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Mrs. Capps was born in Norwich, Norfolk, England, November 9, 1854. She was educated at St. Joseph, Missouri, Denver, Pueblo, and Huerfano County public schools.
She married Samuel John Capps December 26, 1876 near Walsenburg.
The children of this union are Harry James Capps, William Claudius Har Capps (deceased), Mrs. Susan Amelia Behrman, Mrs. Rowena Olive Bruce, Mrs. Ruby Leon Vories, Mrs. Emma Rachel Ritter, Mrs. Mabel Evalyn Walker.
In 1857 she traveled with her parents in a covered wagon from Philadelphia to Fort Bridger, Wyoming. In 1858 - 1862 was spent in St. Joseph, Missouri; 1862-1878 in Denver, Colorado. The trip from Denver was made by covered wagon to the new Huerfano County home in 1879 on the present ranch. Now opposite her sons.
She is a member of South Colorado Pioneer Society (Life member), an Episcopalian member of P.M., a Honorary member of Naomi Chapter No. 140 of Walsenburg Mariposa Chapter O.E.S. and Hujatolla Past Matron's Club of Huerfano County.
Her hobby is keeping busy. Her home is now with her daughter, Evelyn Walker in the ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. Walker of La Veta.