Taos County, New Mexico Old Llano Quemado Cemetery |
Contributed by Audrey R. Chavez and Donna D'Angelis
Old Llano Quemado Cemetery, Llano Quemado, Taos County, New Mexico
Transcription by Ben A. Chavez, Arturo E. Chavez, and Audrey R. Chavez. With additional research by Donna D'Angelis. Audrey has listed the type of marker for ease in identification when walking the cemetery. There are many unidentified graves here.
Many monuments are simple wood crosses that have no markings. A number of persons have both a wooden cross and a monument. The burials seemed to have taken place roughly in order of death. The oldest part of the cemetary has very few monuments remaining. NOTE: This is not a complete listing. If anyone knows of more burials in this cemetery please contribute them by sending to Karen Mitchell.
Archuleta, Elijia R. - cement headstone Row 12
Archuleta, F. R. Jr. - cross Row 17
Baca, Ben born 1919 died 1979 PFC US Army, World War II - granite marker Row 13
Baca, Ben born 24 Nov 1919 died 17 Sep 1979 - wood marker Row 13
Baca, Cora R. born 30 Sep 1911 died 27 Jun 1992 Our beloved mother and grandmother - granite Row 25
Baca, Flavio died 22 Oct 1929 age 14y, child of Maximiano Baca and Benita Romero
Baca, Jacobo born 15 Aug 1907 died 13 Apr 1960 Querido esposo y padre - marble Row 18
Baca, Maria Eulogia died 23 Mar 1910 age 27y daughter of Casimiro Baca and Agapita Romero
Baca, Tranquilino E. born 30 May 1914 died 24 Jan 1965 New Mexico, PVT 679 ENGR TOPO CO, World War II - granite and wood cross Row 19
Brito, Jacinto born 12 Dec 1907 died 18 Mar 1956 - monument Row 17
Chavez, Alberto born 14 Jan 1901 died 22 Sep 1945 - wood cross Row 15
Chavez, Alice Faye born 10 Jan 1946 died 15 Feb 1948 born Pueblo, CO
Chavez, Benjamin born 5 May 1900 died 17 May 1947 at Ranchos - temporary marker Row 16
Chavez, Carlos born 30 Jul 1913 died 19 Mar 1958 - monument Row 17
Chavez, Eliza born 1890 died unknown (inscription partially obscured) - concrete cross Row 26
Chavez, Eloi born 20 Mar 1928 died 15 Sep 1950 - wood cross and brass plaque Row 16
Chavez, Eloy Jose born 19 Mar 1928 died 4 Nov 1952
Chavez, J Emelio born 1884 died 1962 - temporary marker Row 18
Chavez, Lucaria died 7 Nov 1918 age 23y, child of Gabriel Chavez and Virginia Fernandez
Chavez, Moises born 11 May 1924 died 3 Oct 1943
Chavez, Nieves born 5 Aug 1903 died 16 Aug 1981 - marker Row 24
Chavez, Pablita Vigil born 27 Jun 1892 died 15 Jan 1985 - wood cross Row 23
Chavez, Salomon born 23 Aug 1937 died 3 Aug 1958 - wood cross Row 18
Chavez, Silbiano - wood cross Row 15
Chavez, Simodocea died 14 Jun 1928 age 34y, child of Moises Chavez and Guadalupe Martinez
Chavez, Viola born 23 Apr 1940 died 14 Mar 1947 - wood cross Row 15
Cordova, Juan B. PFC born 11 Feb 1931 died 5 Sep 1952 Killed in action
Cruz, Jose Jacinto died 20 Jul 1915 child of Mariano Cruz and Victoriana Cordoba
Cruz, Maria de la died 23 Jan 1911 age 52y, child of Jacinto Cruz and Rosalia Romero
Cruz, Maria de la Luz born 10 Jan 1887 died 22 Jan 1911 - hand carved black stone Row 7
Duran, Ascencion died 29 Dec 1907 age 38y, child of Francisco Duran and Leonor Romero
Duran, Ascencion died 20 Jun 1935 age 26y, child of Leonires Duran and Melinda Martinez
Duran, Ermelinda born 08 Oct 1869 died 19 Jan 1957 - cement headstone and wood cross Row 15
Duran, Leonides born 10 May 1871 died 5 May 1950 - concrete stone and wood cross Row 16
Duran, Maria Dolores died 17 Aug 1911 age 72y, child of Manuel G. Duran and Maria C. Fernandez
Espinosa, Robert H. born 10 Mar 1938 died 6 Mar 1980 same monument as Ernesto E. Gutierrez - granite Row 21
Esquibel, Alifor born 4 Aug 1925 died 10 Nov 1946
Estrada, Rocio Neftaly Perez died 11 Oct 2001
Fernandez, Agnes V. born 1920 died 1950 - wood cross and concrete marker Row 16
Fernandez, Delfina died 29 Sep 1932 age 20y, child of Sofio Fernandez and Epimecenia Sandoval
Fernandez, Eli born 7 Jun 1913 died 12 Nov 1961 New Mexico, PFC 1805 Service Unit, World War II - Row 17
Fernandez, Epemenia - wood cross, cement headstone, iron fence Row 19
