Taos County, New Mexico
Ranchos Cemetery
   Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. NOTE: This is not a complete listing. If anyone knows of more burials in this cemetery please contribute them by sending to Karen Mitchell.
?, a small male child died 10 Jan 1865 buried in the Rancho cemetery. Signed J. M. Coudert. (name is unreadable)
Abeyta, Antonia Vigil died 2 Jul 1871 wife of Rafael Abeyta, daughter of Faustin Vigil and Maria de la Luz Martinez, buried in the cemetery of Rancho.
Abeyta, Celestina died 28 Aug 1871 small daughter of Jose Rafael Abeyta and Antonia Vigil, Rancho.
Abeyta, Jose Gabriel died 16 Apr 1869 husband of Maria Encarnacion Romero, Rancho.
Abeyta, Jesus Maria died 18 May 1862 small son of Jose Rafael Abeyta and Antonia Vigil, Ranchos.
Abeyta, Jesusita died 6 Sep 1926 age 80y, child of Jose Abeyta and Carmel Vigil
Abeyta, Maria Desideria Trujillo, died 10 Feb 1867 wife of Antonio Jose Abeyta, daughter of Juan de Jesus Trujillo and Maria Asencion Vigil, of Rancho.
Abeyta, Maria Dolores died 16 Feb 1870 small daughter of Maria de Jesus Abeyta, Rancho.
Abeyta, Maria Rosalia died 9 Jun 1869 daughter of Jose Abeyta and Maria del Carmen Vigil, Rancho.
Aragon, Jose de Jesus died 12 Sep 1865 age 1y son of Ramon Aragon and Maria Francisca Leal, residents of Rancho.
Aragon, Jose Francisco died 18 Apr 1863 small son of Juan Bautista Aragon and Teodora Trujillo, of Rancho.
Aragon, Josefa died 23 Sep 1908 age 78y, child of Antonio Aragon and Manuela Gonzales
Aragon, Juliana Gallegos died 4 Jan 1862 wife of Antonio Aragon, buried Rancho.
Aragon, Maria del Carmen died 21 Sep 1871 small daughter of Lorenzo Aragon and Gertrudis Abeyta, Rancho.
Aragon, Maria Dolores died 29 Oct 1863 daughter of Ramon Aragon and Francisca Leal, of Rancho.
Aragon, Maria Ignacia died 28 Jul 1850 wife of Cipriano Baca, leaves 5 children
Aragon, Maria Rosa Vigil, died 12 Apr 1869 wife of Lorenzo Aragon, daughter of Juan Jose Vigil and Juana Olguin, buried Rancho cemetery.
Aragon, Maria Virginia died 25 Mar 1869 small daughter of Lorenzo Aragon and Maria Rosa Vigil, buried Rancho cemetery.
Aragon, Maximiana died 5 May 1867 small daughter of Francisco Aragon and Maria de la Luz Martin, buried Rancho cemetery.
Aragon, Nemecio died 1 May 1865 small Indian family of Maria Gertrudis Aragon, buried Rancho cemetery.
Archuleta, Gregorio died 23 Jun 1863 husband of Maria Antonia Cruz, of Rancho.
Archuleta, Josefa de Jesus died 19 Apr 1862 small daughter of Manuel Archuleta and Maria Encarnacion Vigil, Rancho.
Archuleta, Maria Guadalupe died 24 Nov 1863 adult daughter of Isidro and Estefana Martin, of Rancho.
Archuleta, Maria Salome died 14 Sep 1860 small daughter of Manuel Archuleta and Encarnacion Vigil, buried of Rancho.
Arguello, Maria Herinea died 22 May 1850 age 15d, child of Jose de Jesus Arguello and Maria Lus Garcia
Avila, Maria Josefa Vigil died 30 Mar 1864 wife of Francisco Avila, Ranchos.
Baca, Eva died 24 Feb 1871 small daughter of Eligio Vaca and Maria Dolores Bustos, Rancho.
Banta, Maria del Carmel died 22 Jun 1850 widow of Jose Manuel Banta, leabes 5 children
Barela, William Arthur born 8 Aug 1941 died 27 Aug 1949 born Monte Vista, CO
Bargas, Antonio Domingo died 18 Nov 1862 small son of Jose Gregorio Bargas and Maria Rosa Martinez, Rancho.
Bargas, Barbara Varela died 11 Dec 1863 wife of Jose Domingo Bargas, of Rancho.
Bargas, Jose Rafael died 24 Jun 1865 small son of Ignacio Bargas and Maria Candelaria Gonzales, buried Rancho cemetery.
Bargas, Jose Rafael died 1 Jun 1866 small son of Isaias Bargas and Maria Candelaria Gonzales, buried Rancho cemetery.
Bargas, Maria Francisca died 10 Jun 1864, Rancho.
Bargas, Romualdo died 27 Feb 1863 husband of Maria Juana Lovato, buried Rancho.
Bernal, Juan Andres died 23 May 1937 at Ranchos de Taos age 87y, son of Juan D. J. Bernal and Jacinta Romero
Brito, Adolfo died 2 May 1952 age 33y born at Talpa died of pneumonia buried 5 May 1952
Brito, Maria Manuela died 1 Sep 1916 age 66y, child of Ambrosio Brito and Candelaria Duran
Brown, Maria Juanita died 29 Jun 1943 at Taos infant daughter of Eugene Brown and Rumalda Sanchez
Brown, daughter born 28 Dec 1937 at Ranchos de Taos died 29 Dec 1937 at Ranchos infant daughter of Eugene Brown and Rumalda Sanchez buried 30 Dec 1937
Bueno, Maria Escolastica died 5 May 1857 age 1m natural daughter of Maria de la Crus Bueno, resident of Rancho.
Bueno, Pedro Antonio died 22 Apr 1862 small son of Juan Rafael Bueno and Maria Dolores Lucero, Rancho.
Bustos, Maria Gregoria died 1 Dec 1863 small daughter of Pedro Bustos and Rufina Garcia, buried Rancho.
Bustos, Rafaela died 28 Nov 1865 daughter of Ignacio Bustos and Lus Sandoval, deceased, Rancho.
Bustos, Rafaela died 2 Mar 1865 small natural daughter of Rafaela Bustos, buried Rancho cemetery.
Cardenas, Louis born 04 Jun 1919 at Taos died 03 May 1926 at Rancho de Taos age 6y, son of Benj. Cardenas and Josefa Trujillo buried 04 May 1926
Casias, Cristoval died 15 Dec 1865 husband of Maria Luisa Tafoya, son of Bernardo Casias and Maria Isabel Madrid, buried Rancho cemetery.
Casias, Dorotea died 21 Aug 1930 age 70y, child of Miguel Casaus and Antonia Trujillo
Casias, Jose Perfecto died 7 Nov 1867 small son of Jose Victor Casias and Maria Porfiria Bargas, of Rancho.
Casias, Juan Bautista died 4 Apr 1865 son of Antonio Casias and Maria Barbara Sanches, buried Rancho cemetery.
Casias, Luisa Tafoya died 19 Feb 1870 wife of Cristoval Casias, buried Rancho cemetery.
Casias, Manuelita died 24 Sep 1938 at Rancho de Taos infant daughter of Paul Casias and Josefa Sandoval
Casias, Maria Guadalupe died 27 Mar 1868 daughter of Maria Luteria Casias, buried Rancho cemetery.
Casillas, Jose Santiago died 18 May 1850 age 10y, child of Manuel de Jesus Casillas and Maria Luz Gallegos
Chavez, Benjamin born 5 May 1900 died 17 May 1947 Ranchos
Coca, Alfredo died 5 Jan 1864 small son of Juan Pedro Coca and Maria Dolores Vigil, Rancho.
Coca, Cleofas born about 1868 at Ranchos de Taos died 09 Oct 1924 at Ranchos age 56y, daughter of J Benito Coca and Maria Martinez buried 1924
Coca, Cleofas Gonzales died 13 Oct 1924 age 60y, child of Tomasa Gonzales
Coca, Juan de Jesus died 24 Sep 1870 husband of Juana Manuela Archuleta, Rancho.
Coca, Margarita Mondragon died 14 Dec 1934 age 45y, wife of Francisco Coca daughter of Nestor Mondragon and Josefita Sandoval
Coca, Procopio died 20 Feb 1928 age 26 1/2y, child of Rogerio Coca and Maria Atocha Abeyta
Concha, Santiago died 5 Jan 1915 age 5y, child of Jose de la Cruz Concha and Agapita Espinoza
Cordova, Agapito born Ranchos died 01 Oct 1925 at Talpa age 70y, widowed husband of Maria Refujio Duran son of Juan Cordova and Maria Vigil occupation: Farmer buried 02 Oct 1925
Cordova, Benjamin died 15 Oct 1865 small son of Jose Rafael Cordova and Altagracia Aguilar, buried Rancho cemetery.
Cordova, Irenia died 28 Sep 1865 small daughter of Jose Cordova and Maria Josefa Aragon, buried Rancho cemetery.
Cordova, Jose Francisco Benjamin died 13 Aug 1864 small son of Jesus Maria Cordova and Maria Manuela Martinez, residents of Rancho, buried inside the Rancho church.
Cordova, Juan D. died 27 May 1907 age 55y,
Cordova, Juan de Jesus died 30 May 1907 age 45y, child of Jose de Espiritu Santos Cordova
Cordova, Maria de Jesus Pino, died 28 May 1866 wife of Juan Felipe Cordova, daughter of Pedro Pino and Maria Ignacia Martin, buried Rancho cemetery.
Cordova, Maria Doria born Ranchos died 11 Nov 1919 at Ranchos de Taos age 24y, wife of Onecimo Cordova buried 12 Nov 1919
Cordova, Maria Dorotea died 24 Nov 1856 small natural daughter of Maria Encarnacion Cordova, resident of Rancho, buried Rancho.
Cordova, Maria Guadalupe Trujillo died 26 May 1864 wife of Jose Rafael Cordova, daughter of Manuel Mariano Trujillo and Maria Andrea Lucero, deceased, Capilla of Rancho.
Cordova, Maria Guadalupe died 12 May 1865 adult Indian, family of Reymundo Cordova and Estefana Gonzales, residents of los Cordovas, buried Rancho cemetery.
Cordova, Maria Petra died 30 May 1865 indian, family of Reimundo Cordova and Estefana Gonzales, buried Rancho cemetery.
Cordova, Maria Victoriana died 16 Nov 1867 daughter of Andres Cordova and Maria Dolores Archuleta, of Rancho.
Cordova, Perfelio de la Cruz Duran died 22 Oct 1860 small son of Andres Cordova and Concesion Duran, buried of Rancho.
Cordova, Rafaela Trujillo, died 1 Apr 1866 widow of Lorenzo Cordova, buried Rancho church cemetery.
