Taos County, New Mexico

Following is the marriage information on Ezra Redding:From LDS Microfilm Reel # 0017017 Taos Marriages 1856-1895...

July 1,1872 I Priest Gabr.Ussel having examined the Prenuptial Investigations in favor of Ezra Reading,Legitimate son of James and Elizabeth Reading,With Miguela Belasquez,Legitimate daughter of the deceased Juan Ignacio Velasquez and Isabel LaForet.Dispensed the three Banns and no other impediment was presented.I married them according to the rules of the Catholic Church in front of the following witnesses:J.Miguel Ortiz and Manuela Tafoya-Rio Colorado..So That It Be So,I Signed.Gabr.Ussel (Rubric)

Note..Ezra Redding may have served as a Justice of The Peace.He is listed as performing a marriage ceremony.

From the Book "Taos Marriages 1770-1860."By:David Salazar and Bill Trujillo Sept 1994.Published by The Genealogical Society Of Hispanic America-Southern Calif Branch.Extracted from Book of Marriages M-41 Taos (Box 38)1845-1856,Frame 245... 12-25-1849 Jose Ygnacio Velasquez,single son of Antonio Velasquez and Eulogia Roibal,resident of Rio Colorado (Present day Questa,NM),with Maria Ysabel Lafore,single daughter of Francisco Lafore and Maria Dolores Armenta,resident of the same place.Sponsors:Eugenio Sanches and-not legible-.Wits:Julian Urban and Pablo Sandoval.

Francisco Lafore French Canadian Trapper,son of Francisco Lafore and Maria Feliciana Camvel,married Maria Dolores Armenta 25 July 1828.From"Origin Of New Mexico Families."By:Fray Angelico Chavez.Page 412.Also listed in the book"The Taos Trappers,The Fur Trade In the Far Southwest,1540-1846."By:David J.Weber.

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