Taos County, New Mexico

Checking the 1880 Census for Mora County I found 2 persons named SALOME VIGIL one in Guadalupita and one in Ocate.I think the one in Ocate is the one you seek he is about the right age.The one in Guadalupita is a 45 year old female;as follows:

1880 CENSUS Schedule 1-Inhabitants in Ocate,County Of Mora,Territory of New Mexico.25th and 26th Day of June 1880.Page 46.Charles Bowmer,Enumerator.

537-537 VIGIL,Juan A. W M Age 63 Head Farmer
Refugio W F Age 45 Wife Keeps House
Santiago W M Age 17 Son Works On Farm
Ramon W M Age 15 Son Works On farm
Salome W M Age 12 Son Herder

538-538 VIGIL,Antonio W M Age 25 Head Farmer
Camilia W F Age 20 Wife Keeps House
Adolpho W M Age 1 Son

1880 Census Schedule 1-Inhabitants in Village of Guadalupita,County of Mora,Territory of New Mexico.8th day of June 1880.Charles Bowmer,Enumerator.

128-128 SISNEROS,Jose Maria W M Age 22 Head Farmer
Sabina W F Age 20 Wife Keeping House
VIGIL,Salome W F Age 45 Mother-In-Law at Home

All of the following information comes from the book "Some Descendants Of Domingo Montes Vigil Siero,Spain To La Culebra 1695-1999."By:Maria C.Martinez,et al.

JUAN IGNACIO VIGIL Son of Marcellino Vigil,Grandson of Juan Cristoval Montes Vigil,Great Grandson of Domingo Montes Vigil;was born 8 May 1771 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM and Christened 12 May 1771.He was the son of Marcelino Vigil and Micaela Martin.He married MARIA PAULA QUINTANA 20 Feb 1816 at Taos,NM.She was the daughter of Julian Quintana and Felipa Maes.

FELIPE VIGIL son of Juan Ignacio Vigil and Maria Paula Quintana Married ROSALIA PERALTA 23 Feb 1846 at Taos,NM.She was born at San Agustin De Isleta,NM.The daughter of Martin Peralta and Josefa Tafoya.

From the book "Taos Marriages 1770-1860."By:David Salazar and Bill Trujillo Sept 1994.Published By The Genealogical Society Of Hispanic America-Southern Calif. Branch.Book Of Taos Marriages M-41 (Box 38) 1845-1856,Frame 10.

2-23-1846 FELIPE VIGIL single son of Jose Ygnacio Vigil,Deceased and Maria Paula Quintana,Resident of La Plaza De Nuestra Senora De San Juan and native of the Parish of Taos,with MARIA ROSALIA PERALTA single daughter of Martin Peralta and Josefa Tafoya,both deceased,resident of the Mission of San Agustin de la Isleta. Pads:Jose Francisco Mestas Y Maria Soledad Tafoya,residents of San Francisco Del Rancho.Wits:Nicolas Duran and Pablo Sandoval,residents of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe.

From the Book "Taos Baptisms 1701-1867."By:David Salazar and Bill Trujillo Sept 1994.Published By:The Genealogical Society Of Hispanic America-Southern Calif. Branch.Book Of Baptisms B-53 San Geronimo De Taos 1853-1859,Frame 936.

_ May 1857 MARIA LEONOR 3 days old,Daughter of Felipe Jesus Vigil Y De Maria Rafaela Peralta,residents of Rancho de San Francisco,Pads:Jose Trujillo Y Maria Lus Garsia,residents of the same Plaza.

...Information found on the VIGIL family:...

I-MARIA MANUELA VIGIL Wife of Jose Guadalupe Martinez,Hija de ;

II-JOSE MANUEL VIGIL y Maria Concepcion Medina.Jose Manuel Vigil son of;

III-CRISTOVAL FAUSTIN VIGIL and Maria Dela Luz Martin.Cristoval Faustin Vigil son of;

IV-JUAN MANUEL VIGIL and Ana Maria Vallegos.Juan Manuel Vigil son of;

V-JUAN CRISTOVAL MONTES VIGIL and Teodora Medina.Juan Cristoval Montes Vigil son of;

VI-DOMINGO MONTES VIGIL and Pascuala Salazar.

...I-MARIA MANUELA VIGIL y JOSE GUADALUPE MARTINEZ... Information on MARIA MANUELA VIGIL is listed under I-Jose Guadalupe Martinez.


From the Book "Some Descendants of Domingo Montes Vigil-Siero,Spain To La Culebra 1695-1999."By:Maria C.Martinez,et al.Page 209.

MANUEL VIGIL was born about 1820 in New Mexico the son of Cristoval Faustin Vigil and Maria Dela Luz Martin.He married Concepcion Medina 21 May 1841 in Taos,NM.She was the daughter of Jose Medina and Encarnacion Montoya.Known children of Manuel Vigil and Concepcion Medina are;

1-Juliana Vigil born 19 Feb 1844 at Taos,NM.She married Encarnacion Mestas 16 Nov 1863 at Taos,NM.He was the son of Jose Esquipula Mestas and Maria De La Luz Montoya.

2-** MANUELA VIGIL born about 1848 in NM.She married JOSE GUADALUPE MARTINEZ 8 Jan 1868 at Taos,NM.Son of Francisco Antonio Martin and Ygnacia Pineda.

3-Jose Francisco Vigil married Maria dela Cruz Medina,daughter of Eugenio Medina and Albina Martinez on 12-31-1890 in Taos,NM.

From the book "Taos Baptisms 1701-1852."By:Thomas D.Martinez,Page 694.

1-Antonio De Guadalupe Vigil Bapt 12-14-1847,4 days old.Father Jose Manuel Vigil,Mother Maria Concepcion Medina,Vecinos De Nuestra Senora De San Juan Del Rio Chiquito.Paternal Grandparents:Faustin Vigil and Maria Dela Luz Martinez. Maternal Grandparents:Jose Medina and Maria Dela Encarnacion Montoya.Pads:Juan de Jesus Valerio and Maria Martinez,Padrinos from San Francisco Del Rancho.

2-Maria Juliana Vigil Bapt 2-22-1844,3 days old.Vecinos de La Plaza de San Francisco.Pads:Jose Benito Martinez y Maria Manuela Bueno.

3-Jose Dela Luz Vigil Bapt 1-13-1851,4 days old.Vecinos de Nuestra Senora De San Juan Del Rio Chiquito.Pads:Juan Ygnacio Vigil Y Maria Antonia Vigil.


