Taos County, New Mexico La Influenza Espanola or The Spanish Flu Epidemic |
This page contributed and copyrighted by Karen Mitchell.
Contributed by Alberto Vidaurre
As the first World War was coming to an end La Influenza Espanola or The Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918-1919 started, killing some 20 million people world wide, half a million in the United States alone, several thousands in New Mexico and hundreds in Taos County. Only the Black Death of the middle ages was more deadly than the Spanish Influenza of 1918-1919. In the spring of 1919, The Spanish Influenza Virus vanished as suddenly as it had appeared. Researchers have never been able to identify the lethal strain and no one knows where or how it started or if it still exists.
Several hundred people died in Taos County, sometimes two or three people in the same house. As a result, on the 11th day of October 1918 it was ordered that all schools, theaters, and churches be closed, it was prohibited to attend the Velorios of persons that died due to the influenza, it was also forbidden for more than five persons to gather as a group. The deceased were to be buried as soon as possible.
Dr.Ira Allison,County [Taos] Doctor reports that in Ranchos and Talpa about 100 people are sick with the "Contagiosa Influenza; se dice que la invasion de tal enfermedad en lugares se debe a la atendencia a los Velorios de personas que han muerto de esa enfermedad." 25 Oct.1918 La Revista De Taos.
The Taos County Newspaper La Revista De Taos in 1918 published several lists of persons that died but cautioned that because so many had died it had not been possible to keep an accurate count or listing of all the people that died. The paper informed its readers that because of the illness of the staff and the death of Jose E.VALDES, the newspaper's secretario y manejador de imprenta they had not being able to publish the paper. The paper in its 23 Nov 1918 edition tells people that they have received about 100 "Correspondencias de Defunciones" from their subscribors and friends but that it is impossible to publish them in any great detail so they will publish a brief notice of the deceased.
I was not able to locate La Revista De Taos for the year 1919, when the influenza is reported to have ended; thus there is no listing of any of the deaths in 1919.
Following are some of the people reported as having died due to the influenza:
Cresencio CHAVEZ and Esteban SEGURA de Cerro died in Military Camp in New Jersey of Fiebre Pneumonia.Reported 27 Sept 1918.
Daniel LUJAN del Prado died in Camp Dix, New Jersey, Reported 27 Sept 1918 of Fiebre Pneumonia.He was the son of Rosario Lujan,deceased and Mary Wheaton.
Daniel 18 and Bernardo GUTIERREZ de Talpa, hijos de Francisco Gutierrez. Reported 11 Oct 1918.
Fidel FRESQUEZ from Des Montes died 18 Oct 1918 while home on visit from military camp, Waco, Texas. Died of Pneumonia.
Ruben VIGIL died at Camp Pike, Arkanasas Oct 3,1918 at 11:00 AM de Pulmonia.
Elonor ROMERO age 72 from Talpa died Sunday. Reported 25 Oct 1918, Victima de la influencia. (May be listed twice ?)
Celestina MARTINEZ 28, hermana de Silverio Martinez. Reported 25 Oct 1918.
Pablo QUINTANA, Superintendent Of Schools for Taos County died of the influenza. (May be listed twice ?)
Eufemia SANTISTEVAN de GONZALES from Pina. 2 Sept 1918.
Jose de Jesus MADRID from Rodarte 17 Sept 1918.
Selzo DURAN age 74 husband of Petrolina M. Duran from Penasco. 20 July 1918.
Paublita GONZALES age 63, widow of Vicente P.Martinez, from Ranchos de Taos.11 July 1918.
Eloy MEDINA 11 months old, son of Eliseo Medina and Adelaida M. Medina from Dawson, NM.11 July 1918.
Andreillita L. GARCIA 49 years old, wife of Narcisco Garcia. Buried in Ojo Caliente 11 July 1918.
Julian MARTINEZ (Un Angelito) Son of Lorenza Martinez from Des Montes.18 July 1918.
Dolores LUJAN, died of a heart attack, age 15 from El Prado daughter of Mary W. [Wheaton] Lujan and Rosario Lujan, Deceased.9 Aug 1918.
