Pueblo this year:
David B. Cathcart, private, F, 16th Iowa Inft;
Wm. Roberts, private, E, 5th Pa. Cavalry;
Samuel A. Wilson, private, H, 10th Ohio Cavalry;
Richard Jones, private, B, U. S. Colored Inft., died September 29, 1917;
Geo. W. Chuff (no record of service);
Wm. H. Ragland, private, H, 129th Ill. Inft., died November 17, 1917;
John Willits (no record of service);
Horact (Horace?) A. Whittaker (no record of service), died December 19, 1917.
The memorial address will be delivered by Rev. O. S. Reed, past chaplain-in-chief, G. A. R.

Pueblo Chieftain 12-10-1918 – G. A. R. Elects 1919 Officers – Thos. J. Harris was elected commander of Pueblo Post No. 8, Grand Army of the Republic, at the meeting of the post Saturday night. Other officers chosen were Amos E. Milks, senior vice commander; Michael Martin, junior vice commander; Aaron Rood, post chaplain; Elijah Brayton, quartermaster; N. B. Yackey, post surgeon; Dan W. Brown, officer of the day; Louis H. Christy, officer of the guard and William M. Clark, adjutant. Regular meetings will be held each Saturday evening at 7:30 o’clock in the G. A. R. hall. Memorial services for members of the Pueblo post who have died in the year 1918 will be held Saturday evening, December 28, at 7:30 o’clock.

Name, Date of death, Company & Unit, Cemetery
Abbey, Samuel A.10/28/1914Co L 17 Pa CavRoselawn
Adams, H.W.1-20-1885Co D 17 Ill InfRoselawn
Adams, James1/14/1906Co H 71 Ill InfMountain View
Anderson, F.no date not given City Cemetery
Andrus, Jessie D12/18/1910 Pvt Co B 132 IL InfRoselawn
Angle,no date not given City Cemetery
Applegate, Benjamin3/6/1912Co A 20 Iowa InfMountain View
Armstrong, William12/19/1908Co A 53 Ill InfCity Cemetery
Arnold, Perry B.no date not given Mountain View
Artman, M.10-1-1892Co G 105 Ohio InfRoselawn
Ayers, A.11-27-1895Co A 118 Ill InfRoselawn
Baker, Charles6-23-1884Co E 7 Iowa CavCity Cemetery
Baker, Georgeno date not given City Cemetery
Baker, Harry2/10/1903Co K 24 Wisc InfMountain View
Barks, W.H.7-2-1899not given Roselawn
Barnard, Oliver Jno date 1st Class US Navynot given
Bartholomew, E.F.2-13-1891Co I 77 Ill InfMountain View
Baxter, Oliver H.P.4/15/1910Co I 3 Col CavCity Cemetery
Beachie, Roman6/5/1909Co F 5 Iowa CavRoselawn
Beaman, Lafayette8/27/1914Co K 3rd Colo CavRoselawn
Beck, J.L.12-12-1896Co K 13 Iowa InfRoselawn
Beers, Ephraim P.5/19/1915Co K 13 Iowa InfRoselawn
Bell, George1/4/1908Co H 150 Pa InfMountain View
Benell, Andrew J.6/14/1907148 Ill InfRoselawn
Benjamin, Edgar W.1/21/1907Co C 9 Mo InfCity Cemetery
Bigelow, Zanes5-2-1892not given Roselawn
Bingham, Frankno date not given Roselawn
Blair, W.H.H.10-14-1883Co A 17 Iowa InfMountain View
Bliss, Timothyno date not given City Cemetery
Booth, Joseph W.3/10/1904Co K 3rd Colo CavRoselawn
Bowen, Thomas M.no date not given Roselawn
Boyle, William T.12-31-1894Co B 50 Ill InfMountain View
Bradfield, William2/8/1904not given Roselawn
Breed, George T.no date not given Roselawn