Cordova, Reymundo died 1 Sep 1869 husband of Estefana Gonzales, son of Abad Cordova and Juliana Torres, deceased, Rancho.
Cortez, Antonio Aran born Taos County died 09 Aug 1922 at Ranchos de Taos age 73y, son of Jose Cortez and Soledad Duran buried 10 Aug 1922
Cortez, Carlos born 1864 at Trinidad, Colorado died 03 Aug 1924 at Ranchos de Taos age 60y, son of Prudencio Cortez and Teresita Vigil buried 04 Aug 1924
Cortez, Carmilita Ortis died 22 Apr 1936 at Ranchos de Taos wife of Daniel Cortez daughter of Emilio Ortiz and Laurita Trujillo
Cortez, Juana died 24 Apr 1850 at birth, child of Benito Cortes and Maria Dorotea Romero
Cortez, Juana Catarina died 3 Sep 1907 age 68y, child of Juan Benito Cortez
Cortes, Maria Antonia Lucero died 19 Apr 1865 wife of Jose Cortes, buried Rancho cemetery.
Cortez, Ruben died 20 Aug 1936 age 64y, husband of Francisca Gutierrez
Cruz, Maria Guadalupe died 20 Nov 1863 daughter of Agustin Cruz and Paula Cordova, buried Rancho.
DesGeorges, son died 30 Apr 1931 at Ranchito infant son of Joe Jr. DesGeorges and Dora Trujillo
Duran, Basilio died 25 Jun 1863 small natural son of Ana Maria Duran, buried Rancho.
Duran, Eduardo died 14 Dec 1931 age 36y, child of Leonires Duran and Herminilinda Martinez
Duran, Jose Francisco died 9 Jan 1868 small son of Candelario Duran and Maria Dolores Luevano, buried Rancho cemetery.
Duran, Jose Francisco died 6 May 1903 age 81y, child of Domingo Duran
Duran, Jose Mariano died 19 Dec 1863 small son of Manuel Duran and Longina Ruival, buried Rancho.
Duran, Jose Nerio died 25 May 1865 husband of Maria Dolores Abeyta, son of Pablo Duran and Antonia Maria, buried Rancho cemetery.
Duran, Juan del Carmen died 17 Jan 1863 small natural son of Ana Maria Duran, Rancho.
Duran, Juan Pedro died 27 Nov 1864 age 5y son of Matias Duran and Maria Refugio Martinez, buried Rancho cemetery.
Duran, Manuel Gregorio died 15 Apr 1866 wife of Clara Fernandez, buried Rancho cemetery.
Duran, Maria Benigna died 17 Aug 1850 age 1y, child of Jose Dolores Duran and Juana Maria Sanches
Duran, Maria Clara Fernandes died 2 Aug 1865 wife of Manuel Jose Gregorio Duran, daughter of Jose Mariano Fernandes and Maria Asencion Lucero, deceased, buried Rancho cemetery.
Duran, Maria Dolores Archuleta died 29 Nov 1867 widow of Antonio Nerio Duran, buried Rancho cemetery.
Duran, Maria Florencia died 19 Mar 1869 small daughter of Francisco Duran and Anaseita Archuleta, buried Rancho cemetery.
Duran, Maria Juana Sandoval, died 15 Sep 1867 wife of Jose Francisco Duran, daughter of Nicolas Sandoval and Maria Ignacia Martinez, buried Rancho cemetery.
Duran, Maria Manuela died 3 Jun 1858 small natural daughter of Maria Antonia Duran, resident of plasita de los Cordovas, buried Rancho de Taos.
Duran, Refugio died 4 Jun 1923 age 65y, child of Francisco Duran and Juana Maria Sandoval
Errera, Juana Antonia died 25 1868 small daughter of Juan de Errera and Paula Vigil, buried Rancho cemetery.
Errera, Maria Leonor died 7 Dec 1865 daughter of Juan Errera and Paula Vigil, Rancho.
Errera, Maria Simona Fernandez died 6 Oct 1860 wife of Juan Antonio de Errera, residents of Ranchos de Taos.
Espinosa, Jose Melquides died 23 Mar 1869 small son of Jose Domingo Espinosa and Feliciana Aguilar, buried Rancho cemetery.
Espinosa, Josefa died 19 Apr 1903 age 34y, wife of Romualdo Martines
Espinoza, Josefa died 5 Jan 1917 age 90y, child of Santiago Espinoza and Rita Vargas
Espinosa, Juan Isidro died 20 May 1864 small son of Basilio Espinosa and Maria Rosalia Brito, buried Rancho cemetery.
Espinosa, Juan Manuel died 7 Jul 1867 son of Vicente Espinosa and Maria de Jesus Duran, buried Rancho cemetery.
Espinosa, Maria Dolores died ? Sep 1862 (after the 22nd) small adopted Indian of Juan Antonio Espinosa and Maria Manuela Gomez, Rancho.
Espinosa, Maria Guadalupe Ruival, died 21 Jun 1867 wife of Miguel Espinosa, daughter of Jose Gregorio Ruival and Maria Feliciana Cordova, buried Rancho cemetery.
Espinosa, Maria Teodora died 1 Jan 1864 small daughter of Jose Domingo Espinosa and Barbara Varela, Rancho.
Esquibel, Teofila died 4 Apr 1923 age 76y, child of Jose Rafael Esquibel and Maria Ines Sanchez
Fernandez, Francisco died 22 Jun 1907
Fernandez, Juan Isidro died 20 May 1865 age 10d son of Jose Candelario Fernandez and Maria Juana Martin, buried Rancho cemetery.
Fernandez, Maria Isabel Cruz died 11 Nov 1869 wife of Manuel Fernandez, daughter of ? Cruz and Maria Luz Hurtado, buried Rancho cemetery.
Fernandez, Maria Juliana Trujillo, died 14 Feb 1868 widow of Juan Antonio Fernandez, buried Rancho cemetery.
Fresques, Juan died 29 Mar 1862 small son of Tomas Fresques and Ana Maria Montoya, Rancho.
Fresquez, Isabel died 8 Jul 1927 age 80y, child of Tomas Fresquez and Maria Montoya
Fresquez, Maria de la Luz died 24 May 1871 daughter of Tomas Fresquez and Maria Montoya, Rancho.
Fresquez, Nestor died 19 Oct 1903 age 45y, child of Tomas Fresquez
Gallegos, Ignacia Duran died 10 Jul 1860 wife of Pedro Gallegos, buried Rancho.
Gallegos, Manuela died 6 Oct 1907 age 63y, child of Claudio Gallegos and Refugia Siote
Gallegos, Piedad died 18 Nov 1903 age 60y, child of Jose Pablo Gallegos
Gallegos, Rita Lucero died 22 Dec 1867 wife of Antonio de Jesus Gallegos, daughter of Bernardo Lucero and Tomasa Romero, buried Rancho cemetery.
Garcia, Delfina V. born 25 Dec 1899 died 16 Apr 1909 age 19y 5m 16d wife of Daniel Garcia, daughter of Francisco Vigil and Rafaelita M. de Vigil
Garcia, Eutemio died 18 Sep 1931 age 48y, child of Francisco Garcia and Juana Salazar
Garcia, Jose Feliz died 2 Feb 1866 son of Jose Ramon Garcia and Maria de los Reyes Trujillo, buried Rancho cemetery.
Garcia, Jose Marcelino died 8 May 1850 age 20y child of Antonio Garcia and Maria Rita Aragon
Garcia, Jose Ramon died 21 Dec 1871 small son of Bonifacio Garcia and Ana Montoya, Rancho.
Garcia, Juan died 9 Jul 1864 husband of Maria del Carmen Suaso, buried Rancho cemetery.
Garcia, Juan died 25 Jul 1929 age 50y, child of Manuel Garcia and Placida Quintana
Garcia, Juanita born Taos died 21 Apr 1938 daughter of Jose J. Garcia and Juanita Pacheco both parents born Taos buried 21 Apr 1938
Garcia, Maria Juana died 9 Jun 1850 age 6d, child of Marcelino Garcia and Maria Teresa Aragon
Gardunez, Maria Josefa died 19 May 1856 age 4m daughter of Juan Jose Gardunez and Maria Paula Romero, residents of Plasa of Rancho.
Gardunio, Bartolome died ? Aug 1850 husband of Maria de la Luz Gonzales
Garinier, Maria Feliciana died 14 Apr 1862 age 3y daughter of Manuel Garinier and Maria de la Cruz Medina, Rancho.
Gomes, Maria Alcadia died 23 Apr 1850 age 2m, child of Jose Mateo Gomes and Maria Antonia Trujillo
Gomez, Gregorio died 19 Feb 1871 son of Juan Encarnacion Gomez and Manuela Medina, of Ranchos.
Gomez, Jose Mateo died 30 Apr 1857 age 28y husband of Maria Antonia Trujillo, residents of la Cordillera of Rancho, received the Sacraments.
Gomez, Jose Teodoro died 3 Dec 1864 small son of Jesus Maria Gomez and Maria Gertrudis Fresquez, buried Rancho cemetery.
Gomez, Maria Josefa died 4 Sep 1863 adopted indian of Manuel G. Gomez and Maria Silveria Martin, buried Rancho.
Gomez, Rosa died 10 May 1867 adult Indian of the family of Manuel Gregorio Gomez and Silveria Mestas, buried Rancho cemetery.
Gonsales, Jose Manuel died 15 Mar 1862 small son of Juan Valentin Gonsales and Maria Estefana Duran, buried Ranchos.
Gonsales, Miguel died Jan 1866 husband of Antonia Romero, buried Rancho cemetery.
Gonzales, Amedio died 23 Sep 1923 at Ranchos de Taos infant son of Elizardo Gonzales and Juanita Fernandez
Gonzales, Carlos died 18 Oct 1928 age 59y, child of Juan B. Gonzales and Juana M. Town
Gonzales, Carmina Sabina died 12 May 1864 daughter of Juan de Dios Gonzales and Margarita Montoya, Rancho.
Gonzales, Daniel died 4 Dec 1908 age 20y, child of Felipe Gonzales and Estefania Martinez
Gonzales, Eliza G. born 1900 at Ranchos de Taos died 24 Jun 1921 at Ranchos de Taos age 21y, wife of Elizardo Gonzalez daughter of Elizardo Gurule and Sedelina Martinez both parents born at Ranchos buried 25 Jun 1921
Gonzales, Helena died 22 Jan 1930 age 61y, child of Juan Bautista Gonzales and Juana ?
Gonzales, Jose Abel died 18 May 1864 small natural son of Maria Veneranda Gonzales, Rancho.
Gonzales, Jose de la Luz Gonzales, small son of Juana Gonzales, Rancho.
Gonzales, Jose Guadalupe died 26 Mar 1867 husband of Agustina Tafoya, buried Rancho cemetery.