Sofia RIVERA age 25 wife of Juan N. Cortez.From Plactias 9 Aug 1918.
Maria Efren Aurora VIGIL 15 months old,daughter of Alfonso Vigil and Faustina Mondragon from Talpa.9 Aug 1918.
Margarito QUINTANA 5 months old son of Supt. Pablo Quintana and Eloisa Quintana, From Taos.19 Aug 1918.
Manuel OLONIA died of Hidropesia, age 66 husband of Sensionita P.Olonia from Los Cordovas. 27 July 1918.
Maria Sofia RIVERA age 34, daughter of Marcelina S. de Rivera, from Taos died 4 Aug 1918.
Manuelita R.Marquez from Arroyo Hondo 28 July 1918.
Bartolome CHAVEZ age 61 del Llano de San Juan Nepomuceno. 1st-wife:Juanita Martinez, 2nd-wife:Juanita Trujillo. He died 9 Aug 1918.
Sullema Estella TRUJILLO 23 days old, Hija de Miguel Trujillo y Macolvia Trujillo from Cordillera.11 Aug 1918.
Ursulita GARCIA (Una Anjelita) Hija de Feliberto Garcia de Arroyo Seco.11 Aug 1918.
Teresita SANTISTEVAN age 51, wife of Donaciano C. Quesnel. Dejo de existir el Martes de esta semana a las 10 PM. Reported 23 Aug 1918. From Taos.
Bersabe ROYBAL MARTINEZ age 31 wife of Jose Rafael Martinez from Colonias (Taos) 3 Sept 1918.
Eliseo LUCERO de Ojo Caliente 19 Sept 1917.
Rafael VIGIL, Esposo de Eliza Quintana Asesinado en la sierra de Black Lake. Reported 13 Nov 1918.
Rebeca VALDEZ TRUJILLO, wife of Pedro R.Trujillo died 28 Oct 1918. From Taos.
Celina MARTINEZ De RIVERA, age 48 wife of A. Av. Rivera, buried 29 Oct 1918 in Taos.
Faustin TRUJILLO Ex-alguacil Mayor del condado died la semana pasada de la influenza. Reported 13 Nov 1918.
Marianita SANCHEZ 3 years 4 months, hija de Jose Ignacio Sanchez y Emilia Sanchez de Ranchos. 29 Oct 1918.
Jesus M.ARCHULETA age 59 from Cerro. Reported 21 Oct 1918.
Emelina MARTINEZ de FRESQUEZ hija de Manuel Martinez died Oct 21,1918. Her husband's name and residence not listed.
Juan De Dios CHAVEZ de Cerro. Reported 21 Oct 1918.
Liberio MONDRAGON 26 years old De Ranchos de Taos. Reported 22 Nov 1918.
Candelaria LOPEZ 32 years old, wife of Abran Ledoux, Taos. Reported 22 Nov 1918.
Julianita T.VIGIL age 32, wife of Jose Miguel Vigil, Residents of Tercio, Co. died while visiting her mother-in-law in Ranchos de Taos.
Gusmanita LAFORET wife of Leonires Bailax, de Questa died 29 Oct 1918.
Aurelia MAESTAS, wife of Benito B. Mondragon de Taos died in Capulin, Co.1 Nov 1918.
Ricardo MONDRAGON 32 years old, son of Trinidad Mondragon. Fallecio el Martes. Reported 22 Nov 1918.
Elizabeth VALDEZ from Springer,. Ex-wife of Carlos Valdez died in Denver,Co. Separado hacia algunos anos. Reported 22 Nov 1918.
Abraham MARTINEZ, Soldado. Murio de la influenza en Francia.
F.E.QUINTANA nuestro agente de Agricutura y su hijo de 3 anos murio. Reported 22 Nov 1918.(May be listed twice ?)
Sofia VIGIL age 36, wife of Delfido Vigil de Cerro died 6 Nov 1918.
Ezequiela M.de ROMO age 36, wife of Benigno Romo 7 Nov 1918, from Talpa.
