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Julia E. (Isabel) Mazzone Contributed by: Karen Mitchell
I was born in Walsenburg, Colorado on November 16, 1886.
The sixth child of Charles and Carolina Mazzone.
I attended the local elementary and high schools. After
finishing my schooling, I worked in several local department stores as
a clerk or saleslady...the Krier's Store for one.
During World War I, I became interested in the local
Chapter of the American Red Cross as a volunteer. The Red Cross was
quite active here then helping service men and their families. As the
work load increased, Mrs. Ralph Snodgrass, who was chairman at the time,
saw the need of a full-time secretary and clerk. She offered me the job.
When I accepted, the local chapter arranged for me to attend a seminar
or institute in Red Cross organization...record keeping, duties, etc.
that was being given for Red Cross workers from all over Colorado at
the University of Colorado in Boulder. It didn't last long...I remember
we were graded at the end of our 'course' and I recall receiving a grade
of 85!
For a time the Red Cross office here in Walsenburg also
assisted the Huerfano County Nurse and Caseworkers with their problems.
I continued working for the Red Cross until the early 1940's,
when I 'retired'to become a full-time homemaker for my brother, C. Victor
Mazzone, two nieces, Alyne and Norma Tressell {Robino) and nephew, James
Tressell, who after the death in October 1941 of their mother and my sister,
Clara Mazzone Tressell, came to make their home with my brother and me.
I am a Charter Member of the Civil League and the Catholic
Daughters of America and a long-time member of the St. Mary Tabernacle
Society. I have taken a very active part through the years in these
societies, serving on all kinds of committees and have been an
officer at one time or another in every possible office.
I have belonged to several social card clubs and a sewing
club group. I have not lacked for other types of recreation...have seen
a good bit of my home state...have traveled east and west over the country.
In my younger days, there were quite a few of us 'arrow head hunters'...
then there many hiking and fishing trips with my sister, Freda Mazzone
Yano and her husband, Frank Yano.
I have had the pleasure of many close friends...and there
are still a few of us here in Walsenburg that have grown up together...
that when we get together can reminisce about the good times we had in
the good 'old days'.
I have lived my entire life here within a city-block
radius of my birthplace.
I have had a full life...for it and everything...I thank God.