Gonzales, Jose Liberio died 12 Apr 1867 age 1m son of Juan Manuel Gonzales and Nestora Aragon, buried Rancho cemetery.
Gonzales, Josefa Victoria died 19 Mar 1909 age 19y, child of Juan B. Gonzales and Juana M. Torres
Gonzales, Juan died 2 Nov 1871 small son of Maria Natividad Gonzales, deceased, Rancho.
Gonzales, Juan B. died 30 Mar 1937 age 53y, husband of Francisca Vigil
Gonzales, Juan Bautista died 17 Aug 1908 age 87y, child of Ignacio Gonzales and Josefa Lalonde
Gonzales, Juana died 2 Apr 1864 age 1d daughter of Santos Gonzales and Juana Gurule, Rancho.
Gonzales, Maria Apolonia died 15 May 1864 daughter of Siberbio Gonzales, deceased, and Felipa Jesus Salazar, Rancho.
Gonzales, Maria Dolores died 11 May 1864 small daughter of Jose D. Gonzales and Geronima Montoya, Rancho.
Gonzales, Maria Estefana Duran, died 4 Jun 1866 wife of Valentin Gonzales, daughter of Francisco Antonio Duran and Maria Juliana Cortez, deceased, buried Rancho cemetery.
Gonzales, Maria Gertrudis died 30 Apr 1864 small daughter of Luis Maria Gonzales and Maria Rita Mestas, buried Rancho cemetery.
Gonzales, Maria Natividad daughter of Ramon Gonzales and Antonia Duran, deceased, Rancho.
Gonzales, Maria Pabla died 15 Jul 1918 age 63y, child of Dionisio Gonzales and Maria Gertrudes Aragon
Gonzales, Maria Soledad died 27 Aug 1870 daughter of Josefa Gonzales, deceased, buried Rancho cemetery.
Gonzales, Pablo died 25 Dec 1930 at Ranchos de Taos age 24y, child of Rafael Gonzales and Manuela Martinez
Gonzales, Pantalion died 18 May 1864 small natural son of Luisa Maria Gonzales, Rancho
Gonzales, Rafael born 26 Oct 1867 died 23 Mar 1947 Ranchos
Gonzales, Ramon died 9 Jan 1864 husband of Maria Antonia Duran, buried Rancho cemetery.
Gonzales, Severa died 31 Oct 1870 small daughter of Jose D. Gonzales and Geronima Montoya, Rancho.
Gonzales, son died 02 Feb 1931 at Ranchos de Taos infant son of Flavio Gonzales and Alberta Valerio
Gonzales, Susana died 7 Mar 1864 small daughter of Jose Encarnacion Gonzales and Juana Medina, Rancho.
Gonzales, Teresa died 1 Feb 1868 small daughter of Ramon Gonzales and Maria del Carmen Chavez, buried Rancho cemetery.
Gonzales, Virginia born Ranchos de Taos died 24 Mar 1920 at Ranchos de Taos age 60y, daughter of Jose Delcinio Gonzales and Geronima Montoya buried 25 Mar 1920
Gonzales, Virginia Frances born 15 May 1947 died 28 Aug 1947 Ranchos
Gonzalez, Maria Paula died 29 Mar 1863 small daughter of Jose Dolores Gonzalez and Geronima Montoya, buried Rancho.
Graham, Margarita died 13 Jan 1930 age 35y, child of Donaciano Graham and Viviana Trujillo
Grenier, Jose Jesus died 12 Mar 1865 small son of Manuel Grenier and Maria de la Cruz Medina, also deceased, buried Rancho cemetery.
Grine, Jose Antonio Vidal died 11 Sep 1871 son of Manuel Grine and Maria de la Cruz Medina, Rancho.
Grine, Juan Jesus died 8 Apr 1857 age 1½m son of Manuel Grine and Maria de la Cruz Medina, residents of Rancho de Taos.
Grine, Maria de la Cruz Medina died 25 Apr 1864 wife of Manuel Grine, daughter of Juan Antonio Medina and Maria, Rancho.
Gurule, Cecilia died 19 Mar 1868 small daughter of Pablo Gurule and Maria Natividad Duran, of Rancho.
Gurule, Estefana died 4 Feb 1863 small daughter of Jesus Maria Gurule and Maria Encarnacion Bustos, buried Rancho.
Gurule, Jose del Carmen died 2 Apr 1866 adult son of Jose Guadalupe Gurule and Ygnacia Gonzales, buried Rancho cemetery.
Gurule, Jose Ylario died 22 May 1870 husband of Maria Ignacia Tafoya, son of Lorenzo Gurule and Maria Francisca Garcia, buried Rancho cemetery.
Gurule, Juanita Casias died 13 Apr 1906 age 62y, wife of the deceased Vidal Gurule
Gurule, Maria Juana died 5 Feb 1862 adult daughter of Ylario Gurule and Ignacia Tafoya, residents de Rancho de Taos buried Rancho.
Gurule, Maria Leonor died 9 Feb 1851 age 6m, child of Jose Gurule and Maria Encarnacion Cordova
Gurule, Maria Nicanora died 22 Jul 1865 small daughter of Jose Guadalupe Gurule and Maria Ignacia Gonzales, buried Rancho cemetery.
Gurule, Maria Paula died 26 Jul 1865 small daughter of Jose Guadalupe Gurule and Maria Ignacia Gonzales, buried Rancho cemetery.
Gurule, Vidal no dates husband of Juanita Casias
Gutierrez, Agapita Zelina died 07 Feb 1929 at Ranchos de Taos age 5y, daughter of Alfonso Gutierez and Arcelia Salazar
Gutierrez, Andrea Bersabe died 11 Oct 1861 small daughter of Miguel Antonio Gutierrez and Juliana Sandoval, residents of Rio Chiquito, buried Rancho.
Gutierrez, Maria Teresa died 19 Dec 1861 wife of Bernardo Gutierrez, residents of cordillera of Rancho.
Gutierrez, Pedro Antonio died 8 May 1862 small daughter of Bernardo Gutierrez and Ignacia Vigil, residents of Cordillera of Rancho.
Gutierrez, Rafaela died 6 May 1862 small daughter of Bernardo Gutierrez and Ignacia Vigil, residents of Cordillera of Rancho.
Gutierrez, Selestino died 15 Feb 1929 at Ranchos infant son of Doniciano Guiterrez and Mary S. Salazar
Hammer, Jose Adolfo died 2 Oct 1871 small son of Frederick Hammer and Tiburcia Sanchez, Rancho.
Hammer, Luisa died 30 Mar 1906 age 42y, child of Federico Hammer
Hammer, Rudolfo died 10 Mar 1943 age 62y, son of Fred Williams Hammer and Tuburcia Sanchez
Herrera, Carolina Lopez born Sep 1898 at Ranchos de Taos died 11 Aug 1922 at La Cordillera age 24y, wife of Manuel Herrera daughter of Benedito Lopez and Delfina Cortez buried 13 Aug 1922
Herrera, Cordilia died 24 Nov 1928 at Ranchos de Taos age 4y, daughter of Bernabe Herrera and Rufinas Basquez
Herrera, Martin born at Ranchos de Taos died 20 Jul 1926 at Rancho de Taos age 22y, son of Cruz Herrera and Virginia Romero buried 21 Jul 1926
Hurtado, Maria Gertrudis Vigil died 12 Dec 1869 wife of Manuel Hurtado, deceased, Rancho.
Jaramillo, ? died 16 Dec 1864 age 7m child of Julian Jaramillo and Teodora Sanchez, buried Rancho cemetery.
Jaramillo, Pedro Regalado died 12 Aug 1867 small natural son of Maria Isabel Jaramillo, Cordillera of Rancho.
Keutnor, Jessie Helen Hall died 21 Sep 1933 at Ranchos De Taos age 66y, wife of John Harrison Keutnor daughter of Aaron B. Hall and Eveline ?
Lalonde, Juan de Dios died 5 Dec 1865 son of Juan Bautista Lalonde and Rita Abeyta, Rancho.
Lavet, Abran died 17 Apr 1862 small son of Miguel Lavet and Viviana Rael, Rancho.
Lavet, Maria Rita Trujillo died 11 Feb 1862 wife of Jose Miguel Lavet, daughter of Luis Trujillo and Maria Dolores Duran, buried Ranchos.
Leal, Francisco died 13 Jan 1870 husband of Maria Galvan, Rancho.
Leal, Manuel Antonio, died 23 Nov 1867 small son of Pedro Leal and Maria Dolores Candelaria, buried Rancho cemetery.
Leal, Maria Dolores Mirabal died 24 Apr 1868 wife of Pedro Leal, buried Rancho cemetery.
Leiba, Maria Encarnacion Espinosa died 21 May 1864 wife of Vicente Leiba, deceased, daughter of Pedro Ignacio Espinosa and Maria Gertrudis Gonzales, buried Rancho cemetery.
Leal, Maria Librada died 26 Mar 1862 small daughter of Antonio Leal and Maria Rosa Duran, residents of Rancho.
Leal, Rosalio died 18 Jul 1860 small son of Pedro Leal and Dolores Candelaria, residents of Ranchos de Taos.
Leiba, Maria Andrea died 2 Jul 1864 daughter of Jesus Maria Leiba and Maria Dolores Sanchez, Rancho.
Leiba, Maria Encarnacion Espinosa died 21 May 1864 wife of Vicente Leiba, deceased, daughter of Pedro Ignacio Espinosa and Maria Gertrudis Gonzales, buried Rancho cemetery.
Leiba, Maria Gertrudis Abeyta died 8 Feb 1859 wife of Benito Leiba, daughter of Jose Abeyta and Maria del Carmen Vigil, buried Rancho.
Leyba, Castulo died 5 Mar 1915 age 17y, child of Jose Leyba and Leonor Martinez
Leyba, Jose died 11 Jan 1918 age 55y, child of Jesus Maria Leyba and Maria Dolores Sanchez
Leyba, Maria Lenor born 17 Jan 1863 died 16 Jan 1948
Lobato, Luisita Montoya died 24 Apr 1907 age 80y wife of Lorenzo Lobato.
Lobato, Victor died 5 Aug 1850 husband of Maria Antonia Sandoval, leaves 5 children
Long, Abel died 11 May 1862 small son of George Long and Juana Maria Herrera, Rancho.
Lopez, Carolina died 13 Aug 1922 age 24y, child of Benedito Lopez and Delfina Cortez
Lopez, Delfina C. born 1878 died 5 Mar 1948
Lopez, Francisquita G. died 28 Apr 1935 at Ranchita age 74y, wife of Gavino Lopez daughter of Perfecto Garcia and Marcelina Arquello
Lopez, Jose Dionisio died 14 Jun 1910 age 82y, born Santa Cruz, child of Pedro A. Lopez and Maria de la Luz Abeyta
Lopez, Severo Piedad died 15 Apr 1871 small son of Jose Teodoro Lopez and Maria Dolores Belasquez, Rancho.
