Taos County, New Mexico
Taos Probate Book 3

This probate information was transcribed from the following publication: "Materials Published in the New Mexico Genealogist 1962-1988 and Related Research Information" for Taos County, New Mexico: Compiled by Ralph L. Hayes and Published by The New Mexico Genealogical Society. This probate book covers the period November 1850 to March 1864. This book is available at the New Mexico State Archives and Record Center, 404 Montezuma, Santa Fe, NM 87503. Information was extracted by Virginia Olmsted, C.G.
p. 1.
Sale of land on 25 Nov 1850 by Antonio Jose ORTIZ to James (SANTIAGO) H. QUINN. 180 varas of land that he had on the Desmontas of Taos and 70 more that he had bought from Francisco VALDEZ and another 70 from Jose Maria MARTINEZ and 85 and house on this land. Land boundaries: east- lands of Mariano BALLEJOS, west- lands of Antonio Jose BALLEJOS, south-center Arroyo de la Canada de la Madera, north- summit of Arroyo Hondo.
Grantor- Antonio Jose ORTIZ
Wit- Santiago VALDEZ
Wit- Severino de Jesus MARTINEZ
p. 2
Indenture 9 Aug 1851 between Adam PETERBOUGH and James H. QUINN for $250.00; land adjoining Fernando de Taos... dwelling house belonging to Pedro LUNA; bounded on north by chapel built by dec'd Juan LUNA; assigned to James H. QUINN.
Wits- R.G. BRENT and J.B. TURLEY
p. 3
Priest Antonio Jose MARTINEZ, (about 1832), gave to Maria Cristerna SANDOVAL a house of 16 rooms on my property situated between the plaza and the chapel of San Antonio, that was built by the deceased Juan de SERNA... That a few years ago the said SANDOVAL sold the property and house, that is actually the property of the lawyer or discharged soldier and occupied by a building of 23 rooms from the said chapel running east along line of lands at Ramon DURAN to whom I sold it, going south there is an adobe walled corral that is on the land that was mine to the property of the deceased Ygnacio _____ and on north by the road that goes to Canon de Don Fernando and lands of Teodora ROMERO; said land occupied by the said priest...
Signed- Antonio Jose MARTINEZ
p. 4
Indenture 7 July 1853 between Charles BEAUBIEN of Taos County of 1st part and Lucien B. MAXWELL, Joseph PLEY and James H. QUINN of the same county of 2nd part; for $500 paid to QUINN by 2nd parties; 1/2 certain tract in Taos County known as Sangre de Cristo claim granted to Louis LEE and Narciso BEAUBIEN by Gov. Manuel ARMIJO... beginning on Rio Grande one league south of mouth of the Costillo following Rio Grande to a point one league north of the mouth of the river Trinchera, then east parallel to said Trinchera to highest point of mountain, then south along ridge of mountain to point of beginning, then west to starting point... containing arable lands of the Costilla, Calebra, Trinchera, Sangre de Cristo and Indian Creeks.
Signed- Charles BEAUBIEN
Certified by Egra N. DEPEW - J.P.
p. 5
Indenture on 25 Jul 1854 between Richens L. WOOTTEN, 1st part; James H QUINN, 2nd part for $500; land on south side of plaza of San Fernando de Taos; dwelling and store formerly occupied by R. L. Wootten and Co.; bounded on north by plaza, west by alley dividing it from property of Peter JOSEPH, south by dwelling house of Francisco TRUJILLO; 47 yards front running back 30 yards.
Signed- Richens WOOTTEN
Wits- Julian LEROUX and Jose Benito MARTINEZ
p. 7
Sale of 100 acres of land on 2 Nov 1850 by Petra LARRANAGA on site of Los Estiercoles for by Petra LARRANAGA on site of Los Estiercoles for $100 to Tomas LUCERO... came to her from her deceased husband Pablo LUCERO who died of 22 Dec 1836... document also in possession of Antonio Maria LUCERO stating same surrounded by Lucero land.
Signed- Maria Petra LARRANAGA
Wits- Vicente MARTINEZ and Santiago VALDES
p. 9
Sale of land on 23 Oct 1854 by Gabriel LUCERO, his wife Maria Rafaela SANCHEZ, sellers, and Jose Gregario VALDEZ, buyer; land situated in Los Lobatos Valley of Taos... from deceased parents of wife.
p. 10
12 Jan 1855 will of Maria Encarnacion MARES, native of San Antonio of the parish of San Lorenzo de Picuris... married to dec'd Jose Tomas SANTISTIVAN... had 5 sons and 1 dau... compadres- Juan SANCHEZ and Antonio SANTISTEVAN... house to son Francisco, 25 varas of land and little house to Maria Natividad SANDOVAL, land on Acequia del Molino of 100 varas and the mill divided equally between children.
Signed- Maria Encarnacion MARES
Wits- Joaquin MIERA and Domingo MONTOYA
p. 12
Deed on 4 Oct 1859 from Henry JAMES, sheriff of Taos County, to John B. LEROUX; land taken from Jose ROMERO for judgement of $300... one house and 1 lot; bounded by house of Manuel TRUJILLO on north; on east land of Jose Manuel ROMERO; on west by house of Jose Antonio ROMERO and on south by Plaza of San Francisco del Rancho... before James BARRY, Clerk of DisTRict Court.
p. 15
John B. LEROUX to Henry JAMES on 5 Oct 1859; on Plaza of San Francisco del Rancho, land he had bought the day before from sale conducted by JAMES.
p. 16
Maria Manuela TRUGILLO to Henry JAMES on 19 Jan 1860 for $180 land in San Francisco del Rancho...house of 4 rooms known as property of deceased Jose Maria QUINTANA; bounded on east by land of Jose Antonio ROMERO; west by land of Jose Manuel ROMERO... sale made in her name by her son Francisco Antonio QUINTANA.
p. 18
Adm. of dec'd Francisco FERNANDES on 18 Jan 1860; Jose FERNANDEZ Adm.; bondsman - Diego Antonio GALLEGOS and Jose Rafael VIGIL... 1st wife of Francisco FERNANDES was Maria Eusebia CORDOVA, already dec'd and 2nd was Maria Gertrudis ARAGON.
p. 20
Gift from Jose Antonio TORRES for Juana Maria ESPINOSA, his wife for 6 years, on 1 Feb 1860...40 varas of land in Taos Co.; land bounded on east by land of Francisco CORDOVA; south by Canon Real; north by the ravine, with house that was of Antonio Domingo TORRES.
Signed- Jose Antonio TORRES
p. 22
Will of Miguel Antonio MARTINEZ on 2 Feb 1860... wife is Maria Juanita GARCIA... no children...mother is Maria Ygnacia RIBAL - small bequest; brother is Juan de Jesus MARTINES - small bequest; cattle given to Jose Miguel LABE; joint ownership of 140 goats with Don Gabriel ABEITA. All property to wife.
Signed- Miguel Antonio MARTINEZ
Wits- Juan Benito ROMERO; Jose Domingo ESPINOSA; Juan Rafael MONDRAGON; Jose Domingo MONDRAGON
16 Feb 1860
Executors- Juan de Jesus MARTINES and Maria Juanita GARCIA
Bondsmen- Jose Domingo MONDRAGON and Juan Benito ROMERO
p. 27
Sale of 25 vares of land and a house by Tomas T. TOBENS to Ceran ST. VRAIN on 15 Sep 1859 for $250 - on Plaza of Dolores in Arroyo Hondo house of 10 rooms - also corrals, barn, etc.; bounded on north by land of Antonio Jose ORTIZ; on south by land of Jose CORDOVA; on east by land of Maria Candelaria HERRERA.
