Taos County, New Mexico
San Fernando Cemetery
   Contributed and copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. NOTE: This is not a complete listing. If anyone knows of more burials in this cemetery please contribute them by sending to Karen Mitchell.
?, Juan Bautista died 2 Nov 1863 age 1y son of Juan Lus ? and Maria Candelaria Martines, of Don Fernandes.
Abila, Maria de la Lus died 1 Aug 1865 age 10m daughter of Jose de los Nieves Abila and Maria Dolores Mestas, residents of Don Fernandes.
Aguilar, Jose Maria died 20 May 1865 age 2y son of Jose Ignacio Aguilar and Maria Jacinta Trujillo of Fernandez.
Aguilar, Maria Manuela died 9 Sep 1863 age 1m daughter of Pablo Aguilar and Maria Ramona Pacheco, Ranchos del Canon de Fernandes.
Alire, Maria Gertrudis Aguilar, died 19 Mar 1868 wife of Manuel Antonio Alire, daughter of Antonio Aguilar and Maria Juana Cordova of Fernandez.
Apodaca, Maria Dolores died 27 Sep 1863 age 7m natural daughter of Maria Josefa Apodaca, resident of Fernandes.
Aragon, Miguel died 17 Jun 1867 age 3y son of Prudencio Aragon and Maria Rosa Romero of Fernandez.
Archuleta, Bartolome died 26 Nov 1863 age 1y son of Juan Archuleta and Maria Simona Montoya, residents of Don Fernandes.
Archuleta, Juan Agustin died 26 Jun 1865 age almost 2y son of Juan de Jesus Archuleta and Maria de los Reyes Coca, residents of Fernandes.
Archuleta, Maria Carlota died 30 Oct 1864 small daughter of Jose Lorenzo Archuleta and Manuela Cordova of Don Fernandez.
Archuleta, Maria Eugenia died 26 Sep 1864 age 20d natural daughter of Maria Eugenia Archuleta, of Fernandes.
Archuleta, Maria Luteria Sandoval, died 5 Nov 1859 wife of Manuel Archuleta, daughter of Nepomuceno Sandoval and Tomasa Chacon, deceased, buried Fernandez de Taos cemetery.
Archuleta, Pedro Jose, died 10 Nov 1868 age 1d son of Jose Alcario Archuleta and Maria de la Luz Valdez, residents of Don Fernando de Taos.
Archuleta, Ricardo died 18 May 1865 age 3y son of Juan de Jesus Archuleta and Maria Benigna Archuleta, residents of Fernandes.
Armijo, Bonifacia Crus, died 8 Apr 1869 wife of Juan Armijo, daughter of Manuel Crus and Maria Juliana Martin of Fernandez.
Barela, Maria Iginia died 3 Jul 1862 age 2y daughter of Felipe Barela and Maria Magdalena Coca, residents of of Don Fernandez.
Bargas, Maria Clofes died Mar 1868, between Mar 2 and Mar 19 age 1y daughter of Jose Aniceto Bargas and Maria Luteria Chirina, residents of Canon of Fernandez.
Bargas, Maria Manuela died 11 Dec 1863 age 6y daughter of Jose Ruperto Bargas and Maria Rufina Alire, Rancho de Don Fernandes.
Bargas, Maria Petra died 14 Dec 1863 age 3y daughter of Ruperto Bargas and Maria Rufina Alire, Ranchos de Fernandes.
Cardenas, Maria Donaciana died 15 Mar 1865 age 6y daughter of Juan Antonio Cardenas and Maria Exelsa Quesada, residents of Fernandes.
Casillas, Maria Brigida died 4 Sep 1871 single daughter of Blas Casillas and Theodora Gardunio, Canon.
Chavez, Dario Candido Chavez died 5 Jul 1862 small son of Felipe Chavez and Paula Gallegos, residents of Don Fernando.
Chavez, Maria Nestora died 29 Oct 1863 small daughter of Jose Vicente Chavez and Maria Benigna de Vasquez of Fernandez.
Clothier, Pedro Levi died 20 Nov 1866 small son of Joseph Clothier and Juana Beaubien of Fernandez de Taos.
