Taos County, New Mexico Miscellaneous Clues
    This page contributed and copyrighted by Karen Mitchell.
These clues were extracted from various records. I have placed them here only as additional clues to your research. The researcher must verify all data.
Aragon, Jose Carmel husband of Macedonia Lucero son of Jose Miguel Aragon, Maria Rita Garcia
Aragon, Jose Miguel born 1810 at Rio Arriba, Taos Territory, married Maria Rita Garcia
Archuleta, Alberto father Elias Archuleta mother Maximiana Aragon
Archuleta, Juan father Elias Archuleta mother Maximiana Aragon
Archuleta, Rosenaldo father Elias Archuleta mother Maximiana Aragon
Archuleta, Vicente father Elias Archuleta mother Maximiana Aragon
Borrego, Maria Soledad father Francisco Borrego mother Maria Teodora Lucero spouse Manuel Samora, Martin Trujillo
Gallegos, Santiago father Manuel Sabino Gallegos mother Fidelia Sanchez spouse Eufemia Rael
Garcia, Maria de Gracia father Pedro Garcia mother Francisca Campos spouse Juan Lopez
Gomez, Antonio Jose father Juan Manuel Gomez mother Dolores Gonzales
Gomez, Estevan father Francisco Gomez mother Maria Antonia Trujillo
Gomez, Juan Manuel father Estevan Gomez mother Isabel Salazar
Gomez, Manuel father Juan Manuel Gomez mother Dolores Gonzales
Gomez, Patrocinia father Juan Manuel Gomez mother Dolores Gonzales
Gomez, Pedro father Juan Manuel Gomez mother Dolores Gonzales
Gomez, Rosita father Juan Manuel Gomez mother Dolores Gonzales
Gonzales, Dolores father Rafael Gonzales mother Julianna Cordova
Gonzales, Rafael father Juan Domingo Gonzales mother Gregoria Martin
Herrera, Gabriel de spouse Catarina Vasquez
Hurtado, Miguel Geronimo father Felipe Santiago Hurtado mother Maria Luisa Martin
Lobato, Anna Maria father Juan Lobato mother Maria Guadalupe Romero spouse Juan Lobato
Lopez, Buenaventura father Juan Antonio Lopez mother Maria Ignacia Valerio spouse Anna Maria Lobato
Lopez, Juan father Silvestre Lopez mother Maria Rosalia Tafoya spouse Maria de Gracia Garcia
Lucero, Maria de la luz father Pablo Lucero mother Paula Larranaga spouse Santiago Martinez
Martinez, Santiago father Severio Martinez mother Carmen Santistevan spouse Maria de la Luz Lucero
Medina, Pedro father Antonio Jose Medina mother Maria Miquela Vigil spouse Juana Salazar
Rael, Eufemia father Eliseo Rael mother Inocensia Gomez
Salazar, Isabel father Juan Manuel Salazar mother Maria Reyes Salazar
Salazar, Juana Maria father Juan Antonio Salazar mother Maria Rosa Archuleta spouse Pedro Medina
Salazar, Maria Rafaela Dolores father Manuel Esquipula Salazar mother Maria Francisca Serrano
Samora, Manuel father Pedro Samora mother Maria Rafaela Casillas spouse Soledad Borrego
Sandoval, Manuel father Jose Sandoval mother Maria Casados
Suazo, Maria Dolores father Miguel Suazo mother Mariana Montoya
Vallejos, Maria Del Carmen Aragon born abt 1851 at Ranchos de Taos wife of Lazaro de Jesus Vallejos
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