Signed- Tomas T. TOBENS
p. 28
Sale of house and land by Maria Trinidad MEDINA and children Jose Rafael SAYS [SAIS] and Antonio Jose SAYS [SAIS] to Priest D. Gabriel USSEL on 1 Jan 1860 for $350; located on the Plaza of San Fernando... house of 7 rooms bordering plaza; bounded on north by arroyo that goes behind the said plaza; south by the side of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church; east by the gardens of Tia GABALDON and Juan LOPES; west by house and land of Chepita TAFOYA.
p. 30
Warrantee deed from Edward W. POINTER to Lucien STUART on 1 Apr 1850; contract between Robert FISHER and Maria Rumalda LOPEZ, his wife, and Rayado and Richard L. WOOTTEN of Taos on second part...
sum of 40 dollars; bounded on north by land of Manuel LEFEVRE; south by estate of Chs. TOWN (sic) dec'd; east by Manuel LAFEVRE; west by Pueblo Road.
Signed- Robert FISHER and Rumalda X LOPES
Wits- Smith D. TOWNE (sic) and Thomas O. BOGGS
no. 2
Indenture on 10 Apr 1850 between Richard L. WOOTTEN and Dolores his wife of Taos and Edwin W. POINTER, party of the second part for 50 dollars... same land.
Signed- R.S. WOOTTEN and Dolores X WOOTTEN
Wit- Robert CARY
no. 3
28 Feb 1860... Edward POINTER, city of Aurora, Arapaho Co., Kansas Territory, first part to Lucien STUART of Taos, second part for $200; bounded by land as follows: east- Manuel LAFEVRE; south- Samson BAUTHNER; west- street running north; north- Manuel LAFEVRE.
Signed- Edwin W. POINTER, Arapaho Co., KS
Wit- George A. BRIDGE
deed filed 12 Apr 1860 in Clerk's Office
p. 34
Guardianship of Maria Filomena BRITO, minor, Dolores BRITO, guardian on 10 Apr 1860... bond...Maria Dolores BRITO principle; bondsmen: Juan Bautista COCA and Felipe LOEBAMO
p. 36
Maria Filomena BRITO now age 6; Ambrocio BRITO, guardian of Maria Tiburcia BRITO, age 3; Antonio Jose VIGIL and Jose Francisco MARTIN, sureties; 16 Apr 1860.
p. 38
Maria Rosalie BRITO, minor, age 11; Juan Rafael MONDRAGON, guardian; sureties: Jose FERNANDES and Antonio Jose MONDRAGON.
p. 40
Adm of dec'd Gabriel MONTANO; Simon Lino TRUGILLO, Administrator; sureties: Jose Maria MAES and Ygnacio PACHECO... 17 Apr 1860... Montano's 1st wife was Maria Antonia GARCIA... children:
Vicente MONTANO, already dec'd, Felipe MONTANO, already dec'd, Maria Jesus MONTANO, Maria Rita MONTANO, dec'd, Maria Antonia MONTANO, Maria Josefa MONTANO, and Jose Antonio MONTANO,
p. 44
Power of Attorney on 4 Apr 1854 for "Alcalde" Jose Dionicio GONSALES from Francisca CORTES, his mother, for selling a house of her property... said Santiago ESPINOSA bought house.
Signed- Dionicio GONSALES
Wits- Francisco CORTES, Antonio VIGIL, and Pedro VIGIL
p. 45
26 Feb 1860 - Miguel JARAMILLO, Alcalde of County... Maria de la Luz GONZALES of San Francisco de Taos... document from dec'd Maria de la Luz ROMERO and dec'd Amado VIGIL... Santiago SPINOSA
[ESPINOSA] said dec'd Maria de la Luz ROMERO wanted her property according to documents he had.
Maria de la Luz GONZALES dec'd
Antonio Jose VIGIL dec'd
Jose Rafael PAIS dec'd
approved in my office... on 27 Apr 1860
p. 48
Adm. of estate of Jose Francisco MARTINES on 12 May 1860; Jose Francisco MARTINES and Rafael MARTINES, Administrators; bondsmen: Carlos BEAUBIEN and Antonio Jose MARTINES; children and
heirs: Jose Francisco, Rafael, Juan Agustin, Encarnacion, Jose Dolores Florencio, Felipe, Maria Dolores, all MARTINES.
p. 51
Will of Jose Miguel VERNAL on 12 May 1860... wife was Maria Consescion ORTEGA... no children...brother was Jose Antonio SAMORA... Exec was Jose Natividad CRUZ; sureties: Pedro Antonio ESQUIBEL and Matias ESQUIBEL... would have to sell his property at public sale to pay his debts.
Signed- Jose Miguel X VERNAL
Wits- Matias ESQUIBEL, Julian ROMERO, Macedonia CRUZ, and Jose Carlos de Jesus MEDINA
p. 55
Will of Antonio MEDINA, dec'd on 25 Sep 1851... single... all property to Maria Consecion HURTADO... sister, Maria Matiana $100... Indian, Maria Dolores... Maria Antonia, dau of Maria MATIANA to be treated as sisters.
Signed- Antonio MEDINA
Wits- Don Jose Domingo MONDRAGON, Don Juan MARTIN, Don Jose Gerbacio CARDENAS, Julio VIGIL, Jose Gubaieo CARDENAS, Juan Esteban BACA
p. 59
Will on 2 May 1860 (filed on 21 May 1860) of Maria Dolores MADRID, res. of Plaza of Our Lady of Guadalupe, dec'd... husband Vicente TRUJILLO, dec'd; children: Jose Francisco dec'd, Maria California TIBURCIA, Jose Maria dec'd... estate in equal parts; Executors: Don Santiago MARTINES and Pedro VALDES
Signed- Maria Dolores MADRID
Wits- Antonio VIGIL, Gabriel LUCERO, Luciano XARAMILLO
Bondsmen: Antonio Jose VALDES and Miguel RIBERO 24 May 1860
p. 62
Note at top of page states: children of dec'd Francisco TRUGILLO: Vicente, Maria de la Luz, Maria Francisca... 14 May 1860
p. 63
Will of dec'd Maria Rosalie DURAN on 19 May 1860 (probated 4 Jun 1860)... married to Juaquin FRESQUEZ... 4 children: Jose Simon, Pedro Antonio and Maria Estetana- living and Maria Espiritu SANTOS, deceased...
Executors: Jose Simon and Geronimo MEDINA.
Wits- Luciano MARTIN, Esquipula ORTIZ, Alonso MARTINES
p. 68
Guardianship on 5 Jun 1860 of Matias TRUJILLO, minor; Guillermo TRUJILLO, guardian; Bondsmen: Julian LEDUE and Miguel RIBERA
p. 69
Transfer of land from Jose Dolores CORDOVA to Julian LUCERO, his brother-in-law, 12 May 1852... land and house belonging to CORDOVA's parents that he had received by inheritance. Property located on north side of Arroyo Hondo, bordered on south by low hills, on the east by land of his wife, Maria Ramona MARTINES, on the west by the land of Juan Baustista CORDOVA.
Recorded 21 Aug 1860.
Signed- Jose Dolores CORDOVA, grantor
Wits- Mariano de Jesus LUCERO, Miguel Gregorio Rodrigo VIGIL, and Marcelino MARTIN
p. 71
Guardianship on 28 Jun 1860 of Jose Francisco CORDOVA, minor; guardian, Antonio SAIS, Bonds-men: Anicato VALDES and Luis SERNA
p. 73
Guardianship on 30 Jun 1860 of Bentura GARCIA, minor, age 13; Miguel RIVERA, guardian;
Bondsmen: Gabriel LUCERO, Teodocio LUCERO
p. 75
Bill of Sale on 14 Feb 1851 (recorded 7 Jul 1860) from Gabriel MONTANO to Simon Lino TRUJILLO...6 varas of land in San Francisco de Paula to my son-in-law Lino TRUGILLO for $213... boundaries: on north border land of Jose Maria QUINTANA, west- Rio del Pueblo, east- Rio del Norte.
Wits- Antonio Jose MARTINES, Pascual MARTINES, Santiago VALDES
p. 76
Sale of land on 21 Aug 1860 from Rosalia GUARA to Maria Francisca TRUGILLO... land in Taos bordered on west by house of Antonio MARTIN, on right by Camino Real, north by land of Don Juan de Jesus VIGIL of Mora County.
