Taos County, New Mexico

Following is the information found on ALFONSO TAFOYA.His wife was SIMFOROSA [Maria] ROMERO the daughter of Felix (Feliz) Romero and Eva Burciaga from the El Valle/Trampas Area,Eva and Felix are listed still living with their parents in the El Valle/Trampas Area in the 1900 and 1910 Census.The Romero Family seems to have moved to Taos in the 1920s.The following information is on the TAFOYA Family:


II-FRANCISCO TAFOYA and Marina Torres.Francisco Tafoya son of;

III- PEDRO ANTONIO TAFOYA and Maria Antonia Vigil.Pedro Antonio Tafoya son of;

IV-FRANCISCO ANTONIO TAFOYA and Maria Anastacia Archuleta.Francisco Antonio Tafoya son of;

V-SALVADOR TAFOYA and Maria Josefa Trujillo.Salvador Tafoya son of;

VI-JUAN DOMINGO TAFOYA and Maria Dolores Maese.


Taos Marriages LDS Microfilm Reel # 017018.Page 310.Our Lady Of Guadalupe.July 13,1933 ALFONSO TAFOYA,soltero de Talpa,hijo de Francisco Tafoya Y De Marina Torres,Baptised in Taos,NM With SIMFOROSA ROMERO de Talpa,Soltera hija de Feliz Romero Y De Eva Burciaga,Baptised in Penasco,NM.Padrinos:Luis Tafoya Y Maria Ascencion Cortez.By:Jos Giraud.


The 1910 and 1920 Census of Talpa lists Francisco Tafoya and Marina Torres with the following children;1-Guadalupe,2-Louis,3-Francisco,4-Teresina,5-Alfonso,6-Alisa,7-Manuel.


LDS Microfilm Reel 017018,Page 61.Our Lady Of Guadalupe Taos Marriages.7 Jan 1901.JOSE VIDAL TAFOYA soltero de Rio Chiquito,hijo de Pedro A.Tafoya Y De Maria Antonia Vigil,Con AUGUSTINA MEDINA soltera hija de Faustin Medina Y De Maria N.Valerio.Padrinos:Juan N.Vigil and Manuela Mondragon.By:Jos Pugot.

Following are three (3) of Pedro Antonio Tafoya and Maria Antonia Vigil's children Baptised in Our Lady Of Guadalupe.Taken from the book "BAUTISMOS Our Lady Of Guadalupe Church De Taos-12 July 1887 to 27 Dec 1900."Extracted,Trancribed and Published By:The Hispanic Genealogical Research Center Of New Mexico.

Page 45-Tafoya,Maria Dela Asencion,of Rio Chiquito.Born 24 March 1889,Bapt 28 March 1889.Hija de Pedro Antonio Tafoya Y Antonia Vigil.Padrinos:Mauricio Duran Y Romualda Tafoya.By:Off:Jose Valezy.(Page 95)

Page 171-Tafoya,Jose Eliseo of Rio Chiquito.Born 31 Jan 1894,Bapt 4 Feb 1894.Hijo de Pedro Antonio Tafoya and Antonia Vigil.Pads:Jose Manuel Rodriguez Y Juana Maria Petrona Aragon.By:Off:Jose Valezy...Note:.Baptismal Record states that he married Maria Gutierrez on 11 March 1956,by Rev.Francis Ziegler,SF,Church Of Mount Carmel.Trinidad,Colorado. (page 347)

Page 274-Tafoya,Macedonio Of Ranchos,Born 12 Sept 1897,Bapt 10 Oct 1897.Hijo de Pedro Antonio Tafoya and Maria Antonia Vigil.Pads:Jose Santos Tafoya and Maria Dorotea Sandoval.By:Off:Henry C.Pouget.(page 1)


From the book "Taos Marriages 1770-1860."By:David Salazar and Bill Trujillo Sept 1994.Published By The Genealogical Society Of Hispanic America Southern Calif. Branch.

