Taos County, New Mexico

Regarding your request in locating information on Your Familia DOMINGUEZ following is the information found.

The following information is from the book "New Mexico Marriages San Miguel Del Bado Church,12 Nov 1829 to 10 Nov 1878."Extracted By:Eloise Arellanes,Compiled By:Margaret Leonard Windham and Evelyn Lujan Baca.Published By The New Mexico Genealogical Society.Introduction Page vii.

"San Miguel del Vado is located in Central New Mexico on the Pecos River.It served as a ford on the Pecos River and was the Eastern entrance to the capitol of New Mexico,Santa Fe.San Miguel was ranked as fourth in size in population in New Mexico in the early 1800s,during the late Spanish and early Mexican Periods. San Miguel del Vado was the principal Hispanic village on the Pecos River until the advent of the railroad in the 1800s--well into the American period beginning in 1846.San Miguel del Vado lost its prominence to the newly formed town of Las Vegas as the center of San Miguel County with the coming of the Railroad.Today,San Miguel del Vado is a very small community."

From the above listed book.From Microfilm Reel # 53A AASF Page 103.San Miguel del Bado Marriages:8 Sept 1852 EDUARDO DOMINGUEZ,25 of this jurisdiction,single son of Jose Tomas Dominguez and Candelaria Esquibel,marrying MARIA DELA CRUZ LOVATO,12,single daughter of Juan Miguel Lovato and Maria Estefana Gutierrez. Wits:Jose Antonio Casaus,Miguel Blea and others.

Same Source Page 149.25 July 1858 JOSE TOMAS DOMINGUEZ,son of Bernabe Dominguez and Maria Tomasa Garviso,both deceased,Widow of Candelaria Esquibel of Tres Ermenos (Hermanos),marrying MARTA GRIEGO,daughter of Tomas Griego and Rafaela Contreras,Widow of Antonio Gallegos of Entranosa.Wits:Julian Cas(blot)uz,Juan Paiz,Jose Antonio Casauz,Miguel Blea and others. (Other source has 6 March 1824 Jose Tomas Dominguez,Espanol,single of this jurisdiction San Miguel,marrying Maria Candelaria,Espanola,single of this jurisdiction;No Other Information listed).

From the book "New Mexico Baptisms San Miguel Del Bado Church.Volume I-1 Jan 1829 to 12 May 1844."Extracted By:Eloise Arellanes,Lila Armigo Pfeufer and Virginia Olmsted.Compiled By:Margaret Leonard Windham and Evelyn Lujan Baca. Published By:The New Mexico Genealogical Society.

Microfilm Reel 11 AASF,Frame 17.DOMINGUES,Jose Gregorio bapt 9 May 1830 Age 6 days;Son of Jose Tomas Domingues and Candelaria Esquibel.Padrinos:Jose Rafael Baca and Maria Teresa Baca.(Page 7)

Microfilm Reel # 11 AASF,Frame 111.DOMINGUES,Maria Lugarda Teresa Bapt 8 Nov 1832;Daughter of Tomas Domingues and Candelaria Esquibel.Paternal Grandparents: Bernardo Domingues and Tomasa Sandoval;Maternal Grandparents:Alejandro Esquibel and Manuela Trevol.Padrinos:Lorenzo Luzero and Teresa Garcia.

The book "Santa Fe Baptisms 1747-1851." By:Thomas D.Martinez.Page 120.Has 2 of Bernabe Dominguez and a Maria Tomasa Marquez (Sandoval) children baptised; 8-19- 1797 Maria Manuela Dominguez and 8-18-1798 Cayetano Tiburcio Dominguez.

Regarding your request for assistance finding information on you Dominguez Family.Following is the information found.