Lopez, Juan died 25 Oct 1909
Lopez, Tomas died 06 Feb 1940 age 87y, husband of Rafelita Lucero son of Jose Maria Lopez and Anna Maria Salazar
Lovato, Desideria R. died 21 May 1968 age 77y
Lovato, Jose Ramon died 13 Dec 1862 small son of Miguel Lovato and Rita Trujillo, Rancho.
Lovato, Julianita M. born 06 Feb 1850 at Ranches de Taos died 02 Oct 1924 at Ranches de Taos age 74y, wife of Lorenzo Lovato daughter of Jesus M. Martinez and Louisa Montoya buried 04 Oct 1924
Lovato, Lorenzo died 7 Feb 1908 age 68y, child of Buenaventura Lovato and Maria Dolores Cordova
Lovato, Margarita died 25 May 1865 small daughter of Manuel Lovato and Viviana Rael, buried Rancho cemetery.
Lucero, Jose Lucas born 8 May 1912 died 10 Nov 1984 son of Jose de Gracia Lucero and Maria Excelsa Fresquez
Lucero, Maria Dolores died 8 Oct 1869 wife of Jose Nieves (no last name), buried Rancho church cemetery.
Lucero, Maria Paula died 25 Apr 1862 small daughter of Juan Lucero and Candelaria Martin, residents of la Cordillera of Rancho.
Luevano, Felipe died 18 Jun 1863 husband of Maria del Carmen Chavez, of Rancho.
Luevano, Francisco died 7 Aug 1864 small son of Felipe Luevano, deceased, and Maria del Carmen Chavez, buried Rancho cemetery.
Luevanos, Justo died 11 May 1862 small son of Felipe Luevanos and Maria del Carmen Chavez, Ranchos.
Lujan, Arturo died 31 May 1921 age 17y, child of Tobias Lujan and Cirilia Martinez
Lujan, Maria de la Luz died 21 Oct 1870 small daughter of Cristobal Lujan and Catalina Medina, Rancho.
Lujan, Nieves died 11 Aug 1905 age 90y, born in Penasco, child of Antonia Lujan
Lujan, Odosio Tobias died 15 Nov 1931 age 20y, child of Tobias Lujan and Cirila Martinez
Lujan, Pablo M. died 17 Aug 1914 age 13y, child of Tobias Lujan and Ciria Martinez
Lujan, Tobias died 25 Jun 1928 age 58y, child of Jose de la Luz Lujan and Maria Antonia Velarde
Madrid, Emelina born 22 Jan 1910 at Ranchos de Taos died 22 Mar 1920 at Dixon age 9y, daughter of Presentacion Madrid and Alusenda Martinez
Maes, Maria Antonia Gomez, died 13 Mar 1867 wife of Jose Encarnacion Maes, of the Cordillera of Rancho.
Maestas, Eufrocina born 3 Aug 1913 died 24 Apr 1946 Ranchos
Maestas, Leroy died 1 Mar 1968 age 21y, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Maestas
Maestas, Ramon Eli born 07 Apr 1899 died 10 Sep 1946 born Rodarte
Martin, Amador died 16 May 1864 small son of Jacinto Martin and Josefa Gonzales, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Ana Maria Duran, died 23 Mar 1870 wife of Juan Martin, daughter of Juan del Carmen Duran and Maria Dolores Mondragon, Rancho.
Martin, Antonio Jose died 8 May 1862 husband of Josefa Vigil, residents of Cordillera of Rancho.
Martin, Buenaventura died 25 Sep 1871 husband of Maria Asencion Gallegos, deceased, son of Pedro Martin and Jacinta Aragon, Rancho.
Martin, Clara, died 12 Oct 1867 small natural daughter of Maria del Rosario Martin, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Desiderio died 15 Jan 1864 son of Jose Filito Martin and Maria Santos Archuleta, Rancho.
Martin, Elfeges died 23 Mar 1862 small son of Juan de Jesus Martin and Maria Juliana Salazar, Rancho.
Martin, Eulalia died 14 Apr 1866 small daughter of Pedro Martin and Maria de las Nieves Romero, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Felis Padilla, died 14 Apr 1866 wife of Ignacio Martin, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Francisca Trujillo died 31 Aug 1868 wife of Juan de Dios Martin, daughter of Buenaventura Trujillo and Josefa Armenta, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Francisco died 12 Nov 1869 small son of Jose Maria Martin and Margarita Martin, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Ignacia Pineda, died 29 Apr 1871 wife of the deceased Francisco Antonio Martin, daughter of Jacinto Pineda and Josefa Leal, Rancho.
Martin, Isidro died 16 Apr 1869 small son of Jose Dolores Martin and Gabriela Espinosa, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Jesus Maria died 13 Aug 1871 husband of Josefa Lucero, son of Rafael Martin and Maria, Rancho.
Martin, Jose died 1 Jul 1866 son of Baltazar Martin, deceased, and Josefa Martin, residents of Rio Chiquito, buried Rancho church cemetery.
Martin, Jose Andres died 4 Jul 1850 age 5y, family of Jose Martin
Martin, Jose Benito died 22 Jul 1871 husband of Maria Dolores Cordova, son of Pedro Antonio Martin and Jacinta Aragon, buried in the cemetery of Rancho.
Martin, Jose Cruz died 21 Apr 1864 husband of Ramona Montoya, Rancho.
Martin, Jose de la Luz died 16 Apr 1864 son of Pedro Jose Martin and Maria de los Nieves Romero, Rancho.
Martin, Jose Domingo died 10 Apr 1867 husband of Maria Clara Martin, son of Juan de J. Martin and Maria Concepcion Chavez, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Jose Eugenio died 30 Apr 1865 natural son of Maria Dolores Martin, Rancho.
Martin, Jose Francisco died 6 Nov 1868 small son of Juan de Dios Martin and Francisca Trujillo, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Jose Francisco died 6 Oct 1868 husband of Maria Guillermina Garcia, son of Jose Manuel Martinez, deceased, and Juana Maria Aragon, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Jose Guadalupe died 27 Apr 1870 husband of Maria Isabel Cordova, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Jose Lara died 27 Sep 1867 small natural son of Francisca Martin, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Jose Miguel died 24 May 1867 small son of Bartolo Martin and Maria Dolores Sandoval, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Jose Nabor died 6 Apr 1870 small son of Juan Martin and Ana Maria Duran, Rancho.
Martin, Jose Ramon died 2 Jun 1861 small son of Antonio de Esquipula Martin and Maria Dolores Duran, residents of los Cordovas, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Jose Romulo died 15 Jun 1866 age 4m natural son of Maria Francisca Martin, of Rancho.
Martin, Juan Bautista died 24 Nov 1864 son of Jose Sotero Martin and Juana Maria Santistevan, residents of Rio Chiquito, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Juan Bautista died 24 Jun 1871 son of Pedro J. Martin and Maria de las Nieves Romero, Rancho.
Martin, Juan de la Cruz died 10 Dec 1864 small son of Filito Martin and Maria Santos Archuleta, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Juana died 24 Aug 1862 adult daughter of Jacinto Martin and Josefita Gonzales, residents of los Cordovas, buried in the Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Juana died 22 Mar 1867 daughter of Juan Carmel Martin and Maria Salome Vigil, residents of Rio Chiquito, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Juana Maria died 8 Apr 1863 small daughter of Juan Nepomucenio Martin and Gertrudis de Errera, buried Rancho.
Martin, Luis died 25 Apr 1865 small son of Jose Francisco Martin and Maria Dolores Gonzales, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Maria Candelaria Padilla died ? Sep 1862 (after the 22nd) wife of Juan Luis Martin, also deceased, Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Maria del Carmen died 30 Jan 1864 small daughter of Jose Sotero Martin and Juana Maria Santistevan, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Maria Leonor died 12 Jun 1861 small natural daughter of Maria Juana Martin, no city of residence named, buried Rancho.
Martin, Maria Librada died 6 Sep 1862 small daughter of Felipe Martin and Marcela Vigil, all are from Ranchos.
Martin, Maria Manuela died 28 May 1861 small daughter of Jesus Martin and Paula Cordova, residents of los Cordovas, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Maria Rafaela died 15 Jun 1865 small natural daughter of Maria Encarnacion Martin, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Maria Salome Vigil died 25 Nov 1869 wife of Juan del Carmen Martin, Rancho.
Martin, Maximiana died 24 Apr 1867 small daughter of Juan de Dios Martin and Maria Aronisea Trujillo, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martin, Romulda died 15 Oct 1865 small natural daughter of Nestora Martin, of Rancho.
Martin, Rufina died 22 Sep 1862 small daughter of Rafael Martin and Dolores Aguilar, residents of Rancho.
Martin, Tomas Tranquilino died 10 May 1865 small son of Pedro Ignacio Martin and Maria Urelia Gallegos, buried Rancho church cemetery.
Martin, Ursela Gallegos died 14 Oct 1868 wife of Pedro Ignacio Martin, daughter of Pablo Gallegos and Manuela Lucero, buried Rancho church cemetery.
Martines, Domingo died 24 Apr 1850 husband of Maria del Carmen Martines
Martines, Jose Fernando died 17 Jul 1851 child of Ermenigilda Martines
Martines, Jose Remijio died 3 Aug 1850 age 1y, child of Maria de la Crus Martines, single
Martines, Juan Lorenzo died 23 Jan 1851 at birth, baptized by the midwife, child of Maria Concepcion Martines
Martines, Manuel Antonio died 7 Sep 1850 husband of Maria Barbara Gonzales, leaves 2 children
Martines, Maria Natividad died 7 Jan 1852 age 2 weeks, child of Juan del Carmen Martines and Maria Salome Vigil
Martines, Maria Natividad Cordova died 21 Feb 1862 wife of Jose Sotero Martines, natural daughter of Maria Teresa Cordova, residents of los Cordovas, buried Rancho.
