Taos County, New Mexico NAME ORIGINS |
    This page contributed and copyrighted by Karen Mitchell.
MEANING OF SURNAMES:There are three types of
SURNAMES:PERSONAL....Reflecting a Personal Characteristic or Physical
Infirmity. PATRONYMIC..Expressing SON OF with a suffix to any personal
surname or given name and TOPONYMIC....The Exact Same Name Of A
Geographical Feature.From the Book "SPANISH SURNAMES In the
Southwestern United States:A Dictionary.By:Richard D.Woods and Grace
Alvarez-Altman.Published By:G.K.Hall & Co.
Initials in Capital Letters indicate the contributor of the information.
(G.A.)=Alvarez,Grace De Jesus C.
(J.A.)=Atienza,Julio De
(C.M.)=Maduell,Charles L.,Jr.
BARELA..Probably A Variant of Bareta,A Basque Surname from
"ARE"--Grazing Land--and the Suffix "ELA"--Wild.
CORDOVA..One who came from the city or province of Cordova in
Spain.(E.S.)From the Phoenician "CARTA-TUBA."Later Latinized as
"CORDUBA".. "CORDOBA" Is a dialectical Variation of "GORDOA,"A Basque
Word that means a pasture of wild oats.(G.A.)
MONDRAGON..The latin "Mons-Dracona" Suggests "Serpant Mountain".A
Town in the Basque Province of Northern Spain.It was believed that
this name refers to a Dragon that was believed to live in Guiuzcoa in
the Basque Provinces.(G.A.)Basque name from Villa of Mondragon,a
political subdivision of Vergara (Guipuzcoa).(J.A.) He/She who is
like the Mountain/Forest Dragon.Vasco.De La villa de su
nombre,partido Judicial de Vergara (Juipuzcoa).ARMAS (Coat of Arms)En
Campo de Gules,Un Chevron de Oro,Acompanado De Tres Dragones del
mismo metal.Otros Traen:En Campo de Sinople,Tres Castillos bien
ordenados,Otros Traen:Escudo Cortado;1 degree,en Campo de Oro,un
Castillo de Gules,Y 2 degree,en Campo de Sinople,Un Dragon de
Oro,Bordura de Gules..From the Book DICCIONARIO HERALDICO Y
NOBILIARIO.By Fernando Gonzalez-Doria.Published By:Editorial
ROMERO..One who visited a shrine,a pilgram (E.S.) Ancient and Popular
SURNAME found principally in Galicia,Aragon,Valencia,Catalonia,Alusia
and Castille,Spain...ROMERO is a synonym of Romeo from the Latin
Romaeus,Meaning one coming from Rome.This could refer to the Pilgrams
who went to Rome.(G.A.).A noble name-Aragonese Name extended
throughout the peninsula (J.A.).
One finds Trujillo spelled in various
name means One who came from Trujillo (Citadel of Julian),In
Spain.The double Latin "Turro-Julio" Fortress of Julius,Founded by
Julius Caesar.Means "Torre de Julio" and finaly "Truxillo" The Tower
Of Julius.He/She who lives and/or comes from the area of the tower
built by Julis.
The following information is from the book "New Mexico Place names,A
geographical Dictionary."Edited by T.M.Pearce.
BLANCO:San Juan County.[means]"White".Settlement 14 mi SE of
Aztec.Named for prominent outcropping of rhyolite in adjacent
hills.Post Office 1901--.BLANCO San Miguel [County].5 mi E of Rociada
at Mora County line.BLANCO CANYON (Curry) [County] 4 mi N of
Ranchvale.BLANCO CANYON (San Juan) [County] runs N into Carrizo
Creek,8 mi SE of Blanco.BLANCO CREEK (Curry,Quay) [Counties] Rises in
Quay and flows E through Curry;named for the canyon through which it
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