From the book "Some Descendants Of Domingo Montes Vigil-Siero,Spain To La Culebra 1695-1999."By:Maria C.Martinez,et al.Pages 206 and 207.

CRISTOVAL FAUSTIN VIGIL was born 11 Sept 1789 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM. Baptised 14 Sept 1789 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM.He was the son of Juan Miguel Vigil and Ana Maria Ballejos.Cristoval died prior to 1860 in New Mexico.He married MARIA DELA LUZ MARTIN 18 July 1810 at Taos,NM.She was the daughter of Pedro Martin and Ignacia Garcia.Known children of Cristoval Faustin Vigil and Maria Dela Luz Martin:

1-Jose Benito Vigil Born 4 June 1812.He married Gertrudis Gallegos,daughter of Julian Gallegos and Josefa Montoya.

2-Josefa Vigil Born about 1815.She married Miguel Antonio Salazar 9 Jan 1839.Son of Casimiro Salazar and Concepcion Trujillo.

3-Juan Bautista Vigil Born 6 March 1819.He married Maria Dolores Martin 11 March 1844 at Taos.NM.She was the daughter of Francisco Antonio Martin and Ygnacia Pineda.

4-** MANUEL VIGIL Born about 1820 he married CONCEPCION MEDINA 21 May 1841 at Taos,NM.She was the daughter of Jose Medina and Encarnacion Montoya.

5-Matias (Juan) Vigil Born 23 Feb 1821.He married Maria Refugio Martinez 23 June 1845 at Taos,NM.She was the daughter of Francisco Antonio Martin and Ygnacia Pineda.

6-Juan Nepomuceno Vigil Born 18 June 1823 at Taos,NM.He married Maria Dolores Valdez 9 Dec 1847 at Taos.NM.She was the daughter of Jose Manuel Valdez and Maria Dela Luz Trujillo.

7-Marcelina Vigil Born 13 Sept 1825.She married Juan de Jesus Medina 6 May 1844 at Taos,NM.He was the son of Jose Medina and Encarnacion Montoya.

8-Maria Antonia Vigil Born about 1831.Listed in undated Census of About 1841.

9-Timia Vigil Born about 1835.Listed in undated Census of about 1841.

10-Maria Yrinea Vigil Born 7 April 1835 at Taos,NM.She married Bernardo Gutierrez at Taos,NM 10 Dec 1859.He was the son of Francisco Gutierrez and Candelaria Martin.

11-Juan Ignacio Vigil Born about 1840.He married Peregrina Alarid at Taos,NM.7 Jan 1860.She was the daughter of Jose Maria Alarid and Josefa Salazar.

12-Juan Del Carmen.

13-Paula Vigil Born 21 June 1841.She married Noverto Cordova 12 Jan 1857 at Taos,NM.He was the son of Rafael Cordova and Guadalupe Trujillo.

14-Agapito Vigil Born about 1844 in NM.He married twice.1st to Dolores Abeyta 23 Feb 1857 at Taos,NM.Daughter of Jose Abeyta and Maria Del Carmen Vigil.2nd to Francisca Mestas 8 May 1864 at Taos,NM.The daughter of Francisco Mestas and Rosa Romero.After Agapito Vigil's death Francisca Mestas married Juan Lamorie.

15-Salome Vigil Married Juan Del Carmen Martinez 9 Dec 1848 at Taos,NM.He was the son of Francisco Antonio Martinez and Ygnacia Pineda.

The book "Taos Baptisms 1701-1852."By:Thomas D.Martinez,Page 688.Has the same basic list of Cristoval Faustin Vigil and Maria Dela Luz Martin's off springs as Marica C.Martinez' book.I'll list the first entry vebatim and the rest with only the date baptised child' and padrinos name.

1-Jose Benito Vigil Bapt 6-7-1812,3 days old.Father Faustin Vigil,Mother Maria Dela Luz martin,PGP:Juan Miguel Vigil y Anna maria vallejos.MGP:Pedro Martin y Maria Ygnacia Garcia.Pads:Ramon Salazar y Soledad Vigil.

2-Juan Bautista Vigil Bapt 3-10-1819.Pads:Juan Chavez y Maria Dolores Martin.

3-Juan Matias Vigil Bapt 2-27-1821.Pads:Juan Nepomuceno Chaves y Clara Sanchez.

4-Juan Nepomuceno Vigil Bapt 6-24-1823.Pads:Blas Chavez y Maria Dolores Martin.

5-Maria Marcelina Vigil Bapt 9-13-1825.Pads:Ramon Vigil y Barbara Martin.

6-Juan Ygnacio vigil Bapt 1-6-1828.Pads:Manuel Sanchez y Maria Nicolasa Sandoval

7-Maria Antonia Vigil Bapt 6-19-1830.Pads:Ventura Martin y Maria Antonia Ortiz.

8-Maria Salome Vigil Bapt 10-21-1832.Pads:Antonio de Jesus Gallegos y Maria Rita Lucero.

9-Maria Ygnacia Vigil Bapt 4-12-1835.Pads:Jose Martin y Dolores Cordova.

10-Maria Paula Vigil Bapt 6-27-1841.Pads:Juan Nepomuceno Duran y Maria Dela Luz Sanchez.

11-Jose Agapito de Jesus Vigil Bapt 10-18-1837.Pads:Mariano Martinez y Maria dela Ascencion Gallegos.

12-Maria Marcelina Vigil Bapt 9-16-1825.Pads:Ramon Vigil y Barbara Martin...*.. Notice this Marcelina Vigil and the one listed # 5 above have the same name,the same padrinos and their Baptisim date is only 3 days different.....


From the book "Some Descendants Of Domingo Montes Vigil-Siero,Spain to La Culebra 1695-1999."By:Maria C.Martinez,et al.Page 162.

JUAN MIGUEL VIGIL born 8 Feb 1762 Santa Cruz dela Canada and Baptised 11 Feb 1762 also at Santa Cruz dela Canada,NM.He was the son of Juan Cristoval Montes Vigil and Teodora Medina.He married twice.1st-ANA MARIA BALLEJOS 22 Nov 1784 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM.She was the daughter of Bernardino de Sena Ballejos and Juana de Luna.Born June 1767 in Albuquerque,NM.Baptised 12 June 1767 at Villa De San Felipe Albuquerque,NM.2nd-MARIA CONCEPCION TRUJILLO 30 Nov 1829 at Taos,NM.She was born about 1809 and was the widow of Carmen Salazar.