Guillermo BACA y higo, Alejandro BACA, fallecieron en la madrugada de ayer. 21 Nov.1918.
Eugenio RAEL,husband of Eulogia Santistevan, son of Juan C.Rael and Rumaldita S. Rael died 14 Nov 1918, Arroyo Hondo.
Maria Cleofas GALLEGOS age 50 esposa de Antonio de Herrera died 3 Nov 1918 in Pina this County.
Ricardo MONDRAGON 33 years old, husband of Antonia Lucero, son of Trinidad Mondragon died in Talpa. Reported 22 Nov 1918.(Note-also listed above).
Ursulita CHAVEZ, wife of Enrique Tafoya, daughter of Jose Chavez died 1:00 AM, today Friday. Reported 22 Nov 1918.
Loreta ROMERO de MONTANO age 54, wife of Melquiades Montano died 12 midnight, Monday 18 Nov 1918, from Taos.
Victoria BACA de SANTISTEVAN, wife of William Santistevan, hija de Placida Ortega. Reported 29 Nov 1918.
Maria Dela Luz P. SANCHEZ 25 years old, wife of Emilio Sanchez of Canon de Fernandez. 28 Oct 1918.
Estipula F. de GALLEGOS 48 years old wife of Felipe Gallegos, Cebolla, NM 16 Nov 1918.
Jose Manuel GRIEGO 18 years old son of Octavio Griego and Beatriz Trujillo de Griego. Llano de San Juan, 10 Nov 1918.
Rosario GRIEGO, 25 years old, wife of Fidel Padilla, hija de Octavio Griego y Beatriz Trujillo de Griego Llano de San Juan 9 Nov 1918.
Patricio HERRERA 48 years old, husband of Sofia (NS Listed) died in Alamosa from Taos, 28 Oct 1918.
Anastacio SALAZAR 28 years old, Joaquin SALAZAR 17 years old, sons of Manuel Salazar y Paz G. de Salazar. Arroyo Seco 1 Nov 1918.
Baldy Campo Mineral, NM.Alfred Cortez reports 10 deaths in 4 days, results of the epidemia, no names or dates listed. Reported 29 Nov 1918.
Maria Doloritas MARTINEZ mother of Toribio Martinez dela Peteca, NM. 29 Nov 1918.
Elaiza T. de CASIAS age 51 Mother of Delubino Casias de Dawson, NM.31 Oct 1918.
Aurora MARTINEZ, 4 years 4 months old, hija adoptiva de Agapito Martinez y Virginia Gonzales. 3 Nov 1918.
Laureano CHACON age 31 husband of Crucita G. Chacon, son of Manuel Chacon, ayer Jueves. Reported 29 Nov 1918.
Adilia GARCIA 1 year 6 months old hija de Pedro Garcia y Onofre Chavez de El Prado. 29 Nov 1918.
Notice: Dr.T.P. Martin will return to Taos, for the last few months he was in Camp Travis, Texas as military doctor .6 Dec 1918....
Antonio D.PACHECO died at 3 PM ayer Jueves, Arroyo Seco. Reported 13 Dec 1918.
Elaiza GOMEZ de BLEA wife of Andres A. Blea from Cerro died 18 Nov 1918.
Silbianita P. De ARGUELLO wife of A.R. Arguello died 16 Nov 1918, 4 AM in Arroyo Seco.
Nerio GOMEZ husband of Rita Archuleta died El Miercoles dia 4 de Dec 1918 De Cancer de La Boca.
Jose Ramon VIGIL 89 years old, father of F.A.Vigil died 21 Nov 1918 Arroyo Hondo.
Onesimo HERRERA died the same day, same residence as Jose Ramon VIGIL. Husband of Rosaria Vigil Herrera, son of Antonio Herrera and Rafaelita De Herrera.
Felix SANTISTEVAN age 23 adopted son of Jose Manuel Santistevan died in Arroyo Hondo 20 Nov 1918.
Celso Emilio MARTINEZ 6 years old, son of Jose De Jesus Martinez from Ranchos died 23 Oct 1918.
