BORN: 5 Dec 1847; Taos, Taos County, New Mexico
MARRIAGE: 10 Sep 1873 or 1874 (see Notes re year)
DIED: 16 Feb 1904; Walsenburg, Huerfano County, Colorado
Taos County Marriages, NMB XVIII, No. 2, p. 43, June 1979 lists on line 7
"BARRON, Bonifacio and PACHECO, Desiderio, 10 Sep. 1873/74, p. 46"
Bonifacio is buried in the old (south) Catholic cemetery, Walsenburg, CO
birth note here as 12 MAY 1847
Torres, p. 235.Plaza de Los Cordobas."See NMG Journal, p. 27, Vol. ?"
Notes: info from NMGS (p 80, col 1, last entry in col) "Taos County NM
Materials Published in NM GENEALOGIST 1962-1988 and Related Research
Barron BONIFACIO and Jose Manuel MARTINEZ witnesses to marriage of Santiago
LARANAGA and CHAFINO Ma de los Angeles on 21 May 1894 (p162,Taos County
Marriage Book A, 1862-1905).
Marriage info for Bonifacio Barron and Desideria Pacheco listed in this
NMGS book on p. 27, line 11.
Note on p. 27 states: It is unclear from the register whether the next few
marriages occurred in 1873 or 1874. Because the dates follow chronologically
those for 1873, it is possible that thee occurred in 1873 and non were
registered for 1874.
FamilySearch® International Genealogical IndexT v4.01 North America IGI
Record (searched by G. Cordova, Jan 2000)
Bonifacio BARRON
Sex: M Event(s):
Birth: 5 Dec 1847
Taos, Taos, New Mexico Parents:
Film Number: 2034619
HGRC Taos Baptisms, p 87.
Bonifacio Barron and Desideria Pacheco listed as Padrinos for Enrique Julian
MARES 12 Oct 1890, s/ Julian Mares and Manuela Romero. p. 188.
Copy of letter from Juan Santistevan to His Excellence Gov. L. Bradford
Prince, Santa Fe, NM, on letterhead entitled Territory of New Mexico. 29th
Legislative Assembly, dated Feb. 21, 1891. Juan Santistevan asked the
Governor to consider Bonifacio Barron when the Governor makes the appointment
for the Penitentiary comminioners.
Copy of letter from Juan Santistevan to Gov. Bradford Prince, dated Dec. 21,
1891, on letterhead entitled The Taos County Bank, Juan Santistevan,
Proprietor. Letter is signed by several signees, including B. Barron
From Augutine Pacheco: Barron family came into Mexico from France with
Maximilian Army. When retired from military, he returned to NM. Family
lived in Clayton, NM 1 yr beore going to Walsenburg. They lost their wealth
to Manby. Their children, Julia, Adelaida ("Lala"), and Anna got jobs at
Sporleder mdse company. Lala taught school at Gardner for 6-7 years
BORN 20 Sep 1858; Taos, Taos County, New Mexico
DIED: 11 Mar 1933; Walsenburg, Huerfano County, Colorado
MOTHER'S NAME AND DATE OF BIRTH: Ma.Juana Severiana MONTANO; 18 Feb 1840;
Abiquiu, Rio Arriba, New Mexico
FamilySearch® International Genealogical IndexT v4.01 North America IGI
Record (searched by G. Cordova, Jan 2000)
Desideria PACHECO
Sex: F Event(s):
Birth: 20 Sep 1858
Taos, Taos, New Mexico Parents:
Source Information:
Number: 2034592
Page Number:
Reference Number
Gender: F Birth: 20 Sep 1858 Taos, Taos, New Mexico
HGRC Taos Baptisms, p 87.
Bonifacio Barron and Desideria Pacheco listed as Padrinos for Enrique Julian
MARES 12 Oct 1890, s/ Julian Mares and Manuela Romero. p. 188.
CHILD 1: Francisco R. BARRON
SEX: male
BORN: 11 Nov 1874
MARRIAGE: remained single
DIED: 16 May 1920, Walsenburg, Huerfano County, Colorado
information from Frank Barron's funeral memorial card.
His tombstone is inscribed with a birth date "11 Nov 1879" which is different
from the memorial card.
HGRC Taos Baptisms, p. 79.
