Taos County, New Mexico

Regarding your request for information on JOSE FAUSTIN MEDINA and MARIA DE JESUS BERNAL following is the information located.

From the book "Taos Marriages 1770-1860." By: David Salazar and Bill Trujillo. Frame 925.

10 Dec 1835 JOSE FAUSTIN MEDINA, Soltero Hijo de Juan Bautista Medina Y De Maria Salome Mascarenas, Oriundo de Abiquiu y vecinos del Arroyo Ondo, Con MARIA DE JESUS BERNAL, Soltera Hija de Felipe Bernal Y De Candelaria Herrera, Oriunda de este Curato y vecina del mismo lugar. Padrinos Antonio Martin Y Maria Romero, Vecinos del Arroyo Ondo. Testigos: Antonio Pacheco Y Tiburcio Medina, Vecinos de mismo lugar.

..Note..Felipe Bernal was deceased by 29 Jan 1830 when his widow Maria Candelaria Herrera married Serbulo Alvino Mondragon, hijo de Mariano Mondragon Y De Encarnacion Espinosa.

From the book"New Mexico Marriages, Church in San Juan Pueblo 1726-1776, 1831-1855 and Church in Santa Clara Pueblo 1726-1832." Extracted by: M.Eloise Arellanes, Compiled By Margaret Leonard Windham and Evelyn Lujan Baca. Published By The New Mexico Genealogical Society.

Santa Clara Marriages Microfilm # 30 AASF, Frame 142, Page 94. 8 Sept 1808 JUAN MEDINA S/Jose Antonio Medina & Juana Getrudes Romero, m. MARIA SALOME MASCARENAS, d/ Christoval Mascarenas & Petrona Vejil. Wit: Antonio Luxan & Joachin Luxan.

From the book "Taos Baptisms 1701-1848." By: Thomas D. Martines. Page 377. I will list the first entry verbatim and the rest only the dates, Child Baptised and Padrinos name.

1-JOSE MELITON MEDINA 5 days old, Baptised 6-12-1842. Father Faustin Medina, Mother Maria de Jesus Bernal, Vecinos de Los Dolores de Arroyo Hondo. PGP: Juan Bautista Medina Y Maria Salome Mascarenas. MGP: Felipe Bernal Y Maria Candelaria Herrera. Padrino: Miguel Antonio Leon. Madrina: Maria Ysidora Vigil.

2-MARIA CLARA 4 days old, Bapt.4-21-1844. Pads: Jose Mariano Pacheco Y Maria Andrea Jaramillo.,..From the book listed below by Maria C.Martinez. Page 185.
2/17/1857. J. Ignacio Arellano s/o Mariano Arellano & M.Isabel Ballejos, and M. Clarita Medina d/o Jose Faustin Medina & M. de Jesus Bernal, Costilla.

3-MARIA PAULA de JESUS 8 days old, Bapt. 1-21-1847. Pads:Jose Antonio Chavez Y Maria Asencion Herrera.

From the book "Extracts From LDS Family History Library Film NO.0016622, Etc." By Maria C.Martinez.

4-Page 4. 4/1/1852. J. Encarnacion s/o Faustin Medina & M. de Jesus Bernal. PGP: Juan Baustista Medina & M. Salome Mascarenas. MGP: Felipe Bernal & Candelaria Derrera. Arroyo Hondo.

5-Page 30. 7/9/1854 M. Manuela. Pads: Mateo Romero, Costilla.

6-Page 73. 8/17/1857 Juan Bautista 5 days old. Pads: Felipe Mes & M. Ignacia Salazar, Costilla.

Regarding your request for information on JUAN DE JESUS MEDINA and JUANITA RIVERA,following is the information located.

1900 Census Precinct No.3 Ranchos de Taos,County of Taos,Territory of New Mexico.Marina Martinez,Enumerator.Microfilm Publication # T-623,Roll # 1003.