Following are the Known Children Of Juan Miguel Vigil and Anna Maria Ballejos:

1-Soledad Vigil Bapt 24 July 1794 at Taos,NM.She married Ramon Salazar 26 Oct 1809 at taos,NM.He was the son of Juan Manuel Salazar and Maria De Los Reyes Martin.He was born and baptised 2 Sept 1788 at Abiquiu,NM.

2-Francisco Vigil Bapt 23 July 1785 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM.He Married Concepcion Hurtado 28 Aug 1808.She was the daughter of Juan Hurtado and Matiana Romero.

3-Juan Cristoval Vigil Bapt 10 March 1787 at Santa Cruz dela Canada,NM.He married Antonia Viviana Torres.She was born about 1790 in NM,the daughter of Antonio Torres and Nicolasa Sandoval.Antonia Viviana Torres died 12 Jan 1860 at Culebra,NM.


5-Juan De Jesus Vigil Bapt 23 Sept 1792 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM.He married Luisa Agustina Salazar 12 July 1812 at Taos,NM.She was the daughter of Juan Manuel Salazar and Maria Delos Reyes Martin.

6-Maria Refugio Vigil married Salvador Gutierrez 8 Dec 1832.He was the son of Francisco Gutierrez and Guadalupe Martin.


From the book "Some Descendants Of Domingo Montes Vigil-Siero,Spain to La Culebra 1695-1999."By:Maria C.Martinez,et al.Page 3.

JUAN CRISTOVAL MONTES VIGIL was born about 1721 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM.The son of Domingo Montes Vigil and Pascuala Salazar.He married twice.1st-TEODORA MEDINA and 2nd-JUANA DE LUNA,she was the daughter of Bernardino de Luna and Jasinta from Valensia.Juana de Luna was married 3 times.1st-Bernardino Vallejos,2nd-Mariano Aragon and 3rd-Juan Cristoval Montes Vigil.

Juan Cristoval Montes Vigil and Teodora Medina Known Children:

1-Pascuala Dela Luz Vigil Born Dec 1744 and baptised 28 Dec 1744 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM.She married Juan Ignacio Sanchez 23 Sept 1762 at Santa Cruz dela Canada,NM.She was buried 20 Dec 1816 at Taos,NM.

2-Marcelino Vigil Bapt 1 May 1746 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM.He married Micaela Martin 14 Sept 1769 at Abiquiu,NM.

3-Cristobal faustin Vigil.He married Josefa Sanchez 4 Sept 1767 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada.He died and was buried in Albuquerque 14 Oct 1787.

4-Ramon Vigil Baptised 24 Jan 1750 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM.

5-Salvador De Jesus Vigil was baptised 5 April 1752 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM.He married Maria Gertrudis Valdes 30 Sept 1776.

6-Ygnacia Vigil Baptised 3 Feb 1754 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM.She married Juan Felipe Martin.She died and was buried 1 June 1818 At Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM.

7-Jose Vigil Baptised 4 April 1756 At Santa Cruz Dela Cananda,NM. He married Petrona Martin.He died and was buried 27 June 1804 at Taos,NM.

8-Felipe de Jesus Vigil Baptised 19 April 1758 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM.He married Barthola Aragon.He died 3 April 1844 At Tome,NM.

9-Juan Cristoval Vigil born about 1760 NM.He married Antonia Andrea Martinez 19 Nov 1782 at Santa Fe,NM.


11-Juan Ignacio Vigil Baptised 23 April 1763 At Santa Cruz dela Canada,NM.He married Jacinta Aragon June 1786 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM.

12-Juan Dela Cruz Vigil Baptised 7 May 1765 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM.He married Maria Clara Fernandez 5 Dec 1787 at Taos,NM.She was the daughter of Antonio Fernandez and Margarita Romero.

13-Ygnacia Vigil Baptised 4 Aug 1770 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM.

14-Juana Vigil Baptised 12 Jan 1771 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM.


DOMINGO MONTES VIGIL was born about 1693 at Aguas Calientes,Zacatecas,Mexico.He was the son of Francisco Montes Vigil and Maria Jimenes Y Ancisco,Domingo Montes Vigil married twice.1st-Pascuala Salazar about 1715 in NM.2nd-Estela Marquez about 1725 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada.He died 11 March 1771 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM.


FRANCISCO MONTES VIGIL I was born about 1666 in Zacatecas,Mexico.He was the son of Juan Montes Vigil III and mother unknown.He married MARIA JIMENES Y ANCISO about 1683 in Zacatecas,Mexico.She,Maria died and was buried in Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM 19 Nov 1745.

Following is the information on the 1850 CENSUS,which is the only census that I looked at.

From the book "New Mexico 1850 Territorial Census Vol.3."Published By The New Mexico Genealogical Society,Inc. Sheet 101,3 Nov 1850.Page 10 and Page 14.Taos County:

Martin,Francisco Antonio Age 50 M NM
Peneda,Maria Ygnacia Age 43 F NM
Martin,Maria Del Carmen Age 16 F NM
Jose Vicente Age 14 M NM
Miguel Antonio Age 12 M NM
Jose Guadalupe Age 7 M NM

VIGIL,Faustin Age 60 M NM
Maria Lus Age 52 F NM
Juan Ygnacio Age 20 M NM
Maria Antonia Age 18 F NM
Maria Higuria Age 15 F NM
Jose Agapito Age 13 M NM
Maria Paula Age 10 F NM

Following is the information found on CRESENCIO VIGIL and La Familia VIGIL.