Breed, George T.1888-188911 Mass ArtCity Cemetery
Brewer, W.H.no date not given City Cemetery
Briggs, S.H.2-27-1890Co G 4 Wisc CavCity Cemetery
Brotherton, William H.10/7/1909Co G 85 Ind InfRoselawn
Brown, Dan Wno date Sgt Co E 2 IA Infnot given
Brown, Daniel W.no date not given Roselawn
Bryant, John B.1883Co A 39 Mo InfMountain View
Burnett, William9-30-1873Co I 11 Mo CavCity Cemetery
Burns, Isaacno date Pvt Co I 1 CO INDEP. Lt Artnot given
Burns, Almond8/27/1901Co B 1st Colo CavRoselawn
Bushnell, A.C.no date Co E 13 Iowa InfCity Cemetery
Calhoun, Joseph7/1/1903Co D 19 Iowa InfRoselawn
Carey, G.W.11/9/1903not given Roselawn
Carlile, Walter B.9/28/1901Co A 80 Ohio InfMountain View
Carlile, William K.5/31/1914Co A 80 Ohio InfMountain View
Carver, John Cno date Pvt Co A 30 ME Infnot given
Carver, John Wno date Sgt Co A 88 NY Infnot given
Case, Adran C.9/21/1904not given Roselawn
Cates, Jesse12/12/1904Co E 11 Ind CavRoselawn
Cavanaugh, E.E.10-13-1892Co H 4 Ohio InfMountain View
Chapman, A.F.5-25-1882not given City Cemetery
Chappel, Herman P.9/8/1905not given Roselawn
Chase, A Bno date Pvt Co E 1 CO Cavnot given
Christie, Louis Hno date Pvt Co A 1 MD Infnot given
Clossen, C.P.no date not given Roselawn
Coffey, Daniel6/8/1909not given Roselawn
Comerford, John5/31/1911not given Mountain View
Connor, Mno date Pvt Co H 43 WI Infnot given
Conway, James M.4/25/1905Co G 10 Ind InfRoselawn
Cook, Johnno date Pvt Co H 7 VT Infnot given
Corcoran, Thomas12-4-1893Co E. 3 WV CavRoselawn
Couch, Isaac12/2/1914Co E 2 Ark InfRoselawn
Coy, Henry Jno date 2nd Lt Co E G 2 CO Cavnot given
Crandall, Frederick A.no date not given Roselawn
Crites, G.W.12/10/1902Co C 69 Ohio InfRoselawn
Crossley, Reuben I.no date not given Roselawn
Crumedy, Wesleyno date Pvt 135 US Col Infnot given
Cummings, Capt.5-5-1882not given City Cemetery
Curran, E.D.8-22-189910 WV InfCity Cemetery
Darling, F.M.4-7-1893not given Roselawn
Darnell, M.10-20-1896not given Roselawn
Darrough, Louis10/22/1914Co I 11 Ind InfCity Cemetery
Davenport, W.H.9-14-1899Co G 3rd Colo CavRoselawn
Davidson, William J.G.4/24/1909100 Pa InfCity Cemetery
Davis, Henry Cno date Pvt Co A 13 WI Infnot given
Dawson, Thomas8-18-1894Co G 2 Ohio ArtRoselawn
Dean, Samuel1/4/1909Co A 125 US Col InfRoselawn
Dear, Barton H.12/8/1907Co H 7 Mo InfRoselawn
Deems, Joshua B.6/30/1910Co B 22 Pa CavRoselawn
DeNoon, Emanuel3/6/1904Co I 28 Ohio InfRoselawn
DeShea, John11-9-1893Co G 44 Mo InfRoselawn
Dickerman, A.L.9/6/1914Co J 4 Ver InfRoselawn
Dickson, Andrew S.1/20/1906Co H 125 Ill infMountain View
Dimmick, George W.2-15-189212 Ohio OrtRoselawn
Dingman, James B.5-24-1890Co A 23 NY CavMountain View
Dobbs, E Wno date Pvt Co B 11 KY Infnot given
Dodds, Joseph7/3/1903Co K 44 Wis InfRoselawn
Doney, J.W.4-5-1899101 NY InfRoselawn
Dotson, Peterno date not given Roselawn
Doudna, John V.L.12/6/1912Co H 24 Ohio InfRoselawn
Douglas, Joseph Mno date Co G 5 IA Infnot given
Douglas, D.no date 15 Ver InfCity Cemetery