163-165 MEDINA,Faustin Head M W Mar 1851 Age 49 Married 25 Years Farmer
Nativida Wife W F May 1857 Age 43 12 Children Born 7 Living
Silviano Son W M April 1882 Age 18 Single Farm Laborer
Juan De J. Son W M Oct 1885 Age 15 Single Farm Laborer
Andres Son W M Nov 1885 Age 14 Single
Francisco J. Son W M July 1888 Age 11
Agustina Daughter W F May 1891 Age 9
Leandro Son W M Feb 1892 Age 7
* Guadalupe Son W M June 1895 Age 4
* Guadalupe is listed as M Son in the Census but the Baptism has her as Daughter

1910 Census Precinct NO.19 Talpa,County of Taos,Territory of New Mexico.20th Day of April 1910.Lulu L.Valdez,Enumerator.Microfilm Publication # T-624,Roll # 919.

82-84 MEDINA Faustin Head M W Age 66 Married 1-30 Years Farmer Own Farm
Natividad Wife F W Age 56 Married 1 10 Children Born 7 Living
Andres Son M W Age 23 Single Sheep Herder
Francisco Son M W Age 20 Single Sheep Herder
Leandro Son M W Age 17 Single Farm Laborer
Guadalupe Daughter W F Age 13 Single

1920 Census Precinct NO.19 Talpa,County of Taos,State of New Mexico.9th Day of January 1920.Andres Valerio,Enumerator.Microfilm Publication # T-625,Roll #1080.
34-36 MEDINA Andres Head M W Age 33 Divorced Laborer Farm
Valerio Natividad Mother F W Age 48 Widowed
Medina Francisco Son M W Age 5
Tafoya Amelia F W Age 11

35-37 MEDINA Juan De Jesus Head M W Age 35 Married Farm Laborer
Juanita R. Wife F W Age 29 Married
Amadita Daughter F W Age 9
Jose Eleuto Son M W Age 5
Manuel U. Son M W Age 3
Cesario Son M W Age 10/12

From the Book "Taos County New Mexico-Materials Published In The New Mexico Genealogist 1962-1988 And Related Research Information."Compiled By Ralph L.Hayes.Published By The New Mexico Genealogical Society.Page 30.

MEDINA,Faustin and VALERIO,Maria Dela Natividad,7 Jan 1876.Marriage
Performed By Fr.Jose Valezy.(You may find the parents names of the Bride and Groom in this Marriage entry in the records of Our Lady Of Guadalupe Church,Taos,NM)

From the Book "Bautismos Our Lady of Guadalupe Church De Taos-12 July 1887 to 27 December 1900."Transcribed and Published By The Hispanic Genealogical Research Center Of New Mexico.

Page 31.MEDINA,Jose Francisco Of Rio Chiquito Born on 30 Jul 1888,Bapt on 15 Aug 1888.Hijo de Faustin Medina Y Maria Natividad Valerio.Padrinos:Antonio Duran Y Maria Ascencion Valerio.By:Off.Jose Valezy Page 64.

Page 74.MEDINA,Maria Agustina of Rio Chiquito.Born on 11 April 1890,Bapt 13 April 1890.Hija de Faustin Medina Y Maria Natividad Valerio.Pads:Francisco Gutierrez Y Maria Librada Gutierrez.By:Off.Jose Valezy Page 160.

Page 147.MEDINA,Leandro Of Rio Chiquito.Born on 8 Feb 1893.Bapt 27 Feb 1893.Hijo de Faustin Medina Y Maria Natividad Valerio.Pads:Policarpio Torres Y Maria Soledad Salazar.By:Off.Jose Valezy Page 305.

Page 240.MEDINA,Maria Guadalupe Of Rio Chiquito.Born 8 June 1896,Bapt 13 June 1896.Hija de Faustin Medina Y Natividad Vallery.Pads:Juan Andres Torre Y Maria Gregoria Salazar.By:Off.Federico Deshors Page 241.