I-CRESENCIO VIGIL Y Juana Urana Chacon,Cresencio Vigil was the son of:

II-ZENOBIO DE JESUS VIGIL y Maria Isabel Lucero,Zenobio De Jesus Vigil was the son of:

III-FRANCISCO VIGIL Y Maria Candelaria Santistevan,Francsico Vigil was the son of:

IV-JUAN YGNACIO VIGIL Y Maria Antonia Aragon,Juan Ygnacio Vigil was the son of:

V-CRISTOBAL FAUSTIN VIGIL Y Josefa Sanchez,Cristobal Faustin Vigil was the son of:

VI-JUAN CRISTOBAL MONTES VIGIL Y Teodora Medina,Juan Cristobal Montes Vigil was the son of:

VII-DOMINGO MONTES VIGIL Y Pascuala Salazar,Domingo Montes Vigil was the son of:

VIII-FRANCISCO MONTES VIGIL I Y Maria Jimenes Y Anciso,Francisco Montes Vigil was the son of:

IX-JUAN MONTES VIGIL III and mother name not yet known.Juan Montes Vigil III was the son of:

X-JUAN MONTES VIGIL II y Catalina Herrera De Cantillana.Juan Montes Vigil II was the son of:

XI-JUAN MONTES VIGIL I y Maria De Vigil.Juan Montes Vigil I was the son of:



LDS Microfilm Reel 0017017 Taos Marriages 1856-1895.Page 169.En esta Parroqua de Taos hoy dia doce de Noviembre (12 Nov 1885).Yo Jose Velazy Case Y Vele a CRECENCIO VIGIL de Los Ranchitos de Abajo,Soltero hijo legitimo de Cenobio Vigil Difunto y de Ysabel Lusero,Con MARIA JUANA URANA CHACON del mismo lujar,soltera hija legitima de Manuel Chacon y de Maria del Carmen Lucero.Fueron Padrinos: Feliz Romero y Maria de Jesus Lucero.By:Jose Velazy (Rubric)

LDS Microfilm Reel # 0017011 Taos Baptisms,Page 421.4 April 1886 Bautice a EPIMENIO de 24 dias de nacido.Hijo Legitimo de Crecencio Vigil y de Maria Juana Chacon.Padrinos:Manuel Chacon y Maria del Carmen Lucero del Ranchito de Abajo. By:Jose Valezy

The following Baptisms are from the book "Bautismos Our Lady Of Guadalupe Church de Taos 12 July 1887 to 27 Dec 1900."By:The Hispanic Genealogical Research Center Of New Mexico.

2-Page 16-Vigil,Maria Estefania De Ranchito de Abajo.Bapt 7 Mar 1888,Born 26 Feb 1888.Hija de Crecencio Vigil Y Juana Chacon.Pads:Francisco Vigil y Maria Isabel Lucero.By:Off.Jose Valezy Page 32.

3-Page 67.Vigil,Cenobio of Ranchitos de Abajo,Bapt 12 Jan 1890,Born 12 Dec 1889. Hijo de Crecencio Vigil Y Juana Orana Chacon.Pads:Francisco Vigil Y Rafaela Martines.By:Off.Jose Valezy page 145.

4-Page 126.Vigil,Lucinda Emilina of El Ranchito de Abajo.Bapt 29 Apr 1892,Born 10 Apr 1892.Hija de Crecencio Vigil y Juana Chacon.Pads:Jose Ignacio Martinez y Juana Gonzalez.By:Off.Jose Valezy.Page 262.

5-Page 183.Vigil,Clotilde of Ranchito de Abajo.Bapt 8 June 1894,Born 3 June 1894.Hija de Crecencio Vigil y Juana Maria Chacon.Pads:Hilario Lucero y Petra Romo.By:Off.Jose Velazy.Page 368.

6-Page 248.Vigil,Tranquilino of Canon,Bapt 17 Oct 1896,Born 15 Oct 1896.Hijo de Crescencio Vigil Y Juana Chacon.Pads:Romulo Trujillo Y Santa Ana Lovato.By:Off. Federico Deshors.Page 474.


From the book "Taos Baptisms 1701-1848."By:Thomas D.Martinez.Page 641. ZENOBIO DE JESUS VIGIL Baptised 11-3-1839,5 days old,Father Francisco Vigil,Mother Maria Candelaria Santistevan,Vecinos de San Francisco de Pauda.Paternal Grandparents:Juan Ygnacio Vigil Y Maria Antonia Aragon.Maternal Grandparents: Feliciano Santistevan Y Maria Rafaela Trujillo.Padrinos:Don Vicente Martinez Y Dona Maria Salome Lucero.( Also Book of Taos Baptisms B-50 Taos (Box 74) 1837- 1844,Frame # 148.)

Book Of Baptisms B-58 Taos 1859-1869,Frame # 284.4 April 1867 Jose Francisco 3 days old,son of Senovio Vigil and Maria Ysabel Lucero,Residents of San Francsco de Paula.Padrinos:Matias Romo and Maria Feliciana Santistevan,Residents of Rio Chiquito.

The following information is from the book "Taos Baptisms 1701-1848."By:Thomas D.Martinez.Pages 641 and 645.

* Indicates information from the book "Taos Baptisms 1701-1867."By:David Salazar and Bill Trujillo.Published by The Genealogical Society Of Hispanic America- Southern Calif.Branch.

** Indicates information from the book "Taos Marriages 1770-1860."By:David Salazar and Bill Trujillo.Published by The Genealogical Society Of Hispanic America.Southern Calif.Branch.

1.Maria Josefa de Jesus Vigil Bapt 4-18-1823,Father Francisco Vigil,Mother Maria Candelaria Santistevan,Vecinos de El Rancho.Paternal Grandparents:Juan Ygnacio Vigil Y Maria Antonia Aragon.Maternal Grandparents:Feliciano Santistevan Y Maria Rafaela Espinosa (Trujillo listed in other 7 entries).

2.Maria Juliana Vigil Bapt 1-30-1827,4 days old.Pads:Carlos Santistevan y Maria Dela Luz Lucero.** Book Of Marriages Taos M-40 (Box 37) 1833-1845.Frame 1257.27 Feb 1843 Jose Desiderio Lucero,soltero hijo de Jose Miguel Lucero ya difunto y de Maria Josefa Romero,Vecino de La Plaza de San Francisco de Pauda y oriundo del Curato de San Juan De Los Caballeros,con Maria Juliana Vigil,soltera hija de Francisco Vigil y de Maria Candelaria Santistevan,oriunda de este Curato de Taos Vecina del mismo lugar.Padrinos:Pasqual Martines y Teodora Gallegos.Test. Ramon Espinosa Y Miguel Quintana,vecinos todos de La Plaza de San Francisco De Paula.

3.Antonio Jose Vigil Bapt 5-6-1829,2 days old.Pads:Feliciano Santistevan y Maria Rafaela Trujillo.** Book of Taos Marriages M-41 Taos (Box 38) 1845-1856.Frame 408.29 Dec 1851 Antonio Jose Vigil Single son of Francisco Vigil and Maria Candelaria Santistevan,resident of San Francisco de Pauda and Native of Taos,with Maria Guadalupe Romero,Single daughter of Juan de Jesus Romero and Anna Maria Candelaria,resident of Rio Chiqueto Native of Taos.Sponsors:Jose Manuel Martines and Maria Dela Lus Romero.Wit:Rafael Tenorio and Pablo Martines.