Francisco Barron y Siria Santistevan listed as Padrinos for Leonor Amelia
LUCERO 12 Jun 1890. d/ Manuel Lucero and Librada Martinez. p. 171.
HGRC Taos Baptisms, p. 183.
Francisco Barron and Adelaida Barron were Padrinos for Josefa Rafaela BARRON
of Fernandez, 22 Jun 1894, d/ Bonifacio Barron and Desideria pacheco. p. 369.
CHILD 2: Adelaida ("Lala") BARRON
SEX: female
BORN: 27 Dec 1875; Taos, Taos County, New Mexico
DIED: 27 Apr 1947; Walsenburg, Huerfano County, Colorado.
HGRC Taos Baptisms, p. 183.
Francisco Barron and Adelaida Barron were Padrinos for Josefa Rafaela BARRON
of Fernandez, 22 Jun 1894, d/ Bonifacio Barron and Desideria pacheco. p. 369.
Nickname: "Lala"
DEATH: was staying on a visit with Aunt Julia Barron Sanchez. Told Julia
she had a terrible headache. and got up to get asprin and died of a heart
attack. She was 72 yrs old.
World Independent 9-9-1947
Mrs. Adlaida Barron Pacheco died at 4 o'clock this morning at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Julia Barron Sanchez.
She was born in Taos, New Mex., on December 27, 1875. After her marriage she
moved to San Pablo, Colo., 31 years ago, but was reared in Walsenburg. Her
husband died in 1940.
She is survived by one son Augustine Pacheco of San Pablo; two brothers,
Judge Joseph and Judge Fred Barron, both of the city; two sisters, Mrs. Julia
Barron Sanchez and Miss Amelia Barron, both of Walsenburg; and three
Rosary services will be held at the home of Mrs. Julia Sanchez Wednesday
night at 7:30 o'clock.
Funeral services will be held from the home of Mrs. Sanchez Thursday morning
at 9:30 and from the St. Mary church at 10 o'clock.
Interment will be held in the family lot at the St. Mary cemetery under the
direction of the Furphy mortuary.
CHILD 3: Fernando Ignacio BARRON
SEX: male
BORN: 11 Jan 1878; Taos, Taos County, New Mexico
MARRIAGE: remained single all his life
DIED: Sep 1947; Pueblo, Colorado
remained single.
Fernando was a barber. His shop was on 6th St. in Walsenburg.
Buried in old St. Mary's Cemetery, Walsenburg, 22 Sep 1947.
Fernando Barron and Antonia Pacheco were Padrinos for Maia Josefa Barron, 27
Jan 1896, d/ Bonifacio Barron and Desideria Pacheco. p. 443
Fernando Barron and Julia Barron were Padrinos for Jose BARRON 5 Sep 1898, s/
Bonifacio Barron and Desideria Pacheco de Barron. p. 31.
Independent 9-22-1947
F.I. Baron, Local justice, Dies Saturday
Fred I. Barron, 69, for many years justice of the peace and police magistrate
in Walsenburg and Huerfano County, died Saturday morning in a Pueblo
hospital. He had been ill for some weeks from a heart ailment.
Judge Barron had been a continuous resident of Walsenburg for 46 years,
coming here in June 1901 from Taos, N. Mex., where he entered the
confectionery business. He retired from business world in 1938.
In 1936 he was elected to the office of justice of the peace and served in
this capacity until the time of his death. He was well-known and beloved
thruout the community, and was active in civic enterprises during his entire
Judge Barron was born January 11, 1878, in Taos, and was a member of a
prominent family of the Southwest.
Survivors include one brother, Joseph A. Barron, Huerfano county judge; and
two sisters, Mrs. Julia Barron Sanchez and Miss Amelia Barron, all of
Walsenburg; and by six nephews and one niece.
Rosary services will be held at the family home, 321 West Sixth street this
evening at 7:30. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at
8:30 at the home, and at 9 o'clock at the St. Mary church where Requiem High
Mass will be recited. Interment will be in the family plot at the St. Mary
cemetery under the direction of Furphy Mortuary. Members of the city and
county administrative offices will serve as escorts.