Downey, J.E.9/1/1914Co C 132 Ind InfMountain View
Doyle, Phillip2/21/1903Co C 96 NY InfRoselawn
Duckworth, James L.no date Co F 13 Mo CavRoselawn
Dunbaugh, C.P.5/3/1910Co C 3 Ill CavRoselawn
Dunbaugh, Charlesno date 114 Ill InfRoselawn
Dunn, John6/18/1901not given Roselawn
Dunn, R.H.7-1-1898Surg 3 Tenn InfRoselawn
Eames, A.H.11/1/1910not given Roselawn
Edgar, Robert Gno date Pvt Co G 3 NY Lt Artnot given
Edington,no date not given City Cemetery
Engle, Charles Lno date Pvt Co H 1 MN Hvy Artnot given
Erdman, Charles11-3-1898US InfCity Cemetery
Evans, Barneyno date Sgt Co C 13 KS Vol Militianot given
Evans, J.A.3-6-1898Co K 12 Mo CavMountain View
Evans, J.J.12-30-1890Co D 49 Ill InfRoselawn
Eve, L.H.11-20-1888not given City Cemetery
Eyer, Isaac2/10/1913Co D 100 Ind InfRoselawn
Fairley, Jamesno date Co B 2 Colo CavMountain View
Farnham, John Rno date Pvt Co I 91 IL Infnot given
Faulkner, H.2/8/1900not given Roselawn
Favor, Albert A no date Pvt Co K 6 IA Cav, Pvt CO.F 23 ME Infnot given
Fay, John3-11-1892US NavyRoselawn
Fearing, F Wno date Pvt Co I 44 IA Infnot given
Fearing, Franklinno date Pvt Co D 16 IA Infnot given
Ferguson, Henry W.5/21/1903not given Roselawn
Ferry, Charles H.11-25-1892Co F 1 Mass CavRoselawn
Finch, William Ono date Corp Co D 127 IL Infnot given
Fish, George Fno date Pvt Co B 1 ME Cavnot given
Fisher, John F.no date not given City Cemetery
Fisher, L.N.no date not given Roselawn
Fitzgibbons, Theodore6-9-1881not given City Cemetery
Flanders, B Fno date Pvt Co D 7 MO Infnot given
Fletcher, Andrew Bno date Pvt Co G 36 MA Infnot given
Foster, A.F. 5-28-1882Co K 47 Ind InfCity Cemetery
Fountain, Lorenzo D.12/12/1912Co E 64 NY InfMountain View
Fowler, James Ano date Pvt Co H 2 IA Infnot given
Frazier, Widdow3/18/1903Co B 2 Neb CavRoselawn
French, Isaac R.1/29/1903Co E 4 Mass InfRoselawn
Fugard, George5/28/1900Co I 10 Iowa InfRoselawn
Fuller, Jared Sno date Pvt Co G 10 OH Cavnot given
Gallagher, James3/12/1909Co I 17 Iowa InfRoselawn
Gallagher, John E.no date not given Mountain View
Gallino, Benjamin8/10/1902Co D 9 Ill InfMountain View
Galloway, Samuelno date Pvt Co B 86 IL Infnot given
Galloway, H.H.9/3/1910not given Roselawn
Galloway, J.P.no date not given Roselawn
Gamble, William Mno date Orderly Co F 134 IL Infnot given
Garcia, Serafin10/5/19091 Colo ArtCity Cemetery
Gardner, Levi7/6/1909Co H 3 NH InfCity Cemetery
Gardner, Thomas H.2/11/1915Co I 169 NY InfMountain View
Gates, Williamno date Pvt Co E 10 IL Infnot given
Geist, Daniel H.8/22/1901Co H 11 Ill InfCity Cemetery
Gibson, Lucius B.6/23/1907Co K 1 Me ArtMountain View
Gilbert, Charles Mno date Capt Co A 38 OH Infnot given
Gilbert, Charles M.1/24/1913Co A 38 Ohio InfRoselawn
Giles, Alexander9/6/1901US NavyRoselawn
Gilligan, John E.1894Co E&I 16 Iowa InfCity Cemetery
Gladhill, M.no date not given Mountain View
Glass, Asabel Sno date Pvt Co L 7 IA Cavnot given
Glass, Ashel3/7/1913Co L 7 Iowa CavRoselawn