Wit- Juan DURAN
p. 77
Maria Rita BACA with Antonio Seterino MARTINES and Maria Aniceta MARTINES... she and her children... land to Juan Antonio CHAVES.
Signed- Maria BACA, Jose Antonio TRUGILLO
Grantors- Jose Quinio VALDES, Francisco TRUGILLO, Maria Rosa TRUGILLO, Maria Cancion TRUGILLO
p. 78
Adm. of Francisco FERNANDES, dec'd on 1 Oct 1860, Juan de Jesus SUASO, Administrator; bonds-man: Carlos BEAUBEIN and Bentura LOVATO.
p. 80
Guardianship on 11 Oct 1860 of Benito TRUGILLO, minor; Pablo MARTIN, guardian; bondsmen: Pedro SANCHES, Leandro MARTINES.
p. 82
Sale of land on 5 Nov 1859 by Ceran ST. VRAIN, Spence M. BAIRD, Robert P. KELLY and Luis M. BACA - joint owners of land granted by Mexican govt. to Ceran ST. VRAIN and Cornilio VIGIL - know as Purgatoire Grant... Appoint Jacob HOUGHTON of Santa Fe Co. attorney to sell land to Joseph B. DOYLE... land 2 mi in length - Valley of Huerfano River... conveyed by us to Anna Caroline HOUGHTON to sell 160 acre sections to settlers. All money to be remitted to Ceran ST. VRAIN at Mora.
Signed- Ceran ST. VRAIN and Spence M. BAIRD
Wit- Samuel ELLISON
p. 84
Ceran ST. VRAIN - Deed to Anna Caroline HOUGHTON - 9 Dec 1843.
Signed- 5 Nov 1859
Recorded- 19 Oct 1860
p. 88
Quick claim deed from Henry JAMES Emiliana to James S. GRAY, 19 Oct 1860 recorded in Taos; bounded on east by lands and house of Jose MAXWELL, south public plaza, west house and lands of Jose ROMERO, on north by new street.
Signed- 1 June 1860
p. 90
Will Maria Juana VIALPANDO, res. of San Acalio del Llano Largo... husband Jose Gabriel MEDINA; Debt to Don Miguel Antonio CORDOVA; Children- Julian, Martin, Maria Guadalupe, Maria Lucilla, Maria Agapita, Jose Petronilo, Maria Ricarda, Manuel, Maria Astoria... all minors Executors- Julian MEDINA and Jose Antonio MARTINES, 3 Jul 1860
Wits- Juan Bautista GALLEGOS, Jose Guadalupe L. VADILLO, Teodoro LOVATO, Jose Dolores BUSTOS,
Felipe GALLEGOS, 13 Nov 1860 recorded
Bondsmen- Juan Ygnacio MARTINES, Santiago VALDES, 15 Nov 1860
Heirs- Julian, Martin, Maria Guadalupe, Maria Lucilla, Jose Petronilo, Maria Agapita, Maria
Ricarda, Manuel Antonio, Maria Antonia - all of Taos except Julian and Martin who reside in Mora Co... All MEDINA's
p. 96
Estate of Martin MARCY (also know as Martin MORRISEY)... 24 Dec 1860 before Isaac NAYLOR, James ORR, Stephen REED, judges in Fontain Co., Indiana on 6 Apr 1861.
Administrator- Melchion WERNER
Bondsman: Pedro SANCHES, Jose Manuel MARTIN, Antonio Jose VALDES, Miguel RIBERA
p. 100
Solomon BEUTHNER to Samson BEUTHNER deed... Solomon of New York State to Samson of Taos land in town of Taos; bounded on east by Peter JOSEPH, west by street or alley supporting same from courthouse, north by public road and plaza. 6 May 1860, Recorded 8 Jan 1861
p. 103
Deed from Ygnacio de Loyola ORTEGA to Samson BEUTHNER dated 19 Nov 1860... land which he may have as heir of Cornelio VIGIL... land in Mora Co... a certain Mexican land grant to Cornelio
VIGIL and Ceran ST. VRAIN... on the Purgatoire River... on file in office of Surveyor General...
Recorded 8 Jan 1861
p. 105
Deed from Jose Ygnacio ORTEGA to Jose Ygnacio VALDEZ... land in Mora Co., N.M. from Cornelio VIGIL... some 100 m N.E. of Taos... Dated 5 Nov 1860, Recorded 6 Jan 1861
p. 107
Deed from Juan ORTEGA to A.J. CALHOUN... heir of Cornelio VIGIL... 5 Nov 1860, Recorded 6 Jan 1861
p. 108
Deed from Jose Francisco ORTEGA to Christopher CARSON... 9 Nov 1860
p. 110
Deed from Jose Cicilio SALAZAR and wife Leonor ORTEGA to Christopher CARSON and Jose Ygnacio VALDEZ
p. 112
James V WHEELHOUSE and Alexander MC PHERSON to Ceran ST. VRAIN... 12 Dec 1860... land and goods in attached schedule (blank pages - no schedule)
Wit- Charles HARTT, Tancre de MIGNAULT
p. 115
Deed of Trust from Robert CARY to Horace LONG et al... 12 Feb 1861. (George COLLINS, Edward HARLAN and Charles M. CANADY - 3rd part). Land situated in Rio Grande Canyon of Taos Co...boarded on north by river, south by the hills south of said river, east and west by bend of said river where grist mill is located.
p. 120
Russell MAJORS and WADDELL to William S. GRANT of Tucson (in that part of New Mexico known as Arizona); to Henry EVERSON of New York City; and to Reuben MIDDLETON of St. Joseph, MO.; transfer of all of their wagon train, horses, mules, merchandise purchased in New York to Sackett BELCHER and Co. - $58,590; Graydon MC CREARY and Co., Sears Adrianio and Platt of New York City, P.L. VANDERENTER of New York or their correspondents at St. Louis... Ellis COBB and CHANDLER of Boston, MA. what can be paid to Mr. PIERE and Mr. BACON of Boston, MA... 29 Dec
1860. Recorded 4 Nov 1861.
Signed Russell MAJORS and WADELL by William H. RUSSELL
Wit- Joseph H. BRADLEY and Thomas C.T. BUCKLEY
p. 123
Estate of Rudolph LOCH, deceased; resided in La Costilla... died without will... his nearest relatives live in Coblenz, Kingdom of Prussia. Frederick William PERTHOFF will pay debts as far as assets will extend that come to his possession or knowledge...
Signed 5 Mar 1861; Adm. Frederick MUELLER; Bondsmen Samson BEUTHNER and Frederick MUELLER
p. 126
Letter of Administration for Antonio Domingo ROMERO
Adm. Maria Soledad Chaves, mother (no wife or children)... 8 Mar 1861
p. 128
Lease of house by Antonio LUNA to Louis SHUERICH and Charles RISS for 5 yrs... dated 15 Mar 1861... Recorded 20 Mar 1861
p. 129
Deed of Trust to Ceran ST. VRAIN... 9 Mar 1861... recorded 11 Mar 1861 between 1) Robert CARY of Taos; 2) Ceran ST. VRAIN; 3) BECH and JOHNSON and Oliver P. HOVEY of Santa Fe Co. and John DOLD and brother of San Miguel Co., Samson BENTHNER and LONG and BENT of Taos County...indebted to above mentioned... land... on north by town of San Fernando, south by the little hill that runs north of town of San Francisco del Rancho, east by land of Miguel VIGIL, west by land of Geronimo also a grist mill on Rio Grande - lying below grist mill of ST. VRAIN.
Signed Robert CAREY
p. 133
James V. WHEELHOUSE and Alex MCPHERSON to Ceran ST. VRAIN... 10 Mar 1861... will to sell all merchandise to cover bills.
p. 135
Deed from Luciano JARAMILLO to Gabriel VIGIL... 29 Sep 1860 (recorded 29 Sep 1860) for $60 as an heir of the deceased Cornelio VIGIL... land in Mora County granted by Mexican govt. to Cornelio VIGIL and Ceran ST. VRAIN - land on Purgatory River.