Cordova, Maria Elena died 9 Nov 1863 small daughter of Jose Benito Cordova and Mariana Ribera of Fernandez.
Cortez, Maria Eugenia died 29 Jul 1860 small daughter of Jose Maria Cortez and Maria Dolores Crespin, residents of Don Fernandez de Taos.
Cruz, Jose Francisco died 12 Dec 1870 resident of Fernando de Taos. Signed Jose Rafael Tenorio
Duran, Diego died 21 Apr 1857 age 27y single son of Francisco Duran, residents of Fernandez, received the Sacraments.
Duran, Ignacia died 14 May 1856 age 3y adopted daughter of Julian Duran and Eugenia Varela, residents of Of Fernandes.
Duran, Juan Bautista died 24 Nov 1863 small son of Antonio Duran and Maria de Jesus Salazar, of Fernandez.
Errera, Maria Cleofas died 21 Jan 1865 age 9m daughter of Atanacio de Errera and Maria del Refugio Ruibal, residents of Don Fernando de Taos.
Errera, Maria del Refujio Lucero, died 1 Aug 1868 wife of Francisco de Errera, daughter of Francisco Lucero and Maria del Carmen Vialpando, residents of Fernandez.
Espinosa, Jose Pablo died 12 Apr 1864 age 4y son of Felipe Espinosa and Maria Ramona de Herrera, residents of Fernandez.
Fernandes, Juana died 30 Jul 1863 age 10d natural daughter of Antonia Fernandes, residents of Ranchitos de Fernandes.
Fernandez, Maria Margarita died 30 Aug 1863 age 1½m daughter of Jose Antonio Fernandez and Maria Benigna Bargas, Ranchito del Canon of Fernandez.
Flores, Francisco died 5 Jun 1864 age 1y 1m son of Antonio Jose Flores and Maria Fernanda Sais, residents of Fernandez.
Fresques, Santiago Fresques died 3 Jun 1864 husband of Maria Dolores Gallegos, residents of Fernandez, received the Sacraments.
Gallegos, Jose Lino died 18 Oct 1863 age less than 1m son of Jose Placido Gallegos and Maria Guadalupe Bargas, of Fernandes.
Gallegos, Maria Guadalupe Bargas died 29 Sep 1863 wife of Placido Gallegos, Of Fernandes.
Gallegos, Maria Piedad Gallegos died 18 Apr 1857 age 4y natural daughter of Guadalupe Gallegos, deceased, adopted daughter of Trinidad Gallegos, residents of Fernandez.
Gomes, Jose Roque, died 2 Jun 1865 age 1y 3m son of Norverto Torres or Gomes, hard to read, and Serefina Crus, del canon de Fernandes.
Gonsales, Maria died 29 May 1865 age 6m daughter of Juan Gonsales and Maria de la Concepcion Lobato, residents of Don Fernandes, she was given to Maria Albina.
Gonsales, Maria Romualda died 13 Jun 1862 age 5y daughter of Ramon Gonsales and Maria de la Encarnacion Cardenas, residents of Don Fernandez.
Gonzales, Placido died 3 Sep 1868 age 10m son of Juan Gonzales and Maria Concepcion Lobato, residents of Canon of Fernandez.
Griego, Maria Romualda died 19 Jun 1862 age 3y daughter of Miguel Griego and Juana Trujillo, residents of Canon de Fernandes.
Herrera, Maria Isabel Cardenas died 16 Jun 1863 widow of Antonio Herrera, residents of of Fernandes, received the Sacraments, 1 son and 1 daughter deceased.
Jaramillo Jose Feligones died 3 Apr 1863 age 1m son of Santiago Jaramillo and Maria Rita Lovato, residents of Canon of Fernandez.
Lara, Maria Manuela died 18 Jan 1865 daughter of Cypriano Lara and Margarita Espinosa, of Don Fernandez.
Larranaga, Maria de la Lus Trujillo died 16 May 1864 widow of Jose Romero and Miguel Larranaga, resident of Don Fernandes, she did not receive the Sacraments.
Lee, Maria Guadalupe died 22 May 1865 small indian of the family of Benigna Lee of Fernandez.
Lobato, Pedro Antonio died 11 Mar 1862 age 3½m son of Rafael Lobato and Maria Albina Mestas, residents of Virgen de Guadalupe de Fernandes.