Nov 22 1918 La Revista De Taos: "Los Que Han Muerto De Influenza En Este Mes:La Siguiente es una lista de personas fallecidas en el valle de Taos, victimas de la maligna influenza, durante las ultimas tres semanas."
"Esta lista no es completa, pues faltan varios cuyos nombres, no hemos podido adquirir, pues esta lista cubre La Villa de Taos, Ranchitos, Canon, Talpa, Ranchos, Corillera y uno que otro nombre que hemos podido saber de los fallecidos en Arroyo Hondo."
"Se nos reporta tambien, que en Questa, Cerro Costilla y Penasco, en este mismo mes, han fallecido gran numero de personas, particularmente en Cerro, Han fallecido gran numero mas que cuarenta. Ya publicaremos los nombres de los fallecidos tan pronto como los Jueces de Paz de esos Precintos remitan los nombres al oficial de cuarentena."..
My Paraphrasing and Rough Translation:...
List of the those who died due to the influenza this month. This list is not complete, several names are lacking because we have not been able to locate a list of names. This list covers La Villa de Taos, Ranchitos, Canon, Talpa, Ranchos, Corillera and a few names from Arroyo Hondo. It has been reported that in Questa, Cerro, Costilla and Penasco this same month more than 40 people have died. We will publish the names as soon as the Justice of The Peace from this Precincts report the names to the Quarantine Official.
Rebeca V.TRUJILLO-Taos;
Liberato MONDRAGON de Ranchos;
Carlota MONDRAGON de Ranchos;
Bonifacia M.MARTINEZ-Ranchitos;
Rafaela ESPINOSA-Ranchitos;
Higinio MARTINEZ e hijo-Placitas;
Rosario GARCIA-Placita;
Maximiliano RODRIGUEZ e hijo;
Nicomedes TRUJILLO-Ranchitos;
Camilo MORGAS-Ranchitos;
Un hijo de Juan VIGIL- Talpa;
Mrs.Virginia QUINTANA-Ranchitos;
Mrs.Hilario MARTINEZ-Canon;
Fedelina M. TRUJILLO-Ranchos;
Benita M.de VIGIL-Canon;
Marcelina CISNEROS-Canon;
Esmeralda HARMON-Taos,
Alfredo MARES-Ranchito,
Una hija de Rudolfo ANGLADA-Canon;
Jacobo TRUJILLO-Ranchos;
Andres GONZALES-Ranchos;
Francisco VALDEZ-Taos;
Eiza QUINTANA e hijo-Ranchito;
Agustine VIGIL-Canon;
Juanita TRUJILLO-Canon;
Josefina T.TRUJILLO -Cordillera;
Celina CORDOVA-Cordovas;
Ramon CORDOVA-Cordovas;
Lugarda Sandoval- Ranchitos;
Celina SALAS-Ranchitos;
Pablo QUINTANA-Taos;
Antonio Aban TRUJILLO- Ranchos;
Una hija de Gabriel CHAVEZ;
Rhodes Mathews-Taos;
Faustin TRUJILLO- Ranchitos;
Bersabe MEDINA-Arroyo Hondo;
Mrs.Paul WIESE-Taos;
Ricardo MONDRAGON- Canon;
Ecequiela ROMO-Talpa;
Jose Dela Cruz VASQUEZ-Taos;
Emilio VASQUEZ-Taos;
Jose Eulogio VALDEZ-Taos;
Juanita TENORIO-Taos;
Pablo GALLEGOS-Taos;
Rafael ROMO-Talpa;
Juan Tranquilino TRUJILLO-Taos;
Carmel MARTINEZ-Taos;
Andreita LUJAN-El Prado;
Concepcion MARTINEZ-Ranchitos;
Alfonso TRUJILLO-Ranchos;
Candelaria LOPEZ LE-DOUX-Taos;
Juana ARAGON-Canon;
Corina FRESQUEZ-Ranchos;
F.E. QUINTANA y dos hijos;
Eugenio RAEL-Arroyo Hondo;
Julian RAEL-Arroyo_____;
Rafael CRUZ,
Teodorita BARELA De CRUZ;
Mrs.Loreta M.MONTANO;
Mrs.Rosarito SALAZAR-Canon;
Mrs.Rosario M.De LEDOUX;
Mrs. Trinidad SANDOVAL;
Mrs.Perfecto MORENO;
Rosana Martinez.