Following is additional information on Juan De Jesus Medina,he was the son of I- FAUSTIN MEDINA and NATIVIDAD VALERIO.Faustin Medina was the son of II-JUAN DE JESUS MEDINA and MARIA MARCELINA VIGIL.Juan de Jesus Medina was the son of III-JOSE MEDINA and MARIA DELA ENCARNACION MONTOYA.Jose Medina was the son of IV- JOSE YSIDRO MEDINA and MARIA TERESA TAFOYA.

I-Faustin Medina.Taos Marriages LDS Microfilm # D38114 0017017.En esta Parroquia de Taos a los siete dias de Enero de 1876 Yo el Parroco G.Ussel habiendo examinado unas diligencias matrimoniales en favor de FAUSTIN MEDINA S.H.L.de Juan de J.Medina,ya finado y de Marcelina Vigil-CON-MARIA NATIVIDAD VALERIO S.H.L.de Juan Valerio y de Maria Guadalupe Martin,no presentando _ _ Impedimentos presencie su matrimonio segun las reglas de la Santa Iglesia Catolica por delante los testigos Juan B.Vigil Y Antonia Trujillo,Rio Chiquito.Pa que conesta firme.Gabr.Ussel (Rubric)

II-Juan de Jesus Medina.From the book "Taos Marriages 1770-1860."By:David Salazar and Bill Trujillo.Published by the Genealogical Society Of Hispanic America-Southern Calif.Chapter.Frame 1350.6 May 1844 JUAN DE JESUS MEDINA,viudo de la difunta Maria Manuela Fernandez,oriundo de La Villa De Santa Cruz Dela Canada y vecino De La Plaza de Nuestra Senora de San Juan CON MARIA MARCELINA VIGIL,Soltera hija de Faustin Vigil Y de Maria Dela Luz Martines,Oriunda de este Curato de Taos.Padrinos:Andres Martines Y Anna Maria Gutierrez.Testigos:Jose Romero Y Pedro Martines,vecinos todos de San Francisco del Rancho.

II-Juan Medina.From the book "Taos Baptisms 1701-1848."by:Thomas D.Martinez.Page 387.Maria Juliana Medina Bapt.10-18-1842,2 days old,Father Juan Medina,Mother Maria Manuela Fernandez,Vecinos de La Plaza Dela Virgen De San Juan.PGP:Jose Medina and Maria Encarnacion Montoya.MGP:Jose Mariano Fernandez and Maria Asencion Lucero.Padrinos:Jose Benito Vigil and Maria Barbara Martinez.

II-Jose (Juan) Medina.From the book "Taos Baptisms 1701-1867."By:David Salazar and Bill Trujillo.Published by the Genealogical Society of Hispanic America-Southern Calif Chapter.Frame 812.18 May 1845 Juan Ysidro,4 days old,son of Juan Medina and Marcelina Vigil,residents of the Plaza de Nuestra Senora de San Juan Del Rio Chiquito.Paternal GrandParents:JOSE MEDINA and MARIA DELA ENCARNACION MONTOYA.Maternal Grandparents:FAUSTIN VIGIL and MARIA DELA LUZ MARTINEZ.Sponsors:Juan Arguello and Maria Rosa Vigil,residents of the Same Place.

Frame 1105.12-13-1846 Maria Guadalupe 2 days old,daughter of Juan Medina and Marcelina Vigil.PGP:Jose Medina and Encarnacion Montoya.MGP:Faustin Vigil and Maria Dela Luz Martin.Sponsors:Jose Manuel Vigil and Maria Concepcion Medina,all residents Del Rancho.

Frame 346.4-15-1849 Maria Eusebia 3 days old,daughter of Juan Medina and Marcelina Vigil.PGP:_ _ Medina and Encarnacion Montoya MGP:Faustin Vigil and Maria Gertrudes Duran.

III-Jose Medina.From the book "Santa Cruz dela Canada Baptisms 1710-1860."By:Thomas D.Martinez.Pages 275 and 276.I'll list the first entry verbatim and the other ones with only the date and name of child baptised.