Lopes, Juan died 23 May 1865 husband of Maria Dolores Mestas, residents of Don Fernandes, received the Sacraments, 3 sons living.
Lucero, Juan Bautista died 18 May 1862 small son of Tomas Lucero and Natividad Esquivel, residents of Don Fernando de Taos.
Lucero, Juan Candelario died 22 May 1862 son of Jose Rafael Lucero and Maria Antonia Silva, residents of Fernandes.
Lucero, Juan Nepumucenio died 4 Dec 1865 small son of Bonifacio Lucero and Maria Rafaela Lovato, of Don Fernandez.
Lucero, Maria Manuela Casias, died 13 Jun 1868 widow of Antonio Lucero, daughter of Bernardo Casias and Maria Dolores Madril of Fernandez.
Lucero, Maria Rosita died 10 Feb 1867 daughter of Jose Manuel Lucero and Antonia Rosa Samora of Fernandez.
Madrid, Jose Nicolas died 20 Jun 1865 age 1y 6m son of Juan Madrid and Maria Paula Trujillo, residents of Don Fernandes.
Madrid, Maria Manuela died 9 Jan 1864 small natural daughter of Maria Felipa Madrid, resident of of Fernandez.
Maes, Maria Asencion died 28 Jun 1862 small daughter of Martin Maes and Juliana Martin, residents of Don Fernandez de Taos.
Martin, Antonio Abad died 23 Mar 1870 small son of Jacinto Martin and Josefa Gonzales of Fernandez.
Martin, Maria Juliana died 23 Jul 1865 age 8y daughter of Jesus Maria Martin and Maria Rosalia Trujillo of Fernandez.
Martin, Maria Romualda died 8 Jun 1866 small natural daughter of Ana Maria Martin of Fernandez.
Martines, child died 14 Apr 1865 small natural child of Maria Paula Martines, resident of los Ranchos de Fernandes.
Martines, Jose Antonio died 11 Apr 1864 age 2m son of Mateo Martines and Maria Dolores Cortes, residents of Fernandez.
Martines, Juan Nepumucenio died 29 Jul 1864 small son of Juan Domingo Martines and Maria de la Trinidad Mestas, residents of Fernandes.
Martines, Maria de la Pas died 5 Apr 1865 age 7y natural daughter of Maria de Jesus Martines, resident of Don Fernandes.
Martines, Maria del Rosario died 29 Nov 1863 age 1y 9m daughter of Mateo Martines and Maria Dolores Cortes, Ranchos de Don Fernandes.
Martines, Mariano died 5 Jun 1863 husband of his second wife, Maria del Carmel Espinosa, he lived dangerously, did not receive the sacraments because he died by the hand of enemy in the field at Canon de Fernandes.
Martines, Rafaela died 23 Nov 1856 age 26d daughter of M? Martines and Candelaria Lobato, residents of Fernandez.
Martinez, Jose Albino died 19 Mar 1868 age 13y son of Jose Matias Martinez and Maria Dolores Cortes, deceased, residents of Canon of Fernandez.
Martinez, Juana Maria died 31 Aug 1863 age 1m daughter of Vicente Ferrer Martinez and Maria Juana Montoya, Don Fernando de Taos.
Martinez, Maria Albina died 15 May 1868 age 1m daughter of Jose Dolores Martinez and Maria Nepumucenia Gomez, Fernandez church cemetery.
Martinez, Maria Carlota died 26 Oct 1863 age 7m daughter of Inocencio Martinez and Maria Eulogia Quintana, of Fernandes.
Martinez, Maria Dolores Cortes died 1 Mar 1864 wife of Jose Mateo Martinez, residents of Fernandez, 4 sons living, her labor and delivery was brief and she did not receive the Sacraments.
Martinez, Rolando, died 15 Sep 1867 age 2y son of Vicente Martinez and Juana Montoya, residents of Don Fernandez de Taos, signed Father Antonio Jose Martinez.
Mascarenas, Maria Pascuala Lucero died 28 Feb 1862 widow of Nicolas Mascarenas, residents of Of Fernandes, she confessed and was anointed.