Wit- Juan Cristobal MARTINES
p. 137
Deed from Antonio VIGIL to Gabriel VIGIL... 26 Jun 1860 (recorded 26 Jun 1860) Mora County
granted to Cornelio VIGIL and Ceran ST. VRAIN by Mexican government on Purgatory River.
Wit- Lafayette HEAD
p. 139
Deed from Francisco Meliton VIGIL of Santa Ana to Gabriel VIGIL... 10 Jan 1861... as an heir of deceased to Cornelio VIGIL... land in Mora County granted by Mexican government to
Cornelio VIGIL and Ceran ST. VRAIN on Purgatory River.
Wit- Gabriel LUCERO
Signed- Francisco Meliton VIGIL
p. 141
Deed from Altagracia GALLEGOS and children to Gabriel VIGIL... 29 Jun 1860 (recorded 29 Jun 1860)... Altagracia GALLEGOS in name of her children, Maria Hirinea VIGIL, Manuel VIGIL, Francisco VIGIL, Ramona VIGIL, all minors and residents of Taos County, ...$60 to all above heirs of deceased Cornelio VIGIL land in Mora County as part of Mexican grant to Cornelio VIGIL and Ceran ST. VRAIN on Purgatory River.
p. 143
Deed from Matias ORTEGA to Gabriel VIGIL... 13 Mar 1861 for $50; heir of Cornelio VIGIL of land in Mora County as part of Mexican grant to Cornelio VIGIL.
p. 146
Gabriel LUCERO, Administrator for goods of deceased Jose Rafael MONTANO... 4 May 1861.
p. 147
Robert CARY of El Rancho de Taos for $1440 paid by John DOLD of Las Vegas, San Miguel Co...said John DALDEL - deed on property in Taos Co. - dwelling and land bounded on north by land of town of Don Fernandez, south by hill which runs north of town of San Francisco del Rancho, east by land of Miguel VIGIL and west by land of Jesus NUMA... about 50 yards from east to west... CARY must pay money to SCHURICH and RITZ before 26 July 1860.
Signed- 26 March 1860
Wit- Lewis ROHAN
p. 150
Quit claim deed from Dr. David WALDO and Eliza Jane WALDO to Bent Lodge No. 204 AFAM; 15 Jun 1860. WALDO's of Jackson County, MO... Worshipful Master W.O. MAXWELL, Senior Warden C. CARSON, Junior Warden Ceran ST. VRAIN and others of Bent Lodge of town of Fernando de Taos; sold for $201... plot of land where said David WALDO erected a house and occupied same as store until 1840... bounded on west by street property of Mrs. BRANCH and north by property of Juan Rafael LUNA.
Signed in Independence, MO 15 June 1860
Recorded in Taos 13 Apr 1861 by Joseph BEUTHUER, secretary of Bent Lodge #204
p. 152
Gabriel VIGIL and wife of Taos County to Ceran ST. VRAIN and wife Albina FRESQUIS for $600...all his undivided right and interest certain grant of land made by Mexican government to Cornelio VIGIL and Ceran ST. VRAIN by deed of grant 2 Jan 1844... known as grant of "El Rio de las Animas"... lying on Arkansas River and its tributaries - Rio de las Animas, Terifica Apishapa and Huerfano... his by right of being son and heir of Pedro VIGIL, brother of sick Cornelio, dec'd and legally constituted guardian of children of Juana Maria Altagracia VIGIL, my dec'd sister, named Maises and Juan VIGIL... his by right of purchase from other heirs of Cornelio VIGIL as follows: Antonio VIGIL by deed of 26 Jun 1860; Francisco Meliton VIGIL by deed of 10 Jan 1861; Altagracia GALLEGOS, wid of Marcelino VIGIL, dec'd, natural guardian of their children Yrinea, Manuel Francisco, and Ramona VIGIL by deed of 29 Jun 1860; Matias ORTEGA, son and heir of Santos VIGIL; sister of said Cornelio, dec'd, by deed of 13 Mar 1861; Luciano XARAMILLO, son of Polonia VIGIL, dec'd, sister of Cornelio VIGIL, dec'd, and wife of Francisco XARAMILLO by deed of 29 Sep 1860.
Signed- 17 Apr 1861; Recorded same day
p. 155
Guadalupe MONTOYA, dec'd; Salvador MARTINEZ - Administrator; Bondsmen - Melchior WERNER and Louis SLEURICH; 16 Apr 1861; Salvador MARTINEZ stated Guadalupe MONTOYA died without will and left following children: Filomena La Farge GONZALES, Rosa GONZALES both of Taos Co... Rosa a minor... 56 varas of land next to house of Marcelina MARTINEZ... 12 varas of land containing a store occupied by WERNER, SLEURICH and RITE... on north land of Pedro JOSEPH separated by alley. See p. 185 for land description.
p. 159
Guardianship of Maria Guillerma GALLEGOS, minor, aged 10/11 years... Nestor MARTINEZ, guardian; and bondsmen: Carlos BEAUBIEN and Antonio Jose VALES... 20 May 1861.
p. 161
Administration of dec'd Maria Lus LUJAN; Pedro Celestino VIGIL, Administrator... 20 May 1861... bondsmen, Juan SANCHES; widow of Rafael del Carmel VIGIL; 9 children, (3 dec'd) - Jose Maria VIGIL, Juana Maria VIGIL, Pedro Celestino, Rumaldo, Maria Agapita de los Dolores, Juan Francisco VIGIL, Maria Jesus VIGIL, Antonio Pablo VIGIL, Maria Justa de los Dolore VIGIL.
p. 164
Original owners of Arroyo Hondo grant... 28 Feb 1863... certified by Gov. Alcalde Mayor Don Jose Miguel TAFOYA and Nerio SISNEROS, resident of Taos Jurisdiction, Arroyo Hondo...27 Mar 1819; I Don Jose Miguel TAFOILA, Alcalde Mayor of this jurisdiction to Lt. Col and Governor of this province Don Alberto MARQUES - Santa Fe 2 Apr 1815... list of possessors of Arroyo Hondo:
Nerio SISNEROS, 100 varas
Juan QUINTANA, 100 varas
Jose ROMERO, 100 varas
Jesus SANDOVAL, 100 varas
Juan N P LUNA, 100 varas
Juan Antonio ALCON, 100 varas
Manuel TOFOYA, 100 varas
Salvador PADIA, 100 varas
Juana MARTIN, 100 varas
Eusebio ABILA, 100 varas
Lorenso CORDOBA, 100 varas
Juan MEDINA, 50 varas
Juan Angel GARCIA, 50 varas
Pablo LUCERO, 300 varas
Gregorio PACHECO, 60 varas
Francisco VIGIL, 100 varas
Ramon ARELLANO, 100 varas
Miguel LUCERO, 100 varas
Antonio MARTIN, 100 varas
Julian ARRELLANO, 100 varas
Juan DURAN, 100 varas
Xabier GARCIA, 100 varas
Francisco SANDOVAL, 100 varas
Felipe MARTIN, 100 varas
Lorenzo BACA, 100 varas
Sebasian XARAMIO, 100 varas
Cristobal MEDINA, 100 varas
Manuel PADILLA, 100 varas
Juan GONZALES, 100 varas
Tomas LOBATO, 100 varas
Anastacio ABILA, 100 varas
Antonio ARCHULETA, 100 varas
Manuel MONDRAGON, 50 varas
Juan GONZALES, 50 varas
Rafael SISNEROS, 50 varas
Ramon BLEA, 400 varas
Jose MARTIN, 100 varas
Benito TRUJILLO, 100 varas
Nicolas ROMERO, 100 varas
Benito GALLEGOS, 100 varas
Jose Gabriel MARTIN, 100 varas
Juan Antonio MARTIN, 100 varas
Seferino MARTIN, 100 varas
10 Apr 1815... Plaso MARTIN, presiding officer; Juan Domingo FERNANDES, assistant; Pedro MARTIN, assistant; Tomas BECERRA; authorized Arroyo Hondo 19 Mar 1835 Juan Antonio LOBEDO... Trinidad
BARELA, assistant... copied into register 1 Jun 1861... clerk, Gabriel VIGIL.