Glover, Andrew12/3/1903Co F 2 RI InfRoselawn
Gordon, Henry Cno date Musician Co B 19 IN Infnot given
Gordon, Henry C.1/15/1913CO B 19 Ind InfRoselawn
Goss, A.R.5-23-189339 Ind InfRoselawn
Grandy, Charles Lno date Sgt Co A 1 MI Engrsnot given
Grass, August8/7/1902Co I 6 Ohio InfRoselawn
Graves, L.R.2-17-1875Co C 23 Wisc InfCity Cemetery
Grazer, Johnno date Pvt Co C G 2 CO Cavnot given
Green, Edwinno date US Navynot given
Green, George M.no date Co E 34 Ill InfCity Cemetery
Griffin, James Ano date Corp Co D 13 IL Cavnot given
Gruber, August C.2/14/1908Co A 21 Mo InfMountain View
Haggerty, James7/23/1909Co L 7 US InfRoselawn
Hahn, Augustus8/25/1908Co H 47 NY InfRoselawn
Hall, J.A.no date not given Roselawn
Hall, James S.5-9-1890Co I 91 Ohio InfRoselawn
Hamilton, Jesse C.no date not given Roselawn
Hamilton, William M.6/16/1905not given Roselawn
Harries, George H.9-147-1900Co E 9 Ohio InfRoselawn
Harries, Preston11/14/1909Co B 47 US Col InfRoselawn
Harris, Thomas Jno date Pvt Co D 26 IL Infnot given
Harris, James5/27/1907not given Roselawn
Harris, James T.no date Co D 3 Mo CavMountain View
Hart, C Jno date Pvt Co E 13 MO Infnot given
Hartman, L.C.7-8-1894not given Roselawn
Hartwick, Peterno date Pvt Co D 137 PA Infnot given
Hay, Charles W.2-15-189981 NY InfRoselawn
Hayden, A.C.12-11-1886not given Mountain View
Haynes, J.D.no date not given Roselawn
Hays, Cyrusno date Pvt Co L 2 MO Lt Artnot given
Hensel, Levi3/10/1911Co G 13 Kans InfRoselawn
Hicks, John W.9/11/1900Co F 3 NJ InfRoselawn
Hill, William Fno date Corp Co B 95 IL Infnot given
Hill, Henry C.12/27/1904Co D 12 Ky CavRoselawn
Hilton, James N.7-6-1899Co G 13 Mass InfMountain View
Hobson, George H.10/3/1900Mo InfRoselawn
Hobson, William P.5-23-1895Co B 35 Mo InfCity Cemetery
Hodges, E Wno date 1 Sgt 9 OH ART, Pvt CO.B 2 OH Infnot given
Hoffman, Robert Ano date 2 M Sgt Co F 36 OH Infnot given
Holcomb, W.H.6-27-1884Co E 37 Iowa InfCity Cemetery
Hollar, Henry Tno date Pvt Co A 130 IN Inf, Pvt CO.E 54 IN Infnot given
Holmes, James Ano date Corp Co I 46 OH Infnot given
Holmes, Jasper W.5/5/1910Co B 32 Iowa InfRoselawn
Holmes, Simon P.4/12/1904Co K 5 Ill CavRoselawn
Hottenstein, G.W.no date not given Mountain View
House, G.W.no date not given City Cemetery
Howard, Harry7-12-1892not given Roselawn
Hoyt, Martin V.B.7/23/1905Co D 5 Mass InfRoselawn
Hubbard, E Cno date Pvt Co E 5 IA Cavnot given
Hubbard, Charles E.6/23/1914Co H 1 Ver ArtRoselawn
Hudson, Robert B.no date Co G 131 Ohio InfCity Cemetery
Hudspeth, Johnno date Co E 105 Pa InfMountain View
Hugh, John H.8/31/1913Co D 29 Ohio InfMountain View
Hughes, Samuel S.6/26/1912Co F 11 Ohio InfRoselawn
Hummel, Charlesno date Pvt Co I 17 OH Infnot given
Humphrey, Thomas Kno date Pvt Co K 13 PA RESERVESnot given
Humphrey, S.H.12-13-1898not given Roselawn
Hurd, John Rno date Colonel 173 OH Infnot given
Hurdle, Thompson J.4/1/191591 Ill InfRoselawn
Jackson, John Wno date Pvt Co H 6 MI Hvy Artnot given
Jennings, Samuel R.5/17/191132 Ind ArtRoselawn