Book Of Marriages Taos M-40 (Box 37) 1833-1845,Frame 1312.6 Jan 1844 FRANCISCO ANTONIO TAFOYA soltero hijo de Salvador Tafoya y de Maria Josefa Trugillo,ya difunta,oriundo deste Curato de Taos y vecinos de la Plaza de Nuestra Senora de San Juan,Con MARIA ANASTACIA ARCHULETA,soltera hija de Pedro Ascencio Archuleta y de Maria Dolores Garcia,Oriundo deste Curato de Taos y vecina de la Plaza de Nuestra Senora de San Juan.Padrinos:Antonio Jose Gonzales y Maria Paula Gonzales vecinos del mismo lugar.Testigos:Jose Romero y Miguel Romero,vecinos de la Plaza de San Francisco Del Rancho.

From the book "Taos Baptisms 1701-1852."By:Thomas D.Martinez,Page 44.ARCHULETA,MARIA ANASTACIA (8 days old) Baptised 4-15-1827,Father Pedro Ansencio Archuleta,Mother Maria Dolores Vasquez,Vecinos de El Rancho.Paternal Grandparents:Miguel Archuleta y Maria Francisca Olivas.Maternal Grandparents:Antonio Vasquez y Maria Aragon.Padrinos:Jose Tomas Marquez y Maria Gertrudes Montoya.

Page 613,Same book.Juan Ysidro Tafoya Bapt 4-29-1846,5 days old,Father Salvador Tafoya,Mother Maria Anastacia Archuleta,Vecinos de N.S.De San Juan.Paternal Grandparents:Salvador Tafoya Y Maria Josefa Trujillo.Maternal Grandparents:Pedro Archuleta and Maria Dela Cruz Vasquez.Pads:Pedro Antonio Gallegos and Maria Ygnacia Duran.

From the book "Taos Baptisms 1701-1867."By:David Salazar and Bill Trujillo Sept 1994.Published By:The Genealogical Society Of Hispanic America-Calif.Branch.

Book of Baptisms B-53 Taos 1853-1859,Frame 922.Feb __,1857 Maria Romualda,5 days old,Daughter of Jose Francisco Tafoya and Maria Anastacia Archuleta,Residents of Rio Chiquito.Pads:Juan Montoya and Maria Barbara Medina,residents of El Rancho.

Book of Baptisms B-58 1859-1869,Frame 24.5 Nov 1859 Jose Del Carmen 5 days old,Son of Francisco Tafolla and Maria Anastacia Archuleta,residents of Rio Chiquito.Pads:Juan Esquipula Mestas and Maria Dela Luz Montolla,residents of the same place.

Book of Baptisms B-52 Taos (Box 75) 1844-1847,Frame 681.20 Nov 1844 Maria Leonor 8 days old,Daughter of Francisco Tafoya and Anastacia Archuleta,residents of La Plaza de San Francisco Del Rancho.PGP:Salvador Tafoya Y Maria Juana Medina. MGP: Pedro Ascencio Archuleta Y Maria Dela Cruz vasquez.Pads:Felipe Garcia and Juana Tafoya,residents of La Plaza De Nuestra Senora De Guadalupe.


From the book "Taos Marriages 1770-1860."By:David Salazar and Bill Trujillo 1994.Published By:The Genealogical Society Of Hispanic America-Southern Calif. Branch.

Book Of Marriages Taos M-37 (Box 35) 1777-1822,Frame 545.8 Dec 1808 SALVADOR hijo de Juan Domingo Tafoya y de Dolores Maese,Con MARIA JOSEFA hija de Andres Truxillo y de Antonia Lopes.Testigos y Padrinos:Jose Medina y Rita Lucero y El Sacristian Jose Martin.

Book Of Marriages Taos M-40 (Box 37) 1833-1845,Frame 954.5 Sept 1836 MANUEL ANTONIO TAFOYA soltero hijo de Salvador Tafoya y de Maria Josefa Trugillo,Vecino de San Francisco del Rancho y Oriundo del Rancho,Con MARIA ANTONIA GETRUDES LUCERO hija de Pedro Lucero y de Maria Gertrudes Duran,Vecinos del mismo lugar. Pads:Rafael Vigil y Maria Estefana Madrid,Vecinos de San Fernando.Testigos: Rafael Tenorio y Juan Nicolas Duran,Vecinos del mismo lugar.