1-Juana Barbara Medina Baptised 2-1-1815,Father Jose Medina,Mother Maria Encarnacion Montoya.PGP:Jose Ysidro Medina and Maria Teresa Tafoya.MGP:Pasqual Montoya and Maria Guadalupe Sandoval.Padrinos:Jose Maria Gonzales and Juana Barbara Santistevan.
2-JUAN DE JESUS MEDINA,9 days old,Bapt.10-19-1817.
3-Maria Guadalupe,Spanish,7 days old,Bapt.5-23-1821.
4-Maria Concepcion,2 days old,Bapt.9-25-1822.Vecinos del Quemado.
IV-Jose Ysidro Medina.From the book "Santa Cruz dela Canada Baptisms 1710-1860."By:Thomas D.Matinez.Page 275.
1-Jose de Jesus Medina Born 9-2,Bapt.9-12-1784,Father Jose Ysidro Medina and Maria Teresa Tafoya,Vecinos de Quemado.Padrinos:Marciano Romero y Maria Feliciana Cordova,Todos Espanoles.
2-Maria Dolores Medina Born 9-2,Bapt.9-6-1787.
3-Pedro Antonio Medina Born 4-23,bapt.4-28-1790.
4-Maria Ygnacia Medina Born 2-20,Bapt 2-25-1793.Vecinos de Los Dolores.
5-Maria Rosalia Medina Born 2-11,Bapt 2-14-1796.
6-Juana Josefa Medina Born 4-21,Bapt 4-24-1799.

Family of Teresa Tafoya (Tafolla) and Ysidro Medina
Includes these known children baptized at Santa Cruz de la Canada Church in Santa Cruz, NM:
1. Joseph de Jesus Medina (b. 2 Sep 1784, bap. 12 Sep 1784);
2. Maria Dolores Medina (b. 2 Sep 1787, bap. 6 Sep 1787);
3. Pedro Antonio Medina (b. 23 Apr 1790, bap. 28 Apr 1790);
4. Maria Ygnacia Medina (b. 20 Feb 1793, bap. 25 Feb 1793);
5. Maria Rosalia Medina [my ancestor] (b. 12 Feb 1796, bap. 23 May 1879, d. 23 May 1879 Taos);
6. Juana Josefa Medina (b. 22 Apr 1799, bap. 24 Apr 1799);
7. Joseph de Jesus Medina (bap 12 Sep 1784, Santa Cruz);
8. Maria Dolores Medina (bap. 6 Sep 1787, Santa Cruz).

LDS Microfilm Reel # 016860 Penasco Baptisms,Page 146 MATIAS MEDINA Feb 12,1899 Born 8 at night (PM) the 10th of February 1899 Legitimate Son of Jose Dolores Medina and Maria Sarita Madrid.Padrinos:Andres Medina and Maria Antonia Martin. Priest:R.Medina (Rubric)..(Note..His Padrinos are also his Matias' Grandparents and the Priest is his Uncle..Matias Medinas Great Grandparents are Matias Medina and Maria Trinidad Ortega and his Great-Great Grandparents are Antonio Jose Medina and Maria Manuela Espinosa from Chimayo,NM.)

LDS Microfilm Reel # 016862 Penasco Marriages Dec 14,1895 Married JOSE DOLORES MEDINA,Single legitimate son of Andres Medina and Maria Antonia Martin,with MARIA SARA MADRID,Single legitimate daughter of Fermin Madrid and Alberta Rodarte.Padrinos and Testigos:Jose Encarnacion Medina and Leonarda Duran. By:R.Medina

LDS Microfilm Reel # 016860 Penasco Baptisms.The 7th of May baptised LAURA born the 27th day of April of 1909.Legitimate daughter of Jacobo Griego and Dumicinda Mascarenas.Padrinos:Juan A.Rivera and Francisca Sanchez.By:Rev:L.Delovelle

LDS Microfilm Reel # 016862 Penasco Marriages 9 Feburary 1891 Married JOSE JACOBO GRIEGO,Single legitimate son of Antonio Griego and Maria Clara Maestas,with GOMECINDA MASCARENAS,Single legitimate daughter of Desiderio Mascarenas and of Maria Paula Maestas.Padrinos Ramon Griego and Guadalupe..Related in the 3rd º By:F.Guyot.