4.Maria Dela Luz Vigil Bapt 5-2-1832,8 days old.Pads:Ventura Martin y Maria Ysidora Martin.** Book of Taos Marriages M-41 Taos (Box 38) 1845-1856.Frame 3.30 Dec 1846 Juan Ataron Martines,single son of Francisco Martines y Maria Ysabel Cortes,deceased,residents of San Francisco de Pauda and Native of the Parish of Taos,with Maria Dela Lus Vigil,single daughter of Francisco Vigil and Maria Candelaria Santisteban,Native of this Parish and residents of San Francisco de Pauda.Sponsors:Jose Maria Martines and Maria Del Carmen Sanchez.Wit:Manuel Antonio Miera and Antonio Bueno.

5-Ana Maria Vigil Bapt 4-2-1837,3 days old.Vecinos De San Francisco Del Ranchito Pads:Nepomuceno Duran Y Maria Dela Luz Sanchez.

6.ZENOBIO DE JESUS VIGIL Bapt 11-3-1839,5 days old.Pads:Don Vicente Martinez y Dona Maria Salome Lucero.(Complete Entry Above Under II.)

7.Jose Severiano Vigil Bapt 2-21-1843,4 days old.Pads:Juan Pascual Martinez y Maria Teodora Gallegos.

8. 6-18-1834 Manuel Antonio Vigil Bapt 6-18-1834,2 days old.Pads:Juan Manuel Lucero y Juana Maria Martinez.(Note..Page 645-Father listed as Jose Francisco Vigil).
9.8-5-1846 * Maria Estefana Vigil,4 days old.Pads:Jose Lino Trujillo y Maria Geronima Valdes.** Book Taos Marriages,Frame 643.7 Sept 1859 Jose Benigno Ruibali Single son of Ramon Ruibali and Maria Josefa Lucero,Resident of San Francisco de Pauda,Native of Abiquiu,with Maria Estefana Vigil Single daughter of Francisco Vigil and Maria Candelaria Santistevan,Native of Taos resident of San Francisco de Pauda.Sponsors:Jose dela Lus Leandro ? Martines and Maria Soledad Martines both residents of the same Place.Wit:Jose Antonio Romero and Jorge Antonio Romero,residents of Taos.


From the book "Some Descendants Of Domingo Montes Vigil-Siero,Spain to "La Culebra" 1695-1999."By Maria C.Martinez,et al.Page 51.

# 569.IGNACIO JUAN VIGIL was born around 1778 at NM.He was the son of Cristobal Faustin Vigil and Josefa Sanchez.He married MARIA ANTONIA ARAGON 4 Feb 1798 at Taos,NM.She was born about 1783 at NM.She was the daughter of Mariano Aragon and Juana De Luna.* Note-Maria Antonia Aragon Married Twice.2nd marriage to Jose Antonio Gonzales 1 Nov 1808 at Taos,NM.-.-.(Juana De Luna Married Three Times. Bernardo Vallejo and (Juan) Cristobal Vigil viudo of Teodora Medina.From Taos Marriages)Further information listed under VI below:

From the Book "Taos Baptisms 1701-1848."By:Thomas D.Martinez.Page 651.

1-Juan Christobal Vigil Bapt 12-12-1798,12 Days Old,Father Juan Ygnacio Vigil,Mother Maria Antonia Aragon.Padrinos:Juan Ygnacio Vigil and Jacinta Aragon.

2-Juan Maria Vigil Bapt 1-1-1801,7 days old.Pads:Miguel Vigil and Ana Maria Vallejos.

3-Jose Francisco Vigil Bapt 10-10-1802,6 days old.Pads:Pablo Gonzales and Josefa Sanchez.


CHRISTOBAL FAUSTIN VIGIL Baptised 2-22-1748,Father Christoval Montes Vigil,Mother Maria Teodora Medina.Padrinos:Hilario De Archuleta Y Antonia Ontiveros.

From the book "Santa Cruz Dela Canada Baptisms 1710-1860."By:Thomas D.Martinez. Page 477.

Juana Vigil Baptised 1-12-1771,Father Christoval Montes Vigil,Mother Maria Sanchez.Padrino:Salvador Montoya.

Bartolo De Jesus Vigil Baptised 10-2-1777,Father Cristobal Faustin Vigil,Mother Maria Josefa Sanches,Vecinos de Chimayo.Paternal Grandparents:Christoval Montes Vigil and Maria Teodora Medina.Maternal Grandparents:Father Not Listed and Efigenia Sanchez.Padrinos:Pedro Ygnacio Sanches and Maria Manuela Vigil.

From the book "Some Descendants Of Domingo Montes Vigil-Siero,Spain To "La Culebra" 1695-1999."By:Maria C.Martinez,et al.Page 50 and 51.

Cristobal Faustin Vigil married Josefa Sanchez 4 Sept 1767 at Santa Cruz,NM.LDS Microfilm Reel 0016972 Santa Cruz NM..He died and was buried 14 Oct.1787 at Albuquerque,NM.Josefa Sanchez next married Pablo Gonzales 26 June 1790.He was the Widower of Antonia Medina.Josefa Sanchez died prior to 1809 in NM.

Spanish Enlistment Papers extracted by Virginia Olmsted:Cristobal Faustin Bigil,son of Don Cristobal Begil,Alcalde mayor of The Villa De Santa Cruz Dela Canada,and Dona Teodora De Medina,of Chimayo.Farmer,5'4",31.Black Hair and eyebrows,dark eyes,swarthy skin,nose somewhat imperfect,thin beard,scars on lower lip and on left eyebrow.Enlisted 11 Jan 1779.Married.Signed by mark.Died 16 Oct 1788 in Villa de Albuquerque,result of wounds from Apaches on Gila.NOTE:There is a discrepancy between this date and the date given by Julian Josue Vigil in NMG XXIX,No.2,June 1990 of 14 Oct 1787.His Source is AASF 34:331.


From the book Mentioned before by Maria C.Martinez,Some Descendants of Domingo Montes Vigil 1695-1999.Page 3.Juan Cristoval Montes Vigil born about 1721 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada,New Mexico.He was the son of Domingo Montes Vigil and Pascuala Salazar.He married Teodora Medina.She was born about 1727 in New Mexico

From the book "Santa Cruz Dela Canada Baptisms 1710-1860."By:Thomas D.Martinez. Pages 476 and 477.