Book Of Marriages Taos M-40 (Box 37) 1833-1845,Frame 1312.6 Jan 1844 FRANCISCO ANTONIO TAFOYA soltero hijo de Salvador Tafoya Y De Maria Josefa Trugillo,ya Difunta,Oriundo deste Curato de Taos y Vecino de La Plaza de Nuestra Senora de San Juan,Con MARIA ANASTACIA ARCHULETA soltera hija de Pedro Ascencio Archuleta Y De Maria Dolores Garcia Oriundos deste Curato de Taos y Vecina de La Plaza de Nuestra Senora de San Juan.Padrinos:Antonio Jose Gonsales y Maria Paula Gonsales,Vecinos del mismo lugar.Testigos:Jose Romero y Miguel Romero,Vecinos de La Plaza de San Francisco del Rancho.

Book of Marriages Taos M-41 (Box 38) 1845-1856,Frame 610.10 Feb 1858 RAMON MEDINA who has lived for many years with MARIA SOLEDAD TAFOLLA.He is single the son of Jose Medina and Maria Guadalupe Espinosa,both dead,She is the single daughter of Salbador Tafolla and Maria Josefa Trugillo,dead.Both natives of Taos Residents of Rio Chiquito Dela Virgin De San Juan.Sponsors:Juaquin Sandoval and Maria Dela Lus Hurtado.Wits:Antonio Sandobal and Jose Mondragon.

..*..Note..There are two (2) Salvador Tafoyas listed in the Baptism and Marriage Records.One is married to Maria Josefa Trujillo and the other Salvador sometimes listed as Salvador Antonio Tafoya is married 1st wife Juana Maria Medina and 2nd-Maria De Altagracia Crus.Whom he married 2-19-1855 where he is listed as the widow of Juana Maria Medina.......I did not include the latter's information.

From the Book "Taos Baptisms 1701-1852."By:Thomas D.Martinez,Page 619.

1-Tafoya,Manuel Antonio Bapt 4-30-1809,7 days old,Father Salvador Tafoya,Mother Josefa Trujillo.Padrinos:Juan Ygnacio Vigil and Soledad Duran.

2-Tafoya,Maria Soledad Bapt 8-28-1811,6 days old.Father Salvador Tafoya,Mother Maria Trujillo.Pdrinos:Jose Pacheco and Maria Vigil.

3-Tafoya,Jose Pablo Bapt 1-25-1816,3 days old,Father Salvador Tafoya,Mother Josefa Trujillo.Padrinos:Pedro Herrera and Ana Ventura Duran.


.*..Note..There is a JUAN DOMINGO TAFOYA listed with a spouse Maria Dolores Maese and also another listings for a Juan Domingo Tafoya with a spouse named Maria Gertrudis Cordova.From the dates on the records it is possible that Maria Dolores Maese may have been his first wife and Maria Gertrudis Cordova his second wife.There are also listings for a Juan Bartolome Tafoya married to Maria Dolores Maese.

From the book "Taos Baptisms 1701-1852."By:Thomas D.Martinez Page 617.

1-Tafoya,Jose Concepcion Bapt 5-17-1801,9 days old.Father Juan Domingo Tafoya,Mother Maria Dolores Maese.Pads:Jose Tafoya and Maria Ygnacia Cruz.

2-Tafoya,Juana Paula Bapt 6-5-1803,7 days old.Father Juan Domingo Tafoya,Mother Maria Dolores Maese.Pads:Bartolome Mondragon y Maria Regina Fresquis.

Juan Domingo Tafoya and Maria Dolores Maese are listed as the Grandparents of the following Children.From the book listed prior-Taos Baptisms 1701-1867.

