Taos County, New Mexico Court Martial Burials |
Los Valles Drumhead Court Martial Burials
These are the burials of the five men hung by Price on August 3, 1847, in Santa Fe, for the death of the Brown quartermaster party in Los Valles de San Agustin. Contributed by Tim Kimball.
AASF Reel 41, frames 68-69:
En el Campo Sto de esta ciudad de Sta Fé á los tres dias del mes de Agosto de mil ochocientas cuarenta y siete yo el Presbo Jose de Jesus Lujan como teniente de esta Parroquia di Sepultura Ecca al cuerpo difunto de José Tomas Duran esposo de Deosisicia Blea muerta ejecutada por la Justicia , en la tribulacion de la orca, despues que recibio los Santos Sacramentos de Penitencia, de Eucaristia y Estrema uncion, fabrica de limosna, y para que coneste lo firmé.
Jose de Jesus Lujan [rubric]
Margin note: Jose Tomas Duran. Fabrica de limosna. [same comment with name of each deceased]
Next entry, only new specifics included:
George Rodriges esposo de Ma Rafaela [Lovato, from 1845 census, not on entry]
[Age 37; note use of English version of name—how much contact did Lujan have during his administration of last rites?]
Next entry, only new specifics included:
Manuel Saens esposo de Marcelina Gutieres
Next entry, only new specifics included:
Pedro Martin esposo de Getrudes Trujillo
[Age 25]
Next entry, only new specifics included:
Carpio Martin adulto hijo de Santiago Martin y Paula Blea
[Policarpio Martin, age 22]
Next entry, only new specifics included:
Deonicio Martin adulto hijo de Santiago Martin y Paula Blea
The list of dead is exactly that reported by the American Army. All three of the Martin dead were brothers, sons of Santiago Martin and Paula Blea.
Usual fees for cemetery burials noted seemed to be 2 pesos 4 reales to 3 pesos, all these were charitable.
All known accounts of this incident, including those of Dyer and Caspers (both part of the Court Martial) say that the convicted parties were hung on August 3, 1847, in Santa Fe.
El vicario Juan Ortiz was conducting most of the burials at this time. No indication why Lujan did all of these.
I have tried to duplicate the entries verbatim, without any alterations of spelling or grammar (even of names). Ages when given are based on an 1845 census of Los Valles de San Agustín, plus two years.
By Tim Kimball.
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