I-FRANCISCO DOMINGUEZ y Gertrudes Ulibarri.I-Francisco Dominguez was the son of;

II-JUAN BAUTISTA DOMINGUEZ y Maria Candelaria Griego.II-Juan Bautista Dominguez was the son of;

III-JOSE TOMAS DOMINGUEZ y Maria Candelaria Esquibel.III-Jose Tomas Dominguez was the son of;

IV-BERNARDO (Bernabe) DOMINGUEZ y Tomasa Sandoval


From the book "New Mexico Marriages-San Miguel del Vado Nov 19,1878-Dec 12,1900."By The Hispanic Genealogical Research Center Of New Mexico.

June 4,1894 FRANCISCO DOMINGUEZ,single son of Juan Bta Dominguez and Candelaria Griego Married GERTRUDIZ ULIBARRI,single daughter of Feliciano Ulibarri and Tomasa Bernal.Wits:Francisco Mares II,Margarita Castellano and several others. By:Off.Juan B.Fayet;Page No.164.(Page 42)


From the book "New Mexico Baptisms San Miguel Del Vado-Pecos Mission 1799-1829." Extracted,Translated and Transcribed By:Luis Gilberto Padilla y Baca.Published By:The Hispanic Genealogical Research Center Of New Mexico.Page 30.

5 Enero 1825 Bautize a JUAN BAUTISTA DOMINGUEZ,Hijo Legirimo de Jose Tomas Dominguez y de Candelaria Esquibel,residentes de esta jurisdiction.Abuelos Paternos:Bernabe Dominguez y -**-Candelaria Esquibel-.Abuelos maternos:Alegandro Esquibel y Manuela Trebol.Padrinos:Juan Jose Aguilar y Alberta Dominguez.** Note Error-the mothers name is Candelaria Esquibel not the Grandmother.

From the book "Santa Fe Baptisms 1747-1851."By:Thomas D.Martinez,Page 200.

GRIEGO,Maria Candelaria Baptised 2-3-1831,Father Jose Miguel Griego,Mother Maria Guadalupe Quintana.PGP;Jose Griego y Maria Josefa Rivera.MGP:Matias Quintana y Teodora Gonzalez.Pad:Pedro Lobato y Dolores Garcia.**..Note both Jose Miguel and his father were Soldiers.

From the Book "Spanish and Mexican Censuses of New Mexico 1750 to 1830."Compiled By:Virginia Langham Olmsted,C.G.Published By:The New Mexico Genealogical Society .1790 CENSUS OF THE PRESIDIO OF SANTA FE;Reel # 21,Spanish Colonial Archives of New Mexico,Frames 508-520...Soldiers that are retired,invalids,or both.

137.Jose Griego,S.B NM,44;Wife Josefa Rivera,30;4 Sons: 11,9,4,1;3 Daughters: 14,6,2;2 male servants,I:14,8.

From the book "New Mexico Marriages San Miguel del Bado Church-12 Nov 1829 to 10 Nov 1878."Extracted By:Eloise Arellanes,Compiled By:Margaret Leonard Windham and Evelyn Lujan Baca.Published By:The New Mexico Genealogical Society.From the Microfilm Reel # 29 AASF,Frame 781.Page 44.

24 Nov 1844 JUAN BAUTISTA DOMINGUES of this jurisdiction,single son of Jose Tomas Dominguez and Candelaria Esquibel,mrrying MARIA CANDELARIA GRIEGO of this jurisdiction,single daughter of Miguel Griego and Guadalupe Quintana.Wit:Jose Antonio Casaus and Miguel Blea.

Microfilm Reel # 53A AASF (Page 167).28 Aug 1876 JUAN GARCIA of San Miguel,single son of Julio Garcia,deceased,and Maria Isidora Lopez,marrying MARIA PAULA DOMINGUEZ of Tres Hermanos,single daughter of Juan Bautista Dominguez and Maria Candelaria Griego.God Parents:Jose Quintana and Antonia Garcai.

From the book"New Mexico Baptisms San Miguel del Bado Church Volume II-12 May 1844 to 6 July 1853."Extracted By;Eloise Arellanes,Lila Armijo Pfeufer and Lorraine Bradford.Compiled By:Margaret Leonard Windham and Evelyn Lujan Baca. Published By:The New Mexico Genealogical Society.From Microfilm Reel # 11 AASF,Frame 1124.(Page 109).