Fernandez, Francisco died 22 Jun 1907 age 55y, child of Juan Lorenzo Fernandez
Fernandez, Sofio - wood cross, iron fence Row 21
Gomez, George born 12 Mar 1933 died 13 Dec 1973 New Mexico, AB US Air Force, Korea - marble Row 20
Gomez, Max Frank born 30 Oct 1969 died 20 Dec 1996 age 27 - temporary marker NE Corner
Gomez, Rebecca Martinez dates unknown age 24y daughter of Antonio J. Martinez
Gonzales, Antonia died 2 Aug 1928 age 92y, child of Ramon Gonzales and Antonia Duran
Gonzales, Consolacion born 20 Mar 1888 died 27 May 1974 - Row 21
Gonzales, Dolores born 1952 died 1961 - monument Row 17
Gonzales, Francisquita V. born 11 May 1888 died 24 Jun 1965 Beloved Mother - granite Row 19
Gonzales, John T. - wood cross NE Corner
Gonzales, Jose Alberto born 1928 died 1979 CPL US Army, Korea - granite, wood cross, pipe border Row 21
Gonzales, Jose Romulo born 30 Nov 1882 died 11 Oct 1957 En paz descanse - wood cross and concrete marker Row 18
Gonzales, Juan B. born 25 Feb 1884 died 30 Mar 1937 Rest in peace - concrete marker Row 13 husband of Francisca Vigil
Gonzales, Larry died 30 Aug 1949 born Taos
Gonzales, Marcelino born 2 Jun 1876 died 3 Apr 1956 Father - monument Row 17
Gonzales, Mike M. born 6 Dec 1889 died 10 Sep 1969 - wood cross Row 19
Gonzales, Refugio R. born 19 Apr 1895 died 30 May 1979 Beloved mother. Rest in peace - granite, wood cross, iron and cement border Row 21
Gutierrez, Ernesto E. born 1 Oct 1932 died 6 Mar 1980 (same monument as Robert H. Espinosa) - granite Row 21
Gutierrez, Maria de la Luz born 1853 died 12 Apr 1909 age 55y, child of Bernardo Gutierrez and Maria Iginia Vigil - marble Row 7
Hudson, Leo died 17 Jan 1903 age 13d, son of M. Hudson
Lasserrero, Michael born 26 Nov 1968 died 27 Apr 1986 - cross Row 24
Leyba, Alberto born 31 Oct 1887 died 28 Jan 1981 - granite Row 23
Leyba, Celestina R. born 19 May 1887 died 15 May 1973 - granite and iron fence Row 20
Leyba, Vivana died 10 Jul 1919 age 35y, child of Jose Leyba and Leonor Martinez
Maestas, Pablita born 1898 died 1955 At rest - cement slab Row 17
Maestas, Rebecca M. born 8 Aug 1872 died 6 Apr 1949 - Row 16
Martines, Richardo died 1934 - wood cross and stone Row 3
Martines, Selso S. born 19 Apr 1886 died 5 Jun 1931 Farewell - monument Row 5
Martinez, Analisa Alica died 9 Sep 2003 infant of Max and Charlotte Martinez
Martinez, Carla Geraldine Apodaca died 1 Jun 2008
Martinez, Dolores died 28 Jun 1915 age 74y, child of Miguel Martinez and Maria Nicolasa Torres
Martinez, Emma died 18 Sep 2008
Martinez, Gregoria Vigil born 1860 at Ranchos de Taos died 29 Apr 1938 at Liano Quemado age 78y, wife of Tomas Martinez daughter of Refugio Vigil and Dolores Duran both parents born at Ranchos de Taos buried 30 Apr 1938
Martinez, Julian (illegible dates) - temporary marker Row 16
Martinez, Lillian born 28 Sep 1946 died 13 Jul 1947
Martinez, Marina died 12 Apr 1928 age 80y, child of Miguel Martinez and Nicolasa Torres
Martinez, Michelle born 21 Nov 1984 died 21 Nov 1984 - temporary marker NE Corner
Martinez, Porfiria died 5 May 1907 age 8y 10m 12d, daughter of Noberto Martinez and Cesaria Cordova
Martinez, Ricardo died 7 Sep 1907
Martinez, Selso S. born 19 Apr 1886 died 5 Jun 1931 age 46y, child of David Martinez and Bonifacio Sandoval, Farewell - monument Row 5
Mascarenas, Procopio G. born 16 Feb 1937 died 9 Dec 1972 New Mexico, A2C US Air Force - marble Row 20
Mascarenas, Procopio Gilbert born 1937 died 1972 Rest in peace. Daddy waits for us in heaven - granite w/ photo Row 20
Medina, Eugenio died 15 Apr 1926 age 93y, child of Antonio Ramon Medina and Juana Gonzales
Medina, Guadelupe born 12 Dec 1870 died 31 May 1943 - cross and monument Row 14
Medina, Guillermo born 8 May 1892 died 17 May 1944 New Mexico, PVT CO3 16 REGT 12 DIV, World War I - cement w/ metal top Row 15
Millhoupt, Firel E. born 10 Jan 1947 died 1 Jan 1995 In Gods care - wood cross and granite monument NE Corner
Mondragon, Abelino Ismael died 21 May 1933 child of Juan N. Mondragon and Matilde Romero