Martines, Melquides died ? Oct 1850 age 2y, child of Juan Bautista Martines and Tomasa Romero
Martinez, Agustina died 17 May 1918 age 66y, child of Rafael Martinez and Francisca Romero
Martinez, Andres Abelino died 3 Feb 1932 age 51y, child of David Martinez and Bonifacia Sandoval
Martinez, Antonio Jose died 17 May 1937 infant son of Patricio Martinez and Eva Quintana
Martinez, Benita G. born 15 Mar 1889 died 9 Aug 1947
Martinez, David died 4 Jul 1929 age 84y, child of Jesus Maria Martinez and Luisa Montoya
Martinez, Delfino died 26 Oct 1926 age 66y, child of Jesus Maria Martinez and Pabla Cordoba
Martinez, Epifanio died 15 Dec 1935 age 67y, husband of Elite Martinez
Martinez, Ernesta died 9 Sep 1934 age 21y, wife of Jose Emilio Martinez
Martinez, Ester died 26 Sep 1932 age 44y, child of David Martinez and Bonifacia Sandoval
Martinez, Eulalia died 22 Mar 1868 small daughter of Maria Juana Martinez, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martinez, Fedelina born 06 Dec 1893 died 12 Nov 1920 age 27y, daughter of Martin Martinez and Josefa Espinosa both parents born Ranchos
Martinez, Genoveva S. born 1873 died 21 Feb 1946Taos
Martinez, Jenoveva died 21 May 1905 age 15y, child of Francisco Martinez
Martinez, Jose Antonio died 11 Sep 1924 age 1y, child of Tobias Martinez and Juana Avila
Martinez, Jose Dionicio died 27 Sep 1906 age 79y
Martinez, Jose Francisco died 16 Aug 1905 age 90y, child of Jose F. Martinez
Martinez, Jose J. born 1869 died 11 May 1946 Ranchos
Martinez, Jose Mariano died 24 Apr 1866 age 2m son of Jose Sotero Martinez and Juana Maria Santistevan, buried Rancho cemetery.
Martinez, Jose Ramon died 2 Jun 1921 age 76y, child of Jesus Maria Martinez and Maria Luisa Montoya
Martinez, Juan Abran died 17 Mar 1862 small son of Rafalito Martinez and Maria Santos Archuleta, buried Ranchos.
Martinez, Julian died 29 Dec 1916 age 69y, child of Juan Martinez and Juliana Romero
Martinez, Maria Aneda died 14 Mar 1934 age 23y, child of Ruben Martinez and Beatrice Madril
Martinez, Maria del Carmel died 1 Sep 1907 age 75y
Martinez, Maria Juliana died 4 Oct 1924 age 75y, child of Jesus Maria Martinez and Maria Luisa Montoya
Martinez, Maria Trinidad died 13 Nov 1859 daughter of Jose Vicente Martinez and Maria Dolores Cordoba, residents of Rancho de Taos.
Martinez, Paula Cordova died 26 Mar 1903 age 72y
Martinez, Rafaela died 10 Jan 1907 age 40y, child of Florencio Martinez
Martinez, Rosana Abeyta born 25 Mar 1900 at Ranchito died 27 Jan 1926 age 25y, wife of Santiago Martinez daughter of Tomas Abeyta and Manuelita Anaya father born Taos, mother born Ocate, NM buried 28 Jan 1926
Martinez, Rosita G. died 19 Mar 1938 age 80y, daughter of Juan Garcia and Maria Suazo
Martinez, Teodora died 22 Jan 1918 age 33y, child of Julian Martinez and Rosa Garcia
Martinez, Vicente F. died 4 Dec 1909 age 77y, husband of Pablita G. de Martinez son of Francisco A. Martinez and Maria I. Pineda
McGrath, Juana died 23 Nov 1968 age 31y,
Medina, Antonio died 7 May 1865 husband of Josefa Trujillo, son of Juan Pascual Medina and Teresa Espinosa, deceased, buried Rancho cemetery.
Medina, Eduvigen died 6 Jan 1922 age 53y, child of Eugenio Medina and Albina Martinez
Medina, Juan died 1 May 1869 husband of Marcelina Vigil, son of Jose Medina and Maria Encarnacion Montoya, Rancho.
Medina, Maria Cirila died 28 Aug 1850 age 1y, child of Juan de Jesus Medina and Maria Cecilia Vigil
Medina, Faustin died 14 Sep 1918 age 67y, child of Juan Medina and Maria M. Vigil
Medina, Jose died 16 Apr 1871 husband of Maria Encarnacion Montoya, son of Isidro Medina and Teresa Tafoya, buried Rancho cemetery.
Medina, Jose Pantalion died 14 Apr 1870 small son of Jose Domingo Medina and Jacinta Rendon, Rancho.
Medina, Josefa Trujillo died 25 Apr 1870 wife of Antonio Medina, deceased, daughter of Mariano Trujillo and Teodora Vaca, deceased, buried Rancho cemetery.
Medina, Juan Bautista died 23 May 1871 small son of Jose Domingo Medina and Jacinta Rendon, buried Rancho cemetery.
Medina, Juan de Jesus died 27 Dec 1869 small son of Juan de Jesus Medina, deceased, and Marcelina Vigil, Rancho.
Medina, Juan Elias died 26 Apr 1862 small son of Juan Medina and Marcelina Vigil, Rancho.
Medina, Juan Jose died 15 Mar 1865 small son of Eugenio Medina and Albina Martinez, buried Rancho cemetery.
Medina, Manuel de Jesus died 20 Aug 1864 small son of Jose Maria Medina and Maria Manuela Montoya, buried Rancho cemetery.
Medina, Maria Josefa Martin, died 14 Feb 1868 wife of Juan de Jesus Medina, buried Rancho cemetery.
Mestas, Gregorio died 24 Nov 1866 husband of Maria Encarnacion Madrid, buried Rancho cemetery.
Mestas, Jose Crespin died 29 Oct 1864 small natural son of Catalina Mestas, resident of Rio Chiquito, buried Rancho cemetery.
Mestas, Juan Jose de la Crus died 9 Jun 1856 age 3m son of Jose Estipulas Mestas and Maria de la Lus Montoya, residents of Rio Chiquito, buried Rancho.
Mondragon, ? died 1862 (between 22 Sep and 18 Nov) small son of Felipe Mondragon and Estefana Romero, also deceased, Rancho.
Mondragon, Abel died 31 Dec 1932 age 75y, child of Jesus Mondragon and Gertrudes Duran
Mondragon, Bonifacio died 19 Nov 1934 age 51y, widow of Eliria Cordova
Mondragon, Catalina died 11 Mar 1862 adult daughter of Vicente Mondragon and Juana Trujillo, Rancho.
Mondragon, Delfinia Cordova died 23 Apr 1941 age 68y, wife of Luis M. Mondragon daughter of Juan N. Cordova and Augustina Romero
Mondragon, Doroteo died 27 Oct 1867 small son of Desiderio Mondragon and Maria de Talpa Torres, buried Rancho cemetery.
Mondragon, Ele Gonzales died 21 Jan 1930 at Ranchita age 60y, wife of Manuel Mondragon daughter of Bautista Gonzales and Juanita Gomes
Mondragon, Eulogia died 16 Apr 1867 small daughter of Juan Mondragon and Maria Margarita Chavez, buried Rancho cemetery.
Mondragon, Genoveba Chavez died 21 May 1943 at Ranchos de Taos wife of Vicente Mondragon daughter of Jose D. Chavez and Antonia Gonzales
Mondragon, Jesus Maria died 3 Apr 1867 husband of Maria de Gracia Romero, son of Manuel Mondragon, deceased, and Margarita Cordova, buried Rancho cemetery.
Mondragon, Jose Abel died 7 Sep 1870 small son of Antonio Mondragon and Isadora Gonzales, buried Rancho cemetery.
Mondragon, Jose Antonio died 18 Jan 1870 small son of Ramon Mondragon and Maria Dolores Martin, Rancho.
Mondragon, Jose Bernabel died 26 Oct 1867 small son of Jose Encarnacion Mondragon and Maria del Carmen Martines, buried Rancho cemetery.
Mondragon, Jose Damian died 28 Mar 1867 son of Miguel Mondragon and Marina Martin, buried Rancho cemetery.
Mondragon, Juan Bautista, died 12 Feb 1871 small son of Jose Domingo Mondragon and Maria del Carmen Martin, buried Rancho cemetery.
Mondragon, Juan Climaco died 26 Feb 1922 age 24y, child of Emilio Mondragon and Cleofas Romero
Mondragon, Juan Rafael died 29 Dec 1865 husband of Maria J. Vigil, buried Rancho cemetery.
Mondragon, Leonor Vigil born 1867 died 27 Feb 1948 Ranchos
Mondragon, Luciano died 18 Sep 1869 husband of Juana Maria Cordova, son of Pedro Mondragon and Simona Romero, buried Rancho cemetery.
Mondragon, Manuelita C. died 14 Mar 1998 age 59y, wife of Bennie Mondragon
Mondragon, Maria died 30 Oct 1868 small daughter of Antonio Mondragon and Maria Isadora Gonzales, buried Rancho cemetery.
Mondragon, Maria de los Angeles died 5 Apr 1864 small daughter of Vicente Mondragon and Catalina Juana Trujillo, Rancho.
Mondragon, Maria Dolores Cordova, died 10 Apr 1867 wife of Pablo Mondragon, deceased, daughter of Celedon Cordova and Juliana Cortes, also deceased, buried Rancho cemetery.
Mondragon, Maria Eulogia died 24 Nov 1864 age 13y daughter of Juan de Jesus Mondragon and Maria Margarita Chavez, buried Rancho cemetery.
Mondragon, Maria Gertrudis died 25 Jun 1850 widow of Antonio Romero
Mondragon, Maria Ines died 22 Mar 1857 age 64y resident of Rancho, buried Rancho.
Mondragon, Maria Juana Valerio died 16 May 1923 age 56y, wife of Damacio Mondragon daughter of Juan J. Valerio and Maria G. Martinez
Mondragon, Maria Lucia died 14 Apr 1867 age 7y daughter of Juan de Jesus Mondragon and Maria Margarita Chavez, buried Rancho cemetery.
Mondragon, Maria Rafaela Trujillo died 24 Nov 1864 wife of Ramon Mondragon, buried at the church of Rancho.
Mondragon, Maria Rita died 24 May 1916 age 70y, child of Pedro Antonio Mondragon and Maria Simona Romero
Mondragon, Rafael died 6 Feb 1865 small natural son of Luz Mondragon, buried Rancho cemetery.
Montoya, Conisita Gurule died 12 Dec 1932 age 75y, wife of Bernardo Montoya daughter of ? Gurule
Montoya, Francisco Antonio, died 14 Apr 1867 small natural son of Maria Encarnacion Montoya, buried Rancho cemetery.
Montoya, Ignacita died 12 Mar 1928 age 80y, daughter of Rafael Montoya and Salena Maria S?
Montoya, Jonathan Adam died 1 Sep 2006 infant son of Roberta Gomez
Montoya, Jose Maria died 20 May 1850 age 25y, child of Tomasa Romero
Montoya, Josefa Gonzales died 26 Jul 1865 wife of Victor Montoya, daughter of Juan Gonzales and Tiburcia Trujillo, buried Rancho cemetery.
Montoya, Juan Manuel died 21 Apr 1862 small son of Juan Montoya and Barbara Medina, Rancho.