Jewell, Jno date Sgt Co F 125 OH Infnot given
Johnson, J.M.10/2/1900Co D 3 Ill CavRoselawn
Johnson, R.B.no date not given Roselawn
Johnson, William C.1/20/1907Co K 85 Ind InfRoselawn
Jones, B.G.4/11/1907Co I 18 Ill InfRoselawn
Jones, Daniel M.no date not given Mountain View
Jones, Jacob9/1/1914not given Mountain View
Joquel, Joseph5-27-1893Co K 4 Mo InfRoselawn
Judge, Patrick3/26/1906Co F 3 US CavRoselawn
Kain, Thomas10/6/1906Co A 84 NY InfRoselawn
Kaler, Andrewno date Pvt Co G 1 WV Lt Artnot given
Kearney, Nathaniel5/10/1903Co L 1 Mo EngrsCity Cemetery
Keller, John Hno date Musician Co F 29 MO Infnot given
Keller, John H.2/6/1914Co F 29 Mo InfCity Cemetery
Kelly, William Hno date Pvt Co E 7 IL Infnot given
Kelso, John2/27/1904not given Roselawn
Kemmerle, Julius8-28-1889Co G 20 NY InfCity Cemetery
Kendall, J Wno date Pvt Co D 1 MN Infnot given
Kendall, Johnno date Pvt Co H 9 IA Cav, Pvt CO.H 23 IA Infnot given
Kennerly, Michael9/18/19008 NY InfRoselawn
Keplinger, E.T.1-17-1898CO I 44 Ohio InfRoselawn
Kerper, Jacob G.no date not given Roselawn
Kessler, Charlesno date Pvt Co F 31 MO STATE MILITIA Infnot given
Kessler, Charles W.5/10/1914Co F 23 Kans InfCity Cemetery
Kester, John L.1/24/1901not given Roselawn
Ketchem, E Sno date Pvt Co K 33 WI Infnot given
Kight, J Wno date Pvt Co K 91 OH Infnot given
Kilborn, Nathanielno date Pvt Co C 1 CO Cavnot given
Kilbourn, J.E.12/24/1901Gen'l Logans StaffRoselawn
Kimball, A Fno date Pvt Co H 8 ME Infnot given
Kimmel, Oliverno date Pvt Co I 1 IN Cavnot given
Kiniry, Edwardno date Pvt Co D 1 IL ARTnot given
Knowles, John T.3/4/1915Co C 38 Ill InfRoselawn
Kringer, J.6-26-1897not given Roselawn
Kuntz, Adamno date Sgt Co F 198 PA Infnot given
Kuntz, Adam6/18/1912Co F 198 Pa InfRoselawn
Lake, Marion Sno date Capt Co G 14 WI Infnot given
Lake, Marion11/18/1914Co G 14 Wis InfRoselawn
Lambert, John J.no date not given Roselawn
Langworthy, J.N.2-20-1896Co A 1 Wisc ArtMountain View
Larraby, Hollis4/16/1913Co A 2 Ver InfRoselawn
Latham, Michael3-2-1895not given Roselawn
Lawson, Williamno date 2nd Lt Co L 1 OH ARTnot given
Lee, William Ono date Pvt Co D 1 IA Cavnot given
Leppert, Louis2/15/1907not given Roselawn
Levvie, Joseph Y.6/5/1909Co K 82 NY InfRoselawn
Lewis, Cassius M.9/18/1912Co H US Col InfCity Cemetery
Little, Francis4/6/1904US NavyRoselawn
Litz, Abrahamno date not given Mountain View
Livengood, James Nno date Pvt Co D 25 IN Inf, Corp CO.H 12 KY Cavnot given
Logue, James H.3/22/1906not given Mountain View
Long, Channing J.7/27/1907Co K 3 Colo CavRoselawn
Lull, P.F.10/28/1907QM 2 Ky InfRoselawn
Luther, C.W.7-11-1899Co L 27 Mo InfRoselawn
Lynn, James H.4/11/1913Co C 19 Wisc InfMountain View
Mallaby, Theodoreno date not given City Cemetery
Mansfield, Levi A.7/12/1907Co E 101 Ill InfMountain View
Marsh, Eno date Pvt Co D 7 WI Infnot given
Marshall, Milesno date Pvt Co G 9 KS Cavnot given
Martin, Charles W.9-9-1892not given Roselawn