Mondragon, Adelaida R. born 21 May 1892 died 6 Apr 1946 (on back) 28 May 1952 - cement headstone Row 15
Mondragon, Adelia born 30 Mat 1894 died 6 Apr 1946
Mondragon, Adeliana born 1 Dec 1941 died 17 Dec 1959 - wood cross and brass plaque Row 18
Mondragon, Agueda born 19 Oct 1897 died 18 Mar 1956 - monument Row 17
Mondragon, Alfirio A. died 4 Jul 1968
Mondragon, Amada M. born 21 May 1901 died 6 Jan 1978 Era la luz de nuestra casa - granite and wood cross Row 21
Mondragon, Anthony died 1 Aug 2006 age 38y, child of Tomasita Mondragon, husband of Debra Mondragon
Mondragon, Belinda F. - wood cross Row 13
Mondragon, Benito P. born 1969 died 1976 (same as Loretta B. Mondragon) - wood cross Row 21
Mondragon, Benito V. born 8 Nov 1886 died 8 Nov 1955 - cross Row 17
Mondragon, Bonifacio born 1940 died 1960 (same marker as Daniel Mondragon) - granite w/ photos Row 18
Mondragon, Bonifacio Jose born 5 Aug 1897 died 7 Apr 1965 Con el amor de su familia - granite and wood cross Row 19
Mondragon, Candelaria died 7 Oct 1933 age 35y, child of Damasio Mondragon and Maria Juana Valerio
Mondragon, Carlos died 28 Oct 2006 age 67y, child of Max and Faye Mondragon
Mondragon, Carmen died 1930 - wood Row 9
Mondragon, Cirilia born 15 Sep 1905 died 16 May 1988
Mondragon, Cirilia died 21 Mar 1933 age 28y, child of Damasio Mondragon and Maria Juana Valerio
Mondragon, Climaco born ** 24, 1874 died ******* 1923 (illegible) - concrete cross Row 13
Mondragon, Clorinda born 20 Sep 1909 died 31 Jan 1947 Mother. Rest in peace - monument Row 14
Mondragon, Concepcion "Connie" born 5 Oct 1921 died 12 Apr 1969 Beloved sister and mother - granite Row 19
Mondragon, Damacio born 1861 died 8 Dec 1926 age 66y, child of Jesus Mondragon and Maria Gracia Romero - marble Row 3
Mondragon, Daniel born 1943 died 1960 (same marker as Bonifacio Mondragon) - granite w/ photos Row 18
Mondragon, Delfinia C. died 23 Apr 1954 age 68y 3m - Row 1
Mondragon, Delfinia Cordova died 23 Apr 1941 age 68y, wife of Luis M. Mondragon daughter of Juan N. Cordova and Augustina Romero
Mondragon, Dolores died 11 May 1910 age 62y, child of Julian Mondragon and Maria Vigil
Mondragon, E. - cross Row 14
Mondragon, Elfido died 1 Sep 1995 husband of Manuelita Mondragon
Mondragon, Eliverio born 2 Apr 1892 died 1 Nov 1918 age 26y, child of Damasio Mondragon and Maria Juana Valerio - monument Row 4
Mondragon, Emilina died 15 Jul 1913 daughter of Emilio Mondragon and Cleofas R. de Mondragon
Mondragon, Emilio died 30 May 1931 age 62y, child of Jose Dolores Mondragon and Maria Refugio Martinez
Mondragon, Ercilia born 13 Aug 1931 died 3 Jun 1947 - wood cross Row 15
Mondragon, Estefana died 13 Jul 1930 age 64y, child of Jesus Maria Mondragon and Maria de Gracia Romero
Mondragon, Fabian born 1886 died 1923 Father. He died as he lived - a Christian. - granite Row 6 died 19 Mar 1923 age 36y, child of Manuel Mondragon and Asencion Duran
Mondragon, Faustina died 12 May 1922 age 35y, child of Gregorio Mondragon and Albina Torres
Mondragon, Feliciana R. born 3 Jan 1885 died 13 Jul 1965 Mother - granite and cement border Row 19
Mondragon, Felipe V. died 11 Dec 1904 child of Manuel Mondragon
Mondragon, Francisca died 22 Feb 1926 age 63y, child of Jose Dolores Mondragon and Refugio Martinez
Mondragon, Francisco died 3 Feb 1932 age 33y, child of Gregorio Mondragon and Albina Tores
Mondragon, Francisquita born 1 Oct 1897 died 13 Feb 1932 - monument Row 2
Mondragon, Genoveva born 21 May 1869 died 21 Oct 1943 - cross and monument Row 14
Mondragon, Gregorio born 8 May 1847 died 12 Jul 1917 age 71y, child of Pedro Antonio Mondragon and Maria Simona Romero En paz descanze - monument Row 4
Mondragon, J. - cross Row 17
Mondragon, J. Emelio born 23 Jan 1869 died 29 May 1931 Rest in peace - monument Row 14
Mondragon, Jesus M. born 1882 died 1915 Sons - monument Row 4
Mondragon, Jose Damiano born 06 Mar 1868 died 15 Sep 1949 - concrete marker Row 16
Mondragon, Jose Dolores born 17 Jul 1909 died 24 Apr 1982 Beloved Husband and Father, Member N.E.A. - cross and monument Row 22