Possession 10 Apr 1815, I Don Pedro MARTIN, Alcade Mayor and War Captain of the Pueblo of Taos and his constituants, present to the governor Lt. Col. Alberto MARQUES, in the presence of witnesses who were Don Juan LOVATO and Don Juan Antonio MARTIN presented the names of 44 families who were granted land... Arroyo Hondo boundaries: on north Pablo CORDOVA, on south part of Canon of Arroyo Hondo and the estate of Don Pablo LUCERO, on east the Cuchilla del Cerro, and on west to the limit of the Arroyo Hondo area... property measurements to follow: 11 Dec 1828
Vicente TRUJILLO, 200 varas;
Norato ARCHULETA, 232 v;
Damian ARCHULETA, 212 v;
Manuel ARCHULETA, 232 v;
Benito GALLEGOS, 232 v;
Juan de Jesus ABILA, 116 v;
Ricardo ARELANO, 232 v;
Jabiel GARCIA, 232 v;
Manuel GARCIA, 100 v;
Diego TORRES, 100 v.
Signed- Vicente TRUJILLO, Jose Antonio SUASO, Jose Francisco TRUJILLO
Recorded- 1 Jun 1861, Gabriel VIGIL, Clerk
p. 175
Jose Francisco LUJAN, Taos County, resident of Rio de los Conejos, I give and place at the disposal of my wife, Maria Ramona VIGIL 10 varas of land that Don Seledonio VALDEZ gave her; also dwelling with 4 rooms: 32 varas to children of my 1st wife... 12 May 1861
Signed- Jose Francisco LUJAN
Wit- Juanelato MARTINES and Francisco Esteban ARCHULETA
p. 176
Juan LITAFEE, Ceran ST. VRAIN, Juan PENDARIES, J.M. BLOOMFIELD, and Claude JONES have formed a corporation called Compania de San Salvador... to work a silver mine in Taos County called Mine of San Salvador... boundaries: on the north Arroyo of San Cristoval, on the east of Taos Valley, on the south to the Arroyo of Pueblo of Taos, and on the west to the cultivated field of Plasa of San Antonio at foot of the fountain.
Signed- 11 Sept 1861
Registered- 12 Sept 1861
p. 178
Bill of Sale from Melchoir WERNER to Maurice SCHWARZKOFF, Wendel DEBRU and Philip SCHWAZ for $8100... amount of his indebtedness to above who compose firm of SCHWARZKOFF and DEBRU and Co of San Francisco... transfer all property and goods in attached schedule (exhibit A) as well as goods belonging to me in my store situated on right hand corner of street running from main plaza to the spring and known as my store in said town of Taos... 9 Oct 1861.
Schedule A:
1800 yds calico, /50 yds plaid, 30 yds damask, 120 yds lawn, 1 1/2 doz shawls, 5 doz rebozos, 12 doz coats, 10 silk and cotton handkerchiefs, 2 doz shirts and drawers, 6 doz vests, 5 doz pants, 40 pieces of piece goods-cottons, canbrics and flannels, 3 doz cans fruit, 3 doz hats, 24 bowls, 10 doz plates, 7 doz shoes, 1 1/2 doz boots, 1 show case containing fancy goods, 2 kegs nail, 150 pounds apples, peaches, cinnamon, cloves, peppers, 5 boxes chewing tobacco, axes, handles, looking glasses, hoes, spades, hosiery, oils, pomades, 5 kegs white lead, notions and toys, 3 1/2 sacks of coffee, 18 sacks sugar, 1 doz straw hats, jackets, overshoes, suits, 2 bags of shots, gloves, manta, /pieces canvas, sieves, 1 meat cutter, comforters, buckskin, artificial flowers, 1 rifle, 5 bosom shirts and wool cards, 1 doz augers and bits, 1 gold dust scale, lot of tumblers, 3 counter seals, 1 lot of tin ware, and 1 lot of screws and planes.
p. 181
Quit Claim deed of Charles RITE to Melcher WERNER... for $80... quit claim to certain lot of land in Taos on which stands a certain tenement more particularly described in a deed of conveyance made by Selvador MARTINEZ, Administrator of estate of Guadalupe MONTOYA, dec'd, to one Louis SCHEURICH dated 18 Apr 1861.
Signed 11 Oct 1861, Charles RITE
Wit- Louis INTZBACHER, Peter FOX
p. 183
Quit Claim deed from Louis SCHURICH to Melchior WERNER for $80... land described in deed of conveyance made by Salvador MARTINEZ, Administrator of estate of Guadalupe MONTOYA, dec'd and to one Charles RITE dated 18 Apr 1861, Recorded 11 Oct 1861.
p. 185
Deed Conveyance from Melchior WERNER to Maurice SCHWARZKOPH, Wendel DEBUS and Philip SCHWARZKOPH... mercantile firm of SCHWARZKOPH and DEBUS and Co of Santa Fe for $242... land in
Taos on plaza upon which is constructed a dwelling house containing 4 small room, land contains 56 varas east to west and 12 varas depth... bounded on east by Marcelino MARTINEZ, on west by public street immediately in front of store formerly occupied by M. WERNER on north by property of Peter JOSEPH acquired by WERNER and Charles RITE from Salvador MARTINEZ, Administrator of estate of Quadalupe MONTOYA... 18 Apr 1861 (Bk B pp 185,6)
p. 188
Deed from Salvador MARTINEZ, Melchior WERNER and Louis SCHEURICH and Charles RITE
p. 190
Sale of land from Manuel MARTINEZ to Buenaventura MARTINEZ... 8 Jul 1864... residents of Taos County for "a cow" in a place commonly called Los Martinez... 33 varas in breadth and length from road to Rio Viejo of Don Fernando... bounded on west by land of Don Pascenal MARTINEZ from north to south from said rise to the road and the Rio Viejo.
Signed- Manuel X MARTINES
Recorded- 8 Jul 1864
p. 192
Juan del Carmel VIGIL, minor aged 4 years... Jose ABETIA guardian to give care and education to age 21... Bondsmen: Santiago GALLEGOS and Desiderio FERNANDES... 5 Nov 1861.
p. 194
Sale of land from Ignacio TAFOYA and brothers to Miguel A. CORDOVA, resident of San Juan Nepomuceno del Ylario, Taos Co... for $250... 75 varas of land inherited from their father Don Pedro Ygnacio TAFOYA... land and buildings with exception of 2 feet - received from their mother Da. Maria Francisca GUTIERRES.
Signed- Ygnacio TAFOYA
Wit- Jose Nicanor VIGIL and Felipe SANCHEZ
Recorded- 22 Jan 1862
p. 195
Will of deceased Pedro Joseph de TEVIS... merchant of Taos... eldest son, Antony Joseph, dwelling and store on northeast corner of pueblo plaza at Taos when he becomes 21... 1/3 of estate to wife Maria Ann... remainder equally divided among sons Anthony Joseph and John Ceran...any dispute to be settled by friends Ceran ST. VRAIN and Antonio Jose MARTINES both of Taos...
Executor: Juan SANTISTEBAN and Kit CARSON...
Signed- Pedro Joseph de TEVIS by Juan SANTISTEVAN 8 Feb 1861...
Wit- Juan SANTISTEVAN, Charles BEAUBIEN, C. CARSON, and Joseph S. HURST (residing in Buchannon,VA)...
Bondsmen- Carlos BEAUBIEN, ST. VRAIN, MILER...
Recorded- 8 Feb 1862
p. 201
Will of deceased Francisco Jabier MEDINA... wishes to be buried at Picuris... wife Maria Barbara FRESQUIS... four children: Maria Dolores, Maria de Jesus, Maria Natividad and Maria Juliana... my wife brought 2 images, an alter piece and a cross at time of marriage...property: house of 7 vigas with wooden porch, 3 oxen, 6 goats, 6 sheep, 3 ewes, 90 varas of land at Cuchillo... sons in law: Juan CONSALES and Juan MARTIN... debts to Don Hermigildo LUCERO...