Montoya, Juan Victor born 24 Jun 1920 at Los Cordovas died 11 Aug 1922 at Los Cordovas, son of Hipolito Montoya and Ciria Martinez father born Belen, N. M. mother born Los Cordovas, N. M. buried 12 Aug 1922
Montoya, Luis born 24 Feb 1845 at Taos died 24 Jun 1924 age 79y, husband of Rafaela Salazar Montoya son of Jose Ingnacio Montoya and Maria Acencion Trujillo buried 25 Jun 1924 Another record lists mother as Petra Montoya
Montoya, Luisita died 24 Apr 1907 age 80y,
Montoya, Maria del Carmen died 29 Jul 1861 died in Rio Chiquito, residents of Ranchos.
Montoya, Maria Gertrudis died 31 Mar 1857 age 55y, single resident of Rancho, received the Sacraments.
Montoya, Maria Guadalupe Martin died 3 May 1862 wife of Gregorio Montoya, daughter of Pedro Martin and Concepcion Lovato, buried in the Rancho cemetery.
Montoya, Maria Luisa died 25 Apr 1907 age 80y, child of Antonio Montoya
Montoya, Maria Paula died 3 Jan 1862 small daughter of Juan Montoya and Barbara Medina, buried Rancho.
Montoya, Maria Rosa died 24 May 1865 small daughter of Jose Victor Montoya and Josefa Gonzales, buried Rancho cemetery.
Montoya, Mariano died 30 Dec 1869 husband of Maria de la Luz Tafoya, Rancho.
Montoya, Rosa died 18 Apr 1869 small daughter of Teofilo Montoya and Maria de la Luz Martin, buried Rancho cemetery.
Montoya, Teodora died 31 Dec 1930 age 43y, child of Bernardo Montoya 7 Luisa Gurule
Montoya, Virginia died 25 Nov 1928 age 72y, child of Manuela Montoya
Oleano, Natividad Galves died 17 Dec 1864 wife of Francisco Oleano, buried Rancho cemetery.
Olguin, Marta died 11 Aug 1922 age 76y, child of Francisco Olguin and Dolores Atencio
Olonio, daughter died 11 Apr 1935 at Ranchito infant son of Jose Olonio and Francisquita Trujillo
Olonia, Francisquita T. died 16 Nov 1968 age 74y, died in Pueblo, Colorado
Ortega, Estefana, died 11 Aug 1866 small daughter of Juan de Jesus Ortega and Margarita Trujillo, buried Rancho cemetery.
Ortega, Juan de Jesus died 12 Aug 1865 husband of Maria Margarita Trujillo, son of Luis Ortega and Maria Dolores Gonzales, deceased, buried Rancho cemetery.
Ortega, Maria Filomena died 29 Jun 1863 daughter of Juan Ortega and Margarita Trujillo, of Rancho.
Ortega, Maria Piedad died 2 Jan 1916 age 32y, child of Agapito Ortega and Teodora Chavez
Ortega, Maximinio died 15 Jan 1918 age 1y 6m, child of Juan de Dios Ortega and Candelaria Mondragon
Ortega, Ruben born 15 Nov 1947 died 14 Mar 1950
Ortiz, Tranquilino died 23 Mar 1857 son of Juan de Jesus Ortiz and Maria Margarita Trujillo, residents of Rancho.
Pacheco, Antonio Ernest died 28 Aug 1930 at Ranchito age 1y, son of Jose Arturo Pacheco and Carmen Gomez
Pacheco, Jose Manuel died 24 Jan 1931 at Ranchito age 81y, husband of Rafaelita S. Pacheco son of Juan Rafael Pacheco and Maria Pabla Lovato
Pacheco, Ramitas S. died 26 Oct 1937 at Ranchito age 31y, daughter of Dolores Sandoval and Juanita Martinez
Padilla, Ignacia Martin died 30 Mar 1867 wife of Felis Padilla, residents of Rio Chiquito, buried Rancho cemetery.
Padilla, Maria Sotera died 6 Sep 1862 small daughter of Jose Padilla and Paula Vigil, of Rancho.
Peralta, Santiago died 21 Oct 1867 buried Rancho cemetery.
Quintana, Inocencio died 12 Mar 1909 age 14m, son of Samuel Quintana
Quintana, Margarita Garcia died 11 Oct 1864 wife of Francisco Antonio Quintana, of Rancho.
Quintana, Maria de la Luz Mondragon, died 1 Jul 1868 widow of Rafael Quintana, daughter of ? Mondragon and Maria Rosa Sandoval, of Rancho.
Quintana, Maria Ignacia died 12 May 1865 adult daughter of Jose Maria Quintana and Isadora Lopez, buried Rancho cemetery.
Quintana, Melquiades died 6 Apr 1922 age 86y, child of Jose Maria Quintana and Manuela Trujillo
Quintana, Samuel died 15 Jun 1927 age 64y, child of Francisco Antonio Quintana and Margarita Garcia
Quinto, Nicolasa died 19 Mar 1937 age 60y, widow of Tobias Quinto
Quinto, Tobias died 6 Sep 1932 age 66y, child of Juan Domingo Quinto and Juana Sandoval
Rael, Antonio died 27 Mar 1903 age 50y
Rael, Maria Josefa died 9 Jan 1865 small daughter of Juan Rael and Maria Antonia Sotero, buried Rancho cemetery.
Rael, Ramon died 28 Aug 1865 age 78y husband of Maria Teresa Vigil, buried Rancho cemetery.
Ramires, Jose Maria died 30 Aug 1908 age 75y, born Rio Arriba, child of Antonio Ramires and Manuela Noriega
Rivera, Amalia died 13 Dec 1932 at Ranchos de Taos age 21y, wife of Amos Rivera daughter of Fidel De Luna, Celia Tapia
Rivera, Amos Richard died 07 Mar 1933 at Ranchos de Taos age 22y, son of Tomas A. Rivera and Rachel Bernal
Rivera, Delfina died 9 Jul 1909
Rivera, Edmundo born Costilla died 14 Jun 1926 at Rancho de Taos age 20y, son of Tomas Rivera and ? Bernal buried 15 Jun 1926
Rivera, Tomas A. died 02 Dec 1934 at Ranchos de Taos age 58y, son of Tomas Rivera and Salome Romero
Romero, Alfonso Arturo born 14 Sep 1925 at Ranchos de Taos died 26 Mar 1926 at Ranchos de Taos infant son of Benigno Romero and Eutimia Ortega buried 26 Mar 1926
Romero, Antonio Abran born 21 Mar 1852 at Ranchos de Taos died 14 Feb 1924 at Ranchos age 71y, widowed husband of Isabelita Torres son of Abenicio Romero and Feliciana Martinez occupation: Farmer buried 15 Feb 1924
Romero, Corina died 1 Apr 1931 age 21y, child of Teodoro Romero and Eliza Lobato
Romero, Epifanio died 13 Feb 1968 age 86y,
Romero, Felicitas died 21 Dec 1930 age 37y, child of Juan Miguel Romero and Rosa Salazar
Romero, Felipe de Jesus died 10 Feb 1851 age 15d, child of Juan Benito Romero and Maria Francisca Salasar
Romero, Guadalupe died 18 Jul 1865 age 12y daughter of Juan de Jesus Romero and Maria Dolores Romero, buried Rancho cemetery.
Romero, Jose Benito died 19 Aug 1858 husband of Maria Antonia Quintana, buried Rancho de Taos, received the Sacraments.
Romero, Jose David died 8 May 1864 small natural son of Maria Camilla Romero, Rancho.
Romero, Jose del Carmen died 4 Jan 1861 small son of Juan Rafael Romero and Maria Juliana Cordova, residents of Rancho.
Romero, Jose Genorio died 3 Jun 1871 small son of Juan Bautista Rafael Romero and Manuela Mondragon, Rancho.
Romero, Jose Jacobo died 24 May 1862 small son of Jose Manuel Romero and Maria de la Luz Martinez, Rancho.
Romero, Jose Leonides died 22 Jan 1864 small son of Basilio Romero and Feliciana Martin, Rancho.
Romero, Jose Manuel died 2 Dec 1866 small son of Jose Gregorio Romero and Irenia Cruz, buried Rancho cemetery.
Romero, Jose Tomas died 20 Sep 1871 small son of Rafael Romero and Juliana Cordova, Rancho.
Romero, Juan Bautista died 8 Jun 1860 son of Francisco Romero and Juana Peralta, residents of Rancho de Taos.
Romero, Juan Bautista died 24 Jun 1869 small son of Juan de Dios Romero and M? Romero, only received the water of necessity. Rancho.
Romero, Juan Bautista died 19 Aug 1906 age 60y
Romero, Juan Fares died 17 Apr 1862 small son of Miguel Romero and Maria Juliana Suaso, Rancho.
Romero, Juan Miguel died 7 Jan 1862 small son of Juan Rafael Romero and Patricia Aragon, buried Rancho.
Romero, Juana Maria died 22 Nov 1867 small daughter of Mariano Romero and Bibiana Gonzalez, of Rancho.
Romero, Lucinda V.died 23 Oct 1923 at Ranchos de Taos age 46y, wife of Isadoro Romero daughter of Juan Valerio and Guadalupe Martinez
Romero, Marcela died 31 Oct 1906 age 60y, child of Antonio Romero
Romero, Maria de la ? died 14 Oct 1865 small daughter of Antonio Domingo Romero and Maria Felipa ?, of Rancho.
Romero, Maria del Rosario died 20 Jun 1867 daughter of Juan Miguel Romero and Maria Rosalia Montoya, of Rancho.
Romero, Maria Desideria died 30 Oct 1860 small daughter of Antonio Domingo Romero and Maria Guadalupe Aragon, residents of Ranchos.
Romero, Maria Gertrudis died 25 Apr 1864 small daughter of Buenaventura Romero and Maria de la Luz Lucero, Rancho.
Romero, Maria Josefa Quintana died 16 May 1870 wife of Jose de la Merced Romero, buried Rancho church cemetery.
Romero, Maria Juana died 23 Feb 1862 single daughter of Mariano Romero and Maria de la Luz Vigil, now deceased, residents of Rancho.
Romero, Maria Juana died 2 Jun 1865 small daughter of Francisco Romero and Juana Padilla, buried Rancho cemetery.
Romero, Maria Manuela died 29 Dec 1866 small daughter of Rafael Romero and Juliana Cordova, of Rancho, buried Rancho cemetery.
Romero, Maria Miguela Bueno died 28 Jan 1864 wife of Manuel Romero, Rancho.
Romero, Maria Patricia died 10 Jun 1914 age 65y, child of Juan Benito Romero and Maria Francisca Salazar
Romero, Maria Rosalia Montoya died 28 Dec 1868 widow of Miguel Romero, buried Rancho cemetery.
Romero, Miguelita born 15 Dec 1912 at Ranchos de Taos died 05 Jun 1925 at Ranchos de Taos age 22y, daughter of Felix Romero and Rosalia Mondragon buried 06 Jun 1925
Romero, Paula Fernandez died 9 Apr 1871 wife of Jose Manuel Romero, deceased, daughter of Jose Francisco Fernandez and Maria Antonia Duran, buried Rancho cemetery.