Mondragon, Jose Ean - wood cross NE Corner
Mondragon, Jose Levi born 18 Dec 1910 died 2 May 1976 PVT US Army, World War I - granite Row 21
Mondragon, Jose M. died 12 Jul 198* aged 95, 9 months 10 days - wood cross and temporary marker Row 25
Mondragon, Jose Orlando born 12 Nov 1953 died 20 Nov 1953 - cross Row 11
Mondragon, Jose Pacomio died 1926 - cross Row 2
Mondragon, Jose Premetivo born 13 May 1894 died 5 Apr 1965 Gone but not forgotten - granite Row 19
Mondragon, Josefa Rael died 26 Oct 1913 wife of Jose N. Mondragon daughter of Juan B. Rael and Antonia Cordova
Mondragon, Juan Nepomuceno born 16 Sep 1876 died 6 Oct 1931 age 56y, child of Gregori Mondragon and Albina Torres - monument Row 2
Mondragon, Juana Maria died 25 May 1915 age 49y, child of Felipe Abenisio Mondragon and Maria del la Luz Barela
Mondragon, Juanita B. born 1885 died 1978 Mother - granite Row 21
Mondragon, Juanita T. born 18 Nov 1894 died 11 Feb 1972 Descanse en paz - granite Row 20
Mondragon, Lionires - cross Row 5
Mondragon, Loretta B. born 1948 died 1976 (same as Benito P. Mondragon) - wood cross Row 21
Mondragon, Luis M. born 6 Oct 1875 died 6 Nov 1954 - monument Row 17
Mondragon, Lydia died 5 Oct 2005 age 89y, widow of Jose Levi Mondragon
Mondragon, Manuel A. died 1 Apr 1933 - marker Row 14
Mondragon, Manuel died 31 Jul 1972 aged 88 yrs 8 months 30 days - temporary marker Row 20
Mondragon, Maria Donilia born 21 Aug 1922 died 8 Mar 1930 Of such is the kingdom of heaven - monument Row 5
Mondragon, Maria Ercilia born 13 Aug 1931 died 3 Jun 1947
Mondragon, Maria Ester died 23 Sep 1933 age 35y, child of Juan N. Mondragon and Matilde Romero
Mondragon, Maria Eulogia Baca died 23 Mar 1910 age 27y, wife of Carmel Mondragon daughter of Casimiro Baca and Agapita Romero - wood cross Row 7
Mondragon, Maria Eustagracia died 18 Nov 1918 age 30y, child of Damasio Mondragon and Maria Juana Valerio
Mondragon, Maria Juana Valerio born 8 Jul 1868 died 16 May 1923 age 56y, wife of Damacio Mondragon daughter of Juan J. Valerio and Maria G. Martinez - marble Row 3
Mondragon, Maria Odilia born 1909 died 24 Oct 1933 age 25y, child of Damian Mondragon and Juana Baca - monument Row 8
Mondragon, Martha V. born 28 Jan 1913 died 29 Dec 1993 Our beloved mother - cross and monument Row 22
Mondragon, Matilde R. born 13 Mar 1881 died 20 Nov 1963 - granite Row 18
Mondragon, Max died 11 Jan 2006 age 84y, husband of Beatrice Mondragon
Mondragon, Maximiano V. died 21 Jun 2006 age 89y, widow of Felonis Maria Mondragon, child of Juan Bautista and Silveria Mondragon
Mondragon, Miguel died 3 Jul 1928 age 92y, child of Pedro Mondragon and Simona Romero
Mondragon, Pabla died 4 Feb 1928 age 12y, child of Elizario Mondragon and Abelina Mondragon
Mondragon, Pat F. born 7 Sep 1937 died 9 May 1980 - Row 22
Mondragon, Pita born 24 Aug 1909 died 19 Jun 1982 The star of hope forever glows - marble and wood cross Row 23
Mondragon, Roberto died 14 Jan 1928 age 31y, child of Luis Mondragon and Delfina Cordoba - Row 2
Mondragon, Rosalio born 28 Aug 1885 died 19 Apr 1974 Beloved Father and Grandfather - granite Row 20
Mondragon, Sabino born 30 Dec 1894 died 27 Feb 1962 New Mexico, PFC US Army, World War I - marble Row 18
Mondragon, Simodosea born 1928 died Jun ? - concrete cross Row 3
Mondragon, Sovieda born 15 May 1930 died 22 Nov 1970 Blessed mother. We love you - cast stone Row 20
Mondragon, T. - cross Row 14
Mondragon, Telesfor born 1905 died 1977 - granite and wood cross Row 21
Mondragon, Teodosia R. born 15 Sep 1890 died 4 Apr 1934 - (same monument as Teodosio E. Mondragon) Row 1
Mondragon, Teodosio E. born 28 Mar 1934 died 9 Oct 1934 - (same monument as Teodosia R. Mondragon) Row 1
Mondragon, Teofilo born 8 Aug 1810 died 1888 - wood cross Row 3
Mondragon, Teofilo born 10 Aug 1888 died 12 Aug 1942 - cross Row 2
Mondragon, Tomas died 13 Mar 1918 age 66y, child of Perdo Antonio Mondragon and Maria Simona Romero
Mondragon, Tomas born 11 Apr 1894 died 30 Aug 1923 age 27y, child of Damasio Mondragon and Maria J. Valerio - monument Row 2