DOMINGUEZ,Maria Juliana Bapt 21 June 1848,born the day before;daughter of Juan Bautista Dominguez and Candelaria Griego.Paternal Grandparents:Jose Tomas Dominguez and Candelaria Esquivel.Maternal Grandparents:Miguel Griego and Guadalupe Quintana.Padrinos:Bartolo Pais and Juliana Jaramillo.

Same Source listed Prior;Microfilm Reel # 12 AASF,Frame 272 (Page 194). DOMINGUES,Jose Encarnacion Baptised 4 April 1851,born 25 March;son of Juan Bautista Domingues and Candelaria Griego.PGP:Tomas Domingues y Candelaria Esquibel.MGP:Miguel Griego y Guadalupe Quintana.Pads:Jose Maria Ortis y Canuta Martin.

From the book "New Mexico Marriages San Miguel Del Vado-Nov 19,1878-Dec 12,1900."By:The Hispanic Genealogical Research Center Of New Mexico.

Page 6-Dec 2,1880 JUAN NEPOMUCENO DOMINGUEZ,residents of Tres Hermanas,single son of Juan Bautista Dominguez,deceased,and Maria Candelaria Griego Married MARIA MANUELA ORTIZ,resident of San Jose,single daughter of Juan Ortiz and Maria Ignacia Giron.Wit:Juan garcia,Paula Dominguez and Luiz M.Martinez.By:Off.Juan B. Fayet.Page No.25.

Page 16-Nov 5,1883 SOTERO DOMINGUEZ,single son of Juan Bautista Dominguez and Candelaria Griego Married CLEOFAS GARCIA,single daughter of Julio Garcia and Isidora Lopez.Wit:Jose Quintana,Antonia Garcia and Several Others.By:Off.Juan B.Fayet Page No.58.

Page 17-Feb 25,1884 VIDAL GALLEGOS,single son of J.Encarnacion Gallegos and M. Guadalupe Garcia Married M.CIPRIANA DOMINGUEZ,single daughter of Juan Bautista Dominguez and M.Candelaria Griego.Wit:Juan Garcia,Josefa Garcia and Several Others.By:Off,Juan B.Fayet.Page No.62.

Page 36-Nov 9,1891 MANUEL DOMINGUEZ,single son of Juan Bautista Dominguez and M.Candelaria Griego Married M.JUANA CASTELLANO,single daughter of Antonio Maria Castellano and M.Guadalupe Sandoval.Wit:Laureano Ulibarri,M.Vicenta Ortiz and Several Others.By:Off.Juan B.Fayet Page No.137

Page 42-June 4,1894 FRANCISCO DOMINGUEZ and GERTRUDIZ ULIBARRI,listed prior:


From the book "New Mexico Marriages San Miguel del Bado Church-12 Nov 1829 to 10 Nov 1878."Extracted By:Eloise Arellanes.Compiled By;Margaret Leonard Windham and Evelyn Lujan Baca.Published By:The New Mexico Genealogical Society.From Microfilm Reel # 53A AASF,Frame 149.

25 July 1858 JOSE TOMAS DOMINGUES,single son of Bernabe Domingues and Maria Tomasa Garviso,both deceased,widow of Candelaria Esquivel of Tres Ermanos,marrying MARTA GRIEGO,daughter of Tomas Griego and Rafaela Contreras,widow of Antonio Gallego of Entranosa.Wit:Julian Cas(blot)uz,Juan Paiz,Jose Antonio Casauz,Miguel Blea and others.

Same Source Listed Prior:

Microfilm Reel # 29 AASF,Frame 781.Page 44.24 Nov 1844 JUAN BAUTISTA DOMINGUES and MARIA CANDELARIA GRIEGO,Listed Prior:

Microfilm Reel # 53A AASF,Frame 73,Page 84.15 May 1850 JOSE GREGORIO DOMINGUES,single of this jurisdiction,son of Jose Tomas Domingues and Candelaria Esquibel,marrying MARIA FRANCISCA GONSALES,single of this jurisdiction,daughter of Juan Domingo Gonsales and Luciana Sanches.Wit:Jose Antonio Casaus,Miguel Blea and Others.