Romero, Rufina died 9 Jul 1913 age 50y, child of Juan Benito Romero and Francisca Salazar
Romero, son died 31 Oct 1940 at Ranchos de Taos infant son of Jose Eleuterio Romero and Clorinda Valerio
Ross, George died 29 Jul 1905 age 75y, born in Kentucky, child of Samuel Ross
Ross, Manuel died 19 Aug 1911 age 48y, chilf of George Ross and Teofila Esquibel
Ruival, Maria Ignacia died 4 Feb 1867 buried Rancho cemetery.
Salazar, Blas died 26 Mar 1912 age 51y, child of Jose Rafael Salazar and Maria Josefa Espinoza
Salazar, Encarnacion died 27 Sep 1911 age 78y, child of Cristoval Salazar and Barbara Valdez
Salazar, Jose Climaco died 18 Jul 1909 age 22y, child of Blas Salazar and Eloisa Struck
Salazar, Josefita born 22 Feb 1872 died 7 Feb 1946
Salazar, Maria del Carmen Medina, died 4 Apr 1871 wife of Pedro Salazar, daughter of Juaquin Medina and Francisca Crespin, Rancho.
Salazar, Miguel Antonio died 22 May 1870 husband of Josefa Vigil, son of Casimiro Salazar and Concepcion Trujillo, Rancho.
Salazar, Rodolfo died 10 Mar 1928 age 25y, child of Blas Salazar and Eloisa Struck
Sanchez, Eli died 26 Feb 1907 age 21y, child of Diego Sanchez
Sanchez, Francisca died 7 Oct 1911 age 50y, child of Antonio D. Sanchez and Maria R. Garcia
Sanchez Jose Luciano died 2 Jul 1860 small son of Geronimo Sanchez and Maria Dolores Gonsalez, residents of Ranchos de Taos.
Sanchez, Luis died 21 Sep 1865 small Indian of the family of Cristobal Sanchez, buried Rancho cemetery.
Sanchez, Maria del Rosario died 8 May 1865 small daughter of Lorenso Sanchez and Maria Barbara Cordova, buried Rancho cemetery.
Sanchez, Maria del Refugio Garcia, died 10 Aug 1871 wife of Diego Sanchez, son of Nicolas Garcia and Juana Martin, Rancho.
Sanchez, Maria Josefa died 19 Feb 1862 small natural daughter of Tiburcia Sanchez, buried Rancho.
Sanchez, Maria Josefa Maes died 5 May 1865 wife of Juan Sanchez, daughter of Juan Jose Maes, also deceased, and Serefina Chavez, buried Rancho cemetery.
Sanchez, Soledad died 19 Sep 1922 age 68y, child of Francisco Sanchez and Gregoria Baca
Sandoval, Andrea died 14 Oct 1916 age 63y, child of Diego Sandoval and Maria Ologia Salazar
Sandoval, Antonio Rafael died 18 Nov 1863 small son of Francisco Sandoval and Apolonia Lovato, of Rancho.
Sandoval, Apolonia Lovato, died 18 Aug 1866 wife of Inocencio Sandoval, daughter of Victor Lovato and Maria Antonia Sandoval, buried Rancho cemetery.
Sandoval, Dolores Solano died 25 Jun 1864 wife of Desiderio Sandoval, daughter of Ignacio Solano and Manuela Montoya, buried Rancho cemetery.
Sandoval, Ignacio died 26 Dec 1936 age 74y, single
Sandoval, Jose died 8 May 1922
Sandoval, Jose Francisco died 3 Aug 1850 husband of Maria de los Ramos Martines, leaves 3 children
Sandoval, Maria Abelina died 1 Sep 1869 adult daughter of Juan Sandoval and Maria Dolores N., Rancho.
Sandoval, Maria Antonia Trujillo died 7 Jul 1863 wife of Santiago Sandoval, daughter of Luis Trujillo and Hipolita Vigil, also deceased, buried Rancho.
Sandoval, Paulo died 18 Jul 1863 adult son of Francisco Sandoval, also deceased, and Maria Rasmes Martin, residents of Rancho.
Santistevan, Agapito died 18 May 1865 small son of Jacinto Santistevan and Victoria Espinosa, buried Rancho cemetery.
Santistevan, Jose David died 26 Jul 1865 age 2y son of Jose Antonio Santistevan and Juana Maria Chavez, buried Rancho cemetery.
Silva, Maria Gracia died 7 Jan 1864 small natural daughter of Maria Antonia Silva, buried Rancho cemetery.
Sisneros, Jesus Maria died 10 Nov 1905 age 55y, husband of Juanita G. de Sisneros
Sisneros, Jose Procopio died 12 Aug 1968 age 83y, husband of Beatrice Sisneros
Sisneros, Maria Rita died 26 Dec 1862 small daughter of Mateos Sisneros and Altagracia Tafoya, Ranchos.
Solano, Jose Maximo died 11 Jun 1856 age 60y widower of Maria Magdalena Varela, buried Rancho.
Solano, Juan Ignacio died 27 Nov 1909 age 57y 6m husband of Plasida L. de Solano
Struck, Fidel died 9 Sep 1968 age 49y, husband of Lupe Struck
Suaso, Maria de Jesus Vigil died 2 Apr 1862 wife of Jose Quirino Suaso, daughter of Jose Maria Vigil and Maria Dolores Samora, Rancho.
Suazo, Cecilio died 20 May 1906 age 27y, child of Manuel Suazo
Suazo, Manuel Antonio died 16 Jan 1923 age 65y, child of Francisco Suazo
Tafoya, Alfred Jr. born 7 Jul 1946 died 15 Oct 1946
Tafoya, Gertrudis died 11 Mar 1864 small daughter of Jose Diego Tafoya and Josefa Espinosa, Rancho.
Tafoya, Jose Pablo died 31 Mar 1862 small son of Juan Tafoya and Asencion Espinosa, Rancho.
Tafoya, Maria Jacinta died 10 Jul 1865 adult indian of the family of Jose D. Tafoya, buried Rancho cemetery.
Tafoya, Maria Petra died 18 Mar 1864 small daughter of Vicente Tafoya and Juana Trujillo, Rancho.
Tafoya, Maria Ramona died 16 Mar 1906 age 86y, child of Juan D. Tafoya
Tafoya, Maria Rita Romero died 29 Sep 1868 wife of Juan Nepumucenio Tafoya, daughter of Juan de Jesus Romero and Maria Candelaria Quintana, buried Rancho cemetery.
Tafoya, Pascuala died 28 May 1861 adopted daughter of Juan Tafoya and Josefa Espinosa, residents of los Cordovas, buried Rancho cemetery.
Tafoya, Veronica died 26 Jul 1862 daughter of Jesus Tafoya and Ignacia Quintana, also deceased, Rancho.
Torres, Alejandro died 4 Aug 1850 age 7y, child of Pedro Torres and Maria Josefa Cordova
Torres, Cipriano died 22 May 1856 age 6y son of Pedro Torres and Maria Josefa Cordova, residents of Rancho.
Torres, Francisco died 16 Oct 1909
Torres, Jose Manuel died 4 Jun 1867 small son of Eugenio Torres and Maria Altagracia Martin, buried Rancho cemetery.
Torres, Pedro Antonio died 4 Feb 1864 husband of Maria Josefa Cordova, also deceased, Rancho.
Torres, Talpa died 15 May 1914 age 63y, child of Tomas Torres and Carmel Cordova
Trujillo, Antonio died 25 Aug 1868 husband of Ramona Abeyta, son of Juan Antonio Trujillo and Maria Dolores Gonzales, of Rancho.
Trujillo, Antonio E. born 07 Apr 1867 died 14 May 1948
Trujillo, Carlos died 9 Nov 1930 age 49y, child of Meleton Trujillo and Agustina Martinez
Trujillo, Corina died 26 Sep 1933 age 1y, child of Teodora Trujillo and Josefa Baca
Trujillo, daughter died 2 Jun 1906 age 14y, daughter of Teodoro Trujillo
Trujillo, Eleonor died 16 Dec 1906 age 67y, husband of Crestina S. de Trujillo
Trujillo, Francisco died 26 Jun 1850 age 10y, child of Juan Antonio Trujillo and Maria Dolores Gonzales
Trujillo, Jose Benigno died 8 Jun 1871 small son of Francisco Trujillo and Rafaela Duran, deceased, Rancho.
Trujillo, Jose Demetrio died 14 Feb 1927 age 67y, child of Romualdo Trujillo and Dolores Martinez
Trujillo, Jose Dionisio died 18 Jul 1864 small son of Jose Antonio Trujillo and Maria Encarnacion Martin, buried Rancho cemetery.
Trujillo, Jose Dolores died 19 Jun 1866 son of Vicente Trujillo and Rafaela Bustos, deceased, buried Rancho church cemetery.
Trujillo, Jose Irineo died 18 Dec 1864 small son of Francisco Antonio Trujillo and Maria Rafaela Duran, buried Rancho cemetery.
Trujillo, Jose Maria died 19 Apr 1863 husband of Maria Encarnacion Trujillo, residents of Rancho.
Trujillo, Juan Manuel died 20 Jun 1856 age 1m natural son of Juana Trujillo, resident of Rancho, buried Rancho.
Trujillo, Julian died 17 Feb 1862 small son of Pedro Trujillo and Loreta Garcia, buried Rancho.
Trujillo, Leonires died 26 Jan 1950 age 82y born at Taos died of paralysis buried 28 Jan 1950
Trujillo, Manuel died 26 Aug 1925 age 29y, child of Daniel Trujillo and Brigida Gonzales
Trujillo, Maria de la Concepcion died 25 Apr 1850 widow of Senor Salazar
Trujillo, Maria de La Pas died 24 May 1864 small daughter of Francisco Trujillo and Maria Rafaela Duran, Rancho.
Trujillo, Maria Rosa died 14 Mar 1862 adopted daughter of Maria Desideria Trujillo, buried Ranchos.
Trujillo, Meliton born 15 Oct 1833 died 12 Mar 1909 age 76y, born at Abuquiu, husband of Agustina M. de Trujillo son of Pedro A. Trujillo and Rafaela Quintana
Trujillo, Pablo died 2 May 1862 husband of Catalina Cortez, residents of Cordillera of Rancho.
Trujillo, Pedro Jose died 30 Sep 1907 age 72y, child of Buenaventua Trujillo and Maria Josefa Armenta
Trujillo, Rafaela Duran, died 27 Apr 1871 wife of Francisco Trujillo, daughter of Nerio Duran and Maria Dolores Archuleta, Rancho.