Mason, William5-15-1897not given Roselawn
Masson, Henry1/28/1915Co H 35 Iowa InfRoselawn
May, Samuel Fno date Pvt Co C 147 PA Inf, Pvt CO.K 8 PA Infnot given
May, Franklin J.no date not given City Cemetery
McBride, E.R.2/17/1905Co D 11 Ind InfRoselawn
McCarthy, G.F.2/6/1906Mexican WarRoselawn
McCarthy, J.M.2/4/1906not given Roselawn
McCluer, William11-10-1897Co B 87 Ill InfRoselawn
Mcclung, J Sno date Pvt Co E 4 IL Cavnot given
McConnell, Jospeh7/5/1914Co C 123 Ill InfRoselawn
McCormick, J.B.5/0/1906Co E 7 Iowa InfCity Cemetery
McCoy, Richard H.1/5/1908Co D 73 Ind InfRoselawn
Mcdonald, W Hno date Pvt Co E 21 PA Cavnot given
McDonald, W.H.2/3/1911Co E 21 Pa CavRoselawn
McEwen, Benjamin F.3/3/1905Co G 9 Pa InfRoselawn
Mckallip, I Cno date Pvt Co K 53 PA Infnot given
McKallip, Iman C.1/4/1911Co K 53 Pa InfMountain View
Mckee, Johnno date Pvt Co F 54 IN Infnot given
Mckinley, Johnno date Sgt Co H 5 IL Cavnot given
Mcklellin, J Pno date Pvt Co H 5 KY Cavnot given
McQuade, James7/6/1901Co M 3 Mass ArtRoselawn
Meeks, Isaacno date Pvt Co F 8 KY Cavnot given
Merritt, George Sno date Pvt Co A 36 MA Infnot given
Meyer, Antoneno date Co A 1 Mo ArtMountain View
Meyer, John11/30/1913Co H 7 Ohio InfRoselawn
Millard, Thomas W.3/9/19041 Mo InfMountain View
Miller, J Fno date Pvt Co F 1 CO Cavnot given
Miller, John D.no date not given Roselawn
Millslagle, Isaac N.7/17/1903Co K 106 Ill InfRoselawn
Millspaugh, J.H.no date not given Roselawn
Miner, C Wno date Pvt Co D 2 OH Infnot given
Mitchell, J Cno date Pvt Co I 194 OH Infnot given
Mitchell, J.C.10/6/1903Co H 77 Ohio InfRoselawn
Mitchell, J.H.5/30/1904Co E 86 Ohio InfRoselawn
Mitchell, John S.no date Co I 194 Ohio InfMountain View
Monical, J.W.5/30/1904Co K 21 Ind InfRoselawn
Moore, George Tno date Pvt Co G 139 IN Infnot given
Moore, W Hno date Pvt Co G 144 IL Infnot given
Moore, John M.1/23/1906Co B 323 Wisc InfRoselawn
Morriss, Joseph C.4/30/1912Co A 115 Ohio InfRoselawn
Moser, Samuel10/24/1911Co G 15 Ind InfMountain View
Mosier, Samuelno date Pvt Co G 15 IN Infnot given
Moyer, S.J.10/2/190211 Pa InfRoselawn
Mullen, Loudenno date Capt DAVIDSON'S Cavnot given
Munroe, Charles A.11-16-18934 NM CavCity Cemetery
Murphy, Thomas no date Coal heaver US Navy Gunboat Bellenot given
Murphy, James H.1/22/1907not given Roselawn
Nash, G Tno date Pvt Co C 12 VA Infnot given
Nelson, Henryno date Pvt Co H 1 MI Infnot given
Ogden, Johnno date Pvt Co K 3 WI Infnot given
Oinkney, C.C.3-17-1893Co K 1 Mich InfRoselawn
O'Leary, George D.3/6/1901not given Mountain View
O'Neil, Charles4-24-1893Co E 73 NY InfRoselawn
Owen, Joseph10/19/19003 Mo InfCity Cemetery
Packard, P Lno date Pvt Co D 154 IL Infnot given
Packard, S Mno date Corp Co D 154 IL Infnot given
Packer, I.W.D.3/17/1905Co D 33 Iowa InfRoselawn
Page, J Eno date Capt Co D 5 IA Infnot given
Page, John E.3/15/1910Co D 5 Iowa InfMountain View
Palmer, H.K.no date not given Roselawn
Palmer, John7/14/1913Co F 148 Ind InfCity Cemetery