By the time the 1920 Census was taken Jacobo Griego was deceased and Gomicinda was married to Feliz Ortiz and LAURA is listed as a 7 year old.

I was only able to locate the Baptism Record on Sarah Florence Medina,as follows:LDS Microfilm Reel # 016861 Page 57 Line 12,Penasco Baptisms.SARAH FLORENCE MEDINA Born 4 June 1935 Baptised 13 June 1935 Parents Matias Medina and Lora Griego.Pads:Jose Dolores Medina and Federica Medina.By:Geo.L.J.Schneider.

I-AGUADA MEDINA the daughter of Jose David Medina and Dulevina Duran,wife of Trinidad Cordova who was the son of Jose de Gracia Cordova and Adelaida Rodarte.

II-JOSE DAVID MEDINA was the son of Juan De Jesus Medina and Maria Dela Luz Cruz

III-JUAN DE JESUS MEDINA was the son of Julian Medina and Maria Felipa Martin.

IV-JULIAN MEDINA was the son of V-TOMAS MEDINA and Maria Manuela Fresquis.


Penasco Marriages.1913 Diciembre 17 CORDOVA,TRINIDAD,nacio en 1891,hijo de Jose D.Cordova Y De Adelaida Rodarte,Con AGUILA MEDINA,nacida en 1895,hija de David Medina y de Deluvina Duran.Padrinos:Eusebio Garduno y Adelia Lopez.


Picuris Baptisms.22 May 1859 JOSE DAVID,son of Juan de Jesus Medina and Maria Dela Luz Cruz,Vecinos de Santa Barbara.Pads:Eusebio Medina and Guadalupe Vigil.

Penasco Marriages.1914 Setiembre 10.Santa Barbara.MEDINA,EPIMENIO,soltero,de 20 anos,nacido en Santa Barbara,Hijo Legitimo de David Medina Y de Deluvina Madrid,Con MARGARITA ARCHULETA de 24 anos y nacida en Santa Barbara,Hija Legitima de Juan Benito Archuleta Y de Ceveria Lujan.Padrinos:Juan Medina Y Manuelita Madrid


From the book "New Mexico Mission De San Lorenzo De Picuris Baptisms 1750-1867." By:Betty Pacheco.Extracted from LDS Microfilm Reel # 016868.

1-13 Feb 1853 Juan Eulalio son of Juan De Jesus Medina and Maria Dela Lus Cruz. PGP:Julian Medina and Maria Felipa Martines.MGP:Bruno Cruz and Maria Rita Mestas Pads:Juan De Jesus Rodarte and Maria Del Carmen Begil,Vecinos de Santa Barbara.

2-22 May 1859 JOSE DAVID,son of Juan de Jesus Medina and Maria Dela Cruz,Vecinos de Santa Barbara.Pads:Eusebio Medina and Guadalupe Vigil.

3-10 Jan 1861 Teofila Barbara,3days old,daughter of Juan Medina and Maria Dela Lus Ceuz.Pads:Alexandro Ortega and Altagracia Ortega,Vecinos de Santa Barbara.

4-8 Feb 1863 Juan Nepomuceno,3 days old,son of Juan Medina and Maria Dela Cruz. Pads:Manuel Salvador Archuleta and Guadalupe Madrid.

5-9 Oct 1864 Jose Geraldo,7 days old,Son of Juan Medina and Maria Dela Lus Cruz.Pads:Santiago Vigil and Rosa Sisneros.


1-Picuris Baptisms.1 May 1816 Jose Felipe De Jesus,1 day old,HN de Julian Medina Vecino de Santa Barbara and Felipa Martin,Vecina del Llano,Both single,Espanoles Pads:Miguel Gonzales and Maria Juliana (NS) De Santa Barbara.

