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Kate Jeanette WITHINGTON Contributed by: Karen Mitchell
Kate Jeanette WITHINGTON born 4 May 1851 at Allen, Lyon county, Kansas,
arrived in Pueblo 1864. Died 15 Jan 1924 at Huntington Beach, California.
Buried Masonic Cemetery, Walsenburg, Colorado.
Kate and the wife of Judge Daniel HAYDEN were sisters. Their parents were
the Charles WITHINGTONs of Lyons county, Kansas. Kate was 13 when she came
to live with her sister. Charles UNFUG, whom she was to marry nine years
later, was destined to arrive in Colorado the following year.
The WITHINGTON family became promient during the reign of King James II of
England. One member of the family is said to have saved the life of the
king about 1685. Kate was the last member of the WITHINGTON family.
Kate Jeanette WITHINGTON and Charles Otto UNFUG married at the HAYDEN home
on the Huerfano. Their children: William O. UNFUG; Inez UNFUG (Mrs. Earl
DANFORD) 1880-1960; Frederick August UNFUG 1875-1892; Vanda UNFUG (Mrs.
Joseph NEWITT) 1887-1949.