1-Jan 29,1804 Juan Antonio Born 1-21-1804,son of Francisco Esteban Romero y Maria Refurrn ? Tafoya.Padrinos and Grandparents:Juan Domingo Tafoya and Dolores Maese.

2-March 14,1824 Pedro Patricio,Del Rancho,son of Romano Tafolla y Antonia Rosalia Duran.PGP:Juan Domingo Tafolla Y Dolores Mes.MGP:Manuel Duran Y Maria Geralda Mascarenas.Pads:Bentura Duran Y Maria De Jesus Martin.

3-April 8,1825 Juana Maria,Del Rancho,hija de Salvador Tafoya Y De Juana Medina. PGP:Juan Domingo Tafoya Y Dolores Mes.MGP:Juan De Jesus Medina Y Candelaria Pais.Pads:Faustin Vigil Y Maria Dela Lus Martin.

4-April 8,1827 Maria Graciana,Del Rancho,3 days old.Hija de Bartolo Tafolla Y De Maria Antonia Gonzales,residents of El Varrio de San Francisco Del Rancho.PGP: Juan Domingo Tafoya Y Dolores Mes.MGP:Cayetano Gonzales Y Lorenza Jorja.Pads: Pedro Bueno Y Maria Manuela Romero,Residents of the same Varrio.

5-Dec 4,1831 Maria Andrea,5 days old.Hija de Salvador Tafoya Y De Juana Medina,residents of San Francisco del Rancho.PGP:Juan Domingo Tafoya Y Maria Dolores Maes.MGP:Salvador Medina Y Candelaria Pais,deceased.Pads:Maria Del Carmen Tafoya,resident of the same place.

6-March 19,1832 Maria Rita,3 days old,Natural daughter of Maria Josefa Tafoya,Father unknown.MGP:Juan Domingo Tafoya Y Maria Dolores Maes.Pads:Francisco Duran Y Margarita Aragon.

7-May 26,1832 Juan Nepomuseno,3 days old.Hijo de Romano Tafoya Y De Antonia Rosalia Duran,Residents of San Francisco del Rancho.PGP:Juan Domingo Tafoya Y Dolores Maes,deceased.MGP:Manuel Duran Y Maria Geralda Mascarenas.Pads:Pedro Mauricio Duran Y Maria Barbara Sanches,residents of the same place.

8-May 31,1835 Jose Dela Asencion,4 days old,son of Romano Tafoya and Maria Rosalia Duran,residents of San Francisco Del Rancho.PGP:Juan Domingo Tafoya Y Dolores Maes.MGP:Manuel Duran Y Maria Geralda Mascarenas.Pads:Juan Arguello Y Maria Rosa Vigil,residents of the same place.

9-July 9,1837 Jose Donaciano,5 days old.Son of Juan Antonio Tafolla and Juana Maria Medina,residents of Rio Chiquito.PGP:Juan Domingo Tafolla and Maria Dolores Maese.MGP:Juan de Jesus Medina and Candelaria Pais.Pads:Jose Gabriel Medina and Maria Ygnacia Vigil,Residents of the same place.

From the book "Taos Marriages 1770-1860."By:David Salazar and Bill Trujillo Sept 1994.Published By The Genealogical Society Of Hispanic America-Southern Calif. Branch.

Book Of Marriages Taos M-37 (Box 35) 1777-1822,Frame 483:Feb 5,1792 Jose Domingo Lovato hijo de Juan Domingo Lovato y de Ana Maria Medina,con Maria Clara Tafolla hija de Juan Domingo Tafolla y de Maria Dolores _ _ ?,Vecinos de Ranchos.Pads: Bartolo Tafolla Y Maria _ _ ?

Book Of Marriages Taos M-37 (Box 35) 1777-1822,Frame 527:Nov 23,1803 Cristoval Casillas,hijo de Bernardo Casillas ya difunto y de Ysabel Madrid,con Maria Luisa hija de Juan Domingo Tafoya y Maria Dolores Maese,vecinos de esta jurisdiction. Pads:Manuel Antonio Sandoval y Maria Antonia Lobato.Testigos: Santiago Armijo 44 anos,Cristobal Lopes 33 anos,Todos vecinos de esta jurisdiction.