Microfilm Reel # 53A AASF,Page 94.15 Nov 1851 MONICO BRITO,20 of this jurisdiction,single son of Josefa Urioste (only),marrying MARIA TERESA DOMINGUES ,single,daughter of Jose Tomas Domingues and Candelaria Esquibel.Wits:Jose Antonio Casaus,Miguel Blea and others. (Page 94).

Microfilm Reel # 53A AASF,Page 103.8 Sept 1852 EDUARDO DOMINGUES,25 of this Jurisdiction,single son of Jose Tomas Domingues and Candelaria Esquibel,marrying MARIA DELA CRUZ LOVATO,12,single daughter of Juan Miguel Lovato and Maria Estefana Gutierrez.Wit:Jose Antonio Casaus,Miguel Blea and others.

From the book "New Mexico Baptisms San Miguel Del Bado Church-Vol.I-1 Jan 1829 to 12 May 1844."Extracted By:Eloise Arellanes,Lila Armijo Pfeufer and Virgina L.Olmsted.Compiled By:Margaret Leonard Windhm and Evelyn Lujan Baca. Published By:The New Mexico Genealogical Society.

Microfilm Reel # 11 AASF,Frame 17,Page 7.DOMINGUES,Jose Gregorio Bapt 9 May 1830,age 6 days.Son of Jose Tomas Domingues and Candelaria Esquibel.Pads:Jose Rafael Baca and Maria Teresa Baca.

Microfilm Reel # 11 AASF,Frame 111,Page 32.DOMINGUES,Maria Lugarda Teresa Bapt 8 Nov 1832.Daughter of Tomas Domingues and Candelaria Esquibel.PGP:Bernardo Domingues and Tomasa Sandoval.MGP:Alejandro Esquibel and Manuela Trevol.Pads: Lorenzo Luzero and Teresa Garcia.

...IV-BERNARDO (Bernabe) DOMINGUEZ y MARIA TOMASA SANDOVAL (Sanez de Garbisu,Marquez)

From the book "Santa Fe Baptisms 1747-1851."By:Thomas D.Martinez.Page 120.

DOMINGUEZ,Maria Manuela Baptised 8-19-1797,2 days old.Father Bernabe Dominguez,Mother Maria Tomasa Marquez.Pads:Antonio Sandoval and Maria Ortega.

DOMINGUEZ,Cayetano Tiburcio Bapt 8-18-1798,Father Bernabe Dominguez,Mother Maria Tomasa Sandoval.Pads:Miguel Geronimo Rivera and Maria Francisca Ortiz.

New Mexico Baptisms San Miguel Del Bado Pecos Mission 1799-1829.Extracted By: Luis Gilberto Padilla y Baca.Published By:The Hispanic Genealogical Research Center of New Mexico.28 Enero 1826.Bautize a MARIA JUANA DOMINGUEZ,de 2 dias de nacida,de San Miguel,hija legitima de Calletano Dominguez y de Barvara Esquivel. PGP:Bernabe Dominguez y Tomasa Sanes de Garbisu.MGP:Alejando Esquibel y Manuela Trebol.Pads:Juan Jose Aguilar y Alberta Dominguez.

From the book "New Mexico Marriages and Marriage Investigations-San Miguel del Vado 1802-1865." Extracted,Transcribed and Translated By:Luis Gilberto Padilla y Baca.Published By;The Hispanic Genealogical Research Center of New Mexico.Page 51.San Miguel del Bado 1802-1865.Marriage book M-10.

Nov 20 1827 in San Miguel. MANUEL DOMINGUEZ,single legitimate son of Bernabel Dominguez and Maria Tomasa Sanez,with Vivina Gutierrez,Legitimate daughter of Manuel Gutierrez and Maria Cisneros.

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