Mondragon, Trinidad born 19 Jun 1920 died 15 Dec 1973 New Mexico, BKR 2 US NR, World War II - marble Row 20
Mondragon, Venseslado born 13 Apr 1911 died 3 Dec 1938 age 27y, son of Claudio Romero and Celestina Medina - Row 9
Mondragon, Vicente died 9 Aug 1912 age 43y, child of Jesus M. Mondragon and Maria Romero
Montoya, June born 2 Jun 1963 died 21 Apr 1980 - wood cross Row 21
Nunez, Pilar born Aug 1919 at Llano died 09 Feb 1921 at Rodarte age 2y, daughter of Antonio de Nunez and ? Martinez
Olonia, Maria C. died 24 Jun 1973 aged 81 yrs 3 mos 6 days - temporary marker Row 20
Ortega, Ernestina Aurora died 10 Dec 1927 age 10y, child of Juan de Dios Ortega and Candelaria Mondragon
Previti, Kathaleen died 02 Mar 2006
Prudencio, Yolanda B. born 13 Apr 1977 died 29 Jan 1985 Daughter - granite monument and wood cross NE Corner
Quintana, Maria Antonia Romero died 19 Jul 1927 at Llano Largo age 73y, wife of Alejandro Quintana daughter of Cristobal Romero and Francisquita Baca
Quintana, Ursula M. born 1922 died 1978 - granite and wood cross Row 21
Quinto, Irene R. born 1909 died 1947 Mother - granite Row 15
Quinto, Maria Josefa died 28 Nov 1902 age 45y, child of Juan D. Quinto
Rael, Maria Josefa died 27 Nov 1913 age 47y, child of Juan R. Rael and Antonia Cordova
Romero, Abelina M. born 10 Oct 1895 died 16 Aug 1972 - granite Row 20
Romero, Adam and Eric born 1973 died 1973 twins - granite NE Corner
Romero, Adolfo born 1888 died 1963 QEPD - wood cross Row 18
Romero, Agapita Isabel died 12 Oct 1941 at Llano Quemado infant daughter of Leandro Romero and Teresina Baca
Romero, Agapita wood crossname illegible 1972 (possibly 1872) - hand carved stone Row 10
Romero, Alex S. born 27 Aug 1963 died 27 Mar 1987 Beloved son, fr. mother, father, sister and brother - cast stone? Row 25
Romero, Andres C. born 28 Nov 1886 died 6 Feb 1975 PVT US Army - granite Row 21
Romero, Antonio Abran born 21 Mar 1852 at Ranchos de Taos died 14 Feb 1924 at Ranchos age 71y, widowed husband of Isabelita Torres son of Abenicio Romero and Feliciana Martinez occupation: Farmer buried 15 Feb 1924 - marble Row 3
Romero, Arturo N. born 1 Apr 1955 died 9 Jul 1955 Our baby - monument Row 17
Romero, Ben born 9 Jun 1955 died 12 Jun 1955 Our darling - monument Row 17
Romero, Benina L. born 1889 died 1963 QEPD - wood cross Row 18
Romero, Benito 1886-1975 Hanlon Funeral Home - wood Row 21
Romero, Betty O. died 05 Sep 2005
Romero, Bivinita L. died 9 Jul 1919 Que en paz descanze - monument Row 4
Romero, Celestina M. born 1888 died 1962 Beloved mother - marble and wood cross Row 18
Romero, Celina G. born 5 Mar 1881 died 10 Dec 1952 born Talpa - wood cross and photo Row 16
Romero, Chris J. born 9 Mar 1960 died 27 Aug 1982 Beloved Son, brother, husband and father - cross and monument Row 24
Romero, Claudio born 8 Dec 1884 died 6 Oct 1974 - wood cross Row 21
Romero, Cleofes Martinez born 15 Sep 1867 died 12 Sep 1932 died at Llano Quemado wife of Leonides Romero daughter of Miguel Martinez and Nicolasa Martinez - marble and granite Row 7
Romero, Clorinda V. born 18 Sep 1906 died 8 Nov 1968 Beloved wife and mother - granite Row 19
Romero, Cosmes born 13 Jul 1900 died 22 Feb 1966 - granite and cement border Row 19
Romero, Cris******* born 1957 died 1993 age 17 - Row 26
Romero, Cristobal born 19 Mar 1859 died 4 Jul 1945 - granite Row 15
Romero, Dale born 28 Apr 1958 died 3 May 1978 Our beloved son and brother, Gone but not forgotten - granite, iron border Row 21
Romero, Daniel born 11 Nov 1895 died 7 Mar 1974 Beloved Father. Rest in peace - granite Row 20
Romero, Delferio V. born 23 Jan 1918 died 10 Nov 1960 - granite and iron fence Row 18
Romero, Dolores died 4 Mar 1922 age 86y, child of Juan Felipe Romero and Maria Nieves Lujan
Romero, Elfido born 17 Jun 1925 died 19 Sep 1963 New Mexico, PFC CO C 501 PRCHT INF, World War II BSM-PH - marble Row 18
Romero, Eliria born 10 Oct 1923 died 11 Jul 1947 born Talpa - wood cross Row 15