Palmer, Samuel5/31/1907Co G 15 Ind InfCity Cemetery
Palmer. C.D.no date 15 US InfCity Cemetery
Parks, George W.1/6/1910Co G 10 Ill InfMountain View
Patterson, Louis6-25-18962 Ohio Lt ArtRoselawn
Patterson, Robert A.8/14/1909Co B 153 Ind InfRoselawn
Paulton, Simon P.no date not given Mountain View
Pennywright, John1884Co H 8 Ohio CavCity Cemetery
Phillips, Henryno date Pvt Co H 67 US Col Infnot given
Pierpoint, Henry3/26/1909Co B 2 Mo CavCity Cemetery
Pochon, J.J.no date not given Roselawn
Poe, Charles Z.10-1-1893Co A 12 Kans InfRoselawn
Pollard, Elijah9/21/1908Co K 2 Neb CavCity Cemetery
Poor, A Cno date Pvt Co A 25 NY Infnot given
Prescott, John Bno date Pvt Co G 10 ME Infnot given
Price, A.M.12-3-1898not given Roselawn
Raaf, Joseph2/6/1900Co H 49 Mo InfRoselawn
Reagan, William1/9/1901Co G 23 Ill InfRoselawn
Reece, Charles W.3/20/1915Co B 36 Iowa InfCity Cemetery
Reed, Josephno date Pvt Co F 26 IL Infnot given
Reichert, Peterno date Seaman US Navynot given
Rettberg, O.H.no date Co F 17 Mo InfCity Cemetery
Reynlds, P.F.7/10/1902Co K 2 Wisc CavRoselawn
Rhodes, Edward C.5-13-1894not given Roselawn
Rice, A.W.no date 8 US InfCity Cemetery
Rickabaugh, John R.8-21-1889Co F 77 Pa InfMountain View
Robles, Jesus5-13-18941 NM CavRoselawn
Rompf, Joseph10/13/1900not given Roselawn
Ross, Walter B.12-10-1893Co A 78 Ohio InfRoselawn
Royal, Andrew2/4/1904Co I 27 Mo InfRoselawn
Rule, John Rno date Pvt Co A 146 IL Inf, Pvt CO.K 15 IL Infnot given
Russell, Gustavus F.5/28/1908Co F 13 Ill InfCity Cemetery
Saint, Exam R.no date 4 Iowa CavCity Cemetery
Sanders, Ezra2/17/1902Co A 2 WV CavRoselawn
Sanderson, Adam E.1/8/1905Co H 73 Ind InfMountain View
Sandy, Phillip D.1/25/1906Co F 123 Ill InfRoselawn
Sandy, Willis M.12/5/1914Co H 21 Ill InfRoselawn
Sanford, Oscar F.9/12/1906Co G 1 Colo infMountain View
Sanvage, Lorenzono date Pvt 7 OH Lt Artnot given
Sauer, Peter9/7/1901Co B 183 Ohio InfRoselawn
Shane, James11-21-1894Co G 5 Mo InfRoselawn
Shearn, Hugh9/6/1905Co E 9 Ind InfRoselawn
Shepherd, D.A.11/11/1906Co C 3 Mo CavCity Cemetery
Shipley, J.L.2/18/1914Co H 23 Iowa InfMountain View
Shire, Johnno date not given City Cemetery
Shrive, Martin1/30/1912Co I 3 Ind CavMountain View
Shull, Levi1/8/1915Co D 52 Ohio InfRoselawn
Sleade, Charles F.5/24/1904Co F 66 Ind InfCity Cemetery
Sleeth, John Tno date Corp Co D 18 MO Infnot given
Smetzer, Frederick12-6-1885Co K 108 Ohio InfCity Cemetery
Smith, S Hno date Pvt Co K 5 OH Infnot given
Smith, Andrew J.10/12/1905Co G 79 US Col InfRoselawn
Smith, Daniel S.3-2-1893Co F 9 Ind CavRoselawn
Smith, David7/25/1913Co C 1 US Col InfRoselawn
Smith, George 7/26/1907not given Roselawn
Smith, George H.11/20/190315 Mass InfRoselawn
Snyder, Daniel T.no date Surg 26 Mo InfRoselawn
Snyder, J.N.O.no date 2 Mo CavRoselawn
Spear, Elijah Hno date Pvt Co F 31 MO Infnot given
Spears, Pleasant H.11/18/1912Co D 2 Ark CavCity Cemetery
Spencer, Jacobno date Pvt Co A 13 IL Cavnot given
Sproat, Arthur9/10/1909Co F 39 Mass InfRoselawn
