Taos County, New Mexico
This page contributed and copyrighted by Karen Mitchell.
Taos Marriages
8-5-1828 Gerbacio Nolan single son of Francisco Nolan and Angela Coplahur married Maria Dolores Lalanda single daughter of the deceased Juan Bautista Lalanda and Maria Polonia Salazar.
Taos Baptisms:
5-30-1830 Juan Bautista of San Fernando 3 days old Son of Gervacio Nolan and Maria Dolores Lalanda. Paternal grandparents Francisco Nolan and Angelica Coreture? Maternal grandparents Juan Bautista Lalanda and Maria Polonia Lucero. Sponsors Hipolito Beaubien and Maria Paula Lovato.
1-15-1832 Maria Manuela Yuta (indian) about 4 years old family of Don Gervacio Nolan, resident of San Fernandes. Sponsors Jose Maria Lucero and Maria Ygnacia Archuleta. This would be one of the Nolan's slaves.
4-8-1832 Maria Dolores 2 days old daughter of Gervacio Nolan and Maria Dolores Lalanda resident of San Fernandes. Parents are as above but maternal grandmothers last name is unreadable. Sponsors Tomas Lalanda and Maria Manuela Sandoval.
6-1-1835 Fernando 2 days old son of Gerbacio Nolan and Maria Dolores Lalanda residents of San Fernando. Paternal grandparents are not listed. Maternal grandparents same as above. Sponsors Antonio Jose Lucero and Maria Estefana Aragon.
11-15-1837 Juan Eugenio 3 days old son of Gerbacio Nolan and Maria Dolores Lalanda. Paternal grandparents Gerbacio Nolan and Margarita. Maternal grandparents Bautista Lalanda and Maria Polonia Gertrudes Sandoval. Sponsors Antonio Lidu and Maria Polonia Gertrudes Sandoval.
This is all I found in the Taos records. I then went to "Origins of New Mexico Families" and found this:
Gervasio Nolan (Nolin) the son of Francisco Nolan and Maria Angela Coplatrur (?) married Maria Dolores Lalanda. Noted children are the ones I have listed above PLUS Antonio Venceslao, Sept. 4, 1841 in Albuquerque. So this is your Antonio. I do have the Albuquerque Baptisms and it states that Antonio was born 7-8-1841 and baptized 9-4-1841. Sponsors were Don Antonio Sandoval and Dona Yrinea Nolan.
It appears there is some confusion as to the Maternal grandmothers name and probably the reason for this is that it could not be spelled or sounded out in Spanish.
Another clue that I see here is that Gerbacio married in the Catholic Church, which he would not have been allowed to do unless he was Catholic. Therefore he either 1. was already a Catholic OR 2. he greased the palm of the priest. Most of the traders and trappers that went into the Taos area were baptized within a short period of time before they married.
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