Pallbearers will be Ralph Levy, Juan A, Medina, A.M. Guerrero, Ernest Krier,
W.W. Hammond, Victor Mazzone, Dave Atencio, and Mike Reviglio. City and
county officials will act as honorary escorts.
SPECIAL NOTICE: All members of the Catholic Daughters of America are urged to
attend rosary services for Judge F.I. Barron at the family home, 321 West
Sixth street, this evening at 7:30.
SEX: female
BORN: 14 Jan 1880;
MARRIAGE: Charles (Carlos) Hubert SANCHEZ, Sr.
DIED: 6 Apr 1976; San Francisco, CA
Information from Julia's funeral memorial card.
Fernando Barron and Julia Barron were Padrinos for Jose BARRON 5 Sep 1898, s/
Bonifacio Barron and Desideria Pacheco de Barron. p. 31.
CHILD 5: Anna Maria BARRON
SEX: female
BORN: 12 Feb 1888; Taos, Taos County, New Mexico
MARRIAGE: Jose Benito CORDOVA, Jr.; on 8 Sep 1915.
DIED: 7 Jun 1925; Pueblo, CO
from funeral memorial card: Anna was "36 years, 3 months, 26 days" of age at
Burial: Old St. Mary's Cemetery, Walsenburg, CO
Barron Cordova, one of her sons, said (12/22/99 phone conversation) that he
remembers his mother's coffin was in the living room in the house in
Walsenburg on 6th St.
World Independent 6-9-1925 page 1
Mrs. Anita Marie Cordova, 36 years of age, and well known to many in this
city, died in a Pueblo hospital Sunday as a result of many months illness.
Mrs. Cordova underwent an operation a year ago which left her in a weak
condition for many months. Several months ago other complications set in
which were responsible for her death.
The deceased attended the public schools of this city and later entered
Loretta academy at Santa Fe, N.M. She afterwards took a course in nursing at
San Rafael hospital at Trinidad, at which institution she was graduated.
Mrs. Cordova was the mother of five small children, Barron Louis, 8;
Virginia, 7; Hector, 5; Marguerito, 4; and Bertran, 16 months. In addition to
the five children mentioned, she is survived by her mother, Mrs. Desiderre
Barron; her husband, J.B. Cordova, Jr.; two brothers, Joseph A., Fred I., and
three sisters, Amelia, Mrs. Charles Sanchez, Sr., and Mrs. J.N. Pacheco, Sr.,
all of this city.
The funeral will be held from the St. Mary's church at 10 o'clock Wednesday
morning (tomorrow). Burial will be in the Catholic cemetery under the
direction of Furphy Brothers.
PROFESSION as nurse:
Anna Barron ws a Colorado State Board certified REGISTERED NURSE. GC's
records include the original RN certificate (No. 1066) from the Colorado
State Board of Nurse Examiners, dated 26 Apr 1912.
CHILD 6: Amelia Guadalupe BARRON
SEX: female
BORN: 12 Dec 1889; Taos, Taos County, New Mexico
MARRIAGE: remained single
DIED: Jun 1961, Trinidad, Las Animas County, CO
Burial: Old St. Mary's Cemetery, Walsenburg, CO
BIRTH/BAPTISM: Info from p. 68 of extracted baptismal records of Our Lady of
Guadelupe Church in Taos.
"BARRON, Maria Guadalupe Amelia, of Fernandez. Born on 12 Dec. 1889. Bap on
13 Jan 1890. Hija de Bonifacio BARRON y Desideria PACHECO. Padrinos:
Ignacio PACHECO y Juana Severiana MONTANO."
Remained single.
Practiced as a professional podiatrist for many years in Walsenburg, CO.
GC has in her collection an original newspaper, LA OPINION PUBLICA
(Walsenburg, CO), dated Sunday, 3 Jun 1911, which has an article and a photo
about Srta Ma. G. Amelia Barron's graduation. Another original newspaper
(---Comercial, Walsenburg, CO) includes an article about her graduation
entitled "Trece Graduantes--Una Hispano-Americana"
Independent 6-1-1961
Amelia G. Barron, Sister of Judge, Dies in Trinidad
Miss Amelia G. Barron of Walsenburg, sister of Huerfano County Judge Joseph
A. Barron, passed away in a Trinidad hospital Monday after having been ill
for some time. She was 71.
