Taos County, New Mexico
Family Group Sheet Page


BORN: 21 Mar 1837, Taos, Taos, New Mexico
DIED: 23 Jan 1925, El Moro, Las Animas County, CO
FATHER'S NAME AND DATE OF BIRTH: Raymundo Cordova, 21 Feb 1789
MOTHER'S NAME AND DATE OF BIRTH: Maria Estefana Gonzales, 2 Jul 1802
LEGISLATOR from Las Animas County in 1879. GC has copy of pages from "Leyes Pasadas en la Segunda Sesion de la Asamblea General del Estado de Colorado." Jose Benito served in this session at same time as Casimiro Barela was serving in the Senate.
Birth and Death: Primary source info: o dates from his "Memoriam" booklet from Campbell-Lewis Mortuary "87 years, 10 months, 2 days" of age at death. Last place of residence: El Moro, CO
Requiem high Mass celebrated January 26, 1925, 9:30 AM at Catholic Church in Trinidad, CO.
Pall Bearers: Felix Cordova, Louis Espinoza, Ruperto Gonzales, Pablo Tafoya, Jacobo Trujillo, Cosme Trujillo.
Honorary Pall Bearers: J.M. Madrid, Theodore Abeyta, Frank Tafoya, Steve Patrick, Eluterio Ortega, Juan B. Romero
Buried in Trinidad, CO Catholic Cemetery, East Halt No. 116, New Section 3, Laid to rest 11 AM.
Baptismal Sponsors: Karen Mitchell research, Our Lady of Guadalupe baptisms, Conejos,CO. 6-1-1870 Benito Cordova and Marina Ribera were sponsors.
Marriage Sponsors: Karen Mitchell research, Our lady of Guadalupe marriages, Conejos CO.
12-17-1870 Manuel Lucero single son of Antonio Domingo Lucero and Maria Rufina Valdez married Maria Damiana Ribera single daughter of Miguel Ribera and Maria Paula Trujillo. Witnesses were Buenaventura Ribera and Gabriel Lucero. Sponsors Benito Cordova and Marina Ribera. 1-28-1872 Benito Cordova and Maria Ribera were sponsors at the marriage of Luciano Trujillo and Paula Rival.
3-14-1872 Benito Cordova and Maria Ribera were sponsors.
1-28-1872 Benito Cordova and Maria Ribera were sponsors at the marriage of Luciano Trujillo and Paula Rival.
Research by Karen Mitchell, Holy Trinity (Trinidad, CO) marriages.
5-12-1884 Juan or Jesus M. Ribera from Chililicito widowed of Agusta Martinez (died 4-16-1884) son of Pedro Ribera and Dolores Maldonado married Maria Antonia Sanchez from El Moro widow of Simon Ren ? (died 1-26-1879) daughter of Martin Sanchez and Paula Real. Sponsors Benito Cordova and Mariana Ribera.
GI Record:
Jose Venito CORDOVA Sex: M Event(s): Birth: 20 Mar 1837 Ranchos, Taos, New Mexico Parents: Father: Reymundo CORDOVA Mother: Maria Estefana GONZALES Source Information:
WIFE: Maria Marina RIVERA
BORN 14 Jan 1846, Taos, Taos, New Mexico
DIED: 31 Mar 1931, Trinidad, Las Animas County, CO
BIRTH/BAPTISM: Karen Mitchell research, Taos baptisms.
1-15-1846 Maria Marina 2 days old daughter of Miguel Ribera and Maria Paula Trujillo. Residents of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe. PG Pedro Ribera and Maria Dolores Maldonado. MG Marcos Trujillo and Maria Ygnacia Miera (record lists "Maldonado" but should be Miera).
Information from copy of National Funeral Register. "86 years, 2 months, 21 days" at time of death. Birth: 10 JAN 1845 (?) Note: Her baptismal record shows baptism on 15 Jan 1846.
Last place of residence: Rivera Ranch, El Moro,CO
NOTE: Surname in earlier times was spelled RIBERA
Marriage Sponsors: Karen Mitchell research, Our Lady of Guadalupe baptisms, Conejos,CO. 6-1-1870
Benito Cordova and Marina Ribera were sponsors.
Karen Mitchell research from Our Lady of Guadalupe marriages, Conejos CO.
12-17-1870 Manuel Lucero single son of Antonio Domingo Lucero and Maria Rufina Valdez married Maria Damiana Ribera single daughter of Miguel Ribera and Maria Paula Trujillo. Witnesses were Buenaventura Ribera and Gabriel Lucero. Sponsors Benito Cordova and Marina Ribera. o1-28-1872 Benito Cordova and Maria Ribera were sponsors at the marriage of Luciano Trujillo and Paula Rival.
3-14-1872 Benito Cordova and Maria Ribera were sponsors. o1-28-1872 Benito Cordova and Maria Ribera were sponsors at the marriage of Luciano Trujillo and Paula Rival.