Medina, Maria Eulogia Carbajal died 2 Jul 1865 wife of Juan Bautista Medina, residents of Fernandes, received the Sacraments.
Mestas, Anastacio died 3 Jun 1865 age 3y son of Alejandro Mestas and Maria Dolores Apodaca, residents of Fernandez.
Mestas, Jose de las Nieves died 9 Nov 1863 small son of Francisco Mestas and Maria Martina Trujillo of Fernandez.
Mestas, Juan died 24 Nov 1856 age 5m natural son of Petra Mestas, residents of Fernandez.
Miera, Maria Concepcion died 25 Nov 1856 age 6m daughter of Manuel Antonio Miera and Maria Eulalia Garcia, residents of Fernandez.
Mondragon, Jose Abram died 6 Jul 1866 small son of Jose de la Cruz Mondragon and Maria Juana Garcia of los Luceros, buried Fernandez.
Montano, Maria Cristina died 19 May 1862 age 6m natural daughter of Maria Petralina Montano, resident of Fernando de Taos.
Montano, Maria del Refugio died 16 Jun 1865 age 1m daughter of Julian Montano and Maria del Refugio Sandoval, residents of Don Fernandes.
Montoya, Jose died 3 Aug 1863 husband of Juana Aguilar, residents of of Don Fernandes. Father Ussel went but refused to confess him.
Montoya, Jose Manuel died 22 Mar 1863 age 2w son of Pedro Montoya and Maria Vicenta Salasar, residents of Fernando.
Montoya, Maria Josefa Mascarenas died 16 May 1865 wife of Benito Montoya, residents of Fernandes, 2 sons living.
Montoya, Maria Polonia died 12 Jul 1865 age 14y daughter of Benito Abe Montoya and Maria Josefa Mascarenas, residents of Fernandes, received the Sacraments.
Montoya, Maria Teresa Esquibel died 18 Sep 1862 wife of Antonio Pablo Montoya, residents of of Don Fernandez, received the Sacraments, 3 sons living.
Ortega, Elisabeth died 9 May 1862 small daughter of Juan Ortega and Dolores Lovato, residents of Don Fernando de Taos.
Ortega, Francisco Antonio died 2 Jan 1863 small son of Ignacio Ortega and Miguela Martin, residents of Fernandez.
Ortega, Jose Roque died 19 Apr 1865 age 15y son of Pascual Ortega and Maria Guadalupe Tafoya, residents of Canon de Fernandes.
Ortega, Maria Carolina died 28 Nov 1863 small daughter of Juaquin Ortega and Maria Lopes, of Fernandes.
Ortega, Maria Josefa died 18 Oct 1865 age 20y daughter of Pascual Ortega and Maria Guadalupe Tafoya, residents of Canon de Fernandes, received the Sacraments.
Ortega, Maria Nicolasa died 25 Jun 1863 age 3½m daughter of Pasqual Ortega and Maria Guadalupe Tafoya, residents of Canon de Fernandes.
Ortega, Maria Paula died 2 Mar 1868 age 5d daughter of Pascual Ortega and Maria Guadalupe Tafolla, residents of Canon of Fernandez.
Ortiz, Maria Natividad Mestas, died 22 Jan 1867 wife of Manuel Ortiz, residents of Fernandez, received the Sacraments.
Pacheco, Maria Margarita died 1 Nov 1867 age 12y daughter of Juan Antonio Pacheco and Prudencia Sanchez, of Fernandez.
Padilla, Juana died 13 Mar 1868 small daughter of Eustaquio Padilla and Ascencion Padilla of Fernandez.
Pena, Maria de la Crus died 7 Jan 1862 daughter of Juan Manuel Pena and Maria Dolores de Herrera, residents of Fernando de Taos.
Quintana, Jose Vidal Quintana died 16 Mar 1857 age 6m son of Jose Lucas Quintana and Maria Soledad Rivali Ulibarri, residents of Fernandez.
Quintana, Maria Elena died 14 Sep 1863 5m daughter of Lucas Quintana and Maria Soledad Pacheco, of Fernandes.
Rendon, Maria de Jesus died 3 Jun 1860 small daughter of Jose Antonio Rendon and Maria Eugenia Romero, residents of Don Fernandez de Taos.