Lista de personas muertas en Ranchos y Talpa:
Francisco TRUJILLO;
Un hijo de Carlos GARCIA;
Severiano ROMERO;
Elidorio VALERIO;
Agapito VALERIO;
Enselmo VALERIO;
Ecequias HERRERA;
Timoteo MAESTAS;
Carlos ROMO;
Rafael ROMO;
Jacobo VIGIL;
Bersabel CORTEZ;
Fidelina TRUJILLO;
Margarita TRUJILLO;
Josefina TRUJILLO y hijo;
Locarita GONZALES;
Elaisa TAFOYA;
Ramonsita APODACA;
Feliciana ESPINOZA;
Cicilia VASQUEZ;
Mariana SANCHEZ;
Julianita VIGIL;
Eustaquia MONDRAGON;
Epimenia MAESTAS;
Hipolita GRIEGO;
Maria Marcia TAFOYA;
Simodosea TAFOYA;
Ecequiela ROMO;
Agustina MEDINA;
Aurelia MAESTAS;
Presiliana MAESTAS e hijo;
Adelina MEDINA;
Maria Luz VIGIL;
Eleonor ROMERO;
Ernestina TAFOYA.
La Revista De Taos Nov 13,1918."La Infuenza Espanola.Los sintomas de la presente epidemia han sido un ataque aguado muy repentino, debilidad en el cuerpo; dolores de cabeza, ojos, espalda y muchos otras partes del cuerpo. Puede ser tambien un simtoma el vomito y con freckencia vahidos. Es comon experimentar sensaciones de frio, y la temperatura varia de cien a ciento cuatro grados, permaneciendo la pulsacion poco normal, la traspiracion es copiosa; se pierde el apetito, y la postraciones es grande. Por regla general los atacados padecen tambien constipacion, somnolencia, fotofobia (horror a la luz), la conjuntiva se enrojece y las membranas mucosas de la nariz, garganta y bronquios se inflaman a menudo."
My Paraphrasing and Rough Translation.....
The Spanish Influenza. The symptoms of the present epidemic are rapid attacks, weakness in the body, pain in the head, eyes, back and other parts of the body. One symptom could also be vomiting. It is common to feel cold, body temperature of 100 to 104 degrees. Normal pulse, loss of appetite, constipation, sensative to light, red around the eyes and nose, inflamed throat and lungs.
La Revista De Taos Nov 29,1918. "Lista de muertos en Questa y Cerro, Durante la quincena dolorosa, murieron en Questa y Cerro las siguientes personas. Esta lista fue reportada por el Senor M.S. Trujillo, de Questa, al oficial de cuarentena del condado."
Una hija de Fermin MARTINEZ;
Donaciano MARTINEZ;
Sofia VIGIL;
Sara SEGURA e hijo;
Gabriel SIERRA;
3 hojos de Basilio FLORES;
3 ninos de Antonio SEGURA;
Un nino de G.GARCIA;
Luisita KARE,
2 ninos de Pablo MARTINEZ;
Laisa BLELLA y un nino;
Un nino de Malaquias GALLEGOS;
2 de Ricardo ARCHULETA;
1 de Medardo LAFORET;
Una hija de Timoteo ATENCIO;
Uno de Benito SEGURA;
Otro de M.VARGAS;
Gaspar VIGIL,
Un nino de J.SEGURA;
Felipe SILVA;
Emeregilda SILVA;
Gusmonita de BOYSON;
Irene de GONZALES;
Filomena de DURAN;
Dos ninos de Malaquias ROMERO;
Una nina de F. MONTOYA;
Uno de Samuel YOUNG;
Dos de Celestino MONTOYA y Esposa,
3 de Candido MARTINEZ,Esposa y nino.