Research by Karen Mitchell, Holy Trinity marriages.
5-12-1884 Juan or Jesus M. Ribera from Chililicito widowed of Agusta Martinez (died 4-16-1884) son of Pedro Ribera and Dolores Maldonado married Maria Antonia Sanchez from El Moro widow of Simon Ren ? (died o1-26-1879) daughter of Martin Sanchez and Paula Real. Sponsors Benito Cordova and Mariana Ribera. .
CHILD 1: Donaciano Cordova
SEX: male
BORN: 30 Aug 1861
MARRIAGE: 26 May 1883 to Margarita Ysabel SANTISTEVAN
DIED: 11 Feb 1941, Trinidad, Las Animas County, CO
NOTES: Documentation:
MARRIAGE: info from NMGS "Taos County NM Materials Published in NM Genealogist 1962-1988." Marriage record excerpted from Taos County Marriage Book A, 1862-1905. CORDOVA, Donaciano and SANTISTEVAN, Margarita, 26 May 1883, p. 72.
Sources: BIRTH and DEATH dates from "Memoriam" book from Campbell-Lewis Mortuary, Trinidad, CO. "79 years, 5 months, 11 days"
Length of residence: 67 years. Previous residence: Taos, NM
Burial Services: Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Saturday, Feb 15, 1941, 9 AM Mass. Rev. Fr. Sebastiani, S.J. officiating, assisted by Rev. Fr. Ferrill, SJ., and Rev. Fr. Haller, S.J.
Laid to rest in Trinidad Catholic Cemetery, Trinidad, CO Famiy lot at 10:30 AM
Escorts: Paul De Valle, Fred Barron, Tom Hill, Tony Cappalucci, Tom Mariano, Tom McCarty
Source: DEATH date: copy of Cemetery record, p. 10, line entry for Feb 15 lists Donaciano Cordova
OBITUARY: Source: Chronicle News newspaper article
"Donaciano Cordova, Distinguished Pioneer of Community Passed Away.
Early Day Citizen and Ranch Owner."
Article notes that "Over most of a period of 67 years Donaciano Cordova had made his home in this community, having come as a young man from Taos, NM to go to school here and living here in a period before there were any railroads in Trinidad, and the town was a frontier trading post on the Old Santa Fe Trail..."
Honorary Escorts: J.M. Madrid, Ben Anzi, F.E. Tafoya, Nick Vigil, Cataenio Duran, Teodorito Abeyta, Carlos Sandoval.
MARRIAGE SPONSOR: NMGS Taos County materials, p. 88. Donaciano Cordova and Margarita Santistevan were witnesses at marriag of Adolfo SUAZO of Sineguilla and Margarita MARTINEZ of Cordiller, 31 Oct. 1898.
BAPTISMAL SPONSOR: Karen Mitchell research, Our Lady of Guadalupe marriages, Conejos, CO
1-11-1870 Donaciano Cordova and Damiana Ribera were sponsors.
NOTE: Info from NMGS book on Taos County info published in their NM Genealogist 1962-1988. Donaciano Cordova and Margarita Santistevan were witnesses at marriage of Adolfo Suazo of Sineguilla and Margarita Martinez of Cordillera on 31 Oct 1898, p 248. Ant. Jose Trujillo.
Donaciano was godparent with Cirila Santistevan for daughter (Cirila Emelina) of Donaciano Santistevan and Carlota Trujillo. Cirila Emelina was born 4 May 1889, bap on 13 May 1889.
Donaciano was also a godparent for son (Juan Maria Maximiano Romero) of Jacinta Santistevan and Maximiano Romero who was born on 28 Jan 1891. The other godparent was Perfecta Santistevan.
HGRC Taos Baptisms, p. 74. Perfecta Santistevan & Donaciano Cordova listed as Padrinos 20 Apr 1890 for Marino MARTINEZ of Fernandez. p. 161.
HGRC Taos Baptisms, p. 87. Donaciano Codova and Cirila Santisteva listed as Padrinos for Teodora JEANTET of Fernandez 8 Oct 1890, d/ Filiberto Jeantet & Francisca Trujillo.
HGRC Taos Baptisms, p. 91. Donaciano Cordova and Margarita Santistevan listed as Padrinos for Carlos Barromeo SALAS of Los Lucdderos, 15 Nov 1890, s/ Jose Desiderio Salas and Manuela Medina. p. 193.
HGRC Taos Baptisms, p. 94. Perfecta Santistevan and Donaciano Cordova listed as padrinos for Juan Maria Miaximiano ROMERO, 28 Jan 1891, s/ Maximiano Romero and Jacinta Santistevan, p. 201.
HGRC Taos Baptisms, p. 217. Padrinos: Donacinao Cordova and Perfulia Santistevan. ELPHENSTINE, Mary Mabel, ofFernandez. Born 9 Jul 1895. Bap 4 Aug 1895. d/ Oliver Helphenstine and Sofia Romero. p. 423.