Ribales, Maria Guadalupe Lucero died 21 Jun 1863 wife of Diego Ribales, residents of Fernandes, received the Sacraments.
Ribera, Maria Marcelina Griego died 15 May 1865 daughter of Francisco Griego and Agapita Lopes of Fernandez.
Rivera, Maria Manuela Montoya died 6 Jun 1850 wife of Alonso Rivera, leaves 3 children
Roibal, Maria Catarina Trujillo died 8 Apr 1857 age 85y wife of Marcos Roibal, residents of Fernandez, received the Sacraments.
Romero, Aniceto died 10 Nov 1860 small son of Nicanor Romero and Filomena Lucero, residents of Don Fernandez de Taos.
Romero, Antonio Maria died 22 Jan 1863 son of Jose Manuel Romero, deceased, and Dolores Martin of Fernandez.
Romero, Jesus died 4 Apr 1869 son of Jose Manuel Romero of Fernandes.
Romero, Jose Cipriano died 18 Jun 1862 age 6y natural daughter of Maria de la Encarnacion Romero, resident of Fernandez.
Romero, Juan Manuel died 8 Jul 1863 small natural son of Natividad Romero of Fernandez.
Romero, Juan Pedro died 5 Aug 1867 son of Nicolas Romero and Gertrudis Mestas of Fernandez.
Romero, Maria Raquel, died 3 May 1867 age 6m daughter of Vicente Ferrer Romero and Maria Anastacia Lucero, residents of Don Fernandez.
Romero, Maria Virginia, died 1867, age 1y daughter of Santiago Romero and Maria Soledad Romero, residents of Don Fernando de Taos, buried in the church cemetery.
Romero, Melicio de la Cruz del Espiritu Santo died 30 Jun 1862 age 7m son of George Antonio Romero and Maria Dolores Medina, residents of Don Fernando de Taos.
Ruibal, Maria Luisa died 30 May 1850 age 1m, child of Maria Dolores Ruibal
Salasar, Blas died 16 Jan 1869 age 4y son of Ruperto Salasar and Maria Salome Gabina Sandobal, residents of San Fernando de Taos.
Salasar, Jose David Sandoval died 19 Aug 1856 age 6y son of Jose Cristoval Salasar and Maria de la Lus Sandoval, residents of Fernandez.
Sandoval, Antonio Jose died 4 Jan 1862 age 6m son of Jose Francisco Sandoval and Maria Josefa Cardenas, residents of Canon de Fernandes.
Sandoval, Donaciana died 20 Aug 1862 small daughter of Marcelo Sandoval and Juana Archuleta, of Fernando.
Sandoval, Jose Maria died 23 Sep 1863 small son of Maria de la Lus Sandoval widow and resident of of Fernandes.
Sandoval, Juan Andres died 19 Apr 1863 age 10y son of Esquipulo Sandoval and Maria de la Encarnacion Romero, residents of Fernandes, he died from eating a poisonous herb.
Sandoval, Leonor Sandoval died 3 Jun 1862 small daughter of Agustin Sandoval and Dominga Cortes of Fernandez.
Sandoval, Maria Antonia Apodaca died 23 Jun 1865 widow of Cristobal Sandoval, of Don Fernandes. She died from a fall on a trip to the mountains, but lived a pious life.
Sandoval, Maria de los Santos died 23 Nov 1862 age half m, daughter of Francisco Sandoval and Maria Josefa Cardenas, residents of canon de Fernandes.
Santistevan, Juan Rafael died 17 May 1868 age 6d son of Antonio Santistevan and Maria Juana Trujillo of Fernandez.
Shoblo, Maria Francisca Salas died 27 May 1856 wife of Juan Bautista Shoblo residents of Don Fernando, did not receive the Sacraments, 3 sons living.
Suazo, Sicilio died 1906 son of Manuel Sicilio Suazo and Emilia Trujillo
Tafoya, Jose died 17 Feb 1865 husband of ? Fernandez of Fernandez.
Tafoya, Maria de la Encarnacion Cerna died 28 Jun 1865 wife of Felipe Tafoya, residents of San Fernandes, received the Sacraments.
