Taos County, New Mexico
Taos County Marriages

This data contributed by Pat, Angela, and Karen. Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell.



Wara, Maria Rosalia 13 Dec 1848 – Tomas Antonio Archuleta, widowed of Maria Ynes Manzanares, resident of the Plaza of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, native of La Cañada, with Maria Rosalia Wara, single, daughter of Carlos Wara, deceased and Maria Dolores Suaso, resident of the same place, native of Taos, Padrinos: Julian Padilla and Maria de la Cruz Padilla, Witnesses Julian Urban and Pablo Sandoval, residents of Don Fernando
Wara, Maria Rosalia 3 Oct 1833 at Senora de Guadelupe German Antonio Archuleta widow of Ines Mascarenas married Maria Rosalia Wara daughter of Carlos Wara, deceased, and Delores Suazo. Padrinos Julian Padia and Maria de la Luz Padilla.
Wooten, Ricardo 6 Mar 1848 – Ricardo Wooten, single son of David Wooten and Maria Francisca Brin, resident of the Plaza de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, native of the state of Virginia, in North America, with Maria Dolores LaFebre, single, daughter of Manuel LaFebre and Maria Teodora Lopez, resident of the same place, native of Taos, Padrinos: Carlos Beaubien and Maria Paula Lobato, Witnesses Juan Rafael Luna and Jesus Maria Tafoya, residents of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Wuelie?, Maria Francisca 11 Apr 1853 – Jose Pablo Crus and Maria Francisca Wuelie?, residents of the plaza of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Sponsors: Julian Ledud and Maria Nestora Gomes. Witnesses: Pablo Sandoval and Miguel Salazar, all residents of the plaza of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

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© inclusive Karen Mitchell