HGRC Taos Baptisms, p. 233. Donaciano Cordova and Victoriana Santistevan were Padrinos for Dela Adolfina BOWMAN ofFernanez, 13 Apr 1896, d/ Eduardo Bowman and Sara Mondragon. p. 450.
HGRC Taos Baptisms, p. 239. Donaciano Cordova and Margarita Santistevan were Padrinos for Cruz Roberto RUIBAL of L Loma, 7 Jun 1896, s/ Jose Toribio Ruibal and Perfecta Lucero. p. 459.
HGRC Taos Baptisms, p. 245. Donaciano Cordova and Margarita Santistevan were Padrinos for Felipe Abenicio ARCHULETA of Arroyo Seco, 30 Aug 1896, s/ Felipe Archuleta and maria de Archuleta. p. 469.
HGRC Taos Baptisms, p. 280. Donaciano Cordova and Margarita Santistevan were Padrinos for Stanislas Leopoldo PACHECO of Ranchito de Abajo, 26 Dec 1897, s/ Florencio Pacheco and Josefa Cinta. p. 8.
HGRC Taos Baptisms, p. 298 Donaciano Cordova and Cyria Santistevan were Padrinos for Josefina BOWMAN of Taos 14 Aug 1898, d/ Eduardo BOWMAN and Sarah Mondragon. p. 30.
HGRC Taos Baptisms, p. 302. Donaciano Cordova and Margarita Santistevan were Padrinos for Luis Eduardo TRUJILLO of Ranchito 16 Oct 1898, s/ Gavino Trujillo and Juanita Simson. p. 35
Donaciano CORDOVA (1861-1941)
Newspaper article. 1941 Trinidad, Colorado.
Donaciano Cordova, Distinguished Pioneer of Community Passed Away. Early Day Citizen and Ranch Owner.
Donaciano Cordova, 79 years old, one of the most distinguished Spanish-American pioneer citizens of this community and southern Colorado pioneer sheep rancher, and widely known in this are and northern New Mexico, passed away at 3:30 a.m. today at his home, 814 Tillotson Street, this city. He had been in poor health for some time.
Over most of a period of 67 years, Donaciano Cordova had made his home in this community, having come as a young man from Taos, NM to go to school here, and living here in a period before there were any railroads in Trinidad, and the town was a frontier trading post on the old Santa Fe Trail over which the freighters came and went, and during the period that "Uncle Dick" Wooton kept his famous toll gate.
Deceased was born at Taos, August 30, 1861, and would have been 80 years old that date this year. His home place he left to be educated here, attending school with many of the pioneer folks of Trinidad and community. He later attended Colorado University at Boulder.
In 1883, he was married at Taos, NM, to Margarita Santistevan, of well known pioneer family of New Mexico, served as manager of the pioneer Juan Santistevan general merchandise store at Taos, and for many years and until about 1919 while residing there, he was elected treasurer of Taos County and served in that office with great credit 1899-1900, being endorsed candidate of both political parties.
Returning here in 1910, he became manager for some years of the Barela-Wilcox store at El Moro, engaged in the sheep business and throughout the years has operated the ranch near Beshoar. He was a close friend of most of the well-known pioneer citizens, including Teodora Abeyta, J.M. Madrid, Frank E. Tafoya, Casimiro Barela, John Fox, Luis Kreeger, Daniel.L. Taylor, and many more. One of his schoolmates in Trinidad was the late John Taylor, son of D.L Taylor, who was so long mayor of Trinidad prior to his death in 1917.
Surviving now is his wife, Mrs. Margarita Santistevan Cordova. Sons are J.B. Cordova, Jr. of Trinidad, who is Ben Cordova, jailer and deputy sheriff at the Courthouse; Juan R. Cordova of El Moro; J.E. Cordova of Beshoar, and Alfredo, Rudolph and Fernando Cordova of El Moro. Daughter is Delia Cordova of Trinidad. Twelve grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren survive. He was a nephew of Francisco Rivera, pioneer rancher of El Moro, and of the late Mrs. Casimiro Barela, who was the wife of the distinguished citizen and pioneer Colorado legislator, for so many years state senator from Laa Animas County, a lawmaker in territorial days of Colorado and for many years after statehood.
Funeral arrangements will be announced later by the Campbell-Lewis Mortuary. Rosary will be said at the chapel at 8 o1clock tonight.
The death of Donaciano Cordova removed from the community one of its most beloved and respected pioneer citizens, a man who had played a prominent part in the development of this community and northern New Mexico for much more than half a century.
SUBMITTED BY: Gloria Cordova
DATE: 17 Aug 2000
E-MAIL ADDRESS: CordovaG@aol.com
MAILING ADDRESS: (Optional) 442 Ridgecrest Ave., Los Alamos, NM 87544-3548

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