Executor- Juan GONSALES and Albino ORTEGA, residents of San Juan Nepomuceno del Ylario...
Wit- Juan Bautiste FERNANDEZ, Pedro Jose FERNANDEZ, and Fulgencio VALDES...
Recorded- 2 Feb 1862
p. 204
Administration of estate of Jose Julian LUJAN, deceased...
Adminstrator: Manuel Antonio TRUJILLO...
Bondsmen: Juan Rafael PACHECO and Ygnacio PACHECO... Recorded: 22 Feb 1862.
Note: The above were
not named in the will as executors. Those named are in the US Volunteer Army.
p. 208
Guardianship of Ramon TRUJILLO, minor, now 14... Guardian: Juan MESTAS... Bondsmen: Marcelo
GALLEGOS, and Antonio Jose LUCERO... Recorded 4 Mar 1862
p. 209
Sale of land from Louis SHEURICH and Antonia LUNA, both of Mora Co., to Solomon BEUCHNER, of
Taos, on 1 Mar 1862... for $800... land in town of Taos; bounded on north by land of Solomon
BEUCHER, occupied by him as store and dwelling house; on east by street leading from main
plaza to main spring in town; on south by street leading from plaza in front of parochial
church; on southeast to Canon de Fernandez; on west to plaza in front of church...
Signed- Louis SHEURICH and Antonia (X) LUNA...
Wit- Adolph CULLMANN and Morris BIELSCHAWSKY...
Recorded- 4 Mar 1862
p. 211
Will of deceased Romualda MESTAS... heirs: son of Ramos TRUJILLO, step-sister, Maria Antonia
MARTINES... debt to Rufino SALAZAR...
Signed- Maria Rumalda (X) MESTAS, Oct 1861...
Wit- Jose Miguel ARCHULETA, Viviano MADRID...
Recorded- 4 Jan 1862...
Letter of Administration to Viviano MADRID, 4 Mar 1862...
Executor- Viviano MADRID
p. 214
Will of Ygnacio CORDOBA... wife, Maria Antonia MARQUES, married at Santa Cruz de la Canada...married for 73 years... 10 children Juan Felipe, Francisco Esteban, Gregorio, Antonio Jose Nolasco, Maria Encarnacion, Maria Dolores, Jose Rafael, Jose Miguel, Jose Ramon, Maria del Rosario... land from his deceased father on the Rio del Rancho at Arroyo Hondo... land in Los Alamitos del Rio and land in Arroyo Seco for son Gregorio... people who are indebted to him: Manuel ORTEGA owes him 32 pesos, Juan VIGIL owes him 4 pesos, Desiderio FERNANDEZ, Jose Antonio Soli GACHUPEN, Antonio CORDOBA, and Cristobal SANCHES...
Executors- Jose del Espiritu Santo CORDOVA and Jose Dolores TAFOYA...
Signed- 27 Aug 1861...
Wit- Juan Salbador (X) DURAN, Francisco Antonio (X) ESQUIBEL, Juan Nicolas (X) MONTOYA, and
Jose de la Cruz (X) CORTES...
Bondsmen- Juan BARGAS and Juan de los Relles MARES...
Recorded- 7 Mar 1862
p. 220
Will of Juan Antonio FERNANDEZ... wife Maria Guadalupe ORTEGA... land in Chimayo with orchard...land on Rio del Pueblo... land in el Llano... land in cienega de Santa Barbara... joint owner-ship of 30 goats with Antonio MONTOYA... debts owed to him by: Jose Miguel URRIBALI, Jesus Maria ORTEGA, and Relles RODRIGUES... debts owed: Don Miguel CORDOVA, Don Jose Antonio MARTIN, Jesus Maria CASIAS... his heirs are his children: Jose Gabirel, Maria Nepomuceno, Jose Sicilio, Maria Encarnacion, Maria Placida, Jose Ramon, Maria Juana... wife to divide estate in equal parts...
Executors- Albino ORTEGA, Juaquin FERNANDEZ...
Signed- Juan Antonio FERNANDEZ, 26 Apr 1862...
Wit- Blas GILLEN, Vicente GONSALES, and Miguel MESTAs...
Bondsmen- Jose Antonio MARTINES and Pascual MARTINEZ...
Recorded- 30 Apr 1862
p. 226
Guardianship of Lorenzo DURAN, minor, age 11... Guardian: Jose de Gracia BUSTOS...
Jose Alejo BUSTOS, and Jose Maria BUSTOS... Recorded 7 May 1862.
p. 228
Deed from Maria Antonia COCA to Pedro JOSEPH... house in Taos between house of Guadalupe ROMERO and Dolores GABALDON, on north house of Carmel ESPINOSA...
Signed Maria Antonia (X) Coca
23 Apr 1860... Witnesses Felipe VARELA and Juan SANTISTEBAN... Recorded 7 Jun 1862.
p. 229
Deed from Carmen ESPINOSA to Pedro JOSEPH, both residents of Taos... house on corner west of Plaza along side, north to south, houses of Maria Antonia COCA and Maria Rita ROMERO, last house that of Fr. Antonio Jose MARITNEZ; near house of Maria Joaquina TAFOYA...
Signed Carmen (X) ESPINOSA 15 Feb 1860...
Witnesses Mauriseo APODACA and Mariano (X) SANCHES... Recorded 8 Jun
p. 231
Deed from Maria Rita MONTOYA to estate of Pedro JOSEPH... house on Plaza of Taos on the north corner, southeast of house of Gabriel LUCERO... Signed Marie Rita (X) MONTOYA 19 May 1860...
Witnesses Juan SANTISTEVAN and Joseph S. HURST... Recorded 7 Jun 1862.
p. 233
Deed from Charles NEWTON to Ynosencio MARTINEZ... little house on plaza of Taos... near house of Fernando TRUJILLO... on south is home of Maria Ygnacia TRUJILLO... wife received house from
her father Juan Bautista CORTES...
Signed Charles NEWTON 30 Oct 1862... Witnesses Buenaventura
LOVATO and Jose Benito MARTINEZ.
p. 235
Deed from Miguel ORTIZ to Pedro JOSEPH... house known before as property of Antonio Montes VIGIL... on plaza 6 varas distant from backyard of Dona Paula de Petra GRIJABA lived...alley divides from house of Dona Ygnacia JARAMILLO...
Signed Miguel ORTIZ 14 Jan 1861...
Witnesses Antonio Montes (X) VIGIL and Joseph HURST... Recorded 7 Jun 1862.
p. 238
Deed from Francisco MONTOYA to Pedro JOSEPH... Santiago GALLEGOS and Francisco MONTOYA land on the center of the north side of plaza, bounded on north and south by houses of Pedro
PORTUGUES... Francisco MONTOYA and Pedro Jose PORTUGUES stated that Pedro JOSEPH had bought same 26 Oct 1850... Dated 25 Sep 1850; Recorded 7 Jun 1862.
p. 241
Deed from Tomas O. BOGGS and Rumualda, his wife to Pedro JOSEPH... certain house and lot in Taos between property of Don Jose Maria VALDEZ and Peter JOSEPH... Signed Thomas O. BOGGS,
Rumalda (X) BOGGS... Dated 3 Mar 1847; Recorded 7 Jun 1862.
p. 242
Deed from Jesus Maria GOMES of Territory of Colorado to Sampson BEUTHNER... land on south-west side of plaza of Taos next to land of Juan GOMES and Rosalia MEDINA...