1-Pasquala Dela Luz Vigil Bapt 12-28-1744,Father Christoval Montes Vigil,Mother Maria Teodora Medina.Pardinos:Manuel Vigil and Lorenza (His Wife) Valerio.

2-Marcelino Vigil Bapt 5-1-1746.Pads:Juan Martin Y Feliciana Mondragon.

3-CHRISTOBAL FAUSTIN VIGIL Bapt 2-22-1748.Pads:Hilario De Archuleta Y Antonia Ontiveros.

4-Ramon Vigil Bapt 1-24-1750.Pads:Cayetano Atencio and Francisca Atencio.

5-Salvador De Jesus Vigil Bapt 4-5-1752.Pads:Juan Bautista Vigil Y Maria Candelaria Medina.

6-Ygnacia Vigil Bapt 2-3-1754.Pads:Salvador Vigil and Francisca Diega Martin.

7-Joseph Vigil Bapt 4-4-1756.Pads:Juan De Archuleta and Maria Valerio.

8-Felipe Vigil Bapt 4-19-1758.Pads:Felipe Romero and Casilda Mestas.

9-Juan Miguel Vigil Bapt 2-11-1762,Born 2-8.Pads:Juan Jose Sandoval Y Antonia Romero.

10-Juan Ygnacio Vigil Bapt 4-23-1763.Pads:Juan Lorenzo Valdez Y Josepha Salazar.

11-Juan Dela Cruz Vigil Bapt 5-7-1765,Born 5-2.Pads:Pedro Ygnacio Sanchez Y Manuela Vigil.

12-Maria Ygnacia Vigil Bapt 8-4-1770.Pads:Juan Felipe Martin Y Maria Ygnacia Montes Vigil.

Additional Information also from Maria C.Martinez' book.After the death of Teodora Medina,Juan Cristoval Montes Vigil married Juana De Luna 24 Aug 1791 at Taos NM.She was the daughter of Bernardo de Luna and Jasinta from Valensia (Valencia).The widow of Bernardino Vallejos and Mariano Aragon. Juana de Luna had married Bernardino de Sena Ballejos 21 June 1759 at Isleta,NM. He was born May 1735 at Tome,NM and was christened 22 May 1735 at Villa De San Felipe,NM.He was the son of Lugardo Ballegos and Rosalia Romero.Bernardino died Dec 1768 at Tome,NM and was buried 26 Dec 1768 at Villa De San Felipe,NM.His burial entry states that he was 34 years old,the husband of Juana de Luna.He died at the hands of his enemies (Infidels).


All of the following information comes From The Book "Some Descendants Of Domingo Montes Vigil-Siero,Spain To "La Culebra" 1695-1999."By:Maria C.Martinez,et al.Chapter 1,Page 1.

DOMINGO MONTES VIGIL was born about 1693 at Aguas Calientes,Zacatecas,Mexico.He was the son of Francisco Montes Vigil I and Maria Jimenes Y Anciso.Domingo died 11 March 1771 at Santa Cruz Dela Canada,NM.His first marriage was to Pascuala Salazar about 1715 at NM.After her death he married Estela Marquez about 1725 at Santa Cruz dela Canada.She was the daughter of Diego Marquez and Juana Martin Serrano.

Known children of Domingo Montes Vigil and Pascuala Salazar:

1-Juan Christobal Montes Vigil Born about 1717.

2-Juan Bautista Montes Vigil born about 1718.(Possible son)

Known Children of Domingo Montes Vigil and Estela Marquez:

1-Marcelino Montes Vigil,He married Antonia Montoya 3 July 1742 at Santa Cruz dela Canada,NM.

2-Paula Pascuala Vigil born 21 Jan 1726 at Santa Cruz dela Canada.Died in infancy 18 Feb 1726 at Santa Cruz dela Canada,NM.

3-Barbara Vigil born April 1732 at Santa Cruz dela Canada,NM.Christened 17 April 1732 at Santa Cruz dela Candada.Died Sept 1775 at Santa Cruz.

4-Francisco Antonio Vigil born April 1733.

5-Julian Antonio Vigil Born 1735,died 19 Sept 1772.

6-Gregorio Pablo Vigil Born April 1739.

7-Nicolasa Vigil Born Sept 1744,died about 1766.

8-Rosalia Vigil Born June 1747 at Chama,NM.Christened 8 June 1747 at Santa Cruz dela Canada,NM.She married Hilario Quintana.

NOTES...For Domingo Montes Vigil:2 year old in the muster rolls of Juan Paez Hurtado expedition of 1695.Incorrectly listed as a Nephew of Jose Antonio Romero in the muster rolls of Juan Paez Hurtado,per John B.Colligan,"The Juan Paez Hurtado Expedition of 1695."

Domingo Appears in the 1750 Census of Santa Cruz dela Canada,with wife Estela,nine children and two servants.

Domingo was a Captain in the Militia in 1733 when his son Francisco Antonio was born.According to * Chapman who quotes F.Stanley,Domingo was the "The Alcalde of Santa Cruz,who dedicated his life to protecting the Indians in his jurisdiction against the ricos and others who sought their lands and used them as quasi- slaves.He argued that they were wards of the government and the Church and stated that if the settlers continued to exploit them they would unite with the Navajos,Utes and Apaches against the province and repeat the uprising of 1680."

* Chapman is Charles Chapman,Upland,CA,who wrote "New Mexico Generations,Genealogies of the Candido Barela,Vigil and Jaramillo and Related Families."

The following Indians are found in Domingo Montes Vigil household:Phelipe,Apache Servant,baptised 26 Sept 1734;Maria and Joaquina baptised 15 Aug 1743.Agustina,soltera Criada de Capitan Domingo Vigil,was buried at Santa Clara Mission on 2 April 1766.Domingo Vigil,Indian Servant,married Ana Maria Martin,Indian Servant of Juana Martin from Chama on Sept 3,1758.


From the book "Some Descendants of Domingo Montes Vigil-Siero,Spain to "La Culebra"1695-1999."By:Maria C.Martinez,et al.Introduction Page XV.

Francisco Montes Vigil I was hijo natural of Juan Montes Vigil III,and a single woman,name unknown.His Paternal Grandparents were Juan Montes Vigil II and Catalina De Cantillana.Francisco's father Juan,acknowledged him as his son in his first will and made him executor of his estate in his second will.According to the declaration Juan III made in his will,he never married.He did not name Francisco's mother stating only that she was a single lady.