Torres, Jose Roque, died 2 Jun 1865 age 1y 3m son of Norverto Torres or Gomes, hard to read, and Serefina Crus, del canon de Fernandes.
Torres, Juan Laureano died 6 Jun 1864 age 1m son of Julian Torres and Juana Maria Lucero, residents of Fernandez.
Torres, Maria Isabel died 26 Oct 1869 del Canon.
Torres, Maria Liana, died 12 Oct 1869 daughter of Domingo Torres and Maria Mares, residents of Canon.
Torres, Maria Luisa, died 12 May 1869 age 15m daughter of Demetrio Torres and Maria Serefina Coca, residents of San Fernando del Canon.
Trujillo, Adolfo de Jesus died 30 May 1865 age 3y son of Francisco Antonio Trujillo and Maria de la Asencion Trujillo, residents of Don Fernandes.
Trujillo, Carlota died 15 Jan 1864 small daughter of Jose Ignacio Trujillo and Juana Mestas of Fernandez.
Trujillo, Donaciano died 15 May 1857 age 2m natural son of Concepcion Trujillo, resident of Fernandez, he was baptized.
Trujillo, Jose Demetrio died 26 Apr 1864 age 2y son of Francisco Antonio Trujillo and Maria de la Asencion Trujillo, residents of Fernandez.
Trujillo, Jose Domingo died 30 Jun 1865 small son of Jose Rafael Trujillo and Barbara Maes of Fernandez.
Trujillo, Jose Manuel died 18 May 1865 age 4m son of Ramon Trujillo and Maria Brigida Cordova, of Fernandes.
Trujillo, Jose Pablo died 19 Apr 1868 small son of Jose Antonio Trujillo and Maria Rosario Padilla of Fernandez.
Trujillo, Juan died 11 Dec 1863 age 1y son of Antonio Trujillo and Maria Felis Padilla, of Fernandes.
Trujillo, Maria Antonia Coca died 19 Feb 1864 widow of Ramon Trujillo, resident of of Fernandez, received the Sacraments, no sons living.
Trujillo, Maria de Jesus died 4 Feb 1860 small daughter of Antonio Jose Trujillo and Maria Dolores Lamorie, deceased, residents of Fernandez.
Trujillo, Maria Felipa Madrid died 25 May 1856 age 68y widow of Carpio Trujillo, daughter of Roque Madrid and Maria Juana Sandobal, residents of San Fernando plasa, buried Taos. Received the Sacraments, 8 daughters and 4 sons living.
Trujillo, Maria Gertrudis died 17 Sep 1863 age 4y daughter of Alvino Trujillo and Maria de la Trinidad Quintana, Of la Canon.
Trujillo, Maria Teodora Montolla died 9 Nov 1863 wife of Juan Cristobal Trujillo, of Don Fernandes, received the Sacraments, 4 son living.
Trujillo, Teodoro died 20 May 1864 age 2y son of Juan Trujillo and Maria Juana Sandoval, of Fernandes.
Valdes, Jose Maria age 10m died 22 Nov 1856 natural son of Fabiana Valdes, resident of Fernandez.
Valdes, Maria Librada died 9 Dec 1865 age 3y daughter of Felipe Valdes and Maria Tomasa Ruibal, residents of Fernandes.
Valdez, Emilia died 13 Nov 1862 small daughter of Antonio Jose Valdez and Antonia Quintana of Fernandez.
Valdez, Maria Andrea died 2 Jul 1862 age 7y natural daughter of Juana Maria, Ute indian, adopted by Aniceto Valdez and Presciliana Fresquez, residents of Don Fernando de Taos.
Valdez, Maria Gertrudis, died 18 Feb 1867 Navajo Indian of the family of Antonio Jose Valdez and Antonia Quintana of Fernandez.
Valdez, Samuel died 29 Jun 1862 age 5 or 6y son of Santiago de Jesus Valdez and Maria Agustina Valdez, residents of Don Fernando de Taos.
Varela, Maria Felicitas died 5 Dec 1867 age 1y daughter of Jose Ruperto Varela and Maria Manuela Chavez of Fernandez.
Vigil, Albina Fresques died Jan 1865 wife of Gabriel Vigil of Fernandez.
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