Born in Taos, N.M. on December 12, 1889, Miss Barron was a daughter of
Bonifacio and Desiderio Barron. The family moved to Walsenburg on May 17,
Miss Barron went to grade school in Walsenburg and was graduated from
Huerfano County High School in 1911. After attending the teachers college in
Greeley, she taught in Huerfano County schools for three years. Later, she
was a manager of the Huerfano Trading Company for several years.
On December 30, 1926, she was graduated from the Bertha de Wolfe School in
Denver as a chiropodist and received her license to practice from the
Colorado State Board of Medical Examiners on January 4, 1927. She practiced
in Walsenburg until last fall when she retired because of ill health.
In addition to her brother, the deceased leaves a sister, Mrs. Julia B.
Sanchez, Walsenburg; six nephews and a niece.
Requiem High Mass will be sung at St. Mary Church at 9 a.m. Friday. Burial
will follow in the old St. Mary Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Joseph B. Barron, S.J. Sanchez, Aloysius J. Sanchez,
Barron Cordova, Frank Zehna, and Augustine Pacheco.
The Furphy Mortuary is handling arrangements.
Independent 6-1-1961
Here for Barron funeral
In town for the funeral of Miss Amelia Barron are S.J. Sanchez and Al G.
Sanchez of San Francisco and Mountain View, Calif., who are guests of their
mother, Mrs. Julia B. Sanchez.
At the home of Judge and Mrs. Joseph Barron are her mother, Mrs. C.S. Page of
Vallejo, Calif., brother, C.F. Page and wife of Denver; the Barrons' son,
Joseph B. Barron, and wife of Colorado Springs, Hector Cordova of San Diego,
Calif., and Barron Cordova and family of Trinidad.
CHILD 7: Gustavo Alfredo Eduardo BARRON
SEX: male
BORN: 11 Jul 1891; Taos, Taos County, New Mexico
BIRTH: Info from p. 108 of excerpted baptismal records of Our Lady of
Guadelupe Church in Taos (1887-1900):
"BARRON, Gustavo Alfredo Eduardo, of Fernandez. Born on 11 Jul 1891. Bap on
9 Aug 1891. Hijo de Bonifacio BARRON y Desideria PACHECO. Padrinos:
Eduardo BOWMAN y Victoriana SANTISTEVAN. (Off. Jose Valezy). p. 227."
CHILD 8: Josefa Rafaela BARRON
SEX: female
BORN: 2 Jun 1894; Taos, Taos County, New Mexico
BIRTH/BAPTISM: Info from p. 183 of extracted records from Our Lady of
Guadelupe Church in Taos.
"BARRON, Josefa Rafaela, of Fernandez. Born on 2 Jun 1894. Bap on 22 Jun
1894. Hija de Bonifacio BARRON y Desideria PACHECO. Padrinos: Francisco
BARRON y Adelaida BARRON. (Off. Jose Valezy). P. 369.
CHILD 9: Maria Josefa BARRON
SEX: female
BORN: 23 Jun 1896; Taos, Taos County, New Mexico
BIRTH/BAPTISM: Info on p. 229 of extracted baptismal records of Our Lady of
Guadelupe Church in Taos.
"BARRON, Maria Josefa, of Fernandez. Born on 23 Jan 1896. Bap on 27 Jan
1896. Hija de Bonifacio BARRON y Desdideria PACHECO. Padrinos: Fernando
BARRON y Antonia PACHECO. (Off: Jose Valezy). P. 443."
CHILD 10: Joseph (Jose) Angelo BARRON
SEX: male
BORN: 1 Sep 1898; Taos, Taos County, New Mexico
DIED: 12 Oct 1976, Walsenburg, Huerfano County, CO
BIRTH/BAPTISM: Info from p. 299 of extracted records from Our Lady of
Guadelupe Church in Taos.
"BARRON, Jose. Place of residence was not given. Born on 1 Sep 1898. Bap on
5 Sep 1898. Hijo de Bonifacio BARRON y Desideria PACHECO de BARRON.
Padrinos: Fernando Barron y Julia Barron. (Off: J.S. Garcia.). p. 31."
Joseph "Pepe" Barron was a lawyer. GC has in her collection his College of
Law graduation souvenir program, listing Joseph Barron in the
CreightonUniversity Graduating Class of 1924.