Stamm, Phillip7/6/1912Co K 153 Ind InfRoselawn
Starr, John Bno date Corp Co B 15 KS Cavnot given
Stetson, Henry A.6-30-1890Co G 4 Mich CavCity Cemetery
Stewart, Joseph S.5-19-1890Co H 12 Pa InfRoselawn
Stillwell, W.H.no date Co G 69 Ohio InfCity Cemetery
Sullivan, J.D.11-15-1896Co C 4 Mich InfRoselawn
Suthern, Johnson2/16/1913Co A 7 Mo CavRoselawn
Sword, Martin V.4/24/1902Co A 146 Ill InfRoselawn
Tanquary, Benjamin F.12/13/1905Co C 60 Ohio InfMountain View
Tarsney, T.J.4/30/1902Co E 9 Ind InfRoselawn
Taylor, Albert D.no date Co A 25 Mich InfMountain View
Taylor, Henry H.9/30/1912Co E 7 Iowa InfRoselawn
Tenmie, Henryno date Pvt Co I 24 IL Infnot given
Thomas, Jesse B.no date not given Roselawn
Thombs, Pembroke R.4/28/1902Surg 95 Ill InfRoselawn
Thompson, Dr. Ano date Pvt Co F 3 MO MILITIAnot given
Titus, Horace M.1/23/1909Co H 42 Ind InfRoselawn
Townsend, W.F.no date Co G 6 Pa InfRoselawn
Trujillo, Bernito10/20/1913Co K 1 NM InfRoselawn
Turner, John Cno date Pvt Co C 1 CO Cavnot given
Turner, John Cno date Pvt Co C 1 CO Cavnot given
Tyner, Georgeno date Pvt Co C 68 IN Infnot given
Uhse, Antonyno date not given Roselawn
Vaile, William Pno date Sgt Major 137 IN Infnot given
Waggoner, W Hno date Pvt Co L 2 CO Cavnot given
Walker, Charles B.2-9-1894not given Roselawn
Walker, Eli5/31/1911Co A 126 Ohio InfMountain View
Walker, Thomas11/3/1900Co A 65 US CO InfRoselawn
Walsh, Patrickno date Co L NY ArtCity Cemetery
Wann, Josephno date not given Mountain View
Ward, Henry F.8/17/1905Co H 3 Ill CavMountain View
Ward, Lewis A.no date not given City Cemetery
Warner, Johnno date Pvt Co E 2 AR Cavnot given
Washington, George3-16-189944 US Col InfRoselawn
Watson, Samuel C.2/18/1906Co E 4 Wisc InfRoselawn
Weed, William P.10/17/1909Co D 75 Ind InfMountain View
Weldman, Frank M.12-6-1899Co I 12 Ill InfCity Cemetery
Wheeler, John1/22/1908Co F 14 NY ArtRoselawn
Wildsmith, Thomas6-14-1895not given Roselawn
Wiley, Charles8-9-1894Co K 86 Ill InfRoselawn
Williams, Montrevilleno date Co B 3 NY InfCity Cemetery
Williamson, Tno date Bugler Co L 12 OH Cavnot given
Wilson, A Mno date Corp Co E 7 WV Cavnot given
Wilson, W D Hno date Pvt Co G 7 PA MILITIAnot given
Wilson, James B.8/21/1909Co D 80 Ohio InfMountain View
Windweh, Henry1/21/1914Co B 149 Ill InfRoselawn
Wingate, John Wno date Pvt Co E 117 NY Infnot given
Wood, John H.no date not given Roselawn
Wood, William J.3/24/1900Co A 61 Ill InfMountain View
Woods, W Dno date Pvt Co D 12 KS Inf not given
Work, George A.no date not given City Cemetery
Wrenn, William L.9-14-1898Co A 1 Mo CavMountain View
Wright, A.H.3/11/1910Co C&B 9 Ky CavMountain View
Wright, Jonathan3/15/1912Co D 30 Iowa InfRoselawn
Wycoff, S.H.12-15-1893Co K 117 NY InfRoselawn
Wyman, Jesse H.no date not given Roselawn
Yackey, N.B.no date not given Roselawn
Young, R.N.1-13-1895not given Roselawn
Young, William H.12/27/1909Co A 17 Iowa InfRoselawn

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