Romero, Epifania Mondragon born 1904 died 02 Feb 1940 at Llano Quemado age 33y, wife of Alfredo Romero daughter of Carmen Mondragon and Maria Eulogia Baca - monument Row 2
Romero, Epifanio born 1881 died 13 Feb 1968 age 86y, Beloved father - granite Row 19
Romero, Eufrasina died 01 Mar 1943 age 34y, daughter of Felis Romero and Rosabal Mondragon
Romero, Eustaquia M. born 20 Sep 1888 died 30 Nov 1918 - cross and monument Row 4
Romero, Eustaquio D. born 20 Mar 1939 died 9 Nov 1997 Beloved husband, father and grandfather - Row 25
Romero, Faustina died 22 May 1922? age 35y daughter of Gregorio Mondragon and Albina Torres
Romero, Faye** El**Ano 1909 (illegible) - hand carved stone Row 7
Romero, Felimon born 1914 died 1961 - marble and metal Row 18
Romero, Felipe died 24 Aug 1920 age 72y, child of Miguel Mariano Romero and Maria de la Luz Vigil
Romero, Feliquez died 9 May 1935 age 67y, seperated from his wife for many years but not divorced
Romero, Flora died 18 Mar 2006 age 71y, wife of Olmedo Romero
Romero, Herbert J. born 1 May 1957 died 1 Nov 1960 - monument Row 17
Romero, Hipolito died 29 Apr 1908 age 10y, child of Maximiliano Romero and Maria O. Mondragon
Romero, Hipolito M. born 9 Jun 1912 died 18 Jun 1971 (partially illegible) - wood and stone Row 20
Romero, Isabel died 5 Jun 1928 age 21y, child of Severino Romero and Felicitas Maestas
Romero, Isidoro - concrete marker with tiles Row 16
Romero, Isidoro B. born 20 Oct 1930 died 11 Oct 1959 - marble and metal cross Row 18
Romero, Joe Enos born 20 Feb 1951 died 7 Jul 1965 Our son. Our darling - granite and iron fence Row 19
Romero, Joe P. born 17 Sep 1918 died 10 Jan 1971 Our beloved husband and father - cast stone? Row 20
Romero, Jose E. born 2 Nov 1927 died 2 Nov 1927 - wood cross Row 3
Romero, Jose Eli born 16 Nov 1900 died 17 May 1977 Beloved husband and father. Rest in peace - granite Row 21
Romero, Jose Francisco died 21 Jul 1923 age 76y, child of Juan Andres Romero and Isabel Martinez
Romero, Jose Rafael died 30 Aug 1905 age 86y, child of Juan de Jesus Romero, born Arroyo Hondo
Romero, Joseph born 14 May 1964 died 14 Aug 1964 Rest in peace - monument Row 11
Romero, Juan Andres born 3 Sep 1897 died 14 Jun 1933 at Llano Quemado age 35y, child of Cristobal Romero and Rebecca Maestas - granite marker Row 13
Romero, Juan born 2 Oct 1835 died 7 Oct 1835 - cross Row 2
Romero, Juan F. died Nov 1948
Romero, Juan Felipe died 27 Aug 1925 age 50y, child of Abenisio Romero and Feliciana Martinez
Romero, Juan Ignacio born 1888 died 1957 - monument Row 17
Romero, Juan M. - Row 1
Romero, Juan M. born 17 Jan 1907 died 5 Dec 1973 Beloved husband and father - granite Row 20
Romero, Juan Marvin born 22 Dec 1951 died 26 Feb 1952
Romero, Juanita E. born Apr 1913 died Oct 1992 Jesus, Life, Death, Templo Christano - cross Row 22
Romero, Julianita V. 1890-1939 Beloved Mother. Rest in peace - monument Row 14
Romero, Leandro born 30 Jul 1902 died 13 May 1988 Beloved father and grandfather - cross and monument Row 22
Romero, Leo I. born 2 Mar 1947 died 17 May 1973 Our beloved son - granite Row 20
Romero, Lila Chavez - wood cross Row 23
Romero, Lily M. born 12 Mar 1903 died 29 Jun 1976 - granite Row 21
Romero, Lionides born 1928 died 28 Nov 1941 husband of Cleofes Valdez son of Abenicio de Jesus Romero and Feliciana Martinez - cement cross Row 10
Romero, Lucinda Valerio born 1876 died 23 Oct 1923 at Ranchos de Taos age 46y, wife of Isadoro Romero daughter of Juan Valerio and Guadalupe Martinez - marble Row 3
Romero, Luisa died 25 Mar 1933 age 53y, child of Felipe Romero and Josefa Gonzales
Romero, Mackie born 21 Mar 1960 died 6 Feb 1977 Our beloved daughter and sister. May she rest in peace - cement headstone, rebar border Row 21
Romero, Manuel M. born 3 Mar 1950 died 15 Jan 1971 New Mexico, SP4 US Army, Vietnam - marble Row 20
Romero, Maria dela Luz Gutierrez born 5 Apr 1858 died 10 Apr 1909 wife of Miguel Antonio Romero
Romero, Maria Ferancia - stone, broken Row 3
Romero, Maria Florentina V. born 2 Feb 1888 died 27 Mar 1944 - monument Row 14
Romero, Maria Rosalia died 7 Dec 1907 age 60y, child of Mariano Romero and Maria Vigil