Signed Jesus Maria (X) GOMEZ 2 May 1862... Witnesses Juan SANTISTEVAN, Joseph S. HURST... Recorded 2 May 1862.
p. 247
Appointment of Juan VALDES as guardian of grandchildren Manuel Sabino, age 10; Maria de la Luz, age 8; and Catarina, age 3... their father Guadalupe MARTINEZ was not living with his
wife Cleofas VALDEZ... Bondsmen Francisco SANCHES and Santiago VALDES... Recorded 14 Jul 1862.
p. 249
Will of Antonio LEROUX... wife was Juana Catarina VIGIL... nine children: Maria Paula, Luiz, Juan, Elena, Margarita, and Isabel living... deceased: David, Deluvina and CaTRina... two equal parts: to wife to pay for school of daughter Ysabel; at conclusion of her studies to daughter Margarita until both become ladies... remainder divided into six parts...
Executor wife, Maria Paula and Luiz LEROUX 29 Jul 1861 my elder children... Signed Antonio LEROUX 29 Jul
1861... Witnesses Gabriel USSEL (since deceased), Antonio Maria SANCHES, and J. Vicente
MARTINEZ... Bondsmen Pedro VALDEZ, Pascual MARTINEZ, Antonio Jose VALDEZ... Recorded 26 Jul 1862.
p. 257
Deed from Jose Maria GOMEZ to Samson BEUTHNER... real estate near town of Taos... land beginning at Acequia de los Pandos, until joins line of Rancheros - 60 varas wide; bounded on north by Acequia los Pandos, west by lands of Juan GOMEZ, south by boundary Rancheros, east by land of Rosalia MEDINA...
Signed Jesus Maria (X) GOMEZ 2 May 1862...
Witnesses Juan SANTISTEVAN and Guilermo TRUGILLO... Recorded 2 May 1862.
p. 259
Deed from Sampson BEUTHNER to Antonia ARCHULETA and Eliza BEUTHNER for love and affection of Antonia ARCHULETA and her infant daughter Eliza BEUTHNER... for $1... dwelling of six rooms in Taos; bounded on north by Edward POYNTER, south by Mariano MARTIN, east by Manuel LEFEVRE, west by public street of the town... land acquired by him from Charles WILLIAMS, Trustee on 8 Aug 1857... also land in Taos Co. - see description of land purchased from GOMEZ...Antonia cannot dispose of the land because it goes to child Eliza... shall revert to him and his heirs if both are dead... if Antonia should have another child within 9 months from
27 Oct 1862, the child should be included in above...
Signed Sampson BEUTHNER 14 Oct 1862...
Witnesses Anthony JOSEPH and Julius FRIEDMAN.
p. 263
Power of Attorney from Solomon BEUTHNER of New York City and Taos Co., NM to Samson BEUTHNER...to transact business for me during my absence from said Territory particularly to receive from any Quartermaster or disbursing officer or US any money due me for contract to furnish supplies of corn and fodder at Ft. Garland, NM. Dated 24 Jan 1861... Recorded 14 Oct 1862.
p. 264
Power of Attorney from Sampson BEUTHNER to Julius FRIEDMAN... Witnesses Julius D. COOK, and Morritz BRELSCHOWSKY.
p. 265
Guardianship of Juan Cristobal TRUJILLO, age 10; Maria Antonia TRUJILLO, age 8; and Marcelino TRUJILLO, age 5... Guardian Rosalia SILVA... Bondsmen Guillermo TRUJILLO and Ygnacio VALDEZ...
Recorded 3 Nov 1862.
p. 270
Deed from Charles BEAUBIEN and Maria Pabla LOBATO to Frederick MULLER... land in Mora Co. in Rayados and Cimmeron Grants... granted to Charles BEAUBEIN and Guadalupe MIRANDA by the Republic of Mexico... one square mile of land to be selected from below Cimmeron Canyon...
Signed Charles BEAUBEIN and Ana Pabla LOBATO 13 Dec 1862... Witnesses Juan SANTISTEBAN and
Joseph HURST.
p. 274
Administration of estate of Charles RUBEDU... he was from France... no heirs...
Administrator John OSBORNE... Bondsmen Gabriel LUCERO and Frederick MULLER... Recorded 12 Jan 1862.
p. 279
Will of Francisco QUINTANA, resident of Arroyo Seco, married to Ana Maria BACA y VELADO...15 children: living: Jose Manuel, Felipe, Juan Julian, Candelario, Rufina, Maria Antonia, Ana Maria, Maria Josefa, Solome, Polonio, Maria Dionicia... Administrator Jose Manuel QUINTANA and his friend Jose Gabriel GALLEGOS... Signed 19 Jan 1863... Witnesses Jose FERNANDEZ, Bernardo TAFOYA, Vicente MARES, Juan FERNANDEZ, Toribo GARCIA, Gabriel MONTOYA, and Lorenzo MARTIN... codical 5 Feb 1863 stating exactly how his home should be divided between his children... Probated 3 Mar 1863... Bondsmen Juan Rafael LUNA and Dario GALLEGOS.
p. 284
Deed of sale from Candelario de Jesus FERNANDEZ to Davis WEBSTER and Carlos CANADY... house of 2 stories in precinct of El Rancho, Taos County... bounded on north by Camino Peals; on the south by house of Juan Ma. VIGIL... 19 Apr 1862... Witnesses: Nicolas (X) SANDOBAL and
Juan (X) COCA.
p. 286
Deed of sale from Ma. Encarnacion QUINTANA to Davis WEBSTER... vacant lot on Plaza of San Francisco del Rancho... 19 x 46, next to his home... near house of Ma. de la Luz MONDRAGON...4 Jul 1862... Witnesses David STRUCK and Juan de Jesus (X) ESPINOZA.
p. 287
On 7 Jan 1863 a resident of San Juan Nepomucano del Llano, Juan Ygnacio MARTINES testifies regarding 850 varas of land, a legacy from the will of Miguel LOPES, who was resident of the villa of Santa Cruz de la Canada... died in 1826 or 27... that had been under the authority of Joaquin VALDES since the year that the said deceased had died.
p. 291
Adoption of Jose de los Reyes, 3 month old son of Ma. Estefana ESPINOSA, wife of Jose Ma. SANCHES, by Jose Miguel CHAVES and Ma. Estefana GUTIERRES, husband and wife... 30 Mar 1863.
p. 292
Appointment of Maria A. JOSEPH, guardian to Anto. Joseph de TEVIS and Juan Ceran de TEVIS, minors... Bondsmen: Ceran ST. VRAIN and Carlos BEAUBEIN... 7 May 1863... her sons, Antonio Joseph de TEVIS, age 19 and John C. de TEVIS, age 16... their deceased father Pedro Joseph de TEVIS... Witnesses Juan SANTISTEBAN and Joseph S. HURST.
p. 296
Deed from George GOLD to David WEBSTER... house and lot on Plaza of San Francisco de Taos that belonged to Sr. Horacio LONG... previous owners: Pedro SUASO, Buenaventura LOVATO, and Casilda de la Luz, 5 Jul 1861... Witnesses Edward HASLAND, David STRUCK and Geo. COLLING.
p. 296
Appointment of Juan SANCHES as guardian of Jose Abran and Ma. Pacifica, children of deceased Vicenta SANDOVAL... Bondsmen: Desiderio VALDEZ and Nicanor ROMERO... 8 May 1863.
p. 298
Appointment on Gabriel LUCERO as guardian of Maria Rita ORTEGA, age 18... Bondsmen: Santiago VALDES and Guillermo TRUJILLO... 8 May 1863... dau of Ma. Dolores ORTEGA who voluntarily named Gabriel LUCERO her guardian until of legal age.
p. 300
Appointment of Juan Bautista LOPES, Administrator of estate of Maria Pedra LOPES, who died intestates...Bondsmen: Lorenzo TAFOYA and Juan Antonio CARDENAS... 8 May 1863.... legal husband Jesus RAMOS who is in US Army volunteers and cannot administer estate... no living children... Juan Bautista LOPES, her father... inventory of estate included.
p. 305
Appointment of Ferdinand MAXWELL as guardian of Jose ARECEDES, orphan...
Bondsmen: Juan LEROUX and Gabriel LUCERO... 9 May 1863.
p. 307
Appointment of Pedro SANCHES as guardian of Juan ARCHULETA, minor son of Ysidro Antonio ARHCULETA, who is incompetent...