2-Picuris Baptisms.13 Dec 1817 Juan De Jesus Son of Julian Medina and Felipa Martin.Pads:Clemente De Jesus Martin and Maria Dela Encarnacion Herrera,Todos Espanoles.

3-Picuris Baptisms.6 Aug 1820 JUAN DE JESUS,3 days old,son of Julian Medina and Maria Felipa Gonzales,Espanoles.PGP:Thomas Medina and Manuela Fresquis.MGP: (Unreadable) Martin and Manuela Gonzales.

4-Picuris Baptisms.12 Aug 1826 Eusebio,14 days old,son of Julian Medina and Felipa Gonzales.PGP:Tomas Medina and Maria Manuela Fresquis.MGP:Alberto Martin and Manuela Gonzales.Pads:Juan de Archuleta and Juana Josefa Sena,todos Vecinos de Santa Barbara.

5-Picuris Baptisms.1 May 1831 Juan,8 days old,son of Julian Medina and Felipa Martin.PGP:Tomas Medina and Manuela Fresques.MGP:Perfecto Martin and Manuela Gonzales.Pads:Rafael Martin and Juana Maria Truxillo,Vecinos todos de San Juan Nepomuceno Del Llano.


From the book "Santa Cruz Dela Canada Baptisms 1710-1860."By:Thomas D.Martinez. Page 281.

1-Jose Ygnacio Medina Bapt 4-28-1784,Father Tomas Medina,Mother Maria Manuela Fresquis.Pads:Tadeo Espinosa and Antonia De Jesus Cordova.

2-Maria Ygnacia Medina Bapt 9-8-1786born 9-4,Pads:Pedro Maese and Maria Manuela (His Wife) Medina,Todos Espanoles.

3-Diego Adacto Medina Bapt 11-12-1788 born 11-10.Pads:Juan Antonio espinosa and Maria Rita (His Wife) Quintana,Todos Espanoles.

4-Maria Gertrudis Medina Bapt 12-5-1790 Born 11-30,Vecinos de La Plaza de Dolores.Pads:Juan Trujillo and Paula Mascarenas,del Cerro.

5-Antonio Tomas (Twin) Medina Bapt 12-22-1792 born 12-21.Vecinos de Chimayo.Pads Manuel Ortega and Ana Maria Gonzales.

6-JOSE JULIAN (Twin) MEDINA Bapt 12-22-1792 born 12-21,Vecinos de Chimayo.Pads: Felipe Gonzales and Francisca Chacon.

7-Maria Encarnacion Medina Bapt 4-30-1797 born 4-29.Pads:Julian Vigil and Maria Manuela (His Wife) Fresquis.

8-Manuela Pia Medina Bapt 5-5-1799 born 5-1.Pads:Jose Rafael Fresquis and Maria Trinidad (His Sister) Fresquis.

Following is the information found on the Family of JOSE AGUSTIN MEDINA y MARIA SOLEDAD ARMIGO.

Information from the book "New Mexico Mission de San Lorenzo de Picuris Baptisms 1750-1867."By:Betty Pacheco,Extracted from LDS Microfilm Reel # 016868.

Page 438.4 Feb 1849 JUAN DE JESUS,son of Jose Agustin Medina y Maria Soledad Armigo.Paternal Grandparents:Ramon Medina y Dolores Martines.Maternal Grand parents:Juan Lorenso Armijo y Maria Antonia Lujan.Padrinos:Juan De Los Relles Medina y Maria Salome Vigil,Vecinos de Ojo Sarco.

Page 474.16 Sept 1850 JOSE CELEDON,son of Agustin Medina y Soledad Armijo.* PGP: Agustin Medina y Soledad Armijo.(* Error persons listed as PGP are the PARENTS) MGP:Juan Lorenso Armijo y Maria Antonia Lujan.Pads:Jose Antonio Armijo y Maria Guadalupe Medina,Vecinos de San Jose De Las Trampas.