Book Of Marriages Taos M-37 (Box 35) 1777-1822,Frame 545:Dec 8,1808 Salvador Hijo de Juan Domingo Tafoya y de Dolores Maese,con Maria Josefa hija de Andres Truxillo y Antonia Lopes.Testigos Y Padrinos:Jose Medina Y Rita Lucero Y El Sacristin Jose Martin.

From the book "New Mexico Marriages Church in San Juan Pueblo 1726-1776,1831- 1855 and Church in Santa Clara Pueblo 1726-1832."Extracted By:M.Eloise Arellanes Compiled By:Margaret Leonard Windham and Evelyn Lujan Baca.Published By:The New Mexico Genealogical Society.From Microfilm Reel # 30 AASF,Frame 180.

18 June 1826 Miguel Mateo Tafolla,son of Juan Domingo Tafolla and Maria Dolores Maese of Taos,marrying Maria Juana Padilla,daughter of Jose Antonio Padilla and Josefa Mestas,Spanish,all of this Parish.Pads:and Wits:Antonio Maese and Petrona Romero of the same parish.


1850 New Mexico Territorial Census- Volume 3.Published By:The New Mexico Genealogical Society,Inc.Page 11.Sheet 101,3 Nov 1850.

Tafoya,Maria Soledad 28 F NM
Maria Josefa 14 F NM
Medina,Juan Bautista 16 M NM
Tafoya,Francisco 27 M NM
Maria Antonia 20 F NM
Pedro Antonio 1 M NM

1860 Census:Schedule 1-Free Inhabitants in The Precinct of El Rancho,County of Taos,Territory of New Mexico.28th Day of June 1860.Pedro Valdes,Ass't Marshal. Page 89.

793-793 Francisco Tafoya Age 48 M Farm Laborer Value Real Estate 160 Value Personal Estate 200 Born Taos Co.NM
Maria Anastacia Archuleta Age 36 F Born Taos Co NM
Pedro Antonio Tafoya Age 13 M Born Taos Co NM
Juan Pedro Tafoya Age 11 M Born Taos Co NM
Maria Manuela Tafoya Age 5 F Born Taos Co NM
Rumalda Tafoya Age 4 F Born Taos Co NM
Jose Santos Tafoya Age 7/12 M Born Taos Co NM
Manuela Vasquez Age 75 F Washer Woman Born Taos Co NM

1870 Census:Schedule 1-Inhabitants in The Town of El Rancho,County of Taos,Territory of New Mexico.23rd Day of June 1870.Juan Santistevan,Ass't Marshal. Page 28.

289-256 Archuleta,Anastacia Age 37 F W Farmer Value Real Estate 100 Born Taos Co
Pedro Antonio Age 21 M W Farm Laborer Born Taos Co NM
Juan Pedro Age 17 M W Farm Laborer Born Taos Co NM
Manuela Age 14 F W Born Taos Co NM
Jose Santos Age 6 M W Born Taos Co NM
Jose Domingo Age 8 M W Born Taos Co Nm

1880 Census:Schedule 1-Inhabitants in El Rancho,County of Taos,Territory Of New Mexico.9th Day of June 18880.Guillermo Martinez,Enumerator.Page 4.

41-41 Tafoya,Anastacia W F Age 46 Keeping House
Santos W M Age 16 Son Laborer
Domingo W M Age 12 Son Laborer
Manuela W F Age 27 Daugh. At Home
Natividad W F Age 8 Daugh.
Edubigen W F Age 3 Daugh.

42-42 Tafoya,Juan Pedro W M Age 25 Laborer
Pabla W F Age 22 Wife Keeping House
Clara W F Age 5/12 Jan.Daughter

1900 Census:Schedule 1-Population,Inhabitants in Precinct No.3,Ranchos of Taos,County of Taos,Territory of New Mexico.14th Day of June 1900.Marina Martinez,Enumerator.