Romero, Maximiana died 8 Mar 1917 age 19y, child of Cristobal Romero and Rebeca Maestas
Romero, Maximiano born 2 Sep 1870 died 17 Jan 1945 - Row 14
Romero, May born May 1946 died Feb 1947 - cross Row 15
Romero, Miguel Antonio died 5 Apr 1930 age 86y, child of Juan Andres Romero and Maria Isabel Martinez
Romero, Miguelita born 15 Dec 1912 at Ranchos de Taos died 05 Jun 1925 at Ranchos de Taos age 22y, daughter of Felix Romero and Rosalia Mondragon buried 06 Jun 1925 - marble Row 3
Romero, Nestor Son of Abenicio and Emelia Romero Angel of God - cross and monument Row 4
Romero, Pedro Alcantar born at Santa Cruz died 04 Nov 1925 at Talpa age 63y, buried at Llano Quemado husband of Juana Baca son of Juan Andres Romero and Isabel Martinez buried 06 Nov 1925
Romero, Pete P. born 23 Oct 1915 died 20 Feb 1954 Beloved husband and father. God loves him - granite Row 16
Romero, Ray Candido born 6 Dec 1956 died 7 May 1978 Beloved son and brother - granite, iron fence Row 21
Romero, Rosalia M. born 20 Mar 1871 died ? Jan ? - concrete marker Row 16
Romero, Rose May died 20 Feb 1946 born Taos
Romero, Santiago died 15 Apr 1915 age 77y, child of Evaristo Romero and Maria A. Arellano - Row 1
Romero, Selestino born 6 Apr 1900 died 1 Sep 1967 New Mexico, PFC TRP A 11 Calvary, World War I - granite headstone, pipe and cement border Row 19
Romero, Severiano born 17 Jan 1883 died 28 Oct 1918 age 36y, child of Antonio Abran Romero and Maria Isabel Torres - cross and monument Row 4
Romero, Teodosia died 5 Apr 1934 age 44y, child of Jose Francisco Romero and Rosalia Mondragon
Romero, Teresina B. born 24 Jun 1905 died 12 Jun 1951 Beloved Wife and Motherwood - cross and granite headstone Row 12
Romero, Tomas died 6 Feb 1919 age 66y, child of Juan Andres Romero and Maria Isabel Martinez
Salazar, Eufemia R. born 18 Oct 1887 died 15 Nov 1887 - wood cross, cement border Row 21
Sanchez, Bernarbe Muniz born 1888 died 30 Jul 1950 born Llano Largo
Sandoval, Adelaida born 30 Oct 1887 died 3 May 1965 Aunt - granite Row 19
Sandoval, Adelaida S. born 22 Mar 1894 died 7 Jun 1978 - granite Row 13
Sandoval, Elizardo born 1918 died 1918 - Row 7
Sandoval, Fedelina Romero born 1887 died 1959 Mother - granite Row 18
Sandoval, Fidel born 1883 died 31 Mar 1935 age 52y, husband of Fedelina Romero En paz descanze - wood cross Row 13
Sandoval, Jose Vidal born 20 Apr 1889 died 21 Nov 1941 Father - granite headstone Row 12
Sandoval, Juan V. born 4 Dec 1922 died 30 Dec 1945 New Mexico, PCF 373 AAA, SLT BN CAC, World War II - granite Row 12
Sandoval, Nelson A. born 13 Dec 1940 died 6 Aug 1945 Beloved Son - granite headstone Row 12
T*******, Sesarita R. died June *** 19** (partially illegible) - temporary marker Row 7
Torres, Albina born 17 Dec 1856 died 2 Dec 1930 age 78y, child of Tomas Torres and Carmel Cordova - monument Row 2
Torres, Andres A. born 1897 died 1980 PVT US Army, World War I - monument Row 11
Torres, Anita Magdalena born 22 Jul 1924 died 16 Aug 1925 - monument Row 4
Torres, Ciria died 29 Jul 1930 age 24y, child of Julian Torres and Eulogia Vigil
Torres, Claudio died 5 Apr 1909 age 24y, child of Jose de Jesus Torres and Gertrudes Mondragon
Torres, Cordilia born 2 Aug 1927 died 20 Apr 1947 Rest in peace - monument Row 11
Torres, Emilia V. born 1891 died 1933 - cement headstone and wood cross Row 10
Torres, Erminio R. born 1893 died 1982 PFC US Army, World War I - white granite Row 26
Torres, Eulogia Vigil died 14 Aug 1934 age 50y, widow of Julian Torres
Torres, Francisco died 18 Oct 1909 age 81y, child of Antonio Torres and Isabel Fernandez
Torres, Francisquita S. born 1888 died 1942 - cement headstone Row 10
Torres, Ignacia F. born 30 May 1916 died 24 May 1973 One worthy of remembrance - granite and iron fence Row 20
Torres, Jacobo born 25 Feb 1908 died 06 Nov 1993 - wood cross Row 23
Torres, Jacobo born 1908 died 1993 - cross Row 24
Torres, Jose O. born 19 Mar 1929 died 11 Sep 1929 - cross Row 8
Torres, Juan D. C. born 10 Jul 1887 died 15 Feb 1975 Father - granite Row 21