Page 542.19 March 1854 JOSE ABRAN,son of Agustin Medina y Soledad Armijo.PGP: Ramon Medina y Dolores Martin.MGP:Juan Lorenzo Armijo y Maria Antonia Luxan.Pads :Antonio Jose Medina y Maria Dela Luz Belasquez,Vecinos del Ojo Sarco.

Page 610.29 April 1858 MARIA ANTONIA YLDEFONSA,daughter of Agustin Medina y de Maria Soledad Armijo,Vecinos del Ojo Sarco.PGP and MGP not listed.Pads:Juan Ramon Martin y Margarita Vigil.

The following information is from the LDS Microfilm Reel # 016869.Picuris Marriages:

1870 -No other date listed- del Ojo Sarco.JUAN DE JESUS MEDINA,hijo de Manuel de Jesus Medina y de Maria Soledad Armijo,Con MARIA YSIDRA ROMERO,hija de Manuel De Jesus Romero y de Juana Francisca Lopez.( * Note grooms father's name should be Jose Agustin Medina).

1879-11-19 SELEDON MEDINA,hijo del difunto Agustin Medina y de la difunta Soledad Armijo.Con,MARIA MANUELA ORTEGA,hija de Juan Nepomuceno Ortega,difunto y de Maria Dolores Dominguez. (Translation:1879-11-19 SELEDON MEDINA,son of the deceased Agustin Medina and of the deceased Soledad Armijo,With MARIA MANUELA ORTEGA,daughter of the deceased Juan Nepomuceno Ortega and Maria Dolores Dominguez)

1881 Enero (january) 24 JOSE ABRAN MEDINA,hijo de Agustin Medina y de Maria Soledad Armijo,Difunta,Con MARIA ASCENCION MAESTAS,hija de Ramon Maestas,difunto,y de Maria severa Medina.

From the book "San Juan Delos Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870."By:Thomas D. Martinez.Page 45.

MARIA SOLEDAD ARMIJO mother to all the above listed MEDINAS and wife of JOSE AGUSTIN MEDINA is listed as being baptised in San Juan delos Caballeros.

MARIA SOLEDAD ARMIJO Bapt 8-30-1832,Born 8-28,Father Juan Lorenzo Armijo,Mother Maria Antonia Lujan,Vecinos dela Villeta.PGP:Fileto Armijo y Margarita Padilla. MGP:Jose Lujan y Antonia Mestas.Pads:Ventura Martin y Maria Ygnes Archuleta.

Juan Lorenzo Armijo and Maria Antonia Lujan have 6 children's baptisms recorded in San Juan delos Caballeros.

JOSE AGUSTIN MEDINA is listed in the same book "San Juan Delos Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870."

JOSE AGUSTIN MEDINA Bapt 1-19-1815,Born 1-16.Father Jose Ramon Medina,Mother Maria Dolores Martin,Vecinos de La Capilla.PGP:Carlos Medina y Maria Dela Luz varela.MGP:Jose Antonio Martin y Margarita Archuleta.Pads:Agustin Lucero y Maria Gertrudes Labadie.

I did not find Jose Agustin Medina and Maria Soledad Armijo's marriage record,but I think they married in San Juan delos Caballeros,Rio Arriba County,New Mexico.

Jose Ramon Medina and Maria Dolores Martin have 6 children baptised in San Juan Delos Caballeros.

JOSE RAMON MEDINA is listed as being baptised in San Juan Delos Caballeros.

JOSE RAMON MEDINA Bapt 7-11-1784,Born 7-5,Father Carlos Medina,Mother Maria Dela Luz Varela,Vecinos de Rio Arriba.Pads:Diego Martin y Barbara Mora.

Carlos Medina and Maria Dela Luz Varela have 8 children baptised in San Juan delos Caballeros.

Ojo Sarco and San Juan are in Rio Arriba County,Las Trampas,Picuris and Penasco are in Taos County.

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