208-211 Tafoya,Pedro Head W M April 1848 Age 52 Married 26 Years Farm Laborer
Tonita Wife W F Nov. 1846 Age 50 M 9 Children Born 7 Living
Francisco Son W M May 1876 Age 23 Single Farm Laborer
Vidal Son W M May 1880 Age 20 Single Farm Laborer
Ramon J. Son W M Mar. 1883 Age 17 Single Day Laborer
Ramon Son W M July 1886 Age 14 Single Farm Laborer
Cencionita Daugh.F W Mar. 1889 Age 11
Eliceo Son W M Dec. 1898 Age 6
Masedonio Son W M Sept. 1897 Age 2

1910 Census:Schedule 1-Population.Inhabitants in Precinct No.19,Talpa,County of Taos,Territory of New Mexico.20th day of April 1910.Lulu L.Valdez,Enumerator.

83-85 Tafoya,Vidal Head M W Age 30 Married 1 - 4 Years Laborer Sheepherder
Agustina Wife F W Age 18 Married 1 - 2 Children Born 2 Living
Amelia Daugh F W Age 2
Merenciana Daugh F W Age 6/12

84-86 Tafoya,Francisco Head M W Age 32 Married 1 - 8 Years Farmer Own Farm
Marina Wife F W Age 26 Married 1 - 4 Children Born 4 Living
Guadalupe Daugh F W Age 7
Louis Son M W Age 5
Francisco Son M W Age 3
Teresina Daugh F W Age 10/12

1920 Census.Schedule 1-Inhabitants in Talpa Precinct No.19,County of Taos,State of New Mexico.8th day of January 1920.Andres Valerio,Enumerator.

29-29 Tafoya Jose D. Head M W Age 53 Married Laborer
Sirilia Wife F W Age 36 Married
Nieves Grand Daughter F W Age 7

30-30 Tafoya,Francisco Head M W Age 42 Married Laborer
Maria J. (T.) Wife F W Age 35 married
Luis Son M W Age 14 Single
Francisco Son M W Age 12
Teresina Daughter F W Age 10
Alfonso Son M W Age 7
Alisa Daughter F W Age 3
Manuel Son M W Age 1

45-48 Tafoya,Masedonio Head M W Age 22 Married Laborer
Nicolasita T. Wife F W Age 22 Married.


From the book :Spanish Surnames In The Southwestern United States:A Dictionary. By:Richard D.Woods and Grace Alvarez-Altman.Published By:G.K.Hall & Co.I.S.B.N. (ISBN) 0-8161-8145-4...Page 133.

TAFOYA:Tafurer is Catalan.

From the Book "Diccionario Heraldico Y Nobiliario."By:Fernando Gonzalez-Doria. Copyright by Editorial Bitacora,S.L.-I.S.B.N.(ISBN) 84-465-0044-2.Page 757.

TAFOYA.-Vease Tafurer.-(See Tafurer)

TAFURER.Catalan.-Armas:En Campo de Gules,Tres Estrellas De Plata,Bordura de Oro.

From the book "Origin Of Spanish Names Como Te Llamas Y Por Que Te Llamas Asi." By:Richard G.Santos.Page 56.

TAFOLLA/TAFOYA-(German-Tahulla)-He who Measures Land.He/She Who Measures Land;A Surveyor.

The following information is from LDS Microfilm Reel # 0017017,Taos Marriages 1856-1895,Page 97.Our Lady Of Guadalupe Church.3 Nov 1881 Case y Vele a JOSE SANTOS TAFOYA, Del Rio Chiquito.Single Legitimate Son of Francsico Tafoya and Maria Anastascia Archuleta,With MARIA DOROTEA SANTISTEVAN,Del Ranchito De Abajo.Single Legitimate Daughter of Jose Santistevan and Maria Dominga Gallegos.Wits:Juan Archuleta and Maria Simonita Archuleta.By:Jose Valezy (Rubric)