La Revista De Taos.13 Dec 1918."Lista de Muertos,Que han sucumbido dela maligna influenza en Ricones, Condado de Taos. La siguiente lista nos fue suplida por el Sr. Alfredo Trujillo, Maestrado de esceula en el districto de Rio Lucio. Esta lista alcanza a 120 defunciones curridas durante el mes de Noviembre ultimo:"
Llano de San Juan:-
Reginalda V.BENAVIDES;
Camila TAFOYA;
Saturnino TAFOYA;
Lucrecia TAFOYA;
Tia Sara MUNIZ;
Teresina G. MAESTAS;
Melisandro TAFOYA;
Juanita CRUZ;
Desiderio SENA;
Guadalupe SENA e hijo;
Gumecinda C.MARTINEZ;
Naborcita O.de MARTINEZ;
Maximiano VIGIL;
Benjamin VIGIL;
Una hija de Ramon MUNIZ;
Un hijo de Antonio ROMERO;
Julianita G.VALENCIA;
Un hijo de Ramon TRUJILLO,
Encarnacion MEDINA;
Leopoldo TRUJILLO;
Manuel GRIEGO;
Abedenago GONZALES;
Carlota LOBATO;
Antonia SENA;
Escolastica E. BENAVIDEZ;
2 hijos de Gracia LUCERO;
Benigna ABEYTA;
Juan Rafael MARRUJO;
Hija de Victor ESQUIBEL;
Raquel S.MARTINEZ.(34)
Eligio LEYBA;
Simon LOPEZ;
Manuelita PACHECO;
Zenaida T. LEYBA;
Antonia M.VIGIL;
Julianita PACHECO.
Juan Andres CRUZ;
Victor Montoya;
Gabriel LUCERO;
Hijo de Toribio MONTOYA;
Resendo SANCHEZ e hijo;
Rebeca S.de SANCHEZ;
Emiliano SANDOVAL;
Demetrio ORTEGA;
Emilia GURULE;
Lugarda P.CORDOVA.
Juan Cimbolo;
Jose De La Cruz LOPEZ;
Antonia DURAN;
Cleotilde ARGUELLO;
Carlota LOPEZ;
Patrocinia LOPEZ;
Benerito LOPEZ;
Gumesinda ABEYTA;
Elvira LOPEZ;
Emiliana MARTINEZ e Hija;
Dionica ARCHULETA e Hija;
Primojenita LOPEZ;
Oralia ABEYTA;
Plasida ABEYTA;
Rosana LOBATO;
Trinidad CORDOVA;
Prexedes ORTEGA;
Agustin LOPEZ.
Rio Pueblo:-
Bonifacio LUJAN;
David VIGIL;
Filadelfo BORREGO;
Maximiliano FERNANDEZ;
Fidelina VIGIL;
Nicolas BARELA;
Juan Bisarraga;
Guadalupe CISNEROS;
Malaquias MARTINEZ;
Una Hija de Desidero MARTINEZ;
Lupita LUJAN.
Llano Largo Y Santa Barbara:-
Jose de Gracia LOBATO;
Mrs. Mattnord;
Nino de David MARTINEZ;
Nino de Juan MEDINA;
Manuelita MEDINA;
Nino de Cristobal ESPINOSA;
Nina de Aniseto MEDINA;
2 Ninas de Magdalena LOPEZ;
Nina de Victoriano CHACON;
Manuelita M.SANCHEZ;
Observantes FRESQUEZ;
Maximiliano MONTOYA;
Sinforosa V.Maestas;
Nino de Victor Esquibel.
"Debido a los condiciones de enfermedad que han existido aqui en nuestro medio de cuya epidemia se puede decir todos hemos sido victimas,y debido tambien a la falta de brazos en nuestros talleres de imprenta, he hecho que por las seis o siete entriegas de La Revista hemos venido rastrando la tirada de la misma y al mismo tiempo negligido involuntariamente varios asuntos locales de politicia y de caracter oficial que ha sido costumbre en esta publicacion."
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