Trujillo, Silvano died 26 Sep 1968 age 64y, husband of Adela Trujillo
Trujillo, Viviana died 2 Oct 1930 age 65y, child of Andres Trujillo and Juana Garcia
Vaca, Maria Dolores Duran died 5 Oct 1864 wife of Luis Vaca, of los Cordovas, buried Rancho.
Valdez, Abel died 3 May 1864 small son of Juan Santos Valdez and Maria Rita Vigil, buried Rancho cemetery.
Valdez, Carolina died 7 Dec 1924 age 64y, child of Juan Ramon Valdez and Margarita Roubidoux
Valdez, Harvey Edward died 18 Sep 1940 at Ranchos de Taos infant son of Ferdy Valdez and Casilda Romero
Valdez, Maria Cleofe died 21 Apr 1863 small daughter of Juan Santos Valdez and Maria Rita Vigil, of Rancho.
Valdez, Sara died 31 Dec 1870 small daughter of Isidro Valdez and Maria de Jesus Montano, Rancho.
Valerio, Antonio died 30 Apr 1921 age 64y, child of Juan de Jesus Valerio and Guadalupe Martinez
Valerio, Climaco born 20 May 1917 at Rancho de Taos died 19 Jul 1920 age 3y, son of Maximiliano Valerio and Felicita Romero De Valerio both parents born at Ranchos
Valerio, Clodovio died 31 Oct 1930 age 6y, son of Francisco Valerio and Jesusita Romero
Valerio, Elidoro Antonio born 09 Jan 1920 at Rancho de Taos died 24 Jun 1920 son of Antonio T. Valerio and Felisitas Baca buried 25 Jun 1920
Valerio, Elvigin M. died 05 Jan 1921 age 64y, wife of Jesus M. Valerio daughter of Eugenio Medina and Alvinita Martinez both parents born Ranchos buried 06 Jan 1922
Valerio, Felicita died 20 Dec 1930 age 36y, wife of Max Valerio daughter of Juan Miguel Romero and Rosita Salazar
Valerio, Felipe died 25 Sep 1923 age 65y, son of Juan Valerio and Guadalupe Martinez
Valerio, Jesus Maria died 28 Jul 1928 age 66y, child of Jose Francisco Valerio and Maria Jesusita Abeyta
Valerio, Jose Agapito died 31 Oct 1918 age 34y, child of Felipe Valerio and Juana Valerio
Valerio, Jose Demetrio died 13 May 1867 small son of Felix Valerio and Maria Josefa Molina, of Rancho.
Valerio, Jose Francisco died 29 May 1862 husband of Maria de Jesus Abeita, son of Felipe Valerio and Dolores Martines, both deceased, Rancho.
Valerio, Jose Francisco died 26 Apr 1920 age 2y, son of Frank Valerio and Jesusita Romero buried 26 Apr 1920
Valerio, Jose Leonardo died 3 Aug 1923 age 26y, born Torres, Co., child of Antonio Valerio and Juana Maestas
Valerio, Jose Manuel died 26 Nov 1918 age 46y, child of Juan de Jesus Valerio and Maria Guadalupe Martinez
Valerio, Jose Meleton died 6 Jun 1850 age 4y, child of Felipe Valerio and Dolores Martines
Valerio, Juana died 4 Nov 1919 age 59y, child of Francisco Valerio and Jesusita Abeyta
Valerio, Leandro died 3 Dec 1908 age 51y, child of Juan de Jesus Valerio and Maria G. Martinez
Valerio, male died 03 Feb 1923 at Ranchos, Taos age 34y, son of ...ardo Valerio and Isadora Romero
Valerio, Maria Edubijen died 03 Dec 1943 age 15y, daughter of Enocencio Valerio and Adelaida Gonzales
Valerio, Maximiliano died 29 Dec 1968 age 77y, husband of Jesusita R. Valerio
Valerio, Moises died 2 Sep 1931 age 65y, child of Juan de Jesus Valerio and Maria Guadalupe Martinez
Valerio, Refugio died 15 Mar 1911 age 16y, child of Leonardo Valerio and Teodora Romero
Valerio, Ruben died 2 Feb 1923 age 33y, child of Leonardo Valerio and Teodora Romero
Valerio, Selso died 01 Feb 1937 age 39y, son of Moises Valerio and Sencianita Romero
Valerio, Tomasita Romero died 12 Mar 1968 age 84y
Varela, Jose Miguel died 30 May 1850 age 10y, child of Graviel Varela and Maria Clara Chaves
Varela, Maria Juliana Trujillo died 12 Jun 1865 wife of Juan Varela, buried Rancho cemetery.
Varela, Maria Monserrata Romero, died 11 Jun 1868 wife of Miguel Varela, daughter of Jose Mariano Romero and Maria Francisca Armenta, buried Rancho cemetery.
Varela, Maria Regina died 7 Jul 1868 daughter of Jose Dolores Varela and Maria Petra Romero, buried Rancho cemetery.
Vargas, Maria Rita died 18 Jul 1865, buried Rancho cemetery, her parents were absent.
Vasquez, Jose Apolonio died 20 Jun 1871 son of Juan Agustin Vasquez and Tomasa Avila, del Ranchito.
Vasquez, Lorenzo died 14 Mar 1927 age 90y, born Penasco, child of ? and Soledad ?
Vasquez, Maria Cecilia died 6 Nov 1918 age 35y, child of Lorenzo Vasquez and Rufina Gonzales
Vasquez, Maria Manuela died 22 Dec 1856 age 18y daughter of the deceased Estevan Vasquez and Maria Soledad Mestas, residents of Rio Chiquito, buried Rancho, received the Sacraments.
Vasquez, Teodora died 19 Feb 1868 small daughter of Lorenzo Vasquez and Maria Rufina Gonzales, buried Rancho cemetery.
Velarde, David died 7 Aug 1928 age 80y, child of Matias Velarde and Maria Gregoria Garcia
Vigil, Alfonso died 7 Mar 1920 age 17y, child of Cornelio Vigil and Juliana Romero
Vigil, Alfonso died 17 Jan 1936 age 48y, husband of Eloisa Vigil, child of Juan N. Vigil
Vigil, Carlos died 20 Mar 1871 small natural son of Juana Vigil, Rancho.
Vigil, Cornelio died 19 Apr 1935 age 66y, husband of Juliana Romero
Vigil, Dolores A. born at Ranchos de Taos died 15 Apr 1922 at Questa age 86y, married buried 16 Apr 1922
Vigil, Eulalia born 24 Feb 1917 at Ranchos de Taos died 19 Mar 1920 at Ranchos de Taos age 4y, daughter of Antonio J. Vigil and Eugenia Guttierez father born at at Ranchos de Taos mother born at Talpa buried 19 Mar 1920
Vigil, Jesus Maria died 16 May 1866 small son of Serafin Vigil and Benigna Armenta, buried Rancho cemetery.
Vigil, Jose Agapito died 29 May 1850 age 4m, child of Jose Vigil and Juana Maria Romero
Vigil, Jose Cristomo died 6 Sep 1850 child of Jose Benito Vigil and Maria Guadalupe Gallegos
Vigil, Jose Donaciano, died 26 Dec 1867 adult son of Maria Ignacia Vigil, buried Rancho cemetery.
Vigil, Jose Francisco died 24 May 1920 age 52y, child of Cenobio Vigil and Isabel Lucero
Vigil, Jose Librado died 6 Apr 1864 small son of Juan Antonio Vigil and Maria Candelaria Martin, Rancho.
Vigil, Jose Pablo died 5 Mar 1863 small son of Julian Vigil and Salome Sanchez, buried Rancho.
Vigil, Josefa died 26 Aug 1906 age 60y, child of Benito Vigil
Vigil, Juan Baptista died 13 Sep 1929 age 88y, child of Jose Benito Vigil and Gertrudes Gallegos
Vigil, Manuel Antonio died 8 Oct 1864 son of Juan Matias, also deceased, and Maria Refujio Martinez, residents of Rancho, buried Rancho cemetery.
Vigil, Maria Cleofe died 24 Apr 1867 small daughter of Rafael Vigil and Maria Nicanora Sanchez, of Rancho.
Vigil, Maria de la Luz Irenia died 18 May 1862 small daughter of Juan Antonio Vigil and Reina Duran, Ranchos.
Vigil, Maria de Luz Martin died 12 Oct 1865 wife of Faustin Vigil, daughter of Pedro Antonio Martin and Maria Ignacia Garcia, buried Rancho church cemetery.
Vigil, Maria Dolores died 30 Nov 1907 age 60y, child of Antonio Jose Vigil and Maria M. Aragon
Vigil, Maria Elena Duran died 17 Apr 1863 wife of Juan Antonio Vigil, buried Rancho.
Vigil, Maria Eugenia died 25 Jul 1931 age 78y, child of Pedro Vigil and Teodora Torres
Vigil, Maria Filomena died 25 Jun 1935 at Ranchos de Taos infant daughter of Elias Vigil and Maria Inez Martinez
Vigil, Maria Ifren Aurora died 4 Aug 1918 age 1y 3m, child of Alfonso Vigil and Faustina Mondragon
Vigil, Maria Paula died 25 May 1865 adult natural daughter of Maria Dolores Vigil, buried Rancho cemetery.
Vigil, Maria Paula Quintana died 30 Oct 1856 widow of Juan Ignacio Vigil, residents of Rancho, received the Sacraments.
Vigil, Maria Teodora died 17 Feb 1862 small daughter of Marcos Vigil and Maria de los Santos Gonzales, buried Ranchos.
Vigil, Pedro Jose died 28 May 1865 small son of Jose Julio Vigil and Maria Salome Sanchez, buried Rancho cemetery.
Vigil, Rafael died 28 Oct 1918 age 31y, child of Cenobio Vigil and Isabel Lucero
Vigil, Rafaelita Martinez died 9 Jan 1907 age 39y 9m 14d wife of Francisco Vigil daughter of Tomasita Pacheco de Martinez
Vigil, Robert Anthony died Jun 20, 1968 age 21 husband Linda H. Vigil
Vigil, Severiano died 9 Dec 1905 age 72y, husband of Carolina Valdez Vigil
Vigil, Talpa died 18 Nov 1917 age 50y, child of Refugio Vigil and Maria Dolores Duran
Vigil, Teodora died 29 Dec 1930 at Ranchito age 43y, wife of Ambrosio Vigil son of Bernardo Montoya and Louisa Gurule
Vigil, Teresa died 28 Sep 1866 buried Rancho cemetery.
Wertz, Luisita Gonzales died 08 Jun 1940 at Ranchos de Taos age 78y, wife of Moises Wertz daughter of Teodocio Gonzales and Inocencia Gonzales
Wertz, Moises born 1866 at Ranchos de Taos died 04 Nov 1920 at Ranchos de Taos age 54y husband of Luisita Gonzales son of Benito Wirtz and Antonia Romero occupation: Farmer buried 05 Dec 1920
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