Information from Joseph Barron (son of Pepe Barron) notes: "After schoo, he
became a member of the Colorado House of Representatives in Denver. After one
term he joined the US Internal Revenue and lived in Pueblo for a few years.
In 1932 he was elected County Judge of Huerfano County and held that position
until 1974 when he was forced to retire. Immediately upon rtirement he went
across the street from the Court House and opened anew law office."
Joseph Barron's notes indicate that Pepe died 10 Oct 1976 and is buried in
the (new) Catholic cemetery north of Walsenburg
GC's collection includes Pepe's funeral memorial card with birth/death dates.
October 14, 1976
Funeral Friday for Joseph A. Barron
Former Huerfano County Judge and prominent Walsenburg Attorney Joseph A.
Barron died early Tuesday, Oct. 12, 1976 at Huerfano Memorial Hospital of
heart failure.
Born Sept. 1, 1898 in Taos, NM, the son of Mr. And Mrs. Bonifacio Barron, he
came to Walsenburg with his parents at the age of five years. He attended
the local grade schools, Regis High School in Denver, and Denver University.
He graduated from Creighton University Law School in 1925.
Mr. Barron was a one time associate of the Internal Revenue Service, worked
in the County Assessor's office for four years and served two terms as state
representative before being elected county judge. He held that position fo
30 years, after which time he opened a law office at 418 Main Street in
He married Esther Page on Oct. 14, 1928 in St. Mary Church in Walsenburg.
Mr. Barron was a member of St. Mary Church and the Colorado Bar Association.
Survivors include his wife, of the family home, 321 West Sixth St., and a
son, Joseph B., Colorado Springs, seven grandchildren and one
Scripture rosary will be said at 7:30 pm Thursday (today) at St. Mary Church
and Mass of ..Church. Burial will be in North St. Mary Cemetery. Furphy
Lawson Chapel is in charge of arrangements.
October 28, 1976.
A tribute to Judge Joseph Barron
Editor's Note: The following is a letter to Judge Joseph A. Barron's son,
Joseph B. Barron. The letter was written by a cousin, Pauline C. Sanchez of
California, after the Judge's death on Oct. 12. Barron thought it a fitting
tribute to his late father and wanted to share it with World readers.
Dear Joe,
You may or may not remember me, but I seem to recall a boy called "Deedee"
with a dog, Pidgie, and a little girl names Carol always tagging behind him.
But the warmest and best of my Walsenburg recollections has to do with two
wonderful men, your father and mine. In many ways they were somewhat alike.
They were gentle and kind - the pure of heart. I respected and admired them.
I loved them both.
In the over seven years that I worked for and with your father, I got to know
him well, and he was like a second father to me. In my times of stress and
need I could always count on him -- as could so many other people. He was
consolation, compassion, encouragement and quiet strength-so many goo things!
His faults, if any, were never of the spirit.
You cannot possibly ever know how much this generous man did for so many for
so little in return, except perhaps the satisfaction one derives from helping
those in need. What he gave in great abundance was the gift of himself to
those less fortunate - the gift that comes from the soul. The illiterates,
the vulnerable and defenseless, the kids in trouble, the poorest of the poor
(and there were so many of them) came to him in droves - looking for Senor
Barron, "el Juez" ("The Judge") or just "Pepe," He was not a politician's
politician. The toothy fake smile and glad-hand were completely foreign to
him but he got elected time after time because they knew who and what he was
- honesty and trust - a rarity indeed - especially in politics. They will
feel his loss - very much.
The last time he came to California, Alo and I took him to a small beach down
by Carmel and we had a picnic on the sane. He was in very good spirits and
enjoyed himself immensely, with all three of walking along the beach
reminiscing about a great many things.
So it is with the greatest sadness and heavy heart that I say "hasta la
vista" to this unselfish and honorable man. I shall miss not seeing him
Sincerely and with great sympathy to you and your family from both Alo and
/s/ Pauline C. Sanchez
SUBMITTED BY: Gloria Cordova
DATE: 16 Aug 2000
E-MAIL ADDRESS: CordovaG@aol.com
MAILING ADDRESS: (Optional) 442 Ridgecrest Ave., Los Alamos, NM 87544-3548
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