Torres, Juana Cordilia born 1 Apr 1920 died 10 Jul 1920 - monument Row 4
Torres, Juanita born 2 Oct 1941 died 26 Jan 1942 Rest in peace - monument Row 4
Torres, Julian born 8 Jan 1869 died 23 Dec 1931 age 63y, child of Francisco Torres and Maria de Jesus Cordoba same marker as Maria Eulogia V. Torres) - marble Row 9
Torres, Luis born 1882 died 1970 - granite Row 20
Torres, Manuelita G. born 13 Aug 1909 died 16 Aug 1996 - wood cross Row 25
Torres, Manuelita R. born 1883 died 1973 Fue el resplandor de nuestra casa - quartz Row 20
Torres, Maria Cordilia born 24 Aug 1927 died 20 Apr 1948
Torres, Maria Eulogia V. born 11 Mar 1884 died Aug 1934 aged 50 years - marble and temporary marker Row 9
Torres, Quirino born 6 Jun 1861 died 14 Feb 1953 - monument Row 11
Torres, Senida M. born 20 Dec 1902 died 29 Jul 1993 Beloved mother - monument Row 11
Torres, Silveria R. born 24 May 1889 died 26 Dec 1964 Mother - granite Row 19
Torres, Terecita Q. born 3 Nov 1903 died 23 Dec 1977 Beloved mother and grandmother - granite Row 21
Torres, Tomas A. born 1889 died 1969 Father - granite marker and wood cross Row 10
Torrez, Francisco Torrez died 7 Jul 1949 - iron crib with iron cutout Row 16
Trujillo, Cesaria Romero died 13 Jun 1935 age 71y, wife of Vicente Trujillo
Trujillo, Claudette L. born 2 Mar 1978 died 6 Jul 1983 Daughter - monument Row 22
Trujillo, Juliana died 26 Oct 1918 age 32y, born at Torres, CO. child of Agapito Trujillo and Natividad Baca
Trujillo, Monica Claudia born 31 Oct 1949 died 23 Jan 1950
Trujillo, Ralph W. born 29 Apr 1942 died 29 Jul 1974 Father, Daddy we will meet you - granite Row 21
Trujillo, Sarita born 12 Aug 1811 died 1 Apr 1882 Dearest wife, mother, grandma - white granite Row 25
Valdez, Cleofas died 13 Sep 1932 age 65y, child of Juan Valdez and Juanita Martinez
Valdez, Harvey Edward born 8 Apr 1940 died 15 Sep 1940 at Ranchos de Taos infant son of Ferdy Valdez and Casilda Romero Beloved son and brother - metal and wood cross Row 7
Valerio, Allen M. born 24 Dec 1953 died 23 Sep 1973 - granite headstone Row 12
Valerio, Carmelita R. 1892-1967 from Martha Amarate - granite headstone, rebar border Row 19
Valerio, Emilia died 12 Jul 1933 age 41y, child of Felipe Valerio and Juana Valerio
Valerio, Epifanio died 1 Nov 1928 age 67y, child of Juan de Jesus Valerio and Maria Guadalupe Martinez
Valerio, Esther M. born 1897 died 1933 Que en paz descanse - monument Row 2
Valerio, Felicita born 1893 died 20 Dec 1930 age 36y, wife of Max Valerio daughter of Juan Miguel Romero and Rosita Salazar - monument Row 4
Valerio, Juan Pablo born 1890 died 1984 (same marker as Rosabel Valerio) - granite Row 20
Valerio, Leroy born 1952 died 1959 - monument Row 4
Valerio, Maria Juana died 18 May 1923 age 53y, child of Juan Valerio and Guadalupe Martinez
Valerio, Maria Lucinda died 24 Oct 1923 age 46y, child of Juan de Jesus Valerio and Maria Guadalupe Martinez
Valerio, Nestora Martinez born 5 Jun 1922 died 22 May 1948 From Mother and Dad Mr and Mrs. Feliberto Martinez - monument Row 14
Valerio, Rosabel born 1898 died 1971 (same marker as Juan Pablo Valerio) - granite Row 20
Valerio, Tomasita Romero born 1884 died 12 Mar 1968 Our loved one, Forever with the Lord - granite Row 19
Valverde, Jasmine died 7 Dec 1994 - metal cross NE Corner
Vega, Jose Encarnacion died 25 Jun 1909
Vigil, Cruz Medina died 23 Apr 1948
Vigil, Faustina Mondragon born 10 Feb 1892 died 10 May 1922 En paz descanze born at Llano Quemado died at Talpa, age 30y, wife of Alfonso Vigil, daughter of Gregorio Mondragon and Albinita Torrez buried 16 May 1922 - monument Row 4
Vigil, Juan Bautista born May 1884 at Llano Quemado died 2 Aug 1912 - monument Row 5
Vigil, Juan Florencio born 1877 died 13 Nov 1946
Vigil, Max born 1898 died 1978 Dios aga su santa voluntad, Husband - granite, brick border Row 21
Vigil, Ramoncita M. born 31 Aug 1904 died 5 Sep 1994 Beloved mom and grandma. Forever in our hearts wife of Max Vigil - granite Row 23
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