FRANCISCO MONTES VIGIL I,was born about 1666 in Zacatecas,Mexico.He was the son of Juan Montes Vigil III and mother name unknown.Francisco Montes Vigil I died 11 Sept 1731 in Santa Cruz dela Canada,NM.He married Maria Jimenes Y Anciso about 1683 in Zactecas,Mexico.Maria was born about 1670 in Mexico and died and buried in Santa Cruz dela Canada,NM 19 Nov.1745.

Francisco Montes Vigil I and his family were with the Juan Paez Hurtado expedition which left Zacatecas on 16 Feb 1695 and arrived in Santa Fe on 9 May 1695.In the Muster Rolls of that expedition he is described as "thirty,an able- bodied Spanish Native of Zacatecas,with some what curly chestnut hair and a scar on the left side of his face below the eye.

Known children of Francisco I and Maria Jimenes Y Anciso are as follows:

1-Juan Eugenio Montes Vigil born about 1680 in Mexico.NOT a descendant.He was a freed slave of Francisco Montes Vigil I and Maria Jimenes de Ancisco.He also came with the Juan Paez Hurtado Expedition of 1695.

2-Maria Dela Concepcion Montes Vigil Born about 1684 in Aguas Calientes,Zacatecas,Mexico.

3-Maria Dela Nieves Montes Vigil Born 3 Sept 1685,in Zacatecas,Mexico.

4-Pedro Policarpio Montes Vigil born about 1867 in Aguas Calientes,Zacatecas,Mexico.He married Juana Trujillo hija de Mateo Trujillo Y Maria de Tapia.

5-Juan Carlos Montes Vigil Born 6 March 1689,Christened 20 March 1689.Juan died May 1762.He married 1-Maria Ines Lopez,2-Nicolasa Lujan.

6-DOMINGO MONTES VIGIL listed elsewhere.

7-Manuel Montes Vigil born 1700,He died 21 March 1733.He married Manuela Sanchez.

8-Francisco Montes Vigil II.Born about 1702 and died before 1777.

9-Elena Montes Vigil born about 1703,died 4 May 1772.She married Diego Gonzales II. 10-Gertrudis Montes Vigil born about 1704.

11_Agustina Montes Vigil married Cristoval Fresquis.

Francisco Montes Vigil I in 1712 was the Assistant Captain of the Santa Fe Presidio.1715 He and his wife Maria Jimenes de Ancisco distributed 40 cattle among several of their children.1716 He was in the Moqui campaign with Don Phelix Martinez,Governor and Captain-General of the Kingdom of New Mexico.August 1720 Lieutenant Francisco Montes Vigil I was one of 14 survivors of Lt. Governor Pedro de Villasur expedition force that was massacred by the French and Pawnees near the Platte River in Nebraska.

Chapman in his book "New Mexican Generations."States Francisco Montes Vigil had a reputation as an expert tactician of military operations,his analysis and conclusions were regarded by others in authority as accurate and sound.

The book "Origins of New Mexico Families-A Genealogy of The Spanish Colonial Period."By:Fray Angelico Chavez.Revised Edition,Published By The Museum Of New Mexico.Pages 311,312 and 400 have similar information.


From the book "Some Descendants Of Domingo Montes Vigil-Siero,Spain to "La Culebra"1695-1999."By:Maria C.Martinez,et al.Introduction Page xiv.

Juan Montes Vigil III was born about 1620 in Zacatecas,Mexico.According to his 2 wills one dated 2 Oct 1682 and the other 25 April 25 1683 his parents were European Spanish Juan Montes Vigil and Catalina Herrera de Cantillana,natives of the Kingdom of Castille and Vecinos of Zacatecas.He never married and had "Un Hijo Natural" Francisco Montes Vigil I.He mentions an orphan child,Carlos Vigil,age two,who is to inherit the estate if neither his son Francisco Montes Vigil,or his siter Catalina Herrera de Cantillana survive him.His Heirs inherited a rich estate.


All of the following information On Lucas De Vigil,Juan Montes Vigil I and Juan Montes Vigil II is from the Book "Some Descendants of Domingo Montes Vigil-Siero Spain to "La Culebra"1695-1999."By:Maria C.Martinez,et al.Introduction Page xii.

Juan Montes Vigil II was born in 1600 in La Feligresia De San Martino De Siero,Spain.His parents were Juan Montes Vigil I and Maria De Vigil.He married Catalina Herrera de Cantillana July 1619 in Zacatecas,Santo Domingo,Mexico(LDS Microfilm Reel 0283371);She was born about 1600 in Spain.Both Juan II and Catalina died prior to 1682 when their son Juan III made his first will and stated that his parents were dead.

Two Known children of Juan Montes Vigil II and Catalina Herrera De Cantillana:

1-Juan Montes Vigil III, Born about 1620 died about 1683.

2-Catalina Montes Vigil,Born about 1623 in Mexico.She is called Catalina Herrera De Cantillana in her brothers Juan Montes Vigil's last will and testament.

Juan Montes Vigil II was a native of La Feligresia de San Martino de Siero,Spain who came to New Spain as the Criado of Don Jacinto de Olmos on 20 June 1611.(AGI Contratacion,5323,NO.29,Imagen 1-5 1611.Located by John B.Colligan while researching in Spain).Juan was described as tall and white.Bartolome Vigil,Regidor of the Villa of Siero,was his Uncle and Guardian.On 10 Feb 1609,at the Villa of Siero,Bartolome Vigil,resident in the Royal Court of Madrid,said that his Minor Charge (Juan) wished to go to New Spain and other Royal Provinces where he could be a "Hijo Dalgo,"(Son of Somebody) as he was a direct and legitimate descendant of the Manor House of Vigil,one of the most ancient and noteworthy of that Consejo (of de Siero).It is not known if Bartolome Vigil was the Maternal or Paternal Uncle of Juan.(Every passenger to America had to obtain a Royal License and register at La Casa de Contractacion.However,many came to America as "Illegals,"Stowaways,With forged papers,and sailors,etc.)


Juan Montes Vigil was born about 1580 in Siero,Spain.The son of Lucas De Vigil and Isabel De Vigil.He married Maria De Vigil.She was also born about 1580 in Siero,Spain.She was the daughter of Francisco Vigil De San Martino and Catalina De Arguelles.Maria and Juan probably died prior to 1611 in Spain.Date of Death is based in that their son Juan was an orphan in 1611.He was the "Minor Charge" of his Uncle,his Guardian Bartolome Vigil.When he petioned the Crown for passage to the Indies.