Following is the information from the 1900 Census that says Dorotea and Jose Santos had 8 children born and 6 living:

1900 Census Schedule No.1-Population in Precinct No.3 Ranchos of Taos,County of Taos,Territory of New Mexico.13th day of June 1900.Marina Martinez,Enumerator.Sheet No.7.
167-169 Tafoya Jose S.Head W M Nov 1861 Age 38 Married 18 Years Farm Laborer
Doretella Wife W F June 1864 Age 35 Married 18 Years 8 Children Born 6 Living
Rafelita Daughter W F Feb 1886 Age 14 Single
Lizardo Son W M Feb 1891 Age 9
Doloritas Daughter W F April 1892 Age 8
Teresita Daughter W F Sept 1894 Age 5
Alfonso Son W M Oct 1896 Age 3
Eutimia Daughter W F May 189

168-170 Tafoya,Anastacia Head W F Feb 1820 Widowed 10 Children Born 6 Living
Anastacia was Jose Santos Tafoya's Mother.

Please note that the Date of Births and Ages listed in the Census are almost never accurate.

From the book "Bautismos Our Lady Of Guadalupe Church de Taos 12 July 1887 to 27 Dec 1900."By:The Hispanic Genealogical Research Center Of New Mexico.Page 71.

TAFOYA,Jose Lizardo of Rio Chiquito Bapt 9 Mar 1890,Born 27 Feb 1890.Son of Jose Santos Tafoya and Dorotea Sandoval. Padrinos:Jacinto Griego and Rupererta Vigil.By:Jose Valezy. Page 153.


From the book "Taos Marriages 1770-1860."By:David Salazar and Bill Trujillo.Published By GSHA-Southern Calif Chapter.Frame 532.30 Aug 1804 JOSE DELA CRUZ TAFOYA,hijo de Salvador Tafoya,Difunto,Y De Maria Ygnacia Casio Con,MARIA LORENZA,Hija de Juan Julian Quintana Y De Felipa Paese.Padrinos::El Sacristan Martin,Feliz Urioste Y Concepcion Urioste.Testigos:Pedro Ygnacio age 41,Jose Antonio Cortes age 33,Todos vecinos de esta Jurisdiction.

NOTE-Spelling of Mothers Surname.For the groom's it is CANO and for the bride's it is MAESE.

Frame 1368-26 Aug 1844 JOSE MIGUEL TAFOYA,single son of Jose Dela Cruz Tafoya and Maria Lorensa Quintana,originally from Taos,now from the Plaza de San Francisco De Ranchos,with MARIA SEFERINA MANSANARES,widow of the deceased Juan Pedro Pacheco,originally from Santo Thomas de Abiquiu,now from the Plaza of San Francisco del Rancho.Pads:Miguel Gonzales and Maria Rosalia Maes.Wit:Pedro Martines and Jose Romero,all from La Plaza de San Francisco del Rancho.

From the book "Santa Cruz dela Canada Baptisms 1710-1860."By:Thomas D.Martinez.Page 355.
1-MARIA DE SAN LORENZO QUINTANA baptised 9-3-1783,Father Juan Julian Quintana,Mother Maria Felipa Maese,Vecinos dela Canada.Pads:Juan Martin and Maria Felipa.
2-Maria Francisca Quintana Bapt.2-28-1786,From Cundillo.
3-Maria Josefa Bapt 8-15-1789.
4-Juana Paula (Twin) Bapt 2-7-1792.
5-Juana Pasquala (Twin) Bapt 2-7-1792.
6-Maria Rosalia Born 6-30-1798.

From the book "Taos baptisms 1701-1848."By Thomas D.Martinez.Page 572.
1-Josefa Enrique Tafoya Baptised 7-15-1804,Father Jose de Jesus Tafoya,Mother Maria Lorenza Quintana (Both Single),Pads:Jose Aragon and Rafaela Bueno.
2-Maria Tafoya Bapt 5-1-1806.
3-Maria Veronica Bapt 5-1-1808.

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