Bondsmen: Santiago VALDEZ and Ynocencia MARTINES... 9 May
p. 309
Appointment of Jose Manuel MARTINEZ as guardian of Maria Guadalupe ARCHULETA, minor...daughter of Pedro Antonio ARCHULETA, who is incompetent...
Bondsmen: Antonio Jose MARTINEZ and
Pedro SANCHEZ... 9 May 1863.
p. 311
Appointment of Leandro MARTINEZ as guardian of Victor ARCHULETA, minor... son of Ysidro ARCHULETA, who is incompetent...
Bondsmen: Pascual MARTINES and Pedro SANCHES... 9 May 1863.
p. 313
Appointment of Gabriel LUCERO as guardian of Julio GURULE, age 15, orphan without parents...
Bondsmen: Pedro VALDES and Santiago VALDES... 14 Jul 1863.
p. 315
Administration of estate of deceased Roberto PAIZ... Administrator: Rafael PAIZ...
Bondsmen Santiago MARTINEZ and Pascual MARTINEZ... 18 Sep 1863... husband of Maria Altagracia VIGIL, son of Maria Dolores OLGUIN... inventory of estate included.
p. 318
Will of deceased Juan Franco VIGIL resident of San Juan Nepomuceno del Llano wishes to be buried at church of San Lorenzo de Picuris... wife Maria Josefa GALLEGOS for 6 years, no children... Debts to Don Tomas BERNAL, Sra Maria de la Luz CASIAS... executors: Jose Anto. MARTINEZ and Jose Nicanor VIGIL... 15 Sep 1863...
Witnesses: Francisco PACHECO, Francisco LUJAN, and Francisco FRESQUIS... Letter of Administration to Jose Anto. MARTINEZ and Jose Nicanor VIGIL... Bondsmen Relles RODRIGUES and Juan Antonio MARTINEZ... 22 Oct 1863.
p. 322
Sale of land from Antonio Jose ORTIS and wife Ma. Dolores LUCERO to Maria Concepcion BELASQUES... 17 May 1856... land in Placita de los Lucero between land of Ma. Concepcion BELASQUES and Manuel Antonio GUTIERRES... Witnesses Deciderio VALDEZ and Jose Anto. ARCHULETA...
16 Nov 1863.
p. 323
Sale of house and land from Gabriel LUCERO to Alay SHEURICH and Charles RITE... near homes of Dolores GALBALDON, Juan LOPES, Peregrina MARTINEZ and Anthony JOSEPH... 1 Nov 1863.
p. 325
Deed from Julian MARTINEZ and Refugio MARTINEZ, his wife, of town of Abiquiu, to Frederick MUELLER of Taos... dated 18 Jan 1864... undivided 1/8 part of land in Rio Arriba Co. about 45 miles west of town of Abiquiu known as Tierra Amarillo grant made by Republic of Mexico to Manuel MARTINEZ in his lifetime (father of Julian MARTINEZ) Julian acquired 1/8th part by inheritance from his mother, Maria Manuela QUINTANA... Witnesses L.J.D.
p. 328
Appointment of Juan de los Relles MARES as guardian of Escalostica BAROS, age 5 yr...
Bondsmen Damian TRUGILLO and Antonio Abad ROMERO... 15 Jan 1864.
p. 330
Appointment of Jose Francisco TRUJILLO as guardian of Marcelino BAROS, age 1 yr...
Bondsmen Charles PORTUGUES and Damian TRUJILLO... 15 Jan 1864.
p. 332
Appointment of Anastacio RIBERA as guardian of Maria Feliciana BAROS, age 4...
Juan B. SERNA and Cristobal MARES... 15 Jan 1864.
p. 334
Appointment of Juan de Jesus MARES as guardian of Ambrocio BAROS, age 6 yrs...
Leonor TRUJILLO and Guillermo TRUJILLO... 15 Jan 1864.
p. 336
Appointment of Juan de Jesus MARES as guardian of Margarita BAROS, age 3 yrs...
Santiago MARTINEZ and Ynocencio MARTINEZ... 15 Jan 1864.
p. 340
Appointment of Manuel GOMES as guardian of Marie Clara TRUJILLO, age 11 yrs...
Miguel RIBERA and Juan ARCHULETA... 15 Jan 1864.
p. 342
Appointment of Maria Gregoria MEDINA as guardian of Placido GONZALES, minor...
Antonio Jose MARTINEZ and Pedro SANCHES... 12 Jan 1864.
p. 344
Will of deceased Carlos BEAUBIEN of Fernando de Taos, age 64... 6 children... Sangre de Cristo and Rayado Grant to be divided fairly between my heirs and L.B. MAXWELL... then F. MULLER shall locate his land (1 mi sq) on the divided 1/2 falling to my share as I gave him deed to 1 sq mi in 1862... Rest of my children: Lenora TRUGILLO, Paul BEAUBIEN, PeTRa ABUREU and Juana BEAUBIEN shall select 100 square miles each... L.B. MAXWELL and F. MULLER have already received theirs from the grant... Sangre de Cristo grant divided equally... wife, Paulita LOBATO... one share to Juan Ignacio JAQUES from La Culebra, Colorado Territory (his wife during her lifetime) All interest in firm of BEAUBIEN and MULLER...
Executors sons-in-law Frederic MULLER and Jesus ABREIU... signed 16 Jan 1864...
Witnesses L.J.D. CLOUTHIER, L. CHERIE, Juan Ramon VALDEZ... Probate 12 Feb 1864.
p. 349
Appointment of Ma. de la Gracia VIGIL, guardian of Ma. Susana PAIS, 4 mo. old... Bondsmen Vicente VIGIL and Pedro VIGIL... 13 Feb 1864... daughter of her and deceased Roberto PAIZ.
p. 351
Sale of house from Juan OSBORNE, of Colorado, to Juan TRUGILLO... 7 Oct 1863... house in Plaza de Don Fernando near house of Don Juan MARES, Marcelina MARTIN, Melcher WERNER and Don Pedro Joseph de TEVIS... Witnesses Juan DURAN and Carlos BEAUBIEN.
p. 353
Sale of land from Julian LUCERO to Charles HOLMES... 1 Sep 1857... along the Rio del Pueblo near land of Begnino VALDEZ and Barbara CORDOVA... Witnesses Juan SANTISTEVAN, Antonio (X) de TEVIS... Recorded 1 Mar 1864.
p. 355
Will of deceased Ma. Paula MARTINEZ of San Lorenzo de Picuris, Taos Co... husband Jose Dolores FERNANDEZ... 3 children: Jose Miguel, Juan Miguel and Maria Trinidad... 2 sons deceased... debts owed to Jose Francisco MORA, Francisco SANTISTEVAN, and Juan MARTIN...debts owed by Pablo LOPES, Pedro FERNANDES, Jose Miguel LOPES, Jose GARSIA, Mariano DELORA, Ma. de la Angeles PACHECO, Juan TRUJIO, Jose Maria CORDOBA, Jose Manl. CORDOVA, Sostenes VIGIL, Pedro ROMERO, Benacio CRUZ, Relles BELASQUES, Paula RUIBAL... granddaughter: Maria (no surname) Executors: Antonio Maria SANTISTIVAN and Salvador MARTINES... 4 Mar 1864...Witnesses: Relles RODRIGUES, Juan Domingo SANCHES, Juan de la Reyes MARTINES, Salvador MARTINEZ, Juan Antonio SANCHES, Antonio Marie SANTISTEVAN... entered 17 Mar 1864...
Bondsmen: Leandro MARTINES and Diego SANTISTEVAN.
p. 362
Appointment of Frederico MULLER as guardian of Pablo BEAUBIEN, age 16 yrs... Bondsmen Adolph GUTTMAN and Julius FREIDMAN... 15 Mar 1864.
p. 364
Administration of estate of deceased Jose Franco. TRUJILLO... Administrator: Rafael LUCERO... Bondsmen Santiago MARTINES and Ynocencio MARTINEZ... 15 Jan 1864... wife was Ma.
Elena BACA.
End of book

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