Juan Montes Vigil and Isabel De Vigil had at least one child.

1- Juan Montes Vigil II born 1600,died before 1682.He married Catalina Herrera De Cantillana.Listed elsewhere....


Lucas De Vigil born about 1560 in Siero,Spain married Isabel De Vigil also born in Spain in about 1560.Their one known child was Juan Montes Vigil I.

1790 Census Spaniards From The Jurisdication of Taos.Spanish Archives Of New Mexico Microfilm Reel # 23,Frame 259-260.Transcribed by Dr.Julian Josue Vigil.

11. Don Christobal Vigil, S. 69;Teodora Medina, S,63; 1 Female, I: 17

12. Juan Felipe Martin, S,41; Maria Ygnacia Vigil, S.34;2 Sons:11,4; 3 Daughters 16,7,1.

13. Marselino Vigil, S,31; Michaela Martin, S,41 4 Sons:16,13,7,6; 2 Daughters 9,2.

14. Jose Vigil S,33;Petrona Rojo, S,27; 4 Daughters:10,7,4,1.

15. Juan Dela Cruz Vigil, S,26; Clara Fernandes, S.23; 1 Daughter:2.

16. Juan Ygnacia Vigil, S,27; Jasinta Aragon, S.19.

1850 Census:From the book "New Mexico 1850 Territorial Census Vol III-Taos and San Miguel Counties."By:The New Mexico Genealogical Society,Inc.Sheet 152,29 Nov 1850,Page 59.

VIGIL,Ysidro 30 M NM
Maria Julian 26 F NM
Lucero,Maria Epifania 2 F NM

VIGIL,Jose Francisco 48 M NM
Santistevan,Maria Candelaria 38 F NM
Vigil,Antonio Jose 22 M NM
Juana 19 F NM
** Tenorio De Jesus 12 M NM
Severino 8 M NM
Maria Estefana 5 F NM
** ERROR Tenorio De Jesus Listed above should be ZENOVIO DE JESUS....

1870 Census Schedule 1-Inhabitants in The Town of Los Cordova,County Of Taos,Territory of New Mexico.25th Day of July 1870.Juan Santistevan,Ass't Marshal. Page 17.
162-162 Vigil Cenobio Age 37 M W Farmer Valure Real Estate 100 Born Territory NM
Ysabel Age 31 F W Keeping House Born Territory Of NM
Crecencio Age 6 M W Born Territory of NM
Francisco Age 4 M W " " "

163-163 Santistevan Candelaria Age 65 F W Farmer Value Real Estate 500 Value Personal Estate 150 Born Territory of NM
Edubigen 18 M W Farme Laborer Born Territory of NM

1880 Census Schedule 1-Inhabitants in Precinct NO.2 Cordovas,County of Taos,Territory of New Mexico 14th and 15th Day of June 1880.Juan Santistevan,Enumerator.Page 29.
30-30 Vigil Cenobio W M Age 45 Farmer
Isabel W F Age 35 Keeping House-Wife
Crescencio W M Age 15 Son At School
Narciso W M Age 13 Son At School
Juan W M Age 11 Son At School
Epifanio W M Age 9 Son At School
Marcelino W M Age 7 Son At School
Estefana W F Age 5 Daughter At Home
Rebeca W F Age 3 Daughter At Home
Pablo W M Age 12 Son At School

31-31 Vigil Severiano W M Age 42 Farmer
Remedio W F Age 34 Keeping House-Wife
Margarita W F Age 17 Daughter At Home
Macsimo W M Age 4/12 _?_ Son

1900 Census Schedule 1-Inhabitants in Precinct # 1,Town of Taos,County of Taos,Territory of New Mexico.21st day of June 1900.Laureano Mares,Enumerator.Sheet # 11.
232-232 Vigil,Crecinco Head W M Dec 1863 Age 36 Married 15 Years
Juana Wife W F Apr 1870 Age 30 7 Children Born 6 Living
Piminio Son W M Mar 1885 Age 15 At School
Estefana Daughter W F Feb 1888 Age 12 At School
Senovio Son W M Jan 1891 Age 9
Clotilde Daughter W F June 1893 Age 6
Tranqulino Son W M Sept 1895 Age 4
Remedios Daughter W F Dec 1898 Age 1

235-235 Vigil,Severiano Head W M Dec 1844 Age 55 Married 14 Years Farmer
Carolina Wife W F Apr 1860 Age 40 Married 14 Years 0 Children Born

1910 Census Schedule 1-Inhabitants in Taos Precinct # 1,County of Taos,Territory of New Mexico.3rd Day of May 1910.Frank C.Ellis,Enumerator.
225-266 Vigil,Santiago Head M W Age 56 Married 32 Years Sheepherder
219-159 Benita Maria De Wife F W Age 50 ? Children Born 7 Living
Agustina Daughter F W Age 24 Single House Work Private Family
Vicente Son M W Age 20 Single Laborer Farm Work
Sofia Daughter F W Age 18 Single
Antonio Son M W Age 17 Single Herder Sheep
Carmelita Daughter F W Age 15 Single
Rufina Daughter F W Age 11 Single

226-267 Vigil,Crecancio Head M W Age 48 Married 24 Years Herder Sheep
220-260 Ortenita Wife F W Age 24 9 Children Born 8 Living
Epimenio Son M W Age 23 Single Herder Sheep
Cenovio Son M W Age 19 Single Herder Sheep
Tranqulino Son M W Age 13 Single Herder Sheep
Remedios Daughter F W Age 10
Anita Daughter F W Age 8
Fedalina Daughter F W Age 5

227-168 Vigil,Daniel Head M W Age 32 Married 8 Years Lumberman Teamster
221-261 Maciquies Wife W F Age 26 Married 8 Years 0 Children Born

1920 Census Schedule 1-Inhabitants in Precinct # 1 Taos,County Of Taos,State Of New Mexico.(Canon)16th Day of Jan 1920.Richard Oakley,Enumerator.
229-239 Chacon,Camelita L. Head F W Age 65 Widowed
DeHerrera,Francisco Grandson M W Age 12
232-242 Vigil,Cresencio Head M W Age 56 Married Farmer
Juanita D. Wife F W Age 52 Married
Anita Daughter F W Age 19 ? 17 Single
Fredolino Son M W Age 15 Single

233-243 Vigil,Tranqulino Head M W Age 23 Married Farmer
Juanita S. Wife F W Age 18 Married

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